Psychology of relationships between men and women. Psychology of a man in a relationship with a woman: men's secrets. Male psychology in love and relationships

a) an emergency situation of a local nature, as a result of which the territory where the emergency situation has developed and the living conditions of people are violated (hereinafter referred to as the emergency zone), does not go beyond the territory of the facility, while the number of people who died or received damage to health (hereinafter referred to as number of victims), is not more than 10 people or the amount of damage to the environment natural environment and material losses (hereinafter - the amount of material damage) is not more than 100 thousand rubles;

B) an emergency situation of a municipal nature, as a result of which the emergency zone does not go beyond the territory of one settlement or the intracity territory of a city of federal significance, while the number of victims is not more than 50 people or the amount of material damage is not more than 5 million rubles, and also this emergency cannot be classified as a local emergency;

C) an inter-municipal emergency, as a result of which the emergency zone affects the territory of two or more settlements, intra-urban territories of a city of federal significance or an inter-settlement territory, while the number of victims is not more than 50 people or the amount of material damage is not more than 5 million rubles;

D) a regional emergency, as a result of which the emergency zone does not go beyond the territory of one subject Russian Federation, while the number of victims is more than 50 people, but not more than 500 people, or the amount of material damage is more than 5 million rubles, but not more than 500 million rubles;

E) an emergency situation of an interregional nature, as a result of which the emergency zone affects the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, while the number of victims is more than 50 people, but not more than 500 people, or the amount of material damage is more than 5 million rubles, but not more 500 million rubles;

E) an emergency situation of a federal nature, as a result of which the number of victims is more than 500 people or the amount of material damage is more than 500 million rubles.

2. Recognize as invalid Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1996 N 1094 "On the classification of natural and man-made emergencies" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1996, N 39, art. 4563).

2.1. Establish that the classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature, provided paragraph 1 of this Decree does not apply to emergency situations in forests resulting from forest fires.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation


Judicial practice and legislation - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2007 N 304 (as amended on May 17, 2011) "On the classification of natural and man-made emergencies"

Incidents during transportation (transportation) dangerous goods(associated with spillage (spillage) of dangerous goods resulting from damage to the wagon or container, damage to the packaging, loosely closed hatches of the wagon, defect (damage) of the boiler of the tank wagon, defect (damage) of the fittings of the boiler of the tank wagon, defect (damage) of the drain device tank car that caused damage to the life and health of people, property of individuals or legal entities, the natural environment), which led to emergency situations of an interregional and federal nature, determined in accordance with resolution

Classification of an emergency according to resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2007 N 304 "On the classification of natural and man-made emergencies" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2007, N 22, item 2640; 2011, N 21, item 2971);

Water supply and sanitation facilities providing water supply and (or) sanitation services to facilities included in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the lists of critical or potentially hazardous facilities of the Russian Federation, if the termination of the provision of water supply and (or) sanitation services to these facilities will entail an emergency situations of a regional (interregional) or federal nature in accordance with the classification of emergency situations defined in resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2007 N 304 "On the classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature";

According to the classification contained in resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2007 N 304 "On the classification of natural and man-made emergencies", depending on the number of people affected in an emergency, the boundaries of its distribution and the amount of material damage, emergency situations of local, municipal, intermunicipal, regional are distinguished , interregional and federal character.

7. The values ​​defined in the resolution

As values ​​of indicators of criteria for categorizing objects, the values ​​defined in resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2007 N 304 "On the classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature."

Incidents during the transportation (transportation) of dangerous goods (associated with spillage (spillage) of dangerous goods resulting from damage to the wagon or container, damage to the packaging, loosely closed hatches of the wagon, defect (damage) to the boiler of the tank wagon, defect (damage) to the fittings of the boiler of the wagon - tank car, defect (damage) of the drain device of the tank car, which caused damage to life and health of people, property of individuals or legal entities, the environment, which led to emergency situations of interregional and federal nature, determined in accordance with resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2007 N 304 "On the classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2007, N 22, item 2640; 2011, N 21, item 2971).

Class (level) emergency

Hurt, man.

Violated living conditions, pers.

Material damage, thousand minimum wage rub.

The limit of action of damaging factors within

Objective (local)

1 object

District, city, populated


Subject of the Russian Federation


Two subjects of the Russian Federation


Over 5,000

More than two subjects of the Russian Federation


Outside Russia

Classification of natural and man-made emergencies

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" - emergency- the situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, a natural hazard, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violations of people's living conditions.

Emergencies are classified according to various criteria. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 304 dated May 21, 2007 "On the classification of natural and man-made emergencies" by the scale of distribution and severity of the consequences of emergencies natural and man-made nature are divided into local emergencies, municipal emergencies, inter-municipal emergencies, regional emergencies, inter-regional emergencies, federal emergencies.

To Local emergency include emergencies, as a result of which the territory in which an emergency situation has developed and the living conditions of people are violated (hereinafter referred to as the emergency zone), does not go beyond the territory of the facility, while the number of people who died or received damage to health (hereinafter referred to as the number of injured), is not more than 10 people, or the amount of damage to the environment and material losses (hereinafter referred to as the amount of material damage) is not more than 100 thousand rubles.

municipal emergency- those emergency situations, as a result of which the emergency zone does not go beyond the territory of one settlement or the intracity territory of a city of federal significance, while the number of victims is not more than 50 people or the amount of material damage is not more than 5 million rubles, and this emergency cannot be classified as a local emergency.

To Inter-municipal emergencies include emergencies, as a result of which the emergency zone affects the territory of two or more settlements, intra-city territories of a city of federal significance or inter-settlement territory, while the number of victims is more than 50 people or the amount of material damage is not more than 5 million rubles.

Regional emergencies- those emergency situations, as a result of which the emergency zone does not go beyond the boundaries of one subject of the Russian Federation, while the number of victims is more than 50 people, but not more than 500 people, or the amount of material damage is more than 5 million rubles, but not more than 500 million rubles.

To federal emergency include emergencies, as a result of which the number of victims is more than 500 people or the amount of material damage is more than 500 million rubles.

By the nature of occurrence Emergencies can be divided into man-made, natural, environmental, anthropogenic, social and combined.

To technogenic are emergency situations, the origin of which is associated with technical objects: explosions, fires, accidents at chemically hazardous facilities, radioactive substances emissions at radiation hazardous facilities, accidents with the release of environmentally hazardous substances, building collapse, accidents in life support systems, transport accidents, etc.

To natural belong Emergencies associated with the manifestation of the elemental forces of nature: earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, mudflows, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, natural fires, etc.

To environmental disasters(ES) include abnormal changes in the state of the natural environment: pollution of the biosphere, destruction of the ozone layer, desertification, acid rain, etc.

To biological emergencies include: epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties.

To social emergency- events generated by society and taking place in society: interethnic conflicts with the use of force, terrorism, robberies, violence, contradictions between states (wars), famine, etc.

Anthropogenic emergencies- Consequences of erroneous actions of people.

Due to the occurrence Emergencies are divided into random(unintentional) and deliberate. The last group includes terrorist acts, extremist actions, and other deliberate actions. Most emergencies are random. However, this does not mean that the emergence and development of emergencies does not follow any laws.

By time mode Emergencies are divided into emergency situations peaceful time and military time.

For wartime emergencies, the normative and methodological literature uses the expression "ES from dangers arising from the introduction of hostilities or as a result of these actions."

According to the speed of development Emergencies are divided into: sudden(earthquakes, explosions, traffic accidents); impetuous(associated with fires, emissions of SDYAV, AHOV); moderate (floods, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc.).

Emergencies are characterized by qualitative and quantitative criteria. Qualitative criteria include: temporal (suddenness and speed of development of events); socio-ecological (human casualties, removal of large areas from economic circulation); socio-psychological.

The main causes of emergencies:

    internal: technological complexity, insufficient personnel qualification, design and construction flaws, physical and moral wear and tear of equipment, low labor and technological discipline;

    external: natural disasters, sudden cuts in the supply of energy carriers, technological products, terrorism, wars.

The nature of the development of emergencies. The occurrence of emergencies is due to the presence of residual risk. According to the concept of residual risk, absolute safety cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, such security is accepted that society accepts and can provide in a given period of time.

Conditions for an emergency: the presence of a source of risk (pressure, explosive, poisonous, RV); actions of the risk factor (gas release, explosion, fire); presence in the outbreak of people, farm animals and land.

Sources of emergencies

Sources of emergencies can be natural hazards, man-made incidents, especially dangerous infectious diseases of humans and animals, as well as modern means of destruction.

According to the cause of occurrence, the sources of emergencies are divided into three groups: natural, anthropogenic and mixed.

Natural sources of emergencies

Occur as a result of various kinds of perturbations in natural environment human habitats and are subdivided: into geological and geophysical, hydrometeorological, aerometeorological, biological.

Geological and geophysical sources of emergencies arise as a result of disturbances inside and on the surface of the earth's crust. These include: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, mudflows, avalanches, dust storms, etc.

Hydrometeorological sources of emergencies are formed in the hydrosphere. These are, first of all, cyclones, tsunamis, storms, floods, etc.

Aerometeorological sources of emergencies arise as a result of disturbances in the lower layers of the atmosphere. These include: hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, downpours, snowfalls, etc.

Biological sources of emergencies are especially dangerous infectious diseases and mass poisoning of people, infectious diseases of agricultural animals and plants, mass spread of pests, etc.

Anthropogenic sources of emergencies

They arise in an artificial habitat created by man and are divided into two groups: technogenic and social.

Technogenic sources of emergencies include, first of all, fires, accidents at radiation and chemically hazardous facilities, transport, engineering networks, hydraulic and other life support facilities.

Social sources of emergencies include armed clashes on the basis of interstate, interethnic, interreligious conflicts; terrorism, crime, drug addiction, etc.

Mixed source emergencies

Due to the active anthropogenic impact on environment, under the influence of which new natural sources of emergency situations arise or intensively develop. These include sources of emergencies associated with changes in the state of the land, atmosphere, hydrosphere, due to the negative human impact on the biosphere, etc.





List of changing documents

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2011 No. 376)

In pursuance of the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Establish that natural and man-made emergencies are divided into:

A) a local emergency, as a result of which the territory where the emergency situation has developed and the living conditions of people are violated (hereinafter referred to as the emergency zone) does not go beyond the territory of the facility, while the number of people who died or received damage to health (hereinafter referred to as the number of victims) is not more than 10 people, or the amount of damage to the environment and material losses (hereinafter referred to as the amount of material damage) is not more than 100 thousand rubles;

B) an emergency situation of a municipal nature, as a result of which the emergency zone does not go beyond the territory of one settlement or the intracity territory of a city of federal significance, while the number of victims is not more than 50 people or the amount of material damage is not more than 5 million rubles, and also this emergency cannot be classified as a local emergency; c) an inter-municipal emergency, as a result of which the emergency zone affects the territory of two or more settlements, intra-city territories of a city of federal significance or an inter-settlement territory, while the number of victims is not more than 50 person or the amount of material damage is not more than 5 million rubles;

D) a regional emergency, as a result of which the emergency zone does not go beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation, while the number of victims is more than 50 people, but not more than 500 people, or the amount of material damage is more than 5 million rubles, but not more than 500 million rubles; roubles, but not more than 500 million rubles; f) a federal emergency, as a result of which the number of victims is over 500 people or the amount of material damage is over 500 million rubles.

2. Recognize as invalid Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 13, 1996 No. 1094 "On the classification of natural and man-made emergencies." 2.1. Establish that the classification of emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature, provided for in paragraph 1 of this Decree, does not apply to emergency situations in forests resulting from forest fires.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation

Potential danger is a hidden danger, uncertain in time and space. A potential danger is realized through causes and if undesirable consequences significant, the event is classified as an emergency. The dictionary of the Russian language S. Ozhegov offers the following definition: extraordinary - exceptional, very large, surpassing everything. In life, all deviations from the usual, normal, we call an emergency or situation.

AT normative documents the following definition is given: an emergency situation (ES) is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the natural environment, significant material losses and violation of the living conditions of people. An emergency is usually named after the underlying extreme event.

Extraordinary event - a zonal incident of technogenic, anthropogenic or natural origin, which consists in a sharp deviation from normally occurring processes or phenomena and has a negative impact on human life, the functioning of the economy, social sphere and the natural environment. At the same time, the norm is understood as such a course of a process or phenomenon to which the population and production have adapted through long experience or special scientific and technical developments.

The situation in the emergency area is a specific characteristic of the zone (object, region, etc.) in which an emergency situation has developed, identified at a certain point in time and containing information about the state, consequences, resources and work carried out, as well as data on external conditions.

Emergency conditions - characteristic measures of the general situation that have developed in the corresponding zone (at the facility, in the region, etc.) as a result of an emergency event and other simultaneously acting aggravating or stabilizing factors, including local features.

Emergency situations of peacetime and wartime include: accidents; major accidents; dangerous natural phenomena; natural disasters; environmental disasters; ecological disasters; social, political, national phenomena.

An accident is an extreme man-made event that occurred for design, production, technological or operational reasons, or due to random external influences, and consists in damage, failure, destruction technical devices or structures.

An industrial or transport accident is major accident, resulting in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences.

dangerous a natural phenomenon- this is a natural event, which, due to its intensity, scale of distribution and duration, can cause negative consequences for the life of people, the economy and the natural environment.

A natural disaster is a catastrophic natural phenomenon (or process) that can cause numerous casualties, significant material damage and other severe consequences.

Ecological catastrophe (environmental disaster) is an extraordinary event of a particularly large scale, caused by a change (under the influence of anthropogenic factors) of the state of the land, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, accompanied by mass death of living organisms and economic damage.

The main consequences of emergency situations are destruction, flooding, mass fires, radioactive contamination (contamination), bacterial (biological) contamination, chemical contamination, etc., death of the population.

The scale of the consequences (damage) of a disaster - the number of diseases, injuries, deaths, economic losses, etc. (it is a consequence of the interaction of many phenomena - causes, factors).

Emergency prevention is a set of measures taken in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of emergencies, as well as at preserving people's health, reducing damage to the environment and material losses in case of their occurrence. security emergency accident

Liquidation of emergencies is emergency rescue and other urgent work, carried out in the event of an emergency and aimed at saving lives and preserving people's health, reducing the amount of damage to the environment and material losses, as well as localizing emergency zones, stopping the action of natural factors characteristic of them.