Ergonomics of the rest room. Ergonomics of the apartment: what should be the ideal living space? We arrange the equipment in a triangle

The relationship of a person with the objective world is not limited to simply admiring the aesthetic merits of objects. It is important that the objects around us are not only beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but also convenient, comfortable to use, corresponding to its physiological and anatomical features. Therefore, the field of design today is closely intertwined with ergonomics - a complex applied science that considers a person in the given conditions of his activity and everyday life.

Ergonomics is aimed at ensuring that in relations with surrounding objects we maintain good health, our fatigue would decrease, our mood would increase, the efficiency of work or rest would increase. Today, ergonomics has become one of the significant components of industrial, object and interior design.

The concept of ergonomics, purpose and origins

Ergonomics, literally translated from Greek, means "the law of work" ("ergon" is work, and "nomos" is law). This concept is understood as a whole field of knowledge that studies human activity in a kind of system “man - equipment (equipment) - environment” in order to achieve greater labor efficiency. Here, ergonomics experts study such issues as the movement of the human body in the process of labor activity, the determination of energy costs and productivity in various conditions.

In a broader sense, ergonomics means a scientific direction that explores a variety of objects that are in close contact with a person in his daily life, that is, both in the workplace and at home. It is based on the scientific results of many disciplines and areas, including physiology, psychology, biomechanics, anthropometry, medicine, occupational health and sociology.

The very concept of "ergonomics" appeared only in 1949 in the UK. In America, this field of knowledge was originally called "Human Factors Research", and in Germany - "Anthropotechnics". But in reality, ergonomics, like design, existed long before the 20th century.

Even in primitive times, issues of convenience and ergonomics played an important role for a person. Primitive people tried to select a suitable stone for the shape of their hand, processed it and attached a handle to it to increase convenience and safety in use. Then this tool was used for food, hunting or protection. Already in ancient times, man tried to measure the objects he created with his physiological capabilities in order to make them not only aesthetically pleasing, but also as convenient as possible. Archaeological excavations today provide us with the opportunity to admire how thoughtful were the tools created by primitive people.

However, the real impetus to the development of ergonomics was given precisely at the beginning of the 20th century, when problems arose related to the introduction of new equipment and technological solutions into production. Scientific and technological progress provoked an increase in injuries at work, a deterioration in the mood of workers and other problems that ensured high staff turnover. Workers had to adapt to production equipment and workspace, which often did not guarantee their safety and high production efficiency. Therefore, ergonomics issues began to come to the fore.

Ergonomics takes into account the convenience of working with the device

Ergonomics specialists began to design the entire process of work activity in such a way that the performance of production tasks was as safe and convenient as possible for a person. Thanks to the introduction of an ergonomic approach, industrial equipment of a new type began to be designed with warning signals (signal lamps and sirens), convenient sizes of buttons, handles and levers.

Ergonomics is based on the fact that a person should easily find, quickly distinguish various objects (equipment) from each other and work comfortably with them. In the 60s of the last century, ergonomics was already formed as a scientific field of knowledge - during these years, societies and associations specializing in ergonomics began to appear in various countries of the world.

By the beginning of the 21st century, three main directions within this discipline were identified:

  • Ergonomics, which considers the problems of the relationship of a person with the physical environment. This area studies issues related to the anthropometric and physiological characteristics of a person that are directly related to his daily life or physical labor.
  • cognitive ergonomics. This area is related to the psychology of perception, in particular, how visual or other perception affects decision making, the relationship between a person and other environmental objects.
  • The direction of ergonomics that studies the relationship of a person, groups of people with technology to ensure the best working conditions. Such organizational ergonomics also considers issues of communication between individuals, their joint cooperation and management.

The main task of ergonomics as a scientific discipline was the development of a suitable form of objects that would be truly comfortable and safe for humans to use. Ergonomics is designed to improve the labor efficiency of a person by improving working conditions.

Gradually, the field of application of ergonomics moved from work to our ordinary daily life. Today, ergonomics, closely intertwined with design, is used in many areas. The main task of this scientific discipline was the development of a suitable form of objects that would be truly convenient and safe for humans to use. Ergonomics is designed to improve the labor efficiency of a person by improving working conditions. Ergonomics issues are also taken into account by designers when designing household items and when decorating interiors.

Ergonomics in design

Wherever a person is, at work or at home, he always wants to use products that are convenient and safe. Both design and ergonomics have an impact on the pleasure of using a particular item, so it is not surprising that these two separate areas flow seamlessly into each other. In various industries, professional designers are currently collaborating with ergonomics specialists who provide various data on the physiological and biomechanical characteristics of a person, participate in the development and testing of products.

Based on psychological, hygienic and other standards, appropriate requirements are being developed for new items or equipment so that they ultimately turn out to be convenient and comfortable to use. For example, a toothbrush that is curved to reach the back of your teeth, a digital SLR camera that feels comfortable to hold, or industrial equipment that provides a high level of safety. Comfort, excellent functionality and attractive appearance - all these requirements for created objects can only be provided by a competent combination of ergonomics and design.

One of the main concepts that ergonomics operates with is the anatomical features of a person. Anatomical factors are widely used in design. The task of the designer is to ensure that the created products are adapted to a specific person, so that the latter can use them conveniently and comfortably.

In particular, when designing an ordinary chair, designers consider how high the curved back should be placed from the seat so that the person's back can comfortably lean on it. To answer this important question, experts turn to ergonomics, in which such a concept as the Ackerblom Line has long existed. This is an average value that determines where our spine has a corresponding inward bend in the lumbar region (approximately 23 cm). Support for the spine must be provided exactly at this distance from the seat of the chair.

It should be noted that in ergonomics, special flat mannequins are often used, which reproduce the proportions of the human body. Based on this data, designers subsequently design a new product or design a workspace that would suit most people in terms of ergonomic parameters. Plus, of course, computer analysis and various modern software capabilities are used, as well as fairly simple tools like quizzes or sheets, through which data is collected about what is somehow connected with various factors in a person’s daily or work activities, including the level comfort and safety.

The use of ergonomic principles in design has become widespread in the development of furniture, in the design of interiors of residential, office and industrial premises. Ergonomics considers all issues related to the components of the workspace or living area, from a conventional computer mouse to a suitable temperature regime. In a room designed according to the laws of ergonomics, a person acts almost intuitively - he can easily find a switch on the wall, the color scheme of the interiors and lighting create the right mood, inspiring or, conversely, soothing.

For example, when designing furniture and creating space for a seating area, designers start from the anthropometry of a person who sits in a relaxed, calm posture. Be sure to take into account the level of inclination of the seat in order to ensure the convenience of getting up from a chair or chair. In a variety of recreation areas, corner sofas are often installed, and ergonomic rules require the designer to arrange the furniture in such a way that a person sitting on such a sofa can freely position his legs and at the same time not interfere with people around him.

In residential areas associated with sleep, in particular in the bedroom, furniture is selected and placed based on the size of the sleeping, lying person. Here, ergonomic factors prohibit the placement of the sofa with its long side along the outer wall of the room or the head of the sofa in a somewhat cramped space.

Particular attention is paid to ergonomics in the organization and design of space for work. Interior designers have to start from the anatomical features of a person who sits at his desk. For example, when designing a zone behind a working computer, ergonomics focuses primarily on the length of a person's shin, since it indicates the optimal height of his chair or chair. The ergonomics of the working area also provides that the height, area and slope of the desktop are determined by the type of work performed by the employee.

All items necessary for work, according to the rules of ergonomics, are placed at an accessible distance from the table so that a person can freely use them without resorting to unnecessary efforts. Ergonomics also requires increased attention of the designer to the organization of lighting. Lighting should not be intense and too bright, so as not to blind or unnecessarily irritate a person's eyes. It should contribute to comfortable work and a positive mood of a person.

So, ergonomics currently plays a significant role in industrial and object design, in the creation of household products and the design of office equipment, as well as in interior design and space planning. It is a complex discipline that, to varying degrees, affects all issues related to the field of activity of a professional designer.

Ergonomics is a branch of science based on physiology, engineering and psychology. It aims to align the functionality of tasks with the human needs of those who perform them. Ergonomic design focuses on the compatibility of objects and environments with the people using them. Ergonomic design principles can be applied to everyday objects and workspaces (hence the name - ergonomic interior).

The word "ergonomic" means human engineering. Ergonomic design is said to be human oriented, usability oriented. It aims to ensure that human limitations and capabilities are met and supported by design options. In an ergonomic environment, equipment and tasks will be aligned.

Mass production of products does not take into account that people come in all shapes and sizes. Stool ratios that work well to support a 6-foot-tall body frame can add stress and challenges for a smaller person. Mass production can make it difficult to use the most common products. Considerations such as the size and shape of tools and how they fit into the hand that will be using them are important to ergonomic design.

A complete understanding of the specific tasks for which an object is intended is central to achieving the ergonomic design goal of assisting the human form in their performance. Good ergonomics are believed to reduce the risk of injury and error by ensuring that technology and humanity fit and work together. Improved accuracy and more efficient performance are achieved by meeting human needs with technology. The quality of life is also improving.

Poor lighting and glare from computer screens in workplaces can reduce productivity by adding complexity. Ergonomically incorrect lighting can lead to neck deformity or eye fatigue and reduce the amount of time a worker can complete a task in this environment. Ergonomic lighting can make the same task easier by improving the ability of workers to see, reducing neck and eye strain, and allowing them to complete a task longer and more efficiently.

The need for ergonomic design is thought to have arisen during World War II, when it became apparent that military systems could be more effective if they took into account the environmental demands of the soldiers who operate them. Since the incorporation of ergonomic changes into some military systems, efficiency and effectiveness have been improved as well as safety. The number of manufacturers recognizing the benefits of ergonomic design principles continues to grow.

Ergonomics is responsible for creating a comfortable interior that will correspond to the characteristics of a particular person. This science combines knowledge of psychology, anatomy and other disciplines, which allows you to create a truly harmonious and safe home with carefully thought out details. Ergonomics in interior design is responsible for the arrangement of competent lighting, the selection of suitable furniture, and adequate space zoning. When designing an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle, habits, character, as well as the physiological characteristics of its inhabitants - it is this principle that is considered the main one for this science.

Freedom of movement The basic ergonomic laws simply need to be used when creating the interior of a bedroom, because the quality of a person's rest depends on how the furniture is arranged and the lighting of this room is created. So, for comfortable movement and being indoors, it is important to consider the following rules:

  1. The width of the main aisles of the room should be at least 70 centimeters, while for the elderly this figure increases to 1 meter.
  2. The passage from the door to the bed or to the window should be as straight as possible.
  3. Furniture should not have dangerous corners or too protruding parts, which is especially important for an apartment with small tenants.
  4. The cabinet should be placed in the far corner, you do not need to put it on public display in the center of the room. At the same time, it is better to leave too bulky furniture for the hallway.

How to put a bed so as not to complain about sleep?

The bed can be safely called the main piece of furniture in the bedroom, so special attention should be paid to its location. It is believed that the most suitable place for such furniture is the space near the window. It is important that the bed is isolated from other interior items, and also located away from the battery. In addition, designers who are well acquainted with the principles of ergonomics give the following advice:

  1. The bed should be at least half a meter from the outer wall. Placing it parallel to the window, you should increase this distance to 80 centimeters.
  2. If you have chosen a double model, then you must leave passages on both sides.
  3. The bed should fit the size of its owners.
  4. If you like to read before going to bed, then for convenience you should take care of the presence of a special back on your furniture.
  5. For safety reasons, do not install shelves at the head of the bed.

Ergonomics in the design of the work area - how comfortable is it to work at the table?

Proper design of the office is necessary for successful activity, therefore, to create comfort in this room, it is worth considering the principles of ergonomics. So, the height of the table and chair should be determined by the height and structural features of a particular person. Drawers should not be placed too low, it is best to place them at knee level. To work comfortably at a computer, you need to buy a table that leaves the opportunity to put your elbows on its surface.

Let there be light!

Lighting plays a huge role in the issue of comfort, and therefore in ergonomics this aspect is given special attention. In the office, lamps should be placed in such a way that the body does not cast a shadow on the workplace. At the same time, the light should be comfortable enough and not blind, so you should not choose a table with an enameled surface. Most designers agree that the most suitable for the work area is the most natural light.

Ergonomics when creating a kitchen interior

The place where cooking and eating takes place should be not only aesthetically attractive, but also as comfortable and practical as possible. The correct arrangement of household appliances and furniture is a prerequisite for creating an ideal kitchen, where not only the hostess, but also her guests will be happy to spend time. For this, the following ergonomic principles must be taken into account:

  • for a convenient location at the table, a person needs about 60 centimeters of space;
  • hanging elements should be positioned so that their lower edge is at a level of about one and a half meters from the floor;
  • the width of the passages in this room should be at least 60 centimeters.

Proper kitchen layout

Arrangement of furniture is carried out taking into account the characteristics of a particular room. For a long and narrow kitchen, a linear layout is suitable, in which all interior items are placed along one wall. In addition, this layout is often used for the design of a studio or a room connected to the living room. As for a large kitchen, in this case, you can use a parallel or T-shaped arrangement of furniture, and for a small space, a corner or U-shaped layout is suitable.

The golden rule for choosing any living space is that each family member should have their own personal space, or better, a separate room. During the years of Soviet power, the desire for isolation and solitude on the scale of the whole country was beaten out of us by all means. There were communal apartments, "Khrushchev", fifteen-meter apartments ... And still we are not able to resist the narrowing of personal space. More people and less space. It is especially difficult for those who are forced to raise kids in small apartments. After all, everyone knows that children need light, space and their own corner in which they can retire, relax, think and go about their business.

Having decided to have a child, future parents understand that they are waiting for an inevitable rearrangement in the house. Some are content with this minimum, but some need more, and then the future dad and mom start repairing, arranging and expanding their homes. The dimensions of our apartments do not always correspond to our desires and requirements, so we have to look for original planning solutions in order to free up maximum space, let in maximum light and at the same time not offend any of the family members, including future replenishment.

Sanctioned landfill

It is customary for Italians to start the New Year by throwing old things out the window. Of course, it is hardly worth subjecting the neighbors below to such serious tests, but, nevertheless, this tradition is a wonderful way to start changing the life and life of the family. So the first thing to start with is a rearrangement or - from moving all kinds of junk from all the secluded corners of the apartment straight to the trash heap. However, it is still impossible to completely get rid of old things. One thing causes a nostalgic smile, the second was inherited from your husband's second cousin's great-grandmother, the third may "suddenly come in handy", etc. Therefore, you need to take this junk a warm place. Let it be a box, an old bedside table or a drawer on the balcony. Then all the rubbish will be stored in a specially designated place and will no longer creep around the house. There is another plus - sooner or later the box (bedside table, drawer, etc.) will run out of space and then you still have to solve the problem of which of this junk has the right to gather dust further and which does not.

An important rule: do not propagate authorized landfills in a single apartment! There should be only one place for trash!

Large family - large areas

Functional minimalism is a style that is very popular in Europe. It involves the use in the apartment (house) of only the most necessary pieces of furniture and interior. Of course, European apartments, even the smallest ones, differ significantly from Russian ones, but if you make some efforts, you can achieve stunning results. The amount of free space, both real and visual, directly depends on competent design, which is also important.

Recently, it has become especially fashionable to combine rooms by demolishing "extra" walls. However, this decision is a double-edged sword. There will certainly be more space, but the inhabitants of the apartment may have psychological problems, since each of us sometimes still needs our own corner. In addition, in a large family it is completely inconvenient to combine, for example, a bathroom or a room with a kitchen. We will have to use another newfangled solution in our small-sized conditions - zoning.

The basic principle of zoning is the division of the entire living space into two zones - private and common. Therefore, if conditions permit, the kitchen and dining room can, of course, be made into a single space, but then this zone will be the only common one, the rest will be private. As a rule, in a family with children, this is possible only if there are three rooms in the apartment. If there are only two rooms, then the use of wardrobes and folding sofas will allow, with a slight movement of the hand, if necessary, to turn a private area (for example, a bedroom) into a common one (living room). And if there is only one room, then the living room will have to be "evicted" to the kitchen. Modern built-in appliances and compact kitchen furniture allow us to make the most of the space available to us. It remains only to solve the problem of how to divide the only room into a nursery and a bedroom.

This is where the second principle of zoning comes to the rescue - the semantic transition from one part of the housing to another. It is good if the zones have some kind of separation - a partition, a narrow rack, an original curtain (made of bamboo, feathers, glass prisms, copper coins, etc.) or a low podium. In extreme cases, the semantic transition from one zone to another can be formalized with the help of color and light. For example, using wallpapers of different colors or different textures allows you to achieve the desired effect. However, it is worth remembering that contrasting furniture and generally contrasting colors visually narrow the space. Therefore, if you want to keep it, then try to use warm and close to each other tones: white, light yellow or gray, beige, cream or pink. It is also best to refuse bright colors and rich patterns.

It is best to choose wallpapers with a rare and light pattern located vertically, or to do without a pattern at all - this will allow you to "push" the walls and "elevate" the ceiling. You can use mirrors (from floor to ceiling) or put a mirrored wardrobe. Each of the zones can be illuminated in different ways: with the help of compact chandeliers, sconces and spotlights.

It is equally important to "open" the windows. To do this, you will need to sacrifice grandmother's heavy curtains, it is better to change them to blinds, light-colored fabric curtains or roll-curtains. Then you will win another piece of space outside the window, previously hidden by a heavy fabric.

Balcony - sanctioned landfill or functional area?

What's on your balcony? Unauthorized dump? Warehouse of unnecessary things? So get rid of them. If there is something you need on the balcony (skis, sleds, pickles, marinades, etc.), then you can find another place for all this. For example, a mezzanine, a pantry, or some inconspicuous niche from which it is easy to build a mini-warehouse for things that require long-term storage. If the apartment does not have mezzanines, then they can be made independently and it is not at all necessary to use an already crumbled corridor for this, mezzanines have the right to exist in the room. After all, this is not only a piece of plywood nailed under the ceiling and covered with a dusty curtain. Modern designers have even managed to turn such an attribute of our "soviet" childhood into a real decor element that hides many useful things and expands the space above your head.

Thus, the balcony (or loggia) will become a functional part of the apartment, from which you can make a seasonal recreation area, a small insulated winter garden and even a summer bedroom, if you hang a good Brazilian hammock or put a compact folding bed.

If you competently insulate the balcony and take out the battery on it, then it is quite possible to remove the window and the balcony door and get some more usable space in reserve. But it is very important not to forget to register your balcony innovations with the BTI, otherwise you will be fined for illegal. It’s easier for those who have an apartment in a new building. In most modern houses, batteries and double-glazed windows are already included in the basic package of a balcony, but in old houses, such a "repartition" requires appropriate permission.

This is Sparta!

For proper growth and development, every child (and not only a child) needs sports. Do not be upset if you can’t fit a whole sports corner in a small apartment. It is quite possible to get by with its individual parts, which are sold in many sports and children's stores. This even has its own advantage - individual parts of the sports corner are, as a rule, cheaper than the entire complex.

For small apartments, Swedish walls are very convenient, which are mounted vertically to the wall from floor to ceiling, take up little space and allow you to “hang” other equipment, such as a bench press board, a removable horizontal bar, a basketball hoop. In addition, the horizontal bar attached to the "wall" can be rearranged in height as the child grows, just like a basketball hoop. Another advantage of the "walls" is that they are easy to manufacture, and therefore many manufacturers produce models of non-standard sizes and to order.

If it is not possible to put a Swedish wall, then the horizontal bar can be placed in any doorway. While the child is small, it will be convenient to hang a swing on the horizontal bar and attach jumpers, and when the baby grows up, it will be possible to use the crossbar for its intended purpose and also attach rings, a rope with knots or a punching bag to it. And don't forget the mat! If you look carefully, you can find compact mats of small sizes for sale.

Many sports stores also sell folding treadmills. Such a simulator will save all family members who keep fit from having to look for a "green" zone nearby, and will provide an opportunity to run at any time of the year in any weather conditions.

Important unimportances

The Japanese went furthest in matters of space ergonomics. Under the floor of their houses, they store a wide variety of things; for this purpose, they have invented a whole system of mobile and secret boxes that move along specially designed skids like "tags".

Of course, we are far from the Japanese, especially when you consider that our houses are increasingly being built of concrete according to standard designs and do not provide for such structures in any way. But if high ceilings allow you (in "Stalinist" houses, for example) and the immodest budget of this event does not bother you, then you can try to order such a system for your home straight from the birthplace of this invention.

If your budget is more modest, you will have to turn to more congenial manufacturers and trust their decisions. By the way, most developers have not come up with new sizes for economy class furniture for a long time. After all, as a rule, its main goal is to save space. Therefore, all the most convenient furniture parameters and the distances between them have long been calculated and look like this:

  • desk/dining table height - 750 mm;
  • chair height (seat) - 450 mm;
  • the height of the kitchen table (as well as the stove, washing machine, etc. working kitchen surfaces) - 850 mm;
  • height of hinged shelves (cabinets) in the kitchen - from 700 to 1000 mm;
  • distance between kitchen tables and suspended floors (cabinets) - from 450 to 600 mm;
  • depth of kitchen tables - 600 mm;
  • depth of the linen closet (internal size) - from 550 to 600 mm;
  • coffee table height - from 500 to 650 mm.

A lot depends on the interior design, whether your home will be comfortable, bright and cozy, or vice versa - small, depressing and gloomy. Therefore, if you cannot plan the space yourself, then it would be better to invite a specialist. There is an opinion that interior designers work only for the benefit of well-to-do citizens in luxurious mansions and dimensionless penthouses. However, practice shows that true professionals do not shy away from small apartments. For some aces, the task of "how to squeeze the maximum benefit out of a minimum of space" is a kind of gambling, something like "outsmart the space." Therefore, true professionals will be able to think over the design of your small-sized housing to the smallest detail and create the most comfortable and original housing from a small apartment.