New Year's games for children 4 5 years old. Children's New Year's games and competitions for the house. The game "Christmas shifters"

No one New Year can not do without the good Santa Claus. Children believe that he brings gifts and fulfills their long-awaited dreams. So kids will love it if you decorate Christmas tree toy figure of Santa Claus.

To make a Santa Claus Christmas toy, you will need the following materials:

- red felt for the body, hat, mittens and bag;
- white felt for the beard and the edge of the fur coat;
- green felt for a small Christmas tree;
- blue felt for felt boots;
- synthetic winterizer or cotton wool for filling the toy;
- a narrow blue ribbon for tying the bag;
- one pink bead for the nose;
- black beads for eyes;
- a rope so that you can hang a toy on a Christmas tree;
- scissors;
- threads of red, white, green and blue colors.

The procedure for working on the Christmas tree toy "Santa Claus"

1. Let's make a pattern of a toy Santa Claus. Let's draw the torso of the toy, felt boots, mittens, face, beard, hat, bag on the notebook page and cut them out.

2. Take the details of the torso, hat, mittens, bag cut out of paper, put it on red felt and circle it. We circle the torso, hat and bag twice, and the mitten four times. After we cut out two parts of the body, four parts of mittens, two parts of a bag and a hat.

3. Put a Christmas tree pattern on the green felt and circle it twice. Cut out and we get two parts of the Christmas tree.

4. Cut out a round face from pink felt using a pattern.

5. Put a beard pattern on white felt, circle and cut out this detail.

6. Cut out four parts of felt boots from blue felt using a paper pattern.

7. Let's start sewing our toy. First, we sew with red threads with a buttonhole stitch small details of red felt - two mittens, a hat and a bag.

8. Then we will sew details from blue felt - two felt boots for our Santa Claus.

9. Now let's take the details of the torso from red felt and sew it on, while sewing on felt boots and mittens and filling the figure a little with cotton wool or padding polyester.

10. Sew the details of the bag with red threads with a buttonhole seam. After that, fill the bag with cotton wool or padding polyester.

11. Tie a small blue ribbon bow on the bag.

12. Sew a face cut out of pink felt to the front side of the toy, and a beard made of white felt on top. We will sew with a basting stitch, threads to match the fabric - a beard with white threads, and a pink face.

13. Lightly fill the cap with cotton wool or padding polyester.

14. Sew a hat to the toy with red threads with a basting stitch.

15. Sew to Santa Claus small eyes from black beads and a nose from a pink bead.

16. We sew the details of the Christmas tree with green threads with a buttonhole seam.

17. Let's make Santa Claus an edging on a fur coat. To do this, cut out one strip of white felt 1.5 cm wide and 14 cm long - this will be the edge of the bottom of the fur coat. We will also cut out two strips of white felt 1 cm wide and 5 cm long each - we will sheathe the sleeves with them. With white threads, with a basting stitch, sew strips of white felt to Santa Claus's fur coat - sew the strip at the bottom of the fur coat with two lines, and the stripes on the sleeves - with one line.

18. Sew a bag with a bow to one mitten, and a Christmas tree to the other.

Oversized Christmas decorations have always been a problem for me. Especially with the requirements: light, non-flammable, not soaking. Usually the case ended with a candy from two bottles, but this time I decided to make such a Grandfather for the city Christmas tree. There are no innovations here, but I didn’t do it according to an example picture, but from my head, so I took the risk of making a semblance of a master class, maybe it will come in handy for someone. =)

So, let's begin.
Materials: large water bottle. Mine seems to be a 10 liter, larger than the standard (but this is not particularly important); disposable spoons (it took me about 60 pieces); red and white bags (I didn’t have time to find new ones, I took used ones, so you can see in the pictures that I cut them out of pieces, if you take a new one it will be even easier!). More can be taken decorative film brilliant.; tinsel, eyes for toys (sold in accessories, can be replaced with buttons), button spout
For assembly: Gel gun, double-sided tape.

We break off the heads of spoons) and proceed! It is better to glue spoons on some kind of opaque background. You can immediately cover the entire bottle with a red film or paint with acrylic, as you prefer. I was thinking along the way, so it turned out more difficult.

After the lower rim, the casing realized that it was better to glue the spoons on White background so that the beard does not seem thin and looks like a single spot. We collect the beard from the bottom up a little overlap.

Here's what I came up with through trial and error. Later it seemed to me that the beard was too small and I glued a few more spoons. Above the eyes we make eyebrows from halves of one spoon. We make a hat according to the same principle as the bottom. On the double sided tape we fasten the tinsel and that's it!

Vera Karpova

New Year is a holiday of miracles, and every family is looking forward to this magical night. Someone dreams of a radio-controlled aircraft, and someone wants to start new life. But it is we who bring the holiday into our lives, and it begins with small decorations. Store-bought Christmas decorations are cold and soulless, although they can be beautiful. But handmade give warmth and comfort, filling the house with a fairy tale. In addition, this great way spend time with your child. Today we will tell you how to make Christmas tree toys from cotton wool with your own hands and get a lot of pleasure from the process and the result.

Christmas toys made of cotton wool: what could be easier?

Cotton wool is a simple material, which is easy to get, and you will not spend a lot of money on creating a toy. Cotton wool is safe, although during long work it is very dusty, hairs appear that settle on everything around. This may cause sneezing. The simplest New Year's cotton toy - snowman.

Cotton toy for the Christmas tree "Snowman"

  1. Roll the cotton wool into a large and dense ball.
  2. Use a brush to cover with PVA glue thin layer.
  3. Insert a toothpick in the middle.
  4. Make the ball smaller and repeat step 2.
  5. Make another ball smaller than the previous one and repeat steps 2 and 3.
  6. Put the balls on top of the toothpicks in descending order of size - this will be the body of the toy. Give the glue time dry completely.
  7. If you want to make a brighter festive option, you can mix small sparkles into the glue.
  8. We make handles from small twigs of a suitable shape or from black wire.
  9. To hide the seam, you can tie a scarf around your neck. Use a scrap piece of fabric or a wide satin ribbon. Or ignore this item.
  10. Suitable for eyes dark beads, small beads. In their absence, draw the eyes of the snowman with black gel pen and black marker.
  11. We form the nose in the same way as the body, only we knead orange watercolor paint into the glue. Feel free to color: the carrot nose should turn out bright.
  12. We attach all related parts to PVA glue, a moment or a gun - this is your choice.

Cotton snowman

Christmas wadded toy "Snow Maiden"

  1. Vatu slightly sprinkle with water and make a face. We form a dense oval and intuitively make small indentations under the eyes and mouth. Irregularities are smeared with a brush, soaked in water.
  2. We give time to dry. On the head we make a loop of wire, we also form the frame of the toy from it.
  3. Wrap it with cotton, lightly dipped in PVA glue. We fix the prepared face on the glue.
  4. During winding, try to form arms and legs - for example, in the thigh area we make a layer of cotton wool thicker.
  5. On the head we lay out a scarf from cotton wool, forming the desired volume and shape. You can touch up the details with a damp brush.
  6. We also form a fur coat and felt boots. We send to dry for a day. At first 10-15 minutes dry in the oven and then naturally.
  7. We paint the figure with watercolors.
  8. We strongly dilute the beige shade with water and cover the face to get a natural color. When it dries, we carry out the same procedure with a blush. BUT fine and clear details(eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows) better paint with acrylic paint.

Figurines of their wool. Christmas decorations

Santa Claus from cotton wool on the Christmas tree

We made the Snow Maiden in the master class described above, but she is lonely hanging on the Christmas tree without her kind and beloved grandfather. So now we will do cotton Santa Claus.

What you need:

  • cotton wool;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • newspaper;
  • tassel;
  • wire.

The process of making a toy:

  1. Wire pliers bend the loop.
  2. We cut out the frame of the future toy from cardboard. If it is difficult to navigate by eye, you can make a sketch in advance.
  3. We tear the newspaper into pieces. One sheet - about 3-4 pieces, well crushed and glued to the cardboard, making the volume.
  4. We glue the loop on the reverse side, for strength it can be wrapped with nylon thread.
  5. We divide the cotton into strips and cover the toy well, it is possible in several layers so that the newspaper does not shine through.
  6. Dilute glue with water in the ratio 1:2. We coat the toy well, leave to dry.
  7. With the help of additional pieces of cotton wool soaked in glue, we form a hat, sheepskin coat, felt boots and other details of the image, after which send to dry.
  8. We paint with paints and draw a face.

Blank - Santa Claus from cotton wool

We make Christmas toys from cotton wool with a child

For needlework with your child, you can start with small and simple wadded Christmas toys. It is worth noting that it is difficult for small children to draw small details, so we advise you to leave this matter to yourself.

You will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • thick wire;
  • pliers;
  • watercolor and acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue.

We make from cotton a few hard balls and wet in glue. We take the wire and bend the loop so that a small tip remains. We also lubricate it with glue and stick it in the middle of a cotton ball. Dry for at least 12 hours, and to speed up the process, you can put next to the battery.

These are our blanks for future Christmas animals.

Small parts are formed in the same way as a cotton ball, but due to their size they dry for 6-7 hours. You can stick them on glue gun or moment.

Then paint the toys with watercolors, which dilute a little with water- so they lie better on the surface. 2-3 layers may be needed, and muzzles are more convenient to draw fine brush and acrylic paints.

Cotton Christmas toys

Simple do-it-yourself toys made of cotton wool for the Christmas tree are ready! In this technique, children most often make Smeshariki cartoon characters due to the almost complete absence of small details, but you can help them make slightly more complex toys.

More ideas for cotton toys for the Christmas tree

Above, we described several techniques in which toys are made from cotton wool. The main thing - show imagination, and you can make any figure, and we will show you a few more ideas.

  1. bright star. A blank is cut out of cardboard and made according to the principle of Santa Claus. When coloring, mix small bright sparkles into the paint or sprinkle the finished product, but you need to do it quickly, before the paint has time to dry.
  2. While creating figurines of people faces it is better to make it from salt dough or cold porcelain - this way the toy will turn out more natural and lively.
  3. Cotton can be shaped frame only and clothes - from improvised fabrics and unnecessary shreds.
  4. Pay attention to cotton wool when buying - it should be old style. Now they are releasing synthetic winterizer from which it will not be possible to make toys.
  5. If you don’t have wire on hand to make a loop, fit thick woolen thread or twine.
  6. With the techniques above, you can do any animals- squirrel, fox, deer, wolf, bunny, hedgehog, bear.
  7. To save cotton, for the frame, you can use wire, cardboard, newspaper, office paper, unnecessary pieces of fabric and other improvised means.

Before you get started, draw a sketch of the future toy. Think over all the details, and then its manufacture will not cause problems, and you will not have to rack your brains in the process.

We hope that now you don’t have a question about how to make a cotton Christmas tree toy, because this uncomplicated and an exciting activity . The cost of 1 figure is several times cheaper than the store. The creative process is exciting and interesting, helps children develop fine motor skills hands and fantasy. Toys made with love fill the house with warmth and comfort.

September 27, 2017, 01:34