Charm for husband and wife with their own hands. Amulet with your own hands: a talisman for spouses. Prayer-amulet "Seven Crosses" to protect the family and home

From time immemorial, husbands, fathers, sons who went to war, to work in the field or on a trip to the road were given a talisman. They were made by women. Each of them wished good and well-being to her husband, son or lover. But the amulets created by consanguinity were considered more powerful - mother, sister, daughter, son, father, brother. Amulets made by the bride or wife were valid only in cases where sincere love and harmony reigned between a man and a woman.

At Slavic peoples amulets were taken very seriously. For the inhabitants, he was an invisible helper and protector. For its manufacture, there were rules and conspiracies. For each of the amulets or talismans, special days, and the time of day when they could be made. For the manufacture of amulets, a special material was chosen, it depended on the purpose of the amulet. Just like the material special meaning had color and shape. But the most powerful among all were amulets that were made by hand.

Mother's hand-embroidered clothes for her son have always been valued more than the same shirt purchased at fairs. When an amulet was created, the strength and energy of the person who did this thing settled into it. Figures of animals, food, plants were embroidered on clothes, and each figure meant something. For husbands, clothes were embroidered:

  • nuts, which were a symbol of good health, like all medicinal herbs;
  • poppies ensured the fulfillment of a wish;
  • pepper is a sign of male health;
  • garlic stood guard against evil spirits;
  • sunflower endowed the owner with cheerfulness;
  • the horseshoe has acquired the status of happiness and good luck.

When creating embroidery with your own hands, make sure that you have at hand exactly the colors that you will need to create an amulet:

  • white color symbolizes purity and holiness;
  • gold is associated with the sun;
  • red is the color of fire and blood. The color of solar energy and vitality;
  • black is the color of the earth;
  • green symbolizes life and prosperity.

A woman among the Slavic peoples considered it an honor to embroider a shirt or other clothes for her husband. Many traditions existed among our ancestors, but the most basic ones need to be remembered and applied when making amulets for men with their own hands.

  1. When embroidering patterns, try not to create knots. When you pull the thread through the fabric, leave about a centimeter with inside. Don't tie. Knot in embroidery renders negative impact and frustrates your efforts.
  2. Embroidering flowers on the shirt was done in bright red colors. If you look at the patterns of our ancestors, you will see that when embroidering flowers, one color was chosen and the whole flower was filled with it. Adhere to such a tradition, then the thing will have maximum energy.
  3. If you have a desire to protect your husband from aggression and protect him in difficult moment your pattern should have a color of blue shades.
  4. Your husband is in business and often deals with financial transactions, then embroidery in green colors should appear on his clothes.
  5. A green spruce or an image of a tree on clothes brought its owner a huge and good health and willpower. Many legends speak of the family tree and the tree of life. This is exactly what such a pattern will symbolize. To be sure of the fidelity of your lover, it is worth embroidering patterns on his shirt, consisting of orange or red.
  6. Before embroidering, you must definitely buy. Thus, all negative energy, and you start embroidering with clean hands.

When starting work, one should not forget about the material of the threads. The material of the thread also matters when creating a talisman. Cotton creates permanence and durability in the fight against evil eye and spoilage. Linen will bring peace and tranquility to the owner. Symbolic signs of great cult significance are embroidered from linen threads. Promotion by career ladder and during negotiations to bring success is guaranteed by patterns embroidered with silk threads. To cure evil spirits and during illnesses, silhouettes of animals were embroidered with woolen threads on the clothes worn by the husband. The drawings were made in the neck, heart and abdomen - in the most vulnerable places of a person.

In the old days, a woman, doing work, strengthened the energy capacity of the future amulet with the help of amulets-conspiracies. In this way, by combining in one pattern a pair, or even three protective or saving properties. Conspiracies were both runic and verbal.

“Bereginya is coming, the thread is leading the bitch! She spun, weaved, the bobbin rock, Bereginya helped.

“And from spoilage-yellow, and from pain-oppressor, And from the black lake, from the evil evil eye-word. Bereginya is coming, the life-giving thread leads!

Each of us knows what a rune is. A rune is a symbol or sign that has magical and energetic power. Wives with their hands on certain days and certain time birch branches tore. Before going to bed, they arranged the corresponding rune from such branches and placed a vessel with water on top. A chain or ring, which belongs to the spouse, was placed in the vessel. In the morning, the thing was charged with the energy of the rune on which the vessel stood. These are perhaps the easiest amulets that you can make with your own hands.

Amulets made of flour, salt and water were also given. These three elements were combined in a special proportion, each of them had its own energy and meaning. Each of you has the power to create such a talisman with your own hands.

The main thing is to know what you want to create. They took exactly these ingredients due to the fact that:

  • Flour is a symbol of prosperity.
  • Salt is protection from evil.
  • Water is an information carrier.

The main thing to remember is that when creating a talisman, while adding water, you should think about who you are going to present it to. About what it will protect the owner from. After making the material in proportion: flour - 2 units, salt -1 unit, water - required amount to create an elastic mass. You must make a figurine. It is the figurine that will determine what property the amulet will have.

  • Horse - symbolizes support on the road and acts as a kind of magnet to attract good luck.
  • A figurine in the form of a spoon will not allow a man to fall into poverty or remain hungry.
  • The image of a beaver sculpted with your own hands will give your loved one strength and good luck in any endeavor.

Several amulets presented to your attention, which were made for husbands by their lovers, can be made for you. Every man will appreciate such a gift. And you can save and protect it, being at a distance, just with the help of your positive energy invested in the amulet.

Religious reading: prayer amulet of husband and wife to help our readers.

Charms and amulets from ancient times helped people protect themselves from negativity, attract love and well-being into life. They can be made by hand, and sometimes strong amulet become the words of a prayer or a conspiracy.

Everyone wants to protect their family and loved ones. For these purposes, people use many different objects, rituals and conspiracies. Charms-prayers for children, husbands and wives were especially valued at all times. The word of a loved one who sincerely wants to protect loved ones has tremendous power that can create a protective cocoon through which no evil can break through.

Charm for daughter

A prayer that protects the native child is read by the mother on the day of the angel. Protective words are pronounced over a sleeping child.

“I protect my sleeping daughter. I turn with a prayer to the Lord Almighty, to the Mother of God-Defender. Protect my child both in a dream and in reality. Any day, any weather, at home or on the road. At a crossroads, at direct way Don't let evil enter her soul. Avert the eyes of wicked people, protect from acquaintances with dashing people. The mother's word is castle. God's grace- key. Amen".

At midnight on the birthday or the day of the daughter's Angel, the mother, standing at the feet of her sleeping daughter with a lit candle, pronounces amulets:

“Intercessor angel, follow my child relentlessly. Accompany her day and night, take care of my heart, my blood, my love. My daughter, flesh from flesh, blood from blood, I give you all protection, I pray for your Angel and Mother of God for protection. Do not back down, do not overlook, take care of my blood. Amen".

Charm for son

This prayer is read by the mother or father on the name day of the child.

“From birth, an angel over my child, covers with wings from grief and misfortune. Protects from any evil. Leads the road of light, does not turn into darkness. I pray to you, protector of my son. Keep him in good health, enlighten the foolish child. I give protection and my own, parental, there is no stronger general patronage. Amen".

“Angel, my son’s guardian, his soul is a bright guardian. Protect my child (name) from any evil, from offenders and evil slander, from damage and the evil eye. So be it, no evil will stick to my son. Water from a goose, thinness from a son. Amen".

Charms for grandchildren

“I am the guardian of the family, the ancestor of the grandson. With my will and strength, with unshakable faith, I call on the Guardian Angel, our patron child. Save the priceless blood (name), carry his life through the crowd of infidels. Fill his vessel with true faith, show the true path. Take my word to Heaven, tell all the Higher powers for our child. Amen".

« heavenly forces, look at us sinners, direct, give the strength to raise a child in love and protection. Protect my grandchildren from evil and godlessness, take away the devilish intrigues. With the light of the strength of a newborn, my senile experience and knowledge, with labored hands, I bless my grandson for a rich and sweet life, without grief and disappointment, without shame and tears. So that my grandson only grows in love and affection. Amen".

Charm for husband

“Guardian angels, God's helpers. Follow my betrothed, given by God. Protect him, my husband. From evil people, from evil animals, from death, catastrophe, infidelity and lies. Give reason to my beloved, but the strength of a man to protect the human. I, a wife, pray and repent, I repent of my sins. I give my word and will to protect the strong. May any evil against my husband (name) be powerless. Amen".

Charm for pregnant women

“The Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, Guardian Angel, I appeal to you, I ask for protection. Protect the child inside the mother's womb from human malice, from disease and misfortune. Protect his mother, promise an easy birth. Let God present the newborn child. Born in the cross, let him be baptized, he will not forget faith in God. Amen".

Amulet protecting the health of loved ones

Take a nail, sprinkle it with holy water, hammer it into the joint and at the same time say protective words:

“I’ll take a nail, I’ll drive it into the joint. Iron in the tree sits firmly, will not jump out, will not fly out. So my relatives will be strong and strong. Angels protect them, they do not allow them to turn off the right path. I pray to all the saints for their health, for their bright souls and immeasurable happiness. Until the nail is bent, it has not jumped out of its nest, all troubles will bypass (names of relatives).

Amulet for yourself

“My life is bright and righteous, like in Christ's bosom. The angel protects me, gives me protection. It does not allow me to turn off the path-road, no matter where my legs lead me. Evil takes away in the light of day, but at night dark. Save, Lord, the sinful servant (name), who sings of You, proclaims Your prayers and glory. Amen".

Take a church candle, stand in front of the holy image and focus on inner prayer. Then imagine how a transparent cocoon closes you. Its power is the stronger, the stronger your faith in the protection given from Higher powers. Wait until the candle burns out, cross yourself three times and bow to the icon. When you leave, don't turn your back on her.

Amulets-prayers or just protective words can be said at any time. The main thing is the desire and belief that this will help close and dear people. We wish you peace in the family, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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Charm words: powerful protection against negativity

Since ancient times, our ancestors have been looking for methods of protection from negativity and bad influences. Their knowledge, accumulated over the centuries, has reached ours.

Prayer-amulet "Seven Crosses" to protect the family and home

"Seven Crosses" is one of the famous amulets prayers. With its help, you can protect yourself and loved ones from negative energy, as well as from ill-wishers.

Prayer "Three Angels" - the most powerful amulet against problems and troubles

Any word has a unique power and can change the world, especially if it is addressed to God. Prayer is one.

Strong prayers-amulets from the evil eye, damage and evil

By achieving success and winning life victories, you can become a victim of envious people. Protect and rid yourself of the negative.

Prayer for money from Natalia Pravdina

Natalya Pravdina advises reading this prayer for good luck in money to those who urgently need money. .

Prayer-amulet for husband

If the profession of your beloved man is difficult and dangerous, then you definitely need to make a special amulet for him. This should be done on Artemiev Day, which falls on November 2. This saint in Russia was not only considered the patron saint of men in military professions, but also protected from sudden death and accidents.

On November 2, on the day of the name day of the saint, take a wooden chip. First, wrap it with red woolen thread, and on top with a simple blue one. Wrap in white paper, tie with a white silk ribbon crosswise. Hold for several minutes over the flame of a white church candle, and at this time read the following prayer 3 times:

“My love is red, Artemia is blue, Lord is white. Keep the servant of God (name) from any misfortune, any grief, misfortune, illness, death, someone else's extortion! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Then blow out the candle and put it away. Amulet to her husband quietly put in a work bag. He will protect him not only from large, but also from minor troubles.

Amulet - energy protection for a husband

From time immemorial, husbands, fathers, sons who went to war, to work in the field or on a trip to the road were given a talisman. They were made by women. Each of them wished good and well-being to her husband, son or lover. But the amulets created by consanguinity were considered more powerful - mother, sister, daughter, son, father, brother. Amulets made by the bride or wife were valid only in cases where sincere love and harmony reigned between a man and a woman.

The Slavic peoples took amulets very seriously. For the inhabitants, he was an invisible helper and protector. For its manufacture, there were rules and conspiracies. For each of the amulets or talismans, special days were determined, and the time of day when they could be made. For the manufacture of amulets, a special material was chosen, it depended on the purpose of the amulet. Just like the material, color and shape were of particular importance. But the most powerful among all were amulets that were made by hand.

Pattern embroidery

Mother's hand-embroidered clothes for her son have always been valued more than the same shirt purchased at fairs. When an amulet was created, the strength and energy of the person who did this thing settled into it. Figures of animals, food, plants were embroidered on clothes, and each figure meant something. For husbands, clothes were embroidered:

  • nuts, which were a symbol of good health, like all medicinal herbs;
  • poppies ensured the fulfillment of a wish;
  • pepper is a sign of male health;
  • garlic stood guard against evil spirits;
  • sunflower endowed the owner with cheerfulness;
  • the horseshoe has acquired the status of happiness and good luck.

When creating embroidery with your own hands, make sure that you have at hand exactly the colors that you will need to create an amulet:

  • white color symbolizes purity and holiness;
  • gold is associated with the sun;
  • red is the color of fire and blood. The color of solar energy and vitality;
  • black is the color of the earth;
  • green symbolizes life and prosperity.

A woman among the Slavic peoples considered it an honor to embroider a shirt or other clothes for her husband. Many traditions existed among our ancestors, but the most basic ones need to be remembered and applied when making amulets for men with their own hands.

  1. When embroidering patterns, try not to create knots. When you pull the thread through the fabric, leave about a centimeter on the inside. Don't tie. A knot in embroidery has a negative impact and nullifies your efforts.
  2. Embroidering flowers on the shirt was done in bright red colors. If you look at the patterns of our ancestors, you will see that when embroidering flowers, one color was chosen and the whole flower was filled with it. Adhere to such a tradition, then the thing will have maximum energy.
  3. If you have a desire to protect your husband from aggression and protect him in difficult times, your pattern should have a blue color.
  4. Your husband is in business and often deals with financial transactions, then embroidery in green colors should appear on his clothes.
  5. A green spruce or an image of a tree on clothes brought its owner great and good health and willpower. Many legends speak of the family tree and the tree of life. This is exactly what such a pattern will symbolize. To be sure of the fidelity of your lover, it is worth embroidering patterns on his shirt, consisting of orange or red.
  6. Before embroidering, you must definitely buy. Thus, all negative energy is washed away, and you start embroidering with clean hands.

When starting work, one should not forget about the material of the threads. The material of the thread also matters when creating a talisman. Cotton creates permanence and durability in the fight against evil eye and spoilage. Linen will bring peace and tranquility to the owner. Symbolic signs of great cult significance are embroidered from linen threads. Career advancement and during negotiations to bring success are guaranteed by patterns embroidered with silk threads. To cure evil spirits and during illnesses, silhouettes of animals were embroidered with woolen threads on the clothes worn by the husband. The drawings were made in the neck, heart and abdomen - in the most vulnerable places of a person.

In the old days, a woman, doing work, strengthened the energy capacity of the future amulet with the help of amulets-conspiracies. In this way, by combining in one pattern a pair, or even three protective or saving properties. Conspiracies were both runic and verbal.

“Bereginya is coming, the thread is leading the bitch! She spun, weaved, the bobbin rock, Bereginya helped.

“And from spoilage-yellow, and from pain-oppressor, And from the black lake, from the evil evil eye-word. Bereginya is coming, the life-giving thread leads!

Each of us knows what a rune is. A rune is a symbol or sign that has magical and energetic power. Wives with their own hands tore birch branches on certain days and at certain times. Before going to bed, they arranged the corresponding rune from such branches and placed a vessel with water on top. A chain or ring, which belongs to the spouse, was placed in the vessel. In the morning, the thing was charged with the energy of the rune on which the vessel stood. These are perhaps the easiest amulets that you can make with your own hands.

Wearable amulets

Amulets made of flour, salt and water were also given. These three elements were combined in a special proportion, each of them had its own energy and meaning. Each of you has the power to create such a talisman with your own hands.

The main thing is to know what you want to create. They took exactly these ingredients due to the fact that:

  • Flour is a symbol of prosperity.
  • Salt is protection from evil.
  • Water is an information carrier.

The main thing to remember is that when creating a talisman, while adding water, you should think about who you are going to present it to. About what it will protect the owner from. After making the material in proportion: flour - 2 units, salt -1 unit, water - the required amount to create an elastic mass. You must make a figurine. It is the figurine that will determine what property the amulet will have.

  • Horse - symbolizes support on the road and acts as a kind of magnet to attract good luck.
  • A figurine in the form of a spoon will not allow a man to fall into poverty or remain hungry.
  • The image of a beaver sculpted with your own hands will give your loved one strength and good luck in any endeavor.

Several amulets presented to your attention, which were made for husbands by their lovers, can be made for you. Every man will appreciate such a gift. And you can save and protect it, being at a distance, just with the help of your positive energy invested in the amulet.

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Village Magic Specialist. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Sincere love and absolute trust is enough to live happy life together. But even the most strong feelings will not be able to overcome the magical attack on matrimony. When a love spell is cast on your husband, the work of another woman can take him away from the family in just a few weeks. And one romantic feeling is no longer enough here. You need to be able to stand up for yourself and the general happiness. For this, it is necessary strong protection from a twist.

How to recognize the state of the house

For a start, you need elementary attentiveness. Signs of witchcraft are a variety of objects thrown into the house or presented to the husband. Keep an eye on your home, if something extraneous has appeared there. Especially carefully inspect the premises after the visit of guests and girlfriends whom you suspect of envy.

A love spell with a lining is a common magical technique. Do not accept even expensive gifts from strangers. Seen on the street lost decoration, a chain, do not try to take the find for yourself. If you still find a lining, take it outside, wrapping it in a rag, and burn it.

It's easier to prevent than to fight

Defence from strong love spells should start long before you notice changes in spouse. If he has apathy, a sickly look, he eats poorly and sleeps little, for no reason he stopped paying attention to you and giving gifts, it is worth considering. But main feature love spell of her husband - his eyes burning with an unhealthy brilliance. They reflect fake feelings, born with the help of witchcraft.

At this stage, it is more difficult to eliminate the consequences of magic, so try to protect your husband from damage in advance. To do this, follow the simple instructions:

  1. Never brag about your happiness in marriage. Don't even tell your friends family life. A person is prone to envy, and it leads to trouble.
  2. Take a thread of the same color as the shirt he wears often, and sew two stitches crosswise into the collar. This can be done imperceptibly, from the back of the thing. Simple and effective protection from a spell.
  3. Say a few prayers to protect your husband from the witchcraft of another woman. You must know them by heart so as not to get confused at the right time.

Here is a list of small prayers, the text of which you need to resort to periodically. For example, if you notice suspicious looks at your loved one at a party, whisper one or two of them to yourself. It is necessary to invest in this emotion, the desire to protect her husband from damage.

  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Just as a family breaks up from sins, so let the love spell on her husband not toil. Amen.
  • Miracle Worker Nikolai, protect your spouse from girlish eyes, let him not be taken away from us. Amen.
  • Reverend Seraphim, let the lovebird not be near, the love spell will not ruin my happiness. Amen.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker, when they decide to take your spouse away, intercede to sweep away evil. Amen.
  • Lord Jesus Christ, may my husband be with me everywhere. They will not be able to send a love spell, your grace will help us. Amen.

As a protection against a love spell, any thing is suitable - a toy, a vase, a picture or just a broom. According to the logic of witchcraft, you must make your own amulet, but you can buy an item and then supplement it with accessories or decor. For example, in a broom you can add decorative flowers and make it original decoration interior.

Activating the protection of the talisman from love spells is the most main stage. Imagine that your amulet is full of energy from the inside, it overflows. Elastic rays of magical protection grow and turn into a cocoon that can accommodate your entire house and its inhabitants. When this picture becomes clear before your eyes, read the plot:

“All the warmth that I keep in my soul, I give you a talisman. Protect him like the apple of your eye. Don't let the bad wolf near him. May its purity be preserved. Drive away all the evil that I could not!

That's it, your work, aimed at protection from the husband's witchcraft love spells and to keep warm in the family hearth, is ready. It remains to place the amulet in the apartment so that it fits organically into the interior and does not raise questions.

Amulet to save the family

Magic items perfectly help in protecting against damage, evil eye and love spells using witchcraft. They take away bad, unkind looks from their owner. Make an amulet with your own hands, and you will not have to perform rituals to get rid of the consequences of someone else's envy.

You will need 5 church candles white color and one red. You need to buy them by all means in the shop at the monastery. Throw the change in the donation box. Now you need to wait for the waning moon. At sunset, close all curtains and turn off the lights. Put the comb you use all the time on the table.

Place the candles clockwise, place the red one in the center. Light one candle and use it to light all the others. Concentrate and read the Lord's Prayer three times. After that, whisper any Orthodox prayer for protection. Now extinguish the candles with your fingers reverse order, against the clock and fold the cinders together with the comb into the fabric.

Find a dried tree and bury a rag with all the contents under its roots. In the morning, buy yourself a new comb and read a prayer on it that works the most for you. This amulet is your protection from witchcraft love spells. Always carry a comb with you, and if it breaks, repeat the ceremony with a new one.

Charm with your own hands: a charm for spouses

Now we will tell you how to make a charm with your own hands. The manufacture of such a talisman is a complex ritual, which is a relic of ancient rituals. According to them, the amulet is a magical item with which you can influence the world. Most often, rings, pendants and medallions made of various metals with special engraving were used as such amulets.

Usually such amulets were made alone. At the same time, if domestic magicians preferred the verbal conspiracy of such a talisman, which we have already seen in the above examples, then their Western "colleagues" used special symbols and words.

You can make a powerful amulet for marital happiness yourself. Have you ever heard of magic runes, which are often used in divination? So, it is with the help of runic symbols that some healers charge amulets. This is done as follows: from fresh twigs (best of all, if it is a birch, which has long been revered by the Slavs as a family tree), a certain symbol is formed. A glass of water is placed on top of the branches, where a ring or pendant is lowered. For charging family amulet you need to fold the branches as follows: a rhombus elongated in width continues from below in the form of two lines of the same length. This runic symbol is called Gebo. It contributes to the establishment of harmonious relations in the family and enhances the ability to conceive.

It is believed that the one who wears the amulet with the image of this symbol receives the ability to love and understand as a gift from the rune. In addition, the owner of this amulet becomes unusually lucky in financially which, of course, is also important.

If you decide to make a metal amulet for a happy marriage on your own with special symbols applied to it, which can be found in any White Magic manual, it will be useful for you to learn about magical properties this material. Iron is a metal ruled by Mars. Amulets were made of iron for warriors who protected them from danger, cowardice, weakness, cowardice and fatigue. So the iron amulet will help those husbands who suffer from sexual impotence or are too indecisive and shy.

Silver was identified with the Moon - the planet dominating the physical world of the Earth. The moon is the mother of everything earthly, while the sun is the father. Talismans made of silver were used as a protection of chastity, and also patronized pregnant women and mothers. Besides, silver amulets protect young spouses from jealousy and betrayal.

Tin is the metal of Jupiter. It protects against sudden outbursts of anger, rash acts. Allows you to cultivate rationality in a person, strengthen willpower and is used as a material for the manufacture of well-known toys for growing men - tin soldiers.

Lead is the metal of Saturn, the favorite planet of black magicians. It was used very rarely as a talisman, as it symbolized the completion life path and withering. He was chosen mainly by people of very advanced age, whose calm old age he guarded.

Finally, gold is the metal of the powerful Sun, the protector of ebullient youth, courage and boldness. The life-giving power of gold is used in many amulets.

The easiest way to make bronze amulets yourself. In ancient times, sets of them expressed a certain phrase or spell and were figures fastened with metal chains and suspended from a semicircular bow, which united the entire "magic" complex, most often including five items, of which for unhappy spouses, a special fish is important as a symbol of family happiness and fertility.

Now that you know almost everything about charms that bring happiness to any family, you can use vases with magical flowers, all kinds of medallions and other charms, as well as many others. unconventional ways maintaining marital happiness. However, none of these remedies will change you or your husband, despite their magical power. Try to understand each other, talk frankly, and then, perhaps, love and harmony will return to your house again.

Charms and amulets from ancient times helped people protect themselves from negativity, attract love and well-being into life. They can be made with your own hands, and sometimes the words of a prayer or a conspiracy become a strong amulet.

Everyone wants to protect their family and loved ones. For these purposes, people use many different objects, rituals and conspiracies. Charms-prayers for children, husbands and wives were especially valued at all times. The word of a loved one who sincerely wants to protect loved ones has tremendous power that can create a protective cocoon through which no evil can break through.

Charm for daughter

Prayer protecting the native child is read by the mother on the day of the angel. Protective words are pronounced over a sleeping child.

“I protect my sleeping daughter. I turn with a prayer to the Lord Almighty, to the Mother of God-Defender. Protect my child both in a dream and in reality. Any day, any weather, at home or on the road. Whether at a crossroads, on a straight path - do not let evil enter her soul. Avert the eyes of wicked people, protect from acquaintances with dashing people. The mother's word is castle. God's grace is the key. Amen".

At midnight on the birthday or the day of the daughter's Angel, the mother, standing at the feet of her sleeping daughter with a lit candle, pronounces amulets:

“Intercessor angel, follow my child relentlessly. Accompany her day and night, take care of my heart, my blood, my love. My daughter, flesh from flesh, blood from blood, I give you all protection, I pray for your Angel and Mother of God for protection. Do not back down, do not overlook, take care of my blood. Amen".

Charm for son

This prayer is read by the mother or father on the name day of the child.

“From birth, an angel over my child, covers with wings from grief and misfortune. Protects from any evil. Leads the road of light, does not turn into darkness. I pray to you, protector of my son. Keep him in good health, enlighten the foolish child. I give protection and my own, parental, there is no stronger general patronage. Amen".

“Angel, my son’s guardian, his soul is a bright guardian. Protect my child (name) from any evil, from offenders and evil slander, from damage and the evil eye. So be it, no evil will stick to my son. Water from a goose, thinness from a son. Amen".

Charms for grandchildren

These prayers should be read by the grandmother. The child is given an icon with his patron, named in his hands. A grandmother becomes behind her back, holds her hands above the head of her grandson or granddaughter, uttering defensive words:

“I am the guardian of the family, the ancestor of the grandson. With my will and strength, with unshakable faith, I call on the Guardian Angel, our patron child. Save the priceless blood (name), carry his life through the crowd of infidels. Fill his vessel with true faith, show the true path. Take my word to Heaven, tell all the Higher powers for our child. Amen".

“Heavenly powers, look at us sinners, direct, give the strength to raise a child in love and protection. Protect my grandchildren from evil and godlessness, take away the devilish intrigues. With the light of the strength of a newborn, my senile experience and knowledge, with labored hands, I bless my grandson for a rich and sweet life, without grief and disappointment, without shame and tears. So that my grandson only grows in love and affection. Amen".

Charm for husband

“Guardian angels, God's helpers. Follow my betrothed, given by God. Protect him, my husband. From evil people, from evil animals, from death, catastrophe, infidelity and lies. Give reason to my beloved, but the strength of a man to protect the human. I, a wife, pray and repent, I repent of my sins. I give my word and will to protect the strong. May any evil against my husband (name) be powerless. Amen".

Charm for pregnant women

“The Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, Guardian Angel, I appeal to you, I ask for protection. Protect the child inside the mother's womb from human malice, from disease and misfortune. Protect his mother, promise an easy birth. Let God present the newborn child. Born in the cross, let him be baptized, he will not forget faith in God. Amen".

Amulet protecting the health of loved ones

Take a nail, sprinkle it with holy water, hammer it into the joint and at the same time say protective words:

“I’ll take a nail, I’ll drive it into the joint. Iron in the tree sits firmly, will not jump out, will not fly out. So my relatives will be strong and strong. Angels protect them, they do not allow them to turn off the right path. I pray to all the saints for their health, for their bright souls and immeasurable happiness. Until the nail is bent, it has not jumped out of its nest, all troubles will bypass (names of relatives).

Amulet for yourself

“My life is bright and righteous, like in Christ's bosom. The angel protects me, gives me protection. It does not allow me to turn off the path-road, no matter where my legs lead me. Evil takes away in the light of day, but at night dark. Save, Lord, the sinful servant (name), who sings of You, proclaims Your prayers and glory. Amen".

Take a church candle, stand in front of the holy image and focus on inner prayer. Then imagine how a transparent cocoon closes you. His strength is the stronger, the stronger your faith in the protection given from the Higher powers. Wait until the candle burns out, cross yourself three times and bow to the icon. When you leave, don't turn your back on her.

Amulets-prayers or just protective words can be said at any time. The main thing is the desire and belief that this will help close and dear people. We wish you peace in the family, and do not forget to press the buttons and