How to prepare red currants for the winter - delicious recipes. Red currant preparations for the winter

Harvesting currants for the winter is done not only by gardeners who have harvested this berry in order to preserve it, but also by all those who understand that you cannot buy such currants that you choose and prepare for your family yourself in a store. In this case, the experience of many generations of berry growers in harvesting currants comes to the rescue. For the winter, the recipes for these "twists" are very diverse, taking into account both the variety of the berry and the tastes of the gardener's family members.

Ripening and harvesting of currants occurs in July-August. At this time, both red and black currant. Each bush bears fruit profusely. And since you can’t eat a lot of fresh berries because of their characteristic sourness, therefore, the question of harvesting currants for the winter comes to the fore. You can simply grind the fruits with sugar, getting the so-called "vitamin" option. You can also just freeze the berry, or you can make jam or cook compote. There are enough options.

Harvesting blackcurrants for the winter and red currant for the winter they do not fundamentally differ, but the output is somewhat different from each other dishes. Currant jelly for the winter, currant compote for the winter are excellent. Our website has different variants, try and choose your favorite recipes. For example, red currant recipes for the winter are colorful and excellent in taste. In its own way, blackcurrant is good and healthy for the winter, its recipes are suitable for lovers of sweet and sour dishes.

Be sure to note that any currant is very useful. Vitamin C, which is found in abundance in it, will be very useful in the winter. Simple tea with currant jam is an excellent prevention of colds and a pleasant procedure for strengthening immunity. This product should definitely be given to children. By the way, they love currant jelly most of all. Recipes for the winter of this children's yummy are easy to perform, they need to be urgently adopted.

Any variety of currant is a concentrate of vitamins. The easiest way to prepare for the winter is blackcurrant, mashed with sugar. This is the vitamin jam we mentioned. It is prepared like this: currant berries are cleaned of twigs, sepals, then crushed or rubbed until the sugar is completely dissolved (the proportions are in the recipes). The finished mass is laid out in clean glass jars, corked and stored in a cool place.

A few tips for those who first decided to take up this berry:

Currants must be thoroughly washed before harvesting. cold water and be sure to dry, otherwise it may ferment;

For jam, the traditional proportion is one volume of a berry and one and a half volumes of sugar, but in reality it is necessary to take into account the quality of the berry, its variety, sugar content, as well as the quality of the sugar itself;

The quality of the jam will be ensured following rules: cleanliness and dryness of ripe berries, sterility of jars, storage of jam in a cold place;

In the cold season, jars can also be stored on the balcony, they will not freeze even in the cold - sugar will not give.

Red currant recipes with photos will help you choose your favorite dish from the picture. The simplest redcurrant recipes - fruit drinks, compotes and others soft drinks. Together with other berries, red currants are added to meat sauces, such as chicken. It is also suitable for making summer desserts - ice cream, jelly, dessert cream.

A lot has already been said about the usefulness of fruit drinks. This time I propose to cook redcurrant juice according to this recipe. Everything is very simple: the berries are kneaded, the resulting berry puree is rubbed through a sieve, the cake is boiled, filtered and mixed

chapter: Morses

The taste of redcurrant compote for the winter differs from freshly brewed, because. the berries are in sugar syrup for a long time, which is why the liquid gains a bright currant taste. Redcurrant has hard seeds and skin, so it is suitable for jam.

chapter: compotes

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chapter: Jam

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chapter: Chicken pies

Redcurrant contains quite a lot of pectin, so in order to thicken the juice and puree obtained from it, you do not need to purchase and add additional components. Berry, sugar and a little time - that's all it takes to make redcurrant jelly for the winter.

Cooking features

In order to prepare a tasty and healthy redcurrant jelly that can be put in for the winter without fear that it will deteriorate, a number of points should be taken into account.

  • Regardless of the conditions under which currant jelly will be stored, it should be made from good, intact berries. Previously, the berries should be sorted and washed. Some believe that it makes no sense to remove the stalks from the berries, since the currants will still be rubbed through a sieve. In fact, for better preservation of the delicacy, it is still better to remove the stalk in advance.
  • The dishes in which the jelly will be prepared must be dry and clean. Doesn't fit aluminum cookware due to its property to release toxic substances during oxidation. Stainless steel, enamelware, wood and ceramics, as well as plastic can be used safely.
  • Currant jelly is stored in glass jars, which, before filling, must not only be washed well, but also sterilized and dried. If the product was prepared without heat treatment or it was minimal, it can only be kept in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Heat treatment allows you to store jelly at room temperature, provided that it is hermetically sealed.
  • You need to lay out the jelly in jars before it has time to thicken, so you need to prepare them in advance.
  • In order for jelly made without cooking to “seize”, you should not put it in the refrigerator immediately. It is better to do it in a day. For a longer period, you should not leave jelly prepared in the "cold way" at room temperature.

In more detail, the technology for preparing jelly is described in recipes, on which, in particular, the storage conditions of the sweet blank also depend.

Classic redcurrant jelly recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the currants, remove the stalks and debris, crushed and rotten berries. Rinse remaining in running water.
  • Place the berries in a bowl or large bowl. It is better to give preference to dishes as flat and wide as possible - this way the heating and evaporation area is larger, which significantly saves time for preparing jelly.
  • Fill the berry with water, put the basin on the fire and heat until the berry starts to burst and release juice.
  • Strain the currant juice, squeeze it out of the remaining berries by placing the berries in a sieve and rubbing through it with a wooden spatula. Try not to press too hard to avoid getting the berry skins into the jelly. If there is a lot of cake left and it would be a pity to throw it away, you can cook delicious compote from it by adding sugar, water and a little citric acid.
  • Pour sugar into currant juice, stir.
  • Cook the jelly over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. After 15 minutes, the berry mass will decrease in volume by about a third.
  • Spoon the jelly into the prepared jars while still warm and roll them up. Turn over the jars and wrap. After a day, put it in the pantry - such a blank is well worth it at room temperature.

Redcurrant jelly prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very thick and sweet. It is good to use it for making various desserts.

A simple redcurrant jelly recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the berries, wash and dry. Sprinkle with sugar.
  • Leave the berry for 10 minutes, stir - the sugar should become wet.
  • Pour a little water into the basin with the berry and put it on low heat.
  • Boil 10 minutes after the water boils.
  • Transfer the resulting mass to a colander and crush a little with a spoon so that the juice pours out. Hold the colander at this time over a clean bowl or other similar container.
  • Immediately spread the resulting mass into sterilized jars.
  • Cork jars, turn over, wrap. Once they have cooled down, store them.

Jelly prepared according to simple recipe, it turns out a little less thick and sweet than the classic one, but it also keeps well.

Redcurrant jelly "Five minutes"

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • After sorting and washing the berries, cover them with sugar. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars.
  • Mix the berry with sugar and put the container with it on the fire. The fire must be strong enough, and the berry must be constantly stirred.
  • Boil exactly 5 minutes after boiling.
  • Wipe the berries through a sieve, while trying not to get anything extra (skins, twigs, if they were not removed immediately) into the jelly. It is better to leave more cake than to ruin the workpiece.
  • Arrange in jars, close with boiled plastic lids.
  • Leave the jelly at room temperature for 18-20 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for the winter.

The jelly prepared according to this recipe is very tender. The minimum heat treatment time allows you to save a significant part of the vitamins present in red currants.

In our country, there is another culture that grows in almost every garden plot, and which is honored by both old and young - this is red currant. We will tell you about what redcurrant preparations are in the article: we have collected for you best recipes jams, jellies and frosts, with and without sugar, with and without cooking.

Red currant - the queen of taste

The scarlet berry, like its closest relatives (chokeberry and white currant), is considered a wonderful ingredient for preparing a huge amount of all sorts of goodies:

  • amazing jams with healing properties;
  • ruby jelly with a unique aroma;
  • saturated compotes;
  • fragrant jams;
  • flavored juices.

Red currant contains almost as much vitamin C as lemon

Red currant tastes somewhat different from traditional black currant: it has a pleasant sourness, so gardeners mostly grow this unpretentious crop for canning purposes. In addition, the berry, due to its composition, gels well during the harvesting process, so you can easily get thick jams and marmalade from it without resorting to special gelling additives.

Gourmets take note! The sour scarlet berry is often added to custards for cakes and other pastries, adding a fresh taste. From it you can cook unusual fruit soups, puddings and other desserts.

Redcurrant - a powerful vitamin cocktail

The fruits of this scarlet berry, whether fresh currant or canned, have an incredible healing effect that is not inferior to raspberries. Only a baby has not heard of this. The content of organic acids, fructose, vitamins A, P and C in this berry exceeds their amount in chokeberry culture, and a wide range of B vitamins has a truly therapeutic effect- the culture is often used as an effective diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-febrile and hemostatic agent, protects against strokes.

From red currants, you can cook not only jams, but also juices, fruit drinks and compotes

Regular consumption is also recommended for those suffering from diabetes and gout, because the berry normalizes metabolic processes and activates all the body's defenses. Summarizing the above, we can conclude: fresh fruits, like canned red currants, are an amazing natural healer that relieves the symptoms of flu and colds, improves general condition and increases immunity (for this purpose, the use of currants is especially recommended by doctors in the off-season).

If on your garden plot redcurrant grows, but you have never harvested it for the winter, we highly recommend trying it! You definitely won’t have to regret this, because redcurrant preparations for the winter do not take much time and will not require special strength from you, and interesting recipes with and without boiling there is a great variety.

Attention! main feature preparation of currant jams and preserves lies in the fact that preservation is not complete without rubbing through a sieve. This will allow those who do not really like to find them in the finished product to no longer think about the skin and bones.

If you prefer the maximum benefit with a minimum of effort, we recommend trying the cold-preserved currant jam recipe without resorting to heat treatment.

"Cold" jam

The cooking recipe provides for the use of fresh fruits and sugar (ratio 1:2). To begin with, the berries are sorted out, carefully washed, dried and crushed using a meat grinder (it can be a blender). If you have a wooden spoon or spatula on your household, great! It will come in handy for mixing grated berries with sugar. The berry mass must be stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved. The finished puree is transferred to clean jars and sealed with lids. It is better to store such a product only in the refrigerator.

Cold jam has a lot of poles: from ease of preparation to preservation of vitamins

Ruby jelly jam

To prepare a delicious dessert, you will need freshly picked berries, sugar (1: 1 ratio), water (200 ml). Sorted and washed currants are placed in a container, filled with liquid, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Then the mass is rubbed through a sieve. Sugar is poured into the currant puree and boiled for 20-30 minutes, after which the mass is poured into sterilized jars and hermetically sealed.

Red currant jam is a dessert that boosts the immunity of the whole family during the cold season

Of course, there are many recipes for jams from fresh currant berries with the addition of sugar, honey, apples, vanillin, walnuts - each of these components can make the currant delicacy more interesting, and its taste more vivid and unexpected.

Amazing walnut-honey currant jam

To prepare the treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • red currant fruits;
  • apples;
  • sugar (0.5 kg);
  • natural honey (1 kg);
  • walnut (300 g).

The berries of the red currant are sorted, washed, placed in a bowl, filled with water, and then slightly boiled. The softened fruits are ground through a sieve or crushed with a blender. The resulting mass is set aside for a while, and syrup is prepared from granulated sugar and natural honey. Then it is boiled, apple slices, crushed nuts are added. All this mass is brought to a boil, currant puree, which we have already prepared, is poured into it, and continues to boil for about 1 hour.

You can add any nut whose taste you like to currant and nut jam

Attention! Remember the need for constant stirring, make sure that the jam does not burn! Engage in conservation with love and warmth!

The finished treat (otherwise it cannot be called) is laid out in jars and hermetically sealed.

As you have noticed, there is nothing supernatural in the cooking technology and recipe, but what an unusual taste culinary perfection will have! You can't even imagine! It is not a shame to serve such a dessert for a festive tea party with pastries and ice cream!

Purple Currant Jam

For harvesting, stock up on freshly picked berries (2 kg), cherries (1 kg) and sugar (1 kg).

Puree is made from currant fruits, sugar is added, the resulting mass is boiled until thickened. The remaining fruits are washed, sorted, pitted and transferred to the berry mixture. The mass is boiled again until cooked. When cooking, the jam must be stirred, and at the end put into jars and cork.

Do not be too lazy to rub the jam through a sieve - the dish will be unusually tender

No less unusual taste is obtained from watermelon-currant jam.

Watermelon-currant jam

To prepare such an unusual jam, you will have to stock up on watermelon pulp (1 kg), fresh currant berries (1 kg) and sugar (1.5 kg).

Sorted and washed berries are ground with sugar, crushed watermelon pulp is added. The mass is placed on the stove and boiled. You are provided with an aroma in the kitchen, it remains to show your willpower and cook the jam until cooked - and this is about 30 minutes. The boiled mixture is rubbed through a sieve and packaged in sterilized jars. It is recommended to store the currant miracle in the refrigerator.

Currant juice

To make the juice rich and fragrant, you will need freshly picked berries (3 kg), sugar (0.5 kg) and water (1.5 l). Currant fruits are moved, washed, filled with water and boiled for about 10 minutes. Then we take gauze and filter. It's time to add all the sugar and bring the strained juice to a boil.

Currant juice will be loved by all members of your family

You don’t need to boil for a long time: 2-3 minutes is enough, after which the hot juice is poured into three-liter bottles and sealed with lids. You can store such a drink for a long time, but whether it will work out or be drunk by the household in the fall is another question!

Freezing red currants

You can freeze a berry for the winter using two methods:

Method number 1 (without sugar). Fresh berries are sorted, washed and dried. The berries are laid out in a single layer on a baking sheet and placed in the freezer. Then they are transferred to bags and returned to the refrigerator again, but for long-term storage.

You can use frozen currants in winter for any dishes, as you would with fresh berries.

Method number 2 (with sugar). Sorted currants sprinkled with sugar are crushed with a blender, packed in containers and sent to the freezer.

Of course, all these goodies can be bought in the store. But why, if you can cook at home with love and care for your loved ones unusual recipes for the winter? Culinary inspiration for you!

How to make redcurrant jam: video

Red currant blanks for the winter: photo

    I make redcurrant jelly every year. To do this, crush the currant along with the twigs. I shift the resulting mass in portions into gauze and squeeze the juice. I mix it with granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave it for a while at room temperature to dissolve the sugar. I stir occasionally. Then I transfer the jelly into jars and store in the refrigerator. The taste of this jelly is obtained natural due to the fact that the berry does not undergo heat treatment and more useful vitamins are stored in it.

    From red currant you can cook a lot of delicious things for the winter: make ice-cold red jam for the winter from raw currants, as well as jams, marmalade, jelly and other delicious preparations.

    Among other things, red currants can be added when harvesting vegetables in jars for the winter to improve the taste, for example, make red currant cucumbers. So preparations can be not only sweet, but also in the form of pickles and marinades, as an addition to vegetables.

    There is also a recipe adjika from red currant

    It turns out very beautiful in appearance and appetizing, it will surprise everyone with an interesting and unusual taste.

    Let's take the prescription products:

    red currant - 400 g,

    bell pepper one piece,

    four chili peppers

    garlic - 4 pieces,

    half a glass of salt

    one glass of sugar.

    Everything you need is ready adjika.

    Rinse the currants, rinse and de-seed both types of pepper, peel the garlic, and then chop with a blender / meat grinder.

    The next day, you can transfer to clean, sterilized jars, cover with lids, close tightly and store until winter inside the refrigerator.

    Bon appetit!

    You can make jam from red currants for the winter. Another good thing is redcurrant jelly without heat treatment. At the same time, the berries perfectly retain all their beneficial features until the next harvest. To prepare the berries, you need to wash, grind with a combine, mix with sugar one by one and stir with a blender. The resulting mass is laid out in jars.

    I know that almost no one cooks redcurrant jam. It turns out too watery, and the berry floats like a skin.

    In order to preserve the aroma and beneficial properties of it, they make redcurrant jelly, squeezing the juice in any way and mixing in proportions of 1: 1.5. This means taking at least 1.5 kg of sugar per liter of juice. Stir until sugar dissolves, pour into clean jars.

    Keeps well in the refrigerator. The taste and color are great!

    In winter, you can spread it on a bar, add it to tea or kefir, getting natural yogurt.

    You can cook a lot of everything from red currant, both for the winter and for dessert now - jellies, jams, marmalades, jams, compotes, etc.

    Here are traditional and original recipes for red currant blanks.

    Red currants are frozen and added when cooking compote, canned for the winter with berries and vegetables, and cooked different dishes for dessert dining table. You can make ice cream from red currants, the recipe will require:

    • 300 grams of red currant juice,
    • 1 pack of cream
    • 100 grams of sugar.

    Add sugar and cream to the ground berry mass. Beat until smooth. Freeze in molds overnight. In the morning popsicles will be ready.

    You can make a sauce from red currants and serve as a side dish.

    The best jelly is obtained from red currants. To do this, a fresh berry must be rubbed through a fine sieve so that the bones do not fall. Add sugar to the puree. I add enough to double the volume. You need to prepare small jars in advance. Stir the puree until the sugar dissolves, then pour it into jars, after a while it will thicken, I pour a little granulated sugar on top of the jar. This puree is good all winter. I always add a little puree to sour cream, it becomes pleasant color pink and with sourness. With such a puree, very tasty white ice cream ice cream. You can add it to sand baskets, and just with tea in winter it is very tasty and healthy.

    Red currants can hang on bushes for a very long time, almost until autumn. Of course, you should not wait for it to fall off the branches, but still, you need to collect the just reddened one: let it hang, then it will be easier to separate from the branches. Although it is necessary to collect it for better preservation with twigs, but then, after washing the berries, they will have to be separated.

    However, some housewives make compote for the winter from red currants with twigs: they say it turns out more fragrant. But it seems to me that they just don't want to mess around.

    If you decide to make jelly from red currants, then the currants must first be simmered on fire, then it will be easier to wipe through a sieve. Pour into a basin, add a little water so that it does not immediately burn and heat over low heat until the juice begins to stand out. Then wipe, add sugar in the proportion of 1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries. Heat together with sugar until completely dissolved, boil until thickened and put in jars.

    In the meantime, it comes down to blanks, you can cook delicious red currant roll.

    You can also make a sauce for meat from red currants: for this, it is enough to fried on butter add mashed berries to the flour, salt, add a little sugar and boil: simple, but tasty.

    It is necessary to squeeze out the juice either with a manual auger-type juicer, or with a blender and a sieve. Then mix it with honey 1:3 by weight. Meda 3 parts. Pour into sterilized jars, close with regular nylon lids, Keep refrigerated.

    Red currant berries can also be dried and added to tea in winter.

    Also, red currants can be rubbed with sugar. Sugar 1:2 by weight.

    You can make redcurrant compote for the winter.

    Red currant is valued for its complex of especially valuable vitamins C and P, it also contains the substance coumarin, which regulates blood clotting. You can cook a comp from currants; from, jelly, jelly, delicious muffins, sauce for meat dishes, jam, syrup, house wine. I don't think this is the whole list.