Saint Luke: through miracles and after death - in the service of medicine. A strong prayer to the Crimean bow before the operation, for healing, recovery of the patient and health

In the Orthodox tradition, there are two icons of St. Luke that are especially revered. This is about different people, but each of them has a somewhat similar fate.

Next, we will tell about the icon of Luke, who was an apostle and saw Christ on Earth. Let us also consider the veneration of the icon of St. Luke of Crimea, who served the Lord on Earth relatively recently, at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, although he did not see Christ with his own eyes, it is difficult to doubt his spiritual insight to the Lord. In fact, both of these saints were pleasing and close to the Lord, although they served at different times.

Veneration of the Apostle Luke

He was born in Antioch and was very educated. In his youth he studied Greek philosophy, medicine and painting. During the activity of the Lord Jesus on earth, Luke in Jerusalem saw the Savior face to face, heard the sermon and believed in it. Soon he was included in the number of seventy apostles and sent to preach, and on the way to Emaus he learned about the resurrected Lord.

After the condescension of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, Luke returned to Antioch and worked with the apostle Paul, with whom he traveled to Rome. At the request of Christians, the Gospel was written for about 60 years, he is the author. Therefore, the icons of the Evangelists also include this ascetic.

After the death of the Apostle Paul, Luke preached the gospel in Italy and Macedonia. He painted three icons Holy Mother of God and icons of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. That is why he is considered the founder of Christian iconography. In extreme old age he continued to travel and preach in Libya, Upper Egypt and Greece. He wrote the Acts of the Apostles and was 84 years old when they hung him from an olive tree in Thebes. Therefore, the icon of the Evangelist Luke may include this plot or signs of martyrdom. During the time of Emperor Constantine, the relics of the saint were transferred to Constantinople.

Icon of Luke of Crimea

This saint is revered as a miracle worker along with Nicholas the Pleasant and other saints especially valuable for Orthodox Christians. At first, he led the life of a simple educated person: in his youth he was engaged in painting, after that he received a medical education and served as a surgeon, including during the Russian-Japanese war as a volunteer.

Further, its history is connected with many years of surgical activity. At the same time, the doctor was distinguished by increased religiosity and always had an icon in his own operating room, to which he applied before starting work.

After his wife died, Valentin Feliksovich (worldly name) took the rank, began spiritual asceticism. As a result, he was first a priest in the temple, and then became a monk and became a bishop. At the same time, he conducted spiritual activities and sermons no less than in the period from the 1920s, that is, precisely when churches were destroyed, and Christianity was not particularly popular, and other doctors were skeptical about Valentine's activities.

Nevertheless, now the icon of St. Luke Voyno Yasenetsky (the surname of the saint) is in many houses, but those doctors are not remembered. Surprising here is the inseparable activity of the saint in the field of medicine, he continued to practice unceasingly and not only preached, but also wrote valuable medical books. They are still in demand.

Before the Second World War, he was persecuted and spent a lot of time in prison. At the end of the war, he managed to gain recognition and be amnestied.

After and until his death, he was the bishop of Crimea and Simferopol, in this position he led an active preaching work and received the sick.

What helps the icon of Luke of Crimea

Until now, the icon of St. Luke of Crimea brings miracles to people. It helps heal and is also highly regarded by doctors and medical students. miraculous icon Luke Voino Yasenetsky is located in the Simferopol temple.

The icon of Luke of Crimea is also located in Moscow in the temple of the Iberian Icon Mother of God on the Big Ordynka. The icon of St. Luke can also be used for personal cell (home) prayer for health, for healing. The saint is also revered as an assistant in getting rid of various passions and sinful thoughts.

Prayer to Luka Krymsky for healing

O all-blessed confessor, our holy hierarch Luko, the great saint of Christ. With tenderness, bow down the knees of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like a child of the father, we pray with all your heart: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and philanthropic God, to Him you are now in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel stand . We believe more, because you love us with the same love that you loved all your neighbors while on earth.

Ask Christ our God, and confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: may shepherds be given holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: observe the right of the believer, strengthen the weak and weak in faith, instruct the ignorant, and rebuke the opposite. Give all of us a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything is even useful for temporary life and eternal salvation: our cities are affirmed, the land is fruitful, deliverance from gladness and destruction, consolation for those who are in pain, healing for those who have lost their way on the path of truth, blessing for a parent, a child in fear The Lord's upbringing and teaching, help and intercession to the orphans and the poor. Grant us all your Archpastoral blessing, and if we have such a prayer intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and discord, heresies and schisms. Lead us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, and pray for us to the almighty God, in eternal life we ​​will be able to glorify with you the consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Editorial response

From April 1 to April 2, believers can venerate the relics of St. Luke, which were exhibited at the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow. tells about the life of the saint.

Archbishop Luke, in the world Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky, was born on April 27, 1877 in Kerch in a large family of a pharmacist Felix Stanislavovich who came from an ancient Russian noble family. The father, being a staunch Catholic, did not impose his religious views on the family. Mother, Maria Dmitrievna, raised children in Orthodox traditions and was actively involved in charity work.

At the baptism, the baby was named Valentine in honor of the holy martyr Valentin Interamsky who received from the Lord the gift of healing and then became a priest. Like his heavenly patron, he became both a doctor and a clergyman.

Secular life of St. Luke

Valentin spent his childhood in Kerch. In 1889 the family moved to Kyiv, where he graduated from the gymnasium and art school. After that, he submitted documents to the Academy of Arts, but later took them away, deciding to choose medicine. Tried to enter Kyiv University Faculty of Medicine but didn't pass.

He managed to enter the medical university in 1898. “From a failed artist, I became an artist in anatomy and surgery,” he said of his education. After graduation, he became a zemstvo doctor and worked at the Kiev Medical Hospital of the Red Cross.

In 1904, as part of the hospital, he went to the Russo-Japanese War. He worked in an evacuation hospital in Chita, in charge of the surgical department.

In the autumn of 1908 he left for Moscow and entered an externship at the Moscow surgical clinic of the famous professor Dyakonov, and was engaged in anatomical practice at the Institute of Topographic Anatomy.

At the beginning of 1909, Valentin Feliksovich filed a petition and was approved as the chief physician of the hospital in the village of Romanovka, Balashovsky district, Saratov province. Sometimes, without tools at hand, during emergency operations, he used a penknife, a quill pen, locksmith's tongs, and instead of thread, a woman's hair. In 1910, he applied for a doctor at the Pereslavl-Zalessky hospital in the Vladimir province, where he first headed the city, and soon the factory and county hospitals, as well as a military hospital.

pastoral activity

In 1921 he decided to become a priest. At the same time, he did not stop surgical and teaching work. “I consider it my main duty to preach about Christ everywhere and everywhere,” — he remained faithful to this principle until the end of his days.

In 1923 he was secretly tonsured a monk with the name of the holy apostle and evangelist Luke and received the rank of bishop. This was followed by arrests and exile. Years of prisons, Stalin's camps and 13-day interrogation by the "conveyor line", when he was not allowed to sleep, but did not break him - he did not sign the documents and did not renounce the priesthood. In the Tambov diocese, Vladyka Luka simultaneously served in the church and worked as a surgeon in 150 hospitals for two years. Thanks to him brilliant operations thousands of soldiers and officers returned to duty.

After World War II, Vladyka Luka was appointed Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea. During the entire time of his service at the Crimean Department, he received patients at home, consulted in a military hospital, lectured at medical institute, served and delivered sermons in churches.

Merit in medicine

In 1946, Voyno-Yasenetsky was awarded the Stalin Prize of the first degree for services in medicine. He gave the first systematic teaching on local anesthesia using ethyl alcohol injected into the nerve bundles, and also substantiated the systematic use antiseptic methods for purulent surgeons even before the invention of antibiotics.

As a surgeon, he performed many operations on patients with diseases of the biliary tract, stomach and other abdominal organs. He successfully worked in such areas of surgery as neurosurgery and orthopedics. voiced a number important ideas in certain medical fields: the theory of clinical diagnosis, medical psychology and deontology, surgery (including general, abdominal, thoracic, urology, orthopedics and other sections), military field surgery and anesthesiology, healthcare organization and social hygiene.

Veneration and canonization of saints

Archbishop Luke died on June 11, 1961. In November 1995, by decree of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop Luka was canonized as a locally venerated saint. On the night of March 17-18, 1996, the uncovering of the holy relics of Archbishop Luke took place. Archbishop Luke was glorified in the host of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in 2000.

AT hard times, in excitement and anxiety, the Orthodox have always turned with prayers to God and the saints of God. If trouble or illness has come to the house, true believers are advised to turn to our heavenly intercessors, among whom is the elder practically our contemporary Luke, the archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea. If with all my heart I pray to Luka Krymsky for healing, he will never refuse a request.

History of life and churching

St. Luke, in the world Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky, was born in Kerch in 1877 in the family of a nobleman from Poland. The family adhered to Christian canons and paid much attention to the comprehensive development of children, of which Valentine was the third. With early age he was fond of fine arts and was going to enter the capital's art academy. But after a closer acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures, the young man came to the idea of ​​serving people. He established himself in the desire to alleviate human ailments and infirmities by entering the Kyiv Medical Institute.

Having successfully completed his studies, the young doctor traveled a lot around the country, he was known to the inhabitants of Kursk, Yaroslavl, Saratov, Simbirsk and other lands. He not only operated, but also constantly looked for new approaches to the treatment of serious diseases, developed a technique for replacing general anesthesia with local anesthesia. By the age of 40, he was the head physician of a Tashkent hospital.

In addition to medical activity, he constantly participated in anti-religious discussions, competently and uncompromisingly refuting the atheistic concept of the structure of the world. The competent preacher did not go unnoticed, and after another dispute, Dr. Valentin was offered to become an Orthodox priest. He readily agreed and a few days later became a deacon, and a little later he was ordained a priest. From now on everything weekdays he treated, operated and lectured, and on Sundays he served in the temple and preached.

In May 1923, Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky became a bishop and was tonsured under the name Luka, and in June of that year he was arrested. Only in 1927 did he return to Tashkent without the right to occupy episcopal and university chairs. However, this excommunication did not prevent private practice and participation in divine services. In 1930, Bishop Luka was again arrested and exiled to Arkhangelsk, where he worked in a hospital. After returning to Tashkent, he headed the purulent department in the hospital, worked at the Institute emergency care, and lectured at the Institute for the Improvement of Physicians.

In 1937, after being accused of espionage, an elderly scientist subjected to horrendous interrogations and torture. After fruitless attempts to obtain a confession, he was sent to Krasnoyarsk region where he operated and studied science. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, Bishop Luka was appointed chief physician of a military hospital. And in 1943, when divine services were allowed in the newly opened church, Bishop Luka was elevated to the rank of archbishop, he was entrusted with the Krasnoyarsk diocese and entered into the Holy Synod.

In 1944, Luka Voyno-Yasenetsky was transferred together with the hospital to the Tambov diocese. And after the victory, in 1946, His Eminence Luke headed the Crimean see, becoming the Archbishop of Simferopol. Years of difficult life caused heart disease, due to which the venerable doctor could no longer operate, but city and rural doctors continued to use his consultations and advice on weekdays. On Sundays, the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity of the city of Simferopol was filled with people who wanted to attend the service and sermons led by their lord.

In 1956, complete blindness fell upon the Crimean primate, but she could not excommunicate the saint from the leadership of the diocese , conducting services and delivering sermons. Archbishop Luke reposed in God on June 11, 1961, on the Day of All Saints who shone in the Russian land. His funeral, contrary to the will of the authorities, the people turned into a real demonstration. For several hours, people escorted their shepherd to the place of rest on foot, and the grave was constantly covered with fresh flowers.

Glorification of the holy ascetic

The resting place of the saint became a place of pilgrimage for many suffering people, who hoped to receive answers to their questions and longed for healing through the prayers of this amazing elder. In 1995, the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church ranked Archbishop Luke among the locally venerated Saints, and in next year his ashes were transferred to the main cathedral of Simferopol. His relics are placed in a silver shrine, the material for which was donated by the Greeks, who received healing through the prayers of the bishop.

The Council of 2000 glorified the Crimean elder in the guise of Russian holy confessors. The texts of the akathist and miraculous prayers addressed to the ascetic have been added to Orthodox prayer books. Many read a prayer to Luka Krymsky for health if a disease has come into the house.

Miracles of appeal to Luke Krymsky

The name of St. Luke is still remembered in the Crimea. The inhabitants of the peninsula sealed the memory of their bishop. Crimeans erected a monument to their primate, the park is named after him. A chapel was made in the bishop's house, where petitions and prayers to Luka Krymsky for recovery are pronounced. In the Cathedral of Simferopol every morning an akathist to St. Luke is read, parishioners often ask for prayers for the gift of health, amulets with particles of his relics are in constant demand. Everyone here knows who St. Luke of Crimea is, what helps to turn to him.

According to many pilgrims, the saint appeared to them as if alive. There are many stories about the miracles that Luke's prayer does:

Over time, the glory of the holy healer grew stronger and reached the minds and hearts of all Orthodox. In many prayer books you will find prayers to St. Luke for healing from an illness or prayer after an operation and for recovery:

“O Saint Luke, who gives bliss to people! We bow our knees and we are touched by your image. You are in our hearts, we fall to your face, we honor your multi-healing relics. We pray for health and healing from ailments. As the children ask, hear our prayers, bring our prayers to God the merciful. May his mercy, philanthropy touch us and bestow good deeds on us. We believe in your prayer power, to heal, drive away troubles and sorrows. We ask your radiant image, ask for deliverance from temptations and torment. Pray for your children spiritual strength and bodily strength.

Waiting for healing and care we entrust our fates into your hands. Weak and weak, we turn to you and ask for the strengthening of our faith, the healing of our bodies. Guide us on a good path, drive away evil demons, deliver us from evil temptations. We pray for salvation, granting fertility to our land, our cities of firmness, abundance to our tables, comfort to the mourners, healing to the sick, enlightenment to the lost, wisdom to parents, humility to children, help to the poor and your intercession in all matters.

We hope, father, for your pardon and blessing. Be our petitioner before the Almighty, ask him to protect us from the evil one, confusion and heresy. We sinners pray to you, guided by you, we bow before your will. We glorify unceasingly the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The lord is addressed with women's issues- to which conception is most blessed how to get pregnant, which can make pregnancy easier, how to ensure the well-being of children. Cancer patients offer a prayer to Luka Krymsky for healing from cancer. Vladyka does not refuse those who ask for help in obtaining an education.

Little Vanechka developed an umbilical hernia, and I remembered that somewhere in our house there is a vial of oil, consecrated on the relics of a Crimean saint. After praying to the priest, I smeared the protruding hernia with oil.

Literally the next day, I saw that the hernia had disappeared! As a doctor, I am aware that this is not the case. But a fact is a fact, now the statement is clear: what is impossible for a man is possible for God.

Ekaterina Filatova

A few years ago, I was given a terrible diagnosis. With already sore legs (cerebral palsy), I was recommended an operation, they sent me to do a tomography, and then wait for the date of communication with the surgeon. I was frightened, my anxiety increased by the realization that this was not the first tumor discovered in me.

I took my anxiety to the temple, venerated the image of St. Luke with a piece of his relics. A week later, I was honored to take communion and followed the tomography procedure. The doctor turned over the received data in surprise, and suddenly announced: “As you wish, but you don’t have hygroma. I see only fibroma!” I am excited to report that I was treated, but that was a quarter of a century ago! And the doctor continues to claim that he does not see the hygroma on the obtained tomogram. He sees a fibroma.

Thus, St. Luke helps the suffering!

Elena Kaplun

My eldest daughter and I read more than once about the life of St. Luke. They were even honored to make a pilgrimage to the relics of the elder, overcoming two thousand kilometers.

My daughter wanted to be a doctor. From the 8th grade, she studied hard and prayed to St. Luke. Fear of the strict admissions committee and subsequent exams made her desperate. After graduating from grade 11 (in Russia, universities switched to admission based on the results of the USE). For our region, this form was familiar and my daughter managed to get a good score. And in general in Russia, USE results turned out to be very deplorable. And my daughter became a medical student.

Yes, with God help, through the intermediary prayers of St. Luke, the dream of my child came true. Now she is already in her fifth year, and continues to read and pray to St. Luke!

Natalia Kobylskikh

Luka Krymsky is remembered as the patron saint of doctors and people suffering from serious illnesses. This is one of the most important patrons of everything related to medicine.

If you are a weather sensitive person, then prayers to this saint will help you cope with these kinds of problems and their consequences. To understand why this saint helps in such aspects, you need to seek help from the history of the icon and life path the personality itself.

The story of St. Luke and the description of the icon

Saint Luke of Crimea and Simferopol is a well-known person not only in the spiritual world, but also in the world of science and medicine. In the world he was called Valentine. He devoted a huge amount of time to teaching, achieving the status of a professor. His goal was the spiritual treatment of people, and not just the physical, so his path from a certain point became dual.

Immediately after the Second World War, this intelligent and spiritually developed man became the archbishop of Simferopol and the Crimea. At the end of the war, he received many awards. However, even then he was 69 years old. He died 15 years later. It was June 11, All Saints' Day.

Luke the Prelate himself was canonized only in 2000, 39 years after his death. June 11, the day of his death, was chosen as the day of remembrance. Luka lived a very difficult life, because before the war he was persecuted and was in exile. Despite the terrible period for Christianity, Valentine secretly received the status of the Archbishop of Crimea. Prior to that, he was even tonsured a monk.

His life was filled with great problems because this period was very dark. His image will forever remain in our hearts. On the icon, Luke is depicted waist-deep, with a cross in his hands. He blesses everyone who looks at him, his eyes are strict, but his soul is open. Even after death, prayers before his icon brought many healings to sick people. Before this icon, surgeons and doctors pray, on whose actions people's lives depend.

What does the icon help with?

This is the purest amulet from any physical and spiritual problems of a person. Saint Luke looks at the servants of God through the eyes of icons, protecting us from any problems. This icon should be in any home, but it will be most useful in a home with elderly, sick people. Also, any mother should pray before this icon to St. Luke so that no misfortunes happen to her children. most the best prayer there will be "Living Aid". This prayer helps people maintain their health and count on the support of the Almighty in everything.

Prayer before the icon of St. Luke

Prayer to Saint Luke: “Saint Luke, servant of God and our spiritual father, help us gain faith in ourselves and in the power of God. Help our fathers, mothers and our children so that troubles bypass them all. Give us strength so that we can overcome any obstacles with the blessing of our Father Almighty and Mother Intercessor. Pray to God for us, His sinful and unworthy servants, for our prayers are not always strong, just like our faith. Help us to learn to take care of our body and soul.”.

Date of celebration

Prayer to St. Luke will help you get rid of addictions of any type, especially on Memorial Day - June 11th. On this day, churches remember all the saints who gave their lives for us sinners and for the development of faith, for the spread of the word of God. On this day, a man with a great soul, who heals not only spiritual wounds, but also physical wounds, passed away - St. Luke.

Where is the icon

This image is in the Lukinskaya Church in Moscow, in the city hospital, there is the Church of Luke in Saransk, in the Peter and Paul Church in St. Petersburg, in the Church of Panteleimon the Healer in Tambov. They even erected monuments to St. Luke in Tambov, near the hospital of St. Luke. He was an outstanding doctor who proved the inseparable connection between the spirit and the body.

Science and religion should always be in harmony. These are two pillars, two spheres of life that should be inseparable. Yes, the church does not depend on science, but the reverse process takes place. Science needs spiritual support, because with its help people treat their ailments, learn about the world around them, created by God. May your life be harmonious. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.01.2018 05:55

The Hodegetria icon, revered as miraculous, has been known in Russia since ancient times. Orthodox Christians especially value...

Saint Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky is without a doubt one of the brightest saints of modern times. The future saint was born in Kerch (Crimea) in 1877 in a family with Polish noble roots. The young boy Valya (St. Luke in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky) was very fond of drawing and even wanted to enter the Academy of Arts in the future. But even then, in early years, the future saint remembering in himself the lines from the Gospel “Then? the disciple said to his own people: there are many, but there are few workers: ”(Matt. 9:37) made a decision: to serve people in order to alleviate the suffering of the sick. Later, the gift of drawing proved to be very useful in the work of a traditional healer and teacher.

The future Archbishop Luka entered the medical faculty of Kyiv University and at the age of 26 he brilliantly graduated from it, immediately starting work in Chita in a military hospital (at that time Russo-Japanese War). Valentin married in the hospital and four children were born in their family. Life brought the future saint, first to the Simbirsk and then to the Kursk province.

Being an active and successful surgeon, Valentin Feliksovich performed many operations, conducted research in the field of anesthesia. He put a lot of effort into the study and implementation of local anesthesia (general anesthesia had Negative consequences). It should be noted that people close to this great surgeon always assumed his future as the future of a researcher and teacher, while the future Saint Luke of Crimea himself always insisted on direct work, helping ordinary people(he sometimes called himself a peasant doctor).

Valentin took the priesthood unexpectedly for himself, after a brief conversation with Bishop Innokenty, which took place after Valentine's speech with a report refuting the theses of scientific atheism. After that, the life of the great surgeon became even more difficult: he worked for three - as a doctor, as a professor and as a priest.

The biography of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky is very interesting, and it is impossible to place it all on one page of our site. Below we present the main events in the life of the saint.
In 1923, when the so-called "Living Church" provoked a Renovationist schism, bringing discord and confusion into the bosom of the Church, the Bishop of Tashkent was forced to hide, entrusting the administration of the diocese to Father Valentine and another protopresbyter. The exiled Bishop Andrei of Ufimsky (Prince Ukhtomsky), while passing through the city, approved the election of Fr. Valentine to the episcopate, accomplished by a council of clergy who remained faithful to the Church. Then the same bishop tonsured Valentine in his room as a monk with the name Luke and sent him to a small town not far from Samarkand. Two exiled bishops lived here, and St. Luke was consecrated in the strictest secrecy (May 18, 1923). A week and a half after returning to Tashkent and after his first liturgy, he was arrested by the security forces (GPU), accused of counter-revolutionary activities and espionage in favor of England, and sentenced to two years of exile in Siberia, in the Turukhansk region.

T Here, in remote Siberia, Saint Luke worked in hospitals, operated and helped the suffering. Before the operation, he always prayed and drew a cross on the body of the patient with iodine, for which we often invite the ball for interrogations. After a long exile even further - to the shores of the Northern Arctic Ocean- the saint was returned first to Siberia and then completely released to Tashkent.
In subsequent years, repeated arrests and interrogations, as well as the content of the saint in prison cells, greatly undermined his health.
In 1934, his work Essays on Purulent Surgery was published, which soon became a classic of medical literature. Being already very ill, with poor eyesight, the Saint was subjected to interrogation by a “conveyor belt”, when for 13 days and nights in the blinding light of lamps, investigators, replacing each other, continuously interrogated, forcing him to slander himself. When the bishop began a new hunger strike, he, exhausted, was sent to the casemates of state security. After new interrogations and tortures, which exhausted his strength and brought him to a state where he could no longer control himself, St. Luke signed with a trembling hand that he acknowledged his participation in the anti-Soviet conspiracy.

AT last years In his lifetime, the saint worked on the publication of various medical and theological works, in particular an apology of Christianity against scientific atheism, entitled "Spirit, Soul and Body." In this work, the saint defends the principles of Christian anthropology with the help of solid scientific arguments.
In February 1945, for his archpastoral activity, Saint Luke was awarded the right to wear a cross on his hood. For patriotism, he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945".