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A mirror in the hallway is an irreplaceable thing. However, you cannot hang it opposite the entrance doors, since in this case it will interfere with the entry of life-giving energy qi into the house. From here, the owners may have problems with money, work and health, and scandals. To prevent this from happening, it is important to find best place for placing mirrors. According to Feng Shui, this is considered to be the free space to the right or left of the door, on the other wall. In this case, the mirror will multiply what is reflected in it.

If you have a door to the toilet, bathroom or kitchen opposite the entrance to the house, you must hang 2 small mirrors on it - on one side and the other, at the level of the stomach of the older family member. Especially if it is constantly open. Otherwise, the qi energy, passing along the corridor, will enter this room and dissolve into oblivion along with the water. If you decide to hang two mirrors in the hallway, they should be positioned so that they do not reflect on each other.

As for the size of the mirror, it should reflect the household members at full height. In this case, it is desirable that there remains above the head of the tallest family member. small space. It will symbolize the possibility of regular replenishment family budget And career growth.

How to place a mirror in other rooms?

You should not hang mirrors in the children's room or bedroom. But if you consider it necessary, try to place them so that they do not reflect the bed. A sleepy child may become frightened, and in adults it will take away strength and love energy. In addition, mirrors reflecting a married couple in bed can invite a homewrecker into the house. Do you need it?

Hang mirrors opposite front door, as in the hallway, is extremely undesirable. But installing them next to the bed on the dressing table is the best solution. In this case, the positive energy in the house will only increase.

In the kitchen, mirrors can be placed only in two places: near the stove and where the kitchen table is. In the bathroom - on the side of the bath, above the cabinet with the sink. The main thing is that it does not reflect the flowing water. Otherwise, the qi energy will flow away along with it. In the living room - so that it displays the beautiful landscape outside the window at an angle, but not in front of the windows.

In the pantry, if there is one in the house, mirrors are not needed.

Now you know how to hang mirrors according to Feng Shui. Good luck to you and prosperity to your home!

The first mentions of mirrors go back to Stone Age. Ancient people polished pieces of tin, gold, and platinum to a shine. In China, archaeologists found bronze mirrors. Later they learned to make them from silver. But a glass mirror, close to the modern one, was invented in the thirteenth century. Since then, this, at first glance, this simple subject, has firmly entered into our daily life. When we wake up every morning, we go to the bathroom, where we see our reflection. We don't leave the house until we look in the mirror and make sure that we look great. The mirror helps motorists monitor traffic on the road. In one word, we use it for its intended purpose – to reflect. However, this subject is not so simple.

Feng Shui mirror: properties

People have known about mysterious properties mirrors No wonder they are widely used in white and black magic.

mirror magic

IN feng shui mirrors play quite an important role. To change something you need to turn to the mirror for help. However, they must be handled very carefully so as not to cause harm(!), since this is a rather strong and serious object that has the ability to make the necessary changes, both in your living space and in your destiny. Feng Shui mirror- not only reflects, but also attracts, and recreates the missing space, and creates the illusion of a large room, and also redistributes the flow of Qi. For a mirror to be beneficial and double your luck, it must be in the right place.


You should not place the mirror so that it reflects the front door or windows. This can lead to the fact that favorable energy will not accumulate in the house, but will be immediately reflected back to the street, which is extremely unfavorable for its residents.

Joke on topic:

“Don’t hang a mirror in the doorway, because you simply won’t be able to get into your apartment, and no Qi will help you.”

Place the mirror in sleeping place, as it reflects sleeping people and emits powerful chi energy. As you know, in a dream a person is vulnerable to the action of invisible forces and energies. A mirror in the bedroom can lead to cheating on spouses or even divorce. If you do have a mirror opposite your bed, cover it with some impenetrable fabric at night.

You should not place a mirror in the house too high or too low, this leads to an imbalance of qi energies. Hang it so that family members can freely reflect in it to their full height, rather than bending over to look at themselves.

Store in the house broken mirror. If there is one, you need to get rid of it immediately! When a mirror breaks, you need to put the fragments with the mirror surface facing each other, so that you yourself are not reflected in them. Rinse them under running water to wash away any accumulated negativity that could come out when broken. Wrap in dark or black cloth and discard.


Hang a mirror so that the people in it can be seen from head to toe, and in no case will the front door be reflected.

Hang a large wall mirror in the dining room, which will reflect a beautifully set table. This will make it seem like there is twice as much food. An important condition in feng shui mirror it should be of such a size that it, along with the food, reflects the entire seated people, with all parts of the body, and not just up to half.

It is very favorable, from the point of view of Feng Shui, when the mirror reflects something that pleases the eye - a garden or a beautiful landscape. And perhaps a pond. Reflecting a body of water is comparable to bringing a new property into your home. This symbolically helps to increase wealth and acquire new wealth.

By using feng shui mirrors can be eliminated negative impact indoors. If you have a square column in your house, and its sharp corners, aimed at the places where you spend most of your time, you can remove its negative impact. To do this, attach mirrors to it on all sides. Make it completely “mirror-like”.

Also, thanks to the mirror, you can solve the problem of missing corners or illusorily extend the wall and level it irregular shape premises. But in large quantities mirrors can be used only if they do not reflect the stairs, front door, toilet, windows.

Decorating walls in shops or restaurants with mirrors will generate additional yang qi - the energy of life, activity, and wealth. This will attract an additional flow of buyers (visitors) and your business will flourish.

To increase profits, you can install a mirror so that it reflects the cash register. Mirror according to feng shui will, as it were, “double” sales volume. Not bad if together with cash register some previously placed nearby will also be reflected.

And one more thing:

Clean mirror surfaces frequently. They are energy storage devices and must be kept clean. Make sure that there are no cracks on them and that they are in frames.

When leaving home, look in the mirror, as if you were instructing your reflection in the mirror to guard the house in your absence. That's why to come back bad omen, because when you return, you kind of break this circle. To resume protection, just when leaving again, look in the mirror.

I hope you enjoy today’s topic, a little mystical - where to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui in an apartment or house to attract good luck and favorable energy. Have you already noticed that I'm lately I was fascinated by the theory of Feng Shui and the mystical properties of gems, but mirrors are a special decorative item, so I decided to devote an entire article to them.

Mirror according to Feng Shui: we arrange it according to the rules

I think there is no point in writing about the applied role of the mirror. We all use it a hundred times a day. But, by the way, a mirror according to Feng Shui is also:

  1. a connecting link between the material and subtle worlds;
  2. conductor and corrector of Qi energy flows.

And although Feng Shui came to us from exotic China, recommendations regarding correct placement mirrors in the house are worth listening to. It definitely won't get any worse. And today I will talk about where you can and cannot hang a mirror according to Feng Shui in your home.

Good places for a mirror in an apartment or house

According to Feng Shui, where should a mirror hang?

Firstly, in the hallway! The fact is that the hallway is a kind of “distributor” of external energy throughout the entire apartment or house. Chi energy enters us through the front door, is reflected from the mirror and “spreads” to other rooms.

The only exception: you cannot hang a mirror OPPOSITE the front door according to Feng Shui. I will write about this a little later.

Secondly, a small round mirror should be hung outside the door to... the bathroom! Especially if this room is located next to the entrance to the apartment. The logic here is the same: Qi energy enters the house, is drawn to the water and... flows into the sewer through the bathtub and toilet.

To prevent this from happening, you need to hang a small mirror outside the bathroom door. And if you take the issue very seriously, then another mirror on the door according to Feng Shui can be placed with inside bathroom.

Thirdly, experts differ on the appropriateness of a mirror in the kitchen. Some people believe that if a mirror reflects work surface, this adds more work to the housewife. But many are inclined to believe that when in the mirror there is a beautifully set table and many, many delicious food, then according to Feng Shui this is even a plus!

Well, one last thing. Ideally, only something beautiful or positively charged should be reflected in mirrors. For example: a painting with a sea view, a photo from the park, a vase of flowers, talismans of love, health or prosperity.

Where not to put mirrors: bad places

It turns out that in our apartments and houses there are places where a hair dryer mirror cannot be hung categorically!

  1. You should not install it opposite the front door or windows. It is believed that this creates “blockages” in the flow of positive energy from the outside. Something good and bright wants to come to us from the street, but is reflected from mirror surface and runs back.
  2. According to Feng Shui, a mirror in a bedroom should not reflect the bed and the people lying on it. This can worsen a couple's relationship and even negatively affect their health. When I read this, for some reason I immediately remembered the incredibly fashionable mirrored ceilings at the time!

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the bedroom (for example, in a dressing table or on a closet door) should be covered at night.

  1. Well, it is desirable that the mirror does not reflect any ugliness or ugliness at all (for example, fallen tiles in the bathroom or eternal chaos on a bookshelf). After all, everything that the mirror “sees” is automatically multiplied by two!
  2. It’s bad when you can see your desktop in the mirror. Feng Shui claims that this leads to an increase in the amount of work and the “hunted horse” syndrome in the one who sits behind it. Remember about doubling everything that is reflected in the mirror?
  3. Well, of course, you can’t hang a mirror opposite a mirror according to Feng Shui. Girls who have guessed in this way at least once in their lives know that if two mirrors are opposite each other, the result is a magical mirror corridor. In the house, such a corridor provokes inappropriate behavior and can lead to depression and panic attacks among family members.

Mirror shape

According to Feng Shui, a mirror can be anything: square, rectangular or round. By the way, the Bagua mirror is considered a very powerful thing - in a wide octagonal frame with esoteric trigrams.

It protects the home from evil spirits and other evil spirits day and night. But, unfortunately, it is not very suitable for our apartments: after all, according to Feng Shui theory, you need to hang such a mirror on the door:

  1. With outside;
  2. so that it does not reflect the windows and doors of neighbors.

Considering that almost all apartments in Russian houses located opposite each other, there is simply nowhere to place the Bagua.

IN feng shui mirrors are reserved special place. After all, with the help of this object you can reflect, attract, visually increase or, conversely, reduce space. Feng Shui specialists work with mirrors, when it is necessary to redistribute the flow of positive energy, for example, in order to correct an undesirable layout of residential premises.

The surface of mirrors, according to Feng Shui, should be perfectly smooth, without engravings, inscriptions, scratches and other defects that distort the transmission of information. An incorrectly installed mirror can harm the inhabitants of the house.

Particular care should be taken when handling Bagua mirrors - one of the most powerful talismans Feng Shui. Bagua mirrors are round in shape, framed by a ring of trigrams and can be flat, concave or convex. The purpose of such a mirror is to attract negative energy and hold it with the help of the forces of nature.
Bagua mirrors come in early and late sky varieties. The latter is deprived magical properties, but installed in such a way that the neighbors’ windows are reflected in it is considered an offensive gesture.

Feng Shui experts advise beginners who do not know how to properly handle Bagua mirror late sky, replace it with figures of a turtle or kirin (a deer with a dragon's head) - talismans that drive out evil spirits and negative energy.

There are also types of mirrors that bring only grief - these include those bought second-hand, as well as those accepted from relatives or friends. Both of them carry a very strong negative charge and do not bring good luck under any circumstances.

According to Feng Shui, positive Qi energy enters the house through the front door and is immediately attracted to that part of the house where there is running water. To prevent Qi from leaking into the bathroom, mirrors the size of which correspond to the size of the door are hung on the outside and inside of the door leading to the bathroom.

Attached to the outside of the bathtub or toilet, it will reflect the Qi energy, preventing it from evaporating. sewer pipes. Mirror placed inside the bathroom room, will retain negative energy.

If the bathroom or toilet is located opposite the front door, it is strictly prohibited to equip these rooms with mirrors. This contradicts the basic rules of Feng Shui: do not install mirrors opposite the entrance to the home, so that the flows of beneficial energy entering through the front door are not reflected back.

But what if the bathroom is located opposite front door? Experts recommend hanging a small mirror on the door of the toilet or bathroom - inside and outside. One condition is that these mirrors must be located at the level of the belly of the head of the family.

Before you start arranging mirrors, you should familiarize yourself with the rules, according to which a mirror installed in the proper place will not only “smooth out” unwanted corners, but will also redirect the flow of Qi to those corners of the house where there is a lack of positive energy.

For example, if the kitchen is located opposite the front door, then most people visiting this house, upon crossing the threshold, will most likely go there. To ensure the presence of Qi in all rooms, a large and tall mirror is hung on the wall perpendicular to the front door. The mirror should reflect the corridor leading to other rooms.

The ideal option is when the hallway wall on which hangs large mirror , forms a right angle with the wall where the main entrance to the home is located. In this case, the mirror will be able to multiply everything that is reflected in it.

As for the size of the mirror: each family member should be completely reflected in it, and there should be a small space above the head of the tallest member of the household, which symbolizes career growth and the opportunity to regularly replenish the family budget.

  • When mirror in the hallway visually expands the room - positive Qi energy circulates freely throughout the house. Feng Shui experts also recommend, in order to create conditions more favorable for good energy, to hang mirrors on the walls of the hallway so that they do not reflect on each other.

  • If in the bathroom room, opposite the mirror installed on the inside of the door, hang another one - positive energy will be activated. It is important to remember: mirrors must be smooth and even, without decorative elements. From mirror tiles, symbolizing cracked mirror, it's better to refuse.
  • In the kitchen the presence of mirrors is permissible only in two places: where it is reflected dining table, and near the stove.

  • If the window living room overlooks a picturesque, pleasing landscape, a mirror installed opposite the window will attract beauty into the house.

Using these simple rules for placing mirrors in the interior, do not forget about the main thing - they are able to reflect and symbolically double both good and bad. In addition, it is equally important to keep mirrors clean not only from the point of view of Feng Shui, but also from common sense.

    It’s quite difficult to arrange everything in the house according to Feng Shui, there are so many nuances. It's better to contact a specialist.


    It’s interesting to talk about the rules for using a mirror according to Feng Shui, and you know, Olya, it turns out that I do a lot of things correctly regarding mirrors. 😉


      • And we have a mirror on the built-in wardrobe not far from the front door, but not directly opposite, but shifted half a meter to the side. Does this count?

        If you go into the house and don’t see your reflection in the mirror, then everything is OK! 🙂

        no, I don't see

        Well, live in peace! Everything you do is wonderful! 🙂

    I love reading about mirrors! There are so many superstitions and beliefs about them, and so do you, all about mirrors regarding Feng Shui. Cognitively, you really need to follow these rules in order to avoid undesirable consequences


    I didn’t bother with Feng Shui mirrors. I hung it the way I liked it.


    • Well, that’s right, Dmitry, they did it. After all, if there is such a teaching as Feng Shui, this does not mean that everyone should follow it. 🙂


    It seems like my mirrors are positioned correctly. In the bedroom - near dressing table, and the mirror in the closet definitely multiplies its contents! It's time to get rid of old things :)


    I have a mirror in my house without a frame, but I know that mirrors must be framed, so I don’t know what to do with it - and I’m afraid to throw it away because it will break...


    • Lida, and you frame the mirror - today it can be done to order without any problems.


    Thank you for the informative article, I was just interested in the topic of the location of mirrors in the interior :)


    The placement of the mirror in the kitchen especially touches me. In my 8.5 meters it is both from the stove and from kitchen table located nearby. And in the hallway we have a large dressing table - it really creates more space in the corridor.


    I never buy mirrors secondhand. I don't like other people's things at all. It is unknown what the history of such a thing is 😉


    No, it will be so easy to install Feng Shui mirrors in your apartment. At a minimum, some light reinstallation of the furniture will be required.


    In these cases, I always think how applicable such Chinese “cases” are to our Russian way of life. And is it always necessary to follow what is foreign?


    • Alexander, of course, everyone is free to make their own choice...


      here you go! The first thought is that this is all China, maybe all this doesn’t work here?


      • Well, only God knows whether it works for us or not... :)

    How thoughtful the Chinese are, they even have scientific mirrors. I never cease to be amazed by them!


    I love mirrors. They expand the space, reflect light, make rooms brighter and more spacious visually.


    How interesting, I really didn’t know how to position the mirrors correctly. Thank you!


    Everything is written very correctly both in Feng Shui and in folk traditions There are also similar tips, which won’t hurt to follow! =-O


    Olya, I’ve read so much about antique mirrors that sometimes it becomes creepy! After all, it’s true that such a mirror has “seen” a lot of events, both good and terrible, and what such an acquisition can bring to the new owner... Not much good, I think... =-O


    • That's right, Larisa. A mirror, like hair, accumulates various types of information about its previous owners. Therefore, it is not worth purchasing such an item from your own hands.
