How to choose the right size curtains. How to correctly calculate the fabric consumption for window curtains. Choosing the size of curtains for the kitchen

Correct layout interior design suggests harmonious combination all the details. Let's try to figure out how long the curtains should be, how to take measurements, choose fabric and accessories. With this approach, textiles help to radically change the interior, emphasize the laconicism and practicality of the design, and introduce elements of luxury and elegance.

Determining the length

Let's try to figure out how to choose the right size of panel for various rooms. There are no strictly defined rules here, but there are 5 main options for canvas dimensions that are most often used.

  1. To the windowsill. The length of the curtain should be calculated in such a way that there is a gap of 1–1.5 cm between its lower edge and the window sill. Such curtains are most often used in the kitchen and bathroom. They are laconic and bring lightness and simplicity to the interior. They are easy to move, and it is possible to use the entire surface of the window sill, for example, for flowers or cute trinkets. Allowed additional elements decor: ruffles, lambrequins, special holders, tulle.
  2. Below the windowsill. The length of the curtain fabric can exceed the height window openings by 10-15 cm. Such curtains look more neat and make the room cozy. If you use them in the kitchen, you must follow safety precautions: place them away from gas stove And open fire and use additional weights along the edge.
  3. From the floor. The curtain is raised a few centimeters above the floor level. A traditional option that makes cleaning easier. But if the height of the walls does not exceed 2 meters, the room will visually seem even lower than it actually is. To neutralize this effect, you can use light-colored fabrics with longitudinal stripes.
  4. Floor-length curtains fit almost any interior. The canvas is located at a height of 1 cm from the floor. Therefore, measurements must be taken very carefully, otherwise, with any unevenness of the walls or inaccurate measurements, the edge may be raised too much on one side, and an overlap may form on the other.
  5. Curtains on the floor. The panels are long, with an excess of fabric of about 10-20 cm. They are laid on the floor in beautiful lush folds. Look good in living rooms and bedrooms. But dust, dirt and pet hair often accumulate under such curtains, and the edges of the curtains easily become dirty. Therefore, frequent washing and cleaning of the room is necessary.

How long should the curtains be in the bedroom?

The main purpose of the bedroom is rest and relaxation after have a long day. It is important to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort here. Curtains should protect from bright sunlight and street lighting, noise, dust, drafts, unpleasant looking outside the window. Therefore, long curtains made of dense heavy fabric such as velvet, brocade, etc. are suitable for the bedroom. And so that the interior is not too gloomy, they can be combined with light translucent tulle, organza, chiffon. Classic long canvases create an atmosphere of psychological comfort and coziness, look elegant and solemn.

By the way, the height of the walls in the room can also be visually increased using the length of the canvases. In bedrooms with ceilings no higher than 2–2.5 m, it is recommended to use long floor-length curtains or elongated curtains with folds lying on the floor. You can choose fabrics with longitudinal stripes or patterns. All these tricks will help “pull” the walls up a little and expand the room.

Don't forget about the color scheme. Dark shades visually reduce space and are suitable for large spacious rooms. Best used in a small room light colors, they will create additional space.

How to add light in a dark room

Not only additional lamps will help make a room brighter - you also need to choose the right window decor. From long curtains In this case, it is better to avoid using heavy fabrics. For lovers of daylight, curtains made of light, weightless fabrics, such as tulle or voile, are suitable. The length of the curtains can be medium or only reach the window sill.

Light curtains can be gathered using various decorative tiebacks:

  • brushes;
  • rings;
  • threads of beads;
  • braids;
  • flowers.

Well, to avoid being disturbed by the bright light of street lamps at night, you can use Roman blinds with double fabric for the “Day-Night” system. WITH outside a thin aluminum sheet protects from bright light, and the inner fabric sheet decorates the interior. Many people use them as the main window decoration instead of tulle, lambrequins and curtains. Using a chain, the front fabric is assembled into large folds and the length of the curtain is adjusted.

How long should curtains be in the living room?

In this part of the house it is customary to welcome guests and spend evenings with the whole family. The decor in the living room depends on the tastes and preferences of the owners.

So, you have to decide what length of curtains to order for the living room. A win-win option are considered long when the distance to the floor is no more than 1 cm or the fabric lies on the floor. They have significant advantages:

  • “raise” the low ceiling;
  • visually lengthen the walls;
  • expand the space;
  • help hide defects after repair.

A fabric sheet laid out on the floor in beautiful waves will cover crooked plinths and uneven walls.

You can slightly raise the curtains above the floor level. It won't spoil appearance and will make cleaning easier. But in this case, measurements should be taken at several points so that the final result does not become an unpleasant surprise. If the walls in the room are uneven, then the height from the ceiling to the floor in different corners may differ, and the edges of the panel may hang unevenly and spoil the appearance of the room. In this case, you can use fabrics without patterns to make it easier and more invisible to adjust the length at the very bottom. They do this already when the curtain is hanging on the ledge.

Why should you choose short curtains for the kitchen?

Small rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen often suffer from a lack of light and free space. Helps to expand them visually competent planning interior, correct use decorative elements. Light shades and transparent texture of fabrics will refresh, add light, and make the room airy. Short curtains made of light fabric will be very useful here.

There are really many advantages to short curtains:

  • a minimum of fabric is used for their manufacture;
  • they allow you to achieve maximum room illumination;
  • they are easy to move and remove, for example, for washing;
  • release work surface: the window sill can be used as a shelf or desktop;
  • they get dirty less during use;
  • provide free access light and air.

As we see, short curtains often much easier to use and ideal for small rooms such as bathroom and kitchen.

How to choose the right fabric

When choosing curtains there are many aspects to consider:

  • purpose of the room (kitchen, bedroom, living room);
  • size and illumination (heavy fabrics of dark colors are not suitable for small rooms; it is better to choose light, airy ones; short dark curtains can reduce the height of the walls, in this case there are two options: either long or short made of light fabric);
  • length of curtain fabric (long ones - more universal option, suitable for different types premises; if you prefer short ones, then do not forget about additional accessories);
  • texture and color of fabric.

Of course, every choice is a matter of taste. But do not forget that the entire decor should be in the same style, all details should complement each other.

How to calculate the amount of fabric

When purchasing material, you need to consider several parameters. It is better to act according to the following algorithm.

  1. Measure the distance from the cornice to the floor.
  2. Select the type of fastening (rings, loops, eyelets) and, depending on it, add or subtract a few centimeters from the length of the future product.
  3. Decide on the type of curtains in order to know how many centimeters the difference with the height of the room will be: if they are “floor-length”, you need to subtract 1–5 centimeters, if they are long with an allowance, then add 10–20 cm. For short ones, for example, you only need just measure the distance from the cornice to the edge of the window sill.
  4. Be sure to consider the composition of the chosen fabric. Natural ones can shrink when washed, so we take them with a reserve.

It is advisable to take extra fabric. This will help fix possible errors in the future. If you plan to use linings, you need to take into account that they may slightly pull the edge of the fabric.


So, to choose the optimal curtain length, you need to consider several factors:

  • purpose of the premises;
  • room dimensions;
  • lighting quality;
  • furnishing style and personal preferences of the owners;
  • the need for additional accessories;
  • color, texture and fabric composition;
  • presence of pets and frequency of wet cleaning.

Our simple tips will help you avoid mistakes when choosing curtains and correctly decorate your interior, making the atmosphere cozy and harmonious.

Before you start sewing curtains at home, you need to choose the model of the future product and calculate how much fabric will be needed.

Measurements needed to calculate fabric consumption for sewing curtains

  • The first (L) is the length of the cornice, which is measured using a measuring tape or a folding meter;
  • The second (H) is, in fact, the length of the future curtain. The size of this measurement depends on the length of the curtain (the curtain can be up to the floor, up to the window sill, ¾ of the height of the wall, etc. - i.e. it completely depends on your taste, imagination, as well as the style of your room). The size of this measurement is also influenced by the type of cornice and the method of processing the top of the curtain. You must immediately determine how you will process the top of the curtain - whether it will be curtain braid, or hanging thread loops, or large fabric loops. By default, this measurement is taken from the top edge of the cornice.

How to calculate fabric consumption for sewing curtains

To find out the width of the curtain, you need to multiply the first measurement (length of the cornice) by 1.5 - 3.5 and add 10 cm for processing the seams. You may ask what does “1.5 - 3.5” mean and how do you determine which number to multiply by?

“1.5 - 3.5” is the coefficient of gathering (pomp) of the curtain. The size of the assembly factor depends on the density of the fabric and the type of future curtain.

Remember a simple rule:

  • if you are sewing curtains from very thin fabric: organza, organdy, voile, mesh, etc. without a pattern, you will need fabric width three and a half times the length of the cornice,
  • for medium-weight fabrics: chiffon, tulle, thin fabrics with a pattern - two and a half times more,
  • for dense fabrics: velvet, taffeta, linen, gabardine - one and a half to two times.

You can also determine the curtain assembly factor using the following table:

To determine the length of the curtain, you need to add 10-15 cm to the second measurement (curtain length) for processing.

So, let's summarize:

Curtain width
  • for thin-density fabrics: L x 3.5 + 10 cm = fabric width;
  • for medium-density fabrics: L x 2.5 + 10 cm = fabric width;
  • for dense fabrics: L x 1.5 + 10 cm = fabric width;
Curtain length
  • H + 15 cm = fabric length

The width of the roll for most tulle fabrics is 2 meters 80 cm. Knowing this measurement, it is now easy for you to calculate the footage of the fabric being collected, provided that the height of the future curtain does not exceed the width of the roll minus the edge.

The width of a roll of curtain fabrics varies: 1 meter 40 cm, 2 meter 80 cm and 3 meters. If the length of the future curtain fits into the width of the roll, then the fabric consumption is calculated as described above.

If the width of the fabric turns out to be smaller than the height of the future product (i.e. curtains), then we calculate the fabric consumption differently: we will sew the fabric from several fabrics. The number of canvases is directly proportional to the gathering factor and fabric pattern.

For fabrics with a repeating pattern (rapport), it is necessary to take into account additional seam allowances for fitting, i.e., give an additional increase of one pattern repeat on each panel. When stitching the panels, the curtain pattern must match exactly.

The room has a finished look only when curtains appear on the windows. This textile interior decoration can change a room beyond recognition. Main purpose: to hide personal life from prying eyes, protect from scorching sun and decorate the room.

Today the market offers a huge variety of fabrics for curtains: thick or transparent. They can be hung together or one at a time. The use of tulle gives the room airiness and allows some amount of sun rays, transforming them into soft daylight. It must be decorated.

It is important to carefully select the height of the curtains. Let's take a closer look at how to correctly calculate the length of the tulle.

When the fabric has been selected to suit your style and taste, you next need to determine the desired length. There are some nuances here that cannot be ignored. The count is always taken from the hook that is attached to the cornice. The hook is what will attach the curtain to the curtain rod.

If Velcro is used as fastening. Usually such fastening is required when it will not move. The height will in this case be measured from the bottom edge of the cornice. The end point will depend on what is preferred. When the cornice is a pipe, the height is calculated from the center of the ring, which is the fastening in this case.

How to determine the optimal width

Now the question is the required width of the canvas. First, the working width of the cornice is measured, that is, the distance along which hooks or other fasteners will move freely. The final calculation of the width depends on what filling will be chosen.

How much tulle for a window 3 meters wide

The more folds you get, the more magnificent the tulle will look. The minimum recommended filling is 1:1.5. The maximum will be 1:3. That is, a three-meter window will require 9 meters of width.

What is the length of the cloths?

The classic length of tulle is from hook to floor. Also, there is a more practical length. Measure from the mount to the floor, then subtract a couple of centimeters. She won't look like she's been shot. You can remove even up to 10 centimeters. This is usually the length in public areas. But there is also a length that will add chic to the linen.

You can make a considerable allowance. You need to measure from the hook to the floor and add up to 20 cm. It turns out noble and magnificent. Another option, which is popular if the windows are, for example, secure (high), or when very wide window sill, then this option couldn’t come at a better time. The length is measured from the fastening to the window sill.

Types of long curtains and their features

There are several types of long curtains:

  • Classic, this is a mixture of two types of fabrics, the length of the panel is up to the floor, possible various options fastenings
  • Austrian ones have two positions, can hang down their entire length or be gathered from the bottom to the middle, you can choose any fastening, but Velcro is preferable, since such curtains are hung where it is expected that they will not be moved.
  • Crossed, made from the same fabric, hung crosswise over the entire length, attached without the ability to move.
  • Italian, their main feature that they cannot be completely moved apart. They are assembled to the edge with cords; an ordinary cornice with the ability to move the curtains is sufficient.
  • Japanese, they do not have the ability to be folded. Since there is a fixing beam at the top and bottom.
  • Rope curtains, such curtains are often made all the way to the floor; they allow daylight to beautifully pass into the room.

The use of short curtains and their main advantages

Gives a completely different look to the room short curtains. Types of short curtains:

  • French blinds are always drawn up and generally do not move along the entire length of the curtain rod. They give the room solemnity.
  • London curtains are gathered along the entire width. They are usually made up to the windowsill, but there are also options up to the floor. In this case, the assembly looks too voluminous.
  • Cafe style curtains are hung on thin pipe, hang down to the window sill, are divided into two parts along the length, have free space in the middle and do not interfere with daylight entering the room.
  • The curtain is a screen, attached to a rod, and also hangs to the window sill. Its main difference is the stitched drawstrings at the top and bottom.
  • "Hourglass", popular look curtains for kitchens. They gather in the center and it’s immediately clear where the name comes from.
  • Roman, roller and Chinese blinds. They have one principle - they are located directly on the window, the height is up to the window sill, the difference is in the principle of assembly and selection of fabric.

How to hang tulle correctly

To hang tulle correctly, you need to decide on the cornice and fastenings. The pipes or rails must be screwed tightly. The threads sewn into the tulle in advance should be collected and tied into a knot so that the curtain does not unravel.

The curtain tape must match the length of the curtain rod. All folds must be smoothed out so that they are of the same density. And tie the threads on the other side. The tulle is fixed. Now you can hang it. If hooks are used as fastenings, they must be placed at the same distance from each other.

What fabrics are best to choose?

For tulle, it is best to use cotton fabric mixed with silk thread. So, the curtains will last a long time beautiful view. After some washes, synthetics will make themselves felt and will most likely require replacement.

Roller blinds are made from linen. Preference should be given to natural fabrics. They allow air and sunlight to pass through unhindered and will last longer.


The choice of tulle should be approached responsibly. Curtains determine the overall mood of the room and carry a certain charge of energy. You need to decide how much sunlight should come in, what type suits the style of the room and choose only natural fabrics.

The length of the curtains is perhaps the first thing you need to do before starting to sew this interior element. By the way, it is the design of the room and its intended purpose are determining factors in choosing the size of the curtain in relation to the floor. Before choosing the type you need, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all possible options.

Curtain length options

All curtains can be divided into two categories:

  • those whose length is measured from the floor;
  • and those for which it is calculated in relation to the window sill.

These two groups, in turn, can also be divided into several types. Curtains, the length of which is measured depending on its location in relation to the floor, can be divided into three categories, and those whose length is calculated depending on the level of the window sill into two. Below is brief description all five types and options for their placement. The question of the advantages and disadvantages of each specific type is also raised.

This style is often used to decorate either luxurious living rooms or cozy bedrooms. When selecting heavy fabrics with a strict or no pattern, an atmosphere of certain luxury and home comfort Moreover, the dense material will hang beautifully and form folds on the floor.

The length of the canvas is calculated in such a way that there was from 10 to 20 cm of material on the floor. The illustration below shows what this option looks like in room design:

When choosing this option, certain difficulties are created when cleaning the room (since the material needs to be removed from the floor for complete wet cleaning), in addition, dust and dirt easily accumulate in the folds of the fabric located on the floor.

If you have pets in the house, additional difficulties arise. In addition to the fact that hair easily accumulates on the fabric, pets are often not averse to playing with what lies on the floor, which often causes the formation of puffs or even holes.

Curtains with a ledge 1 cm from the floor

This is a fairly common option, since it is considered classic and creates a certain rigor in the design of the room. An example of a room with this design variation is shown in the photo below:

When choosing curtains of this length, the ceiling height visually increases, which is especially valuable for rooms where they are located at a distance of less than 2.5 m from the floor.

It is easier to clean a room with such curtains than where they lie on the floor, but nevertheless, during cleaning the lower edge remains in the danger zone. Therefore, when performing wet cleaning, it is recommended to either remove such curtains or lift them and place them at a level of at least 5-6 cm from the floor.

Curtains extending 5 cm from the floor

This is the most common and simplest option, which is sometimes called a “standard curtain”. Firstly, this level of fabric hanging is the most practical, since when cleaning rooms there is no need to remove or lift the fabric. Moreover, since they are not in contact with the floor, they get dirty less and dust does not accumulate on them.

One of the most significant disadvantages of this type is that visually the ceiling height is reduced. This means that this type acceptable for rooms where the distance from floor to ceiling is at least 2.5 m.

Curtains up to the windowsill

With this calculation, the material is hemmed so that the lower edge of the fabric does not reach the window sill by 1-2 cm. This type is practical, often used for kitchens or covering window openings in the bathroom.

It should be noted that this design option is rarely chosen for use in the living room or bedroom, since at this level of hanging materials the room may look unfinished, and the curtain itself may look poor. Sometimes it is acceptable to use this variety in a room where the window sill is used as an additional shelf, as well as in children's bedrooms where the windows are low.

Curtain length below window sill

This design option is often used for children's rooms, where the fabric cannot reach the floor. When calculating the material for sewing, the distance from the beginning to the end of the fabric is calculated so that the curtain hangs 10-15 cm below the window sill. This option is more practical, aesthetic and beautiful in relation to where the material does not reach the window sill.

It is also acceptable to use this type when closing a window opening in the kitchen. In the example illustrated below, there is no tulle, and the sewing material is consistent with color scheme throughout the kitchen.

In addition, if there are also tulles on the window in addition to curtains, then the former undertake to completely cover the latter. This means that if there is tulle on the window, then the curtain needs to be chosen longer, so the option up to the window sill will not be suitable.

To determine the choice of type and distance from the beginning to the end of the canvas, you need to make general analysis premises and take correct measurements. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the intended purpose of this room. The curtains used in a child's bedroom will be significantly different from the kitchen curtains, and the curtain on the bathroom window will have a completely different look than in the reception room. Moreover, before purchasing or processing the material, you need to take measurements that will help in calculating required material. To make calculations, you need to know how many centimeters from the floor to the cornice, what the height of the ceiling is (to select the type), and also analyze whether the chosen option is suitable and whether it matches the design of the room.

As can be seen from the information presented in this article, curtains as indispensable element interior design must be consistent with the design of the room, and the choice of their length largely depends on the intended purpose of the room.

Please note that the length calculation is made without taking into account the hemming of the bottom and top of the curtains; this parameter will be added later. To calculate fabric for curtains, use a metal tape measure to measure the distance from the place where the curtain is attached to the curtain rod to its desired length.

  • Length to window sill. In this case, it is recommended to make the curtains slightly higher than the level of the window sill, about 1 cm. Then they will move easily without touching it.

  • Average length. Curtains that go down 10-15 centimeters below the window sill line look good. In addition, this option allows you to reduce.

  • Full length. One of the most traditional and favorite options for decorating window openings is floor-length curtains. In this case, you need to measure the distance not to the floor surface, but a little higher. This will prevent the fabric from fraying, the curtains can be washed less often, and they will last longer. Curtains falling onto the floor certainly look impressive, but they quickly become unusable and interfere with cleaning.

Width calculation

To calculate fabric for curtains, you need to consider how the fabric will be attached to the cornice, and how lush the curtains will be. The last parameter takes into account the density and width of the folds on the curtain when fully opened.

Before you start taking measurements, you should hang the curtain rod - this will be needed to calculate both the length and width of future curtains. Typically, the distance from the top edge of the window to the cornice is in the range from 7.5 to 12.5 centimeters; it must protrude beyond the width of the window by a distance of at least 15 cm in order to be able to completely free the window opening from the curtains.

In order to beautifully fold the curtains on the sides when sewing, you need to add 10 centimeters on each side.

How to calculate the fabric for curtains intended, for example, for a standard window opening and standard ceiling height?

In this case, the length of the cornice can be 2 m, the height of the curtains (to the floor) - 2.6 m. To ensure that they are not too lush, we will take the gathering factor equal to 2.

Curtain: tulle

Tulle is made according to the following formulas:

Height: curtain height + hem allowance at the bottom + hem allowance at the top
In our case we have 2.6 + 0.15 + 0.10 = 2.85 (m)
Width: cornice length x assembly factor, or in our case 2 x 2 = 4 (m).

Curtain: curtain

Fabric consumption per blackout curtains It is made according to the same formula, with the only difference being that, unlike tulle, it is made from at least two parts. Therefore, the height will be the same, but the resulting width will have to be divided by two.

Do not throw away pieces of fabric left over from cutting curtains. From these leftovers you can sew decorative pillows, curtain tiebacks, other decorative elements.


If the pattern on the curtains is repeated along the length, then when sewing the curtains you will have to adjust the pattern at their junction. To do this, you need to take the fabric with a margin for the amount of repeat (a repeating pattern on the fabric). If the rapport is 60 cm long, you need to take 60 cm more fabric than calculated.