In a dream, get a key from a man. "A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov." What promises a dream about car keys

Keys play a huge role in our lives. There are very few doors that can be opened without keys. Unlocking and locking are indispensable daily actions that each of us performs many times a day. Keys from the house and apartment, from the garage and car, from the office, from the safe. You can't list everything.

Moreover, an indispensable attribute of our being is abstract keys: from happiness, to the heart of another person, the selection of keys to a complex person, or difficult situation, Golden Key - as a symbol of achievement and fulfillment of cherished desires.

We can say that the keys play some even sacred role in our lives. Therefore, any person, even the most pragmatic and cynical, cannot but pay attention to a dream in which this object appears. Because it is a symbol, an image, a clue that should be unraveled and caught.

It is for this reason that it is very important to accurately remember all the details of the dream, the environment in the dream, the people who were with you. What should you especially pay attention to when interpreting dreams?

The key in a dream could be object of various manipulations:

Dream interpretation: keys and dreams

Trying to interpret your dream, remember that the key is rather primitive symbol, and, seen about a dream, has fairly straightforward associations with what is happening in your life on this moment. Hold it in your hands - it means you decide your own fate, take the initiative, know how to take responsibility for others. This magical item symbolizes the answer to a problem, a riddle, a difficult situation, a way out of a confusing situation, the right decision made in the right place at the right time.

Why is the key dreaming

There are a great many dream books, and each dream book gives its own interpretation of dreams. But there is one fact in which everyone is unanimous dream books - key It has importance for any person who saw them in a dream, performed some actions with their help.

Various actions that you perform with him in a dream, have different interpretations.

Dreaming is the key to finding ways to resolve existing problems, the possibility of more simple ways solutions to difficulties. By women's dream book- These are unexpected changes in personal life.

Holding them in your hands is a happy acquaintance, good luck. You have very great power and opportunities in life. And you may not even realize what power is hidden in you. This dream directly tells you: “Everything is in your hands. Move forward and you will succeed!”

Forgetting the keys is a fear. The fear that you are not in control of your life. Dissatisfied with their work and career.

Lose - a quarrel, trouble, mental suffering, sadness, the inability to decide your own fate.

Search - it means something secondary and less important has ousted primary problems and tasks from your life. Time to get back to more pressing issues.

Find - the answer to complex issue, success in business, career advancement, welfare, family happiness.

To break - to separation, family squabbles, and sometimes to death. But despite the fact that at the moment it is very difficult for you to find the right path, all this is not forever. Dream Interpretations claim that everything will clear up soon. And will come unexpected decision all problems.

Collect - to success and happiness.

Give - lose your happiness. Get the key - get the right advice or required information.

Golden - the appearance in life of a very important and influential person

All dream books unanimously argue that their number in a dream also matters. One is weakness and poverty. Ten - wealth and joy. Great happiness awaits you, and nothing will prevent this.

An interesting dream in which there were two keys. According to various dream books, success on the personal front awaits you. And some dream books interpret this as an unexpected acquaintance, which can smoothly turn into a serious relationship.

The size is also important. Big - more opportunities and chances. It is more likely that the dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation: apartment keys

Keys are often dreamed along with the door. Because we have to constantly open the doors of houses, apartments, cars, offices, cabinets and, finally, bank cells. Therefore it should remember all the details of your dream.

Did you dream about the key:

  • From an apartment or house.
  • From the car.
  • In a bond.
  • You opened or closed the door.
  • They put it in the lock or just held it.
  • He didn't come to the door.

An unlocked door means meeting a new person. This may be a husband, and just a new fan.

Lock the door - to marriage. In general, everything has to be radically changed in life. This dream is especially favorable if the woman is holding a whole bunch in her hands. Well, if this dream had a dream married woman Or a man in general? This indicates a desire to escape from all problems, an unwillingness to unravel life's troubles.

Closing doors or locks is a successful ending to what was planned. The end of one stage in life and the beginning of another.

Opening the door is a search for ways to solve life's problems. It is important to remember how easily the key moved in the keyhole, whether the lock succumbed easily. In reality, this can talk about possible obstacles and delays, about the amount of effort spent on solving the problem. Your feelings when opening the door are also important: confidence, lightness, a feeling of happiness or elation.

If the door is secret - so some secret will be revealed real life or the riddle will be solved.

The key does not fit the door. Such a dream indicates that in reality the sleeper has difficulties and does not have opportunities and knowledge, and maybe experience.

If the owner of the apartment sees in a dream that someone opens her door with keys, then a new man will appear in her life.

Of particular importance in a dream is attached to a bunch of keys. And it doesn't matter how many of them were in this bundle. The authors different dream books are unanimous that a whole bunch of keys bodes well.

Any dream book interprets it as the same good deeds and opportunities, but multiplied many times over. Anyway bond is very good. This and happiness family life, and progress on career ladder, and success in other areas. Especially if you find a whole bunch. It may also be a harbinger of a round-the-world trip.

But the loss of a bunch - to the appearance of problems and obstacles, to quarrels and quarrels. To see a bunch, but not to pick it up means you have not fully realized yourself in life, others do not appreciate you and your talents. Some dream books hint that the time has come to move forward.

If the keys are not in a bunch, but there are a lot of them, then this speaks of unprecedented luck and happiness. Life really opens up wide prospects and opportunities. And you you will have great fun from everything you do.

Dream Interpretation: apartment keys

Seeing the keys to your own apartment in a dream means all possible benefits and successful situations, as well as possibly undesirable actions that will affect you, have the most direct relation to you. This may indicate that you are exactly in the right place, you are fulfilling your purpose in life and, most importantly, that you are satisfied with your life. But all dream books are in a hurry to assure you that even if you have problems, they will be resolved soon.

See a lock with a key - to the emergence of barriers and problems. But all these problems are completely solvable. Different authors of dream books see these problems and obstacles in different ways, but they are unanimous that everything will be resolved soon.

If you dreamed keyhole into which you inserted the key - then everything will work out for you. You are a very versatile person and can reach any heights.

The keys are a very important symbol. Opening doors with his help in a dream means you will open the “doors” in real life. in the spiritual realm or Everyday life. Or is it a sign that the “keys” for solving all problems (or one important problem) are in your hands.

It should be remembered that they are an omen of something happy, bright and unusual in life and are usually dreamed of by those who are currently at a crossroads, trying to find their way or solve a difficult problem. When interpreting a dream, it is very important to pay attention to who you were in the dream with, what actions this person performed.

Do not blindly trust all dream books and interpreters. There are conscientious collectors of traditional folk books that interpret dreams. There are also those who tried to write down their own experience, come up with various designations and symbols.

Memorizing and interpreting dreams is very interesting and important. But not all dreams matter in your life. prophetic dreams are extremely rare and not all dreams come true, so it should not be given strong meaning every dream. Unlimited belief in dreams can lead to superstition and cause anxiety and anxiety.

Lock the door with a key- to a successful marriage.

A dream in which a woman gives the key- means that she will harm her reputation with stupid talk.

Idiomatic dream book

"Transferable Key"- knowledge of secrets, trusting relationship with other people; "pick up the key to the person", "golden key"- access to the secret, a symbol of the fulfillment of desire; "to have a key to something"- problem solving, solution.

Imperial dream book

The key is the most important life symbol and philosophical category, common for all people of the earth without distinction to countries and nations.

The key is a symbol of the possibility of moving forward: personal spiritual movement, the movement of evolution.

Figuratively speaking, the key- the symbol, as it were, opens, unlocks the door leading to the Platonic ladder of ascent to Heaven. Twice in a person's life a symbolic door is opened: when he is born, it is a door from heaven to earth; when he dies, the same door opens in the opposite direction from earth to heaven and closes behind the departed. Not without reason, in the Christian worldview, the Apostle Peter, guarding the doors of Paradise, is depicted with keys on his belt. As an object whose symbolism repeatedly outweighs form and practical use, the key in the space of sleep carries an extremely important semantic load.

Get / have a key in a dream- means the correspondence of the method of solving (actions) of the problem itself and the correspondence of the dreamer's internal capabilities to them.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Key dreaming?

The key is to a romantic secret date.

Key - also means a possible energy attackdirected by the aggressor on you or on your close relatives.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

If in a dream you have only one key hanging on a bunch- this means that all your ideas turned out to be weak and will not bring you profit. But if you listen to the advice of the person you meet in a month, you will understand what is required of you, and you will get down to business with redoubled energy.

ten keys in a bunch is the joy that your work will bring you. Young girls who have this dream should think about the proposal he made ten days ago.

If you turn the key in the lock once- then in a day you will be put in an awkward position by a person who has great power over you.

Psychological dream book

The key is most often dreamed of by those who are looking for solutions to some personal problem. It can also mean a desire to overcome a certain barrier, an obstacle.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The key is to some problems; source of difficulty.

Keys to the kingdom as a symbol of power.

Russian dream book

Find the key - they will love; to lose it is to be in a very difficult position.

Family dream book

Keys - dream of unforeseen changes.

Lost keys in a dream- in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events, you have found - peace in the family and revival in business await you.

Broken keys- portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw an unlocked door- she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreamed that she was locking the door with a key- she will get married.

Lost the key - her reputation is at stake.

Slavic dream book

The key is a love adventure.

dream interpreter

The keys to the castle - to lose means to lose friends or patrons through the death of parents; to find the key - portends profit, the acquisition of friendship, and the girl's marriage.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Key is dreaming?

If you dreamed of keys- it promises you unexpected changes.

If you dream that you have lost your keys- Unpleasant adventures await you.

Find the keys - a prediction of peace in the family and revival in commercial affairs.

Broken keys - portend separation due to death or jealousy.

If a young woman dreams that she has lost the key to jewelry - this portends her a quarrel with her lover.

If she dreams that she opens the door with a key- she will have a new lover, whom she will trust too much.

If a young woman dreams that she closes the door with a key- she will be lucky with her marriage.

If she gives the key- this means that with unrestrained and unreasonable conversations she will harm her reputation.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The key is an indication that the answer, the solution is available and literally in the hands. The need to “open the door for yourself” in both the physical and spiritual realms. The possibility of a new perception.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Key dream about in a dream?

Find the key in a dream- a harbinger of family joys, improvement of affairs; look for the key to neglect of official duties; keys to lose - to irritation, argument, gossip, self-doubt, a sense of inferiority; many clues to see- a good sign, especially for a family person; collect keys - fortunately; hold them in your hands- to possible changes in life; golden key to have- to friendship with an influential person.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Dream Interpretation of the Future

The key is to a love adventure; if you dream that you have found the keys- this means that family peace and revival in business await you; - unpleasant events will sadden you.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Find a key in a dream- portends family happiness and harmony in relations with a lover.

Broken keys- a sign of separation due to jealousy or the death of a loved one.

If a woman dreams of a door that is not locked- this means that she will meet a new admirer.

Close the door in a dream with a key- portends a wedding.

Loss of the key - promises a damaged reputation.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To dream that you have lost your keys- to theft.

To dream about how a worker twists something with a wrench- you have a very hard work ahead of you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Lose your keys in a dream- to frivolity.

To dream about how a locksmith works with a wrench- expect your sewerage to clog.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

The key to find is an honor; to have a lot - a good household order, the loyalty of the servants.

Miller's dream book

Seeing keys in a dream- means unforeseen changes.

If you lost your keys in a dream- unpleasant events in reality will sadden you.

Finding the keys is a sign that family peace and revival in business awaits you.

Broken keys- portend separation, the cause of which will be death or jealousy.

If a young woman in a dream lost a clasp from jewelry- this promises her a quarrel with a loved one and anxiety because of this.

If she sees an unlocked door- she will get a new submissive admirer.

If she sees in a dream that she closes the door with a key- she will marry, and if she sees that she has lost the key, then it is possible that she will damage her reputation with her inability to think and act sensibly.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Key - means looking for solutions to problems, the desire to solve problems in an easier way.

Open the door in a dream with a key- evidence that in the future great discoveries will be made in all fields of knowledge. Perhaps a time machine will be invented, with the help of which people will be able to travel to the past and the future. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a predicament from which he will try to find a way out.

Find a key in a dream- a sign that great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly advance through the ranks, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better.

Break the key in a dream- means that in the future the inhabitants of the earth will have a terrible message about space accident. Most likely, the space station will suffer from this accident.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys- this means that in the not so distant future you will have the opportunity to make an amazing journey to many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

See two keys in a dream- unexpected turn of events.

Lose the key - be in an awkward position.

To dream about someone giving you their keys- unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you will see an old man with keys on his belt- means that humanity is facing severe trials.

Seeing a golden key in a dream- yours, the efforts that you spent in search of the truth will be rewarded according to merit.

To dream about how you are looking for the keys to your house- in reality try to find a solution to their personal problems.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Key in a dream?

Drinking cold water from a key in a dream- portends a cold. Drop something in the key- forget about something important, because of which you will have to redo a significant piece of work already done. Wash with spring water- in reality you will have good health. Boil spring water- gain success with men.

If you dream of keys- it means that unexpected obstacles await you in reality. Lose keys in a dream- portends squabbles in the house and trouble at work. Find the keys - avoid the hassle, reach agreement in the house and fix things.

Lock the door with a key- to marriage for a young lady, to open - to be suspected of something bad.

Drop a bunch of keys- means that you can damage your reputation by neglecting official duties and sometimes acting recklessly and illogically. String keys on a ring- in reality you will win. A bunch of keys with a keychain- means that you will soon do an act that will greatly please your loved ones. Key sticking out of the door- says that in reality you will get yourself a new admirer. Break a key in a dream, trying to open an ominous lock- a harbinger of separation, the cause of which may be jealousy or cooling in love. Broken zipper- predicts a quarrel with a loved one and deep feelings.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Key, lock, open the lock with a key- to an intimate friend.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Spring water - great benefits, good life.

The key is a good deal; lose - deprivation of liberty; find- benefit

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

The key is often dreaming of unforeseen changes.

If you lost your keys in a dream- expect unpleasant events in reality.

Finding the keys is a sign that peace in the family and revival in business await you.

Broken key - portends separation, the cause of which will be jealousy or death.

If a young woman closes the door in a dream with a key- She will be married soon. The loss of the key means a damaged reputation for her due to her inability to think and act sanely.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

The key is a good deal; lose the keys - deprivation of liberty, property, power.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: The key to the dream book?

The key is to find the right solution, a way out of a predicament; access to mystery, knowledge; male erotic symbol.

Close the door with a key- marriage for a woman.

Many keys - profit.

Golden - the fulfillment of a secret desire.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

The key is the unknown.

The key is on the stone - you need an amulet, a talisman.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream you found the key- your life will change for the better.

Losing a key means that a black streak has begun in your life.

If you dreamed of a key that is in your hands or in one of your relatives- you may be expected big changes in life.

You dreamed that you ordered to carve a key or began to carve a key yourself- know that you yourself are the blacksmith of your own happiness.

Freud's dream book

Key - is a symbol of the penis, and therefore the interpretation of this symbol is traditional for all long objects.

If a man opens the lock with a key- he seeks sexual contact with a certain partner.

If a woman opens a lock with a key- she prefers to engage in self-satisfaction.

If a woman closes the lock with a key- she fears unwanted pregnancy and often practices interruption of sexual intercourse.

If a man closes the lock with a key- he is disappointed in his partner and seeks to break off relations.

If the key does not fit the lock or cannot open it- this symbolizes hostile relations between sexual partners, up to mutual hatred.

If a man puts the key in his pocket- He wants to have group sex.

If a woman puts the key in her pocket- she looks forward to meeting her sensual partner soon.

Experience; search - you will abandon your official duties.

Universal dream book

The key is a multifaceted symbol.

The number of keys in the key holder, their shape, color, size- everything matters for the interpretation of such a dream.

Are there many keys in your housekeeper in a dream or just one? Do you find keys or do you lose them? Do the keys belong to you or someone else? With keys- you can lock things up, keep them safe, gaining a sense of security.

Keys can also open locks- which gives you access to something and freedom.

If in a dream you see one key- this indicates that you have an answer to a question that is currently troubling you, or a simple and quick solution to some problem.

If in a dream you see a bunch of keys- means you have found several solutions.

If the key is old and worn- a dream symbolizes stability in the past.

New keys - symbolize a modern approach to business.

Where are the keys in your dream? At home or at work- perhaps you will find solutions or explanations of your concerns in this place. What secrets need to be revealed in these areas of your life?

In a dream, do you see another person losing their keys? You feel that you are out of step with this person, you are incompatible, you cannot find the key to your relationship- think about it, especially if this person in a dream accuses you of losing the keys.

In a dream, someone has your keys Do you feel like this person controls you? Or the keys in a dream definitely belong to you, i.e. Are you in complete control of your life?

A folklore dream book is an acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex, which, however, threatens to turn into trouble and even a scandal.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: The key to the dream book?

Why is the key dreaming? This image - portends you the discovery of a secret.

More interpretations

The dream where you held it in your hands- means that soon you will be lucky on a grand scale.

I dreamed that I lost it- means you will experience disappointment.

Find him, according to the dream book- a sign of replenishment in the family.

Locked the door with a key- you will soon enter into a successful marriage.

I dreamed of a key that is corrupted- you will survive the imminent parting.

Collecting them means that soon you will be lucky in something.

Key made of gold - symbolizes contacts with an influential person.

Key and door - very strong sign. You have the opportunity to be a long-awaited guest in any home. Any door opens in front of you.

Find the keys in a dream- discover for yourself great riddle which will help you decide in life.

A bunch of keys - the ability to do great things. Many wishes will come true.

Close the door with a key- the search for reliable partners will be crowned with success, the guarantee of their support is half the success.

Golden key - you will have a second wind, you will be able to do even more than you planned.

Many keys - auspicious sleep especially for those who are married.

Dreaming about giving keys- there is a high probability of missing a good chance, to improve your business.

Lose the keys - obsessive anxiety and unreasonable anxiety begin to piss you off. Your suspicion will lead to nothing good.

Broken key - you will have to part with your loved one for a long time, with a kindred spirit, you will really miss his advice and valuable recommendations.

According to the dream book, get the keys- Fortune favors you, everything will turn out well. The problems that have appeared at this time will not require you to spend your strength and energy.

Look for the keys - you accept right decisions as a leader, subordinates listen to your authority.

Video: Why the Key is dreaming

  • Primary elements - fire, metal, wood.
  • Elements - heat, dryness, wind.
  • Emotions - joy, sadness, turning into confidence, anger as a gambling part of the search state.
  • Organs - heart, small intestine, lungs, large intestine, liver, gallbladder.
  • Planets - Mars, Venus, Jupiter.
  • The key is the most important symbol of life and a philosophical category, common for all people of the earth, without distinction into countries and nations. The key is a symbol of the possibility of moving forward: personal spiritual movement, the movement of evolution. Figuratively speaking, the key - the symbol, as it were, opens - unlocks the door leading to the Platonic ladder of ascent to Heaven. Twice in a person's life a symbolic door is unlocked: when he is born, it is a door from heaven to earth; when he dies, the same door opens in the opposite direction from earth to heaven and closes behind the departed. Not without reason, in the Christian worldview, the Apostle Peter, guarding the doors of Paradise, is depicted with keys on his belt. As an object, the symbolism of which repeatedly outweighs the form and practical application, the key in the space of sleep carries an extremely important semantic load. The key in a dream to see / hold / open to them / lose - external yang (material form) in harmony with internal yin (access to information), the result of which should be the maximum realization of possible movement. The key in a dream to receive / have - means the correspondence of the method of solving (actions) of the problem itself and the correspondence of the dreamer's internal capabilities to them. The key is to seek and find - it is possible to obtain the key only by overcoming impotence and gaining in return the joy and desire to move forward. Sleep is more than favorable: the meaning of life has been found. But this has nothing to do with immediate success. Open the door / chest with a key - find a specific answer, an adequate solution to the situation, correctly apply the available force. Man keeps in himself personal experience and the experience of culture, there are countless options for action, but only one of them is the most effective. In this case, the key is a symbol of compliance with a specific goal and a way to achieve it. Finding/already having the key, but not being able to open it, means that the present course of action will not bring results: The key does not fit (there is a feeling) - it is the course of action that does not match the goal. The dreamer cannot open (the key in his hands does not work) - this means a lack of inner strength, when a person’s inconsistency with the task deprives the key symbolic meaning, there remains an empty appearance of form, meaningless in the space of sleep. Such a dream is the need to reconsider both goals and ways to achieve them, and one's internal capabilities. Lose the key - lose the power of movement. Sleep is extremely unfavorable. Although it is not related to momentary success / failure, but the loss of one's own self does not bode well.
  • Golden key - in a dream it symbolizes a more emotional sphere of feelings and portends an interesting, but stormy course of events. Silver key - a penchant for logical analysis, for science without the obligatory explicit external expressions, emotional outbursts.

Key - is considered a simple symbol in night dreams. As a rule, direct associations with keys are used in interpretation, such as opening access to certain benefits and receiving a pleasant opportunity in life or an answer to an important question.

For more complete interpretation dreams, you need to take into account the fact that the key can appear in a variety of plots. Such a symbol can portend very an important event in life, so it is important to understand what this subject is dreaming of. The key in a dream can symbolize power in reality, but at the same time the dreamer must realize how to use it correctly so as not to harm.

Why is the key dreaming

In order to understand what the key dreamed of, it is necessary, first of all, to remember it. appearance. If he appeared without reference to a specific plot, as an iconic symbol, then he indicates that the dreamer has an unimaginable natural potential. You have your entire destiny in your hands and you are the master of it. Therefore, you may well become a happy person.

big key

The big key seen in the dream emphasizes that you have great opportunities in life. You have great prospects, but for this you need to show an active life position.

See the key in your hand

Highly a good sign is a fact if you saw in a dream a key in your hand. In this case, the associations connecting the dream with real life are simple. Allegorically, they mean that the dreamer has the key to happiness in his hands and he definitely needs to use it. In dream books, the following interpretations of keys in dreams stand out:
    Scattered keys lying in one heap point to inner freedom a person and emphasize the fact that he enjoys it. A few small keys portend great wealth in the near future. This dream is especially good for entrepreneurs and businessmen. Since it promises prosperity in reality, which will not be threatened. A bunch of keys portends great joy and satisfaction from one's own active actions. A pair of keys seen in a dream predicts changes in personal life that are likely to be associated with an unexpected acquaintance.

The key dreamed of a woman

The key that a woman saw in a dream indicates that she will soon have a rich admirer. And if a young girl sees, according to the plot of a dream, that she closes the door with a key, then this portends imminent marriage. But when a married woman or married man dreaming of the process of closing the door with a key, this symbolizes the fact that a person seeks to get away from solving important family problems. If the dreamer opens the door with a key, it means that in reality he is looking for a way out of this difficult situation.

Broken key - interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed of a broken key, then this indicates that you are in front of you in real life. difficult task, for which you have not yet found a solution. Sometimes such a dream is a symbol of a person's confusion in reality. But on the other hand, these night dreams are advised to abstract from the current situation and not get hung up on it. After that, the solution will appear by itself. If in a dream you saw broken or damaged keys, then this is an unkind sign. According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, one should be afraid of losing a dear person in real life. Often the cause of separation, after such a dream, is betrayal.

Keys to your own car

When you dream of the keys to your own car, this indicates that in reality new opportunities will open up for moving towards the intended goals. You should not doubt, because this is really what you need at the moment.

A good sign is the keys to your own apartment, seen in a dream. This is evidence of a successful and happy life. Harmony and prosperity will reign in the house, and all family members will understand each other perfectly.

Lose the key

Losing the key to the plot of a dream is not a very good omen. Why dream of such a plot? This is a sign that in real life you will lose control of the situation. Sometimes this may indicate that certain life circumstances will take you by surprise and, due to your own confusion, you will make the wrong decision.

But if you found your own lost key in night dreams, then this indicates that you can easily solve any life problems. You will be able to take the situation into your own hands, so there is no need to doubt, but you should begin to actively act in reality. Even better if you managed to find someone else's key in a dream. This symbolizes that you will be able to awaken internal reserves and take very serious steps that will lead to success.

Why dream of collecting keys

If you not only see in a dream the keys scattered around you, but also try to collect them, then in real life a happy accident will happen to you. Which - do not try to predict, as it is simply impossible to do. Trust fate and wait for a miracle.

Giving the key - the meaning of sleep

The plot of a dream in which you give someone a key is very symbolic. This indicates that in real life you will have real friends with whom you can establish a trusting relationship. Very often, such a dream is a harbinger of a happy marriage, symbolizing that you are giving your betrothed or betrothed the key to your own heart.

Accept keys from anyone

The most common question is why one dreams of taking or accepting keys from strangers in a dream. When someone gives you keys in night dreams, this means that someone in real life will give you effective help. In addition, such a dream hints that a chance will be given in life and it should not be missed. Therefore, it is very important to carefully look at the events taking place around you in reality.

break the key

If you dreamed that you broke the key in a dream, then this indicates that events will occur in life that you cannot influence. Moreover, they can be both positive and negative. Sometimes such a dream can symbolize a crisis in a relationship with a partner. Despite the fact that the key is a rather ambiguous symbol in a dream, it is quite easy to decipher its appearance in night dreams. The main thing is to compare the events of real life with a dream and listen to your own intuition.

Often ordinary household items that we use daily come to us in visions. A seemingly unremarkable device that appeared in dreams is fraught with hidden meaning. Dream books will help interpret what you see. So let's figure out what the keys to the house, apartment or car are dreaming of in a dream.

Key to…

Item Description

If in a dream you met with a crooked device for opening the lock, then your plan will come true, but there are many obstacles to overcome.

Did a broken key appear in a dream? In reality, troubles have accumulated on your doorstep. It is important to mentally prepare for losses and fiascos.

Open your pocket wider, because the profit "hurries" to you. So dream books decipher the dream, in which the golden key appeared. A dreaming silver key points to your logic. It is important to follow it, and success will not be long in coming.

Difficulties will not bypass you, as evidenced by the dream of a dirty rod for unlocking doors. Pay attention to your own health if this object, affected by rust, appeared in night vision.

Wealth will bring a nascent idea. This will be warned by a dream, where a brand new shiny key appeared.

Copper fixture is a symbol of hard work. There will be a lot of work, but the reward will certainly bring satisfaction. An iron device represents a joyful purchase. Now is the time to spend your savings on a long-desired acquisition.


If a bunch of keys was seen in a dream, then soon you will have to take a responsible position with an increased salary.

Did a lot of keys appear in a dream? The fruits will be brought by a business that required a lot of effort and investment from you.

And if, at the whim of Morpheus, the dreamer encountered one key, then the occupation to which he devoted himself would not bring anything good. It is important to stop trying to normalize things and start a new one.

Profit will follow the dream, where the dormant saw a box filled with these devices.

Interpretations according to the circumstances of the dream

If in a dream you had a chance to open the door with a key, then now it is important to start updating your own existence. It is important to reconsider and reevaluate absolutely everything that surrounds you and everyone around you.

Were you lucky enough to open the lock with a key in a dream? The sleeper is close to a certain discovery that will favorably affect the future.

If in a dream you had to close the door with a key, then you carefully protect secrets from your loved ones.. Relationships will go to the maximum high level, which will be crowned with marriage. This is how dream books interpret a dream in which you happened to close the lock with a key. Soon a new love will burst into your life.

Work should be treated more responsibly and fulfill their duties. So dream books answer the question of why one dreams of looking for keys in a dream. Success lies in wait for you everywhere. This will be warned by a dream where you were lucky enough to find the keys or a whole bunch of them. The loss of a door opener is an omen of future troubles.

You are close to revealing someone else's secret. So it is worth interpreting the vision in which you watched the key from the side.

If in a dream you had a chance to give someone the keys, then it is important not to do stupid things.. One wrong step can ruin your reputation. Soon the truth will be revealed to you, and the knowledge gained will be useful in the future. This promises a dream in which you took this device from someone.

Your leadership qualities are outstanding. This is indicated by a dream in which you happened to hold or see a bunch of keys in your hand. Gossip and squabbles are the result of dreams where you dropped the keys.

Key not working? In reality, you are threatened with deception. It is important to beware and check the incoming information.

Other interesting details

If a padlock with keys appeared in your dreams, then obstacles "grew" in your path. It is realistic to overcome them, but it will take a lot of energy and strength.

Problems on the personal front will lead to depression. This is how dream books interpret a dream where the key to the door was in her lock.

Prophecies for women and men

Loneliness will soon leave the dreamer who does not have a chosen one. You are destined to meet a man. Relationships will spin at lightning speed.

The keys in a dream for a woman in a pair promise an intimate relationship on the side. Remember: a lover must remain secret, otherwise negative consequences do not pass.

And if this "hero" appeared to a pregnant young lady, then she thinks up a lot of illnesses for herself. You should not engage in tyranny, and self-medication harms the baby.

For a man in a relationship, such a vision will bring a solution to all the problems that have haunted him for a long time.

Unusual news is destined for family people.

Premonitions of eminent dream books


Unforeseen changes, according to Miller, threaten those who have dreamed of a key. Troubles await the dreamer who has lost this device.

Peace and grace are the result of dreams in which you have found the key. If the "hero" of the dream turned out to be spoiled, then separation cannot be avoided. The fault of what happened will be jealousy or death.


Vanga claimed: the key is the personification of discoveries and the right decisions. In dreams, it was not possible to pick up a device for opening own door? Easy decisions will not lead to good ones. Losing keys in a dream means that in reality you will have to miss an important event..


Freud in his dream book assured that the meaning of the key, dreamed in a dream, is not devoid of sexual overtones, it symbolizes the phallus.

If in dreams a man unlocked the door with a key, then he is exhausted by the desire to have an intimate relationship with a certain lady. And since these actions were performed by a woman, she gladly replaces sex with self-satisfaction.

Closing the door with a key by a woman is a sign of fear of pregnancy. Did a man lock the lock? He wants to break off the current relationship. The wrong key represents the hatred that will soon arise between lovers.


Hasse prophesied a profitable deal to someone who saw a device for opening the lock. Losses will follow the dreams in which you lost the key. BUT benefits cannot be avoided if you have found the key.


According to Meneghetti's beliefs: the key is a symbol of excessive self-confidence and dangerous decisions.


Loff considered the loss of this device as a loss of control and self-control. And if the loss is found, then in reality happiness depends solely on you.


The book of interpretations of Pythagoras states that a key dangling in a bunch symbolizes the weakness of your ideas, which will bring losses. A dozen keys are harbingers of joy and happy times.


Nostradamus had no doubt that the subject for unlocking the door personifies the desire to find a way out of the "impending" difficult situation. Inventions are destined for those who unlocked the door in dreams.

Did you find this device in a dream? Raising at work is inevitable. If in night vision you broke the key, then soon the consequences of a space accident will fall on the planet. Journey promises a bunch of keys.

Whatever visions you visit in the night, you should not fall into despair if their interpretation turned out to be unfavorable. Each person is the creator of his own life.