Birch bark decoy for musk deer. Traditional ways of hunting musk deer. Hunting for musk deer in winter

Going fishing, few people think about legislation, prohibitions and penalties for misuse water resources countries. But there are such restrictions, so before packing things, you should familiarize yourself with the list of gear allowed for use, and whether there is a spawning ban during this period. It is better to find out the information in advance in order to avoid an unpleasant meeting with fish inspectors.

Fishing is illegal: restrictions and liability

Any law-abiding fisherman knows that spawning is not a sentence, and fish can only be caught by strictly defined methods. So, it is not allowed to catch with the following fishing gear:

  • nets, fences and other traps - because this method is poaching and is prohibited all year round;
  • float rod with three or more hooks;
  • spinning;
  • fishing from a motorboat.

But there are still ways to take your soul off fishing and it is possible to fish like this:

  • from the shore;
  • within the city, village, settlement and so on;
  • on a fishing rod with one hook, but not more than 3 kg at a time;
  • on permitted commercial waters.

Note! Illegal fishing is punishable by the Federal Law "On Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources", adopted State Duma On November 26, 2004, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the coordination of the law, according to which they themselves determine the timing and rules for catching fish, based on the climate and the availability of fish species in a particular region.

For example, in Moscow, the Moscow Region and the Moscow Region, the restriction on fish catch in the spring and summer period is valid from April 10 to June 10, at which time fishing is allowed only with a line from the shore and the fish inspector can easily fine violators. In other regions, the climate is different, respectively, the time frame is also different, but on average from the first half of March to mid-July.

Penalty for fishing in the ban 2018

There may be several penalty cases depending on the types of fishing for which the violator was caught.

Important! Criminal Code Russian Federation provides for the maximum penalty of imprisonment. This is indicated in article 256 of the Code. The table of Rybnadzor fines 2018 is quite extensive, but only a few of them are considered here. How much will you have to pay a fine for violation of fishing rules?

  1. The fine for fishing during spawning in 2018 can be up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. The fine for fishing nets 2018 varies from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles or restriction of freedom for up to 6 months.
  3. Penalty for poaching fish 2018 in new edition of the law is from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles or restriction of freedom up to 2 years.
  4. The fine for violating the rules of catching and fishing is from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles and the confiscation of a swimming facility along with gear.
  5. For catching carp or pike during spawning, you will have to fork out up to 200 rubles per individual, and if the fish turned out to be a female, then the amount of the fine is doubled.
  6. Catch penalty rare species ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles with confiscation of fishing gear.

Drift fishing fines recent times rose by 8 percent. Unofficially, the fish guard says that if there are three hooks on a wobbler, then it can be considered as one, but you should not take risks, because inaccuracies and loopholes in the law may not play in the direction of an unlucky fisherman.

Nets are prohibited gear in almost all regions of the country. The netting penalty is one of the most severe. They are allowed to catch only enterprises that have a license to this species with Anastasia. On the nets, employees of the fishing agency put the data of the enterprise to which they belong. Whether such gear is allowed in a particular region - you need to check separately with the Federal Fisheries Agency.

What is a personal permit and an angler's card

But not everything is as sad as it seems, and avid fishermen have the opportunity to do what they love even during the ban. There are two documents that allow you to get around the ban, and this was made possible thanks to changes in fishing rules in 2018. Such documents are, for example:

  1. Name resolution. The document is issued to a specific person, its transfer to third parties is prohibited. Thanks to the permit, it is possible to catch rare fish or use nets. It costs only some 200 rubles, but for each fish you will have to pay from 35 to 200 rubles additionally, the amount depends on the breed and the rarity of the fish caught. Permission issued federal agency in the fishing industry or the owner of a private area where fish farming is practiced.
  2. Angler's card. All citizens of non-retirement age have the right to issue a fisherman's card, which allows fishing throughout the state. The advantage over nominal permission is the ability to catch rare and valuable breeds. The catch is not for sale, it can only be used for personal use. Rosrybolovstvo issues cards for a fee. An annual card costs 500 rubles, and a monthly card costs 100 rubles.

Note! It should be understood that prohibitions and fines are not a means to extract fishermen from the pocket more money. This is a desire to protect the ecosystem, to protect rare fish species from extinction, in order to leave at least something good for our descendants.

How are fines for violation of fishing rules issued?

So, what should be remembered if there was an unpleasant meeting with a fish inspector? First, he presents documents certifying his position. Then the procedure for filing a protocol for an offense begins. At this stage, the presumption of innocence still works, that is, the inspector describes a violation of the law, but this violation still needs to be proven.

On the form of the protocol, a place is allocated where you can independently describe the situation, how exactly the situation looks through the eyes of the angler. There is enough space, but if necessary, it is possible to ask the inspector for an additional sheet. Honesty, openness and admission of guilt, if any, will extenuating circumstances in court, where the protocol together with materials collected and sent afterwards.

On a note. If fishing was carried out with tackle, then they are subject to mandatory confiscation.

The inspector details in a separate form their name, number, external features and degree of deterioration. When innocence is proven in court, all confiscated property will be returned in full in accordance with the inventory. Otherwise, you will have to pay a rather big fine and say goodbye to fishing gear forever. The fine for catching fish with nets in 2018 is one of the most severe.

Important! Lawyers advise that you must attend court sessions and protect your interests, otherwise the court can easily make a decision not in favor of the fisherman and fine you on all counts.

Changes in the legislative framework

Soon the legislative framework undergo significant changes. The federal fisheries law changed back in 2016 but will come into effect by the end of 2018. Here are a few fixes:

  1. Created innovative fish catch quota for investment purposes. It is planned that this step will encourage entrepreneurs to create new fish processing companies. Against this background, it is also planned to develop the fishing fleet of the Russian Federation and build modern ships. The shares will be distributed by the executive body that controls the field of fisheries and conservation natural resources. It is planned to conclude about 7,000 contracts for a period of 15 years with the owners of investment objects, which will meet the requirements of a specially created commission. The procedure will be supervised federal agency on fishing.
  2. Will be updated and coastal fishing rules. Freezing of fish directly on the vessel and reloading of the catch will be prohibited. In addition, it was previously allowed to harvest not only fish that fell under the concept of “total allowable catch”, but also other biological organisms that did not fall under the TAC, but the new law prohibited the harvesting of everything except fish that complied with the TAC. Violation is punishable by forfeiture of fishing rights.
  3. Decree No. 486 demanded from ships operating in the northwest Pacific Ocean , provide the border service with the catch and products made from it. Checkpoints were set up at which ships were subjected to mandatory checks. Thanks to the abolition of this norm, anglers will be able to save a large number of time.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 294, issued in 2016, defines technical means control of fishing vessels. Now the vessel should be equipped with Inmarsat and Gonets satellite communications equipment equipped with an automatic identification system. If the ship does not go further than 75 degrees south and north latitude, and has a draft of up to 300 tons, then the outfitting should take place before June 1, 2018. But the experts of the monitoring center took the initiative to postpone this replacement until the beginning of 2019.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 764 ratifies catch list species , in relation to which investment shares are opened.

Legislation is constantly changing and improving, and avid fishermen should periodically study it in order to avoid unpleasant meetings with fish inspectors.


The ban on fishing should not be ignored in the ban, because it is at this time that the future population of fish and other inhabitants of water bodies is laid. If you interfere with the spawning of fish, then in a few years it is possible to completely lose some species of fish, and you can forget about fishing. Therefore, the fine for fishing in the 2018 ban is not introduced in vain, and when going fishing, you need to ask if there are any restrictions on fishing at this time. This information widely covered in periodicals.

Beginning anglers need to understand that there are certain nuances in fishing that you should be aware of. Otherwise, you can easily break the law.

Penalty for fishing during spawning

Before talking about the tools and methods of illegal fishing, we should highlight some aspects of fishing by season. Many probably know that there is a spring ban on fishing. The nuance is that the timing of spring spawning of fish is determined at the local level by local legislation. All this is regulated by the Fishery Rules for each individual fishery basin.

In each region, spring begins differently, and therefore such powers as the definition of a “month of silence” were given to the subjects of the federation, and rightly so. During this period, it is strictly forbidden:

  • to ride boats, both without motors and with motors;
  • approach by motor vehicle closer than 200 meters to the water's edge (that is, to coastline);
  • almost all types of amateur fishing are often prohibited, but, as a rule, it is possible to fish from the shore outside the spawning grounds on a strictly defined tackle with a certain number of hooks.

That is, during this period, you can be considered a poacher with amateur gear. This is followed by an administrative protocol and a fine. If you do not pay the fine, then the legislation of our country provides for a serious punishment for non-payment of the fine - 15 days of administrative arrest. Yes, such a measure exists, especially if you repeatedly evade paying a fine.

After the end of the spawning ban, you can already fish with almost any amateur fishing tackle.

Penalty for catching prohibited species of fish or crayfish

For the attention of fishermen, in each region there is a list of species of aquatic biological resources prohibited for harvesting (catching), as well as minimum size harvested (caught) aquatic biological resources (permissible size). Recall, according to the rules of fishing, fishing in the waters of Moscow and the Moscow region is prohibited the following types fish: sterlet, trout, catfish, grayling, podust, white-eye, bluefish, sabrefish, bersh, lampreys and crayfish. When catching zander, bream, pike, burbot and some other fish species, there are restrictions on their size. P according to the law, you must release them back into the pond. You should also look for these lists in the Fishing Rules for each individual fishery basin.

Fine for parking a car near a pond

Penalty for making fires in the wrong place

Poaching gear

Well, now a little about the most common types of poaching gear that we have in our region. Even criminal liability is provided for the use of such gear. Article 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Illegal production of aquatic animals and plants." There is also a norm for catching fish per person - this is 5 kg per person per day, of course, there are exceptions in the legislation.

The most common types of poaching gear we have:

"Chinese" - a network of fishing line, which, as a rule, are knitted by the Chinese. They are more dangerous for small and medium fish. But their harm from this does not cease to be significant, because it is with such networks that they deprive the lakes of the future. Such networks, due to their cheapness, are often forgotten or simply abandoned. The stench of rotting fish in such nets is simply terrible, it all poisons the water as well.

Nets with rows, that is, networks with both large cells and smaller ones, and they are already made of nylon thread. Such nets exterminate medium and large fish in lakes.

In the rivers along the course, especially on the Irtysh, poachers use rafting nets. This design drags along the bottom and scrapes off all bottom fish, sterlet and other species of noble fish.

The next poaching tackle is called venter, it is often called valve. This tackle resembles a V-shaped fish trap, at the end of which the fish enters the muzzle trap, which many people know, only it is all made of a strong net. Such gear is often used on spills in the spring during the spawning period, when the fish comes aground to spawn.

The next poacher's tackle is spider or lifting net. This is a net made from a net cloth that looks like a rectangle, the edges of which are attached to arcs, for which the poacher pulls. Food is placed in the center of such a canvas, the tackle itself is lowered into the water, the fish comes up for food and the person lifts this canvas, in which the fish remains. As a rule, such tackle is used on piers and high banks with great depth. But if you have a net for catching live bait measuring 1 by 1 meter with a mesh cell of no more than 1 cm, then this will already be an amateur tackle, and it is allowed.

Further, the tackle used by poachers to catch sterlet is called transfer. This tackle is very simple, in fact, it is a rope on which a lot of hooks with worms are attached. In fact, a prototype of a donkey or feeder tackle, the only difference is that it has from 30-50 hooks and no one is watching it, they just pull out the fish the next day.

Fishing is very common in autumn. prison. People walk along the river bank at night with flashlights and serrated pitchforks and beat the fish. It is considered poaching because there are a lot of injured fish left.

Forbidden use different designs electric fishing rods. That is, a design that shocks the water, and the fish emerges both dead and stunned. From such gear there is no mercy for any living creatures. She does not spare fish of any size. The horror of this design is that the fish cannot then spawn. But even more punishment can bring locals in the form of lynching if someone is seen with such a terrible tackle.

The law also prohibits use of poisonous and explosive substances. This is far from full list poaching equipment.

Scuba diving fine

If we talk about spearfishing, then scuba diving is considered poaching by law. On the this moment at the legislative level, there are debates about the ban on spearfishing at night and even in plans, except for spearfishing at official sports and mass competitions. But so far there is no ban on this type of hunting.

take care environment, clean up after yourself, do not make fires in the wrong places, do not allow poaching! Only in this case, our children and grandchildren will be able to fully enjoy nature!

The new Fishing Rules, which came into force in January 2018, define the types, parameters, terms and restrictions in fishing.

Amateur and sport fishing in 2018 is regulated by the so-called “fishing law”, namely the Federal Law No. 166 (as amended on 05.12.2017) “On fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources”.

As a result of many years of discussions on the “fishing law”, amendments to the new Fishing Rules were adopted and entered into force. In March, the establishment of norms for regions in which these norms have not yet been approved will be completed.

The main thesis of the new Fishing Rules states that:

Amateur fishing is carried out freely and free of charge

This means that there is no longer a ban on fishing in 'fishing grounds' areas as they are being eliminated. However, fishing in the fish-breeding areas of fish farms is possible only after agreement with them.

Daily fish catch rates have been introduced for recreational fishermen, which vary somewhat for different fishery basins and regions. It is considered to be caught live fish located in a garden or livel. This raises some questions and gives rise to discussions of new Fishing Rules.

Fishing rates and restrictions since 2018

  1. The daily rate of fish catch per angler is 5 kg. The exception is the capture of a specimen of fish weighing more than five kilograms. This is fixed in the new edition of the Fishing Rules (the rate has been increased for certain regions).
  2. The size of the catch per angler taken out from the place of fishing should not exceed double daily allowance catch in 2 days. This takes into account all fish, including those already cooked in the pond (dried, salted, smoked, etc.).
  3. The number of fish used as live bait is limited for fishing on vents or other gear that uses such bait. The number of live bait is up to 30 per angler per day.

As for catching crayfish, their number is limited to 30 pieces per person per day. Catching small-sized fish, such as bleak, minnow, ruff, is not limited in number.

By the number of specimens, the catch of zander, catfish, carp, fish is limited, white carp, silver carp, etc. Moreover, the catch rate by the number of fish specimens may vary depending on the region.

Fish catch rates vary by species for different regions and regions and can change over time in one direction or another. For example, for fishing in 2019-2020, the Federal Agency for Fishery is considering adjustments. The new catch rates and restrictions will affect, first of all, the Far East region.

We will inform you about any significant changes in the Fishing Rules:

Penalties and sanctions for violations of the Rules

Let's start with the fact that you can get a fine without even starting to catch. To do this, just leave the car near the water on the shore.

The car can be parked:

  • on roads with a hard surface (asphalt);
  • on special sites with a hard surface;
  • outside water protection zones.

Depending on the type of reservoir, the boundary of the water protection zone ranges from 50 to 200 meters. For the sea - 500 meters.

The fine for violating the boundaries of the water protection zone ranges from 3.5 thousand to 5 thousand rubles.

What threatens violation of the rules of fishing

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of the Fishing Rules, may entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles with confiscation of gear and the vessel, if it was used in the fishing process.

More serious penalties threaten for catching fish during spring spawning. Fishing with prohibited gear in the “spawning ban”, or fishing in places defined as spawning grounds, the amount of the fine can be up to 300 thousand rubles.

The rules establish a fine for each specimen of fish (crayfish) prohibited from being caught during the spawning period. The penalty is doubled if it is a female. For catching sturgeon species, another 100% is added, and for salmon - 200% of the fine amount additionally.

for fishing by regions and regions of the Russian Federation in 2018.

Illegal fishing

  • with the use of prohibited weapons (explosives, chemical substances, “electric fishing rods”);
  • in spawning areas or on migratory routes to them;
  • in specially protected natural areas;
  • with causing large damage (the amount of damage is more than 100 thousand rubles).

may constitute a crime under Part 1 of Art. 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles, or correctional labor for up to 2 years, or imprisonment for this period.

Not every person who is a fisherman thinks about a fine for catching fish. But, as you know, ignorance of the law is no excuse. In this regard, before you stock up on spinning and bait, pack up and go fishing, you should know exactly where, when, how and with what it is allowed to fish in Russia. Remember that fishing at the wrong time or in the wrong place can not only lead to a bad mood, but also a fine, which can significantly affect your financial situation. So, let's talk in more detail about fines for fishing and a fine for catching fish in spawning 2015.

Penalty for catching fish in spawning - illegal fishing

To learn about fishing and the ban on it, you should carefully study the Federal Fisheries Law No. 166. This law states that you can fish in water bodies for free, but only in those where a special regime is not established. But, despite this law, there are restrictions that are regulated and regulated by the Federal Agency for Fisheries. These include the following:

  • It is forbidden to catch certain types of fish
  • List of places prohibited for fishing
  • How is it allowed to fish
  • Period in which fishing is allowed or prohibited
  • regulates the number of vessels, their type
  • Catch volume

If you pay attention to the permitted places for fishing, then the regions set them individually.

There are also general prohibitions in force on the territory of the country, regardless of the region. So you can't fish.

  • At places near the breeding and rearing of young animals, at the bridge, sluice, dam, and near the fishing industry
  • In spawning farms
  • On the fairway from a boat in fish hatcheries and reserves, in fish and pond farms
  • During the release of young animals and during spawning.

Fine for catching fish in spawning - what you can not fish

It is forbidden to fish with nets of any kind and type, traps are also prohibited, except for the crayfish. Where the habitat of the salmon species, it is forbidden to use various tools for fishing, in particular, poking, throwing, and so on.

Only in spearfishing is it allowed to use pneumatic weapons, and fishing rods and spinning can not be used if the design includes more than ten hooks per person. Self-driving devices, trawls, nets, drills, capes, scarves, traps, spears and scoops with a size of more than a meter by a meter are also prohibited.

Penalty for catching fish in spawning 2015 - how not to fish

In addition to the previous prohibitions, the law also spells out how it is impossible to fish and a fine for fishing. So, you can’t fish for highlighting or hooking, by means of jamming fish and installing barriers.

If the number of hooks is more than ten per person, then you can’t fish with the help of zherlits, resort to the help of crayfish, if there are more than three pieces per person, you can’t use a bagasse and relish, it’s forbidden to install galash on ice, and lowering reservoirs.

It is also forbidden to use fishing vessels that have not been registered. It is forbidden to use electric shocks, electric fishing rods and firearms. During spawning, you can not use watercraft.

Penalty for catching fish in spawning season 2015 - terms of bans

Ban on fishing in spawning is set by each region individually and every year changes plus or minus two weeks. Times depend on weather conditions. Approximate spawning magpies, for example, for pike this is the beginning of spring, and for perch, when the water warms up by more than seven degrees Celsius.

We also draw your attention to the fact that fishing is prohibited during spawning!

How much is the fine for catching fish for spawning? This question torments many fishermen.

You will have to pay a fine of two to five thousand rubles for violations of the rules of fishing. Your boat and nets will be confiscated, and you will also be required to pay a fine per unit of fish caught. During spawning, fines are provided for catching carp, pike or carp, and the fine will be 250 rubles per fish. For a bream, the fine is twenty-five rubles, and for a cancer, forty-two, while if you catch a female, the fine will be eighty-four rubles per individual. For a sturgeon, add one hundred percent of the amount of the fine for fishing, and for a caught whitefish or salmon - two hundred percent. So, a fine for catching fish with nets for spawning can be about five hundred thousand rubles. The amount of fines for catching fish for spawning will be even greater if you are an official.

Note that you will be fined for catching fish for spawning if you fish not only with a net, but also from a boat, it doesn’t matter with or without a motor. If you will fish with more than one hook on a spinning rod and if you are caught in a reservoir indicated in the order as a spawning ground.

Penalty for catching fish in spawning 2015 - how can you catch?

With how it is forbidden to fish during spawning and what the fine for catching fish during spawning will be if you are caught, we figured it out, let's talk about how you can fish? Fishing is not prohibited from the shore, with any fishing rod, whether it is a float or bottom rod, or spinning. But the number of hooks should not exceed one. Three hooks are allowed in certain regions of the country.

In addition to the fine for catching fish in spawning, there are also other fines for violation. If you use a fishing tool that is prohibited, then the fine will be from one hundred to three hundred thousand rubles, or imprisonment for up to six months. For the destruction and damage of signs a fine - five hundred rubles. But fishing without a license, if one is required - a fine of up to one thousand rubles and confiscation of the catch and fishing gear.

For violations of the rules for parking a car, the car must be at least two hundred meters from the water's edge, a fine of four thousand rubles will be issued, and for violation of the rules of navigation - one thousand rubles, or deprivation of driving rights.