Holy Trinity: how to celebrate the holiday and what not to do? What can and cannot be done on the Trinity. Traditions, rituals, signs

History of the Holy Trinity

The feast of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter and is established in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on earth. It symbolizes the unity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

According to biblical legends, when Jesus Christ ascended into heaven to God the Father, he sent his disciples a comforter - the Holy Spirit. At this time, the apostles were in the Zion Upper Room, where the Lord celebrated the Last Supper. When the Holy Spirit came to earth, they heard a noise and saw flames. And then "they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."

In memory of this event, the disciples of Christ established the feast of the Holy Trinity, which is still celebrated by all Christians.

Holy Trinity Traditions

On this day, one of the most beautiful services of the year is performed in churches. After the liturgy, great vespers take place, at which stichera are sung, glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit, and the priest reads three special prayers: for the Church, for the salvation of all who pray, and for the repose of the souls of all the dead.

During the reading of these prayers, everyone kneels. Thus ends the special period after Pascha, during which no kneeling or prostration is performed in churches.

According to tradition, the floor of the temple and houses is covered with freshly cut grass on this day. The icons are decorated with birch branches. Priests wear green robes, which symbolize life-giving and renewing power.

What to do on Holy Trinity Day

It is believed that on this day, herbs are endowed with special power, so they usually collected on the Trinity medicinal plants for the whole year. The house was decorated with branches of birch, maple and mountain ash. They had to be burned seven days after the holiday.

It is customary to cover the Trinity festive table and treat your family with fresh pastries.

On this day, you can pray for the missing and for the repose of the souls of those who died an unnatural death.

What Not to Do on Holy Trinity Day

You can't have a wedding. It is believed that this will bring misfortune to the couple in their future marriage.

As in any big religious holiday, on the Day of the Holy Trinity it is forbidden to sew, clean, wash, work at the stove and in the garden.

On this day, it is forbidden to talk about bad things, quarrel, get angry, be offended, envy.

Also, you can’t swim in reservoirs: there is a belief that mermaids come ashore on Trinity and drag people to the bottom.

Recall that on the eve of the Holy Trinity Day passes. On this day, it is customary to commemorate all the departed Christians.

Holy Trinity Day is one of the twelve most important holidays in Orthodoxy. . The date of this holiday is "floating", that is, it changes annually. Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. What kind of holiday this is, how one should behave on this day and why it has a double name, read in our regular section "Question-Answer".

What is the correct name: Trinity or Pentecost?

In fact, it is correct to call it so and so. The fact is that according to the teachings of the church, God has three hypostases: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - hence the name of the holiday Trinity.

This holiday is called Pentecost because it falls on the 50th day from the day of the Resurrection of Christ.

How did the feast of the Holy Trinity come about?

The feast of the Holy Trinity has been celebrated since 381. It was then that the doctrine of the three hypostases of God was approved at the Constantinople Church Council: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the same day, the fullness of the Holy Trinity was also revealed.

As the Gospel says, after the Resurrection, Jesus Christ promised his disciples that he would send them a comforter from his Father - the Holy Spirit. After Jesus Christ went to his Father, his disciples gathered daily in a hut on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, prayed and read the Holy Scriptures.

On the 50th day after the Resurrection of Christ, a strong roar was suddenly heard in the afternoon, and tongues of fire appeared in the air. The fire swept over the heads of the apostles and penetrated them. And suddenly they all began to understand and speak themselves in languages ​​that they did not know before.

That is, the Holy Spirit descended to the disciples of Jesus in the form of fire and gave them the opportunity to speak any language of the world so that they could carry the new faith to every corner of the planet.

That is why the Trinity for Christians is a holiday, which is also called the birthday of the Church. From that moment on, the Church began to spread throughout the world.

How is Trinity celebrated?

On the Trinity, it is customary to weave wreaths of herbs and flowers, to decorate houses. The floors in the temple are lined with field grasses, birch branches, and flowers are in vases, which are considered a symbol of people's renewal thanks to the Holy Spirit. Priests on Trinity dress in green clothes.

On the eve of the Holy Trinity Day, the churches celebrate all-night vigil. On Sunday, a liturgy is held, followed by vespers, where the descent of the Holy Spirit is celebrated and three prayers are read with kneeling.

On Trinity Saturday, which is parental, it is customary to commemorate deceased relatives. The most important part of the commemoration takes place on Saturday morning for Divine Liturgy followed by a general memorial service. After a morning trip to the temple, it is customary to visit the graves of departed relatives and friends.

On Trinity Day, fasting is not observed and any food is allowed. It is believed that on the Trinity one cannot sew, clean the house, engage in agricultural work, bathe and have a haircut. But the clergy note that all this is fiction and there are no prohibitions in this regard.

The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the most important Orthodox holidays, which is one of the Twelve and is a transitional one, which means that every year this great Christian holiday is celebrated on different calendar days. This year it falls on June 4, that is, on the 50th day after Orthodox Easter.

AT church calendar This day has two names - Pentecost and the Day of the Holy Trinity. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles took place on the Old Testament feast of Pentecost, established in memory of the giving of the Law to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai; it was celebrated on the 50th day after Passover and fell on the end of the harvest and gathering of fruits. Pentecost ends the Easter cycle, and next weeks are numbered in the liturgical calendar as "weeks after Pentecost".

Holy Trinity Day is an Old Testament holiday that Jews celebrated on the 50th day after the main Jewish holiday - Easter. This number is no coincidence: it was on the 50th day after the exit from Egypt that the Jewish people of Israel acquired the Sinai law and became completely free. The Jews always celebrated this day magnificently: general rejoicing reigned in the streets, and the clergy, along with ordinary believers, made sacrifices.

In Christianity, Pentecost is associated with the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Christ, who touched the apostles in the form small languages flame. According to believers, the Holy Spirit descended on the followers of Jesus Christ in the form of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, which among the Orthodox is called the Holy Trinity. After what happened, the apostles, to their surprise, spoke in different languages, but one of them, Peter, explained the reason for what happened: "God wants us to preach in all countries, in all languages."

It was then that God gave blessing to the apostles to build a church. This day is considered the founding day of the church.

Belief in the Holy Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit—is considered the foundation upon which Christian theology rests. According to the Bible, God, one in three persons, is a disembodied invisible spirit, living, eternal, omnipresent and all-good. It is impossible to see it, since God does not have in himself that which the visible world consists of.

The feast of the Holy Trinity itself, in commemoration of the great event of the descent of the Holy Spirit, was established by the apostles. After the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit, the disciples of Christ began to celebrate the Day of Pentecost every year and commanded all Christians to remember this event.

Traditions and customs on the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity Day is rich in customs and traditions, most of which are closely intertwined with pagan times.

On the eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity, an all-night vigil is celebrated in the churches . On the day of the feast, a liturgy is performed, immediately followed by vespers, at which the descent of the Holy Spirit is glorified and three prayers are read with kneeling.

Christians have a custom to decorate temples with branches and grass - this is a symbol of the renewal of people thanks to the Holy Spirit. Priests wear green robes.

The feast of Pentecost is preceded by the Trinity parental Saturday - the day of commemoration of the departed. .

The people believed that the Trinity is the day when the souls of the dead descend to earth. Therefore, all windows and doors were magnificently decorated with green branches. In them, according to beliefs, the spirits of relatives hid.

According to folk tradition, on this day the dead should be commemorated at the cemetery, bringing memorial food, birch branches, flowers and wreaths. Since ancient times, in order to commemorate their dead, it was customary to arrange a ritual meal. Kutya, eggs and pancakes are considered traditional dishes of such a meal.

Another custom of Trinity Saturday is the obligatory distribution of alms to all those in need.

Holy Trinity Day is a day off; working on this big Christian holiday is considered a sin.

Branches and bouquets of green plants are also consecrated in the church. Herbs sprinkled with holy water acquire a special healing power.

Can't go to Trinity

You should prepare well for the Orthodox Trinity and carefully clean the whole house so that not a single dirty corner remains. Our ancestors believed that if you meet the holy festival in cleanliness and order, good luck will not leave until next year. All this must be done the day before.

Work, wash, clean, wash, plan global events. According to signs, you can’t move on this day, otherwise you won’t take root in a new place. You can not spend big money, make serious purchases. You can not argue, swear and gamble, even if it is normal table lotto. Anything that has to do with wasting money won't do you any good.

You can not cook holiday meals, this must be done the day before, on Saturday. Mistresses on the Trinity prepared pies. A small piece of each such cake was to be dried and kept until the marriage of one's children. It is believed that a cracker of Trinity bread will certainly bring good luck and prosperity to a new family.

On this day, they tried not to schedule a wedding, it was believed that nothing good awaited such a family. But the matchmaking and acquaintance on this day is a good sign. Such a marriage will be strong and happy

It is possible for the Trinity:

Celebrate, have fun, decorate the house with birch branches and flowers. You can travel, propose to your beloved, celebrate a wedding. There is no fasting on this holiday, so you can eat any meat food and drink alcohol, in moderation, of course.

According to signs, it’s good to put on a new thing on the Trinity, it will bring happiness, put it on the table in the house new dishes, to well-being and peace in the family. Money omen- put all the money in your wallet and try not to spend it at all that day. If you manage not to spend a penny, financial stability will accompany you all year.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

On this day, with the help of prayer, you can get rid of sins, ask for God's blessings and find happiness in your personal life. Many people ask the apostles to intercede for their lost soul loved one or relative. A person who has been tempted by the devil's intervention can also find the righteous path. According to the priests, on the day of the Trinity, God will forgive anyone who repents of sins and turns to him for help and support.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Βlαdykο, forgive the lack of hindrance of our αshα; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for your name's sake. Lord, have mercy (Τevery time).

Οt sleep vοstαv, blαgοgοI give ΤI, Holy Τοitsu, yakο many for the sake of your blessings and dοlgοpatience did not get angry at me, lazy and sinful, below pοοbill me sοοimine; nο manοvekοloveοl οwnοt thou οbychnο and in the absence of a lying οdvigl οt me, in hedgehog matinο and glorify the state Τvu. And now it is the fact that the thoughts of the mental, the same confirmation of the time, and the rejoice of the same, and the firmness of the cordial name and the sorry of the spirit, and the sorry, are the spirit and the son of the spirit. centuries Αmin.

Holy Trinity Day is one of the twelve twelfth holidays in the church calendar. Other names of the holiday: Trinity, Pentecost, Descent of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, we remember the event that took place fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ - the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, and they went to preach the Risen Christ to all nations in all lands.

No wonder this day is called the birthday of the Church. Trinity Day always falls on a Sunday. Most The best way spend this holiday - in the temple, among brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Liturgy for Pentecost is extraordinarily picturesque: the floors in the temple are lined with field grasses, birch branches, and flowers stand in vases. The fragrance of freshly cut greenery, the green vestments of the clergy, kneeling prayers - everything speaks to believers about the great plan of God, about the victory of Christ over death, about the Kingdom of God.

We have collected answers to the most common questions about what is possible and impossible on the Trinity:

Trinity - what is this holiday and what can not be done?

Trinity is a great Christian holiday, which is one of the twelfth - the most important of the year. It takes place on the fiftieth day after Easter, which is why it is also called Pentecost. On this day, Orthodox Christians remember the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, after which the disciples of the Lord became able to speak different languages ​​and dispersed throughout the world to preach the teachings of Christ.

The Feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on a Sunday. Believers always try to be present on this day at the service, to take communion. The Trinity service itself is especially solemn - inside the temples are decorated with greenery, plant branches and flowers. After the Liturgy, an evening service is served with the reading of kneeling prayers, during which, turning to the Lord, we ask Him for help and intercession.

There is a mass folk customs associated with the holiday: - this is impossible, this is impossible ... But most of them have purely pagan, folk roots. And often such customs contradict the very essence of the Christian faith. Therefore, when studying the Russian traditions of the feast of the Trinity, one must clearly distinguish what is consonant with Orthodoxy in them and what is not.

The Church has no household rules what is impossible, and what can be done on the days of certain holidays. The main thing that is possible and necessary is to be in the temple and pray.

If you still have any doubts about how you should spend the day of the Trinity (Pentecost) holiday, you can find below a selection of the most frequently asked questions and answers about what you can and cannot do on Trinity.

What can not be done on Trinity?

On the Trinity, one cannot follow common signs and superstitions, many of which just give advice on what supposedly “not” to do on the Trinity (swim, walk in the forest and in the field, work, etc.). And you need to live this day in a Christian way - go to the temple, pray, take communion, try to be kind and attentive to your loved ones, spend free time with them.

For a Christian, there are no prohibitions on certain types of activities on an ordinary or holiday day, if they do not harm his soul. Neither bathing, nor walking, nor work will interfere with a believing person if he remembers God.

On Trinity, every believer tries to be in the temple, where on this day, after the Liturgy, special kneeling prayers are read for the forgiveness of sins, the mercy of God and the bestowal of the grace of the Holy Spirit. But a Christian can only preserve and multiply this grace in his life, following the Gospel, and not superstitious rules.

Is it possible to work for the Trinity?

It is possible to work for the Trinity, if circumstances so develop.

The feast of the Trinity (Pentecost) always falls on Sunday, and for most believers this is a day off, which is dedicated to going to the temple and praying. But in modern world there are many works that must be done daily, without breaks and days off, and believers are also involved in them. If a Christian working on this day fails to change and go to the temple for the Trinity, this should not be a reason for despondency.

You can find time for prayer at the workplace, but you will have to go to the temple on another day. The Monday following Trinity, Spirits Day, is considered a continuation of the feast of Pentecost. And the giving of the Trinity takes place almost a week later, next Saturday.

Is it possible to work on the second day of Trinity?

The Feast of the Holy Trinity is divided into two days. The first day is dedicated to the glorification of the Trinity and the remembrance of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, which is why it is called Trinity Day. The second day sings of the All-Holy Life-Giving Spirit and in honor of this is called the Spiritual Day.

Orthodox believers, realizing the holiness of the holiday, are sure to try these days to be present in the temple for worship, put aside all vain affairs and devote time to prayer. Since the first day of Trinity always falls on a Sunday, there is usually no problem for a Christian to attend a service on that day. The second day of the Trinity - Spirits day - falls at the beginning working week. It is clear that on Monday it is difficult for a modern person to postpone their affairs, work. But if possible, it is better to start its implementation after attending the morning service in order to pay tribute to the holiday.

Is it possible to work in the garden for Trinity?

The feast of the Holy Trinity always falls on a Sunday, so believers always try to attend a festive service in the temple, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, refrain from doing any work and devote time to prayer.

Working on the day of the Trinity, we seem to show our disrespect to God. No wonder people have always tried to put aside all external, vain deeds on the days of great holidays - this is not pleasing to the Lord. The work, as a rule, turned out to be in vain and did not bring positive result. Of course, there are especially important things that cannot be rescheduled for another time. It is better to start their implementation only after attending the service and prayer. But if possible, on the days of big holidays, such as the Trinity, it is better to postpone all business, including work in the garden.

Is it possible to commemorate the suicidal on Trinity?

The feast of the Holy Trinity is preceded by the day of general commemoration of the dead. On Trinity Saturday, a memorial service is served in churches, during which the Church commemorates all Orthodox Christians who have died.

As for the commemoration of suicides at the memorial service, the Church does not bless this - neither on the Trinity, nor on any other day. Taking the life of another person is a great sin, but the killer can always sincerely repent of his sin and the Lord will forgive him. A person who commits suicide does not have the opportunity to repent of his act. The soul of a suicide is left to God's will. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to pray for such people at all. On the contrary, their souls especially need the prayers of loved ones, which can be performed at home.

Why can't you kneel before Trinity?

Hieromonk Konstantin (Simon) answers:

We don't kneel from Easter to Pentecost because it's a time of joy. We very often kneel in prayer during Lent, as this is a time of repentance. But the period after Easter is a joyful time, we should not be sad. Of course, we should always ask the Lord to forgive our sins. But Easter is a special time, this is the time of the triumph of Jesus Christ over death. These days we're living in a special, special way, we're living in Paschal grace. And this grace does not allow us to kneel.
And on the day of the Holy Trinity at Great Vespers, for the first time since Easter, we kneel. Kneeling prayers are read on it, during which we can again ask God for the forgiveness of our sins, we can repent. The moment of repentance is clearly reflected in the texts of these prayers.
It is also worth noting that Great Vespers refers to Monday, the second day of the Holy Trinity - Spiritual Day, since according to the rules of the Nicene Council, Orthodox Christians should not kneel on Sundays.

Can I swim on Trinity?

You can swim on Trinity.

Often there is a statement that you can’t swim on the Trinity for three days. This is explained by a certain belief that it was during this period that “mermaids walk”, which can “lure the bather to the bottom”. At the same time, some "well-wishers" extend the ban on swimming on Trinity not only to the seas, rivers and lakes, but also to pools and home showers. It is clear that not only from the point of view of the Church, but also from the point of view of any sane person, there are no and cannot be any grounds not to allow bathing on the Trinity.

Another thing is that you should not replace going to church and praying. beach holiday, but you can go to nature to the reservoir after the service. Moreover, the Trinity always falls at the end of May or June, it is always celebrated on Sunday, and the weather on this day is hot.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity?

Do not visit the cemetery on Trinity. On this important day for Christians, you need to visit the temple, pray and, if possible, take communion.

On the Trinity, believers remember how, after His Ascension to heaven, the Lord sent the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to all who believe in Him. This holiday is considered the birthday of the Church, since it was after this event that the disciples of Christ began to preach the Gospel throughout the world. This event is so significant and so joyful that it is on the day of the Trinity that it is not customary to specifically commemorate the dead. But the Church does not turn away and does not forget about them: the day before the Trinity is intended for commemoration and visiting the cemetery - Trinity parental Saturday. Moreover, in the kneeling prayers heard at Vespers, which is served on Trinity immediately after the Liturgy, there is a separate prayer for the departed.

Of course, in life there are different situations, and sometimes it is impossible to refuse a trip to the cemetery, even on a completely unintended day. But even when you are forced to visit the Trinity cemetery, it would be good to try not to forget about the meaning and significance of this day in church history.

What can you do on the Saturday before Trinity?

Saturday before the Trinity is also called the Trinity Parental Saturday, on this day in the temples special commemoration all the dead. Believers come to the morning service, after which a memorial service is performed. In addition, on Saturday before Trinity, as on the eve of other great holidays, newlyweds are not crowned. Also on Saturday before Trinity, it is recommended to attend the evening service and confess at it, so that on Sunday morning you can come to the church for the Liturgy and take communion. The Church does not impose any other special restrictions on this day.

Can I work on Wednesdays until Trinity?

On the Wednesday before the Trinity holiday, you can work. This day is indicated in the church calendar as a day of non-strict fasting - believers abstain from meat, but there are no other special restrictions.

Is it possible to marry before the Trinity?

The Church does not crown directly on the eve of great holidays, as well as on fast days weeks: Wednesday and Friday. As for the rest of the days of the week before Trinity, these days, as a rule, you can get married. Of course, in a particular temple there may be special circumstances related to the schedule of its work and services. Therefore, it is worth agreeing in advance on the time and place of the wedding.

Week after Trinity: what not to do?

The first day of the week after Trinity is called Spiritual Day. It is also a great church holiday, on which pious Christians try to come back to the temple. But there are no additional restrictions in the week after the Trinity in the church tradition (with the exception of fasting on Wednesday and Friday). Since ancient times, pagan beliefs have been preserved that in the week after the Christian holiday of the Trinity, it is supposedly worth staying away from water, or even not leaving the villages and villages at all: the most superstitious peasants feared the attacks of mermaids, believing that the week after the Trinity - a special time for evil spirits. However, such mythology never had anything to do with Christianity, and over time, belief in mermaids remained only a part of rural folklore.

Is it possible to make wishes on the Trinity and which ones?

This question is often asked by secular people to their church acquaintances, and sometimes just to random sites on the Internet. But if sites can answer differently, then believers, like the whole Church, will tell you one thing: the signs associated with making wishes are in no way connected with Orthodox dogma and are clean water superstition. Christians believe that it is always possible to turn to God with a request, but it will not work to “deceive” him by making a wish at some special moment in time. This also applies to making wishes for the Trinity.

How many days can not work on Trinity?

Another popular question of people who are just immersing themselves in the church tradition. The answer will disappoint someone, but will please someone: there are no restrictions on work on the eve of the Trinity. So workaholics can safely enjoy their work, but lazy people will not have a new reason to relax, alas..

Is it possible to baptize on the Trinity?

It is possible to baptize on the Trinity, but keep in mind that on major holidays there are many believers in churches, the services are longer, the priests are very busy, and therefore you will most likely be offered to reschedule the baptism to another day.

On the day of the Trinity, Christians remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. This miraculous phenomenon, which occurred almost two thousand years ago, attracted a lot of people, many believed and were baptized, and therefore the Trinity is also called the birthday of the Church. Of course, it is symbolic to be baptized or to baptize a child on this particular holiday. But in fact, there are no more or less suitable days for baptism, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, which a person receives through the Sacrament of Chrismation, joining the Church, is the same both on the Trinity and on any other day of the year.

Is it possible to get married / get married / get married on the Trinity?

It is impossible to get married on the Trinity, since the Sacrament of marriage is not performed by the Church on the days of the twelfth (that is, the twelve main after Easter) holidays.

On Trinity, Christians remember one of major events church history - the descent of the Holy Spirit the Comforter, whose coming to earth Christ promised when ascending to heaven. On this day, immediately after the Liturgy, Vespers is served, at which the faithful kneel to the Trinity in all its fullness: God the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Son of God. The meaning of this holiday is so great that it is hardly possible, without missing anything, to take into your heart on this day also the experience of a great personal event - the Sacrament of Marriage.

As for the registration of marriage, then in this sense, most likely, it will not work to marry the Trinity. Trinity is always celebrated on Sunday, and registry offices usually do not work on Sunday.

Is it possible to play a wedding before Trinity?

You can play a wedding before the Trinity in the period from Antipascha (the Sunday following Easter, also called Fomin) until Friday on the eve of the Trinity, when last time Before Peter's Lent, weddings are performed in churches. You can enter into a church marriage on the days intended for this (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, not falling on the eve or the Twelfth and Church patronal holidays themselves). Before going to church, you need to register the marriage in government bodies. And to win back the wedding, that is, to celebrate the birth new family, newlyweds can on any convenient day, but for a feast and fun, you should choose a day when there is no fast.

Playing a wedding right before the Trinity is not entirely appropriate and not very convenient. Saturday the day before is the day of commemoration of the dead and preparation for the holiday itself, in which most believers try to take communion, which means that they try to devote the days before the Trinity to fasting and prayer.

Is it possible to sign for the Trinity?

Signing for the Trinity is unlikely to succeed, since this most important church holiday is always celebrated on Sunday, and in registry offices Sunday is usually a day off.

The Church has determined the days when no wedding is performed, but the choice of the day of the week for registering a marriage is not regulated in any way. But if the question arises because it seems to future spouses that it is the marriage concluded, for example, on the feast of the Trinity, that will be strong and happy, then here the opinion of the Church is unequivocal. Neither the date of the wedding, nor the attempt to observe any wedding signs will make your family life happy. There will be peace and love in the family if the spouses themselves daily try to preserve and increase them, asking the Lord for help in this.

Trinity: traditions and rituals of the holiday

The Slavs called the Trinity, or Pentecost, Trinity Day. And also - the Trinity-Mother of God, Wreaths, Venoshnik, Birch Day.

Birches in the temple

On Trinity, temples were traditionally decorated with birch branches and grass. This custom has several explanations. Firstly, birch trees can remind of the oak forest of Mamre, where there was an oak under which the Lord, the Holy Trinity, appeared to Abraham in the form of three angels. She is depicted on the icons of the Trinity.

Secondly, on the day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, the Jews. On the fiftieth day after the exodus from Egyptian land The Jews approached Mount Sinai, where the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
It was the time of spring, and the whole of Mount Sinai was covered flowering trees. Probably from here in the ancient Church there was a custom on the day of Pentecost to decorate their temples and houses with greenery, in order, as it were, to find oneself again on Mount Sinai with Moses.

Trinity Parental Saturday and Trinity Day

Often, the “Trinity” was called the entire time period from Semik to Spiritual Day, that is, the Day of the Holy Spirit, which the Church celebrates on Monday after Trinity.

Trinity festivities marked the transition from spring to summer. By Trinity, as a rule, all spring agricultural work ended.

By the holiday, the housewives traditionally washed and cleaned the house and yard, the fathers of families and sons mowed the grass in the fields. They baked pies and loaves, curled wreaths of birch and flowers, went to visit. Guys and girls walked in the forests and meadows, and the girls specially sewed outfits for the holiday. Heads were decorated with wreaths of flowers or headdresses embroidered with gold threads.

In the Belgorod region, a special dress was supposed to be worn for each day of the Trinity cycle: red shirts were worn on Trinity Parental Saturday, on Sunday - white ones from grandmother's chests, on Monday, Spirits Day - sewn from factory fabric.

Russian culture, its traditions and customs are a separate phenomenon of world heritage. Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with the roots of Russian customs, which are passed down from generation to generation. And signs on the Trinity are always carefully stored and inherited.

Descent of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost, Trinity, the Descent of the Holy Spirit or the Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays, which is celebrated with a particularly solemn service. Trinity falls on the 50th day after Easter on Sunday. This day is especially revered by the people. The Orthodox are looking forward to it, preparing for the holiday and waiting for a miracle.

The Trinity has long been revered by the ancestors. It was believed that on this holiday the end of hard work comes and the time comes to collect bountiful harvest. It is not surprising that since those ancient times, folk signs on the Trinity have reached the present generation. Directly all the rites were considered especially important - in no case could they be neglected or ignored.

So what was the mystery of the celebration? How amazing were the holy days for a simple Russian person? It is time to get acquainted with several unique customs, traditions and signs associated with the great Orthodox holiday.

Briefly about the holiday

Holy Trinity Day or Green Christmas time is honored in every Orthodox family. One of the most important Christian holidays is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, which is why it is sometimes also called Pentecost. The Day of the Holy Trinity usually falls on the last days of May or the beginning of June. The end of hard working days and the beginning of a rich harvest are associated with the first summer days.

The Trinity has as many as three big holidays - this is Parental Saturday (the day when the deceased ancestors are commemorated), Trinity Sunday (the most important day of the holiday itself) and Spirits Day (the name speaks for itself - the Day of the Holy Spirit).

Church interpretation of the holiday

Where did the signs and customs for the Trinity come from? This is connected, first of all, with folk observations and interpretation of the holiday. To understand the whole essence of each sign and phenomenon, it is worth paying attention to the religious significance of this day.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, those who believed directly in the Lord God himself believed in his power. And by the power of the Spirit only when, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus, the 12 apostles and the Virgin Mary gathered in one room heard loud sounds coming from heaven. After that, each disciple was seized by a flame that penetrated inside and filled the whole being - so the Holy Spirit himself entered into each of them, which gave the apostles great knowledge and the opportunity to preach the word of God in different languages.

The so-called triumph of the Holy Trinity took place - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit gathered together - witnessed by ordinary Christians.

How is the Trinity celebrated by the people?

There are quite familiar signs and customs for the Trinity, which are revered in every family. To do this, you do not need to go somewhere at midnight, look for healing herbs and look at the stars. Household rituals are also part of the spiritual celebration of the great Christian holiday.

So, for example, in Parental Saturday it is worth visiting the graves of deceased relatives, going to church for a service and lighting candles "for the repose of the soul." On this day, one cannot be sad - it is customary to remember the dead ancestors with a good word, only joyful moments.

In the evening, on the eve of Trinity Sunday, parishioners go to church with large bouquets of birch branches, freshly cut grass and wildflowers. It is believed that consecrated bouquets have healing properties, so the plants are carefully stored throughout the year. With a disease from dried flowers and branches, you can brew teas and healing infusions.

During the Sunday service, parishioners pray to God and ask him to grant the Holy Spirit to the departed ancestors.

Monday - the Day of the Holy Spirit - symbolizes the victory of the Holy Spirit over evil forces. On this day, it is customary to pray for the deceased relatives, to remember them only with good words. On the Day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to ask God for the repose of souls. After the service, the parishioners, leaving the church, distributed change and treats to the poor, protecting themselves from illness and misfortune.

There are special folk omens for the Trinity. The weather on this day can tell you what the harvest will be like and what to expect from the coming winter. So, for example, it was believed that the earth before the celebration of the Day of the Holy Spirit could reveal its secrets. Therefore, many diligently searched for treasures hidden deep in the bowels of the earth.

Signs on the Trinity for unmarried girls

Pentecost for young girls is one of the most important holidays that can tell their future fate. On this day, beautiful wreaths were woven, lowered into the water and watched how they behave. If a necklace of flowers floated on the water - a favorable sign, if it spun in place - to a single life in the near future. An unfavorable sign if the wreath drowned - this symbolized the death of close relatives or even a betrothed.

Young girls traditionally celebrated this holiday in the forest near the birches. Trinity week is a "mermaid" game. At this time, one should not enter the water - it was believed that the mermaid could be pulled into her pool. It was possible to protect themselves from them only with the help of wormwood.

Among other folk signs for the Trinity, the traditional symbolism of this holiday should be noted. Birch is a symbol of rebirth and youth. This tree at Christmas time became especially revered. Birch branches decorated housing and fences, the entrance to the house and the yard, as well as corners in sheds where pets lived. The branches were taken out into the field to beg for a rich harvest from the ancestors.

Among the traditions and take on the Trinity for unmarried girls It is worth noting the custom of weaving wreaths from birch branches. It was believed that in this way the girl weaves her thoughts with the thoughts of a young man.

But grandmothers went to the graves of their ancestors in order to cover the "eyes" of their parents and other relatives - they swept the graves of the dead with birch branches.

Traditions and customs

Holy Trinity Day is a special holiday in which people are used to performing a lot of rituals. At the same time, they are interpreted and perceived as customs, and not as superstitions. This is exactly the case when all signs and beliefs have an exceptionally reasonable value. Therefore, it can be argued that folk signs on the Trinity are distinguished by a deep meaning.

There are things that just need to be done on this holiday. And there are things that are extremely undesirable in the first summer days. It is worth noting that the very celebration of the Trinity itself has pagan roots. Of course, the church is against such beliefs, but it is difficult to convince the people about what was passed on to them along with mother's milk.

Signs for single girls and guys

Children from the very early age teach to respect Christian holidays and folk traditions. The younger generation is closely following what is done on the Trinity. Signs help to predict the future on the eve of a great holiday. Over time, young girls and boys themselves begin to take part in the rituals.

Wreaths have already been mentioned. It remains only to repeat the symbolism:

  • If the wreath floats on water, there will be happiness.
  • If washed ashore - a new love.
  • If it stands still, the next year will pass without changes.
  • If drowned - be in trouble.

Signs and superstitions on the Trinity are passed down from generation to generation. So, grandmothers often cover a new tablecloth for a holiday - it was believed that the fabric absorbs great power, which helps to attract enviable suitors. All kinds of pastries were baked for the Holy Holiday - their remains were not thrown away, but kept for the happiness of the future family.

Weddings cannot be played on Holy Trinity Day - it is believed that the life of the newlyweds will not be enviable. But matchmaking on this day will be favorable - the life of a new family will be long and happy. After the matchmaking for Trinity, it was customary to marry Pokrova.

Signs on the Trinity: what not to do?

There are some things that are highly recommended not to do on this day. Failure to comply with the prohibitions can anger the spirits of deceased relatives who wander among living people on this day. On the Day of the Holy Trinity, in no case should you work, do needlework and homework. Loaves, bread and buns were baked on the eve of the holiday. On Trinity it was impossible to dig in the garden and plant beds. Also on this day it was strictly forbidden to swim - just remember the story about mermaids. By the way, about them. It is believed that the mermaid is the soul of a baby girl who died before baptism. A young drowned girl who did not have time to get married could also become an inhabitant of the waters.

What are the signs of the Trinity? What can not be done on this holiday? According to tradition, on Sunday you should go to the graves of your ancestors. If this prohibition is violated, the deceased relatives may become angry and take someone from the living.

Holiday Dinner Traditions

As mentioned above, bread and all kinds of pastries were made on the eve of the holiday. Folk omens On Trinity they say that only the closest people should gather at the table on this day. You should not invite enemies and unwanted people - this holiday should remain clean and joyful.

Traditionally, the table was covered with a festive green tablecloth, which was then carefully stored to attract enviable suitors. Among the variety of dishes on the table, there must be bread and any other pastries. own production. The tastier and more varied it is, the brighter and happier life will be in the coming year.

Young families should pay attention to this tradition. Baking loaves and bread on Saturday, on the eve of the great Orthodox holiday, can become a good family tradition in which everyone can take part. Folk signs on the Trinity say that the festive table should not be complete without chicken eggs. In principle, the festive table on this day should be abundant - various vegetables and fruits, sweet pastries, loaves and bread, fish and meat dishes, as well as sweets and drinks - everything should indicate well-being and prosperity.

Holy feast in modern times

The signs and traditions of the Trinity are well known to the inhabitants of villages and small settlements. Unfortunately, with the growth of urbanization, the citizens simply began to forget Holy holiday and everything connected with it. But in vain - even the very performance of rituals carries a great emotional force, which will allow you to receive a charge of positive energy.

The villagers on the Trinity prepare brooms for the bath. You can not break young trees and pluck the upper branches - you can only side shoots so as not to destroy the tree. It is believed that on this day all plants strengthen their healing properties. That's why knowledgeable people collected the day before healing herbs, leaves and shoots. Among the many signs and superstitions on the Trinity, one more should be noted that will be of interest to young girls - if you collect thyme on the eve of the holiday, weave a small broom out of it and sew it into a pillow, life will be long and happy, and the long-awaited chosen one is about to appear on the horizon .

Divination for the Trinity

The Church in every possible way denies such events, but you really want to know your fate and at least one little eye to look into the near future. That is why, among all the variety of signs, there are certain rituals that help to lift the veil of secrecy.

What do they do on Trinity? Signs suggest how to recognize your chosen one and make life with him long and happy. First of all, it should be understood that all divination should be done only with pure and bright thoughts. On this day, nature reveals its secrets, shares mystical knowledge and helps people. Grandmothers and mothers put young girls birch branches under the pillow It was believed that the image of a man in a dream is the future chosen one.

What else is special about the Trinity? Signs of wealth - that's what interested many villagers and villagers. There was such a custom - a woman (maybe even a married one) approached a birch and, without looking, tore off a branch. If it was smooth and even, the year will be successful and fruitful. Otherwise, expect trouble and trouble.

Weather for the whole year

During the entire celebration of the Trinity, older people closely followed the weather - it is believed that the Green Christmastide was a kind of barometer for the whole year. Signs on the Trinity and the weather:

  • It was impossible to harvest birch brooms if it was raining.
  • For better harvest cabbage, its leaves should be placed in birch twigs brought from the temple after the service.
  • A good harvest of mushrooms promises rain on Trinity Sunday.

Trinity is a great and bright Orthodox holiday, which has great mystical power. If you behave correctly on this day, observe all traditions and rituals, and also carefully follow the signs, you can feel how happiness literally knocks on the house. Bright thoughts and good thoughts, gratitude for every day lived and generosity - this is the key to a real holiday that will be preserved in every family.