How is temporary registration done for citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of residence? Do I need to register the built house? Is registration required at the place of residence?

Since January 1, 2017, there have been changes in the design of buildings on the summer cottage. The procedure is now more complicated, and in order to register buildings, a technical plan is required.

Which buildings are subject to registration: the main provisions and pitfalls of innovations in 2017

What buildings need to be registered on a summer cottage? It is, first of all, a house. And you can also register such outbuildings as a garage, a bathhouse, etc. However, now instead of a declaration, you will have to provide a technical plan.

The presented innovation should not make the registration procedure more complicated, since obtaining the necessary documents will be quite simple. But it is assumed that not all the benefits of the dacha amnesty will be preserved until 2018, which means that the procedure will eventually become more complicated. It is still possible to register a land plot in a simplified way. To do this, you should contact Rosreestr or the MFC, submit an application and provide any document on the land. It can even be a decision from the executive committee, or a certificate of ownership, as well as an extract taken from the household book.

Until 2018, it will be possible to carry out the procedure for putting the buildings delivered on the site into operation. But for this, they should be registered with Rosreestr.

As for the design of technical plans, the procedure is as follows: you should go to the BTI, or to the cadastral engineers. They will accurately calculate the coordinates of the structure, and after that a plan will be drawn up. It will take about a week to produce it. The cost of the service varies, but it will not exceed 8 thousand rubles.

Important! In order for the plan to be drawn up correctly, it is worth finding a real specialist. You can see which cadastral engineers have the right to carry out work on the website of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography by going to a special section called "Register of Cadastral Engineers".

Why it was right to go to those. plans from declarations? The presence of a technical plan makes it possible to prevent the manipulation of false information about buildings. That is, in this way, the owners do not manage to get rid of paying taxes. In the declaration, some owners deliberately sought to indicate the wrong area of ​​buildings. This led to the fact that they were charged less taxes.

Also, in a number of cases, the approximate area was indicated for the buildings. As a result, disputes with neighbors over land often arose. Now there will be no such problems. But you will have to carefully choose a cadastral engineer, if there are errors in the plan, you will have to redo it.

How to arrange a house for a dacha amnesty (video)

How to register buildings in a summer cottage under an amnesty

At the moment, houses and other buildings that are subject to registration can be issued quickly enough. Building permits are no longer required. If the house and buildings were already on the site, you can arrange them. The dacha amnesty, first of all, is designed for that category of citizens who have long had various buildings and a plot, but for some reason could not formalize them. Persons who are included in the process may be sole proprietors, owners of a share, owners who own one plot.

How to take ownership of a country house

To legalize a country house under a simplified procedure, you should be in time before March 1, 2018. A building permit is not required. The list of documents is also small. BUT if the house is already included in the state register, then registering the rights to it will be even easier.

Why do you need to take ownership? You need to register property because after that you can sell, donate, exchange it. Register in non-residents, leave property by will. And the procedure is inexpensive - you will have to pay for the state. duty and drawing up a technical plan, if it was not.

It will be possible to decorate a garden house if it was built a long time ago if it:

  • Located on a plot of land that is suitable for the construction of buildings;
  • Must have a cadastral passport and other title documents.

To register a house that has just been built, also some conditions must be met:

  • The land must be suitable for the intended purpose;
  • If the construction is not yet completed, it is worth obtaining a permit for it.

The list of documents for registering a built house is small. You will need to provide:

  • The passport;
  • Cadastral plan of land and buildings;
  • Any legal document;
  • A receipt stating that the fee has been paid;
  • Technical passport of the house;
  • Statement.

If the building is in the state register, a cadastral plan is not needed for it. However, a document may be required that confirms that the house is located within the site.

The procedure for registration of an unauthorized garage

You can draw up documents for an unauthorized garage erected only if it is built on your site or household plot, and it is used for your needs. In order to do everything right, you you will need to come to the BTI and order a technical passport there, fill out a declaration, get a scheme with a cadastral number, show documents that confirm that you are the owner of the land.

If the owner of the garage is in a cooperative society, it will also be quite easy for him. He must show the papers that give him the right to rent or ownership of the building. To legalize the garage, he will have to get a membership book. After that, he will have the right to acquire or privatize land.

If there is no way to get a book, you will have to act in a different way. You will need to:

  • Apply in writing to the Commission, which is engaged in self-building, so that it is allowed not to demolish the building;
  • File a lawsuit;
  • Try to get a building permit.

The easiest way would be to contact the Commission. They will tell you what to do there. Filing a lawsuit is fraught with a lot of time. In addition, you will need to collect a large number of documents.

When applying to the Commission, you will need to provide documents such as:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • Technical passport of the building;
  • Declaration, which describes the technical characteristics of the garage;
  • A document that indicates your right to own or lease land.

If the decision on the issue is positive, you need to do the following:

  1. Obtain permission to put the facility into operation;
  2. Get ownership;
  3. Wait until the appropriate certificate is issued.

Amendments to the dacha amnesty (video)

If you are refused, you should not immediately break the structure. You can try to challenge it in court.

Do I need to register a bathhouse and outbuildings?

Do I need to register a bathhouse and other outbuildings? It really all depends on your goal. It is possible to issue them under a dacha amnesty if the buildings are capital. For example, a bathhouse has a foundation, it will be difficult to transport it, then it is better to register it. So, if this becomes necessary, it will be easier to sell it or the land.

As for the barn, it is not necessary to register it. By law, you have every right to build it on your site. In addition, if you design a building, and then you have to change something in it, the corresponding amendments will need to be made to the documents, and who needs it. The same applies to other non-capital buildings.

It is worth remembering that since 2015 the law on the property tax of individuals has been in force. When decorating any building, you must understand that it has a cadastral value. That is, you will have to prove that it is less than 50 m 2 so as not to pay high taxes. As far as insurance is concerned, no one forbids you from insuring a building, even if you do not own it.

Country amnesty: declaration, assignment of an address and registration features

A declaration for a house in a country house is needed when permission for its construction has not been received. That is, in fact, the house was built arbitrarily. Features of filling out the declaration were approved in 2010. When filling it out, you must specify:

  • house address;
  • Type of building (house);
  • Purpose of the building;
  • Cadastral number of the plot;
  • Technical description.

You will also have to provide passport details and information about your place of residence. You can fill out the declaration on a computer or in writing.. In this case, it is better to prefer the first option. All sheets are numbered and fastened, the signature of the applicant must be present.

To assign an address to a residential building, you will have to contact the administration. Each region of the Russian Federation requires different documents, but in any case, you will definitely need papers that confirm your right to the site.

After the decision on assigning the address is issued, you will need to visit the MFC or Rosreestr. There, your information will be entered into the registry. After that, it will be possible to receive papers on the right of ownership.

Is it possible to register at the cottage?

They are the following:
  • You do not have another residence permit;
  • The dacha is located in a settlement, and not on land that is intended for agriculture;
  • The house is suitable for living in it both in winter and in summer;
  • The land and buildings on it are your property;
  • There is a court order that you can register on the site.

The home requirements are:

  • The foundation of the building must be strong, like the walls;
  • Thermal insulation must be installed on the walls;
  • Moisture protection must be present;
  • Lighting standards must be observed;
  • All communications must comply with sanitary standards.

So, if all the requirements with the land plot and the house are met, you can proceed to obtaining a residence permit. To do this, you have to apply either to the court or to the FMS.

From the documents you will need:

  • Power of Attorney, if you are a trustee;
  • Papers confirming that the land and building are in your property;
  • Receipt stating that the fee has been paid;
  • Those. the passport;
  • Statement of claim.

If the FMS refused you, you will have to file a lawsuit. In this case, you will have to prove that the house is residential and meets all the requirements. After that, the court must consider it and decide that you can register in the building.

How to register a land plot

Once in a lifetime, any citizen of Russia can register land for free. Then the registration of subsequent sites will take place on a fee basis. Registration of the site can occur in sole ownership and in shared ownership.

The territory, which is located in the cemetery, in the state. nature reserve, in the park, cannot be registered as a property. The same cannot be done with areas that are the territory of the armed forces, lands that have been withdrawn from circulation. Of the documents required for registration, you will need:

  • The passport;
  • Receipt stating that the state has been paid. duty;
  • Evidence that you have entered into an inheritance or contract of sale;
  • Cadastral plan and application.

If there is no cadastral plan, you should contact the local cadastral authority and write an application for one to be issued to you. In this case, you will have to present your passport and pay a fee.

Financial issue: taxes and other obligatory payments

The tax rate for buildings in the country is set by the local administration. It depends on the inventory value of the object. Disabled people and pensioners have tax benefits. They apply to residential buildings, outbuildings, garages.

To receive benefits, you will need to write an application to the tax office, confirming your right to them. This should be done before November 1, until the end of the tax period.

Difficulties in registering real estate as property under an amnesty and ways to overcome them

Difficulties in registration may arise due to the fact that the construction was carried out in the wrong place. If a house or other buildings are located on the territory of a park, reserve, memorial, it will not be possible to issue them. The same applies to lands that are under the state. institutions. But in the latter case, you can try to buy the land, if you have such an opportunity.

Correctness is also important. site survey. If it is correct, then problems with neighbors and the state should not arise. And if there are any trials, it will be easy to win them. Problems can also arise if the area and number of storeys of the building are incorrectly indicated in the documents. In this option, you will have to wait for the commission, which will make an additional decision.

It is worth observing the following rules when decorating a house:

  • It should have no more than 2 above-ground floors.
  • From the ground level to the upper floors located on the last floor, there should be no more than 10 m.
  • The site should be built up with structures no more than 30%.
  • A distance of 3 meters must be maintained from the street, buildings and structures.
Privatization is possible only if the buildings and land are used for personal use. It seems to many that the law is still unfinished and not thought out. But it is constantly being improved, and its terms are being extended.

If the site was issued by the administration on the basis of lifetime ownership, it will be easy to register it. In this case, the basis for this will be an act from the administration, or an extract from the archive. Registration of the right will take place in Rosreestr.

How to register a samostroy (video)

If there is no evidence that the site was transferred to your ownership from the administration, you will have to contact the local authorities. In different regions of the country this problem is solved in different ways. First, you will need to obtain an extract from the USRN on the ownership of the land. If the object is present in the cadastral registration, it will be easy to do. Then the buildings are designed.

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Registration at the place of residence

The place of temporary residence itself can be different: this is housing rented under a social / commercial contract; these are rest houses, hotels, campsites, hospitals (in case of long-term treatment); these are nursing homes and other social institutions, in which a citizen can, due to objective reasons, stay for quite a long time.

Temporary registration is not required (but possible) in the following cases:

  • if a citizen lives at any address within the region where he has a permanent registration;
  • if a citizen lives in Moscow or the Moscow region, and at the same time he has a permanent registration in Moscow and the region;
  • if a citizen lives in St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region, and at the same time has a permanent residence permit on the territory of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region;
  • if a citizen lives on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or in Sevastopol, and has registration at the place of residence in these subjects.

Failure to comply with the obligation to register a citizen can be fined (more on this below).

Registration issues on the territory of Russia are dealt with by the Department of Internal Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Internal Migration). This department replaced the previously existing FMS.

It should be noted that temporary registration is absolutely free of charge, as well as deregistration. In this case, the citizen is not removed from the register at the place of residence. And in order to apply for a temporary residence permit, it is not necessary to wait 90 days - this can be done earlier.

How is temporary registration done?

Temporary registration at the place of stay can be issued in several ways:

  1. Personally (by submitting the necessary documents to the territorial division of the UVM).
  2. By mail.
  3. Through a single portal of public services.

When submitting documents for registration in person, you must submit the following package of documents:

  • application in form No. 1 (the form will be issued at the UVM or it can be downloaded on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and filled out in advance);
  • the passport;
  • a document that is the basis for temporary registration (for example, a commercial lease agreement);
  • the consent of certain persons to move in (the landlord and citizens living with the tenant - when moving into an apartment located in a social lease; all participants in shared ownership).

For registration of temporary registration, as a general rule, the presence of the owner of the housing is required. The UVM employee must make sure that the document-base is signed by him. There is only one exception - if the document certifying the right to reside is notarized (or a notarized copy is presented).

When submitting documents by mail, you need:

  • applications in the form No. 1PR;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a notarized copy of the document-grounds for moving in;
  • notarized consent of the above persons to move in.

For registration of temporary registration through the State Services, a verified profile on the portal is required. Need to submit:

Don't know your rights?

  • application in form No. 1;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the basis document for registration;
  • the consent of the above persons, signed by their EDS or EDS of a notary;
  • arrival status sheet (if registration is issued for a period of more than 9 months).

Within 3 working days, the documents are considered, and then the UVM issues a certificate of registration at the place of residence. At the request of the applicant, it can be sent by mail, and not handed out personally. The owner is notified of the registration.

There is only one exception for the terms of consideration of documents - if the basis for moving in was a social lease agreement, and at the same time it is not submitted to the UVM, but only its details are indicated. For additional verification of the facts indicated in the application, the UVM required

Temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation: the subtleties of the procedure

It is possible to issue temporary registration in a residential building only if the following persons agree:

  • if we are talking about state or municipal housing stock, the consent of the tenant and all adult citizens living with him is required. At the same time, on the basis of Article 80 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, notification of a new temporary tenant of the landlord is mandatory!

    Temporary registration in such housing stock is possible for no more than 6 months in a row. But even in this case, the landlord may prohibit the registration of temporary registration of citizens in these premises due to the fact that the norms of housing designed for one person will be reduced;

  • legal entity owning housing stock;
  • direct owners of premises;
  • board of a housing cooperative (provided that the member of the cooperative is not the owner of the premises).

As a general rule, registration of children under the age of majority at the place of residence of the parents is carried out without their consent.

The consent of the homeowner is made in writing and certified by a notary or directly at the UVM in his presence.

And now let's touch on the issues from the owner of the premises.

The lease agreement is concluded, a new tenant has appeared in the apartment. But, despite the initially good opinion, he did not justify the hopes of the landlord. The question arises: how to evict him?

To begin with, try to have a constructive dialogue, during which give good reasons why the citizen should leave. If this option does not help, go to court.

Temporary registration terminates automatically - after the expiration of the period specified in the application. But in case of early termination of registration, a citizen must apply to the UVM in order to be deregistered at the place of temporary residence.

Violation of the terms of temporary registration

For non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation on registration at a temporary place of residence, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the following fines:

  1. For citizens who have not registered, the amount of the fine is from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles; for Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles;

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Is it necessary to register property rights?

Despite the existence of a system of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it for more than 10 years, the question of the need or obligation of registration remains relevant today.

It should immediately be said that the need for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is provided for by Art. 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Registration) provides for the mandatory nature of such registration. Such a wording about registration suggests that the obligation of state registration is a kind of duty. And since there is a duty, there must be responsibility for its non-fulfillment, otherwise, for the majority of citizens in our country, the very meaning of imposing a duty is lost - there is no motivation to fulfill it.

However, the legislator, having provided that the rights to immovable property, title documents for which are issued after the entry into force of the Law on Registration, arise only from the moment of registration of such rights, has not established either the deadlines for applying for registration, or any liability for non-application.

There are only "dry" formulations in the Registration Law.

The right of ownership and other real rights to real estate, restrictions on these rights, their occurrence, transfer and termination are subject to state registration in the unified state register by the bodies that carry out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. The following are subject to registration: the right of ownership, the right of economic management, the right of operational management, the right of lifetime inheritable possession, the right of permanent use, mortgage, easements, as well as other rights in cases provided for by this Code and other laws (clause 1, article 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) .

State registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is a legal act of recognition and confirmation by the state of the emergence, restriction (encumbrance), transfer or termination of rights to real estate in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. State registration is the only proof of the existence of a registered right (Article 2 of the Registration Law).

Rights to property subject to state registration arise from the moment of registration of the relevant rights to it, unless otherwise provided by law (clause 2, article 8 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). An agreement subject to state registration is considered concluded from the moment of its registration, unless otherwise provided by law (clause 3, article 433 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

However, most citizens are not familiar with them. Citizens apply for registration because "it's necessary, it's customary", they know about it from relatives, acquaintances, they were told about it by a realtor. Or they don't apply at all. And it is these citizens who would like to be warned against the risk of adverse consequences of their inaction - failure to apply or untimely application for registration.

Of course, you can live in an apartment, a residential building or use a land plot for some time without state registration of rights to them and apply for registration only if necessary - they do not register in an apartment, they decided to exercise the right to property tax deductions. However, can you be sure that after some time, when you still decide to apply for state registration, the state registration process will be as successful as if you had done it on time - that is, at the time of the occurrence of those legal facts that are the basis for your rights. For example, if the title document is a court decision or a non-normative act of a state authority or local self-government, on the basis of which the right of common shared ownership of several persons arises and one of them has died, the right of the others cannot be registered, since registration must be carried out simultaneously in relation to all co-owners . Moreover, the heirs will have difficulties with registration of the rights to the inheritance.

Another example is the registration of rights based on a transaction. By virtue of Art. 16 of the Law on Registration for the registration of rights arising on the basis of an agreement, the application of all parties to the agreement is required. Often, after drawing up and signing the contract, the parties lose contact with each other and it becomes difficult for them to jointly apply to the registration authority. As a result, the party to the contract, interested in registering its rights, is forced, in accordance with Article 554 of the Civil Code, to apply to the court with a claim for registration of the transfer of rights. And that means more time and money.

In addition, it is always necessary to remember that despite the fact that you have title documents, you are not the legal owner of the object until the moment of state registration of rights to it.

Thus, while recommending that you register the rights to real estate in a timely manner, we also consider it necessary to note the following. In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, from October 1, 2011, information and documents at the disposal of federal executive bodies necessary for state registration of rights may not be provided by applicants , and the responsibility for their receipt rests with the Office. From July 1, 2012, the norms of the above law will also apply to information and documents at the disposal of the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local governments. That is, it eliminates the need for the applicant to apply to various authorities and organizations, which reduces the time and cost of obtaining documents. Of course, the documents that are the basis for state registration of rights (for example, an administrative act on the provision of real estate, a lease agreement, a sale and purchase agreement, etc. documents) must be submitted by the applicants themselves.

In Soviet times, a citizen without a propiska was considered virtually “non-existent”. The stamp was affixed in the passport, without it it was impossible to get a job, register children in kindergarten and school, the rights guaranteed by the Constitution were not available.

In 1993, in Russia, the concept of "propiska" was abolished, it was replaced by registration. But for citizens, the question of whether registration at the place of residence is mandatory sometimes remains unclear.

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Thus, the legislator determined that every citizen and visitor has the right to free movement within the country, he can independently choose where to live. But the obligation is to register where he will actually live.

You can register temporarily, for a certain period, it depends on the time of stay in a new place, it must be more than 3 months.

For example, a Russian citizen came to rest in another region or to relatives, to a place of temporary employment. This also applies to foreigners, their registration can only be temporary. Permanently a person must be registered at the place of residence, that is, where he is all the time. Registration is required regardless of age.

Thanks to registration, the state can regulate the financing of settlements, determine the amount of funds needed for social payments, and resolve other financial issues.

Knowing the number of residents, you can determine how many clinics, kindergartens and schools will need to be built in one city, roads will be laid, public transport will be launched, and much more. Thus, this provision is defined by legislative norms, for failure to comply with the registration regime, an administrative fine is threatened for citizens and owners of housing in which they live.

Should it match

In 1995, a Government Decree determined that a person must reside where he registered, regardless of whether it is temporary or permanent. If he permanently resides in one place, but for a certain period it is necessary to go to another, then he should not be removed from the permanent register, you just need to become a temporary one.

Temporary registration cannot cancel permanent registration, however, according to the law, a person must be registered where he is at the moment, and vice versa

Legal basis

In the Constitution, Art. 27 refers to freedom of movement for citizens of the Russian Federation throughout the country and their right to choose a place to live. Departure from the country and re-entry also cannot be impeded.

Visitors with the appropriate documents can also stay on the territory of Russia without hindrance. The exceptions are cases when the legislator restricts stay in certain territories.

Each person who is in Russia must be accounted for, which means that he is required to notify the state authorities of his location. According to the law, the address of the place of residence must match the actual location of the person, but in practice this is not always the case. This is especially true for persons who have a permanent residence permit in one place, but live in another without temporary registration.

In the Civil Code, in Art. 20 it is determined that the place of residence of a person is the room where he is almost constantly. This is the address where you need to register permanently.

child age up to 14 years old must also be permanently registered with the legal representatives of the minor - parents, adoptive parents, guardians. Permanent registration can be changed to temporary in certain situations. It is assumed that when the situation changes, the person will return to his place of permanent residence.

The place of permanent registration is affixed in the passport with a corresponding mark, and for temporary registration a certificate is issued for a certain period.

A monetary penalty is imposed in accordance with Art. 19.15 for accommodation not at the place of registration, as well as the absence of:

  • passports;
  • marks of permanent registration;
  • temporary certificate.

If the owner of the premises provided shelter to the person who committed the crime, and at the same time did not register him, then he can be held criminally liable.

Permanent and temporary registration is issued not only for living in privatized housing, but also for municipal, departmental and other. The basis for temporary stay is usually an agreement that the tenant concludes with the owner or landlord.

But if we are talking about a long-term lease, then the legislator equates registration with a permanent one.

Is it always necessary to register at the place of residence?

Is registration at the place of residence mandatory if a person owns several residential premises. Yes, but he is required to register permanently only in one residential area, according to the law, it is impossible in several places.

When a permanent registration is already in place and new housing is being purchased, then it is enough for the owner to have only documents for the property, and if you wish to register in a new place, you should check out from the old one.

When changing your passport

The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is issued to each person who has reached 14 years. The registration procedure takes place in the FMS.

You can get a document at the place of permanent registration and temporary residence, in the same way, the legislator provides for registration when a document needs to be changed.

Order No. 391 (2012) states that a passport must be issued at the place where a citizen applies for it.

It is allowed not only to change the passport upon the arrival of a certain period, but also the Russian one, when:

  • surname changes;
  • comes 20 or 45 years old;
  • the document is stolen or lost.

It should be noted that changing the passport at the place of temporary registration, when it contains a permanent mark, the receipt of a new document will be delayed for a longer period. At this time, the citizen will need to use a temporary certificate.

A citizen can apply to the Federal Migration Service when a document is stolen or lost, in which case the application is usually issued at the scene of the actual incident, and not at the place of registration. Additionally, you must file a police report.

If a citizen does not have a permanent residence permit in his passport, then, most likely, the FMS will refuse him, and documents for issuing a new one will not be accepted, although this is illegal. In this case, the person concerned should be asked to issue a written waiver of IC representation.

For temporary

Temporary registration at a new place is necessary when a person plans to stay there for more than 90 days, in any residential area, be it:

  • a private house;
  • flat;
  • office space, which is equipped for housing;
  • public premises (hotel, sanatorium, hostel, nursing home, etc.).

On the one hand, a citizen who has a place of permanent residence is obliged to register in a new place for temporary residence, but, on the other hand, it is not always possible to prove that he does not live at the place of registration.

You can refuse the procedure for citizens who have a permanent residence permit, who:

  • live in rented housing in another city, but do not need, for example, benefits, visits to a state medical institution;
  • live in another room with strangers or relatives within the same locality.

If a citizen knows that he will need to apply for free medical care in a new place, receive benefits, register children in a kindergarten or school, get a job, then it is better to comply with the requirements of the law.

It should be borne in mind that for a temporary residence permit, an adult always needs to have grounds, most often this is the consent of the owner of the home and other residents, a child up to 14 years old prescribed automatically with mother or father.

For permanent

A permanent residence permit is required for every citizen of the Russian Federation, starting from birth. Registration of a newborn, for example, is required within a month, and an adult for 7 days if he moved to a new location. If, when submitting documents, one of the necessary documents is not in hand, the procedure will take longer.

You can register and permanently reside:

  • in a room that is personal property;
  • a relative who does not object and the premises is his property often needs to attach a document confirming the relationship;
  • strangers, when the premises are their property, should not have any objections from other residents;
  • in other cases provided by law.

Having a permanent residence permit and living at the place of registration, a citizen of the Russian Federation will not have problems with the implementation of the rights granted by the state.

Underage child

Legal representatives are required to register a child at the place where they:

  • registered permanently;
  • are temporarily.

A minor must be registered and live where both parents or one are. After the birth of the child in the maternity hospital, a birth certificate is issued, and a certificate is issued on its basis within a month. At the same time, the child must be registered.

If the application is submitted by the mother, wishing to register the child in the room where she herself is registered without his father, then the consent of the second parent is not required. Whether they are married or not.

When the child is more than 1 month old, it is possible to prescribe it at the place of residence of the father or mother only with the consent of the second spouse. Written or oral consent is required whether the parents are married or divorced.

For example, a child was registered with his parents, but after a divorce, the mother wants to move to another room and register him there. If the father does not agree, a court order will be required, because the minor must be with the adult who is raising him.

The same is the case with temporary registration, when the family moves to a new place, consent is not required. But if one of the parents wishes to register the child in a new place with him, then the FMS will require the consent of the second parent.

It is possible to register a child with relatives or strangers alone without parents only after 14 years. The procedure has its own nuances, for example, not only their presence at the registration authority, but also written consent, as well as other papers, may be required.

The terms of registration at the place of permanent or temporary registration, as well as for adults, are 7 days.

In different situations, the package of documents may differ, it depends on:

  • whether the parents are married;
  • where the child is registered;
  • what are the conditions for registration;
  • how old is the child;
  • etc.

Registration is carried out without the consent of the owner and persons living in the premises, if one or both parents are already registered there, regardless of whether it is a temporary stay or permanent residence. A mark on a permanent residence permit is not put on the certificate of the child, but with temporary registration it is put down.

When it may be required

Every citizen must have a permanent registration mark in his passport; in other cases, he must have a temporary certificate in his hands, which can be checked at any time.

Registration may be needed by any citizen in certain life situations, the most common are:

  • registration of children in a general educational institution;
  • receiving free medical care;
  • passing a medical examination;
  • employment registration;
  • company registration.

Apparatus employed

In the TC, in Art. 65 the legislator specifies the list of documents required for employment. One of them is a passport or another identity card. The mark of permanent registration is affixed precisely in the passport, but as it is written in Art. 64 employment cannot depend on it.

The employer does not have the right to restrict the rights of a citizen when concluding an employment contract because of his gender, nationality, race and place of residence. The presence of temporary or permanent registration, its absence cannot be a condition for refusal to perform work duties.

In practice, in some cases, things happen a little differently. Despite the law, employers often demand that the future employee of the company live where the company is located, categorically refusing to take non-residents.

It is out of the question that a person living in Russia is not registered anywhere, and such a citizen will not be hired

For kindergarten and school

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43 enshrined the rights of every child living in the territory of the Russian Federation to visit a preschool institution. Art. 31 speaks of the compulsory education that a child must receive at school.

For kindergarten, parents will be required that the child be registered temporarily or permanently at the place where the institution is located. If the baby enters the kindergarten at the place of his permanent residence, then there will be no problems at all with the refusal.

But it is not uncommon for parents to rent an apartment in another city or move there for employment. They are obliged to register the child there as temporarily as they are themselves. Having presented a birth certificate with a note of temporary stay in this city upon admission, the administration will also not make any claims.

Although the law does not state that a child should be refused if he does not have temporary or permanent registration, which is very rare. But in practice, this is exactly what happens.

Based on the provisions of internal regulations, it makes the same requirements as. No one wants to take a child without registration, so parents are denied. But it is necessary to take into account that you can get on the queue for admission in advance.

If, for example, the landlord refuses to register the family or one of the parents, and even more so the child, the justifying document for the administration of the educational institution may be the lease agreement for the residential premises where the family plans to stay.

In other cases, the issues of admission to kindergarten and school are decided on an individual basis during an interview with the administration.

To the medical board

To date, car owners are allowed to pass exams and get rights in any department, regardless of where the car will be registered. But for their extension each time it is necessary to pass a medical examination.

You can get through all the necessary specialists free of charge only at the medical institution at the place of registration, where a citizen lives permanently or temporarily.

You can also pass a medical commission to verify that a person can drive a vehicle in a paid clinic that has a valid document for the provision of medical services.

But it is possible to pass such doctors as a narcologist and a psychiatrist only at the place of permanent registration. If a citizen lives in another city or region, then you will have to go to the place of permanent registration for a certificate.

But issues are also resolved at the place of temporary residence, for this it is necessary to find a clinic and doctors who will agree to conduct an examination. Therefore, it is possible today to change rights or renew at the place where a person actually lives.

This can be done even by a foreign citizen who, in addition to all the necessary documents, will present not a Russian passport, but a foreign one.

The question will be more difficult if there is no registration, but we can also solve it for a fee. Every driver needs to remember that, according to the law, it is impossible to renew a driver's license for a person without registration.

Reservations for IP

One of the pressing issues for businessmen is the registration of an enterprise or individual activity not at the place of registration. On the basis of Federal Law No. 129, entrepreneurial activity must be registered with the tax office, to which the address of the citizen's permanent residence is geographically related.

To register, an entrepreneur submits certain documents, one of which is a copy of all pages of the passport, including the one where the registration is. It is also desirable for an individual entrepreneur to choose a taxation system at the stage of opening a business.

After registration, the IP will also be registered with local budgetary and non-budgetary funds. If a citizen chooses in advance a system of a single tax on temporary income (UTII), then he will be able to register his activity at a distance from his place of permanent registration.

But this requires that:

  • this system of taxation was in force in the territory where he plans to do business;
  • entrepreneurial activity must be permitted for UTII.

Based on Art. 346 An entrepreneur may conduct commercial activities far from the place of permanent registration, for example, where:

  • the enterprise is located;
  • activities are underway;
  • he actually lives.

It is also possible to engage in commercial activities in several cities at the same time or regions, in one settlement, in which several branches of the National Assembly are located. Then you can register a business in any branch that is closest to the place of doing business.

If an entrepreneur does not have any registration, then by law he cannot register a business.

When submitting documents, the National Assembly is interested in the fact of registration of a person in the territory of the Russian Federation in general, this should be a permanent registration in a passport or a certificate confirming temporary stay in any locality.