Synopsis of directly educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group. Topic: “Sound, letter Yu, Yu. The letter u and the sounds it stands for

Purpose: creation of conditions for acquaintance with the letter and sound Yu.




Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 105" municipality the city of Bratsk


activities with older children

preschool age

on this topic

"Letter and sound Yu"

Compiled by:

Molchanova I.L.



Target: creation of conditions for acquaintance with the letter and sound Yu.


Introduce the letter and sound Yu;

Continue to learn to perform sound analysis of words; name sounds, give them characteristics;

Strengthen the ability to select words for a given sound

Material: presentation, pictures, chips, letters.

Lesson progress

1. Motivation.

My bell is ringing, pouring.

All the guys are gathering around.

The bell chimes ding, ding, ding.

He calls a guest to you: "Ding-ding-ding."

And who came to us? Guess yourself.

Song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

2. Surprise moment.

Toy - Pinocchio.

Pinocchio decided to go to school after all, but it is very difficult for him. He doesn't know much, and he decided to turn to you guys. Can you help him? You need to complete several tasks. Pinocchio is a joker, and he hid them in a group, and left you a map.


The children are looking at her.

What number is the first task?

3. Game task "Name the sounds."

Children find an envelope with the number 1. It contains blue and green chips.

What do you think it is? What does the token mean of blue color? What vowels can come after a consonant solid sound? (a, u, s, oh, uh)

What vowels can come after a consonant soft sound? (i, e, e, i)

Game "What has changed?"

The teacher swaps the letters, and the children must find the mistakes.

All the following tasks in envelopes are searched for by the children themselves.

4. Acquaintance with the letter Yu (slide 2).

Julie's Mystery.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning

And I'm not lazy

Spin around all day long. (yula)

The teacher invites the children to listen and say what the 1st sound in the word is yula (th). Reminds that the sound (th) is always a soft consonant. How shall we denote it? Further, intonationally highlights the sound (y), the children name the sound and, together with the teacher, designate it with a red chip. Then the teacher pronounces the sounds (yu) several times, explains that if these sounds follow one after another, then they are denoted by the letter yu and replaces the chips of sounds (yu) with the letter yu.

The analysis of the word is continued by the child called to the board. Questions: How many sounds are in the word yula? What are the vowel sounds in the word? What is a soft consonant sound? What is a hard consonant sound?

So that O does not roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened

It turned out ... the letter Yu.

5. The game "Name the name that begins with the sound Yu" (slide 3, 4).

Municipal state-financed organization

additional education

"Centre children's creativity» Orenburg

Abstract of an open lesson


Topic: "In the world of vowels"

The age of children is 6-7 years old,

Form of occupation: group

Teacher of additional education

Zagrebelnaya Lyudmila Alekseevna

Orenburg 2015

Lesson topic: The letter "U" and its sounds.

Target: generalization of knowledge about the letter “Yu”, acquaintance with the features of its sounds: the letter “u” means the sound [y], at the beginning of the word it means two sounds [y], [y]

Learning tasks:

Consolidation of the skill of conducting a sound-letter analysis of a word (correlation of a sound with a letter);

Activation of the vocabulary of children, work on understanding the meaning of the word;

Development of the ability to find the position of sound in words.

Development tasks:

Development of cognitive activity;

Development of arbitrariness, conceptual thinking;

Formation of control and evaluation skills

Educational tasks:

- developing the ability to interact with each other;

Development of cognitive motivation;

Education of curiosity, the ability to listen to each other, to express their thoughts.

Methodical methods:

Verbal: questions to children, conversation, encouragement, recommendations.

Visual: finding the position of sound in words, reading syllables and words, composing from big word small words.

Practical: guessing riddles, composing small words from a big word, health-saving exercises, forming an affectionate name from a full name using the letter “u”.

Equipment: subject pictures, interactive whiteboard, magnetic boards, picture "Sun", "Clouds", sets of diagrams for sound analysis, reading table, graphic image the letters Y.

    Organizing time :

Eyelashes fall, eyes close

We fall asleep with a magical dream

We fly to the land of fairy tales.

One two three four five -

Let's take a look again!

Breathe easy

Smooth, deep.

Cheerful, cheerful we are again

And ready to work.

    Guys, we will start our lesson with an articulation warm-up.

Let's repeat the speeches with the studied sounds. (Appendix 1)

ry-ry-ry We have balls (girls)

sa-sa-sa Fox in the forest (boys)

os-us-us In the meadow goose (individually)

zu-zu-zu My Katya we are in the basin (in chorus)

2) Pronunciation of the tongue twister:

Six mice rustle in a hut.

    Goal-setting (establishing a connection between the content educational material- repeating the letter "U" and completing tasks).

Guys! A letter came to our group (I show the letter). Look how beautiful it is! What season is shown on the envelope? From whom this letter is, I do not know. But I know to whom it is addressed. Who can read? (to cheerful preschool children). Who sent him? The letters on the envelope fell apart. Help collect them, what is written on the envelope? (Yura).

Let's open the envelope and find out what Yura is writing to us?

Dear Guys! Funny preschoolers! I am already in the first grade and I found out that you will also go to the first grade in the fall. I have prepared a task for you and I want to see if you are ready to complete them. I wish you success and good luck.

So, what is the first task Yura prepared for us?

The letter Yu turned the yule,

So that Julia is not sad.

Yulenka took the top

Whirled in an instant whirlwind.

What is it? (Patter). Why? (It's very fast.) Tell me, which letter is found here more often than others? (letter Yu). So, we will continue to talk about which letter? (about the letter Yu). Let's remember the quatrain about the letter "u".

To keep O from rolling away

I'll nail it firmly to the post

Oh look, what happened?

The letter turned out ... Yu

Let's write it in the air. (The letter "U" is hung on the board).

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the letter U and we know that it is not simple. So why is this letter difficult?

The letter Yu is a vowel;

The letter Yu denotes the sound [U];

She shows that the consonant in front of her is soft. For example, iron.

Now we will play the game "Say my name affectionately" in you. (work in groups) Annex 2.

Come on, guys, we will mark each task with an asterisk. For the first task you have already received an asterisk.

    Planning and self-control (collective and individual work - establishes a sequence of actions to solve learning task, performs step-by-step control of the execution of actions).

The second task is very difficult, we will do it together. Let's see that the letter "U" is not only a difficult letter, but also a very tricky one. Guys, say the name of the boy Yura by sounds. [Y], [U], [R], [A]. How many sounds do you hear? (4).

Now we will perform a sound-letter analysis of the word

Count how many sounds are in this word?

What is the first? What is he? (Consonant or vowel, soft or hard).

What is the second one? [U] is a vowel.

The third? (consonant, firm).

What is the last sound?

Children, write the name Yura on the magnetic board.

How many letters in the name (3).

How many sounds? (4).

Where is the letter Yu? (at the beginning of a word).

She is a special, cunning letter. Why? Because it stands at the beginning of a word and means (How many sounds?) Two sounds: [Y], [Y].

You completed the second task, and you get a second star.

    Control and self-control (guessing riddles and finding the position of the sound [y]). Work on the interactive whiteboard.

Are you ready to complete Yura's third task? I want to invite you to solve riddles.

I am red, I am sour

I grew up in the swamp.

Ripe under the snow

Well, who knows me? (Cranberry)

Who ate this berry? Where does she grow?

Mark the position of the sound on the piece of paper, and exchange pieces of paper with each other, check. The teacher writes the correct answer on the board. Children check. Evaluate according to the traffic light system.

Spinning on one leg

ballerina master,

Got everyone in motion

Multicolored ... (Yula)

Sometimes they take from me

Rivers have their source

And in your hands I will open

I am any castle. (Key)

In what word does the letter "U" stand for two sounds? (Yula) Why?

You completed the third task and get another star.


If we get very tired

We are charging.

We all like it very much

Do it in order.

It's fun to walk (times, 2,3,4,5)

Raise your hands

Lower your hands

sit down, get up

And walk again (time, 2,3,4,5).

    Self-regulation (the ability to concentrate to overcome intellectual difficulties).

And now Yura wants to see how you read syllables, words.

liu mu ryu nu kyu shu

yul yum yur yoon yuk yus

yule skirt beak

people plus suit

Another star for you, well done!

And the last one is the hardest one.

Game "Setter".

How many of you know what the word still life means? (Still life is an image of inanimate objects in art: a vase, flowers, fruits) A humorist? (A humorist is a woman who notices funny stories in life and tells them cheerfully).

Children are divided into two teams, each of which gets its word.

The first team is a still life. The second team is a comedian.

From one long word to make several small words. (For example, nora, Yura, cake, mouth, etc.)

Well done! The fifth star is yours!


Children, I want to ask my question again, so why is the letter "U" a tricky, difficult letter? (If it is at the beginning of a word, then two sounds live in it at once. Which ones?) What else do you know about the letter "U"? (The letter Yu is a vowel, it shows that the consonant in front of it is soft.)


What tasks did you enjoy the most? What else did we do in class? Did you have difficulty completing assignments? Let's try ourselves, with the help of the sun, to evaluate our work in class, choose your own sun:

Cheerful sun - you are satisfied with your work, you coped with tasks easily and simply.

Sunny with clouds - you had small errors in your answers, but you corrected them.

(Children choose their own sun).

I thank you all for your work. You are great! Goodbye.

Municipal educational institution

Secondary (complete) general education school No. 2

Volzhsk, Republic of Mari El

Lesson outline teaching literacy



teacher primary school

Fedorova Lyubov Sergeevna




Goals: Educational : learn to find the letter Yu and read syllables and words with a new letter, graphically indicate the sounds that it gives, expand vocabulary in a literacy class.

Educational: to promote the development of logical general educational skills and abilities, various kinds memory, attention.

Educational: improve skills joint activities, self-discipline.

Methodological goal: showing the methods of learning the new iotized letter Yu, general educational logical skills and abilities.


I. Mobilizing stage

Look at each other and smile! Sit down!

II. Orthoepic warm-up

1-2 people - individual work.

On the desk: Already the hedgehog climbed into the thick rye.

Read with one eye.
- Who is the tongue twister about?
- What is said about them?
- Name only vowels with stress.
- Read the consonants, naming them correctly.

III. Knowledge update

Let's, guys, remember what groups you can divide all the sounds in a tongue twister into?
What are vowel sounds like? (percussion and unaccented)
What about consonant sounds? (Hard and soft; voiced and deaf)
What makes consonants softer? (thanks to vowel sounds)
- What are the soft consonants in the tongue twister? (Called)

On the board: Milk box pike motor food thicket - divide words into syllables.
How was the number of syllables determined? (How many vowels in a word, so many syllables)
- Who will remember the special letters? (e, e, i)
- What is their peculiarity? (May represent two sounds)
Checking individual work.

IV. Formation by students of the topic and objectives of the lesson

On the desk: raccoon, spinning top, hedgehog, pangolin.

Read the words written on the board. Who knows what the word Lizard means?
- The lizard is an extinct large animal with a small head and a long tail. His body was covered in scales. (Show illustration)
- Break these words into groups according to several criteria at the same time. (Animals, 4 letters, starts with a vowel, ends with a consonant)
- Remember once again the peculiarity of the first letters of the three words you have highlighted, pay attention to the first letter of the fourth word and formulate the topic of our today's lesson. (The letters E, Yo, I denote two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word or after a vowel. In the word yula, the first letter is Yu. We are not familiar with it. So the topic of the lesson is “The letter Yu and the sounds that it stands for”).
Given the topic of the lesson and based on the written words on the board, formulate the goal of our lesson:
On the desk: Meet to…. (with the letter Yu and the sounds it stands for)
Learn to distinguish.... (letter Yu from other letters)
Learn to read .... (words, sentences with a new letter)

V. Acquaintance with a new letter and sounds

one). The letter Yu came to us with her girlfriends. Let's find her and greet her. If you see the letter U - clap your hands, if another letter - turn your head.

The teacher shows the letters: O N S I Yu

So you greeted the letter Y. And now try to draw it in pairs.
- Look at the tape of letters, where is the letter Y? What does its location tell us? (The vowel, located in the second row - gives softness to the consonant)
Let's get back to our words. Name a word for a toy. (Yula)
How many syllables are in the word Yula? (The word yula has two vowels - two syllables)
- Name the first syllable. How many letters are in the first syllable?
Say the first syllable slowly and tell me how many sounds do you hear? (2 sounds)
Name these sounds. ([Y`] [Y])
- Describe these sounds.
- What letter denotes the sounds [y`] [y]? (YU)

[Y`] [U]

Make a conclusion, in which case the letter Y stands for two sounds?

1. At the beginning of a word(post card)

Make a sound scheme for the word YULA. (1 student on the board)
- The letter Yu invited her friends to our lesson: a boy and a girl. Determine their names. They consist of 3 letters and 4 sounds. The theme of the lesson will help you. (Yura, Julia)
- Why are there four sounds in the words of Yura and Yulia? (They start with the letter Yu, and it stands at the beginning of a word and means two sounds)
- Make sentences using the names of the children and the word YULA.
I wrote this sentence on the blackboard: Yura and Yulia play with Yula.
Name the word that answers the question What are they doing? (play)
- Divide the word PLAY into syllables.
How many syllables are in the word? (3)
- Name the last syllable. (-ut)
How many letters are in it? (2 letters)
- Say it and determine how many sounds it contains? (3)
- Name them. ([Y`], [Y], [T])
- Explain why there are two letters in the syllable YUT, but three sounds? Where is the vowel Yu? (After a vowel)

2. After a vowel (post card)
- Make a conclusion, in which cases the letter Y stands for two sounds?

Physical education minute

I will name the words. If they have the letter Yu, the boys squat, if not, the girls.


VI. Anchoring

Let's work with our textbook. Open the primer on page 46
– Look at the vowels and the chips next to them.. What can you say about the choice of color?
Look at the crossword puzzle on page 47. What words are encoded in it?
- Let's do a sound analysis of words on page 47
- Well done!

Physical education minute(for eyes)

Read the words on the board: chess, dancing, youth group
- What are the youngsters doing? (Study nature)
– At the lesson of the youth group, the guys will learn a lot of new and interesting things. What exactly, you will determine by reading the text (on the cards).

Frogs and toads spawn not only in water. Pipa toads attach their eggs to their backs. In midwife toads, caviar is similar to a cord with beads. They wind their decoration around the waist. Some frogs spawn on the ground. The males remain to guard the eggs. Tadpoles emerge from the eggs. They crawl onto dad's back. Dad takes them to the water. Some frogs swallow their eggs. And then they spit out the ready-made frogs.
(According to N. Sladkov)

What have you learned about the life of frogs?

Group 1 (level A) - read the text and count all the words with the letter Yu
Group 2 (level B) - perform a sound analysis of the word EARTH.
Group 3 (level C) - pick up a word for the sound scheme. (Given a diagram for the word Crawl)

VII. Lesson summary

What letter did we meet today?

What can be said about this letter?

I drew a flower for you, we will decorate it now.

Let's decorate the flower: (reflection)
- Whoever was interested and who figured everything out will take the red chip.
- Who was interested, but something remained incomprehensible yellow chip.
- Who was not entirely interested and did not understand the blue chip. Let's see what color is more.

List of used literature

Zhurova L. Evdokimova A. Primer, textbook on literacy and reading, part 1, Ventana-Graf, 2011

Equipment: clothes for an owl: a mantle, a philosopher's cap and glasses; unfinished letters, letters Yo - big and small, words for reading, tricky letters I, Yu, E, Yo in houses, pairs of vowels on magnets, a ball, a picture of a hedgehog, children's albums, colored pencils, pencils, notebooks.

Lesson progress:

Children are invited to the tree and remember what letters they have learned. At this moment, the speech therapist quietly puts on a mantle, a philosopher's cap and glasses (turns into a wise owl).

Hello. Guys, do you recognize me? It's me - a wise aunt owl, from a scientific hollow. I am very glad that you came to visit me! There are already many letters on my tree:

Vowels stretch in a ringing song,
They can cry and scream
They can cradle a child in a crib,
But they do not want to whistle and grumble.
And the consonants agree
Whisper, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But they don't want to sing.
S-s-s ... - a snake whistle is heard.
Sh-sh-sh... - the fallen leaf rustles.
Well, well... - bumblebees in the garden are buzzing.
R-r-r ... - the motors rumble.

Think and say what sounds are? (vowels and consonants).

What sounds do we call vowels? (Sounds that stretch are sung, the air passes freely when they are pronounced). What color do we represent them?

There are two types of consonants, which ones? (hard and soft) What color do we designate them?

That's right guys. (put everyone on chairs)

What is the difference between sounds and letters? (we hear and pronounce sounds, we write and see letters).

You know, miracles happen in my scientific hollow. Something happened to the letters. Please help to restore them (children are offered unfinished letters). Well done!

And today I want to introduce you to a new letter. This letter is also called tricky, as it can represent two sounds.

We make two sounds
But we only write one letter!
[th] yes [o], and together Y.
Don't forget about her!

The letter Ё can be large and small (showing letters). What does the letter Yo look like?

Guys, I'll tell you one more secret: the letter E is always always stressed! What is an accent? They call her DAMAGE! Do you want to know why it is called shock? Listen to a fairy tale: From this fairy tale you will find out where the two bumps at the top of the letter Yo came from - oh, no! - two points.

One day the letter E ran away into the forest. Suddenly blew strong wind, trees swayed. The letter E became scared, and she hid under the spruce. The spruce also swayed in the wind, and two cones fell on the letter E, from which bumps formed on E's head. From this, it turned into another letter - the letter Y. That, it turns out, is why Y is always stressed. Want to check it out? (reading)


Clap each word and determine which syllable is stressed.

How do you know how many syllables are in a word? (how many vowels, so many syllables)

What other tricky letters do you know? (Yu, I, E). We already know about the presence of the following pairs of vowels: A - I, E - E, U - Yu, Y - I, O-Yo.

The speech therapist explains the rule: the vowels A, O, U, Y, E indicate the hardness of the previous consonant sound, and the vowels I, E, Yu, I, E indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound.

Now let's play: say with [yo] at the beginning or end of the word (with the ball):

... zhik, white ..., yours ..., ... lka, mo ..., e ..., ... rsh.

Now say a word without [yo]: being, living, washing, sewing, casting, whining, beast.

Didactic game "The word crumbled." Vocabulary material:

p, w, e - ruff; a, e, k, l - tree; and, yo, k, w - hedgehog

In my forest, in addition to this tree, there are also Christmas trees (children are invited to stand near the chairs and repeat after the speech therapist).

Christmas trees are green
Swinging in the wind
Swinging in the wind
Lean low.
Lots of green trees
Let's make a lot of slopes.

And now I will ask you to sit down at the tables. Look, you have a picture in your albums - confusion. Find where the letter Yo is hidden, circle it with a red pencil, since it is a vowel. And please find the small letter ё in these lines.

Guys, guess the riddle:

Good-natured, businesslike
All covered with needles.
Do you hear the clatter of fast feet?
This is our friend ... Hedgehog

(showing a picture of a hedgehog). Let's do a sound-letter analysis of the word Hedgehog. (remember about ZHI-SHI!)

One child - to the board. The rest complete the task in the album.

And now let's print our new letter in notebooks.

Well done! And let's remember how we pronounce sounds with our hands (pronouncing sounds with hands, showing a new sound [yo]). Get out on the carpet. Well done! So, what new letter did we meet today? Why is she smart? And in what cases does it denote two sounds, and in which one?

Solovieva Evgenia Anatolyevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MADOU CRR Kindergarten №134,

Many teachers have difficulty in compiling class notes for iotized letters. I offer a summary of classes on teaching literacy to a group preparatory to school.

Abstract of a lesson in preparation for teaching literacy in the preparatory group for children with TNR. Speech therapist Babanina N.A.



Correctional and educational:

To consolidate the concept of the letter "U"

To consolidate the concept that the letter "U" denotes the softness of a consonant in writing.

Correction - developing:

Develop articulatory motor skills.

Develop speech breathing.

Develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Develop the grammatical structure of speech (the ability to make sentences with given words).

To develop the ability to use generalizing concepts on the topic: "School". (School supplies).

Develop phonemic processes.

Develop fine and gross motor skills.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate curiosity in children.

Cultivate interest in school activities.

Equipment: cash desk of letters and syllables, sets of diagrams for sound analysis, notebooks, pencils. Tables for reading, a graphic image of the letter "U".

Lesson progress:

1. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Work on the development of breathing.

General relaxation:

Eyelashes fall, eyes close.

We fall asleep with a magical dream, we fly away to the land of fairy tales.

One two three four five -

Let's look with our eyes again

Breathe easy

Smooth, deep

Cheerful, cheerful we are again

And ready to work.

Our tongue also wants to get ready for the lesson

Relax - pya-pya-pya-pya.

Comb - "comb the tongue."

He looked at himself from one side, from the other side - ex. "Watch".

Now he is ready to work.

2. Org. Moment:

Guys, our group received a letter (I show the letter). From whom this letter I can not understand. The letters on the envelope were all scattered. Help collect them. What is written on the envelope? (Yura). Let's open the envelope and find out

what Yura writes to us. Yura is a first grade student. He studies at the school where we recently went. Yura found out that you will also go to school in the fall, and he decided to check you out - are you ready for school. Yura sent you tasks that you must complete and thereby prove that you are ready for school.

3. The course of the lesson:

-Let's sit down. And so, the first task.

Guess Yura's favorite letter.

It's the letter "U".

-Why do you think so?

-Today we will work with this letter "U".

We have already met this letter in the last lesson and we know that this letter is not simple.

Why isn't she simple?

The letter "U" is a vowel.

-Two sounds "Y", "U" live in it

-The letter "U" denotes the softness of the consonant in writing.

- The letter "Yu" is iotated.

- Task two. Say the boy's name by sounds.

"Y", "U", "R", "A".

Let's lay out the merging scheme of the word "Yura". (Children lay out).

Count how many sounds are in this word?

What is the first sound?

What is the last sound?

Name a soft consonant sound.

Name a solid consonant sound.

Name the vowel sounds.

Let's put the boy's name out of letters.

How many letters are in the name? (3 letters).

Where is the "U"?

How many sounds?

What is more letters or sounds?


Because in the letter "Yu" two sounds "Y" and "U" "live" at once.

Task three.

The teacher shows the children a sentence diagram and asks:

What is it? Offer scheme.

Make up a sentence with the word "Jura" according to the given scheme.

(Yura is studying).

And I made this suggestion:

"Yura goes to school."

This scheme is suitable for my proposal.

How to change the scheme?

Who will lay out the scheme of my proposal?

What is the first word in the sentence? (Yura).

Which the last word in a sentence?

What's the little word here?

What is it called?

4. Physical education.

Every morning before school

We are charging.

We like everything very much

Do it in order.

Fun to walk

Raise your hands

lower your hands,

Sit down, get up.

Jump and jump.

5. -Yura has friends.

Guess what their names are?

Replace the dot with the letter "U". (Julia, Andryusha, Vanyusha, Katyusha).

Guys, Yura writes about what he and his friends do in their free time.

Read - children read


Draw -


Play -


Run -

Eat -

Stop -

Jump -

Let's play. Let's change the words.

Finger gymnastics:

I will go to school in the fall Fingers "walk" on the table.

I will find my friends there.

I will be such a scientist! Raise your arms to the sides.

But I will not forget my garden. They threaten with a finger.

7. And one more task: Read Yurin's story "How I'm going to school.

In the morning I get up, do my exercises, wash my face, eat and pack my bag for school.

I will put in it………………………..

These are school supplies.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, you completed all the tasks that Yura sent you. Well done!

Yura has sent you a gift that will be useful to you at school.