Receiver documents. Working instructions for the cargo and baggage acceptance clerk of the finished product shipment site. Alphabetical Index of Dangerous Goods

Russian Federation Order of Russian Railways

set a bookmark

set a bookmark

Typical job description of a cargo and baggage acceptance officer of JSC "Russian Railways"

8. Requirements for the labor protection of the receiver

8.1. General requirements for labor protection

8.1.1. The acceptance officer has the right to start work if he has passed a scheduled medical examination (which has not expired), he has been instructed on safety and working conditions by the head of the station or a person authorized by him.

8.1.2. Briefings on labor protection are carried out: introductory - when an employee is hired; primary - at work

repeated - 1 time per quarter for all employees;

extraordinary - according to telegrams, notifications of the head of the railway;

target - immediately before carrying out one-time work (if necessary).

On the passage of briefings on safety and working conditions, all acceptance-deliverers must sign in the journal of the established form.

Before starting work, the receiver must:

if necessary, undergo targeted briefing, which begins 15 minutes before the start of the shift;

get acquainted with the plan of the forthcoming work, entries in the journals maintained by the acceptance officers.


general condition, preparedness of the workplace and performers for work;

serviceability of equipment, fences, fixtures, tools, stairs, floors;

condition of lighting, heating, electrical safety, fire extinguishing means;

the presence of warning and warning signs, posters on labor protection;

availability of overalls, signal vests, personal protective equipment and their condition;

condition of service passages;

timely cleaning of premises and workplaces.

8.1.3. The receiver must know:

the impact on a person of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise during work;

requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire safety;

locations of first aid kits, the procedure for providing primary first aid and personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE);

location of fire extinguishers.

8.1.4. When the acceptance officer detects malfunctions of warehouses, mechanisms, primary fire extinguishing equipment, lighting, and other deviations from the requirements for labor protection and industrial sanitation, the acceptance officer notifies the deputy head of the station, the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer) to take measures to eliminate them.

8.1.5. The receiver must:

perform only the work included in his duties, provided for by this Instruction;

use safe working practices;

exercise control over compliance with safety requirements by employees involved in loading and unloading cargo;

supervise the work of loading, weighing wagons and cargo, ensuring the safe use of loading and unloading machines and mechanisms;

comply with the requirements of prohibitory, warning, indicative and prescriptive signs, inscriptions and signals given by train compilers, vehicle drivers;

pass through the territory of the station along the established routes, footpaths, tunnels, passages and crossings.

8.2. Electrical safety measures

8.2.1. At stations with electrified tracks, the transceiver is prohibited from:

climb the contact network supports or approach live wires or parts of the contact network at a distance closer than 4 m;

touch the electrical equipment of the electric rolling stock and loading and unloading mechanisms, both directly and through any objects;

rise until the voltage is removed and the contact network is grounded on the roof of the car, stay on it, open hatches (lids) of tanks, isothermal and covered cars, as well as perform any work on the roofs of cars, boilers of tanks and on cargo and containers loaded on an open railway rolling stock. Any operations are carried out only after receiving a written notification of the removal of voltage from the contact network and overhead lines (VL). The procedure for transmitting a written notice to the acceptance agent is established by the head of the railway department (head of the railway);

touch the broken wires of the overhead line contact network and foreign objects located on them, regardless of whether they touch or do not touch the ground or grounded structures. If a wire break is detected, take measures to prevent people from approaching the wire break closer than 8 m.

8.2.2. Carrying out loading and unloading operations is allowed when approaching the contact network and to the overhead line of people, cargo and devices at a distance of 2 to 4 m. During the production of loading and unloading operations, a specially instructed worker appointed by order of the head of the station must be present. At a distance of more than 4 m from the lines of the contact network and overhead lines, work is carried out without the presence of a specially assigned worker.

8.3. Safety measures when the transceiver is on the railway tracks

8.3.1. While on the railway tracks, the receiver-receivers are obliged to observe the following safety measures:

be dressed in such a way that the clothes do not interfere with movements, and the buttons of the outer clothing are fastened. Headgear should not interfere with normal hearing, shoes should be with wide heels. A signal vest must be worn over the clothing;

go to the place of work along the routes of the service passage established by the technical and administrative act of the railway station, listening to the information on the loud-speaking park communication about the movement of trains and shunting trains;

pass along the railway track only along the side of the road or in the middle of the track, while keeping an eye on moving trains, shunting trains and locomotives, wagon cuts. Pay attention to objects protruding beyond the outline of the dimensions of loading and railway rolling stock;

when entering the railway track due to the railway rolling stock, from the premises, you must first make sure that there is no moving railway rolling stock on the railway track;

cross railway tracks at a right angle, after making sure that there is no railway rolling stock moving at a dangerous distance in this place;

when crossing a railway line occupied by a standing railway rolling stock, to the other side, use only the brake pads of the wagons, after making sure that their handrails, footboards and platform flooring are in good condition. It is forbidden to crawl under the wagons;

when bypassing wagons or locomotives standing on the railway tracks, it is allowed to cross the railway track at a distance of at least 5 m from them, and to pass into the space between uncoupled wagons (locomotives) with a distance between them of at least 10 m;

before leaving the brake pad of the car on the inter-track, it is necessary to make sure that the steps, handrails are in good condition, as well as that there are no locomotives or cars moving along the adjacent railway track. When leaving the brake platform, you need to hold on to the handrails facing the car;

climbing onto the brake platform and leaving it is allowed only when the car is parked;

when non-stop trains run at a speed of over 120 km/h, be at least 5 m from the nearest rail of the railway track along which the train follows.

When moving trains with lower speeds or shunting trains, locomotives, couplers of train cars or shunting railway rolling stock with oversized cargo, leave in advance to a safe place (to the side of the road or between tracks) at a distance of at least 2.5 m from the outermost rail.

8.3.2. It is forbidden to stand on the rail, between the wit and the frame rail or in the gutters at the turnout, crossings, crossings, sit on the rails, walk inside the track and along the ends of the sleepers.

When performing maneuvers, the receiver-and-receiver is also prohibited from riding on the steps of cars and locomotives, being on the roof of the car (tank boiler), the head of the automatic coupler, the ladders of tanks and other railway rolling stock and other parts of the car, standing in the open doors of the car, holding on to the door pillars in places of contact door cloths.

8.4. Labor protection requirements when performing loading and unloading operations

8.4.1. When loading and unloading goods by means of Russian Railways, the acceptance officer is obliged to establish the order of work and familiarize the foremen of the loading and unloading teams with the order of work.

8.4.2. When carrying out loading and unloading operations, it is not allowed for people to be in the area of ​​work of lifting mechanisms, as well as in the gondola car and cars. The receiver takes measures to ensure that there are no unauthorized persons at the work site.

8.4.3. Loading and unloading operations are allowed only when the wagons are secured at the place of the cargo operation. Maneuvers with wagons during loading and unloading operations are prohibited.

8.4.4. Manual movement of wagons along the front of unloading or loading is allowed only along a horizontal section of the track in the amount of not more than one loaded or two empty wagons. The movement of wagons is carried out manually under the guidance of a railway station employee.

When moving wagons along the front of loading and unloading, the acceptance officer is obliged to warn all workers about the order of work, to ensure that the bridges and other devices are removed, the loaded goods in the wagon are secured. The doors of the wagon must be closed before the start of its movement.

Manual movement of wagons occupied by people or dangerous goods is prohibited.

8.4.5. Loading and unloading areas must be kept properly clean. In case of ice, sand or fine slag should be sprinkled. All places where cargo and commercial operations are carried out must be illuminated in accordance with the norms established by the standards and rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation.

8.4.6. When installing the ZPU, as well as when checking them when accepting wagons and containers, the acceptor must fulfill the following requirements:

before installing the LSD on a wagon (or when checking it), make sure that there is no movement of locomotives and wagons along this railway track;

when installing the LHP on the wagons from the ground, make sure that the ladders (ladders) are in good condition.

8.4.7. In order to avoid the collapse of the cargo, it is forbidden to take the cargo from the wagon or the stack from below.

8.4.8. When opening the doors of wagons, hatches of gondola cars, sides of platforms, cutting off the tie wire, removing racks, the receiver-and-receiver must be out of the zone of possible cargo fall.

8.4.9. When opening doors in covered wagons, the receiver-and-receiver must make sure that they are hung on the crossbar.

8.4.10. Before unloading, raw materials of animal origin must be checked by a sanitary doctor for contamination. If signs of contamination of raw materials are found, work is stopped, the subsequent actions of the acceptance officer are carried out in accordance with the instructions of the specialist of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, including the direction of wagons to the decontamination station or decontamination station in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods by rail, controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor.

The receiver/receiver takes measures to ensure that all remaining waste, waste is collected and removed by the consignor (consignee) from the territory of the station.

In those cases when the contamination was established during the performance of cargo operations by the means of Russian Railways, the receiving and receiving operator ensures the destruction of all garbage and waste. Garbage and waste must be burned outside the warehouse or put into dustbins and filled with bleach.

8.5. Occupational safety requirements for loading and unloading dangerous goods by means of Russian Railways

8.5.1. The transceiver is prohibited from carrying out cargo operations with dangerous goods of class I (explosive materials) without a specialist provided by the consignor or consignee.

When reloading such goods en route, these operations can be carried out under the guidance of the accompanying cargo (transport chief), and in their absence, under the guidance of a specialist called by the military commandant of the railway section and railway station or the station chief, and in the presence of a responsible representative of the station.

8.5.2. When processing dangerous goods through the warehouse of the station, their storage is allowed only in specially designated places, equipped in accordance with established rules and regulations. The storage of dangerous goods of class I in the warehouses of the station is not allowed.

8.5.3. Acceptors working with dangerous goods must be equipped with PPE in accordance with established standards.

8.5.4. When processing dangerous goods in public places, the acceptance officer and workers must carefully inspect each package. Upon detection of broken bottles, boxes, spilled liquids or spilled dangerous substances, the receiver is obliged to stop work and call the appropriate employee, who takes measures to ensure the safe organization of work.

8.5.5. When loading and unloading empty acid bottles, the receiver should warn workers to take precautions, as there may be acid residue in the bottles.

8.5.6. Dangerous goods should generally be processed during daylight hours. At night, processing is allowed if there is electric lighting in the place of work in explosion and fireproof design in accordance with established standards.

8.5.7. When processing dangerous goods, the acceptance officer ensures that the goods in the wagon and warehouse are stowed in full compliance with the conditions for the transportation and storage of these goods. In this case, it is prohibited:

use hooks, crowbars, iron shovels and other metal objects;

carry loads on the back, shoulders, tilt, drag, throw, push them and walk on the load;

smoke and use open fire for lighting (kerosene lamp, candle, match, torch).

The properties of hazardous substances, their degree of danger, specific safety measures and precautions are indicated by the consignor in emergency cards in accordance with the Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail.

8.6. Labor protection requirements when working at a container point

8.6.1. When loading and unloading containers, the receiver must comply with the following requirements:

not be under raised containers;

do not allow containers to be lifted with their capture by two or three lifting devices (eye units, fittings);

not manage the loading of two or more containers at the same time.

8.6.2. Before loading containers, the receiver-and-receiver must make sure that the floor of the platform, as well as the supporting surfaces of the containers, are cleared of snow, ice and debris, and when loading medium-sized containers on platforms in winter, ensure that the floor is covered with sand.

8.7. Sanitary and Hygienic Requirements for the Transportation of Pesticides, Poisonous and Toxic Cargoes

8.7.1. When loading and unloading pesticides, highly toxic and other toxic substances, as well as mineral fertilizers and dusty goods, the acceptance of food and water, as well as smoking, is allowed to the receiver-deliverer only in specially designated areas during breaks between work after removing the overalls left at the workplace, thoroughly washing hands and face, rinsing the mouth and washing the nasal passages from penetrating dust.

8.7.2. After completion of work on reloading pesticides, highly toxic substances, acids, alkalis, raw materials of animal origin, sand, mineral fertilizers and other dusty goods, the receiver must take a warm shower. Overalls should be subjected to dust removal or degassing, and, if necessary, disinfection in the appropriate rooms provided for these purposes.

8.8. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

8.8.1. To prevent emergency situations, the transceiver must strictly comply with the technical and distribution act of the station, the technological process of the station and the requirements of this Instruction.

8.8.2. In all cases that threaten the lives of people or the safety of train traffic, the acceptance officer is obliged to give a stop signal to the train or shunting railway rolling stock and take measures to stop them. If a malfunction of a structure or device that threatens the safety of train traffic is detected, immediately take measures to protect the dangerous place and eliminate the malfunction.

8.8.3. In the event of a fire near the contact network, it is necessary to inform the station duty officer. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 meters from the contact network is only allowed to be carried out with carbon dioxide carbon dioxide-bromoethyl, aerosol and powder fire extinguishers. Extinguishing burning objects with water, chemical, foam or air-foam fire extinguishers is possible only when the voltage is removed from the contact network.

Appendix No. 1


Shipping Name

Substance identification number according to the UN list

liquid nitrogen

Nitrogen compressed



Acetic aldehyde

Aluminum nitrate

Silicon aluminum

Aluminum powder, uncoated

Aluminum hydride

aluminum carbide

sodium amalgam

Alkali metal amalgams

Alkaline earth metal amalgams

Amyl acetate


Ammonia water

Ammonia, liquefied

Ammonium nitrate, reagent

Ammonium bichromate

Ammonium persulphate

Ammonium Chromate

Sulfurous anhydride

Acetic anhydride

Chromic anhydride

Ethylene glycol antifreezes, (50-60%) water. rr


Argon compressed

liquid argon

Argon with an admixture of toxic gases

Argon-oxygen mixture

Asbovinyl lining mass


Acetylene, dissolved


Acetone cyanohydrin

barium nitrate

Barium bromate

Barium dichromate

Barium permanganate

barium metal

Barium Chromate

Barium alloys, non-pyrophoric

Gasoline, leaded

Gasoline for industrial purposes

Motor gasoline, unleaded

benzo-methanol mixture


Bitumens, viscous

Liquid bitumen

Bitumens, solid

Boron fluoride

Boron chloride

Butadiene, inhibited


Butyl acrylate

Butyl acetate


Butyl methacrylate


Cotton wool

Rags, oiled

Vinyl chloride, inhibited

Vinyl acetate

Vinylacetylene, inhibited

Vinylidene chloride, inhibited


Bismuth nitrate

Ammonia water

Liquid hydrogen

Hydrogen compressed

Hydrogen with an admixture of toxic gases

Hydrogen fluoride anhydrous

Hydrogen chloride anhydrous

compressed air

Fibers and fabrics, oiled

Cotton fiber

Hydrocarbon gases, liquefied




Helium compressed

Hydrazine hydrate

Water repellent GFK-1

Cumene hydroperoxide

Shoe granitol

Guanidine nitrate

manganese dioxide

lead dioxide



Divinylbenzene, inhibited


Dimethylamine anhydrous

Dimethylamine, aqueous solution








Dinitrophenols, content not less than 10% water

Dinitrophenols, content not less than 15% water


Alkali metal dispersions

Vacuum distillate












Diethyl aniline



diethylene glycol

diethyl carbonate

Iron nitrate

Sponge iron, waste

Iron carbonyl

Liquid pyrolysis products

Hydraulic brake fluids BSK and ESK

Hydrophobizing liquids

Liquid "Arctic"

Liquid "IM"

Liquid "IM-5-23-73"

Liquid "NIISS-4"

Liquid "THF-M"

Liquid "Cold-40"

Ethyl liquid

Nitrous oxide

Protective wax ZV-1

Lime chloride



Isobutyl acetate




Isoprene, inhibited

Isopropyl acetate

Potassium nitrite

Potassium nitrate, reagent

Potassium bromate

Potassium dichromate

Potassium permanganate

Potassium metal

Potassium persulphate

Potassium phosphorous

Potassium chlorate

Potassium perchlorate

Potassium amide

Potassium borohydride

Potassium hydroxide, solution

Potassium hydride

Potassium alloys

Calcium nitrate, reagent

Calcium siliceous

Calcium permanganate

calcium metal

calcium phosphorous

calcium hydride

Calcium hypochlorite

Carbolic black


Caustic, spent

Motion picture film, motion pictures based on nitrocellulose

Liquid oxygen

Oxygen compressed

Nitric acid, conc. over 70%

Nitric acid, conc. no more than 70%

Hydrobromic acid

Hydroiodic acid

Fluorosilicic acid

Formic acid

Sulfuric acid

hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid, inhibited

Acetic acid

Phosphoric acid

Hydrofluoric acid

perchloric acid

Perchloric acid, conc. from 50% to 72%

Chlorosulfonic acid

Rubber adhesives

Adhesives, synthetic


Motor gasoline pyrolysis component

Liquid compounds

Acid concentrate

Condensate from natural gases

Oil paints

Fasteners for varnishes

Krypton compressed


Xenon compressed

Xylenol technical

Liquid varnishes

Silicone varnishes

Linen combed

Lithium nitrate

Lithium aluminum hydride

Lithium silicon

lithium amide

Lithium borohydride

lithium hydride

Bast dry

Magnesium nitrate

Magnesium Powder

Magnesium phosphorous

Magnesium hydride

Acetone oils

Mineral oils

Fusel oils

Anthracene oil, technological

Wood resin oil

Oil green

Coal oil for wood impregnation

Creosote oil

Light coal oil

Shale oil

Solar oil

Medium coal oil

Anti-noise bituminous mastic BPM-1

Acid melange

Metallyl chloride


Methyl acrylate, stabilized

Sodium methylate, methanol solution

Methyl acetate

Methyl bromide




Methyl methacrylate, inhibited




Methyl chloride



Methyl cellosolve


Methyl ethyl ketone

Monomethylamine anhydrous

Monomethylamine aqueous solution

Monochloramine HB

Monoethylamine anhydrous

fish flour


Sodium hydroxide, solution

Sodium nitrite

Sodium nitrate reagent

Sodium bromate

Sodium bichromate

Sodium-potassium alloys

Sodium permanganate

Sodium metal dispersed in an organic solvent

Sodium persulphate

sodium phosphorous

Sodium chloride

Sodium chlorate

Sodium chlorate solution

Sodium Chromate

sodium amide

Sodium borohydride

sodium hydride

Sodium alloys

Fused naphthalene

Raw naphthalene

neon compressed

Oil feedstock for drying oil production

Nickel catalyst

Nickel nitrite

Nickel nitrate

Acrylic acid nitrile

Sodium nitrite solution



Nitro-paints, nitro-varnishes



Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

propylene oxide

Ethylene oxide

Drying oils artificial

Drying oils natural

Tin monophosphide

Sawdust and metal shavings, oiled

Residual distillation of benzene

Waste rubber, powder and granules

Textile waste, oiled

Wet wool waste

Celluloid waste

Cotton waste, oiled

Cotton tows


Petroleum liquid paraffin

Petroleum solid paraffin

Paste, dry-rolled, for nitro enamels

Pat pearl

Liquid pitch

Pitch coal

Petroleum pitch

Foam agent

Hemp combed

Acetyl peroxide, 23% solution in dibutyl phthalate

barium peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide, paste, phlegmatized

Benzoyl peroxide, powder, moistened

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solid

Dicumyl peroxide, 50% paste, phlegmatized

Dicumyl peroxide, powder, moistened

Di-tert-butyl peroxide

potassium peroxide

calcium peroxide

lauroyl peroxide

lithium peroxide

magnesium peroxide

Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, 45-50% solution in dimethyl phthalate

sodium peroxide

Strontium peroxide

tert-butyl benzoyl peroxide

zinc peroxide




Pyridine bases


polymer distillate


Benzene polychlorides


Porofor ChKhZ-57

Preparation CEAM

Natural gases with high methane content

Product 50

Propylene UV-1

propyl acetate



propylene glycol

Yarn for textiles


Aluminum powder

Zinc dust

ebonite dust



Reagent for coal flotation

Lead nitrate

ammonium nitrate

Potassium saltpeter

Saltpeter calcium

Saltpeter sodium

Hay, pressed

Liquid sulfur

Sulfur technical

Sulfur hexafluoride

Silver nitrate

hydrogen sulfide

carbon disulfide

Liquid driers



Coal tar

Phenolic resin

Acrylic resins, solution in a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and acetone

Alkyd-acrylic resins, solution in xylene

Melamine-formaldehyde resins, solution in butanol

Urea-formaldehyde resins, solution in butanol

Petroleum resins with a flash point above 61 °C

Shale resins

Solona, ​​pressed

Solvent coal

Oil solvent

Copolymer 5B

Amyl alcohol

Butyl alcohol

Alcohol, denatured

Isoamyl alcohol

Isobutyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol

Alcohol ammonia

propyl alcohol

Ethyl food alcohol

Ethyl alcohol technical

Incendiary matches

Liquid sodium glass

Styrene monomer, inhibited

Strontium nitrate

Sulfenamide BT

Sulfonated coal


Oil feedstock for carbon black production







Tetraethoxysilane technical

Diesel fuel

Diesel fuel, waste

Jet fuel

Motor fuel

Fuel oil

Domestic stove fuel

Tosol A-40

Triisobutylaluminum, solution in gasoline

Trimethylamine anhydrous

Trimethylamine aqueous solution











triethylene glycol


White Spirit

Carbon ammonia

Hydrocarbons light

Heavy hydrocarbons

Carbon dioxide

Technical carbon

Carbon tetrachloride


Liquid nitrogen fertilizer


Torch candles

Phenols liquid

Phenols, solid



Flux liquid BM-1


Formal glycol

Phosphorus, white, fused

Phosphorus yellow

Phosphorus red

Phosphorus pentasulfur

Phosphorus trisulfur

Nitrocellulose-based photographic film

Fraction butane-butylene

Butylene-amylene fraction

Fraction butylene-butadiene

Butylene-isobutylene fraction

Butylene fraction

Hexane-heptane fraction

Hexane fraction

Fraction pentane

Fraction picolinic

Piperylene fraction

Fraction propane-butane

Propane-propylene fraction

Phenolic fraction

Fraction carbon disulfide

Fraction of hydrocarbons wide

Ether-aldehyde fraction


Chlorine trifluoride

magnesium chlorate





Chromium nitrate

Chromium nitrate

Celluloid and products made from it

Metal cement

Ceresin petrolatum, unrefined






Zinc nitrate

Zinc dichromate

Zinc permanganate

zinc powder

Zirconium sponge

Zirconium Powder

Zirconium powder, wetted

Sulfur checkers

aromatic phenyl extract


Electrolyte alkaline

Ethane compressed

Ethylamine, aqueous solution


ethyl acetate



Ethylene liquid

ethylene glycol


ethyl mercaptan

Ethylene compressed



Ethyl chloride


ethyl cellosolve

Etrol nitrocellulose

Dimethyl ether

Monochlorodimethyl ether

Petroleum ether

Ethyl ether

Production Director
PJSC "Company"
____________ V.V. Umnikov

"___"___________ G.

Working instruction
cargo and baggage acceptance clerk of the finished product shipment area

The cargo and baggage acceptance officer of the finished product shipment site carries out the shipment of finished products, credits the cargo, is guided by the QMS documents necessary for the performance of work, safety and fire safety rules.

1. Getting Started

- get a task from the master of loading and unloading operations

2. Workplace

- at the workplace is:

a) methodological instruction "Sending finished products to consumers" MI QMS.
b) cargo arrival and departure log
c) computer.

3. During work

– accepts from the master of loading and unloading operations an order for the shipment of finished products;

– exposes electric motors together with a team of loaders and a crane driver for inspection by a storekeeper;

– after the shipment of all finished products to the container, the acceptance officer issues a seal to the loader for its sealing;

delivers loaded containers and accompanying documents by road to the railway station;

– draws up all railway documentation (including for export) necessary for loaded products;

- selects with the storekeeper the desired type, brand, quantity;

– exposes finished products together with a team of loaders and a crane driver for inspection by a storekeeper;

– the storekeeper scans the finished products by barcodes and gives permission for shipment;

- the acceptance agent writes them down in the "Journal of shipment of finished products";

– loaders load the engines into the container with the obligatory presence of a storekeeper, acceptance-deliverer, controller and security guard;

– after the shipment of all finished products to the container, the acceptance officer issues a seal to the loader for its sealing;

Delivers loaded containers and accompanying documents by road to the railway station;

– after receiving the containers at the railway station, draws up the shipment with filling in the receipts “On the acceptance of cargo for the carriage of cargo in a universal container”;

– registers railway receipts in the “Logbook of the arrival and departure of cargo”;

- draws up a report on them in 2 copies and submits it to the shipping office and accounting department;

– performs work on releasing goods that came in containers and wagons, delivers goods in containers to enterprises (visually inspects the container and checks the integrity of the seal) and submits it to the storekeeper against signature;

– provides the site with empty containers of the required tonnage in accordance with the instructions of the master of loading and unloading operations;

– draws up all railway documentation (including for export) required for loaded products;

– draws up and sends finished products (in containers, luggage) by railway, airport and through transport

– sends and receives goods through the luggage compartments of the railway station;

- receives accountable amounts for sending luggage and cargo, makes a report on them;

- at the end of the working day reports on the work done to the master of loading and unloading operations.

4. End of work

- turn off the computer;

- Clean up the workplace.

5. Rights and obligations

The employee is responsible for:

- failure to fulfill the duties assigned to him, provided for by this work instruction, an employment contract (contract), an agreement on liability";

— untimely registration of reports;

- Compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection.

The employee has the right:

- free provision of overalls, footwear;

— use the benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or provided for employees by a collective agreement and the labor code of the Russian Federation.

Head of the transport and warehouse department T.T. Transport workers


Head of the CTC P.P. Petrov
Head of Personnel Department I.I. Mirolyubov

Head of the Legal Department S.S. Sidorov

Lead QMS engineer V.V. Vasiliev


1. The main job responsibilities of cargo acceptors

2. The main job responsibilities of commodity cashiers (RAFTO Agents)

3. What operations does a commodity cashier perform?


1. Perepon V.P. "Organization of cargo transportation". Route 2003 (page 66)

2. Standard job description of the cargo and baggage acceptance officer of Russian Railways, 2005

3. Technological process of Kurya station

The professions of a cargo acceptance and cashier are the main and most widespread in the economy of cargo and commercial work. They are directly involved in the relationship with the senders and recipients of goods at the initial and final stages of the transportation process.

For transceivers entrusted with the implementation of the main cargo and commercial operations:

Acceptance of goods in wagons (containers) for transportation at railway stations (hereinafter - stations) of departure;

Issuance of goods from wagons (containers) at destination stations;

Acceptance and transfer of wagons (containers) for the carriage of goods in direct mixed and international traffic;

Sorting of small or container shipments en route;

Organization of storage of goods and its accounting in public places;

Determination of the mass of transported goods at the stations of departure or destination, as well as along the route;

Organization of transfer and accounting of cargo, wagons, containers;

Registration of transportation documents and control over the correctness of their execution on the issues provided for by the Instruction;

Execution of wagon lists when receiving and issuing wagons, including those loaded with container and small shipments;

Registration of acts of a general form, reports for the preparation of commercial acts, the commercial acts themselves in cases provided for by the Federal Law "Charter of the Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) and the Instruction;

Registration of documents related to the maintenance of station commercial reporting (on the acceptance of cargo, unloading to a warehouse, sorting and transfer, return of wagons (containers), conducting a commercial inspection of wagons or containers);

Conducting a commercial inspection of wagons in trains or wagons (containers) submitted for loading (double operation);

Organization of cargo search;

Drafting and consideration of investigation materials on unsafe transportations;

Ensuring control over compliance by consignors and consignees with the requirements to ensure the safety of the wagon fleet during loading and unloading operations at public places. In case of detection of damage to wagons (containers), an act of the general form GU-23 is drawn up.

Depending on the peculiarities and local conditions of the station, the cargo acceptor may be entrusted with performing other commercial operations: commercial inspection of trains and wagons, registration of undocumented cargo, drawing up and reviewing commercial acts, investigation materials on unsafe transportation, preparation of proposals for them.

The types of work performed by each transceiver, as well as the area served by it, are determined by instructional and technological maps compiled during the development of technological processes of work and technical and administrative acts of stations (TRA). The acceptance officer is allowed to perform the duties after training and passing the exam in the knowledge of all the regulatory documents provided for by the Job Description.

Commodity cashiers directly serve numerous consignors and consignees, participate in the fulfillment of accepted applications for the transportation of goods both in general at the station and for each consignor separately.

The work of a commodity cashier is organized in accordance with STPN-005 / M-NTP-2004 "Organization of the work of a commodity office at the station and distances of loading and unloading operations", using AS "ETRAN".

The commodity cashier performs: documentary registration of the acceptance of cargo for transportation from shippers and the issuance of documents for the arrived cargo to consignees, as well as the collection of freight charges and fees from them, maintaining commercial and financial reporting.

The commodity cashier performs the following operations:

Monitoring the implementation of the cargo loading plan with the formation of a daily order;

Acceptance and input of applications for the transportation of goods in AS "ETRAN";

Issuance of forms and accounting of transportation documents (strict and non-strict accounting);

Advising on the acceptance of goods for transportation;

Provision of contractual services related to the transportation of goods;

Checking the correctness of filling out invoices and checking taxation;

Approval of invoices;

Registration of transportation of goods by all types of shipments;

Issuance of receipts of cargo acceptance to the consignor;

Registration of the issuance of goods by all types of shipments to AS "ETRAN";

Registration of accumulative cards with the collection of charges for transportation;

Calculation of fees and collection of fees for the use of wagons;

Registration of redirection of goods in accordance with orders;

Preparation of accounting and reporting documentation in accordance with the Instruction for maintaining station commercial reporting No. TsF / 3504, Instruction for maintaining commercial reporting at stations for freight traffic of Russian Railways (order of Russian Railways dated 01.03.07 No. 333r), indication of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 No. D-720u;

Keeping books of conventional prohibitions (addresses 72,73,75);

Amendments to regulatory documents: Charter of the RF Railway Transport, BCPs, tariff manuals and other technical regulatory documentation in accordance with telegraph instructions;

Daily registration in AS "ETRAN" of the lists of the supply and removal of wagons in accordance with the "Technology of work for the collection of fines for the delay of cars owned by JSCo Russian Railways under loading (unloading of goods, according to the sheets of supply and cleaning of wagons");

Automated keeping of books of arrival (form GU-42VTs) and departure (form GU-34VTs);

Maintaining a list of responsible employees of consignors, consignees for loading and unloading wagons;

Maintenance of reporting forms provided for by the governing documents of Russian Railways;

Other duties in accordance with job responsibilities.

Added to site:

1. General safety requirements

1.1. This Instruction has been developed in accordance with, and commercial operations in the field of freight transportation, and establishes the basic requirements for labor protection when performing work by the cargo and baggage acceptor, including the senior cargo and baggage acceptor (hereinafter referred to as the acceptor).

On the basis of this Instruction and in accordance with the Guidelines for the development of state regulatory requirements for labor protection, as well as the regulatory documents of Russian Railways, the head of the structural unit organizes the development and approves the Instruction for labor protection for the cargo and baggage acceptor (including the senior one), taking into account local conditions , official duties.

1.2. The following persons are allowed to work independently as a receiver:

persons with primary vocational (qualification) education, not younger than 18 years;


mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) medical examination;

introductory and primary briefing on labor protection and fire safety;

internship in labor protection;

initial test of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

In case of a break in work by profession for more than 1 year, the acceptance officer must undergo training in labor safety before undergoing an internship in labor protection.

1.3. In the process of work, the receiver-deliverer in the prescribed manner passes:

periodic medical examinations (examinations);

repeated briefing on labor protection (at least once every three months);

unscheduled briefing on labor protection;

training in labor protection during technical studies, advanced training in the profession;

another test of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.4. The acceptance officer is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations established in the structural unit, to know his rights, obligations and be responsible for their failure to perform or improper performance in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

To prevent cooling and frostbite when working outdoors during the cold season at low temperatures, breaks for heating are provided. The duration and procedure for providing such breaks are established by the internal labor regulations or a local document for the structural unit. Microclimatic parameters under which outdoor work should be stopped are set by local authorities in the region.

It is not allowed to perform labor duties by the acceptance officer in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication. If an acceptance officer is detected at the workplace in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, he is suspended from work and removed from the territory of the unit in the manner determined by the structural unit.

1.5. The receiver must know in the scope of his duties:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

internal labor regulations;

the impact on a person of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise during work and measures to protect against their impact;

safe work practices;

instructions and other documents establishing the labor duties of the receiver;

technical and administrative act of the railway station and approved technological documents for the operation of the railway station;

labor protection rules and instructions, including the requirements of this Instruction;

rules for being on the railway tracks;

requirements for electrical safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation;

visible and audible signals that ensure the safety of train traffic, as well as the procedure for fencing an obstacle to train traffic that has arisen on the railway track;

Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation;

labor protection rules (safety measures) during loading and unloading operations and commercial operations in the field of freight transportation;

rules for commercial inspection of trains, wagons and containers;

technical conditions for the placement and fastening of goods in wagons and containers, rules for the carriage of goods;

instructions on the maintenance of railway scales and weighing rules;

instructions on the procedure for maintenance and organization of traffic on the non-public railway tracks of the serviced tracks;

regulations on the procedure for the protection of goods and objects in the railway transport of the Russian Federation;

rules and procedure for liquidation of emergency situations with dangerous goods;

location of primary fire extinguishing equipment, storage of first aid kit;

ways to provide first aid to victims.

1.6. The receiver must:

perform the work included in the official duties and entrusted by the heads of the railway station and shift;

apply safe practices when performing work and technological operations;

comply with the requirements of prohibiting, warning, indicating and prescriptive signs, inscriptions, visible and sound signals;

be extremely careful in places of movement of railway rolling stock and vehicles;

pass through the territory of the railway station along the established routes of the service (technological) passage, tunnels and transitions;

comply with fire safety requirements, have the skills to use fire-fighting equipment and inventory;

know and follow the safety measures and the procedure established by the technological documentation, labor protection rules for loading and unloading operations and commercial operations in the field of freight transportation and this Instruction;

comply with the obligations of the employee in the field of labor protection, established by Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, including:

compliance with labor protection requirements;

proper use of personal and collective protective equipment;

training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims, briefings on labor protection, internships and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

immediate notification of one's immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of each accident that occurred at work, or of a deterioration in one's health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);

passing obligatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations.

1.7. In the process of work, the following hazardous and harmful production factors can affect the receiver-deliverer:

moving railway rolling stock, vehicles, loading and unloading machines (mechanisms);

high or low temperature, air humidity;

increased noise level in the workplace;

increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can pass through the human body;

work at height;

exposure to hazardous and harmful substances, cargo.

In the event of an emergency, the transceiver may be exposed to hazardous factors of explosion, fire, and chemicals.

1.8. In order to prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, as well as to protect against pollution, the head of the structural unit ensures the acquisition and issuance at his own expense of certified personal and collective protective equipment (special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment) , washing and degreasing agents in accordance with established standards and organizes control over their use by the acceptance agent.

In accordance with the "Model norms for the free issue of certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of the railway transport of the Russian Federation employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or related with contamination" dated October 22, 2008 N 582 / n, the receiver is issued:

  • Set "Electric-L" or 1
  • Suit "Priemosdatchik-L" 1
  • Raincoat for protection against water 1 for 3 years
  • Signal headgear 1
  • Gloves combined or 12 pairs
  • Polymer coated gloves 12 pairs
  • Yuft boots on oil and petrol resistant 1 pair
  • sole or
  • Yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles 1 pair
  • Protective helmet 1 for 2 years
  • Signal vest 2 protection class 2
  • When performing work on draining and
  • loading oil products additionally:
  • Oil protection suit
  • and water 1
  • When performing work at points of discharge and filling
  • leaded gasoline in addition:
  • Rubberized fabric apron 1
  • Oversleeves made of polymeric materials before wear
  • Duty filtering gas mask
  • When performing work on acceptance and
  • delivery of dusty and bulk cargoes and
  • solid pesticides, additionally:
  • Coverall to protect against non-toxic
  • dust included with helmet 1
  • PVC boots 1 pair
  • Particulate respirator or until wear
  • Half mask with replaceable anti-aerosol up to wear
  • filters
  • When performing loading and
  • unloading acids and other harmful substances, incl.
  • liquid pesticides, additionally:
  • Acid protection suit 1 for 2 years
  • PVC boots 1 pair
  • Rubber gloves or until worn out
  • Gloves made of polymeric materials before wear
  • acid and alkali resistant
  • Respirator anti-aerosol or before wear
  • Half mask with interchangeable gas masks until wear
  • aerosol filters
  • Goggles closed to wear
  • When working in unheated rooms or
  • for outdoor work in winter additionally:
  • Belt cold protection kit
  • "Electrician" or
  • Suit for protection from low temperatures on the belts
  • "Receiver"
  • Hat with ear flaps with sound-conducting inserts at the waist
  • Balaclava to protect against lowered belts
  • temperatures with sound-conducting inserts (under
  • helmet)
  • Mittens insulated or belted
  • Gloves insulated, or belted
  • Insulated gloves with protective belt
  • coated, oil and frost resistant
  • Yuft boots insulated on oil belts
  • frost-resistant sole or
  • Valenki (felt boots) with a rubber bottom along the belts
  • In IV and special belts additionally:
  • Short fur coat or belted
  • Boots leather insulated "NORTH ZHD" on belts
  • When performing work in sea and river
  • ports, marinas and border stations
  • in winter in zones I, II and III additionally:
  • Short fur coat or belted
  • Short coat with fur lining, or belted
  • Jacket with fur lining at the waist

When lifting the transceiver to a height of more than 1.3 m, working in the area of ​​cranes, he is given a protective helmet.

1.9. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) issued to the receiver should be appropriate for gender, height, size, as well as the nature and conditions of the work performed by him.

In order to ensure timely washing and dry-cleaning of special clothing, it is allowed to issue two sets of special clothing to the receiver for twice the period of wearing (the procedure for issuing is regulated by the administrative document of the head of the structural unit).

1.10. Personal and work clothes and footwear should be stored separately in wardrobes.

During the operation of personal protective equipment, the receiver-and-receiver must monitor their serviceability, keep them clean and correctly use personal and collective protective equipment.

1.11. The transceiver is not allowed to perform work without personal protective equipment issued to him in the prescribed manner, as well as in faulty, unrepaired and contaminated PPE. The transceiver must notify the head of the station about the failure (malfunction) of personal protective equipment.

While performing work on the railway tracks (on the territory of the railway station), the acceptance officer must wear an orange signal vest with stripes of retroreflective material with stencils "DS" on the back, indicating belonging to the unit, and "D" on the left side of the chest, indicating belonging to directorate (hereinafter referred to as the signal vest).

(the paragraph was introduced by order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2921r)

1.12. Special clothing and footwear issued to the acceptance officer is the property of Russian Railways and is subject to mandatory return at the end of the wear period, as well as upon dismissal or transfer to another job for which the issued personal protective equipment is not provided for by standard norms.

1.13. The receiver must comply with the following fire safety requirements:

smoking in places specially designated for this purpose, with the inscription "Smoking Area", provided with fire extinguishing equipment and equipped with bins or boxes with sand (defined by the local document for the unit);

operate electrical household equipment authorized by the head of the structural unit, in accordance with the instructions (passport) for its operation;

do not leave unattended electric heaters connected to the network.

1.14. The receiver is prohibited from:

use faulty, self-made, with loose and bare wires, with damaged or lost the protective properties of electrical wiring insulation of household electrical appliances, switches, knife switches, plug sockets and other electrical equipment;

use electric stoves, electric kettles and other electrical appliances that do not have thermal protection devices, without stands made of non-combustible materials;

store explosive substances, flammable and combustible liquids in office premises;

approach rolling stock, track machines, flammable materials and containers with flammable and combustible liquids with an open flame.

1.15. In the process of work, the acceptor must observe the rules of personal hygiene, sanitary requirements for storage and eating. Eating should be in canteens, buffets or in specially designated rooms (places) with appropriate equipment.

Hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water before eating.

The receiver should drink boiled water stored in special closed tanks, protected from dust and other harmful substances. It is allowed to use bottled water or unboiled water from domestic water supply if there is a permit from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

1.16. When staying on the railway tracks of general and non-public use (hereinafter referred to as the railway tracks), the acceptance agent is obliged to:

during the passage through the territory of the railway station, be vigilant, listen to loudspeaker announcements and warning signals, distribute your attention between the movement of rolling stock and the performance of official duties;

pass along specially established routes of service and technological passages;

comply with the requirements of safety signs, visible and audible signals and warning colors applied to structures and devices, pay attention to devices and objects located on the route: limit posts, turnouts, drainage trays and wells, signaling devices, centralization and blocking, contact networks, oversized places and other obstacles (the list of oversized and dangerous places of the railway station is indicated in the labor protection instructions for the acceptance operator developed at the railway station);

when passing along railway tracks, go in the middle of the inter-track, along the side of the subgrade or away from the railway track no closer than 2.5 m from the outermost rail, while you must carefully monitor the movements of the rolling stock on adjacent tracks, for objects protruding beyond the outline of the dimensions rolling stock (open doors, wagon sides, wire and other items);

when a rolling stock approaches or during shunting movements, it is required to move to the side of the track or to another inter-track at a safe distance in advance so as not to be between moving units simultaneously moving on adjacent tracks, and not to be in the area of ​​an oversized (dangerous) place, wait for the passage or stop rolling stock and then continue moving;

upon detection (visual or sound) of an approaching rolling stock, employees who find themselves on the train route in the dimensions of the rolling stock must move away from the railway tracks to the side of the subgrade, including the adjacent railway track, remove tools, fixtures, materials, products at a distance not less than 2.5 m from the edge rail at set train speeds up to 120 km/h, at least 4 m from the edge rail at set speeds of 121-140 km/h and at least 5 m from the edge rail at set speeds of more than 140 km/h;

when you are on a track adjacent to the train passage route with a speed of over 140 km/h, after reporting the train passage no later than 10 minutes in advance, work must be stopped, you must step aside at a distance of at least 5 m from the outermost rail of the track , along which the train should proceed;

when employees are on the tracks of railway stations, it is allowed to move to the middle of a wide inter-track (in the case of a train moving along an adjacent railway track);

if you are forced to stay between the tracks between trains, locomotives and other moving units moving on adjacent tracks, you must immediately squat (squat) or lie down on the ground in the between tracks parallel to the railway tracks;

one should cross the railway tracks in the established places (on pedestrian bridges, tunnels, decks), and in their absence - at right angles to the axis of the track, after making sure that there is no approaching rolling stock, stepping over the rails, not stepping on the rails and the ends of the sleepers;

crossing a railway track occupied by standing rolling stock should be carried out in the absence of an approaching rolling stock (shunting) on ​​the adjacent track along serviceable transition platforms of wagons, having previously made sure that the handrails, steps and floor of the platform are in good condition, that they are not iced, snowed;

rise and leave the transition platform of a standing car should be facing the car, holding the handrails with both hands, while the hands should be free from any objects, having previously examined the place of the descent and making sure that there is no approaching rolling stock along the adjacent railway track and obstacles in between the tracks or on the side of the track (in the dark, you should illuminate this place with a hand lamp);

before starting the ascent to the transition platform of the car, you should make sure that there is no permissive indication of the traffic light and sound signals given by the locomotive before departure;

bypassing groups of wagons or locomotives standing on the railway track should be at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler of the outermost wagon or locomotive;

pass between the uncoupled units of the rolling stock should be at a distance between their automatic couplers of at least 10 m, in the middle of the gap;

follow the indications of traffic lights, sound signals, signs, the position of the arrows and warnings transmitted via park two-way communication about the movement of trains and shunting movements of rolling stock;

be attentive and careful when on the tracks, especially in case of poor visibility, heavy snowfalls, fogs, strong noise generated by working machinery or passing rolling stock, in winter, when headgear impairs the audibility of signals.

When employees are in the area of ​​movement of high-speed and high-speed trains, it is required to comply with the Rules for labor protection when servicing high-speed and high-speed railway lines of Russian Railways and additional security measures established by local documents.

(clause 1.16 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2921r)

1.17. While on the railway tracks, the receiver-deliverer is prohibited from:

cross (run across) railway tracks in front of a moving railway rolling stock or immediately behind a passing train without making sure that a railway rolling stock is not moving along an adjacent railway track;

climb on the steps of the wagons and get off them while moving;

to crawl (crawl) under standing wagons, climb on or under automatic couplers, cross railway tracks along wagon frames;

stand or sit on the rails and the ends of the sleepers, electric drives, way boxes, wagon retarders and other floor and ground devices;

be in the middle of the track when the trains run on adjacent railway tracks;

cross railway tracks within turnouts, put a foot between a wit and a frame rail, a movable core and a guardrail, or into the gutters on a turnout;

when passing rolling stock, be in oversized places marked with signal coloring and / or a sign indicating an oversized place in the gauge of the rolling stock;

enter the inter-car space;

use cellular and radiotelephone communications, audio and video players and other devices not provided for by the technological process of the railway station.

(clause 1.17 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2921r)

1.18. When entering the railway track from premises, due to rolling stock, buildings, structures and structures and in winter, when headgear impairs the audibility of sound signals, as well as in heavy fog, heavy rain, snowfall, blizzard, which impede visibility, audibility of warning signals and of the approaching rolling stock, before crossing the railway track, the transceiver is required to:

first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it (on both sides) to the crossing point;

in the dark, in addition, wait until the eyes get used to the darkness, wait until the visibility of surrounding objects is established and then continue moving, in places with limited illumination - use a flashlight;

when the rolling stock is approaching, stop in a safe place, let it pass and then continue moving.

(clause 1.18 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2921r)

1.19. When being on electrified railway tracks, the receiver-and-receiver must comply with the following safety requirements:

do not climb the supports of the contact network, do not approach yourself or with the help of tools and devices used to live and not fenced wires or parts of the contact network at a distance closer than 2 m, and closer than 8 m to broken wires touching the ground;

do not climb onto the roof of a wagon or locomotive that is under a contact wire;

do not touch broken wires of the contact network and foreign objects located on them, regardless of whether they touch the ground and grounded structures or not.

1.20. The receiver is prohibited from:

be in the performance of duties in a state of alcoholic, toxic or narcotic intoxication;

touch broken and bare wires, contacts and other live parts of electrical equipment;

start one-time (on the instructions of the head) work not related to direct duties, without receiving instructions from the head on security measures and methods of implementation;

allow unauthorized persons, as well as foreign objects, to be in the office premises and on the territory of the station;

use faulty tools and equipment in work.

1.21. The receiver-and-receiver must store the tools and equipment used in the work in specially designated places.

1.22. About each accident at work, the acceptance officer must immediately:

inform the head of the shift or railway station;

provide first aid to the victim and take measures to organize his delivery to a medical institution;

to keep until the arrival of the head of the railway station the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the incident (if this does not threaten the life and health of the surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident).

1.23. Upon detection of violations of this Instruction, as well as situations that endanger people's lives or are a prerequisite for an accident, the acceptance officer must immediately inform the shift manager or railway station about this.

1.24. Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of the rules and instructions for labor protection are the duty of the acceptance officer. In case of failure to comply with the requirements of this Instruction, he shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. The working area of ​​the transceiver is the territory of the railway station (routes of the service passage, inter-tracks and shoulders of the track on the territory of the railway station), serviced non-public tracks, sanitary and service premises (according to the technology of the work performed). The working area is determined in the instructions for labor protection of the unit.

2.2. Before starting work, the receiver must:

check the serviceability of their special clothing, footwear, signal vest with reflective overlays and the logo of the structural unit;

put on, fasten overalls with all buttons, fill in the loose ends of the clothes so that they do not hang down and do not restrict movement;

free pockets from foreign objects with sharp ends, edges, leave a mobile phone in the domestic room.

When entering the railway tracks, the signal vest must be worn over clothing and fully buttoned, the headgear must not impair the audibility of sound signals.

During the entire working time, the acceptance officer must be in overalls and safety shoes, have a service certificate, a warning coupon for labor protection.

2.3. The receiver must wear a protective helmet:

when you are in the area of ​​loading and unloading operations with the use of cranes (mechanisms);

when performing work at height (when climbing a ladder (ladder) to a height of more than 1.3 m);

assisting workers doing work while on the stairs.

2.4. The location of the target briefing on labor protection for the acceptance officer is determined in the instruction on labor protection of the railway station (subdivision).

2.5. The following of the transceiver to the workplace for receiving duty, to the amenity room, the room for heating is carried out along the established routes of the service passage (the procedure is determined in the instruction on labor protection of the unit).

2.6. When accepting duty, the receiver-and-receiver must, together with the shift-handing officer:

get acquainted with the state of affairs in the area served by him, the presence of wagons (containers), cargo;

check the office space, the availability and serviceability of inventory, signaling accessories, tools, the condition of scales, materials for marking cargo and sealing wagons (containers), the operation of the radio station, telephone communications, the state of lighting, the availability of fire extinguishing equipment;

if it is necessary to work with an electric lamp with autonomous power supply, make sure during external examination that its body, light-transmitting glass, and the operation of the switch are intact;

to report to the duty officer at the railway station (the acceptance officer appointed by the senior in the shift) about the acceptance and surrender of duty.

2.7. Before starting work, the acceptance officer must draw up a work plan for the serviced area and familiarize the employees involved with the plan for the upcoming work, ensure the preparation of places for storing goods and check the state of fire safety in these places;

bring the workplace into a condition that guarantees the safety of work.

2.8. At stations with automated workstations equipped with personal computers (PCs) and video display terminals (VDTs), transceivers who have undergone primary instruction on labor protection instructions when working with PCs and VDTs are allowed to work.

2.9. Before starting work on personal computers (PCs) and video display terminals (VDTs), the transceiver must check the condition of the workplace, which must be clean and well lit, and also make sure that the equipment is in good condition. When visually inspecting the PC (VDT), it is necessary to make sure that the insulation of the supply wires, sockets, plugs, connectors and other parts is in good condition. The screens of PC video displays should be located at an optimal distance - no closer than 500 mm from the eyes (the screen is preferably located directly below eye level or with an inclination).

In relation to the video display screen, the keyboard should be placed on the table surface in a place convenient for work at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from its edge facing the transceiver, or on a special working surface separated from the table surface.

Workplaces equipped with a PC must be located in relation to the light openings so that natural light falls on the screens from the left side. Windows and lighting devices should not fall into the field of view. Video display screens should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

2.10. In the cold period of the year with severe frosts, the receiver should, before leaving the room, lubricate open areas of the body with a special ointment or frostbite cream, and also cover his face with a scarf (handkerchief) and use insulated gloves.

Safety shoes should not constrain the feet. In severe frosts, in order to avoid frostbite, do not touch metal objects and parts (rails, fasteners, tools, equipment) with bare hands.

2.11. About all identified violations in the maintenance of the workplace, deficiencies in labor protection (when accepting a shift and during work), the acceptance officer must inform the shift manager or the employee of the railway station, determined by the local document of the structural unit, in order to take measures to eliminate them. In the event of a danger to life and health, do not start work until the violation is eliminated.

(As amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2921r)

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. The acceptance officer must perform the work that is determined by his job responsibilities, was entrusted by the head. When performing work, the transceiver must comply with the requirements of the technological process of the railway station and these Instructions.

3.2. While on the railway tracks of the station, the receiver-receiver is obliged:

follow the established routes of service and technological passage;

comply with the established safety requirements while on the railway tracks;

at the time of shunting work or train movement on the tracks of a railway station - carefully monitor the movements of the train (locomotive), the signals given by the locomotive driver, the head of shunting work (train compiler, freight train conductor), use information transmitted via loudspeaker and radio communication, leave in a timely manner to a safe place;

take precautions when staying in the zone of oversized (dangerous) places on the station tracks (marked with warning signs "Caution! Oversized place" and standard coloration in the form of alternating yellow and black stripes of equal width at an angle of 45 degrees);

at night or in conditions of poor visibility, use a hand torch.

(clause 3.2 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2921r)

3.3. Before the start of the technological break in work, the transceiver must report to the transceiver appointed by the shift supervisor (shift leader) about his location and at the end of it - about readiness for work.

3.4. Safety measures during loading and unloading operations.

3.4.1. The safety of loading and unloading operations is ensured by:

choice of methods of safe work performance;

preparation and organization of work sites (cleanliness, in case of ice - sprinkling with sand or fine slag, lighting in accordance with the standards established by technical documentation);

the use of protective equipment, if necessary, radio communications;

compliance with the requirements of prohibiting, warning, indicative and prescriptive signs, inscriptions and signals given by the head of shunting work, drivers of vehicles.

When loading and unloading goods by means of Russian Railways, the acceptance officer is obliged to establish the order of work, familiarize the foremen of loading and unloading teams, machinists of hoisting machines with the procedure for performing work, and notify the person responsible for safe work.

The acceptance officer is allowed to start monitoring the loading, unloading and preparation of wagons for loading after completing work on securing them with brake shoes, fencing with portable signals in accordance with established requirements and obtaining the consent of the duty officer at the railway station (responsible employee on non-public tracks).

During the production of loading and unloading operations, the acceptance officer appointed by the shift supervisor must monitor compliance with labor protection requirements by acceptance officers, loaders, drivers of loading and unloading machines (mechanisms), and other employees associated with cargo handling.

3.4.2. At the place of production of loading and unloading operations, the receiver-and-receiver should not be in the zone of movement of vehicles, the possible fall of goods during loading and unloading of railway rolling stock, cars, when moving goods by hoisting mechanisms.

When climbing into a wagon, onto a loading platform, an elevated platform, the transceiver must use serviceable ladders (bridges, decks).

It is allowed for the receiver-receiver to climb and descend from the walkways of the overpass using stairs equipped with railings.

In operation, the transceiver is allowed to use a ladder (bridge), which must be rigid and have fasteners that exclude the possibility of displacement and deflection of the flooring. When moving along the ladders (bridges), the transceiver must be careful, hold on to the handrails.

3.4.3. It is allowed to climb into the body of a vehicle to check the condition of the cargo:

after coordinating the action with the driver of the car and the loading team,

when the load is lowered, the slings are loose or the forklift is outside the body,

with the use of serviceable stairs, ladders, elevated overpasses.

Before inspecting the cargo in the car, the transceiver checks with the driver of the car (personally) about the exclusion of access to the cabin of unauthorized persons (to avoid starting the engine and moving the car), turning off the ignition, finding the gearshift lever in the neutral position and braking the car with the parking brake.

3.4.4. When loading and unloading operations with dusty cargoes, with compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases under pressure, as well as with toxic substances, the acceptors, in addition to overalls and safety shoes, must use goggles, respirators or gas masks. When using a respirator or gas mask during work, it is necessary to take a 10-minute break after every hour of work.

Overalls after work must be subjected to dust removal. When using respirators, their filters should be changed as they become dirty, but at least once per work shift.

3.4.5. Safety measures for loading and unloading dangerous goods by means of Russian Railways.

Before starting work, the acceptance officer must familiarize himself with the properties of dangerous goods, the safety measures and precautions indicated in the emergency cards, the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Rail.

When processing dangerous goods in public places, the acceptance officer must carefully inspect each package. Upon detection of broken bottles, boxes, spilled liquids or spilled hazardous substances, the acceptance officer is obliged to stop work and inform the duty officer at the railway station (the acceptance officer appointed by the shift supervisor).

When loading and unloading pesticides, highly toxic and other toxic substances, as well as mineral fertilizers and dusty cargo, eating and drinking, smoking is allowed in specially designated areas during breaks between work, after removing overalls, thoroughly washing hands and face, rinsing the mouth and washing nasal passages from penetrating dust.

3.4.6. When loading and unloading containers, the receiver/receiver must not:

allow joint loading (unloading) of two or more containers;

be under raised containers;

allow containers to be lifted with their capture by two or three lifting devices (fittings, rings).

Before loading the containers onto the platform, the receiving-and-delivery officer arranges for the removal of snow and ice from the platform floor, the supporting surfaces of the containers, and in winter, additionally, sprinkling the platform floor with a thin layer of clean sand.

3.5. Safety measures in the production of shunting work in places of loading and unloading.

If it is necessary to move wagons along the front of unloading or loading, the acceptance officer informs the person on duty at the railway station (the acceptance officer appointed by the shift supervisor).

When moving wagons along the front of loading and unloading, the acceptance officer is obliged to:

move to a safe place from the loading or unloading front;

make sure that the bridges and other devices are removed, the unloading and loading hatches of the wagons are closed, brought to a transport position that excludes their opening, the loaded goods in the wagon are secured, the doors of the covered wagon are closed before the start of movement, the loading gauge is observed;

take measures to clean cargo, ladders, carts, tools and other items from the edge of the platform (path).

During the movement of wagons, it is prohibited to perform operations for loading and unloading cargo.

Permission to start loading and unloading operations is given to the receiver by the duty officer at the railway station or the receiver appointed by the shift leader, after receiving a message from the train compiler (head of shunting work) about the completion of the maneuvers, securing the train with brake shoes and fencing cars.

3.6. When being in the area of ​​opening the door of a covered car, the receiver-receiver is forbidden to be opposite it, rest against the bracket and lean on the door.

Before opening or closing the door of a covered wagon, the receiver-deliverer must make sure that it is hung on the crossbar.

When opening or closing the door of a boxcar, one should be located to the side of the door leaf outside the door opening and move it towards oneself or away from oneself, holding on to the door handrails; it is not allowed to keep hands on the lower guide rail of the door rail along which the movable roller moves.

3.7. When opening the hatches of gondola cars, platform sides, cutting off the tie wire, removing racks, the receiver-and-receiver must be located on the side of the car in order to avoid being hit by the opening hatch, platform side or crushing by the cargo in the car.

3.8. Safety measures when using a ladder in work.

3.8.1. Before using a ladder in work, it is necessary to check the presence of an inventory number and the date of the next test on the ladder, at the lower ends - fittings with sharp tips for installation on the ground (gravel), on the bowstrings - the presence of rubber tips (spikes) and coupling bolts, on the steps and bowstrings - the absence of chips and cracks. It is forbidden to use a ladder knocked down with nails, without fastening the bowstrings with tie bolts, cutting the steps into the bowstrings.

In operation, the transceiver must use a portable ladder no longer than 5 m, the dimensions of which ensure the possibility of working in a standing position on a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder.

3.8.2. Before starting work on the ladder, the transceiver must ensure its stability, then, by inspection and testing, make sure that it cannot slip from its place of support on the ground (car), cannot be accidentally shifted.

When placing ladders supported on the ground, their lower ends, which look like sharp steel tips, must fit tightly into the subgrade between the tracks.

It is necessary to carry the ladder in an inclined position so that its front end is raised above the ground by at least 2 m.

3.8.3. When climbing the stairs and descending from the stairs, the hands of the receiver must be free. In this case, it is necessary to hold onto the steps (strings) of the stairs and face it.

After lifting the transceiver to the stairs, the second transceiver must give him a tool. It is allowed to carry the instrument in a special (canvas) bag. During this work, the transceivers must be in protective helmets.

install a ladder at an angle of more than 75 degrees to the horizontal, without additional fastening of its upper part;

arrange additional supporting structures from foreign objects in case of insufficient length of the stairs or instead of using the stairs;

to be on the steps of a ladder for more than one employee;

stand or pass under a ladder on which the employee is located;

to work in a standing position, climb steps that are at a distance of less than 1 m from the upper end of the stairs.

3.9. Safety measures when working with locking and sealing devices (hereinafter - ZPU).

3.9.1. Inspection, verification of the integrity of the state of the LPU, reading and recording of information printed on the LPU is carried out from the ground or a ladder. It is forbidden to use boxes and other random objects for these purposes.

When checking the absence of a reverse motion of the cable from the body installed on the wagon (container) of the LSD, the acceptance officer must use gloves.

3.9.2. If there is snow on the ZPU number, the transceiver should wipe it off with a cleaning cloth.

During the cold period of the year, it is not allowed to warm up the icy ZPU with an open flame (fire) or hot objects.

3.9.3. When performing sealing operations for wagons and containers, the acceptance officer must:

to use serviceable tools and a ladder;

when applying the LHP, wire twisting, passing the cable through the aligned holes of the locking unit of the car (container) and the body of the LHP, it is necessary to ensure that the ends of the cable do not injure yourself.

3.9.4. When removing the locking device, wire twist or seal from the locking units of cars (containers) by cutting or cutting the flexible cable (wire, twist), the receiver-and-receiver must use special scissors for removing the locking device, locking strippers, scissors for cutting wire and wire twists, as well as pliers - wire cutters and special cable cutters with a protective coating on the handles.

Biting or cutting the cable with a cable cutter or nippers should be carried out at a distance of 8 - 10 mm from the place where the cable is embedded in the LPU body.

3.9.5. In order to ensure fire safety, when removing the LHP from the tank, the place where the cable is bitten and the working parts of the tool must be lubricated with grease (solid oil) or a spark-proof tool must be used.

3.10. Safety measures during commercial inspection of trains, wagons, containers at the station.

Acceptors may be involved in conducting a commercial inspection of the composition of cars on the railway tracks of the station parks.

3.10.1. The officer on duty at the railway station (receiver appointed as a shift supervisor) allows commercial inspection of the transceivers after convincing that the train has completely stopped, the shunting movements on the given railway track have been stopped, the train has been secured and fenced in the manner prescribed by the technological process of the operation of the commercial inspection point (commercial security post) (hereinafter - PKO (KPB)) or railway station. It is prohibited to conduct a commercial inspection up to the fence, while the train is in motion, with the exception of its inspection from a specially equipped workplace of the observation tower (flyover).

The head of the group (acceptor or train acceptance officer) is appointed as the head of the work on the commercial inspection of train sets, who is responsible for ensuring compliance with labor protection requirements in the group.

The appointed head of the group for the commercial inspection of the train, the transceiver must repeat the received message by radio (telephone) about the readiness of the train for inspection to the duty officer of the railway station (the transceiver appointed by the senior in the shift), confirming that the message was understood correctly.

The senior group for commercial inspection reports on the completion of the commercial inspection and the possibility of removing the fence of the composition of the commercial inspection group to the duty officer at the railway station (the acceptance officer appointed by the shift leader) in the prescribed manner after entering the safe zone of all employees participating in the inspection.

3.10.2. Commercial inspection of wagons in a train must be carried out simultaneously on the left and right sides of the train by a group of workers in the amount of at least two people. The number of people in the group, the number of groups and traffic patterns during the commercial inspection must comply with the requirements established in the technological process of the station.

If the number of groups for commercial inspection is more than one - at the beginning of each shift, each group is assigned numbers indicating the names of the employees included in each group who inspect the left and right sides of the train, routes are established in each group.

The transceivers participating in the commercial inspection, by the time the train arrives, must be in the places established (by the technological process) located in a safe working area.

3.10.3. During the commercial inspection of wagons (containers), employees must pass along the train from wagon to wagon in the middle of the track, observing safety measures while on the railway tracks.

If it is not possible to inspect the upper part of the loaded cargo, it is allowed to move to an adjacent inter-track, after making sure that there is no moving rolling stock on the adjacent track.

It is forbidden to conduct a commercial inspection of trains (cars, containers) while moving along the neighboring railway track of the rolling stock; the commercial inspection should be continued after it has been passed.

3.10.4. The receiving-and-receiver performing commercial inspection of the wagons while the train is in motion must be located at a specially equipped workplace - on the observation tower.

Prior to climbing (descent) to the observation tower, the receiver-and-receiver must make sure that the steps, railings, fencing and flooring of the platform are in good condition and present, exclude the possibility of slipping (during the cold season) on the platform, flooring, steps, clean them from snow and ice in a timely manner - after agreement carrying out this work with the duty officer at the railway station (acceptor appointed by the senior in the shift).

When climbing (descent) to the observation tower (flyover) on the stairs, you must hold on to the railing.

3.10.5. When performing a commercial inspection using ladders and steps available on wagons (containers), the acceptance officer must comply with the following safety requirements:

Before climbing onto the step (ladder), it is necessary to make sure that the steps are in good condition, that the ladders and handrails are securely fastened to the car (container) and that they are not iced;

it is necessary to get up and down from the wagon (container), facing it and holding on to the handrails of the stairs;

before leaving the last step, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the middle of the track.

3.10.6. Inspection of special bunker cars with two bunkers should be carried out from the platform located between them. It is forbidden to move along the edge of the bunker and jump from one bunker to another.

3.10.7. Climbing onto the platform for commercial inspection of the cargo located on it should be from the side. Before climbing onto the platform, you must make sure that the board is in good condition and that it is securely fastened. It is forbidden to stand and move along the side of the platform, as well as jump off the platform. To descend to the ground, you must use the available footboards and ladders.

3.10.8. It is forbidden to climb on the steps of vehicles loaded on a wagon in two tiers in height or in an inclined way, crawl under cars, and also go between cars that have loose and broken fastenings, or if the distance between them does not provide a safe passage.

3.10.9. Inspection of caterpillar vehicles and technical equipment with compact loading must be carried out from the floor of the platform, without climbing onto the cabs and car bodies, and their inspection in gondola cars should be carried out visually, without descending into the gondola car.

It is forbidden to stand up or step on the parts of transported machines and their mechanisms.

3.10.10. During a commercial inspection, it is prohibited to move from wagon (container) to wagon (container) on the roofs.

3.10.11. Works on commercial inspection of the roofs of wagons, containers, wagon hatches, as well as vehicles loaded in two tiers or in an inclined way in open railway rolling stock, the acceptance officer must perform:

on the electrified sections of the railway tracks of the station, the work procedure is determined by a local document developed by the regional directorate for traffic control and agreed with the electrification and power supply service of the road infrastructure directorate;

on the railway tracks of a station without a contact network - after receiving a message from the head of work on securing the wagons placed on these tracks and stopping shunting movements along this track.

3.10.12. Commercial inspection of wagons (containers) with cargo is prohibited on the railway tracks of the station, where shunting movements or dissolution of wagons from the marshalling yard are carried out.

3.10.13. In the event of a thunderstorm (lightning), the receiver must stop all work on the inspection of cargo on open rolling stock.

3.10.14. The transceiver must report the end of the commercial inspection by radio communication or two-way park communication to the duty officer of the railway station (the transceiver appointed by the shift supervisor) and transfer to him the necessary information about the results of the inspection in the manner established by the technological process of the work of the station.

3.11. When inspecting wagons, the receiver-and-receiver, accompanied by an employee of the FGP VO ZhDT of the Russian Federation with a service dog, must be at a safe distance from the dog, not give commands to it, not come into contact with the dog.

3.12. When carrying out work near guarded military echelons located on the railway tracks, it is necessary:

carry out all the commands of the guard, give the name and position;

present a certificate, in the dark, allow the guard to illuminate the face to verify the identity with the photograph on the certificate;

after the permission of the guard, continue the passage or commercial inspection of the train, accompanied by the guard.

3.13. When weighing wagons, the acceptance officer (who has been instructed in labor protection to work with weighing equipment) must:

monitor the supply of wagons to the scales and their removal from the scales from a safe place, having previously coordinated their location with the head of the shunting operation;

not allow the car to stop on the scales with the help of any objects placed under the wheel pairs of the car;

close the doors of the control panel and the measuring device during the operation of the scales;

before starting the operation of the balance, check the reliability of the connection of the conductive parts with the protective grounding loop (zeroing);

When finished, disconnect the balance from the power supply using the plug connection.

In all cases of emergency operation of the scales, the transceiver must turn off the power supply to the scales and inform the duty officer at the railway station (the transceiver appointed by the shift supervisor) about this.

3.14. Security measures when working on a personal computer (PC).

3.14.1. The operation of the PC and VDT should be carried out in accordance with the instruction manual for this equipment.

The PC and VDT should be connected to the mains through socket outlets with protective earth. In the event of a malfunction of the equipment, disconnect it from the power supply and call a specialist to service this equipment.

When working on a PC and VDT, the transceiver must keep its workplace and the equipment entrusted to it clean and tidy. Removal of dust from the surface of the PC and VDT should be done with a dry cloth with the power supply turned off. Do not use solvents to remove dirt and dust.

3.14.2. The receiver is prohibited from:

operate faulty equipment

turn on the PC and VDT together with other electrical equipment or equipment from one electrical outlet,

place heating electrical appliances near the PC and VDT,

touch the back panel of the system unit,

switch equipment cable connectors,

allow moisture to enter the surface of the PC and VDT,

pull the wire for the power supply of the PC, VDT to turn off;

pull, twist and bend the wire for the power supply of the PC, VDT;

put foreign objects on the wire for power supply of the PC, VDT.

3.14.3. When working on a PC, the transceiver should periodically change his posture in order to reduce the static tension of the muscles of the neck-shoulder region and back to prevent the development of fatigue, observe the established regulated breaks intended for rest and perform preventive sets of exercises in accordance with the instructions for labor protection for PC users (VDT) .

For a 12-hour work shift, breaks must be taken after 2 and 4 hours from the start of the work shift, 2 hours after the lunch break and every hour during the last 4 hours of work. The duration of each break should be 15 - 20 minutes.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Actions in the event of an accident or emergency.

4.1.1. The transceiver receiving information about an emergency must act in accordance with the approved plan for the elimination of accidents.

If there are victims, immediately take part in providing the victims with first aid, removing them from the danger zone, in compliance with personal safety measures.

4.1.2. In the event of an incident (emergency) in freight wagons loaded with dangerous goods, the acceptance officer who has detected signs of an emergency situation: steaming, pungent odor, hissing of compressed gas, leakage of dangerous goods, must immediately report this, using any means of communication, to the shift manager or railway stations.

In case of fire, leakage, spillage of a hazardous substance, damage to containers or railway rolling stock with dangerous goods and other incidents that can lead to an emergency (explosion, fire, poisoning, radiation, diseases, burns, frostbite, death of people and animals, dangerous consequences for the natural environment), as well as in cases where wagons, containers or packages with dangerous goods are in the accident zone on the railway, the acceptance officer must act promptly, in compliance with the safety measures established by the requirements:

Safety Rules and the Procedure for the Elimination of Emergency Situations with Dangerous Goods during Their Transportation by Rail;

Rules for the transport of dangerous goods by rail;

Safety rules for the transportation of radioactive substances.

In an emergency situation with dangerous goods, the acceptance officer must take into account the main forms of manifestation of the transport danger of goods, specific safety measures and precautions that must be observed in the elimination of emergencies with dangerous goods, given in group or individual emergency cards.

In the event that the transceiver detects on the territory of the station a spill or spillage of dangerous or harmful substances from the rolling stock, in order to avoid the ingress of evaporation, particles of these substances on the skin, it is necessary to bypass the dangerous place on the opposite side of the wind direction, immediately report the incident to the head of the shift or railway station.

4.1.3. In the event of a violation of the loading or unloading gauge on the railway tracks, the acceptance officer must report to the duty officer at the railway station (shift leader), if necessary, to the train compiler (freight train conductor).

4.1.4. If suspicious items are found, access to them must be isolated and immediately reported to the shift supervisor or railway station. It is forbidden to carry out any actions with a detected suspicious object.

4.1.5. In the event of unauthorized movement of wagons along the tracks, the acceptance officer must immediately inform the duty officer at the railway station, indicating the number of the track and the direction of movement of the wagons.

4.1.6. In the event of a situation that threatens the lives of people or the safety of train traffic, the acceptance officer is obliged to give a stop signal to the train or shunting train, immediately take measures to protect the dangerous place and report to the shift manager or railway station.

4.1.7. The transceiver who has detected a break in wires or other elements of the contact network, as well as foreign objects hanging from them, is obliged to immediately take measures to fence off the obstacle and inform the duty officer of the railway station (shift leader) about this. Before the arrival of the repair team, the dangerous place is protected by any improvised means and makes sure that no one approaches the broken wires at a dangerous distance of less than 8 m.

In case of getting into the zone of "step tension", it is necessary to leave it, observing the following safety measures: connect the feet together, slowly, move in small steps, not exceeding the length of the foot, and, without taking your feet off the ground, leave the danger zone.

4.1.8. To prevent emergency situations, the transceiver must comply with the technological process of the station and the requirements of this Instruction.

4.2. Actions to provide first aid to the victims.

4.2.1. At the scene of the accident, after assessing the situation, the carrier must take measures to eliminate the impact on the victim of dangerous and harmful factors (if possible), call an ambulance.

After providing first aid, take measures to organize the transportation of the victim to a medical facility.

In the absence of consciousness and a pulse in the victim, it is required to immediately begin to restore breathing (resuscitation) and blood circulation - stop bleeding, treat the wound, apply a bandage. If there are signs of fractures of the bones of the limbs, apply splints to the victim, create peace.

If the victim is unconscious, but if there is a pulse, it is necessary to loosen the clothes, lay the victim on his stomach, clean the oral cavity, stop bleeding, treat the wound, apply a bandage and, if there are signs of fractures of the bones of the limbs, apply splints, create peace for the victim. After providing first aid, take measures to organize the transportation of the victim to a medical facility.

4.2.2. Assistance in cardiac and respiratory arrest (resuscitation).

When the heart and breathing stop, vital functions (heartbeat, breathing) must be restored within 4-5 minutes.

To carry out resuscitation, it is required to lay the victim on a flat hard surface, free the chest from clothing and conduct an indirect heart massage, artificial respiration.

An indirect heart massage is required to be carried out with palms superimposed on one another, with straight arms and sharp jerks, pressing on the region of the lower third of the sternum (pressure frequency 60 - 70 per minute).

When performing artificial respiration, it is required to free the victim's mouth (with gauze or a handkerchief) from foreign bodies (blood clots, mucus, vomit, etc.), pinch the nose, grab the chin, tilt the victim's head back and make a quick full exhalation into the mouth (preferably through gauze or scarf). After two to three deep blows into the mouth of the victim, it is necessary to produce 4 to 6 pressures in the chest area.

Resuscitation measures must be carried out before the arrival of medical personnel or until the victim has a pulse and spontaneous breathing.

4.2.3. When a victim receives a mechanical injury, accompanied by bleeding, it is necessary to stop the bleeding.

a) In case of arterial bleeding (scarlet blood flows out of the wound in a pulsating stream), it is required to press the artery (carotid, brachial, femoral, etc.) with fingers or a fist, apply a tourniquet. Pressing the artery is carried out through clothing for a short period of time, followed by the application of a tourniquet. The pressure points of the arteries are located on the limbs - above the site of bleeding, and on the neck and head - below the wound or in the wound.

b) It is forbidden to apply a tourniquet on a naked body. Before applying the tourniquet, it is required to straighten the clothes on the limbs or put a fabric without seams, take the tourniquet, put it behind the limb and stretch it with effort, make a coil around the limb above the wound, as close as possible to it. After pressing the first turn of the tourniquet, you need to make sure that there is no bleeding and apply the next turn of the tourniquet with less effort and secure it - you can not overtighten the limb. Under the upper loop of the tourniquet, you need to put a note about the time of its application (date, hour, minutes). A tourniquet on a limb is allowed to be applied for no more than 1 hour. During long-term transportation (after 40 minutes in warmth, after 30 minutes in cold), it is required to gradually loosen the tourniquet for several minutes, until drops of blood appear on the wound, and again tighten it slightly higher or lower than the previous place. Attach a note again indicating the time of re-application of the tourniquet.

In the absence of a tourniquet, you can use a belt (scarf, thick rope), twisting it with a stick with an effort to stop the bleeding. If the tourniquet is incorrectly applied (blue skin and swelling of the extremities), the tourniquet must be immediately applied again.

When applying a tourniquet on the neck, it is required to put a tampon on the wound (package of a bandage, a folded handkerchief), raise the victim's hand from the opposite side of the wound and apply a tourniquet so that the coil of the tourniquet simultaneously covers the arm and neck, pressing the tampon on it.

When applying a tourniquet to the thigh, it is required to press the wound with a bandage pack (rolled napkin), over which a tourniquet is applied to the limb.

c) In case of venous bleeding (blood is darker than with arterial bleeding, flows out of the wound slowly, in a continuous stream), it is required to raise the limb, apply a sterile napkin, a pressure bandage, to the wound.

d) In case of nosebleeds, it is required to compress the wings of the nose, apply a large cotton swab moistened with water or gauze (fabric) folded in several layers to the nose, apply cold to the bridge of the nose.

e) In case of bleeding from the internal organs (pallor of the skin, general weakness, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting), it is required to lay the victim down, create peace for him and put cold on his stomach.

4.2.4. Assistance in traumatic limb amputation.

In case of traumatic amputation of a limb (its individual segments), it is required to apply a tourniquet that presses on a gauze bandage, fix the limb with a splint or improvised means (in case of damage to the arm, it is necessary to raise the hand above the level of the heart), give an anesthetic, lay the victim down, provide him with peace and take measures to the preservation of the amputated segment. The amputated segment of the limb must be washed, wrapped in a wet cloth (sterile if possible), packed in a plastic bag and covered with ice (snow). Ensure the delivery of the amputated limb segment together with the victim to a specialized medical facility.

4.2.5. Providing care for injuries.

Protection of the wound from infection and contamination is achieved by applying a bandage. When applying a bandage, it is forbidden to remove foreign bodies from the wound if they do not lie freely on its surface, rinse the wound with water, pour alcohol and any other solutions into the wound (including "brilliant green" and iodine). It is necessary to do the dressing with clean hands (treated with alcohol or cologne). After wiping the skin around the wound with alcohol (cologne), making movements in the direction from the wound, lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine tincture, apply gauze pads (sterile if possible), bandage the wound tightly, given that the bandage should not cut into the body and impede blood circulation.

a) In case of a penetrating wound of the abdomen, it is required to close the wound with a gauze cloth (sterile if possible) and bandage the abdomen, but not too tight so as not to squeeze the insides.

b) In case of injury to the chest, it is required to close the wound with a napkin (if possible sterile) with a thick layer of gauze and fix an air-tight material on top.

c) In case of eye injuries with sharp or piercing objects, as well as eye injuries with severe bruises, the victim should be sent to a medical institution. The victim needs to be put in a horizontal position, cover his eyes with a clean napkin (handkerchief), fix the napkin with a bandage, be sure to cover the second eye with the same bandage (to stop the movement of the eyeballs), give an anesthetic. Do not wash stab and cut wounds of the eyes and eyelids.

4.2.6. If a foreign body gets into the eye, it is required to remove it with the tip of a handkerchief or rinse the eye with a stream of water directed from the outer corner of the eye to the nose, drip 3-4 drops of eye drops into the eye. If it is impossible to remove the foreign body, it is necessary to apply a bandage to both eyes. Do not try to independently remove scale, metal chips from the eye.

4.2.7. Help with fractures.

In case of fractures, it is required to release the victim from the effects of traumatic factors, give an anesthetic (for open fractures, stop bleeding and apply a bandage), fix the limb with splints or improvised means (board, plywood, etc.). Splints should be applied to the injured limb with fixation of the joints below and above the fracture.

In case of hip fractures, the victim must be given a horizontal position, splints are applied on both sides of the limb (outside, the splint is applied from the foot to the armpit), fixed tightly, evenly, but not tight. In the absence of a tire, the injured leg is bandaged to a healthy limb, laying soft material between them (folded clothes, cotton wool, foam rubber, etc.).

In case of fractures of the bones of the upper limbs, it is required to fix the arm in a bent position, bandaged to the body (under clothing).

4.2.8. Features of assistance with certain types of injuries.

a) In case of a head injury, it is required to lay the victim on his stomach and turn his head to the side from which more fluid is released. If there are wounds - put a bandage on the head, apply cold, provide peace, apply heat to the legs, limit the intake of fluids to the injured. It is required to monitor the pulse and respiration until the doctor arrives, if the pulse and respiration disappear, proceed to resuscitation.

b) When pressing a limb, it is required before it is released (if the limb is pressed for more than 15 minutes) to impose ice packs (snow, cold water), give an anesthetic, plentiful warm drink, apply a tourniquet to the compressed limb above the place of pressing. It is impossible to release the squeezed limb before applying a tourniquet and ingesting a large amount of liquid by the victim, to warm the squeezed limb. After release from pressure, it is required to immediately apply a tourniquet (if it was not possible to apply it before), tightly bandage the injured limb, apply cold, give a plentiful warm drink.

c) In case of damage to the bones of the pelvis and hip joints, it is necessary to provide the victim with complete rest, put a roller of clothing under the knees, cover from the cold, remove blood and mucus from the mouth and nose.

In case of spinal fractures, it is required to ensure complete rest in the supine position, on a hard shield.

In case of fractures of the pelvic bones, hips, spine, do not remove clothes from the victim, do not allow him to move.

In case of dislocation, it is necessary to fix the limb in a stationary state; in case of sprain, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage to the sprain site and apply cold.

For minor wounds and abrasions, treat the skin around them with an alcoholic solution of iodine, apply a bactericidal adhesive plaster or bandage.

4.2.9. Help with burns.

a) Thermal burns.

For first-degree burns without violating the integrity of the burn blisters, it is required to substitute the burned part of the body under a stream of cold water for 10-15 minutes or apply cold for 20-30 minutes. It is impossible to lubricate the burnt surface.

In case of second-degree burns (bubbles filled with liquid form), it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the burned area of ​​the victim, apply cold. You can not rip off the remnants of clothing from the burnt skin, wash the burn surface, sprinkle, lubricate with something, bandage, apply a plaster, open burn blisters, peel off the skin.

In case of severe burns, a sterile bandage should be applied to the burned area, cold should be applied and the victim should be immediately sent to a medical facility.

In case of eye burns with flame, steam, water, oils, combustible mixtures, it is necessary to rinse the eye under running cold water, give the victim an anesthetic.

b) In case of a chemical burn (exposure to acid, alkali, solvent, etc.), it is required to immediately remove clothing soaked in the chemical, rinse the burn surface abundantly under running cold water, give the victim plenty of drink in small portions (cold water, solutions of baking soda or salt - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Do not use solutions of acids and alkalis to neutralize the chemical agent on the skin of the victim.

In case of burns with phosphorus (phosphorus flares up on the skin and causes a double burn: chemical and thermal), it is necessary to immediately wash the burned area under running cold water for 10-15 minutes, remove pieces of phosphorus with an object, apply a bandage.

In case of burns with quicklime, it is required to remove the lime with a piece of dry cloth, treat the burn surface with vegetable or animal oil. Lime must not be allowed to come into contact with moisture (a violent chemical reaction will occur, which will increase the injury).

In case of eye burns with acids, alkalis, household chemicals, aerosols, carefully open the eyelids and put the eye under a stream of cold water so that the water flows from the nose to the outer corner of the eye, drip 3-4 drops of eye drops into the eye and give the victim for oral administration anesthetic. Neutralizing liquid must not be used.

In case of eye burns with lime, calcium carbide, potassium permanganate crystals, it is required to quickly and thoroughly remove particles of the substance from the eye with a cotton swab. Do not wet eyes and rinse with water.

4.2.10. Assistance in case of poisoning.

In case of poisoning with gasoline, kerosene, solvents, cleaners (characteristic breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, unsteady gait, in severe cases, loss of consciousness, convulsions), in the absence of consciousness, it is required to put the victim on the stomach, apply cold to the head, if consciousness is present - give up to 3 liters of cold water to drink, induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach, offer the victim to rinse his mouth, give 20-30 tablets of activated charcoal (in case of poisoning with gasoline, kerosene, etc.), drink plenty of water (2-3 liters of sweet tea) . You can not use milk, kefir, vegetable and animal fats, which enhance the absorption of the poison.

In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting in the victim and rinse the stomach, letting him drink a large amount (6 glasses) of warm water tinted with potassium permanganate, or a weak solution of baking soda, give 5 tablets of activated charcoal to drink.

In case of acid poisoning, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach with water and give the victim an enveloping agent: milk, raw eggs.

In case of gas poisoning, the victim must be taken out of the room to fresh air or a draft should be arranged in the room by opening windows and doors.

In all cases of poisoning, the victim must be sent to a medical facility.

4.2.11. First aid for electric shock.

It is impossible to start providing first aid without freeing the victim from the action of electric current and without ensuring your own safety.

In case of electric shock, it is necessary, observing safety measures, to stop the effect of electric current on the victim (at voltages up to 1000 V - turn off the voltage, drop the wire from the victim with an insulating rod (dry non-conductive object); above 1000 V - put on dielectric gloves, rubber boots or galoshes, take an insulating rod or insulating tongs, short-circuit the wires of the 6-20 kV overhead line by a snap method according to special instructions), without touching the victim with bare hands, drag him by dry clothes at least 8 meters from the point where the wire touches the ground or from the equipment located under tension.

If the victim is at a height, then releasing him from the action of the current can cause a fall from a height, therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent additional injuries - to provide lighting from another source (taking into account the explosion and fire hazard of the room), without delaying the shutdown of the installation and rendering assistance.

When staying and moving in the zone of "step voltage" (within a radius of 8 meters from the place where the electric wire touches the ground), it is required to move in dielectric boots or galoshes, or in a "goose step" (the heel of the walking leg, without leaving the ground, is attached to the toe of the other legs). You can not take your feet off the ground and take steps that exceed the length of the foot.

After the release of the victim from the action of electric current, depending on his condition, it is necessary to provide him with first aid. The victim should unfasten clothing, provide fresh air. When breathing stops and the heart stops, the victim must do artificial respiration and chest compressions until natural breathing is restored, or until the arrival of a doctor. After the victim regains consciousness, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the site of the electrical burn and take measures to eliminate possible mechanical damage (bruises, fractures). The victim of electrical injury, regardless of his state of health and the absence of complaints, should be sent to a medical institution.

4.2.12. First aid for encountered health-related conditions.

a) In case of fainting (causes of occurrence - lack of oxygen in the air, drop in blood pressure, blood loss, including internal bleeding, pain and mental trauma), it is necessary to put the victim in a supine position, unbutton his clothes and belt, provide access to fresh air and an elevated position of the lower extremities, give ammonia for inhalation, press on the painful point under the nose or massage it. If the victim does not regain consciousness within 3-4 minutes, it is necessary to turn him over on his stomach and apply cold to his head. For pain in the abdomen or repeated fainting (possible internal bleeding), it is required to put cold on the stomach (a bottle or a bag of cold water or snow). When hungry faint - give sweet tea and ensure peace (do not feed).

b) In case of heat, sunstroke (weakness, drowsiness, headache, thirst, nausea, rapid breathing, fever, loss of consciousness are possible), the victim must be transferred (transferred) to a cool place, apply cold to the head, neck, chest (you can pour a bucket of cold water on the chest). With convulsions - turn the victim on his stomach and press the shoulder girdle and head to the floor. In case of loss of consciousness for more than 3-4 minutes, it is required to turn the victim on his stomach.

c) In case of an epileptic seizure (sudden loss of consciousness with a characteristic cry before falling; often dilated pupils, convulsions, involuntary movements, foamy discharge from the mouth, involuntary urination, after an attack - short-term memory loss), it is required to move the patient away from dangerous objects and turn on his side, place a soft object under your head.

d) In case of hypothermia, it is required to cover the victim, offer a warm sweet drink or food with a high sugar content, quickly deliver to a warm room, in the room - remove clothes, rub the body, if possible, place the victim in a bath with water at 35 - 40 ° C or cover him a large number of warm heating pads (plastic bottles), cover the victim with a warm blanket, put warm, dry clothes on him and continue to give warm sweet drinks.

e) In case of frostbite of the limbs (the skin is pale and cold, there is no pulse at the wrists and ankles, loss of sensation), it is required to deliver the victim to a room with a low temperature, do not remove clothes and shoes from frostbitten limbs, cover the injured limbs from external heat with a cooled heat-insulating bandage with a large amount of cotton wool or blankets, clothes and give a plentiful warm drink, make you move, give an anesthetic. Do not rub or lubricate frostbitten skin with anything, put frostbitten limbs in warm water or cover them with heating pads.

4.2.13. In case of insect and snake bites, it is required to wash the bite site (for a bee sting, remove the sting safely). When a snake bites, it is necessary to lay the victim down, provide him with peace, put a bandage on the bite (not too tight), when biting a limb, be sure to put a splint and give the limb an elevated position, give plenty of drink (sweet or salted water). In case of loss of consciousness, it is required to put the victim on his stomach, turn his head to one side. In the absence of breathing and heartbeat, proceed to resuscitation, prevent cooling and warming of the bite site.

4.2.14. In all cases of electric shock, mechanical injury, severe thermal and chemical burns, poisoning with poisonous liquids, gases and eye injuries, the victim must be urgently taken to the nearest medical facility.

4.3. Actions in case of fire.

4.3.1. When a fire is detected, the receiver should:

immediately report this to the shift manager by phone to send a message in the prescribed manner (in this case, you must name the place of the fire, as well as give your last name),

take measures to extinguish the fire (except in cases of ignition of dangerous goods) with the available primary fire extinguishing equipment, as well as the evacuation of people and property, official documentation.

4.3.2. When using air-foam (powder, carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers, direct the jet of foam (powder, carbon dioxide) away from people. If foam (powder, carbon dioxide) gets on unprotected parts of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief (cloth) and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

In rooms with internal fire hydrants, two workers must be involved in extinguishing a fire: one rolls out the sleeve from the faucet to the fire site, the second, at the command of the unrolling sleeve, opens the faucet.

When extinguishing a flame with sand: a scoop, a shovel should not be raised to eye level in order to avoid sand getting into them.

4.3.3. In the event of a fire near the contact supports and the contact network, it is necessary to immediately inform the duty officer of the railway station (shift supervisor) or the head of the railway station.

4.3.4. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 8 m from the contact network and overhead power lines that are energized is allowed by any fire extinguishers without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the jet of water or foam does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 meters from the contact network is allowed only with carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-bromoethyl, aerosol, powder fire extinguishers. Extinguishing burning objects with water, chemical, foam or air-foam fire extinguishers is possible only when the voltage is removed from the contact network. When using carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it is forbidden to take hold of the fire extinguisher socket.

In case of ignition of non-de-energized electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V, powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be used.

When extinguishing energized electrical installations, it is necessary to maintain a safe distance from the spray nozzle to live parts in accordance with the recommendations of the fire extinguisher manufacturer. It is forbidden to take hold of the fire extinguisher socket.

When a person’s clothing catches fire, it is necessary to extinguish the fire as soon as possible, but at the same time it is impossible to knock down the flame with unprotected hands. Inflamed clothing must be quickly discarded, torn off or extinguished by pouring water. A thick cloth, blanket, tarpaulin can be thrown over a person in burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame is extinguished.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, the receiver must:

tidy up your workspace

put signal accessories, inventory and devices in places specially designed for them or transfer them to a shift worker,

hand over duty in the prescribed manner,

wash your hands, face with soap and water or take a shower,

take off your overalls and put them in the closet,

follow the railway station or the territory of the enterprise along the route of the service passage.

5.2. Contaminated and defective special clothing and footwear must be handed over by the receiver for washing, dry cleaning or repair in accordance with the procedure established in the unit.

5.3. About all violations of the production process, internal labor regulations and labor protection requirements discovered during work and the measures taken to eliminate them, the acceptance officer must inform the shift supervisor (the acceptance officer appointed by the shift supervisor).

Order of JSC "Russian Railways"

1.1. This Standard Job Description of the Cargo and Baggage Acceptance Officer of Russian Railways JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) determines the procedure for performing commercial operations by the cargo and baggage acceptor of Russian Railways JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Acceptance Officer) and contains the basic information necessary for the acceptance or delivery of cargo and baggage, control over its condition along the way.

On the basis of this Instruction, at the railway stations, job descriptions of the transceivers are developed, which are approved by the immediate supervisor of the transceiver.

The procedure for organizing the work of the acceptance officer when carrying out act-claim work, determining the mass of transported goods, inspecting wagons and goods at commercial inspection points and at container sites is given in the relevant technological processes, instructions and methodological recommendations.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a preliminary medical examination, introductory and primary instruction on labor protection at the workplace, training, internship and testing knowledge of this Instruction are allowed to work independently as an acceptance officer.

In the process of work, the acceptance officer must undergo repeated, at least once every three months, and unscheduled briefings on labor protection and train traffic safety, as well as periodic medical examinations.

1.3. Main Responsibilities of the Receiver:

Acceptance of goods in wagons (containers) for transportation at railway stations (hereinafter - stations) of departure;

Issuance of goods from wagons (containers) at destination stations;

Acceptance and transfer of wagons (containers) for the carriage of goods in direct mixed and international traffic;

Sorting of small or container shipments en route;

Organization of storage of goods and its accounting in public places;

Determination of the mass of transported goods at the stations of departure or destination, as well as along the route;

Organization of transfer and accounting of cargo, wagons, containers;

Registration of transportation documents and control over the correctness of their execution on the issues provided for by this Instruction;

Execution of wagon lists when receiving and issuing wagons, including those loaded with container and small shipments;

Registration of acts of a general form, reports for the preparation of commercial acts, the commercial acts themselves in cases provided for by the Federal Law "Charter of the Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Charter) and this Instruction;

Registration of documents related to the maintenance of station commercial reporting (on the acceptance of cargo, unloading to a warehouse, sorting and transfer, return of wagons (containers), conducting a commercial inspection of wagons or containers);

Conducting a commercial inspection of wagons in trains or wagons (containers) submitted for loading (double operation);

Organization of cargo search;

Drafting and consideration of investigation materials on unsafe transportations;

Ensuring control over compliance by consignors and consignees with the requirements to ensure the safety of the wagon fleet during loading and unloading operations at public places. In case of detection of damage to wagons (containers), an act of the general form GU-23 is drawn up.

1.4. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, knowledge of the provisions of this Instruction, as well as the following regulations, is checked:

Technical conditions for the placement and securing of goods in wagons and containers (hereinafter referred to as TU);

Rules for the carriage of goods in direct mixed railway-water traffic;

Rules for the transport of dangerous goods by rail;

Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation;

Fire safety rules for railway transport;

Rules for commercial inspection of trains and wagons;

Rules of safety precautions and industrial sanitation during loading and unloading operations on railway transport;

Safety rules and procedures for liquidation of emergency situations with dangerous goods during transportation by rail;

Regulations on the discipline of employees of the railway transport of the Russian Federation;

The technological process of the operation of its station and the technical and administrative act (hereinafter - TRA);

Instructions for maintaining station commercial reporting;

Instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on the railways of the CIS and Baltic states;

Instructions for act and claim work on the railways of the states - members of the Commonwealth, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia;

Instructions for the search for goods on the railways;

the Agreement on International Rail Freight Traffic (hereinafter referred to as SMGS), the Agreement on Soviet (Russian)-Finnish Direct Rail Traffic and other international agreements;

Regulations on the procedure for the protection of goods and objects in the railway transport of the Russian Federation;

Temporary technology of interaction between customs authorities and railways in the course of customs clearance of goods transported by rail;

Technological process of operation of the point of commercial inspection of wagons in trains;

Technological process of operation of the container site (department);

Standards for the conditions of transportation and packaging of goods, given in the reference book "Packing of goods" (M., 1992);

Orders and other normative acts of Russian Railways concerning the fulfillment of the duties assigned to the acceptor;

Manufacturers' instructions on the order of scales and weighing rules - produced at least once every three years.

1.5. The operations performed by the transceiver at the workplace are determined by instructional and technological maps, which are compiled by the head of the station when developing technological processes for the operation of the station.

When the acceptance officer performs work not provided for by this Instruction (combining professions or performing additional duties), his training, knowledge testing are carried out in the manner prescribed by the head of the railway department.

1.6. In the performance of official duties, the acceptance officer reports to the head of the station (his deputy), the shunting dispatcher (duty officer), the head of the cargo yard, and the senior shift acceptance officer. The direct subordination of the receiver-deliverer is established in his official instruction card.

1.7. When taking duty, the receiver is obliged to:

Get acquainted with the state of affairs in the area he serves, check the availability of wagons (containers), cargo and make sure that they are safe. Accept tare and piece cargoes located in the warehouses of the station or at the sorting point for small shipments, from the receiver-deliverer, handing over the shift, according to the count of places and external inspection of the condition of the packages;

Check the arrangement of wagons on the railway tracks of the section served by it, the serviceability of loaded wagons and containers in commercial terms, as well as the presence of locking and sealing devices on them (hereinafter - LSD);

Accept transportation documents from the transferor handing over the shift, checking their compliance with the presence of cargo, sealing devices, as well as books for sealing wagons and containers, reweighing cargo on wagon scales, receiving cargo for departure, unloading cargo and other accounting documents;

Check the condition of scales, inventory and materials for marking cargo and sealing wagons (containers);

Draw up a work plan for the serviced area, familiarize the work performers with it, ensure the preparation of places for storing goods and check the state of fire safety in these places;

In all accounting forms, make a mark "Change accepted", indicate your last name, time, date and sign.

1.8. When handing over duty, the receiver is obliged to:

Report to the immediate supervisor on the work performed;

Hand over to the receiver-delivery officer, who is on duty in a shift, transportation documents, sealing devices, as well as books for sealing wagons (containers), re-weighing cargo on wagon scales, receiving cargo for departure, unloading cargo and other accounting documents;

Inspect the station warehouses under his jurisdiction, the premises and goods in them, as well as the goods located in open areas, and, after making sure of fire safety and the absence of unauthorized persons in the territory of the warehouses, hand over the goods to the acceptance officer of the next shift or lock the warehouses, seal them and transfer under protection;

In all accounting forms, make a note "I passed the shift", indicate your last name, time, date and sign.

1.9. When registering transactions at the automated workplace of the transceiver (hereinafter referred to as AWP PS), the procedure and sequence of actions of the transceiver is established by the user manual of the AWP PS, approved by JSC Russian Railways in the prescribed manner. The use of AWS PS is provided for in the technological process of the railway station or TRA, as well as in the instructional and technological maps of the transceiver.




2.1.1. In accordance with paragraph 12.11 of the Rules for the Technical Operation of the Railways of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to supply goods for loading and board people in faulty cars and without presenting them for maintenance. Their recognition as fit must be recorded in a special journal.

As a special magazine at railway stations, the "Book of presenting freight fleet cars for maintenance" form VU-14 or the machine-oriented form "Book of presenting freight fleet cars for technical and commercial inspection before loading at the station" VU-14 MVTs is used as a special journal at railway stations. The book of form VU-14 IEC is drawn up by the acceptance clerk at the AWS of the PS or at an automated workplace as part of the automated control system of the cargo station (Station ACS).

Empty wagons delivered for loading at stations where there is no wagon maintenance point (hereinafter referred to as PTO), as well as loaded wagons that are planned to be used for dual operations, must be inspected for technical good condition, and, if necessary, repaired for closest to the PTO loading station.

2.1.2. In accordance with the Charter, the receiver-and-receiver is obliged to accept for loading serviceable, cleaned inside and outside of the remnants of previously transported goods, if necessary, washed and disinfected, suitable for the carriage of specific goods, wagons, containers with removed fastening devices, with the exception of non-removable fastening devices.

The numbers of wagons recognized by the acceptance-deliverer as commercially suitable for the carriage of a particular cargo are indicated in the books of form VU-14 or form VU-14 of the IEC.

2.1.3. At loading stations, as well as at reference stations that carry out technical and commercial inspection of cars for other stations, books of form VU-14 and form VU-14 MVC are kept in two copies. One copy is for wagons used in the carriage of dangerous goods, the second is for the carriage of non-dangerous goods.

The names of dangerous goods, in accordance with the Rules for the transport of dangerous goods by rail, are given in Appendix No. 1.

2.1.4. Before being loaded for technical and commercial inspection, the wagons are presented by the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer) to wagon workers and acceptance officers.

The procedure for notifying employees of the wagon economy and acceptance agents is established in the technological process of the operation of the station and TPA. The shunting dispatcher (station duty officer) informs the receiver-receivers of the number of wagons by type, which should be picked up for loading at their own or another station for each consignor, broken down by the name of the cargo, the country of destination and the number of the application, for which the wagons must be inspected.

2.1.5. Books of the VU-14 form and the VU-14 form of the IEC are located at the workplace of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer) or the acceptance officer.

2.1.6. Books of form VU-14 are maintained from the beginning of the year, the pages of books must be numbered, the number of pages in these books is certified by the signature of the head (deputy head) of the station.

Books of form VU-14 МВЦ consist of separate fragments for each presentation of the car for inspection. Fragments of the book, after their signature by the acceptance officer, the worker of the carriage economy and the shunting dispatcher (on duty at the station), are filed into a special folder. The title page of the special folder contains the name of the book, index, name of the station for technical and commercial inspections, abbreviated name of the railway, as well as the start and end dates of the book. For the book of registration of the inspection of wagons used for the transportation of dangerous goods, on the title page, additionally, under the name of the book, "Dangerous goods" is indicated.

2.2. Registration of the book form VU-14 after

Inspection of wagons delivered for loading

(double operation), at the inspection station

Or other stations in the presence of workers

Carriage facilities at the inspection station

2.2.1. At the beginning of the shift (when registering the results of the inspection of the wagons), the first free line of the VU-14 form book indicates the name of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer). The inspection data is filled in in the following order:

Column 1 indicates the date and month of the inspection of wagons, once for each presented (inspected) group of wagons;

Column 2 indicates the track number of the fleet on which the wagons were inspected;

In column 3 "N of the train" a dash is put if the cars were inspected not as part of the train;

Column 4 "Number of wagons" is not filled in;

Column 5 indicates the number of the wagon, as well as the name of the cargo for the carriage of which the wagon is selected, and the country of destination of the cargo;

In column 6, the time of notification by the acceptance clerk of the wagon facility employee of the need for a technical inspection of the wagon is indicated. The time is indicated once opposite the first number of the wagon of the group of wagons presented for inspection at the same time;

In column 7, the signature of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer) is put, which certifies the time of presenting the wagons for technical inspection, as well as the end time of the wagon inspection and its result. The signature of the shunting dispatcher is put once opposite the first number of the car at the same time the group of cars presented for inspection;

Column 8 indicates the name (local abbreviated markup) of the consignor for whom the wagon was selected at the direction of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer), and the name of the loading station. When preparing wagons for other stations, the name of the wagon loading station is indicated;

In column 9, the time of arrival of the wagon worker at the place of registration of the VU-14 book for its signature is entered. The time is indicated once opposite the first number of the wagon of the group of wagons presented for inspection at the same time. The place of registration and signing of the VU-14 book is established by the technological process of the station;

In column 10, opposite each wagon number, an employee of the wagon economy makes a note about its technical condition: "Good" or "Not good", and the digital code of the railway administration of the owner of the wagon. Numerical codes of railway administrations are given in Appendix No. 2;

In column 11, the employee of the wagon economy, who carried out the technical inspection of the wagons, signs opposite each wagon number;

In column 12, the acceptance officer who carried out the technical inspection of the wagons signs opposite each wagon number.

After each inspection of a wagon (a group of wagons), in the lower free line, the acceptor shall indicate his last name and the last name of the employee of the wagon economy who carried out the technical inspection.

2.2.2. The procedure for maintaining a book for registration of the results of the technical inspection of own cars supplied for the carriage of dangerous goods is established by the head of the railway. Information about the number of the certificate of technical serviceability of the wagon is indicated in column 10 of the book of form VU-14.

2.3. Form book layout

VU-14 IEC after the inspection of the cars,

Served for loading (double operation), at the station

Inspection or at other stations, if available

Carriage workers at the railway

inspection stations

2.3.1. After completing the inspection of each presented group of wagons, the acceptance officer enters the following information at the workstation:

The first line indicates the position and surname of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer) who presented the cars for inspection;

In the second line - the start and end time of the inspection;

Column 1 indicates the number of the track (park) of the inspection of the wagons on which the wagons were inspected;

In column 2, the numerator indicates the number of the wagon and through a dash - the digital code of the railway administration of the owner of the wagon, in the denominator - the name of the cargo for which the wagon was selected at the direction of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer);

In column 3, the numerator shall indicate the number of the application for which the wagons were selected, and the denominator - the name of the country of destination of the cargo. When preparing wagons for loading to other stations, the name of the wagon loading station is indicated;

In column 4, the numerator indicates the name of the cargo loading station, the denominator - the name of the consignor, to whose address the wagons will be delivered;

In column 5 - the signature of the acceptance officer who conducted the commercial inspection;

In column 6, in the numerator, on the basis of information from the employee of the wagon economy, a mark is entered on the technical condition of the car: "Good" or "Not good", in the denominator - information about the carrying capacity of the car according to the information of the employee of the wagon department;

In column 7, after printing out a fragment of the book, an employee of the wagon economy puts his signature in front of each wagon number.

2.4. Registration of the results of the inspection of wagons

Before loading at the reference station for others

Railway loading stations

2.4.1. The transfer of information about the results of the inspection of wagons before loading at the reference railway station for other railway loading stations is carried out by telephone (telegraph), e-mail, using full-scale sheets or wagon sheets, in the manner prescribed by the head of the railway.

2.4.2. The wagon sheet of the form GU-38a (GU-38a VTs) is filled out for each car in the following order:

For loaded wagons sent for a dual operation, a mark “For dual operation” is made in the primary form of the wagon sheet and the name of the acceptance officer and the employee of the wagon economy who performed the inspection, as well as the start and end time of the inspection, is indicated. The information is certified by the lower case stamp of the station and the signature of the receiver;

For empty wagons in the upper field, the mark "Empty for loading" is made;

The column "Car N" indicates the number of the car and the two-digit code of the administration of its ownership;

In the line "Station _____________ railroad _____ day _________ months. 20__." the full name of the loading station and the date of drawing up the wagon list are indicated;

The section "Codes for natural sheet" is filled in in the following order:

A) the column "Mass of cargo in tons" is not filled in;

B) in the column "Destination station of the wagon - network marking" a five-digit code of the loading station is put down;

C) in the column "Name of the cargo" a five-digit code of the cargo is affixed;

E) in the column "Recipient" the code of the recipient is put down;

E) in the column "Tare of the wagon" the weight of the tare of the wagon in tons shall be entered in three digits in integers. Data on the tare weight of the wagon is taken from the inscription on the body or channel bar of the wagon.

On the reverse side of the wagon sheet, the columns are filled in: "Departure station", "Destination station", in the column "Recipient" the name of the consignee or "DS" is indicated.

Information about the time of the inspection is indicated in the lines: "The car was submitted for loading" and "Loaded", the words "For loading" or "Loaded" are crossed out. The signature of the transceiver is certified by the lower case stamp of the station.

In the lower field, after the signature of the receiver-deliverer, the names of the receiver-deliverer and the employee of the wagon economy who inspected the car are indicated.

2.4.3. Wagon sheets of form GU-38b and GU-38b VTs are issued for a group of wagons in the following order:

In the upper field, the mark "Empty for loading" is made;

In the "Route information" section, in the "Destination station" column, a five-digit code is entered, if a group of wagons is selected for one recipient for a homogeneous cargo, then the columns "Name of cargo" and "Consignee" are filled in, the remaining columns are not filled in;

In the line loading (formation) station, the station for inspecting wagons is recorded;

In the line unloading station (sorting) the station of loading the wagon is recorded;

In the middle part of the wagon sheet, the numbers of all selected wagons are indicated. If the wagons are selected for different recipients, then the recipient is indicated in the "Note" column;

On the reverse side of the wagon sheet, information about the time of the inspection is indicated in the lines "Wagons submitted for loading" or "Loaded", the words "For loading" and "Loaded" are crossed out. The information is certified by the signature of the transceiver and the lower case stamp of the station.

2.5. Registration of books of form VU-14 or form VU-14 IEC

After the inspection of wagons delivered for loading

(dual operation), at stations where workers

There are no wagon facilities

2.5.1. Having received a notification about the inspection of the wagons from the station attendant, the acceptance officer (or a person authorized by the head of the station), after checking the commercial condition of the wagons, fills out the form book VU-14 (VU-14 MVTs) taking into account the information received from the reference railway station (hereinafter referred to as the reference station).

2.5.2. The VU-14 form book is filled out in the following order:

In the first free line at the beginning of the shift, at the first presentation of the wagons, the name of the station attendant is indicated;

Column 1 indicates the date of the commercial inspection;

Column 2 indicates the number of the track on which the inspection was carried out;

Column 3 indicates the number of the train with which the wagon arrived;

Column 4 is not completed;

Column 5 indicates the number of the wagon, as well as the name of the cargo and the country of destination of the cargo. Information is entered on the basis of information received by the transceiver directly from the reference station or through the station attendant;

Column 6 indicates the time of notification of the receiver-deliverer about the need for an inspection. The time is indicated once opposite the first number of the wagon of the group of wagons presented for inspection at the same time;

Column 7 shall contain the signature of the station attendant who presented the wagons for inspection;

Column 8 indicates the name (local abbreviated markup) of the consignor. Information is entered on the basis of information received by the transceiver directly from the reference station or through the station attendant;

Column 9 indicates the end time of the commercial inspection;

In column 10, a mark is made: "Good" or "Not good" and the numerical code of the railway administration is indicated. The mark "Good" is affixed if the commercial condition of the wagon is recognized by the acceptor as appropriate for loading. The mark "Unsuitable" is affixed in cases where the wagon does not meet the requirements of this Instruction for submission for loading (double operation);

Column 11 is not completed;

Column 12 shall contain the signature of the acceptance officer who carried out the inspection of the wagon;

In the free line, after inspecting one wagon (group of wagons), a mark is made "Inspection of the wagon (cars) at the reference station was carried out - ____________" (the names and position of the employee of the wagon economy and the acceptance officer of the reference station are indicated).

2.5.3. The procedure for notifying the station duty officer about the results of the inspection is established by the head of the station;

2.5.4. The procedure for maintaining the book VU-14 for the registration of wagons owned by third-party organizations, submitted for loading dangerous goods, is established by the head of the railway. Information about the number of the certificate of technical serviceability of the wagon is indicated in column 10.

2.5.5. The form book VU-14 МВЦ is filled in by the acceptance officer on the basis of the full-scale inspection of the car and the information received by the acceptance officer directly from the reference station or through the station attendant.

The procedure for maintaining the VU-14 IEC book for registration of wagons owned by third-party organizations supplied for the carriage of dangerous goods is established by the head of the railway. Information about the number of the certificate of technical serviceability of the wagon is indicated in column 6.



3.1. When supplying (cleaning) wagons and containers to places of non-public use, the work of the acceptance officer related to the transfer (return) of wagons and containers is supervised by a shunting dispatcher (station duty officer). When wagons are delivered to public places - the head of the freight yard, and in his absence - the shunting dispatcher.

3.2. Accounting for the cleaning (delivery) of wagons and containers from (to) places (s) of non-public use is carried out according to the Memo of the acceptor for the supply and cleaning of wagons of the GU-45 form (hereinafter referred to as the Memo). When issuing a Memo at a workstation, it is formed in the form GU-45 VTs.

3.3. Accounting for the return (transfer) of containers from (to) places (s) of common use is carried out according to the acceptance certificate of the KEU-16 form. When drawing up an acceptance certificate at a workstation, it is formed in the form of KEU-16 VTs.

3.4. The memo is drawn up when supplying (cleaning) wagons to sea and river ports, to newly built lines, to narrow-gauge lines, to wagon preparation points, on the way of PTO, VChD for repair and other structural subdivisions of the railways.

3.5. The memo is issued separately for each delivery (transfer to the exhibition track) or separately for each cleaning of cars (return to the exhibition track).

In order to account for car parks by stations, the DIS-PARK automated system sends message 1397 about the supply or removal of cars for each Leaflet after it is signed by the acceptor and a representative of the receiving or transferring party. Messages are prepared in an automated way (station automated control system, transceiver workstation) or manually entered into the transmitting device.

3.6. The memo is drawn up when submitting (transferring to the exhibition track) refrigerated sections, couplers, as well as groups of cars, if the contract provides for their simultaneous supply and cleaning. In case of insignificant volumes of loading or unloading of wagons, it is allowed to draw up a Leaflet for single (small groups) wagons delivered to the places of loading (unloading) or to the exhibition tracks.

3.7. Notes are numbered from the beginning of the year. The numbering of the Instructions when transferring wagons to places of non-public use can be carried out:

A) end-to-end throughout the station, if the Instructions are issued by one transceiver or at one workstation;

B) for dedicated ranges for each transceiver or workstation;

C) separately for each non-public railway track.

At public places, the Leaflets are numbered for each place of loading or unloading, which is serviced by a separate transceiver.

3.8. How to fill out the memo.

3.8.1. The title of the memo reads:

A) the name of the station (in the form GU-45 VTS) or a lowercase stamp is affixed (in the form GU-45);

B) the number of the Memo in accordance with clause 3.7 of this Instruction;

C) in the line "The name of the owner (user) of the p / p (client) can be indicated":

The name of the owner (user) of the non-public track - when wagons are delivered to him or to his counterparties who do not have contracts with the owner of the public rail transport infrastructure owned by Russian Railways;

The name of the counterparty that has an agreement with the owner of the infrastructure;

The name of the consignee (consignor) - when supplying wagons to public places with the performance of cargo operations by its means;

The name of the structural subdivision of the railway that loads or unloads wagons at public places with its own means, as well as the supply (cleaning) of wagons for the performance of freight or technical operations on its railway tracks;

E) in the line "Place of filing":

The name of the place of supply (track number) provided for by the contract for the supply and cleaning of wagons;

The name of the place of delivery (track number) in public places in accordance with the technological process of the station.

In addition, the line "Place of submission" shall indicate the name of the counterparty that does not have an agreement with the owner of the public railway transport infrastructure owned by Russian Railways when supplying (cleaning) the wagon(s) to its address on the way of the owner (user) of the non-public railway track. When submitting (cleaning) wagons issued by one Leaflet to several counterparties that do not have contracts with the owner of the public railway transport infrastructure owned by Russian Railways, information about the name of the counterparties is indicated for each wagon in the second line in columns 9, 10 of the Leaflet;

E) in the line "Submission was made by a locomotive" the ownership of the locomotive that performed the supply of cars (a locomotive owned by Russian Railways JSC or the owner (user) of a non-public railway track) shall be entered;

G) in the line "Train index" the index of the train is put down on the basis of the information indicated in the full-scale sheet of the train, if the supply (transfer) of the cars was carried out without processing the cars at the station.

3.8.2. In the column "Wagon number / name of cargo" indicate:

A) in the numerator - the numbers of all wagons that were simultaneously submitted or removed;

B) in the denominator - the name of the cargo:

In the Instructions for loaded wagons - when submitted for unloading based on the information of the wagon list;

In the Instructions for loaded wagons - after loading on the basis of the information of the railway bill of lading.

When performing dual operations, the name of the cargo after loading is indicated in the "Note" column based on the information of the railway bill of lading.

When transferring wagons (containers) (with the issuance of a Leaflet) for cargo operations to places of non-public use, in the column "N wagons" after the number of the wagon in which the containers are placed, the numbers of the containers located in this wagon are indicated. In cases of registration of the transfer of wagons loaded with containers to places of non-public use, Leaflets form GU-45, copies (photocopies) of wagon sheets containing information about containers, or extracts from wagon sheets indicating container numbers and their standard sizes are attached to them.

3.8.3. In the column "Railway adm." the code of the railway administration indicated on the board of the car is affixed.

When submitting (cleaning) wagons from countries that have a twelve-digit wagon number, the column "Railroad adm." may not be filled.

3.8.4. In the column "Wagon ownership" the abbreviated name (mnemonic code) of the owner of the wagon or container is indicated.

The list of abbreviated names of wagon or container owners is given in Table 1.