Rd repair of freight car bogies. Freight wagon bogie repair. Repair of bolsters

1. General Provisions. 2

2 main technical data of freight car bogies, their assemblies and parts. 3

3 maintenance and repair of carts. 6

4 incoming control of freight car bogies during scheduled repairs. 7

5 disassembly of carts. 7

6 Non-destructive testing constituent parts and truck parts. ten

7 flaw detection of components and parts of bogies. ten

8 repair of side frames.. 11

9 repair of bolsters. sixteen

10 repair of the "wedge - friction bar" unit. 23

11 spring kit requirements. 26

12 repair of brake equipment parts. 27

13 welding and surfacing works.. 28

14 assembly of bogies after repair. 29

15 check the quality of the repair. thirty

16 application of stamps, marking signs after repair. thirty

17 painting carts. 31

18 output control of bogies when they are released from scheduled types of repairs. 33

19 exclusion of cast parts of the bogie and connecting beam from the inventory. 37

20 responsibility for the quality of trolley repairs. 37

21 technical maintenance of a trolley with wear-resistant elements in operation. 37

Application a. List of technological equipment used in the repair of a freight car bogie. 38

Application b. Act for the exclusion of molded parts of the bogie model 18-100 from scrap metal. 39

Application c. List of templates used in the repair of freight car bogies. 39

Annex d. List normative documentation operating simultaneously with this manual.. 41


1.1 Present Guidance Document"Repair of freight car bogies" RD 32 TsV 052-2005, hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines, applies to the repair of two-axle and four-axle freight car bogies.

The management determines the procedure for carrying out planned types of repairs, and also establishes the norms and requirements that bogies must satisfy when releasing wagons from depot and overhaul. Requirements for bogies when releasing freight cars from the current uncoupling repair are contained in the "Guidelines for the current uncoupling repair" RD 32 TsV-056-97.

1.2 Maintenance and repair of carts should be carried out at enterprises that have the appropriate equipment, qualified personnel to perform these works.

1.3 The components and details of the bogie must have signs and stamps established by the relevant drawings and standards, as well as the codes of the railway administrations of the CIS countries, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia according to the album "Signs and inscriptions on the cars of the 1520 mm gauge freight fleet" No. 632 PKB TsV MPS Russia.

1.4 The dimensions of carts, their components and parts must comply with the standards established by this Guide, as well as the drawings of the manufacturer.

1.5 Technologies for maintenance and repair of bogies in car depots and car repair plants (car repair enterprises) are established by Russian Railways or its subsidiaries. The manufacture and assembly of the bogie and its components is regulated by the technological processes of these enterprises, the technical requirements for bogies during manufacture and other current regulatory documentation.

1.6 List of measuring instruments used in the control technical condition units and parts of bogies, the rules for using them are determined by the Guiding document "Methodology for measuring the bolster, side frames, springs and spring kit when carrying out scheduled repairs of bogies 18-100" RD 32 TsV 050-2005. The procedure for maintaining accounting and reporting forms for bogies is established by the Central Executive Committee of Russian Railways.

1.7 Bogies model 18-100, equipped with elements according to the project M1698 Design Bureau TsV JSC "Russian Railways" must be repaired according to the approved regulatory documentation.

1.8 During maintenance and scheduled types of repair of freight car bogies, the “Rules on labor protection during the maintenance and repair of freight cars in the wagon economy” must be observed. railways» No. 1063r dated May 26, 2006


2.1 Main specifications Model 18-100 bogies are shown in Table 2.1 and Figure 2.1.

2.2 The components of the trolley 18-100 are:

Bogie frame, consisting of two side frames and a bolster with bearings;

Removable wear-resistant elements according to the project M 1698 PKB TsV.

2.3 Four-axle bogie model 18-101, shown in Figure 2.2, consists of two two-axle bogies model 18-100 and a connecting beam.

2.4 Bogie model 18-578 consists of parts of the bogie model 18-100, except for the bolster and friction wedges made of ductile iron with wear-resistant polyurethane linings. On the bolster of the bogie model 18-578, elastic-roller bearings are installed.

2.5 Parts of the trolley are made of the following materials:

Side frames - steel 20GL, 20GFL, 20GTL OST 32.183-2001;

Bolster - steel 20GL, 20GFL, 20GTL OST 32.183-2001;

Friction wedge - cast iron SCH-25 GOST 1412;

Spring of a spring set - steel 55C2, 60C2 GOST 14959;

Details of the brake linkage - St 3 GOST 380;

Composite pads TIIR-300, TIIR-303;

Friction bar steel 45 GOST 1050;

Composite friction bars - steel 30KhGSA GOST 11269;

Pivot - steel 3 sp. GOST 380.

The material of wear-resistant elements installed in the friction units is specified in project M 1698 PKB TsV;

The material of the bearing parts of the elastic-roller type is indicated in the drawings of the bogie model 18-578.

New parts arriving at the enterprise for the repair of bogies and the replacement of rejected ones must have a manufacturer's certificate.

Table 2.1

The name of indicators


Model 18-100

Model 18-101

Trolley base, mm

Static deflection under gross weight, mm

Static deflection under the container, mm

Design speed, km/h

Year of production in the series

Spring kit


The height of the springs of the spring set in a free state, mm

Average outer spring diameter, mm

Average inner spring diameter, mm

Bar diameter: outer, mm

internal, mm

Number of coils of springs: external/internal

Load at full compression, kg, no more: external/internal

3749/1460/1938 **

Spring weight, kg, not less than:



Trolley frame

without tie


Distance from the rail head to the bearing surface of the thrust bearing in the free state, mm

Overall dimensions of carts, mm:

RU 1, RU 1Sh

RU 1, RU 1Sh

Truck weight, t

Note: the numbers in brackets are the model year

* - release after 1989

** - for internal springs with a diameter of 21 mm.

Picture 2 .1 Cart biaxial model 18 -100

Picture 2 .2 Cart four-axle model 18 -101


3.1 Maintenance and repair of wagon bogies provides.

Inspection of bogies under the wagons in accordance with the "Instructions for the wagon inspector" TsV - TsL / 408;

Current uncoupling repair of bogies in accordance with the "Guidelines for the current uncoupling repair" RD 32 TsV-056-97;

Depovskaya, major repairs of bogies according to this Guide.

3.2 Capital, depot and current uncoupling repairs of freight car bogies are allowed to be carried out by persons who have passed the exam in knowledge of this Manual, local technological process, organization of repair of carts and those who received the right to perform these works. Screening exams are held annually.

3.3 Right to control quality Maintenance, depot and overhaul bogies must have:

In the Carriage Service, in the Directorate for the Repair of Freight Cars - the head of the Service, the head of the Directorate; chief engineer of the Service and chief engineer of the Directorate; Deputy Head of the Service and Deputy Head of the Directorate; road auditor, heads of departments of the Service and Directorate;

In the railway departments, the heads of the carriage departments and their deputies;

In car depots, maintenance points, points for preparing cars for transportation - heads of car depots, their deputies, chief engineers, technologists, car inspectors, senior foremen, foremen, foremen, heads of points for maintenance and preparation of cars for transportation, foremen and foremen of sections trolley repair;

At repair plants - directors of plants, chief engineers, their deputies, heads of technical control departments (OTC) and their deputies, chief technologists, technologists, foremen, foremen, inspectors and controllers of car assembly shops and bogie repair areas, inspectors - car inspectors;

On the car building plants- factory inspectors - receivers of Russian Railways OJSC of Russia.

3.4 During the depot or major repairs, the bogies from under the wagon are taken to their repair site, where they must be cleaned and washed in a washing machine without wheelsets, which are transferred to the wheel-roller section.

Side frames, bogie bolster, spring-friction spring set, bogie linkage are repaired in the respective departments and areas.

3.5 Wheel sets are repaired in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the inspection, examination, repair and formation of car wheelsets" TsV / 3429 and " Guidelines for the operation and repair of carriage axle boxes with roller bearings” 3-TsVRK.

3.6 Brake linkage is repaired in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of wagons" TsV-TsL-945.

3.7 Parts and assemblies of the bogie are subjected to flaw detection in accordance with the current regulatory documentation approved by the Ministry of Railways or Russian Railways OJSC.


4.1 The control of the technical condition of the bogie units is carried out after the wagons are put into repair positions, while checking:

The presence of defects and wear of wheel sets;

The position of the parts of the spring-friction spring set, the overestimation of the bearing surface of the friction wedge relative to the lower bearing surface of the bolster, the presence of free movement of the friction wedge and the springs of the spring set before lifting the car;

Condition of parts of the brake linkage;

Gaps between the bearings of the bogie and the car frame.

4.2 After rolling out the bogies, check the condition of the center plate - center plate assembly.

4.3 The results of the examination of the bogies are recorded in the defective statement of the VU-22 form and are used in the repair of parts and assemblies, assembly and rolling of the repaired bogie under the car.

4.4 Check the service life of the cast parts of the trolley.

4.5 Input control trolley parts can be carried out on automated measuring complexes of the SPRUT type.


5.1 The dismantling of a two-axle bogie begins before the washing machine, when the bogie frame is removed from the wheelsets by a lifting mechanism, and the wheelsets are transferred to the wheel-roller section for repair.

After cleaning, the trolley frame is moved to the position of the production line or installed in a specialized repair position.

5.2 The dismantling of the frame of a two-axle bogie is carried out in the following sequence in accordance with figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.3:

Knock out the pins and remove the brake pads 17, safety brackets 4;

Remove cotter pins 7, 10;

Remove washers 9, knock out rollers 8, remove vertical levers 5 and expansion rod 2;

Knock out cotter pins 15, remove washer and rollers 14, remove dead center link 6, after removing cotter pin 11, washer 12 and roller 13:

Remove the wire-clamp of the safety bracket of the shoe suspension roller, remove the washers;

Knock out cotter pins 13 of rollers 16 and rollers 16, lower triangel 1 onto the safety shelves of the frame sidewalls;

Remove suspension brackets 3 of the brake shoe, remove triangel 1 (at the same time, the second triangular is also removed and transferred to the position of their repair);

Remove the king pin 18 by lifting the bolster 19 with a crane or a pneumatic lift with a tilter, remove the friction wedges 20, remove the spring sets 21;

Remove cotter pin 23, unscrew nut 24 from bolt 25 and remove it, remove rubber-metal set 26, support beam 34;

Remove contact strip 27, adjusting strip 28;

Remove cotter pin, unscrew nut 29, remove washer 31, bolt 32, remove caps 33;

The sidewalls of the bogie frame are removed from the bolster with the help of lifters with tilters;

The bolster stays on the tilter lift.

5.3 Disassembly of the four-axle bogie is carried out in the following sequence:

The king pin is removed;

The rollers are unpinned, the washers and rollers of the upper horizontal brake lever are removed;

Using a crane, the connecting beam is removed;

The "lower" horizontal brake lever is removed;

The released two-axle bogies are transferred to the repair site and disassembled in the manner specified in paragraphs. 5.1, 5.2.

Picture 5 .1

Picture 5 .2

Picture 5 .3


6.1 Parts of bogies are subject to non-destructive testing in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents approved in the prescribed manner:

RD 32.149-2000 "Ferroprobe method for non-destructive testing of car parts" with Amendment No. 1;

RD 32.150-2000 "Vortex method for non-destructive testing of car parts" with Amendment No. 1;

RD 32.159-2000 "Magnetic powder method for non-destructive testing of car parts" with Amendment No. 1.

The list of bogie parts subjected to non-destructive testing, indicating the zones and methods of control, as well as the types of work in which control is carried out, is given in RD 32.174-2001 “Non-destructive testing of wagon parts. General provisions» with Amendment No. 1.

6.2 At car repair enterprises, when extending the service life of cast parts of freight car bogies, non-destructive testing of side frames and bolsters is carried out by two methods of non-destructive testing: the first method is either fluxgate, or eddy current, or magnetic particle; the second method is acoustic emission.

Acoustic emission control is performed on automated installations manufactured by Design Bureau TsV (Moscow) and the Siberian University of Railway Transport SGUPS (Novosibirsk), according to the following methods:

- No. 682-2005 PKB TsV "Acoustic emission control (diagnosis) of side frames and bolsters of bogies model 18-100" - for PKB TsV installations;

- "Technological instruction for conducting acoustic emission testing of cast parts of freight car bogies" - for SGUPS installations.


7.1 Fault detection of components and parts of freight car bogies should be carried out after non-destructive testing.

7.2 Detection should be carried out by visual and instrumental methods.

7.3 The presence of cracks in all parts of the bogies is not allowed, except for cracks that are eliminated during scheduled types of repairs in accordance with the current repair documentation.

7.4 The dimensions of the units and parts of the bogies, which they must correspond to, for planned types of repairs are given in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Name of faults

During depot repairs with the installation of wear-resistant elements

During major repairs with the installation of wear-resistant elements

Thrust bearing depth for beams manufactured before 1986 (25 +1 -2), mm, no more

Thrust bearing depth for beams manufactured after 1986 (30 +1 -2), mm, no more

The size of the inclined surfaces of the bolster, over

The size of the thrust surfaces (jaws) of the side frame, mm, no more

Bearing cap wear, mm, no more

not allowed

Wear of connecting beam bearings:

central, no more

not allowed

end, no more

Residual height of the tide of the bearing surface of the box opening of the side frame, mm

no more than 3

no more than 3

Friction wedge made of cast iron.

Total wear of working surfaces, mm

no more than 3 or 2 per side

Connecting beam thrust bearing depth, mm, max

Diameter of thrust bearing, bolster at a depth of 10 mm, mm, no more

with taper 1:12.5

with taper 1:12.5

Connecting beam thrust bearing diameter, mm, max

Wear of the extreme pads of the connecting beam, mm

not allowed

not allowed

7.5 Cast parts of bogies with wear exceeding the allowable ones are subject to repair by welding and surfacing in accordance with the instructions developed by VNIIZhT approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia or JSC Russian Railways, followed by machining to drawing dimensions.

7.6 Triangels of the linkage of bogies are tested for tension during their manufacture again, periodicals repair of cars and repair by welding, according to the Manual for the repair of triangels R 001 PKB TsV-97 RK and the Tensile Test Method 656-2000 PB Central Bank.

7.7 Non-standard pins for fastening brake pads, washers for fastening the linkage of bogies are replaced with standard ones, and cotter pins with new ones.

7.8 The swivel joints of the linkage must comply with the requirements of the Instructions for the Repair of Car Brake Equipment, TsV-TsL-945.

7.9 A king pin that has cracks or a bend of more than 5 mm must be replaced. Wear of the kingpin in diameter during depot repairs is allowed no more than 3 mm, during major repairs wear of the kingpin is not allowed.

7.10 The difference in the bases of the side frames is allowed no more than 2 mm.

7.11 Inspection, survey and repair of wheel sets shall be carried out in full accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for the Inspection, Survey, Repair and Formation of Carriage Wheel Sets TsV/3429.

7.12 Inspection and revision of axlebox units of wheel sets shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines for the operation and repair of carriage axleboxes with roller bearings 3-TsVRK.

7.13 The dimensions that the connecting beam of a four-axle bogie must correspond to are given in the "Typical technological process for the repair of the connecting beam of a four-axle bogie" TK-232 PKB TsV.


8.1 Before repair and fault finding, the side frames are cleaned of dirt, exfoliated rust and collapsed paintwork, washed in a washing machine, inspected for the possibility of detecting cracks, chips and contributions. Particularly careful attention is paid to zones A and B, indicated in Figure 8.1.

8.2 In case of overhaul or depot repairs, bogies with side frames, with installed wear-resistant elements according to the project M 1698 of the Design Bureau of the Central Bank, are rolled under the carriage of Russian Railways OJSC, the mileage is set by Russian Railways OJSC. The remaining service life of the side frames must be at least until the next overhaul or depot repair of the car, respectively, or until the end of the remaining service life of the car.

8.3 It is not allowed to repair a side frame, in which the supporting surface in the axle box opening has a local, groove-like contribution of more than 2 mm into the frame body (maximum groove width is 20 mm, the maximum groove length is equal to the width of the supporting surface).

8.4 Cracks on the side frames of the cart, except for those indicated in Figure 8.2, are not allowed.

The defects in the side frame indicated in Figure 8.2 can be eliminated by welding and surfacing during scheduled types of repairs in accordance with the “Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars” developed by VNIIZhT TsV 201-98.

8.4.1 A crack in the guide collar for the friction wedge (defect 1) may be welded in accordance with Instruction TsV 201-98.

8.4.2 A crack in the triangular suspension bracket with a length of not more than 32 mm, defect 2 can be welded in accordance with Instruction TsV 201-98.

8.4.3 A longitudinal crack in the wall of the tide for the triangel suspension shaft defect 4 can be welded in accordance with Instruction TsV 201-98.

8.4.4 Spallation of the guide collar for moving the friction wedge and friction bars defect 3 is repaired by welding a new one in accordance with Instruction TsV 201-98.

8.4.5 Spalling of the "ears" in the places of fastening of the friction strips defect 5 is allowed to be repaired by welding a new "lug". It is allowed to weld no more than two "lugs" located diagonally in accordance with Instruction TsV 201-98.

8.5 Before setting the friction bars, measure the distance between the walls of the spring opening of the side frame and the outer jaws of the axle box openings. The difference between them for one side frame should not exceed 3 mm. If the difference is greater, the corresponding box jaws should be welded with subsequent machining to the drawing dimensions, provided that the width of the box opening is not more than 342 mm during depot, and during major repairs 335 +3 -1 mm.

Picture 8 .1 Scheme inspection side frames

* Dimensions at staging metallic sleeve

(1) - cracks guiding bead

(2) - cracks in bracket pendants trangel

(3) - breakaway guiding bead

(4) - cracks longitudinal in walls high tide for roller pendants shoe

(5) - breakaway lugs in places mounts friction slats

(6) - wear surfaces guides for box

Picture 8 .2 Defects in side frame, allowed repair at planned types repair

8.6 For planned repairs, install new fiber bushings with a diameter (45, 46 and 47 mm) into the brake shoe suspension unit, depending on the inner diameter of the bracket on the side frame.

8.7 Wear of the guide planes for axle boxes is allowed along the width of the axle box opening not more than 4 mm during depot repairs, and is not allowed during major repairs. The dimensions of the side frames of cargo bogies, to which they correspond during manufacture, and with which it is allowed to produce them without repair during planned types of repairs, are shown in Figures 8.3, 8.4.

Repair of axle boxes should be carried out in accordance with the instructions developed by VNIIZhT: TsV 201-98 "Instruction for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars" and TI-05-02 / 01B "Technological instructions for the restoration of worn surfaces of axle boxes of freight cars by surfacing". The outer worn surfaces of the axlebox housing (support and side) are restored to the drawing dimensions.

8.8 Worn vertical guide planes in the axlebox opening (thrust surfaces) are restored by wear-resistant surfacing with a hardness of 240 ... 300 HB, followed by machining to drawing dimensions (335 +3 -1 mm).

8.9 Upon receipt for repair of side frames made according to UVZ drawings 100.00.002-3 and 100.00.002-4 with welded strips on the supporting surfaces, the strips are removed on the machine and after flaw detection of the side frames, replaceable gaskets are installed on their supporting surfaces in accordance with the design side frame.

8.10 When bogies are equipped with new side frames, the lugs on the supporting planes in the axle box openings should be processed on the machine to a residual height of not more than 3 mm. For the side frames to be repaired, machine the lugs in the axlebox openings to the maximum amount of the installment. In this case, the residual height of the tides should be no more than 3 mm.

Penetration of the tool into the body of the side frame is not allowed. Install interchangeable gaskets in both axlebox openings. On supporting surfaces with a tide height of not more than 3 mm in the axle box openings of the side frame, features. 100.00.002-1 or 100.00.002-2 install interchangeable gaskets. M 1698.02.100 SB, and on the side frame, hell. 100.00.002-3 or 100.00.002-4 install interchangeable gaskets. M 1698.03.100 SB.

Mileage is set depending on the type of wagon.

Picture 8 .3 Dimensions lateral frames cargo carts Maud. 18 -100 at them manufacturing and capital repair

1 - on heck. 1000 .00 .002 -2 , 100 .00 .002 -3 , 100 .00 .020 -2 , 100 .00 .020 -3

2 - on heck. 100 .00 .002 -4

* Difference sizes H1 and H2 not more 3 mm.

xx The control basic size produce in points B on the distance 60 mm.

xxx Basicth the size, from whom measure wear each frictional slats.

Picture 8 .4 Dimensions lateral frames cargo carts Maud. 18 -100 at release from depovsky repair

When bogies are equipped with new or repaired side frames with lugs processed to the maximum wear value, with a residual lure height of more than 3 mm, replaceable gaskets are not installed. For a wagon, in which one or more side frames do not have gaskets, a mileage of 100 - 120 thousand kilometers is set.

8.11 When side frames are received for repair, on the supporting surfaces of which in the axle box openings interchangeable gaskets were installed according to fig. M 1698.02.100 SB or M 1698.03.100 SB, the gaskets are removed, the side frames are defectoscoped.

During a major overhaul, new gaskets are installed on the supporting surfaces, replaceable drawing M 1698.02.100 SB or M 1698.03.100 SB.

During depot repairs, it is allowed to re-install interchangeable gaskets that do not have:

Cracks in the gasket body or wear plate;

Spalls on the wear plate;

Cracks in the weld between wear plate and gasket body;

Uneven wear of the bearing surface of the wear-resistant plate relative to its unworn part of the surface is more than 2 mm.

8.12 Smooth out irregularities in the transition from the machined surface to the untreated surface along a radius of 55 mm.

8.13 For installation on the side frame, the wear-resistant gasket is pressed tightly against the supporting surface using a clamp or a special device. The longer paws of the gasket body are placed against the technological holes on the walls of the side frame. These "legs" are bent on a cylindrical mandrel (mount) and then filled into technological holes with hammer blows. The short "legs" of the body are bent along the shelf of the side frame by hammer blows through the mandrel.

After the “legs” are bent, the movement of the gasket along the side frame should be no more than ± 10 mm, and across the side frame no more than ± 5 mm.

8.14 Carts equipped with wear-resistant gaskets must interact with axle box bodies restored to drawing dimensions.

8.15 Complete the bogies of one car with side frames with replaceable gaskets in all axlebox openings with a processed tide height of not more than 3 mm.

8.16 Friction bars of the side frame of the bogie 16 mm thick, regardless of their technical condition, are replaced with composite bars according to the project M 1698 PKB TsV, consisting of a fixed bar 10 mm thick M 1698.02.001 and a movable bar 6 mm thick M 1698.02.004 or M 1698.02. 003.

8.17 The base of the bogie side frame, Figure 8.4, is measured with a caliper of base size T.914.01.000 TU 32 TsV 2018-95.

The difference in the dimensions of the side frames of one trolley is allowed no more than 2 mm.

The actually measured base values ​​for each side frame are recorded in the trolley compartment log.

8.18 After repair, check the dimensions of the side frames of the cart shown in Figures 8.3, 8.4.

8.19 Extension of the service life of cast parts of bogies is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the telegraphic instruction of the Ministry of Railways No. 1255 dated 12.08.02.

8.20 In accordance with the order of Russian Railways dated September 7, 2004 No. 3255r “On the organization of repair of the side frames of freight car bogies”, it is allowed at specially established points to repair the supporting surfaces in the axlebox openings of the side frames with excess wear of more than 2 mm in the frame body . Repair points are established by Russian Railways. Repair of side frames with excess wear in axlebox openings shall be carried out according to the approved by Vice President V.A. Gapanovich in 2004 "Technological instructions for the restoration of side frames with excess wear of the bearing surface of the axle box opening" TI 11.01.01-25 / 176 VNIIZhT, agreed by the Engineering Center "Splav" (EC "Splav"), Rostov-on-Don with using a composite material (KMVN) developed by EC "Splav". Permanent control over the production of repairs is carried out by representatives of the IC "Splav".


9.1 Before repair and fault finding, bolsters are cleaned of dirt, exfoliated rust and destroyed paintwork, washed in a washing machine, examined for the possibility of detecting cracks, chips and wear. The bearing surface of the beam bearing is cleaned to a metallic sheen.

9.2 When inspecting and inspecting the bolster, the integrity of the upper and lower chords, vertical walls and columns, if any, the bearing part of the thrust bearing, the serviceability of the lugs for the bearing caps and the wear of the rubbing surfaces are determined.

transverse cracks in inner column located not lower than 250 mm from the zone of the inner surface of the lower chord of the bolster, regardless of their length, are not subject to repair. The inner surface of the beam is inspected with illumination through the technological windows of the upper and lower chords.

9.3 During overhaul or depot repairs, bogies with bolsters, with installed wear-resistant elements according to project M 1698 PKB TsV, are rolled under the car. The remaining service life of the bolsters must be at least until the next overhaul or depot repair of the car, respectively, or until the end of the remaining service life of the car.

9.4 Repair of the bolster bearing.

9.4.1 After determining the scope of repair, all defects in the bolster bearing must be repaired.

With planned types of repairs, it is allowed to weld cracks in the bearing of the bolster. The total length of cracks in the thrust bearing is allowed no more than 250 mm, if the cracks are annular discontinuous, located in different sectors, at a distance from the center not closer than 80 mm.

The wear-resistant rings (half-rings) previously installed in the thrust bearing should be removed by machining.

The thrust bearing diameter is determined from the upper horizontal surface of the outer shoulder at a depth of 10 mm, taking into account the taper of 1:12.5 (4 degrees 36 minutes).

The bolster produced before 1986 and since 1986 has a thrust bearing diameter of 302.5 + 1.5 mm.

The control of the diameter of the thrust bearing of the bolster is to be carried out with a caliper ShTs-III-400-0.1 GOST 166-89.

To control the depth of the thrust bearing of the bolster, use a thrust bearing rod project T 914.06 PKB TsV or a caliper ShTs-I-125-0.1 GOST 166-89.

9.4.2 For a bolster manufactured before 1986 with a thrust bearing depth of 25 +1 -2 mm (“M” Figure 9.5), the worn bearing surface, the outer and inner flanges of the thrust bearing are restored in accordance with Instructions TsV 201-98 and TI-05-01 -06/NB wear-resistant surfacing with a hardness of 240 ... 300 HB, followed by machining the thrust bearing to the drawing dimensions, ensuring the taper of the inner surface of the outer collar 1:12.5 and a diameter of 302.5 +1.5 mm at a depth of 10 mm (“I” figure 9.5).

9.4.3 For a bolster manufactured since 1986, with a thrust bearing depth of 30 +1 -2 mm (“M” Figure 9.5) with a worn bearing surface, outer and inner collars of the thrust bearing, the outer and inner collars are surfacing with wear-resistant surfacing in accordance with the TsV Instructions 201-98 and TI-05-01-06/NB with hardness of 240...300 HB.

The thrust bearing is bored to a depth of 36 ± 1 mm, ensuring that the inner surface of the outer shoulder has a taper of 1:12.5 and a diameter of 302.5 +1.5 mm at a depth of 10 mm (“I” Figure 9.5).

A gasket according to drawing M 1698.01.005 with a diameter of 298-1.3 mm is installed on the machined flat bearing surface of the thrust bearing with a chamfer down.

9.4.4 Upon receipt of the bolster with a previously installed gasket, a thrust bearing with a depth of 36 ± 1 mm, which has wear on the outer and inner collars, the outer collar is worn out from the gasket, is built up in accordance with Instructions TsV 201-98 and TI-05-01-06 / NB wear-resistant surfacing with a hardness of 240 ... 300 HB, followed by machining according to drawing M 1698.01.000 SB and ensuring the taper of the inner surface of the outer shoulder 1:12.5, followed by setting the gasket according to drawing M 1698.01.005.

9.4.2 - 9.4.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

9.4.5 The remaining thickness of the thrust bearing bearing surface of at least 18 mm is determined by ultrasonic thickness gauges of the UT-93P, A 1207, A 1208, TUZ-1, TUZ-2 types.

9.4.6 When machining the thrust bearing, a fillet with a radius of 3 ... 4 mm shall be provided at the point where the outer collar meets the flat bearing surface of the thrust bearing. The absence of a fillet is not allowed.

9.4.7 The spacer (disk) according to drawing M 1698.01.005 with a diameter of 298 -1.3 mm is freely installed with a chamfer down on the bearing surface of the bolster bearing, manufactured after 1986 and bored to a depth of 36 ± 1 mm. During depot repairs, it is allowed to install a gasket with total wear in thickness up to 2 mm, but not more than 1.5 mm per side.

9.4.8 It is allowed to repair the thrust bearing hole for the pivot (“L” Figure 9.5 and Table 9.9) with the restoration of the inner shoulder (“K” Figure 9.5 and Table 9.9) and the installation of a bushing made of St3 type steel, with its welding along the outer perimeter continuous seam in accordance with the requirements of TC-231. The inner collar of the thrust bearing is restored by surfacing to the drawing dimensions.

The upper edge of the inner shoulder or sleeve must be located from a flat supporting surface at a height of:

5 +1 mm at the thrust bearing with a depth of 25+1 -2 or 30 +1 -2 mm;

11 +1 mm at the thrust bearing bored to a depth of 36 ± 1 mm.

9.4.9 For the base surface of the bolster when installed on the machine, take the supporting surfaces with which the bolster rests on the springs of the spring sets.

9.4.10 When the bogie is rolled under the wagon, a lubricant weighing up to 100 g of the KTSM type for sliding bearings of railway rolling stock TU 0254-110-01124328-2000 in accordance with the requirements of VNIIZhT or graphite grease GOST 3333-80, or grease GOST 1033- 79 with the addition of lubricating graphite GOST 1033-79.

9.5 Repair of inclined planes of the bolster.

9.5.1 For planned types of repair, melts previously welded on inclined planes should be removed. Inclined planes with removed slats or worn ones should be restored by wear-resistant surfacing with a hardness of 240 ... 300 HB, in accordance with the Instructions TsV 201-98 and TI-05-01-06 / NB developed by VNIIZhT, followed by machining to drawing dimensions.

(New edition, Rev. No. 6).

9.5.2 The remaining thickness of the worn inclined surfaces of the bolster or after the removal of the slats is determined by ultrasonic thickness gauges of the UT-93P, A 1207, A 1208, TUZ-1, TUZ-2 types and must be at least 7 mm.

9.5.3 In case of any excess wear of the inclined planes of the bolster (including dips and through abrasions), it is allowed to repair by welding insert plates according to " Technological instructions for the repair by welding of inclined planes of the bolster of the TsNII-KhZ bogie ”No. 542 PKB TsV.

9.5.4 During the overhaul, worn inclined planes shall be restored by wear-resistant surfacing with a hardness of 240 ... 300 HB in accordance with the Instructions TsV 201-98 and TI-05-01-06 / NB developed by VNIIZhT, followed by machining to drawing dimensions.

When releasing from a depot repair, it is allowed not to restore inclined planes if they have a size of the lower support surface of the bolster of at least 166 mm and an angle of 45 ° (“З” Figure 9.5 and Table 9.9), and the value of the total clearance between the surface of the bolster and the template according to the bottom should be no more than 6 mm. Clearance from above is not allowed.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

9.5.5 For scheduled types of repairs, it is allowed to weld cracks (1 - 8) of bolsters according to Figure 9.1 in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars" TsV 201-98. The total total length of cracks in the thrust bearing is allowed no more than 250 mm, if the cracks are annular discontinuous, located in different sectors, at a distance from the center not closer than 80 mm.

9.5.6 For all types of repairs, it is allowed:

Welding of cracks in the corners between the restrictive collars (defect 9, Figure 9.1) and the inclined plane;

Surfacing of worn collars with a remaining thickness of at least 10 mm;

Surfacing or welding of thrust ribs (defect 10, Figure 9.1);

Welding of longitudinal cracks of an inclined plane (defect 8, Figure 9.1) that do not extend to the restrictive collars.

9.5.7 During depot repairs, the distance between the restrictive collars for the friction wedge (“e” Figure 9.5 and Table 9.9) with wear of more than 144 mm is restored by surfacing to the drawing dimensions.

During a major overhaul, the distance between the restrictive collars (“e” Figure 9.5 and Table 9.9) is restored to the drawing dimensions.

9.6 Repair of bolster bearings.

9.6.1 Wear, cracks, cracks in the side bearings shall be repaired by welding in accordance with the “Typical technological process for the repair of car side bearings” TK-230 PKB TsV.

9.6.2 Remove the bearing cap shown in figure 9.2. The faulty side bearing base is repaired by welding in accordance with Instruction TsV 201-98. The worn support surface is restored by surfacing to the drawing dimensions, followed by machining.

9.6.3 During the overhaul, new bearing caps are installed according to the drawings of Design Bureau TsV JSC Russian Railways M 1698.01.100 SB with gasket M 1698.01.102 with a hardness of 270 ... 370 HB. Bearer caps on the car must be of the same model. During depot repairs, it is allowed to install bearing caps according to drawings M 1698.01.100SB with uneven maximum wear of the flat supporting surface up to 2 mm. When worn more than 2 mm, the bearing cap is replaced with a new one.

9.6.4 Repair of allowable cracks in the base of the bearing support, from technological windows along the beam on inclined planes, on the bearing surface of the thrust bearing, to be carried out according to the requirements of "Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars" TsV 201-98.

(1); (2); (3) - cracks supporting surfaces thrust bearing places.

(4) - longitudinal cracks top belts.

(5) - wear holes for productions kingpin.

(6) - wear internal and outdoor collars thrust bearing places.

(7) - cracks lateral supports slipper.

(8) - cracks oblique plane.

(9) - cracks in corners between restrictive piles and oblique plane.

(10) - wear stubborn ribs, limiting springs.

Note - cracks, located to longitudinal axes beams under angle more 30? relate to transverse, under angle less 30? - to longitudinal.

Picture 9 .1 - Defects bolster beams

1 - cap slipper; 2 - through bolt; 3 - spring washer; 4 - screw; 5 - cotter pin; 6 - pad

Picture 9 .2 Fastening cap slipper carts models 18 -100

9.7 Repair of bearings of the elastic-roller type of the bolster, fig. 578.00.020-0 SB FSUE "PO UVZ".

9.7.1 Elastic roller bearing, fig. 578.00.020-0 SB FSUE "PO UVZ" is installed on the bolster and is shown in Figure 9.3. The slider consists of a body 1, an elastic element (damper) 2, a cap 3, an insert 4 and a roller 5.

The barrel-shaped damper 2 is made of a polymeric material and is installed in a cast housing.

A cap 3 made of wear-resistant material is installed on the damper, which is in constant contact with the mating part of the side bearing located on the pivot beam of the car frame.

Roller 5, mounted on the tread surface (liner) 4 inside the body 1, serves as a deflection limiter of the damper 2.

At the points of contact of the cap 3 with the body 1, two replaceable wear-resistant elements b are installed, made of low-alloy steel 30KhGSA with a hardness of 255 ... 341 HB with a thickness of 4 mm.

The sliders are installed on the support pads of the bolster. The bearings are fastened with bolts 7 and lock washers 8.

9.7.2 Technical requirements to the elastic-roller bearing are given in table 9.8.

9.7.3 In the event of planned repairs, repair or restoration of parts of the side bearing by welding and surfacing is not allowed. Repair is carried out only by replacing the bearing parts with new ones.

9.7.4 During depot repairs, it is allowed to install bearing parts with wear and tear specified in Table 9.8 and corresponding to the requirements that determine the limit state.

During a major overhaul, parts of the side bearing with wear or damage are replaced with new ones that meet the requirements specified in Table 9.8.

9.7.5 During the depot repair, replace the contact plate of the side bearing on the car body with a maximum wear of 1 mm with a new one.

During the overhaul, the contact plate of the side bearing on the car body should be replaced with a new one.

9.8 During the depot repair, the kingpins with wear in diameter of more than 3 mm shall be restored by surfacing in accordance with Instruction TsV 201-98, followed by machining to the drawing dimensions. The upper part of the king pin is processed according to the drawing of Design Bureau TsV according to Figure 9.4.

All types of wagons must have king pins 440 ± 3 mm long.

Table 9.8

Parameter name

Technical requirements or dimensions, mm

Directions for use in DR

during manufacture and or during CR

determining the limit state

Dimension "A" from the roller to the bearing surface of the cap, mm

In the free state;


Under container


damper height

Cracks and breaks in the damper

not allowed

integrity defect

broken, not repairable

Roller wear, mm

not allowed

2 mm per side

broken, not repairable

Wear of the bearing surface of the cap, mm

a part made of HF is rejected, not subject to repair, made of steel - to be repaired

The holes of the thrust bearing of the bolster under the king pin should be 54 +2 -1 mm during the overhaul, and not more than 60 mm during the depot.

9.9 During the overhaul, the pivots that have mechanical damage, bends or contributions, should be replaced with new ones.

During depot repairs, kingpins with bends of no more than 5 mm are allowed to be straightened in a heated state to drawing dimensions.

9.10 It is allowed to weld developed holes in the bracket of the “dead spot” holder.

9.11 When assembling the bogie, check the dimensions of the bolster shown in Figure 9.5, which must correspond to the dimensions indicated in Table 9.9.

* the size under container wagon

1 - frame; 2 - damper; 3 - cap; 4 - insert; 5 - video clip; 6 - removable wear-resistant element; 7 - bolt M24-6 g?50,46 GOST 7798-70; 8 - washer 24 GOST 13463-77; pad adjusting; 10 - bolster beam.

Picture 9 .3 slipper elastically-ice rink type

Drawing 578 .00 .020 -0SB FSUE "ON UVZ"

1 . * - The size for references

2 . Material: A circle

3 . Allowed turmoil ends not more on the length 50 mm.

Picture 9 .4 kingpin

Table 9.9

9.12 When the bogie is rolled under the wagon, a lubricant weighing up to 100 g of the KTSM type for sliding bearings of railway rolling stock TU 0254-110-01124328-2000 is put into the thrust bearing in accordance with the requirements of VNIIZhT. By agreement with the CV, it is allowed to use GOST 3333-80 graphite grease, GOST 1033-79 grease with the addition of GOST 8295-73 lubricating graphite and other lubricants.

9.13 Defects in the connecting beam of a four-axle bogie that are allowed to be repaired during scheduled repairs are shown in Figure 9.6.

Repair of connecting beams of bogies model 18-101 is carried out in accordance with the "Typical technological process for the repair of the connecting beam of a four-axle bogie" TK-232 PKB TsV.

1 . * Difference sizes A 1 and A 2 not more 5 mm.

2 . ** AT brackets - dimensions for beams, made before 1986 of the year with depth thrust bearing at manufacturing 25 +1 -2 mm .

Picture 9 .5 Dimensions bolster beams cargo carts Maud. 18 -100 at them manufacturing and capital repair

(1) - cracks on zone welded seam welding lower sheet to Pyatnikova casting

(2) - cracks on main metal with one sides Pyatnikova castings (relatively longitudinal axes)

(3) - Crack welded seam, connecting sheet lower and fender liner slipper

(4) - kink bracket

(5) - cracks top parts Pyatnikova castings with one sides

(6) - cracks in zone welded seam welding sheet top to Pyatnikova stove

(7) - Crack top sheet beams regardless from length

(8) - cracks with bottom sides Pyatnikova plates

(9) - cracks on welded seams welding internal central diaphragm

(10) - Crack welded seam bracket torsoand she

(11) - Crack bracket

(12) - Wear holes bracketa

(13) - Wear supporting surfaces Friday

(14) - Wear stubborn surfaces Friday

(15) - Wear stubborn surfaces thrust bearing

(16) - Wear supporting surfaces thrust bearing

(17) - Wear central chippedzunov

(18) - Wear extreme slippers

Picture 9 .6 Defects in connective beam, allowed repair at planned types repair


10.1 The bogie vibration damper assembly consists of a composite friction bar, a friction wedge and an inclined surface of the bolster.

10.1.1 Repair of the inclined surface of the bolster is described in section 9 of this manual.

10.1.2 In the event of planned repairs, a wedge (Figure 10.1) made of SCH 25 grade cast iron according to drawing M1698.00.002 PKB TsV is installed in the friction assembly.

The installation of steel friction wedges is prohibited.

Cracks in the wedge stiffeners are not allowed.

During a major overhaul, install new cast-iron wedges, and during a depot repair, it is allowed to install a cast-iron wedge with a total wear of the inclined and vertical planes of the wedge up to 3 mm, but not more than 2 mm on one of the sides.

10.2 To control the dimensions and profile of the working surfaces of the wedge, a template according to fig. T 914-09 PKB TsV or template T 914.20 PKB TsV.

10.3 It is allowed, at the direction of the Central Executive Committee of Russian Railways, to install wedges with removable elements (polyurethane or others) in accordance with the current regulatory documentation.

When overhauling, install new cast-iron wedges with new wear-resistant polyurethane linings.

During depot repairs, it is allowed to install a cast-iron wedge with wear vertical plane up to 2 mm, not having cracks, spalls or other defects.

It is not allowed to install a wear-resistant polyurethane lining that has cracks, chips or other damage.

10.4 During a major overhaul, the friction bars are replaced with new components according to the project M 1698 PKB TsV.

10.5 During depot repairs, friction strips with cracks, spalls and contributions are replaced with new ones according to project M 1698 PKB TsV. It is allowed to install a fixed friction bar 10 mm thick with a wear of 1.5 mm on the surface interacting with the movable bar. It is allowed to install a movable friction bar with a total wear along the thickness of 2 mm, but not more than 1.5 mm on one side.

The measurement should be made from the unworn surface of the friction bar in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Guiding document "Methodology for measuring the bolster, side frames, springs and spring set during scheduled repairs of bogies 18-100" RD 32 TsV 050-2005.

Dimensions frictional wedge cargo carts Maud. 18 -100 at manufacturing

Picture 10 .1 Wedge drawing M 1698 .00 .002 PKB CV

1 - frame lateral; 2 - plank friction; 3 - rivet; 4 - sleeve

Picture 10 .2

10.6 Fixed friction bumps in the vertical plane should not be parallel, the distance between the bars to the bottom should increase by 4 ... 10 mm according to figures 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 10.2. The difference in dimensions Г at points Zh, dimensions D at points Z is not more than 3 mm. The size control E is determined by the half-difference between the sizes G and D at points G and Z.

Dimension D with a friction strip thickness of 10 mm - not less than 642 mm.

Dimension D with a friction strip thickness of 16 mm - not less than 630 mm.

Friction strips riveted to the platforms must fit snugly against them, while it is allowed:

Between mating surfaces (between rivets) local density is not more than 1 mm;

In the area of ​​the rivet heads, there is a local clearance of 1/3 of the circumference of the rivet head, when checking which the probe of 1 mm should not reach the rivet shaft;

The drop of the rivet head relative to the plank plane is not more than 2 mm.

Rivets must not protrude work surface planks. If there is a protrusion, it should be cleaned flush with the surface of the plank.

Non-parallelism of friction bars in the horizontal plane is not more than 3 mm.

10.7 Before starting riveting, the surface of the side frame adjacent to the surface of the friction bar may be cleaned with a grinder to ensure a tight fit of the friction bar to the mating surface. The machined surface must match and widen at the bottom of each mating surface from 2 to 5 mm. The dimensions of the opening in the upper part should be 668 -6 mm.

10.8 When installing and fastening the fixed bar, drawing M 1698.02.001, the holes in the side frame for rivets should be 21 + 0.84 mm in diameter. Planks are fastened with countersunk head rivets 20 mm in diameter according to GOST 10300-80. For fastening a friction strip 10 mm thick, the length of the rivet is 58 mm. Hot riveting force must be at least 25 tf. The heating temperature of the rivet should be in the range of 1050 ... 1100 °C. Heating is recommended to be carried out in coal, gas or electric furnaces.

10.9 Fixed friction bars 10 mm thick with one or more loose rivets are riveted.

It is forbidden to weld, tighten and caulk loose rivets of friction bars, they must be replaced with new ones.

It is forbidden to release from repair side frames with friction strips welded by electric welding.


11.1 The springs are removed from the cart, regardless of the technical condition, cleaned and inspected.

During depot repairs, the diameter of the bars, the number of turns, and the height of the spring in the free state are controlled.

When overhauling, install springs that have been tested in accordance with the test procedure approved by the Ministry of Railways.

Springs with defects:

Breaks, spalls, coil cracks;

Abrasion, corroded damage of more than 10% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the turns;

Displacement of support coils;

Reducing the height of the spring below the set value shown in Figure 11.1 for installation in a spring set for all types of repairs is not allowed.

Springs newly manufactured by enterprises must comply with GOST 1452 with a mandatory heat treatment and hardening by work hardening with shot.

Permissible spring sizes are shown in table 11.1.

Table 11.1.

Note: 1. *Size for reference;

2. Springs with a diameter of 21 mm have been produced since 1989.

(1) - kinks, spalls, cracks turns

(2) - frayed, corroded damage more 10 % area sections turns

(3) - bias support turns

(4) - decrease heights springs less wearilyvenous quantities

Picture 11 .1 Springs with indicated defects subject to rejection.

11.2 Control technical parameters springs must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Methodology for measuring the bolster, side frames, springs and spring set during scheduled repairs of bogies 18-100" RD 32 TsV 050-2005.

11.3 It is forbidden to install springs in one set with a height difference of more than 4 mm. In the case of a mixed set of springs with a bar diameter of 19 mm or 21 mm, the number of them in the set on both sides of the trolley must be the same and symmetrically located (opposite each other). Of the springs selected for the spring set, the springs with the highest height are installed under the friction wedges.

During the overhaul, springs with a bar diameter of 21 mm are installed.

11.4 On the side surface of the supporting coil of the springs, the following marking is applied:

Conditional number of the enterprise - manufacturer;

Year and month of manufacture (acceptance);

Steel grade (steel grades 55C2, 60C2, 55C2A, 60CC2A may not be applied).

Marking signs are applied with a depth of not more than 2 mm by stamping or in another way, taking into account the safety of signs throughout the entire life of the spring.

11.5 Other requirements for springs are specified in GOST 1452-2003.


12.1 At the bogie repair site, perform the following work:

Remove parts and assemblies of brake equipment from the trolley;

Determine the scope of repair of parts and assemblies of braking equipment;

Transfer the brake units and parts of the bogie for repair to the appropriate positions;

Assemble serviceable brake parts and assemblies on the repaired bogie frame.

12.2 Repair of parts of the brake equipment of the bogie should be carried out in accordance with the "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-945.


13.1 Welding and surfacing work on bolsters, side frames and other parts of bogies is carried out in accordance with the Instructions developed by VNIIZhT: TsV 201-98, TI-05-01-06 / NB, TI-05-02 / 01B at special welding positions equipped with tilters, electric welding and gas welding equipment and other devices.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

13.2 Surfaces of parts are subjected to surfacing for subsequent machine or machining to drawing dimensions.

13.3 Surfacing of the restorable surfaces of bogie parts is carried out with wear-resistant welding materials:

13.3.1 Wear-resistant submerged arc welding:

Welding wire brand Sv-10KhG2SMF TU 0805-001-18486807-99;

Flux AN-348A, AN-60 GOST 9087-69, FK N-7;

13.3.2 Mechanized or automatic surfacing in shielding gas:

Cored wire grade PP-AN180MN TU 127400-002-70182818-05 or welding wire grade Sv-10KhG2SMF TU 0805-001-1848680-99;

Welding carbon dioxide grade 1 GOST 8050-78 or food grade carbon dioxide, provided that gas dryers based on silica gel type are used;

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

13.3.3 (Deleted, Rev. No. 6).

13.3.4 Manual welding with coated electrodes:

Electrodes brand ANP-13 TU 1272-035-01124328-96;

13.3.5 It is allowed to use other grades of surfacing materials that provide a hardness of 240 ... 340 HB during surfacing, if they are provided for by the regulatory technical documentation approved by VNIIZhT and approved in the prescribed manner.

13.4 For the repair of parts by welding and surfacing without requirements for wear resistance, the following welding consumables are used:

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

13.4.1 Manual welding:

Electrodes type E-50 A brand UONI-13/55 GOST 9467-75;

13.4.2 Mechanized welding:

Welding wire brand Sv-08G2S GOST 2246-70;

Welding carbon dioxide grade 1 GOST 8050-78.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

13.5 Machining of deposited surfaces and welded seams is carried out on specialized machines, milling, drilling and planing machines equipped with additional devices.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

13.6 Welding and surfacing work on connecting beams of four-axle bogies is carried out according to the technology provided for by the "Typical technological process for the repair of a connecting beam of a four-axle bogie" TK-232 Part I, II, III.

13.7 Workplaces for the production of surfacing and welding should be equipped with tilters, rotators, lifting equipment and local exhaust ventilation.


14.1 Repaired and completed units and parts of bogies, checked by foremen, foremen, car inspectors, and at car repair plants accepted by employees of the technical control department, inspectors-acceptors, are received for assembly.

142 At car building plants, car bogies are assembled from new components and parts that have passed control for compliance with their manufacturing specifications.

14.3 Two-axle bogie model 18-100 is assembled in the reverse order in accordance with figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.3;

the bolster 19 is installed on the lift-rotator, the sidewalls 30 are pushed onto the beam with the help of special devices or, using a crane beam, are hung on the ends of the bolster;

install on the side of the frame complete springs 21, friction wedges 20 on the highest springs, lower the bolster on the spring-friction spring set;

then, in the grooves of the brake shoes 17, it is necessary to install repaired or new suspensions 3, hang the triangels 1 on the bogie frame;

install brackets, put rollers 11, 14, 16, washers on them, pin the rollers with cotter pins 13, 15, spread the ends of the cotter pins at an angle of 90 °;

install vertical levers 5 and connect them to triangels 1 with rollers 11 with washers and cotter pins;

connect the vertical levers with the dead center earring by inserting the roller and installing the washer and cotter pin. Split pin;

install brake pads 17, insert the brake pad pins into the bridges of the brake shoes and pads;

install the expansion rod, connect the vertical levers with the expansion rod, put the rollers, washers, cotter pins;

install bearing caps 33, insert bolt 32, washer 31, fasten the bolt with nut 29, install and spread the cotter pin;

install the support beam 34 on rubber-metal sets 26, adjusting strips 28 and contact 27, install bolt 25, washer 24, nut 23.

The support beam after installation on the trolley must move freely in the grooves of the side frames. It is allowed to set the slats of the adjusting positions. 28 to adjust the gap between the contact strip pos. 27 and the auto mode stop when rolling the bogie under the car. Installation of cotter pins pos. 23 to be carried out after the automatic brake is released.

14.4 The assembly of the two-axle bogie model 18-578 is carried out in the same way as the bogie model 18-100, only this bogie is fitted with a bolster according to drawing 578.00.010-0 SB FSUE "PO UVZ" with housings for elastic-roller bearings. Then the elastic-roller bearings are assembled, shown in Figure 9.3

14.5 When assembling a four-axle bogie, linkages of two two-axle bogies are connected with a lower link, a connecting beam is installed on the bearings of the two-axle bogies, and a kingpin is installed. When assembling the upper link and vertical levers of the brake linkage, the rollers, washers, cotter pins are installed according to the requirements of the "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-945.

14.6 Wheelsets with axle boxes rolled under the bogie frame must comply with the requirements of the Instructions for the Inspection, Repair, Survey and Formation of Wheelsets TsV/3429 and the Guidelines for the Operation and Repair of Carriage axleboxes with roller bearings 3-TsVRK.

When releasing freight cars from overhaul and overhaul with modernization in order to extend the service life, ensure the rolling of wheel sets with a wheel rim thickness of at least 40 mm.

14.7 When assembling a four-axle bogie, after installing the connecting beam, check the gap between the lower surfaces of the beam and the axles of the inner wheelsets of the bogies. This distance must be at least 85 mm at each end of the beam. The measurement is to be made under the container of the car after rolling the bogie.

One two-axle bogie has more than 20 mm;

Two two-axle bogies have more than 40 mm;

One four-axle bogie has more than 20 mm. In this case, wheelsets with smaller wheel diameters should be turned inside the bogie;

Two four-axle bogies have more than 40 mm.

14.9 The total clearance between the guides of the side frame of the bogie and the body of one box must be:


15.1 An intermediate check of the quality of the repair should be subjected to:

Wheel pairs rolled under the cart (performed by the heads of the wheel section, workshop);

Axlebox units of wheel pairs rolled under the bogie (performed by the heads of the area for repair and assembly of axleboxes with roller bearings);

Connecting beams of four-axle bogies;

Bolster beams;

Side frames of bogies with friction bars; friction wedges;

Springs and their accessories;

Details of the brake linkage.

15.2 Checking the quality of repairs should be carried out by foremen, foremen, car inspectors, heads of car repair enterprises, and at factories, employees of the technical control department and the factory laboratory.

15.3 The quality of the repair is determined visually and using templates T 914 PKB TsV "Album of drawings of measuring instruments and SDK parameters of freight car bogies" and other measuring instruments.


16.1 Brands and markings must be installed on the trolley parts after completion repair work, their acceptance by section managers and the wagon inspector at the depot, QCD employees and the inspector-acceptor at the plant.

16.2 Stamps (codes) should be applied to each sidewall of the bogie in the area from the beginning of the tide above the acceptance marks in accordance with the "Methodology for stamping state ownership on the components of wagons" 1995, Figure 16.1.

16.3 Places of branding of the enterprise that carried out the repair are shown in Figure 16.1 and in the "Tensile test method" No. 656-2000, PKB TsV Ministry of Railways of Russia.

Place marking bolster beams carts after repair

Place marking side frames carts after repair

Picture 16 .1 Places productions stigma enterprises, producing repair.


17.1 Painting of carts should be carried out on surfaces cleaned of exfoliated rust, decayed old paint, slag, scale, grease and other types of contamination.

17.2 paints and varnishes used for painting carts (enamels, paints) must comply with standards and specifications.

17.3 The surfaces of the trolley parts to be painted must be dry.

17.4 During the overhaul, the bogies are completely painted, and during the depot - only in places with damaged paint.

17.5 Primers for carts can be:

Enamels PF-115, PF-133;

Oil paints GS-1, GS-2 GOST 6586.

The same materials and their substitutes are also applicable for painting carts.

17.6 Wheelsets are painted in accordance with the Instructions for the Inspection, Survey, Repair and Formation of Carriage Wheelsets TsV/3429. Axlebox housings are painted in accordance with the "Guidelines for the operation and repair of wagon axleboxes with roller bearings" 3-TsVRK.

On the rims of wheel pairs, the presence of paint is not allowed.

17.7 Inscriptions on the parts of the trolley should be applied with oil paints only using stencils with filling in the places where letters and numbers break. All lettering is inked. white color- on the upper surfaces of the side frames in the center and on the upper surface at both ends of the bolster after the depot repair, the first and last three digits of the car number, and after the overhaul and construction - the year of the overhaul and construction, the number of the car repair enterprise or manufacturer, the first and last three digits of the car number are figures 17.1 and 17.2.

17.8 On bogies that are found fit after repair with the installation of wear-resistant elements, the letters “PM” are stamped, 70 mm high, which are applied with white paint in a rectangle (100 × 100 mm) on the upper chord of the cantilever part of the bolster and the side frames of the bogie next to the marks about production of planned types of repairs, figures 17.1 and 17.2.

An example of a stencil inscription applied with oil paint:

1. stencil applied during the overhaul and construction of the car

93 - the year of the overhaul or the year the car was built

12 - number of the car repair company or the car manufacturer

6 - the first digit of the car number

546 - the last three digits of the car number

2. stencil applied during the depot repair of the car

4 - the first digit of the car number

563 - the last three digits of the car number.

Picture 17 .1 MYesta drawing stencils oily paint on the bolster beam

Picture 17.2 Places drawing stencil on the side frame carts after planned species repair


18.1 The output control of the repaired bogies is to be carried out at the end of the planned type of repair and after rolling under the car with a mandatory entry in the "Guidelines on the procedure for maintaining the log of acceptance of repaired bogies of freight cars of the form VU-32".

18.2 When all freight cars are released from planned types of repairs, the repaired bogies must be equipped with bolsters and side frames that ensure the operation of the car until the next scheduled repair or its exclusion from the inventory by service life, ensuring the service life of the side frames and bolsters during this period of car operation 30 years inclusive.

18.3 The selection of side frames and bolsters (elements) in the bogie shall be carried out according to age groups, depending on the requirements for the elements for the period of validity of the "Standards for the Calculation and Design of 1 520 mm Gauge Railway Cars of the Ministry of Railways" (non-self-propelled) (hereinafter referred to as "Norms") M. GosNIIV - VNIIZhT:

Bogies of the zero group, built since 1997, meet the requirements of the "Norms" edition of 1996;

Bogies of the first group, built from 1985 to 1996, meeting the requirements of the "Norms" edition of 1983;

Bogies of the second group, built from 1974 to 1984, meet the requirements of the "Norms" edition of 1972;

Bogies of the third group, built before 1974, meet the requirements of the "Norms" of the 1969 edition.

It is allowed in each strength group of bogies to select elements from other strength groups, while the number of the age group of the bogie must be set according to the element that has the earliest production period.

18.4 After assembling and rolling a bogie model 18-100 under the car, at least one friction wedge may be overestimated relative to the lower bearing surface of the bolster by no more than 2 mm, and underestimated by no more than 12 mm during depot repairs (Figure 18.1). During a major overhaul, the friction wedges of one spring suspension must be lowered relative to the lower bearing surface of the bolster by 4–12 mm. Size is defined as average value measurements of the levels of the right and left wedges of the spring set relative to the support plane of the bolster. The wedge must be in contact with the bolster over the entire sloping surface.

a - length grounds (completeness) frictional wedge;

B - distance between frictional wedges;

AT - the size base for definitions wear oblique surfaces;

?U" - overstatement or understatement left wedge;

?U" - overstatement or understatement right wedge;

Picture 18 .1 Mutual location bolster beams and friction wedges.

Full contact of the edges of the ribs of the bolster pockets with the thrust surfaces of the wedges is allowed only on one of the two adjacent wedges on each side of the bogie.

18.5 The trolley must be equipped with side frames, with a base difference of no more than 2 mm.

18.6 Exit control is subjected to all bogies on which wear-resistant elements are installed.

18.6.1 At the same time, check:

Attachment of the fixed friction bar to the mating surface of the side frame. Local gaps are allowed no more than 1 mm;

Attachment of the movable bar to the fixed one. Local gaps are allowed no more than 1 mm;

The fit of the interchangeable gasket on the bearing surface of the box. Local gaps are allowed no more than 1 mm;

The total clearance in the axle box opening along the bogie:

During depot repair - 5 ... 14 mm

During major repairs - 5 ... 12 mm;

The total clearance in the axle box opening across the bogie:

During depot repairs - 5 ... 13 mm,

During major repairs - 5 ... 11 mm;

18.7 During the overhaul, new ones are installed:

Composite friction bars (movable and fixed);

Cast iron wedges;

Wear resistant pads.

18.8 During depot repairs it is allowed:

Installation of a fixed friction bar with a maximum wear of 1.5 mm of the surface interacting with the movable bar;

Installation of a movable friction bar with a maximum total wear in thickness (on both sides) up to 2 mm, but not more than 1.5 mm on one side;

Installation of a cast-iron wedge with total wear (inclined and vertical planes) up to 3 mm, but not more than 2 mm on one of the sides;

Installation of a wear-resistant gasket with mechanical fastening to the bearing surface in the pedestal opening of the side frame with a wear-resistant plate with maximum uneven wear of the bearing surface relative to its unworn part up to 2 mm;

Installing the gasket in the thrust bearing with a chamfer down with a total wear in thickness (on both sides) up to 2 mm, but not more than 1.5 mm on one side.

18.9 The gap between the bogie bearings and the car frame in total on both sides of each end of the car must be at least 6 mm and not more than 16 mm for all types of four-axle cars, except for tanks, hopper cars for grain, cement, mineral fertilizers, pellets, hoppers - dosers TsNII-DVZ, the gaps in which, during planned types of repairs, should be within 4 - 10 mm, and for hoppers of other types and dump cars, the gap between the bearings should be within 6 - 12 mm.

The absence of gaps between diagonal bearings is not allowed. The value of the total diagonal gap must be at least 6 mm.

To adjust the gaps, adjusting shims made of sheet steel with a thickness of 1.5 - 3.0 mm are used in an amount of not more than four.

18.10 The gaps in the side bearings when assembling a four-axle bogie model 18-101 between the side bearings of the connecting beam and the caps of the bolster side bearings of the bogies in total on both sides of each bogie are allowed within 4 - 10 mm. When bogies are rolled under the car, the gap between the car frame side bearings and the bogie connecting beam in total on both sides of each end of the car must be no more than 12 mm and no less than 4 mm.

During a major overhaul, the gaps, respectively, should be within 5 - 10 mm and 4 - 10 mm.

18.11 When assembling and rolling a bogie model 18-578 (with elastic-roller side bearings) under the car, the gaps between the roller and the side bearing are adjusted in accordance with clause 9.7 of this Guide.

18.12 The side frame must rest firmly on the axlebox housings; local gaps of no more than 1 mm are allowed.

18.13 The side frames of the cart must have the same or with a difference of 2 mm base, which is determined by the template during assembly and recorded in the log by the persons who carried out the assembly.

18.14 The total clearance between the guides of the side frame of the bogie and the body of one box must be:

During depot repairs - along the bogie from 5 mm to 14 mm, and across from 5 mm to 13 mm;

During major repairs - along the trolley from 5 mm to 12 mm, and across from 5 mm to 11 mm.

18.15 Check the presence of codes of belonging to the state - the owner on the cast parts of the bogie on the frame of the car.

18.16 Details of the brake linkage of the bogie must comply with the requirements of the "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-945.

18.17 When car repair enterprises are equipped with automated stands, the acceptance of freight car bogies for planned types of repairs is carried out based on the technical capabilities of the stands with compulsory registration parameters (sizes) in special magazines.


19.1 It is allowed to exclude cast parts of bogies from marriage and send them to scrap metal in car depots and car repair plants

19.2 Cast parts are rejected in the following cases:

Side frames in the presence of cracks that cannot be repaired, regardless of size;

With a service life of more than 30 years (except for those for which the service life has been extended);

Bolsters - if equipped:

Service life of more than 30 years (except for those for which the service life is extended);

Cracks in the lower and vertical walls of the beam;

Cracks on the thrust bearing with a total total length of more than 250 mm;

Cracks from technological holes along the axis with a length of more than 250 mm each.

Rejection of cast parts is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Technological Instructions" specified in clause 6.1.

19.3 Cast parts of bogies and connecting beams of four-axle bogies are excluded from scrap metal by a commission consisting of:

In carriage depots - chief, deputy. chief (senior foreman), wagon inspector and foreman;

At car repair plants - the Chief Engineer, the head of the Quality Control Department and the head of the bogie workshop.

19.4 The exclusion of cast parts of the trolley is drawn up by an act, in accordance with Appendix B.

19.5 Connecting beams are subject to exclusion into scrap metal in the presence of faults more than permissible, given in the "Typical technological process for the repair of the connecting beam of a four-axle bogie" TK-232 PKB TsV.


20.1 Car repair enterprises repairing freight car bogies in accordance with this Guide RD 32 TsV 052-2005, with the Guiding document "Repair of freight car bogies model 18-100 with the installation of wear-resistant elements in friction units" RD 32 TsV 072-2005, with the Guiding document “Repair of bogies model 18-578 with elastic-roller side bearings of freight cars” RD 32 TsV 082-2006, bear warranty liability until the next scheduled repair, counting from the date of signing the notice of completion of the repair of the car of the VU-36 form.

20.2 For freight car bogies that have not passed the warranty period, acts are drawn up - reclamations of the VU-41 form in the manner established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia or Russian Railways


21.1 The technical maintenance of the car on bogies with wear-resistant elements in operation is determined by the "Instruction for the car inspector" TsV-TsL-408.

21.2 It is forbidden to place bogies under the wagon with wear-resistant elements that are damaged:

Cast iron friction wedge with cracks, breaks, spalls;

Composite friction bars in the friction assembly of the vibration damper with kinks, cracks, spalls;

Replaceable gaskets in the axle box opening with kinks, cracks, mechanical damage, spalls.


Name of equipment and fixtures

Model, type, drawing

1 Crane

Carrying capacity 1 tf

Home made or purchased

2 grinder

IP-2014 TU 22-166-30-91

Surfacing of the outer shoulder of the bolster thrust bearing

3 Universal station for mechanized and manual welding, surfacing and cutting with a welding rotator

PDGO 5010 U3.1,

Surfacing of the bearing surface and the inner shoulder of the thrust bearing, inclined planes of the bolster

4 Surfacing installation or universal station for mechanized and manual welding, surfacing and cutting with a tilter

UN-2 or PDGO 5010 U3.1 tilter with a longitudinal axis of rotation

LLC "Transport Welding", Moscow or own. manufacturing

Machining of the bolster bearing

5 Bearing machine

LLC "Transport Welding", Moscow

Machining inclined surfaces of the bolster

6 Machine for processing inclined planes

LLC "Transport Welding", Moscow

Surfacing of thrust surfaces of the side frame

7 Universal station for mechanized and manual welding, surfacing and cutting with tilter

PDGO 5010 U3.1 tilter with horizontal axis of rotation

LLC "Transport Welding", Moscow

Mechanical processing of the axle box opening of the side frame

8 Machine for processing the axle box opening of the side frame

LLC "Transport Welding", Moscow

Surfacing of the axle box body

9 Complex area for mechanized restoration by hardfacing of worn surfaces of axle boxes of freight cars

PDGO 5010 U3.1 02.00.00SB

LLC "Transport Welding", Moscow

Axlebox housing machining

10 Horizontal milling machine

Optional equipment

11 Double spindle milling machine

12 Single-support planer

13 Peeling and grinding machine

14 Drilling machine

15 Radial drilling machine

16 Lathe

17 Tool for removing and setting rivets

On the basis of Guideline RD 32 052-2005 section 21, these components of freight car bogies are rejected and are subject to shipment for scrap metal.

Signatures _________________________________________________________________


List of templates used in the repair of freight car bogies

Table B.1

Name and purpose

Drawing number

Checked, allowed dimensions

Thrust bar

Thrust diameter control. Thickness control of the outer collar of the thrust bearing. Inner bead thickness control


Control of the outer diameter of the inner shoulder and kingpin holes

Thrust bar

Thrust bearing depth control

NP Template

Prism support surface size control (fullness)

Control of the angle of inclination of the lateral surfaces of the prism

Guide Collar Template

Т 914.007 or caliper ШЦ-ШО-400 GOST 166-89

Dimension control between guide collars


Bearing length and width control


Bearer height control

Box opening template

vernier caliper ШШШ-ШО-400 is allowed

Checking the width of the axle box opening and the width of the axle guides

Base gauge

Side frame base size control

Stangen FP

Size control between friction bars. Control of expansion and control of wear of friction strips

Control of the difference in dimensions from the plane of installation of the friction bar to the inner plane of the outer jaw

Checking the fit of the friction bars

Friction wedge template

Control of the length of the base (fullness) of the friction wedge and control of the angle of 90°, control of the angle of 45°, wear of the inclined and vertical planes of the wedge


Thickness control vertical wall wedge

Magnifying glass quadruple magnification


GOST 25706-83

Spring Surface Inspection

Measuring ruler 300

Free spring height control

Gauge-cork or gauge-glass


Control of inner diameter of outer springs, control of outer diameter of inner springs


Monitoring the difference between the minimum and maximum spring pitch


GOST 3449-77 or measuring ruler - 300

Checking the perpendicularity of the supporting surfaces of the spring with respect to the axis


Determining the position of the wedge relative to the bolster in the ICP


Determining the position of the wedge relative to the supporting surface of the bolster in operation

Template for checking the allowable wear of the pedestal opening during CR and DR

Universal template

Control of permissible dimensions of the friction wedge TU 32 TsV 2505-2000 (unchanged)


Measuring gaps between bearings

Control of the width of the axle box guides TU 32 CB 2018-95


Control of box body dimensions TU 32 TsV 2503-2000


T 1354 or metal measuring ruler 1000 mm

Determination of the asymmetry of the guide shoulders of the prism

Notese. The procedure for performing measurements is set out in the technical specifications for the manufacture of templates, as well as in the governing document: “Methodology for measuring the bolster, side frames, springs and spring set during scheduled repairs of bogies 18-100” RD 32 TsV 050-2005.


List of regulatory documents that are in force simultaneously with this Guide

Table D.1



Approval date

1 Two-axle bogies for freight cars of 1520 (1524) mm gauge mainline railways. Specifications

GOST 9246-79

2 Spring of a spring set

GOST 1452-2003

3 Rivets with semi-countersunk head accuracy classes B and C

GOST 10300-80

4 Instructions to the wagon inspector

5 Guidelines for the depot repair of 1520 mm gauge freight cars

6 Guidelines for the Overhaul of 1 520 mm Gauge Freight Wagons

7 Instructions for the inspection, survey, repair and formation of car wheelsets

8 Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of wagons

9 Operating Instructions for Railway Rolling Stock Brakes


10 Typical workflow for the repair of the connecting beam of a four-axle bogie

TK-232 PKB TsV

11 Technological instruction for the repair by welding of inclined planes of the bolster of the TsNII-KhZ bogie model 18-100

No. 542 PKB TsV

12 Typical technological process of depot repair of freight car bogies

13 Friction wedge test template

heck. T 914.09.000 PKB TsV

14 Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of freight cars

15 Guidelines for the operation and repair of carriage axle boxes with roller bearings, with amendments and additions

3-TsVRK 32 TsV-TsL-VNIIZhT-11.00.01-25/01-2003

16 Installation of wear elements in the units of the bogie model 18-100 for scheduled repairs

17 Typical workflow for the repair of bearings

18 A set of documents for a typical technological process for the repair of a center plate - center plate assembly


19 Triangel for linkage of freight car bogies

R001 PKB TsB-97 RK

20 Non-destructive testing of car parts. General provisions

RD 32 174-2001

21 Ferroprobe method of non-destructive testing

RD 32 149-2000

22 Vortex method for non-destructive testing of car parts

RD 32 150-2000

23 Magnetic particle method for non-destructive testing of parts of freight and passenger cars

RD 32 159-2000

24 Tensile test procedure. Details of freight and passenger cars

No. 656-2000 PKB TsV Ministry of Railways of Russia

25 "Norms for the calculation and design of railway carriages of the Ministry of Railways of the 1520 mm gauge" (non-self-propelled)

Edition 1996 Moscow


26 "Methodology for measuring the bolster, side frames, springs and spring kit during scheduled repairs of bogies 18-100"

RD 32 TsV 050-2005

27 Industry standard. Two-axle bogies for freight cars with a gauge of 1520 mm. Cast parts. The frame is lateral and the beam is bolster. Specifications

OST 32.183-2001

28 Guidance document. Repair of freight car bogies model 18-100 with the installation of wear-resistant elements in friction units

RD 32 TsV 072-2005

29 Guidance document. Repair of bogies model 18-100 with elastic-roller bearings of freight cars

RD 32 TsV 082-2006

30 Unified technological instruction for the restoration of wear-resistant surfacing of bolsters of freight cars

Restoration of elements and parts of bogies is carried out by employees of the bogie repair section, in accordance with the technological instruction for the restoration of parts of bogies model 18-100 TI 600.25100.00002.

Inspection of bogies, measurement of parts (with the exception of triangles, springs and friction wedges, which are inspected and measured by a r.p.s. mechanic), control over compliance with the repair technology of bogies, compliance with safety and labor protection is carried out by the site foreman.

When replacing the side frames of the trolley, their bases must be the same or have a difference of no more than 2 mm. The base of the side frames is determined by the number of "bumps" on the inclined belts of the side frame (it must be the same) and is confirmed by a mandatory instrumental check (template).

The technical condition of the parts of the lever brake transmission must comply with the requirements of the "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-0013.

Before rolling the bogies under the wagons, the friction surfaces of the center pads, thrust pads and side bearings must be lubricated with USSA graphite grease (GOST 3333-80), or LZ-TsNII used grease, or grease, and with uniform wear of the bearing surface of the thrust bearing up to 5 mm, it is allowed to put a generously lubricated polymer gasket.

The thickness of the gasket should be equal to the size of the thrust bearing depth of 3-5 mm allowed without repair.

When two-axle bogies are rolled under the car, the total gap between the bogie side bearings and the car frame on both sides of the bogie for all types of four-axle cars must be at least 4 mm and not more than 20 mm, except for hoppers for transporting coal, hot sinter, apatites, hopper-dosers TsNIM -2, TsNII-3 and VS-50 dump cars, in which the gap must be at least 6 mm and not more than 12 mm. For dump cars VS-80, VS-82, VS-85 - not less; 2 mm and not. over 20 mm. The absence of gaps between the bearings on one side of the car is allowed. The absence of gaps between the side bearings along the diagonal of the car is not allowed. The value of the total diagonal gap must be at least 6 mm.

When restoring the bearing surface of the thrust bearing to landscape dimensions or installing a new bolster, when installing a polymer gasket, the gap between the carriage frame pivot beam bearing and the bogie bolster bearing must be at least 7 mm and not more than 10 mm. In this case, the total gap between the bearings of the bogie and the car frame must be at least 14 mm and not more than 20 mm.

When rolling under 8-axle tanks of four-axle bogies, the total gap between the bearings of the connecting and pivot beams on both sides of one end of the eight-axle tank must be at least 4 mm and not more than 15 mm; between the connecting and bolster beams at both ends of the two-axle bogie, the total gap must be at least 5 mm and not more than 10 mm. The absence of gaps is not allowed:

  • - between any two bearings of one four-axle bogie on one side of the tank;
  • - diagonally of the tank between the bearings of the connecting and pivot beams;
  • - diagonally of the four-axle bogie between the bearings of the bolster and connecting beams.

The technical condition of the brake equipment during the current uncoupling repair must comply with the requirements of Section II "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-0013, "Instructions for the operation of brakes of the rolling stock of Ukrainian railways" TsT-TsV-TsL-0015.

On the trolley rolled out from under the car, they additionally check the serviceability of the auto mode support beam (no bending) and its attachment points on the side frames of the bogie - the presence of bolts, nuts, cotter pins, rubber-metal elements under the beam supports, fastening the contact strip, adjusting the auto mode. On an empty car, the gap between the auto mode stop and the contact strip should be no more than 3 mm.

It is not allowed to roll under the car bogies whose service life of bolsters or side frames (30 years) expires before the next scheduled type of repair.

The supporting and thrust surfaces of the side frame in the axle box opening are subject to repair in accordance with the instruction RD 32 TsV 052-2002.

It is not allowed to repair the side frame, in which the supporting surface in the axle box opening has local groove-like wear into the frame body. Worn vertical guide planes in the axle box opening (thrust surfaces) are restored by wear-resistant surfacing with a hardness of 240 - 300 HB, followed by machining to drawing dimensions.

Worn tides of bearing surfaces in the axle box openings of the side frames under the axle box body are machined over the entire plane of the tide to the maximum amount of wear. With a residual height of the tide of 3 mm or less, install replaceable gaskets on the plane machined on the machine. When processing the tide, the penetration of the tool into the body of the side frames is not allowed.

Replaceable gaskets are not installed on side frames that do not have a technological hole under the axlebox openings.

When side frames with welded pads on the supporting surfaces are received for repair, the strips are removed on the machine using the VNIIZhT technology and, after flaw detection, replaceable pads are installed on the supporting surfaces of the side frames.

It is allowed to repair the supporting surfaces in the axle box openings of the side frames with wear up to 4 mm. Replaceable gaskets developed by the Alloy Research Center are installed on the repaired surface.

After machine processing of the supporting places in the axle box openings of the side frame, non-parallelism of the supporting surfaces is allowed no more than 1 mm.

Irregularities in the transition from the machined surface to the raw surface along a radius of 55 mm must be cleaned.

Replaceable wear-resistant pads are installed during scheduled repairs of cars in all axle box openings of all side frames of one car.

During scheduled repairs of freight cars with rolling out and dismantling of bogies, wear-resistant gaskets are removed from the side frames for a complete examination of the side frame in the axle box openings. To do this, the "legs" of the gasket body are bent with outer side side frame.

Installing replacement gaskets is not allowed if:

  • - cracks in the gasket body or plate;
  • - spalls on the wear-resistant plate;
  • - cracks in the weld between the wear plate and the gasket body.
  • - uneven wear of the bearing surface of the wear-resistant plate relative to the unworn part of the surface by more than 2 mm.

Carts equipped with wear-resistant gaskets must interact with axle boxes restored to drawing dimensions.

Before rolling the bogies under the car, the thrust bearing and bearings are lubricated with graphite grease with the addition of 10% graphite or used LZ-TsNII grease.

Normative documentation used in the development of this final work:

Instructions for the repair of freight car bogies RD 32 TsV 052-99;

Two-axle bogies for freight cars of 1520 mm gauge mainline railways. Specifications, GOST 9246-99;

Guidelines for depot repair of 1520 mm gauge freight cars. TsV-587 2001;

Technological instruction for tensile testing and non-destructive testing of car parts. No. 637 PKB TsV, 1995;

Guidelines for repairing the bogie bolster of the TsNII-X3 bogie by welding. No. 453 PKB - TsV 1991;

Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of wagons and containers TsV 201-98.




by order of Ukrzaliznytsia dated 06.11.1998.


General provisions................................................... ...................

Main technical data of freight car bogies........

The system of maintenance and repair of freight car bogies .............................................................. .

Requirements for bogies during the release of cars from the current uncoupling repair (RD No. 000 TsV-90) ........................

Dismantling of carts .................................................. .........................

Defectoscopy of components of bogies and their details.......

Control of the technical condition of the side frames and bolsters of freight car bogies .............................................................. ......

Defection of components and parts of the bogie ..........................................

Repair of side frames of bogies .............................................. ........

Repair of bogie bolsters ..........................................................

Friction wedge repair .................................................................. .......

Requirements for the trolley spring kit ..............................................

Repair of parts of the brake linkage of the bogie ..............................

Welding and surfacing work ............................................................... ..

Processing of parts and assemblies of the bogie after welding and surfacing work .............................................................. ..............

Assembly of bogies after repair .................................................................. ......

Checking the quality of the repair .......................................................... ..........

wagon derailment;

During the current uncoupling repair.

During the maintenance of bogies under the wagons, they check with a crawl:

The condition of wheel pairs, cast parts of the bogie frame, parts of the spring-friction spring suspension, parts of the suspension of brake shoes, the thickness of the brake shoes, at each lifting of the cars, rolling out the bogies - the state of the thrust bearing unit, for four-axle bogies the state of the central thrust bearings;

Sizes of gaps between the side bearings of 2-axle bogies and the car frame, for four-axle bogies, additionally, between the side bearings of the connecting beam and the bolsters of the bogies;

Correspondence, codes of the state-owner of the cast parts of the shadowing, with the code of the car frame.

3.6. Upon receipt of the car for the current uncoupling repair, replace the defective units and parts of the bogies with new or repaired ones.

Repaired two-axle bogies must be rolled under the wagon from which they were rolled out.

It is forbidden:

Release from repair wagons on bogies with different types of spring sets under one wagon;

Lubricate and paint the working surfaces of friction wedges TsNII-KhZ.

3.7. During the depot repair, the bogies are rolled out from under the car and fed to the repair site, where they must be cleaned and washed in a washing machine without wheelsets, which are transferred to the wheel shop.

The bogie frame, spring-friction spring set, bogie linkage are disassembled and repaired in the respective departments and areas.

3.8. During the overhaul, the bogies are rolled out from under the car, washed in a washing machine and transferred to the workshop for disassembly and repair.

Wheel sets are repaired in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the inspection, examination, repair and formation of wagon wheels

The brake linkage is completely disassembled for repair in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-0013.

Parts and assemblies of the bogie are subjected to tensile testing and flaw detection, in accordance with the "Guidelines for tensile testing and flaw detection of car parts", "Technological instructions No. 000-92 PKB TsV", and chalking is also allowed hazardous areas, in accordance with the "Typical technological process" TK-58 PKB TsV.


4.1. Requirements for bogies during the release from the current uncoupling repair are given in Table 4.1. Table 4.1

Presence of a malfunction

Permissible dimensions

Cracks in the side frame, bolster, connecting beam.

Not allowed (cutting out casting defects made during the manufacturing process)

bolsters, connecting beams, side frames - do not serve as a basis for rejection).

Kink of the side bearing, absence or break of the trolley side bearing cap. Lack of a bolt of fastening of a cap of a bogie bearing.

Not allowed.

Broken rivet of the friction bar, fracture or crack in the friction wedge, fracture of the friction wedge thrust collar, presence of cracks in the welded thrust rib of the friction wedge of the bogie.

Not allowed.

Free (unloaded) wedge springs and wedges in empty freight cars and overestimation of at least one wedge relative to the lower bearing surface of the bolster by more than 10 mm.

Not allowed.

Breakage of at least one spring, shift or misalignment of springs, closing of coils.

Not allowed.

4.2. The technical condition of wheelsets during current repairs must comply with the requirements of the "Rules technical operation Railways of Ukraine" TsRB 0004, "Instructions for the inspection, repair and certification of wheel sets", "Classifier of malfunctions

wheel pairs."

4.3. The technical condition of axle boxes of wheel pairs is checked according to the requirements of the "Guidelines for the operation and repair of wagon axle boxes with roller bearings".

4.4. When replacing the side frames of the trolley, their bases must be the same or have a difference of no more than 2 mm. The base of the side frames is determined by the number of "bumps" on the inclined belts of the side frame (it must be the same) and is confirmed by a mandatory instrumental check.


4.5. The technical condition of the parts of the lever brake transmission must comply with the requirements of the "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-0013.

4.6. Before rolling the bogies under the wagons, the friction surfaces of the center pads, thrust pads and side bearings must be lubricated with USSA graphite grease (GOST 3333-80), or LZ-TsNII used grease, or grease, and with uniform wear of the bearing surface of the thrust bearing up to 5 mm, it is allowed to put a generously lubricated polymer gasket.

The thickness of the gasket should be equal to the size of the thrust bearing depth of 3-5 mm allowed without repair.

4.7. When two-axle bogies are rolled under the car, the total gap between the bogie side bearings and the car frame on both sides of the bogie for all types of four-axle cars must be at least 4 mm and not more than 20 mm, except for hoppers for transporting coal, hot sinter, apatites, hopper-dosers TsNIM -2, TsNII-3 and VS-50 dump cars, in which the gap must be at least 6 mm and not more than 12 mm. For dump cars VS-80, VS-82, VS-85 - not less; 2 mm and not. over 20 mm. The absence of gaps between the bearings on one side of the car is allowed. The absence of gaps between the side bearings along the diagonal of the car is not allowed. The value of the total diagonal gap must be at least 6 mm.

When restoring the bearing surface of the thrust bearing to landscape dimensions or installing a new bolster, when installing a polymer gasket, the gap between the carriage frame pivot beam bearing and the bogie bolster bearing must be at least 7 mm and not more than 10 mm. In this case, the total gap between the bearings of the bogie and the car frame must be at least 14 mm and not more than 20 mm.

4.8. When rolling under 8-axle tanks of four-axle bogies, the total gap between the bearings of the connecting and pivot beams on both sides of one end of the eight-axle tank must be at least 4 mm and not more than 15 mm; between the connecting and bolster beams at both ends of the two-axle bogie, the total gap must be at least 5 mm and not more than

10 mm. The absence of gaps is not allowed:

Between any two bearings of one four-axle bogie on one side of the tank;

On the diagonal of the tank between the bearings of the connecting and pivot beams;

On the diagonal of a four-axle bogie between the bearings of the bolster and connecting beams.

4.9. The technical condition of the brake equipment during the current uncoupling repair must comply with the requirements of Section II "Instructions for the repair of brake equipment of cars" TsV-TsL-0013, "Instructions for the operation of brakes of the rolling stock of Ukrainian railways" TsT-TsV-TsL-0015.

4.10. On the trolley rolled out from under the car, they additionally check the serviceability of the auto mode support beam (no bending) and its attachment points on the side frames of the bogie - the presence of bolts, nuts, cotter pins, rubber-metal elements under the beam supports, fastening the contact strip, adjusting the auto mode. On an empty car, the gap between the auto mode stop and the contact strip should be no more than 3 mm.

4.11. It is not allowed to roll under the car bogies whose service life of bolsters or side frames (30 years) expires before the next scheduled type of repair.


5.1. The disassembly of the bogies begins before the washing machine or after the washing machine, when the bogie frame is separated by a lifting mechanism, and the wheelsets are rolled out and transferred to the wheel-roller shop for repair.

5.2. The bogie disassembly section must be equipped with devices for sliding and tilting the sidewalls and bolsters.

5.3. The trolley frame is installed on stands and disassembled.

5.4. After flaw detection and flaw detection of the bogie frame parts, bolsters and side frames are delivered to the repair areas.

5.5. Repair of bogie frame parts must be carried out on production lines or at specialized sites in accordance with the technological process developed and approved in the established manner for each depot and each car repair plant.


6.1. Flaw detection of bogie parts must be carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the "Guidelines for tensile testing and flaw detection of car parts" and "Technological instructions for monitoring the technical condition of side frames and bolsters

beams of freight car bogies" No. 000-92 PKB TsV and other valid technical documentation, including:

Bogie bolster model 18-100;

Side frames of the trolley model 18-100;

Connecting beam trolley model 18-101;

Rollers of a suspension bracket of brake boots;

Brake shoe hanger.

6.2. Triangels of lever transmission of bogies are tested for tension during their manufacture again, periodic types of repair of cars for repair by welding.


7.1. When carrying out planned types of repairs at car repair plants and in the depot, before carrying out non-destructive testing, a technical inspection of the condition of the side frames and bolsters is carried out visually and by an instrumental method on a capturing stand using a magnifying glass of seven times, portable lamp voltage 12-36 V, metal brush, means of tolerance control and measurement.

The entire surface of the side frames and bolsters is subjected to visual inspection and control. The trolley parts received for repair are subject to mandatory cleaning and washing from dirt and residues of the transported cargo. Particular attention is paid to the cleanliness of the surface of controlled areas subject to non-destructive testing. Inspection is carried out in two steps with the rotation of the part relative to the longitudinal axis by 180 degrees.

Determination of defects is carried out by means of tolerance control (templates) and measurement.

7.2. Side frames and bolsters, which during inspection revealed defects in excess of those indicated in Table 3, cracks, as well as wear above the allowable level, are subject to repair or rejection.

7.3. Inspected and approved for non-destructive testing, side frames and bolsters are subject to flaw detection by eddy current, ferroprobe or magnetic particle methods, and chalking of hazardous areas is also allowed, according to the standard technological process TK-58.

7.4. As means of non-destructive testing of side frames, bolsters, it is allowed to use magnetic particle flaw detectors of types M-12-PS (saddle-shaped), MD-14P; ferroprobe installations of the DF-1, DF-2 types; eddy current flaw detector type VD-12NF or others, in terms of its sensitivity to defects is not worse than those indicated.

7.5. Work to identify cracks and other defects in the parts of the bogies is carried out by specially appointed flaw detector workers who have received training or special training in testing by the selected method, who have passed the tests and have

7.6. The quality of non-destructive testing by all applied methods should be checked by foremen, foremen, senior foremen and wagon inspectors directly at the workplace.

7.7. The main defects, damage zones of side frames and bolsters, rejection rates and methods for detecting defects are shown in Figures 7.1, 7.2 and in Tables 7.1, 7.2.

7.8. The results of the inspection of parts of freight car bogies during periodic repairs should be recorded in a numbered log. Appendix B provides a general form of the journal for recording the results of the control of the most critical components and parts, which are factory stamped.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/298/images/image003_45.gif" width="403" height="160">

https://pandia.ru/text/78/298/images/image005_34.gif" width="364" height="145 src=">

1 - lower belt; 2 - upper belt; 3 - side belt; 4 - thrust bearing;

5 - inclined plane. Figure 7.2 - Scheme of controlled zones on the bolster

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The main malfunctions of bogies are wear of rubbing parts, cracks and fractures of cast side frames and bolsters, weakening of rivets of friction bars, and misalignment of bearing gaps. The magnitude and intensity of wear and damage are decisively influenced by right choice material of parts, compliance with technological manufacturing process, repair and assembly of carts, timely detection and elimination of faults.

In addition to the parts of the friction damper, the holes of the brackets for the rollers of the brake shoe suspensions, the holes of the bracket of the dead center holder, the inclined surfaces and bearings of the bolster, the details of the horizontal bearings, as well as the guide and bearing surfaces of the axle box openings of the side frames, are subject to intensive wear due to friction. At thrust bearings, the inner surfaces of the outer shoulder along the axis coinciding with the longitudinal axis of the car, and the supporting surfaces wear out most quickly. Their average wear rate is 0.8 and 0.4 mm per year, respectively. With significant wear, conditions are created for the relative movement and impact of center plates and bolsters and the formation of cracks in them.

Increased wear in the brake transmission joints leads to an increase in dynamic loads on them and can be the cause of cracks.

Cracks and breaks in the side frames and bolsters occur due to significant dynamic loads, hidden defects in

casting, metal fatigue phenomena, the presence of nicks and burns on the surface of parts from electric welding, which are stress concentrators. Particularly difficult are the operating conditions of the side frames, which are unsprung parts.

Causes of cracks and fractures of bogie parts may be violations of the rules of operation and assembly.

Friction bar rivet loosening and breakage is due to their stepped wear, which leads to wedge and bar impacts.

In four-axle bogies, there are cracks in the connecting beam in the area where bearings, center plates and center bearings are located.

In the side frames of the TsNII-KhZ (18-100) bogies, cracks are most likely in the corners of the axle box and spring openings, in the inclined, lower and upper chords, and in the tides for the rollers of the brake shoe suspensions. When inspecting bolsters, special attention should be paid to the thrust bearing areas, side bearing supports, sloped surfaces and casting hole locations.

It is not allowed to operate wagons in the bogies of which there are cracks in the side frames and bolsters, the absence or fracture of the bearing cap and its bolt. In operation, the gaps between the bearings of the bogies and car frames should be controlled. The total gap between the bearings on both sides of the bogie for four-axle cars must be at least 4 and not more than 20 mm. The absence of gaps between the side bearings along the diagonal of the car is not allowed. For gas tanks, the total clearances in the bearings must be at least 4 and not more than 16 mm. In addition, gas tanks are not allowed to have gaps on at least one side of the bogie.

For eight-axle cars, the total gap between the bearings of the connecting and pivot beams for one bogie must be at least 4 and not more than 15 mm, and between the connecting and bolster beams - not less than 4 and not more than 20 mm for each two-axle bogie.

If at least one of the listed faults is detected, the car is sent to the current uncoupling repair.

    Organization of work during the repair of freight car bogies

The input control of bogies during depot and overhaul is carried out after the wagons are put into repair positions.

At the same time, the position of the parts of the spring set, the overestimation of the friction wedges relative to the bolster, the presence of free movement of the friction wedges and springs, the gaps between the side bearings of the bogie and the frame of the car are checked. The results of the checks are entered into the defective statement and used in the repair of parts and assemblies.

Check the service life of cast parts, which should not exceed 30 years.

Repair of bogies with planned types of repairs is carried out in bogie departments by the in-line or in-line conveyor method. Regardless of the method of repair, the bogie department must have positions for washing, disassembling, assembling, repairing and accepting finished bogies. Repair positions are equipped with stands, non-destructive testing tools and technological equipment that allow you to maximize the mechanization of the work performed, increase labor productivity and provide the necessary quality of repair

Before washing, the trolley frame is removed from the wheelsets, installed on a technological trolley, which feeds the frame into the washing machine with a traction winch. Washing of bogies with wheelsets that do not require a complete revision of axle boxes is not allowed.

Washing is carried out with a washing solution of the ML-52, MS-8, "Labomid-101" types heated to a temperature of at least 60°C at a concentration of 30 g/l under a pressure of 19 kgf/cm 2 . After washing, the trolleys are thoroughly cleaned of flaking rust and destroyed paintwork. Particular attention is paid to the cleaning of controlled areas (Fig. 6.1, 6.2).

After cleaning, the bogie frame is installed at the disassembly position, where the linkage, kingpin, spring set, bearing parts and side frames are dismantled in sequence. Monitoring the technical condition of the side frames and bolsters includes visual inspection, measurement of wear and defects using tolerance control tools (templates) and non-destructive testing. The VD-12NF eddy-current flaw detector or DF-type flux-gate testing devices (DF-1, DF-103, DF-105, DF-201) are used as non-destructive testing means for side frames and bolsters of bogies. Flaw detection of bogie parts is carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the “Technological Instructions for Tensile Testing and Non-Destructive Testing of Car Parts” No. 637-96

Rice. 6.1. Scheme of controlled areas on the side frame of the trolley:

1 - the angle of the box opening is internal; 2 - outer box opening angle; 3 - belt over box opening; 4 - upper belt; 5 - inclined belt;

    - spring opening angle;

    - window collars

PKB TsV Ministry of Railways of Russia. Before carrying out flaw detection, it is necessary to inspect the controlled parts visually on the contacting stand using a magnifying glass of seven times, a portable lamp with a supply voltage of 12 or 36 V, a metal brush, and templates. All surfaces of the bolsters and side frames are subjected to visual inspection. Discovered at

Rice. 6.2. Schemes of controlled areas on the bogie bolster:

visual inspection, defects are circled with chalk and re-checked by the eddy current, fluxgate or magnetic particle method.

Inspection positions should be equipped with stationary or mobile stands that allow the extension of the side frames and tilting to a position convenient for inspection of the side frames and bolsters.

1 - lower belt; 2 - upper belt; 4 - thrust bearing; 5 - inclined plane

The stand (Fig. 6.3) is used for disassembly, control and repair of bogie parts. Trolley 18-100 is installed on the stand by an overhead crane, while the side frames and the bolster fall into the sockets of the corresponding turning mechanisms. With a cylinder 1 the bolster rises relative to the side frames, releasing the spring sets. After

Beam Frame

Rice. 6.3. Scheme of the stand for the repair of freight car bogies:

1 - cylinder of the bolster lifting mechanism; 2 - the cylinder of the mechanism for turning the bolster; 3 - sliding mechanism cylinder; 4 - side frame swivel cylinder

removal of friction wedges and springs, the side frames are brought out of the dimensions of the bolster with the help of sliding pneumatic cylinders 3. In this position, the side frames and bolsters are checked and repaired. To ensure the convenience of the work performed, the side frames and bolsters can be rotated by turning pneumatic cylinders 2 and 4. The return of the repaired side frames and bolsters to their original position is carried out by the listed mechanisms in reverse order.

Tilters must ensure inspection of the bolster and side frame with their rotation by 180 ° relative to the longitudinal axis. Zones of parts are subject to non-destructive testing in accordance with Fig. 6.1 and 6.2.

The presence of cracks in the details of the bogies is not allowed, with the exception of cracks that are eliminated in accordance with the current repair documentation. Parts of bogies with wear more than acceptable standards are repaired by welding and surfacing, followed by machining to drawing dimensions. It is allowed to repair side frames and bolsters with a service life of not more than 28 years.

Welding and surfacing work on the parts of the bogies is carried out at special welding positions equipped with tilters, electric welding, gas welding equipment and other devices.

15 June Repair Techniques

Machining of deposited surfaces and welds is carried out on specialized machines, as well as drilling, milling and planing machines equipped with the necessary devices.

Repaired and tested bogie parts are delivered to the assembly position.

After assembling and checking the quality of the repair, the established stamps and inscriptions are applied to the bogies, painted, and after rolling under the car, the final inspection of the repaired bogies is carried out.

    Side frame repair

The repair of the side frames of the bogies consists in restoring the worn-out rubbing places and welding the allowable cracks.

Bracket bushings 1 (Fig. 6.4) for suspension rollers, brake shoes are replaced during major repairs, regardless of the amount of wear. During the depot repair, the bushings must be replaced when worn for more than

    mm. If the diameter of the hole for the bushing is more than 45 mm, the hole is drilled to a diameter of 50 mm, a metal bushing with an inner diameter of 45 mm is installed and it is scalded around the perimeter.

Wear of guide surfaces for axle boxes 2 allowed in the width of the box opening not more than 4 mm during depot repairs and not more than 3 mm - during major repairs. When repairing by surfacing, wear should not exceed 8 mm per side. Worn bearing surfaces 3 with a wear depth of more than

    mm can be eliminated by milling, provided that the remaining height of the tide of the supporting surface must be at least 0.5 mm.

If there are any cracks in the load-bearing areas, the side frames are rejected. It is allowed to repair by welding during planned types of repairs the following defects:

Rice. 6.4. Trolley side frame 18-100 226

■cracks 4 friction wedge guide collar or its splits;

■ cracks 5 in the suspension bracket of the triangel, if their length is not more than 32 mm;

■ longitudinal crack 6 in the wall of the tide for the triangel suspension roller;

■ splitting of lugs 7 in the places where friction bars are fastened, if no more than two lugs are chipped off diagonally.

Repair by surfacing bearing surfaces 3 box opening is not allowed.

The allowable dimensions of the side frames of bogies 18-100 when they are released from the depot repair are shown in fig. 6.5.

When released from overhaul, the base of the side frame M should be no more than 2198 mm, and the distance between the guides for axle boxes - no more than 341 mm.

The distance between the walls of the opening for the spring set of the side frame and the outer jaws of the axle box openings is measured before setting the friction strips. Their difference (dimensions H 1 and H 2 ) should not exceed 3 mm. With a larger difference, the corresponding box jaws are subjected to surfacing, followed by processing on milling machines to drawing dimensions.

Rice. 6.5. The dimensions of the side frames of the bogies are 18-100 when they are released from the depot repair

The base of the side frame is measured with a template at a distance of 60 mm from the bottom of the guide plane (Fig. 6.5).

Size difference M the base of the side frames of one trolley is allowed no more than 2 mm.

    Repair of bolsters and connecting beams

When examining the bolster (Fig. 6.6), determine the good condition of the upper, vertical, lower belts and columns, the supporting part

Rice. 6.6. Bogie bolster

bearing, the serviceability of the side bearings of the side bearings and the degree of wear of the rubbing surfaces. The internal surfaces of the beam are inspected with illumination through the technological holes of the upper and lower chords.

With planned types of repairs, it is allowed:

    crack welding 5, 6,7 in the bearing surface of the thrust bearings, if they do not pass through the outer collar and their total length does not exceed 250 mm;

    welding of longitudinal cracks 8 from the casting hole, if they do not go to the outer collar and their total length does not exceed 250 mm;

    crack welding 9 in the corners between the restrictive collars and the inclined plane for the wedge;

    crack welding 10 side supports of the bearing, if their length is not more than 100 mm;

    welding of longitudinal cracks 2 inclined plane, not facing the restrictive collars;

    spall surfacing 11 outer and inner shoulders of thrust bearings. If there is no inner shoulder, or the length of the breakaway part is more than half of its perimeter, or the kingpin hole has wear of more than 2 mm per side, the shoulder is restored by welding a bushing 15 mm high above the bearing surface of the thrust bearing;

I surfacing of inclined planes 12 and supporting surface 13 bearing, if wear exceeds 3 mm during depot repairs and 2 mm - during major repairs. The remaining thickness of the metal of the inclined surfaces of the bolsters must be at least 7 mm, and the thrust bearing - at least 18 mm;

■ surfacing of thrust ribs 14 bolsters that limit the displacement of the springs, with wear up to 8 mm.

cracks 1, 3, 4 cannot be repaired and the beam is excluded from the inventory.

Thrust outer and inner collars of thrust bearings are welded on if the remaining thickness of the outer collar is at least 11 mm, the inner collar is at least 7 mm.

Before performing welding work on the side frames and bolsters, the repaired area must be heated to a temperature of 250 + 300 ° C.

During depot repairs, inclined surfaces of bolsters 12 it is allowed to repair by welding strips or welding inserts. The slats and inserts are made from the same steels as the bolsters. It is allowed to use inserts cut from strips of rejected traction clamps after their inspection by flaw detection, as well as made of steel grades st 3 sp and 20.

Welding of strips is allowed if the remaining thickness of the inclined plane is 6-9 mm. Inclined surfaces must be milled to a thickness of 8 or 6 mm to install a repair strip with a thickness of 10 and 12 mm, respectively.

Repair with inserts 18 mm thick is carried out if the wear of the walls of the bolsters over 9 mm is detected, including through abrasions and dips. Before installing the insert, a window is cut out in an inclined plane using manual oxygen cutting and a special jig. Prepared strips or inserts are placed on tacks and, after heating the inclined plane to a temperature of 200 + 250 ° C, they are welded by manual welding with electrodes of grades U ONI-13/45 or by semi-automatic welding in carbon dioxide with welding wires SV-08G2S or SV-09G2STs. Root seam with manual arc welding produce electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm, subsequent - with a diameter of 4-5 mm. The start and end of each pass must not be at the insertion corners. To reduce welding stresses, all seams, starting from the second, must be forged as the metal cools at a temperature of at least 450 ° C or below 150 ° C.

insert plate Forging at temperatures Surfacing 150+450°C is prohibited. The lower worn surface is welded flush with the surface of the insert or strip (Fig. 6.7). The quality of welding seams is checked by the magnetic particle method.

Rice. 6.7. Repair of inclined surfaces of the bolster

The cap of the slider with wear of more than 3 mm is repaired by surfacing or welding overlays. The height of the sides of the cap must be at least 76 mm, and narrow - at least 70 mm. The cap must be secured with a 12 mm through bolt with a nut, spring washer and cotter pin. To adjust the gaps between the bearings of the frame of the car and the bogie, up to four spacers 1.5-5 mm thick are installed under the bearing cap.

Pivots with wear over a diameter of more than 3 mm are repaired by surfacing followed by machining.

When rolling under the car, the thrust bearings of the bogies are lubricated with graphite grease or used LZ-TsNII grease.

In the connecting beams of the welded structure of the model 18-100 bogies (Fig. 6.8), welding is allowed:

    cracks in the welds of individual beam elements, regardless of their length;

    cracks 1, 5, 6 with their depth up to 24 mm, regardless of length. If the thrust bearing needs to be restored by surfacing, the length of the crack 6 should not exceed 350 mm;

    cracks 7, 8, 9, 10 not more than 250 mm long each. With simultaneous presence of cracks 8 and 9 on one side of the thrust bearing, the total length of the cracks should not exceed 250 mm;

Rice. 6.8. Connecting beam

■ cracks in the zone of extreme patches at the bottom of the beam with a total length of up to 400 mm. The working surfaces of the thrust bearing 4 and pyatnikov are repaired by surfacing or welding of plates with wear of more than 3 mm.

Worn more than 2 mm per side king pin hole 3 restore by surfacing or welding of inserts.

Inspection and repair of connecting beams is carried out on tilting stands.

More specific requirements for the repair of connecting beams of bogies of eight-axle cars are set out in the Typical technological process for the repair of the connecting beam of a four-axle bogie TK-232.

    Assembly and acceptance of carts

During the repair, all parts of the bogies are subjected to an intermediate quality check of the work performed. An intermediate check is carried out by foremen, foremen, heads of enterprises, as well as employees of technical control departments at car repair plants. Verification is performed visually, as well as using templates and other measuring instruments. For example, a template (Fig. 6.9) checks the wear and quality of repairs after surfacing and machining of each inclined surface of the bolster. A special barbell (Fig. 6.10) controls the distance between the slats and their non-parallelism.

The repaired and tested bogie units are sent for assembly, which is carried out in the reverse order of disassembly. On the tilting stand (Fig.

"1 1

6.3) install the bolster, the side frames are pushed onto the beam with the help of pneumatic cylinders or a beam crane. Springs are installed on the frame, friction wedges are placed on higher springs, then the brake linkage and sliders are assembled.

Rice. 6.9. Template for measuring inclined surfaces of the bolster:

    - installation frame;

- staples;3 - measuring slides

When assembling a four-axle bogie, linkages of two-axle bogies are connected with a lower link and a connecting beam is installed on the thrust bearings of the two-axle bogies, and then the final assembly of the linkage is performed. After installing the connecting beam, check the gap between the axes of the internal

wheel pairs of bogies and the lower chord of the beam, which must be at least 85 mm from each end of the beam. The check is performed after rolling the bogies under the wagon.

Rice. 6.10. Gauge for measuring the distance between slats and checking if they are not parallel™

The side frames of one trolley must have the same base or with a difference of no more than 2 mm.

It is not allowed to roll up wheelsets with a diameter difference:

  • for one two-axle bogie - more than 20 mm;

    for two biaxial bogies - more than 40 mm;

    for one four-axle bogie - more than 20 mm;

    for two four-axle bogies - more than 40 mm.

The difference in height from the thrust bearings to the rail heads of two-axle bogies is no more than 12 mm, including for those included in a four-axle bogie.

The total clearances between the box body and the side frame guides must be within:

    during depot repairs along the bogie from 6 to 15 mm, and across - from 5 to 13 mm;

    during overhaul along the bogie from 6 to 13 mm, and across - from 5 to 11 mm.

Permissible gaps between the side frame and the body of the box - no more than 1 mm.

The selection of side frames and bolsters in the kit is carried out according to age groups in accordance with the repair documentation.

After rolling under the car, the total gaps between the side bearings of the car frame and the bogie are checked on both sides of each end of the car, which should be within 6-16 mm for four-axle cars, and 6-12 mm for hoppers and dump cars. For four-axle bogies, the gaps between the bearings of the connecting beam and the bearings of the bolsters in total for each bogie should be within 4-10 mm, and between the bearings of the car frame and the connecting beam - 4-12 mm. For all types of wagons, the absence of gaps between side bearings located diagonally is not allowed.

After the repair and acceptance, the side frames and bolsters are stamped with the number of the repair company, the date of repair and the code of the owner state.

During a major overhaul, the carts are completely painted, and during a depot repair, only in places with a damaged protective coating. Coloring is done with oil paints or enamels. Inscriptions are applied to the side frames and bolsters with white paint. After the depot repair, the first and last three digits of the car number are applied, and after the overhaul - the year of the repair, the factory number, the first and last three digits of the car number.

    Trolley Repair Safety

Proper organization of the repair of carts should ensure the safe performance of all work. This is achieved through the use of serviceable mechanization and technological equipment at all stages of the repair, as well as strict compliance with safety requirements. Foremen and employees of trolley departments undergo periodic briefings on safe working methods and timely pass tests in knowledge of safety instructions and industrial sanitation.

Roll-in and roll-out of carts from under the car is carried out under the guidance of a foreman or foreman. The distance between the bogie and the protruding parts of the frame and other equipment of the raised car must ensure free rolling in and out of the bogies.

Transportation of trolleys must be mechanized. When rolling in and out of the bogies, it is not allowed to be on the bogie and in the way of its movement, as well as to place car parts in the immediate vicinity of the bogie being moved.

After installing the bogies on the tracks, the wheelsets should be wedged on both sides. Works on disassembly, assembly and movement of cast parts of bogies must be carried out with the help of tilting stands, lifting mechanisms or special equipment. Equipment must be inspected before starting work. At the same time, they turn Special attention for serviceability of grips, clamps and safety devices.

Hoisting cranes, grabs, stick devices are not allowed to be used if their service life has expired before the next survey. The heating of the rivets of the friction bars must be carried out on electric forges. Throwing heated rivets is not allowed. Rivets should be installed using hydraulic clamps.

When working with fluxgate, eddy current and magnetic particle flaw detectors, you should use the appropriate manuals for their correct and safe operation. Portable lamps must have a voltage of not more than 36 V.

The safety instructions must be posted in a conspicuous place in the trolley compartment.