Anything pasta. Pasta recipes - the most delicious dishes with photos and tips

Dishes from pasta have long become familiar in our lives, without pasta, spaghetti and vermicelli it is simply impossible to imagine the nutrition of a modern person. Everyone knows that Italy is the birthplace of pasta, but few know where the name came from. There is a legend that when the cardinal was first served an unusual dish of wheat flour, he exclaimed in surprise, “Oh, ma caroni,” which meant “how cute.” Since then, the word “pasta” has gone around the world, and with it delicious food from pasta.

Perhaps, how many housewives, so many lasagna recipes. But there is one general rule- if you want to try delicious lasagna, cook it yourself. I share a delicious, simple and quick recipe for lasagna ...

simple and delicious recipe pasta with broccoli, red pepper salad with cheese. The dish is prepared quickly, it turns out incredibly beautiful and tasty, even meat is not needed ...

This simple yet delicious Italian sauce is used to make lasagna, spaghetti, cannelloni, stuffed zucchini, eggplant and many other dishes...

Macaroni and cheese casserole is one of those dishes that can be safely called a lifesaver for any hostess, especially one who is thoroughly busy at work ...

Today, this dish is experiencing its second birth, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy, simple and cheap. Moreover, it allows you to intelligently dispose of yesterday's vermicelli...

AT recent times salads with pasta and tuna, which came to us from Mediterranean cuisine, became especially popular. They are tasty, nutritious, they can be served as a separate dish...

It is worth trying this dish once, and that's it, spaghetti with shrimp will become your favorite treat. Tender shrimps in a spicy sauce that melt in your mouth. Try it, very tasty...

Just imagine, the most tender meat in vegetable sauce and homemade noodles. Yes, it really is incredibly delicious. Therefore, in summer, when there are a lot of cheap vegetables and herbs in the market, do not miss the moment...

Very beautiful and tasty dish of multi-colored spaghetti. Creamy sauce and pieces of smoked salmon give the dish a unique taste. Be sure to cook, because spaghetti is so fun and beautiful...

Noodles with cheese is a versatile dish, it is quick, economical and practical. For a change, I suggest using not hard cheese, but delicate creamy. With it, the noodles are so tender and tasty ...

Who does not remember the student days, when the most desired dish was naval pasta. How to cook delicious and juicy pasta, see this recipe ...

It is traditionally believed that all pasta dishes came from Italy. It's hard to argue with this, but once you try pasta with spicy Spanish chorizo ​​sausage, you will forever fall in love with this simple and tasty dish...

Tired of pasta? Then cook up these amazing spaghetti with pieces of smoked bacon or meat. A special sauce gives the dish a special tenderness, for which we need eggs, low-fat cream, cheese ...

It is quite rare to find a combination of tomato sauce and champignons, but once you try this unusual dish, it immediately becomes clear how much has been lost. Treat yourself to this delicacy...

Cold pasta dishes are very popular in Italy and Spain, especially in summer. In forty-degree heat, there is nothing better than cool and nutritious salad with chicken and pasta.

Very easy and quick recipe German collection. Delicious, nutritious and low-calorie at the same time, it is an ideal dish for vegetarians, weight loss and fasting...

Useful tips on how to cook pasta,
spaghetti and other pasta

  • There is nothing easier than cooking regular pasta, but even this unpretentious dish has its own little cooking secrets.
  • Firstly, when cooking pasta dishes, you need to correctly calculate the required weight of pasta, depending on the number of servings. One portion goes from 60 to 100 gr. dry pasta.
  • To cook pasta, you first need to boil water.
  • For 500 gr. pour about 3 liters of pasta. water.
  • When the water boils, add salt to taste. We try, the water should be salty enough, but not too much. Remember that during cooking, some of the water evaporates, and the pasta may turn out to be over-salted due to the increased salt concentration.
  • Place pasta in boiling salted water. Be sure to gently stir so that spaghetti, vermicelli or pasta do not stick together.
  • To prevent the pasta from sticking together, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to the water.
  • When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook until tender.
  • Cooking time depends not only on the type of pasta, but also on the type of flour from which they were made. The best pasta is made from durum wheat.
  • We carefully read the inscription on the package. Cooking time can vary from 1-2 to 15-20 minutes.
  • Cook the pasta for the specified time, test the pasta for readiness. They should be "al diente" - ready, but still elastic when biting through.
  • Don't leave pasta in hot water, it will go sour and taste bad.
  • Drain cooked pasta into a colander.
  • Pasta intended for salads, after cooking, wash cold water.
  • Pasta and spaghetti intended for hot dishes, washed hot water.
  • Add butter, onion dressing, tomato sauce, mushroom sauce or pesto sauce.
  • Hot dishes and pasta are immediately served to the table.
  • If you first melt the butter over a fire, and then pour it into hot pasta, the dish will turn out to be much tastier than if you just add a piece butter.
  • Pasta, vermicelli or spaghetti will be much tastier if boiled in meat broth.
  • Recently, it has become popular to add chicken cubes to pasta or spaghetti. This is convenient, but we should not forget that any cubes contain fats, food coloring and flavor enhancers, which are not very healthy.

Shells, stars, tubes, bows, spirals, horns. Pale yellow, cream and multi-colored. With vegetables, mushrooms and seafood. With cottage cheese, cheese and sour cream. Today we will talk about pasta: how to cook it, what to serve it with, how to cook it correctly and what types are better to use in different dishes.

Macaroni (pasta) is a versatile product. They are delicious on their own, go well with different types of cheese, with fresh and baked vegetables, tomato and cream sauces. Each type is good for certain dishes: small stars and rings are best used in soups, shells look beautiful with vegetables and seafood, and noodles and spaghetti are ideal for casseroles.

What is cooked from pasta in different countries?

You can cook soups, cold salads, side dishes, casseroles and even desserts with pasta. Each country has its own pasta cooking traditions and its own versions of this product. In the United States, pasta is popular in the form of short and wide curved tubes, from which the famous cheese casserole is made. Russians prefer naval pasta. In Japan to New Year's table traditionally they serve long pasta, and in Italy there are so many different recipes from pasta, that more than one cookbook can be devoted to this.

How to cook pasta properly?

Always adhere to the formula of ideal proportions: for 100 g of pasta - 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt. Dip the pasta only in high-boiling water, cook uncovered, and salt the water before you dip the pasta into it.

In Italy, France and the United States, durum wheat flour is used to make pasta. This is the kind of pasta without adding flour. premium really useful. Only from it you can cook delicious pasta so that they do not boil soft, retain their shape and do not lose color.

How to cook pasta: recipes

Recipe 1.

What you need: 140 g hot smoked cod fillet, 250 g short multi-colored pasta (horns, spirals or butterflies), 1.5 l vegetable or fish broth, 350 ml medium-fat cream, a small bunch of dill, freshly ground black pepper, sea salt, a pinch nutmeg.

How to cook: Boil the pasta in 2.5 liters of salted water. Peel the cod from skin and bones, cut the flesh into small pieces. Wash the dill, dry and finely chop. Let the broth come to a boil, reduce the heat and pour in the cream in a thin stream. Put the pasta and pieces of fish in the soup, add pepper, nutmeg, salt, let it boil again and cook for about a minute. Serve immediately, garnished with chopped dill.

Recipe 2.

What you need: 300 g of pasta, 100 g of mozzarella in the form of small balls, 120 g of ham, 100 g of fresh basil leaves, 180 g of cherry tomatoes, half a glass of extra virgin olive oil, a handful of dried Italian herbs mixture, 70 g of parmesan, black pepper, a handful chopped walnuts, sea salt and basil sprigs.

How to cook: Preheat the oven to 180°. Wash the tomatoes, pat dry, cut in half, place cut side up on a baking sheet, lightly drizzle with oil, sprinkle with Italian herbs and bake for 30 minutes. Combine washed, dried and finely chopped basil leaves with grated Parmesan, add nuts, a pinch of salt and grind in a blender until a smooth paste. While continuing to beat, pour in the remaining oil. Boil macaroni. Cut the ham into thin strips. Cut mozzarella in half. Combine ham, pasta and mozzarella in a salad bowl. Salt, pepper, put on a beautiful plate, add baked tomatoes, pour sauce and garnish with basil sprigs.

Recipe 3.

What you need: 400 g pasta in the form of shells (for example, conchiglioni pasta), 40 g pine nuts, 140 g goat cheese, 2 ripe small avocados, 1 fresh cucumber, salt, a quarter cup of olive oil.

How to cook: Boil pasta in boiling salted water. While the shells are cooking, make the filling. Wash cucumber and avocado, pat dry. To remove the pit, cut the avocado lengthwise and roll the halves into opposite sides. Peeled cucumber and avocado cut into small cubes. Add salt, olive oil, crumbled or chopped goat cheese, mix everything. Throw the finished shells in a colander, and when the water has completely drained, fill each with stuffing and put it on a beautiful flat plate. Serve garnished with pine nuts.

Recipe 4.

What you need: 300 g of young green beans, 400 g of salmon fillet, 150 g of spaghetti, 140 ml of milk and low-fat cream, a quarter of a pack of butter, 1 stalk of the white part of a leek, 6 eggs, freshly ground white pepper, salt, 1, 5 tablespoons of olive oil.

How to cook: Cook the spaghetti according to package directions. Drain the cooked pasta in a colander to drain the water, then transfer to a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and shake lightly to evenly distribute. Boil the washed beans for 3-4 minutes in boiling water, put in a colander and rinse with cold water. In another bowl, boil the salmon fillets until half cooked, and then cut the fish into small slices or mash with a fork. Finely chop the washed and dried leek and fry for 4 minutes in hot butter. In a bowl, combine the beans, spaghetti, leek, fish, cream, milk and beaten eggs. Salt, pepper to taste. Grease the form with oil, pour the resulting mixture and bake in the oven, preheated to 170º, for about 45 minutes. To prevent the casserole from burning, place the dish in the center of the oven, and place a deep baking sheet with water on the lower level. Serve cut into portions on plates garnished with green salad.

Recipe 5.

What you need: 400 g of pasta (horns, tubes or spirals), 1 medium head of cabbage, 1 onion, 140 g of butter, a handful of chopped herbs, 3 cloves of garlic, freshly ground pepper, salt, thyme sprigs for decoration.

How to cook: Boil pasta in 4 liters of water with 40 g of salt. Throw it in a colander. garlic and onion crumble finely. Shred the cabbage finely. In a thick-walled frying pan, melt the butter over medium heat (leave a piece for frying), put the cabbage, greens (any if desired - basil, dill, cilantro, parsley) and simmer until softened (about 15 minutes). At the end, season with salt and spices. In a separate pan in the remaining oil, fry the onion and garlic until golden brown, add to stewed cabbage. Mix vegetables with pasta. Serve garnished with thyme sprigs. white cabbage in this recipe, you can replace Brussels, Beijing, colored or broccoli.

Recipe 6.

What you need: 300 g pasta in the form of bows, 150 g green peas, 2 medium squash or zucchini, 8 stalks of young asparagus, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 large onion, extra virgin olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper mixture, 40 g parmesan.

How to cook: Wash and dry vegetables. Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise. Cut each piece into thin half circles. Remove the tough “string” from the peas (if any), cut each pod into several pieces and boil in salted water. Remove the tough skin from the asparagus. Cut each stem into 3-5 pieces. Boil macaroni and place in a colander. Finely chop the garlic, cut the onion into thin rings. On the olive oil Adding as needed, fry the asparagus and zucchini alternately in a large, thick-walled skillet. It is necessary that the vegetables become softer, but remain crispy. In a separate pan, fry the onion and garlic until golden brown, add the rest of the vegetables, pasta and spices. Serve garnished with Parmesan slices.

Recipe 7.

What you need: 300 g egg noodles, 300 g of pumpkin pulp, 400 g of homemade cottage cheese, a quarter cup of sour cream, a small head of broccoli, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 50 g of ground crackers, a piece of butter.

How to cook: Wash and dry pumpkin and broccoli. Cut the pumpkin into cups of about 2 cm, and disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences of the same size. Boil the noodles in water with a pinch of salt and place in a colander. Boil vegetables in lightly salted water for 3 minutes. Drain in a colander, rinse with cold water. Separate the white from the yolk of one egg. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve. In a separate bowl, combine the noodles, yolk and grated cottage cheese. Beat the protein and add to the resulting mass. Stir gently. Preheat the oven to 180°. Whisk sour cream with sugar and egg. Lubricate the baking dish with a piece of butter, crush with breadcrumbs, put half of the mixture of cottage cheese and noodles, spread the pumpkin and avocado on top, cover with the remaining mixture and pour over with sour cream sauce. Bake for about half an hour.

Recipe 8. Noodles with apples

What you need: 1 cup cane sugar or 140 g liquid light honey, 400 g egg noodles, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 dessert spoon ground cinnamon, half a lemon, a quarter cup raisins, 3 sweet and sour apples, 4 eggs, salt, 250 g cottage cheese, 125 g butter, cranberries.

How to cook: Soak the raisins for 15 minutes in boiling water, rinse and dry. Boil the noodles according to the instructions, discard on a sieve, and when the water has completely drained, add pieces of oil and mix well. In a separate bowl, combine cinnamon, cottage cheese, raisins, sugar (honey), beaten eggs, baking powder, add a pinch of salt to the mixture, noodles and grated on a coarse grater and lightly sprinkled lemon juice apples. Put the resulting mass in a refractory oiled form and bake for 20-25 minutes (until a golden crust forms) at a temperature of 180 °. Serve garnished with berries.

- a wonderful product: hearty, tasty, affordable and easy to prepare. No wonder pasta dishes are so loved in different countries. Boiled pasta, combined with cottage cheese, sprinkled with nuts - and breakfast is ready. Poured boiled horns with mushroom or fish sauce, decorated with greenery - got a delicious dish for a lunch meal. They added a little pasta to stewed vegetables - and the usual dinner turned into an unusual delicacy. Baked noodles with cottage cheese mass, decorated with berries - after such a dessert, guests always leave satisfied. And exquisite salads, in which pasta is combined with gourmet products, will become a real highlight. holiday menu. In the caring hands of the hostess, pasta will sparkle with new shades of taste. Good luck with your culinary experiments!

Pasta is a simple, affordable and beloved product by many. How to cook pasta? They can be prepared as a separate dish, and as a side dish for meat or vegetables. Healthier and tastier pasta made from durum wheat. There is an opinion that you can get fat from pasta, but there is not a single gram of fat in pasta. Excess weight comes not from pasta, but from fatty meat sauces that are added to them. If you cook pasta with vegetable sauce, then you can even lose weight without feeling hungry.

Benefits of pasta:

How to cook pasta? HOW TO COOK PASTA?

Some simple rules will help to cook pasta correctly:

· For one person enough 100 gr. pasta that doubles in size or more when cooked.

100 gr. pasta needs to be boiled in 1 liter of water - if less, then they will stick together.

· Fill the pot with water to ?.

Salt water, 10 gr. salt per liter of water.

Once the water boils, lower the pasta.

Long pasta does not need to be broken, lower one end into the pan, and lightly press on the protruding ends so that they gradually sink into the water.

Reduce the heat so that the water boils slowly, until the pasta is fully cooked.

· Do not cover the pot with a lid.

Stir pasta several times during cooking.

Cooking time is usually indicated on the packaging. How do you know when pasta is ready? You can try small pasta - they should be soft. Long pasta is harder to taste. There is another way: hook one pasta with a fork and wind it around the fork. If it lies softly on the fork, then it is ready, and if it does not adhere to the fork, you need to cook a little more.

Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid, after 2 minutes you need to drain the water.

It is better not to wash pasta with water - the taste worsens, vitamins are lost. The only plus of washed pasta is a beautiful appearance.

Add sauce to pasta and heat through. Bon appetit!

How to cook pasta? PASTA - RECIPES:

How to cook naval pasta:

For one serving you will need: 1 small onion, 100-150 g of meat, 1 small carrot, salt and pepper to taste, 100 g of pasta (horns).

In a saucepan or deep frying pan, fry the onion, add the meat cut into small pieces (pork, beef or chicken), fry lightly, then put the carrots, cut into slices and also fry a little. Pour boiling water 1 cm above the level of the meat, salt and pepper to taste, simmer over low heat until the meat is ready. Then, pour pasta (horns) on top of the meat, pour boiling water 2 cm above the pasta level, stir and simmer until the pasta is ready. You can add water as needed. Delicious!

How to cook minced pasta:

In a deep frying pan, fry finely chopped onions (1-2 heads), then put chopped meat(150-200 g) and also fry, add 1 processed cheese ok in pieces tomato sauce and hot water to the consistency of sour cream. Then you need to salt, pepper, add 2-3 cloves of chopped garlic and let it boil. Divide the boiled pasta among bowls and pour over the gravy. You can put the pasta in the sauce, mix, and then arrange on plates. Who likes it!

How to cook Hawaiian pasta:

Ingredients: 1 head of onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 400-500 g of turkey meat, 1 tsp. pepper and salt, 100-150 g of tomato sauce and 1 package of pasta.

In a cauldron vegetable oil fry chopped onion, add chopped turkey meat, lightly fry, salt, pepper, put tomato sauce, stew a little. Then pour boiling water (so that the meat is covered with water) and simmer until tender. Boil pasta and serve with sauce.

How to cook Pasta with cheese:

There are several options for making macaroni and cheese.

1. Boil pasta, put butter in them, sprinkle with finely grated cheese.

2. Quickly season the boiled pasta with butter, grated cheese and mix. Let stand for 5 minutes to melt the cheese, mix again and you can eat.

3. Boil pasta in salted water and rinse. Heat the butter in a frying pan, add pasta and fry lightly. Add melted cheese, tomato sauce, mix and heat everything well. Put on a plate and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. This will require: pasta, processed cheese, 50 g of butter and hard cheese, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce.

How to cook pasta with sausages:

Cut sausages into slices and fry in butter. Add cream and mustard, mix, warm over low heat. Put the boiled pasta into the sauce, mix and serve. Or arrange the boiled pasta on plates and pour over the sauce.

Ingredients: 1/3 of a package of pasta, 4 sausages, 100-150 g of cheese, half a glass of cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, 50 g of butter.

How to cook pasta with cottage cheese and lard in Ukrainian:

Ingredients: pasta - 250 g, smoked lard - 150 g, cottage cheese - 1 pack, butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt and pepper to taste, herbs.

Melt the smoked lard in a frying pan, pepper, put boiled and seasoned with butter pasta, cottage cheese, mix, salt, if necessary, and heat. Place on a plate and sprinkle with fresh dill.

How to cook pasta - macaroni and cheese casserole:

Ingredients: 250 g pasta, 50 g butter, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, half a glass of grated hard cheese, 15 g of ground crackers, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, salt to taste.

Drizzle boiled pasta with butter. Then, grind the yolks of 2 eggs with salt, add sour cream, cheese and mix with pasta. Beat the whites of 2 eggs, pour into the pasta and mix. Put all this mass in a form greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, pour the beaten egg with milk on top, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven until golden brown. Brush with butter and eat.

How to cook pasta - noodles:

For this very simple and tasty dish, even yesterday cooked pasta is suitable. You just need to add to them an egg beaten with milk (the number of eggs and milk depends on the amount of remaining pasta) and salt. Put this mixture in a hot frying pan, greased with oil, close the lid and heat over low heat until the eggs are ready. If desired, you can bake in the oven. Approximate ratio of products: 250 g of pasta, 1 egg, half a glass of milk, salt to taste. This dish can be made sweet by adding 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

How to cookpastafried:

Kazakh dish "Dym-lyama": heat the oil in a cauldron, put dry pasta and fry them until golden color. Then put chopped onions, carrots, potatoes, other vegetables, spices: cilantro, zira and pour hot water 1-2 cm above the level of vegetables. Close the cauldron with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

How to cook sweet pasta:

Cooked pasta season with butter, sprinkle with sugar.

How to cook pasta with cream cheese sauce:

Preparation of the sauce: melt the grated cheese and butter in a water bath, add the beaten egg, stirring constantly, then pour in the sour cream. Boil the sauce for 10 minutes.

Pour cooked pasta with delicious sauce!

How to cook pasta with ketchup:

Put butter in boiled pasta, pour over with ketchup, serve greens. you can cook at home, which is tastier and healthier than store-bought.

Bon appetit!

Useful articles on the topic "Healthy Eating":

Can be turned into exquisite and special. The Italians say that pasta is easy to cook, but it is much more difficult to cook it well. How to cook delicious pasta? To do this, you need to own some little secrets.

How to cook delicious pasta

First, we choose the “right” pasta in the store. If they are made from durum wheat, smooth, and glassy at the break, then your choice is correct. Now let's get acquainted with the golden rule: "10-100-1000", which every Italian housewife probably knows. It means: to cook 100 g of pasta, you need to use 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt. These proportions are considered ideal.

Salt is added to already boiling water, in no case to pasta that is boiled or cooked. Different types of pasta provide their own way of backfilling. Short noodles fall asleep gradually so that it does not stick together. Products twisted into a ball must be untangled with a large wooden fork. Spaghetti should not be broken in half, we put them in the whole water, spreading them out like a fan, and when they soften, gently press them until they are completely immersed.

It is better to cook pasta with a slow boil and without covering with a lid. Washing them with water after cooking is not recommended: change temperature regime reduce the content of beneficial vitamins in the product. Do not stir pasta too often, you will damage and break it, and do not overcook, so as not to end up with a sticky porridge. After draining the pasta in a colander, just shake it a bit and transfer to a warm dish.

We already know how to cook delicious pasta, now you can make it even better by adding sauces or other products. You should know that the sauce ("soul" of pasta) is absorbed into the products, enriching their taste. It is necessary to heat the dish along with the sauce prepared in advance.

Delicious pasta, a recipe for lovers

There are many variations on how to make delicious pasta by adding other ingredients. By mixing the pasta with vegetables, we will saturate the dish with vitamins, iron and calcium. Pouring boiled horns with meat sauce will enhance the benefits of essential amino acids and proteins, vitamins B6 and B12. fruit - fulfill the plan for eating dietary fiber. Mix with fat-free cottage cheese - and get a low-calorie, but satisfying dish, with high content calcium. We offer some tips on how to cook delicious pasta with mushrooms, cheese or onion sauce.

French Macaroni

This dish is quick and easy to prepare. First, chop a medium-sized onion and put it in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil. After the onions are fried, spread the bacon (300 g), cut into cubes or strips, add the mushrooms (400 g). Pour the cream into the pan, add salt and pepper to taste. After boiling the pasta, put them on plates, pour over the cooked French sauce.

Pasta in onion sauce

Delicious onion sauce adds originality to this dish. Fry onions (700 g) in vegetable oil (6 tablespoons), add sour cream (2 tablespoons). After the sauce has been seasoned with spices and salt, pour 200-250 g of grated on a coarse grater. When the cheese has completely melted, pour over the pasta with the prepared sauce.

Pasta with cheese

If you are a big fan of cheese, this dish is for you. To make the cheese sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan. Then add flour in small portions, salt. Mix thoroughly and add milk. After removing the resulting mixture from the heat, pour grated cheese into it, mix until it has turned into a homogeneous mass. Put the boiled pasta in a mold, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with spices, you can grate cheese on top. Bake in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes. The dish will require: 400 g of pasta, 150 g of butter, 50 g of hard cheese, 0.5 cups of flour, 1 cup of milk, spices.

Among the many different recipes for cooking delicious pasta dishes, anyone will find a favorite for themselves. Cook, having fun and enjoying the delicious fruits of your labor! Bon appetit!

Pasta manufacturers delight consumers with products different types. Housewives are happy to use it to prepare a variety of dishes. Some of them have been common in Russia for a long time, others are only gaining popularity.

The reason for this success is the availability of pasta for all segments of the population and the ability to combine them with other products.

Both adults and children equally love pasta. Italy is traditionally considered their homeland, although archaeologists have found these flour products in the burial places of ancient Italians and Egyptians. It was believed that in this way the deceased would not experience hunger in the afterlife.

Today, pasta is produced in large factories. Machines knead dough based on wheat flour and water, give it a certain shape and dry it. This is how horns, feathers, scallops, bows, spaghetti and other varieties of these products appear.

Pasta is very popular, in which tomato paste, spinach, carrots, egg yolk, various spices are added: parsley, basil. They allow you to diversify the daily diet and open up new opportunities for the hostess.

Recipes for delicious pasta dishes for every taste

Macaroni is a popular side dish. They serve as an excellent addition to sauces made from fish, meat, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables. They are served with cheese, bacon, eggs.

For many years, the most common dish in Russian families based on this product was naval pasta. Today, European cuisine has become widespread. lasagna, different kinds pasta - you won’t surprise anyone with these dishes.

Macaroni with minced meat, tomatoes and cheese

This recipe can be found on many cooking websites. It is unlikely that housewives will prepare such a dish after a hard day's work, since preparing the sauce takes a lot of time, and the family needs to be fed as soon as possible. But on weekends or when guests are waiting in the house, this recipe will come in handy.

Take a deep frying pan and put it on the stove. Then add minced meat, pasta, tomatoes, water;

Wait until the water boils. Turn off the gas and hold for about fifteen minutes;

While pasta, minced meat and tomatoes are stewed, you can start preparing the sauce. First you need to melt the butter and mix with flour. Keep the mixture on the stove for about five minutes, stirring constantly. It is necessary to wait until it becomes light brown;

Pour in milk, beat and do not turn off the stove until the liquid begins to boil;

Beat the mixture until thick;

Add grated cheese to mixture. Salt and pepper. It is important that when adding cheese, the liquid mass remains hot, otherwise milk product will not melt;

Pour the finished dish with cheese sauce.

Spirals with vegetables

This recipe is perfect for lovers of low-calorie food. Most of the ingredients are vegetables, so don't be afraid to cook it several times a week.

To prepare this dish, you need to take:

  • Fusilli ("spirals") - 500 gr.;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 250 gr.;
  • Broccoli - 250 gr.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Greens (any, at the choice of the hostess) - 100 gr.;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt.

  1. Boil pasta, rinse with water and leave to dry;
  2. Cut tomatoes, garlic and broccoli;
  3. Heat up the pan and pour in the olive oil. Place vegetables in a bowl and keep on fire for a short time. Salt;
  4. Add pasta to vegetable mixture and sauté for a few minutes. At the very last moment, add fresh herbs. The finished dish is best served before it has cooled down.

Casserole with shells and chicken

Casseroles have always been a big hit. This dish has a lot of advantages. The recipe presented below will undoubtedly appeal to connoisseurs of food with high taste and healthy qualities.

The owner will need:

  • Pasta Tortilloni - 250 gr.;
  • Chicken - 250 gr.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Cheese - 150 gr.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Greens - 50 gr.;
  • Salt.
  1. Boil pasta. It is better that the product is slightly undercooked;
  2. Boil the chicken and cut into small pieces;
  3. Cut the onion into cubes of the same size, carrots and peppers into strips. Salt vegetables;
  4. Put in a container designed for baking in the oven, pasta, then vegetables and chicken;
  5. Pour the casserole with a mixture of grated cheese, milk and eggs. Bake for about forty minutes;
  6. Decorate with fresh herbs.

What else to cook quickly and tasty?

Pasta is a unique product.

They help the housewives make a variety of dishes using the products that are in the kitchen. At the same time, relatively little time is spent on the cooking process.

Some housewives prefer to make pasta on their own, rather than buying a finished product in a store. The tradition of cooking noodles at home has existed in Russian families for a long time. But noodle cutters have recently appeared in the homes of our compatriots.

Using purchased pasta or homemade is the business of every housewife.

Pasta with cheese and tomatoes

Preparing this dish is easy. It will take the hostess no more than half an hour to please the household with another culinary masterpiece.

To prepare the dish, you will need:

  • Fusilli pasta ("spirals") - 250 gr.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Cheese - 50 gr.;
  • Parsley greens - 50 gr.;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt.
  1. Boil and rinse the spirals;
  2. Cut tomatoes and garlic;
  3. Lightly fry the tomatoes and garlic in olive oil. Add salt. It is important not to overexpose the vegetables on the fire; readiness should be determined by their softness;
  4. Arrange pasta on plates, drizzle with sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Decorate with greenery.

Penne rigate with bacon and cheese

This recipe will undoubtedly appeal to those who do not like to spend a lot of time cooking. It is very simple and therefore even novice cooks can do it.

The owner will need:

  • Penne rigate ("feathers") - 400 gr.;
  • Bacon - 200 gr.;
  • Cheese - 50 gr.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt.
  1. Prepare pasta "feathers";
  2. Finely chop onion, garlic and bacon;
  3. Fry vegetables in oil. Add bacon last. When the meat begins to brown, add warm water;
  4. Wait until the liquid evaporates, add pasta. Sprinkle with grated cheese, mix and put the dish on plates.

Vegetable salad with pasta

To some, pasta salads may seem like a curiosity, although these dishes are quite common in Russia.

For cooking, you need to take:

  • "Pipe rigate" ("snails") - 200 gr.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 250 gr.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Olives - 100 gr.;
  • Green onions - 50 gr.;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  1. Prepare the "snails" as shown on the package;
  2. Wash, peel and cut vegetables into small pieces;
  3. Mix everything and season with oil. It is best to serve the dish when it has cooled down.

Pasta is an irreplaceable product. Dishes from them can be found in different cultures. Each person, based on their culinary preferences, can pick up several quick recipes dishes or create your own. This is not difficult, since the compatibility of this product with others is extremely high.