Economic relations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Economic geography of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Manufacture of machinery and equipment

Krasnoyarsk region is a subject of the Russian Federation (Siberian Federal District). It is located mainly within Eastern Siberia, in the Yenisei River basin.

Administrative center - Krasnoyarsk.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest industrial centers in Russia. The region is the absolute leader among the regions of the country in terms of industrial output per capita, the region accounts for 3.2% of the total volume of industrial output produced in Russia.

The population of the region is about 3,000 thousand people.

Large cities and industrial centers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory(population thousand people):

Krasnoyarsk (949)
Norilsk (205)
Achinsk (111)
Kansk (97)

Industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is rich in metal ores and energy resources. Thanks to this, a large metallurgical complex was created in the region: the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station - the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant - the Achinsk alumina plant - the Krasnoyarsk metallurgical plant (KrAMZ).

On a nationwide scale, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 27% is produced; copper produced by Norilsk Nickel - over 70%; nickel - 80%; platinum group metals - over 90%; cobalt - 75%.

The main metallurgical enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: Krasnoyarsk non-ferrous metal plant named after. Gulidova and Gorevsky Mining and Processing Plant (lead-zinc ores).
There are 20 of the world's largest hydroelectric power plants operating on the Yenisei. Another hydroelectric power plant is under construction.

Woodworking and pulp and paper industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The timber industry is represented by 400 enterprises operating in the field of logging and woodworking. The largest of them are Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, Lesosibirsk LDK OJSC, Yeniseilesozavod LLC, Novoenisei LHK CJSC, DOK Yenisei LLC, Kansky LDK LLC, etc. They produce: fiberboard, chipboard, lumber.

Chemical industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The main enterprises of the chemical industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: (production of gasoline and petroleum products); (production of rubber); (production of car and aircraft tires); , "Kansky Bioethanol" (ethanol production); Kraspharma (drugs, in particular, penicillin).

Mechanical engineering and metalworking of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Machine-building enterprises manufacture products for defense and civil purposes, these are grain harvesters and agricultural equipment, which are manufactured by the Krasnoyarsk combine harvester plant and the Nazarovsky agricultural machine building plant, log loaders, and fellers.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Krasmash and OAO ISS named after academician M. F. Reshetnev produce rocket and space technology. - river vessels, - overhead cranes.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is also a major transport hub. The transport complex of the region includes all types of transport (including pipelines).

The largest industrial enterprises and factories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The largest Russian industrial holdings operate in the Krai: (), Interros (Norilsk Nickel), Evrazholding, MDM Group ().

Non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, factories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

. - the second largest aluminum smelter in the world. Belongs to the company since 2000;
. (KrAMZ) - the third largest aluminum plant in the Russian Federation. Part of a group of companies;
. - is a group of companies for the extraction and processing of non-ferrous metal ores. The group of companies is the largest producer of nickel and palladium in the world, as well as one of the largest producers of copper and platinum;
. - an enterprise for the extraction and processing of precious metals and stones, the production of jewelry;
. - the only enterprise in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the extraction and processing of polymetals (lead, zinc), one of the five largest world enterprises for the extraction of lead-zinc ore.

Mechanical engineering in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

. - one of the leading combine harvester factories producing grain harvesters. Included in the company;
. - one of the oldest and only plants in the Russian Federation producing tractor-based logging equipment;
. - an enterprise of the machine-building industry for the production of heavy excavators and mining equipment;
. - one of the leading companies in the market of material handling equipment;
. - the leading enterprise for the production of trailers in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
. - an enterprise for the production and production of logging equipment;
. - one of the leaders in the electrical industry of the Russian Federation;
. - an enterprise for the production of products for laying cable routes and panel products.

Gross regional product. Due to the significant reserves of metal ores, the availability of energy resources, and the heavy industry inherited from the Soviet era, the region is the absolute leader among the regions of the country in terms of industrial output per capita, the region accounts for 3.2% of the total industrial output produced in Russia. Due to the significant reserves of metal ores, the availability of energy resources, and the heavy industry inherited from the Soviet era, the region is the absolute leader among the regions of the country in terms of industrial output per capita, the region accounts for 3.2% of the total industrial output produced in Russia. Gross regional product (hereinafter referred to as GRP) of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2008 is estimated at 764.9 billion rubles (+105.2% over the previous year). In 2007, industry (manufacturing and mining) produced 60.4% of GRP, transport and communications 8.1% of GRP, trade and services 6.7%, construction 6.1%, agriculture 4.9%. Gross regional product (hereinafter referred to as GRP) of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2008 is estimated at 764.9 billion rubles (+105.2% over the previous year). In 2007, industry (manufacturing and mining) produced 60.4% of GRP, transport and communications 8.1% of GRP, trade and services 6.7%, construction 6.1%, agriculture 4.9%.

Non-ferrous metallurgy Large energy resources of the region made it possible to create a large metallurgical complex: Krasnoyarsk HPP Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant Achinsk alumina plant Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant (KrAMZ). The large energy resources of the region made it possible to create a large metallurgical complex: the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant, the Achinsk alumina plant, the Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant (KrAMZ). Enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory produce about 27% of Russian primary aluminum; Norilsk Nickel produces more than 70% of Russian copper, 80% of nickel, 75% of cobalt, and more than 90% of platinum group metals. Enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory produce about 27% of Russian primary aluminum; Norilsk Nickel produces more than 70% of Russian copper, 80% of nickel, 75% of cobalt, and more than 90% of platinum group metals. In 2007, the region's metallurgy (non-ferrous and ferrous) produced products worth 399.1 billion rubles, in 2008 - 293 billion rubles, with an index of physical production of 102%. In 2007, the region's metallurgy (non-ferrous and ferrous) produced products worth 399.1 billion rubles, in 2008 - 293 billion rubles, with an index of physical production of 102%. Large metallurgical enterprises: Large metallurgical enterprises: Krasnoyarsk plant of non-ferrous metals named after. Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant. Gulidova Gorevsky mining and processing plant (lead-zinc ores) Gorevsky mining and processing plant (lead-zinc ores

Energy The Krasnoyarsk Territory has the largest hydropower potential in Russia. Some of the world's largest hydroelectric power plants have been built on the Yenisei. On the territory of the region there are 20 operating and 1 power plant under construction. The Krasnoyarsk Territory has the largest hydropower potential in Russia. Some of the world's largest hydroelectric power plants have been built on the Yenisei. On the territory of the region there are 20 operating and 1 power plant under construction Krasnoyarskaya HPP

Hydroelectric power stations have been built and are being built in the region: Hydroelectric power stations have been built and are being built in the region: Krasnoyarskaya (20 billion kWh / year); Krasnoyarsk (20 billion kWh/year); Boguchanskaya under construction (18 billion kWh/year); Boguchanskaya under construction (18 billion kWh/year); Kureiskaya (2.6 billion kWh/year); Kureiskaya (2.6 billion kWh/year); Ust-Khantayskaya (2 billion kWh/year). Ust-Khantayskaya (2 billion kWh/year). There are projects of the Evenk hydroelectric power station, the Nizhneangarsky hydroelectric power station and the Kulyumbinsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations. The construction of the Nizhnekureiskaya hydroelectric power station has been mothballed. There are projects for the Evenkiskaya hydroelectric power station, the Nizhneangarsky hydroelectric power station and the Kulyumbinsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations. The construction of the Nizhnekureiskaya hydroelectric power station was mothballed

On the coals of the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin, Berezovskaya (7 billion kWh / year), Nazarovskaya, Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2 and Krasnoyarsk CHPPs (CHP-1, CHPP-2 and CHPP-3) operate. On the coals of the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin, Berezovskaya (7 billion kWh / year), Nazarovskaya, Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2 and Krasnoyarsk CHPPs (CHP-1, CHPP-2 and CHPP-3) operate. The city of Norilsk is provided with energy by the Norilsk Thermal Power Plant. The city of Norilsk is provided with energy by the Norilsk Thermal Power Plant. The installed capacity of power plants of the Krasnoyarsk energy system is 13.9 million kW, the share of HPPs in the structure of installed capacity is 52%. In 2007, the proceeds of the power industry enterprises of the region amounted to 50.8 billion rubles. in 2008 electricity generated was 60.2 billion kw. hours (+105.5% compared to 2007), including thermal power plants for general use 39.2 billion kWh. Ch (+125.0% compared to 2007). The installed capacity of power plants of the Krasnoyarsk energy system is 13.9 million kW, the share of HPPs in the structure of installed capacity is 52%. In 2007, the proceeds of the power industry enterprises of the region amounted to 50.8 billion rubles. in 2008 electricity generated was 60.2 billion kw. hours (+105.5% compared to 2007), including thermal power plants for general use 39.2 billion kWh. Ch (+125.0% compared to 2007).

Mechanical engineering and metalworking Mechanical engineering occupies the second place in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of the number of jobs created. Mechanical engineering ranks second in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of the number of jobs created. Machine-building enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory produce products for both civil and defense purposes: Machine-building enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory produce both civil and defense products: grain harvesters and agricultural equipment Krasnoyarsk combine harvester plant, Nazarovsky agricultural machine-building plant; grain harvesters and agricultural machinery Krasnoyarsk combine harvester plant, Nazarovskiy agricultural machine building plant; log loaders, loggers, etc. Kralesmash; log loaders, loggers, etc. Kralesmash; household refrigerators "Biryusa"; household refrigerators "Biryusa"; mining excavators Krastyazhmash; mining excavators Krastyazhmash; overhead cranes up to 200 tons "Sibtyazhmash"; overhead cranes up to 200 tons "Sibtyazhmash"; rocket and space equipment of OAO Krasmash, OAO ISS named after academician M. F. Reshetnev; rocket and space equipment of OAO Krasmash, OAO ISS named after academician M. F. Reshetnev; river vessels Krasnoyarsk shipyard; river vessels Krasnoyarsk shipyard; radio electronic equipment; radio electronic equipment; and other. and other. In 2007, the machine-building enterprises of the region produced products worth 27.1 billion rubles, in 2008 - 29.9 billion rubles. In 2007, the machine-building enterprises of the region produced products worth 27.1 billion rubles, in 2008 - 29.9 billion rubles.

Woodworking and pulp and paper industry The timber industry ranks third in the region in terms of the number of jobs created (after metallurgy and mechanical engineering). About 400 enterprises operate in logging and woodworking. The largest of them are Yeniseysky Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, Lesosibirsky LDK OJSC, Yeniseilesozavod LLC, Novoeniseysky LHK CJSC, DOK Enisey LLC, Kansky LDK LLC, etc. They produce: fiberboard, chipboard, lumber, in 2007, the production of MFD, fuel pellets began. In 2008, the revenues of enterprises in wood processing and the production of wood products amounted to 10.4 billion rubles. The timber industry ranks third in the region in terms of the number of jobs created (after metallurgy and mechanical engineering). About 400 enterprises operate in logging and woodworking. The largest of them are Yeniseysky Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, Lesosibirsky LDK OJSC, Yeniseilesozavod LLC, Novoeniseysky LHK CJSC, DOK Enisey LLC, Kansky LDK LLC, etc. They produce: fiberboard, chipboard, lumber, in 2007, the production of MFD, fuel pellets began. In 2008, the revenues of enterprises in wood processing and the production of wood products amounted to 10.4 billion rubles. The volume of production in the pulp and paper industry and printing activities in 2008 amounted to 3.4 billion rubles. The volume of production in the pulp and paper industry and printing activities in 2008 amounted to 3.4 billion rubles. It is planned to build three pulp and paper mills. It is planned to build three pulp and paper mills.

Chemical industry The chemical industry of the region produces: The chemical industry of the region produces: gasoline and oil products Achinsk oil refinery; gasoline and oil products Achinsk oil refinery; rubbers Krasnoyarsk plant of synthetic rubber; rubbers Krasnoyarsk plant of synthetic rubber; automobile and aircraft tires Krasnoyarsk Tire Plant; automobile and aircraft tires Krasnoyarsk Tire Plant; ethanol "Krasnoyarsk Biochemical Plant", "Kansky Bioethanol"; ethanol "Krasnoyarsk Biochemical Plant", "Kansky Bioethanol"; penicillin and other medicinal products of Kraspharma penicillin and other medicinal products of Kraspharma The production of synthetic fibers has been stopped. The state chemist continues to work. Combine "Yenisei" The production of synthetic fibers has been discontinued. The state chemist continues to work. Combine "Yenisei" The chemical industry of the region in 2008 produced products worth 8.1 billion rubles. The chemical industry of the region in 2008 produced products worth 8.1 billion rubles.

Nuclear industry In the 1950s, the city of Zheleznogorsk and the Krasnoyarsk Mining and Chemical Combine, the city of Zelenogorsk and the Electrochemical Plant were built in the region. In the 1950s, the city of Zheleznogorsk and the Krasnoyarsk Mining and Chemical Combine, the city of Zelenogorsk and the Electrochemical Plant were built in the region.

Oil industry On August 21, 2009, commercial operation of the Vankor oil and gas field began. Oil reserves at the field exceed 260 million tons, natural gas reserves are about 90 billion m³. The design capacity is 14 million tons of oil per year. On August 21, 2009, the commercial operation of the Vankor oil and gas field began. Oil reserves at the field exceed 260 million tons, natural gas reserves are about 90 billion m³. The design capacity is 14 million tons of oil per year.

Other industry The largest financial and industrial groups operate in the region: The largest financial and industrial groups operate in the region: "Basic Element" (RUSAL Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant, Achinsk alumina plant, Krasnoyarsk pulp and paper mill) "Basic element" (RUSAL Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant, Achinsk Alumina Refinery, Krasnoyarsk PPM) Interros (Norilsk Nickel) Interros (Norilsk Nickel) Evraz (Krasnokamensky and Irbinsky iron mines, timber complex) Evraz (Krasnokamensky and Irbinsky iron mines, timber complex) MDM Group SUEK (coal mining, energy) MDM Group SUEK (coal mining, energy) Russian Railways Russian Railways Rosneft Rosneft magnesite ores) Severo-Angara Mining and Metallurgical Combine (magnesite ores)

Transport infrastructure The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a major transport, distribution and transit hub of the Siberian Federal District. The transport complex of the region is represented by all types of transport, including the pipeline Krasnoyarsk Territory is a major transport, distribution and transit hub of the Siberian Federal District. The transport complex of the region is represented by all types of transport, including pipeline

Transport companies The largest transport companies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: The largest transport companies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: Krasnoyarsk Railway Krasnoyarsk Railway Yenisei River Shipping Company Yenisei River Shipping Company Vostoksibpromtrans Vostoksibpromtrans The main mode of transport remains the railway. 74.3% of cargo in 2008 was transported by rail. Freight turnover of transport enterprises in 2008 amounted to 71.9 billion t-km. In 2008, transport enterprises transported 459.5 million people and 84.3 million tons of cargo. The main mode of transport remains the railway. 74.3% of cargo in 2008 was transported by rail. Freight turnover of transport enterprises in 2008 amounted to 71.9 billion t-km. In 2008, transport enterprises transported 459.5 million people and 84.3 million tons of cargo. The turnover of transport enterprises in 2008 amounted to 61.2 billion rubles The turnover of transport enterprises in 2008 amounted to 61.2 billion rubles

Communication There are 220 communication operators in the region. In 2008, they provided services worth 28.1 billion rubles. The level of telephonization was 167 fixed telephones per 1000 people. There are 220 telecom operators in the region. In 2008, they provided services worth 28.1 billion rubles. The level of telephonization was 167 fixed telephones per 1000 people.

Construction The intensive development of large-scale industry made it possible to create a powerful construction sector in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 2008, more than 5,000 organizations related to the construction complex were registered in the region, including contractors, design and survey enterprises, design institutes, and real estate companies. In 2008, 1 million 101.6 thousand m² of new housing was built in the region, which is 0.4 m² per person. In Krasnoyarsk, 691.6 thousand m² of new housing was built. In 2007, the average cost of building one square meter of residential buildings amounted to rubles in the region, and a ruble in Krasnoyarsk. The average price of one square meter of the total area of ​​apartments in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the primary housing market in December 2007 amounted to rubles, in the secondary market of rubles. The intensive development of large-scale industry made it possible to create a powerful construction sector in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 2008, more than 5,000 organizations related to the construction complex were registered in the region, including contractors, design and survey enterprises, design institutes, and real estate companies. In 2008, 1 million 101.6 thousand m² of new housing was built in the region, which is 0.4 m² per person. In Krasnoyarsk, 691.6 thousand m² of new housing was built. In 2007, the average cost of building one square meter of residential buildings amounted to rubles in the region, and a ruble in Krasnoyarsk. The average price of one square meter of the total area of ​​apartments in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the primary housing market in December 2007 amounted to rubles, in the secondary market of rubles.

Agriculture The coat of arms of the Krasnoyarsk Territory depicts a lion with a sickle and a shovel. The sickle and shovel reflected the main occupation of the inhabitants of agriculture and mining, primarily gold. The emblem of the Krasnoyarsk Territory depicts a lion with a sickle and a shovel. The sickle and shovel reflected the main occupation of the inhabitants of agriculture and mining, primarily gold. The climate of the Minusinsk Basin is considered the best in Siberia. The best vegetables and fruits in Siberia are grown here. More than 50% of the regional agricultural production falls on areas located in the central and southwestern parts of the region: Nazarovsky, Emelyanovsky, Uzhursky, Berezovsky, Shushensky, Mansky, Balakhtinsky, Sharypovsky, Minusinsky, Krasnoturansky. The climate of the Minusinsk Basin is considered the best in Siberia. The best vegetables and fruits in Siberia are grown here. More than 50% of the regional agricultural production falls on areas located in the central and southwestern parts of the region: Nazarovsky, Emelyanovsky, Uzhursky, Berezovsky, Shushensky, Mansky, Balakhtinsky, Sharypovsky, Minusinsky, Krasnoturansky. In 2008, the region's enterprises produced agricultural products worth 60.8 billion rubles. In terms of grain crop yield, the region ranks 1st in the Siberian Federal District at 19.8 centners per hectare. Livestock and poultry production in 2008 amounted to 180.5 thousand tons (+3.2% compared to 2007), milk production - 676.3 thousand tons (+2.6% compared to 2007). In 2008, the region's enterprises produced agricultural products worth 60.8 billion rubles. In terms of grain crop yield, the region ranks 1st in the Siberian Federal District at 19.8 centners per hectare. Livestock and poultry production in 2008 amounted to 180.5 thousand tons (+3.2% compared to 2007), milk production - 676.3 thousand tons (+2.6% compared to 2007).

Crop production The total sown area of ​​agricultural crops in the farms of the region in 2007 was 1493 thousand hectares. The volume of grain production in 2008 increased compared to 2007 by 19.1% to 2154.6 thousand tons in weight after refinement. The sown area under grain crops increased by 2.9%, and the yield of grain crops by 13.7% compared to 2007. The average grain yield in the region is 22.4 q/ha. The maximum yield of grain crops in 2008 was achieved in the farms of Uzhur (36.7 centner/ha), Nazarovsky (33.3 centner/ha), Sharypovsky (29.9 centner/ha) districts. The total sown area of ​​agricultural crops in the farms of the region in 2007 was 1493 thousand hectares. The volume of grain production in 2008 increased compared to 2007 by 19.1% to 2154.6 thousand tons in weight after refinement. The sown area under grain crops increased by 2.9%, and the yield of grain crops by 13.7% compared to 2007. The average grain yield in the region is 22.4 q/ha. The maximum yield of grain crops in 2008 was achieved in the farms of Uzhur (36.7 centner/ha), Nazarovsky (33.3 centner/ha), Sharypovsky (29.9 centner/ha) districts. In 2008, crop production worth 30.2 billion rubles was produced in the region. In 2008, crop production worth 30.2 billion rubles was produced in the region.

Animal husbandry In 2008, livestock products worth 30.6 billion rubles were produced in the region. In 2008, livestock products worth 30.6 billion rubles were produced in the region. The number of cattle in 2007 amounted to 412.1 thousand heads, the number of pigs - 363.4 thousand heads. In 2008, the trend of reducing the number of cattle continued. As of January 1, 2009, it decreased in farms of all categories compared to the same period of the previous year by 2.9%, including cows by 2.5%. The number of cattle in 2007 amounted to 412.1 thousand heads, the number of pigs - 363.4 thousand heads. In 2008, the trend of reducing the number of cattle continued. As of January 1, 2009, it decreased in farms of all categories compared to the same period of the previous year by 2.9%, including cows by 2.5%. Milk production in 2008 amounted to 676.3 thousand tons. The milk yield per cow is 3866 kilograms. In 2007, 683.1 million eggs were produced. Milk production in 2008 amounted to 676.3 thousand tons. The milk yield per cow is 3866 kilograms. In 2007, 683.1 million eggs were produced.

Prospects for economic development The main medium-term prospects for the economic development of the region are related to the plans for the development of the Lower Angara region. The Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has developed the project "Integrated Development of the Lower Angara Region". The Corporation for the Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was created. The main medium-term prospects for the economic development of the region are related to the plans for the development of the Lower Angara region. The Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has developed the project "Integrated Development of the Lower Angara Region". The Corporation for the Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was created. At the first stage, it is planned to build: the Boguchanskaya HPP, the Karabula Yarki railway, the bridge over the Angara near the village of Yarki, to reconstruct the Kansk Aban and Boguchany Kodinsk highways. An aluminum plant with a capacity of 600 thousand tons in the Boguchansky district, a timber processing complex with a capacity of 720 thousand tons of pulp near the village of Yarki. At the first stage, it is planned to build: the Boguchanskaya HPP, the Karabula Yarki railway, the bridge over the Angara near the village of Yarki, to reconstruct the Kansk Aban and Boguchany Kodinsk highways. An aluminum plant with a capacity of 600 thousand tons in the Boguchansky district, a timber processing complex with a capacity of 720 thousand tons of pulp near the village of Yarki. At the second stage: Tagar Metallurgical Association, Gorevsky Metallurgical Association, gas processing and gas chemical plants in the Boguchansky district, a cement plant based on the Chadobetsky alumina plant. At the second stage: Tagar Metallurgical Association, Gorevsky Metallurgical Association, gas processing and gas chemical plants in the Boguchansky district, a cement plant based on the Chadobetsky alumina plant. The total cost of the project: 354.072 billion rubles. The total cost of the project: 354.072 billion rubles.

Krasnoyarsk region

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest region in Russia, attracting the attention of both domestic and foreign investors. This is due, on the one hand, to its uniqueness as one of the richest territories in the country, and on the other hand, to its activity in the economic, scientific and cultural life of Russia.

The natural and geographical advantages of the region are determined by favorable geographical conditions and geopolitical position in the system of international relations.

Administrative composition

The city (urban settlement), settlement, village council (an integral system of administratively dependent settlements) are recognized in the territory as territorial entities that serve as the basis for its territorial division and administrative organization.

Settlements, village councils and regional cities are united in territorial and administrative terms into districts. The territory of the region, except for that part of it, which is the territory of autonomous districts within the region, is directly subdivided into regional cities: Achinsk, Bogotol, Borodino, Divnogorsk, Yeniseysk, Zaozerny, Igarka, Kansk, Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Minusinsk, Nazarovo, Norilsk with cities Kayerkan and Talnakh and the village of Snezhnogorsk, Sosnovoborsk, Sharypovo; districts: Abansky, Achinsky, Balakhtinsky, Berezovsky, Birilyussky, Bogotolsky, Boguchansky, Bolshemurtinsky, Bolsheuluysky, Dzerzhinsky, Emelyanovsky, Yeniseysky, Ermakovsky, Idrinsky, Ilansky, Irbeysky, Kazachinsky, Kansky, Karatuzsky, Kezhemsky, Kozulsky, Krasnoturansky, Kuraginsky, Mansky, Minusinsky, Motyginsky, Nazarovsky, Nizhneingashsky, Novoselovsky, Partizansky, Pirovsky, Rybinsk, Sayansky, North Yenisei, Sukhobuzimsky, Taseevsky, Turukhansky, Tyukhtetsky, Uzhursky, Uyarsky, Sharypovsky, Shushensky; closed administrative-territorial formations.

1. one of the largest regions in Russia: total area - 2339.7 thousand square meters. km. (2nd place in Russia); population - 3075.6 thousand people (13th place), length 3000 km from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the mountainous regions of Southern Siberia;

2. rich resource region with unique fuel and energy and mineral resources;

3. one of the most forested regions of Russia (larch, pine, cedar, spruce, fir). Forest-covered lands occupy 161 million hectares and make up 69% of the total area of ​​the region. The total stock of wood is about 13.9 billion m3, which is 20% of the total Russian stock;

4. the largest exporter of non-ferrous metals (81% of exports in Russia's foreign trade turnover), which have stable demand and high liquidity in world markets; base metals and cermets; wood and products from it; products of inorganic chemistry; nuclear and power equipment; mineral raw materials, fuel and oil products; synthetic materials, etc.; a region with broad interregional ties; a transit center that allows servicing foreign economic relations of other regions of Russia, countries of near and far abroad

5. a region with access along the Yenisei River to the Northern Sea Route, which has a major transport hub of Eastern Siberia (Krasnoyarsk) at the intersection of the Yenisei with the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Moscow-Vladivostok highway;

6. a major hub for domestic and international air routes. The implementation of the transpolar highway project will make it possible to provide flights through the North Pole and connect North America with Southeast Asia;

Features of the economic and geographical position

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located between 51° and 81° N. sh. (together with the islands) in the basin of the Yenisei water system.

The northernmost point of the region on the mainland is Cape Chelyuskin (77С41 "N). The cape is the extreme tip of Asia.

From north to south, from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the ridges of the Western and Eastern Sayan Mountains, the Krasnoyarsk Territory stretches for 2886 km, which is (without islands) 26 degrees. From west to east, the length of the region is not the same: the widest is 1250 km, in the south it narrows to 450, and along

Trans-Siberian Railway - equal to 650 km.

Within the region is the eastern part of the Gydan and the entire Taimyr Peninsula. The Krasnoyarsk Territory includes many islands of the Arctic Ocean, including the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago and the islands of Nordenskiöld, Oleniy, Sibiryakov, Vilkitsky, Solitude and others.

Geographically, the region occupies a central position in the Asian part of Russia and is one of the largest administrative units of the country.

Assessing the size of the territory of the region, it should be noted that we are talking not so much about the effectiveness of the given comparisons, but about the economic significance of these values. The territory of the region acts as an important factor in socio-economic development, slowing down or accelerating its course. At the same time, the vast territory of the region with its complex geological structure is saturated with such a quantity of minerals that is not found in any other region in our country and which serves as a natural basis for the formation of its diversified economy.

In the north, the mainland part of the region is bounded by the Kara and Laptev seas. In the south, the mountains of the Eastern and Western Sayans, the Abakan Range and the Kuznetsk Alatau serve as the border. In the west, the border runs along the watershed of the Ob and Yenisei rivers, and in the east, along the Central Siberian Plateau, where the Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska rivers converge in their upper reaches. The political and administrative border of the region in the west adjoins the Tyumen, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions and the Altai Territory; in the east, our region is adjacent to the Yakut ASSR and the Irkutsk region, and in the south, to the Tuva ASSR.

The features of the economic and geographical position of the region are:

Great remoteness from the most important economic centers of the European part of the country (the distance from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow by rail is 3955 km.

The unequal transport and geographical position of its individual regions, in particular, the isolation from the main routes of communication of most of the northern territories of the region.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in the northern part of the Eurasian continent. The extreme nature of the natural environment requires the creation of special "northern" equipment and additional costs for the production of products; the cost of capital construction increases in the Far North by 3.5-4.0 times.

The region has a more advantageous position among the regions of Eastern Siberia. This is the neighborhood with Kuzbass and the largest industrial center of Siberia - Novosibirsk. The intensity of the region's economic ties with Kuzbass increased many times with the construction in the 50-60s of the "route of courage" - the eastern part of the South Siberian railway Novokuznetsk - Abakan - Taishet.

Krasnoyarsk Territory in the national economy

The main directions of the region's economy:

For capital-intensive, energy-intensive industries based on the use of a rich resource and raw material base;

For the production of intermediate products intended for deliveries to other regions of Russia;

For export to countries near and far abroad.

The economic development trend of the Krasnoyarsk Territory reflects:

Specialization in export-oriented industries (currency sector); industries capable of accumulating funds for investment (industries of the fuel and energy complex, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry),

Strengthening positions in the market of cultural services, sports events and tourism business;

Reducing the share of processing industries of the region;

Stabilization of production volumes of primary industries;

Increasing the share of the fuel industry through the development of gas and oil fields, increasing the competitiveness of Kansk-Achinsk coal;

Increasing the degree of concentration of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy production (about 20 non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises represent the nickel-cobalt, aluminum, lead-zinc, tungsten-molybdenum, gold processing sub-sectors).

The competitive advantages of the region are determined by the specialization of the economy:

Great opportunities for broad cooperation with neighboring regions, countries of near and far abroad, expanding the geography of deliveries;

Wide opportunities for diversification of production;

Opportunities for vertical integration of production based on the development of local raw materials and the organization of deep processing industries;

Availability of innovative potential for the creation of new, science-intensive high-tech industries that bring quick returns;

Preservation of demand in world commodity markets for products of metallurgy, chemistry and petrochemistry (viscose fibers, nitrile rubber).

Dynamics of industrial production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory since 1995 stabilizes:

According to the indices of the physical volume of industrial production, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks:

14th place in Russia in relation to 2000/1990 and is 62.3%

9th place in Russia in relation to 2000/1998 and is 108.3%

In terms of the depth of the decline in industrial production (1992-1999), the Krasnoyarsk Territory belongs to the group of regions with a slight decline. In recent years, the real volume of production fluctuates between 58-60% of the 1990 level.

The institutional potential reflects the presence of organizational structures that provide conditions for the business activity of economic entities in the region.

The state body for control over the activities of issuers, professional participants in the securities market and their self-regulatory organizations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the territorial body of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market. The regional branch has the status of a department of the FCSM of Russia. The activities of the regional branch are carried out on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia and the Republic of Tyva.

The main activities of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market are:

Control over the activities of issuers and professional participants in the securities market

Licensing of professional activities in the securities market

Licensing of the activities of investment funds, mutual funds, management companies, special depositaries and independent appraisers

Registration of issues and reports on the results of the issue of securities

Disclosure of Information in the Securities Market

Development of the regulatory legal framework for the securities market

Development of the main directions for the development of the securities market

As of January 1, 2000, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is represented by 17 companies engaged in brokerage and dealer activities, 4 registrars and 2 self-regulatory organizations of professional participants in the securities market:

Professional Association of Registrars, Transfer Agents and Depositories - PARTAD

National Association of Stock Market Participants - NAUFOR

Types of professional activity carried out (type of license):


Activity on transactions with securities, except for transactions with funds of individuals and transactions with government securities (BR).

Activity on operations with funds of individuals (BF).

Activities other than transactions with funds of individuals in the securities market (B1).

Activity on operations with funds of individuals in the securities market (B2).


Dealer activity in the securities market (D1)

Dealer activities in operations with securities, with the exception of operations with government securities (SI).

Maintaining registers of holders of registered securities

Brokers and dealers:

Operations with securities are carried out by Landinvestservis CJSC, Akserver LLC, Vostok-Finance LLC, SP-Invest LLC, SVEM-Invest Investment Institute LLC, Diamant LLC, Radon-Invest LLC, CJSC IC "Team-Invest", CJSC IFC "Mir", LLC GUK

There are both state-owned (State Enterprise "Krasnoyarsk Regional Investment Center") and private companies (CJSC "Investment Department" of the "Krasnoyarsk Regional Clearing House" CJSC; JSC "Kovcheg" - check investment fund, LLC "KRAZ-Invest ", LLC IK "Azhio", LLC KFK "Region Invest", LLC KIK "Troika". This market is supplemented by independent assessment institutions (LLC "Independent Assessment Agency"; LLC "TITAN"; LLC "Ecocenter".

The following companies are registered to carry out netting operations: JSC “KrAZ-broker” (financial broker); RAO "Norilsk Nickel" - Krasnoyarsk representative office.

5 firms are registered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory to organize and conduct marketing research and industrial consulting.

Specialized registrars: As the leading and largest registrar among the professional participants in the securities market of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, CJSC KRC "Registrator KI" can be distinguished, they also have a license for the right to operate CJSC "CRC" Dominika, CJSC Krasnoyarsk Registration Company, CJSC KRC Pioneer. Exchanges The Krasnoyarsk stock exchange "Troika" was founded in 1991; 120 enterprises and organizations are shareholders of the exchange, 250 firms of various forms of ownership of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia and the CIS countries are accredited. The main activities are: work on commodity and stock markets; bidding for 14 groups of goods;? formation of prices and provision of information about them; providing subscribers with the opportunity to receive analytical materials from the largest information structures of the CIS (legal, economic, financial, investment, stock information; information on the Russian securities and real estate market, reviews, forecasts, comments);? services for the revaluation of property and fixed assets, the development and implementation of the issue of securities. Market of insurance servicesIn the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are 7 regional insurance companies that are among the largest companies in Russia: Insurance Company AVIA LLC, Krasnoyarsk Insurance Company Vozrozhdenie-Kredit, Medical Insurance Corporation, CJSC "Krasnoyarsk Insurance Company "KSK", Closed Joint Stock Insurance Company "Nadezhda", Insurance Company "SINTO", OJSC "Trans-Siberian Reinsurance Corporation" entitled to carry out insurance activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.? the total authorized capital of the companies is over 35 million rubles? the number of personnel is more than 1500 people. Almost all types of activities permitted by the license are represented on the insurance market of the region:? life? from accidents? health insurance? means of transport? cargo? financial risks? civil and professional liability? reinsurance One of the largest insurance companies "Vozrozhdenie-Kredit", which has the highest rating among the insurance companies of the region, has been operating on the market since 1991, is a member of the Siberian Association of Insurers and the Pool of Insurers of Siberia. Among the company's clients are over 250 enterprises, banks, state and municipal institutions and over 110 thousand individuals in the city of Krasnoyarsk and regions of the region for personal, property and liability insurance. Banking system One of the most developed in the East Siberian region, which is associated with a high share of export-oriented industries:? in terms of the number of registered banks and branches, the region ranks 23rd in the Russian Federation; in terms of deposits in the banking system (per capita - 766.6 rubles; in % of the average Russian level - 88.1%) - 25th place;? in terms of deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (share in the Russian Federation - 1.85%) - 11th place in the Russian Federation.

The level of lending activity in the region is below the Russian average.

The amount of loans issued increased by 3.7% (against Russia -22.3%);

The share of long-term loans in the overall structure increased;

The ratio of issued loans to attracted funds from the population and enterprises remained at the 1997 level. and is 95% (against the East Siberian region - 92%).

At the same time, the share of overdue loans increased due to the general growth in non-payments in the Russian economy. The growth of the ratio of overdue debt to attracted funds from the population and enterprises is 16.5% against 15.44% in the Russian Federation.

The financial crisis of August 1998 undermined the banking system of the region, which consisted of 22 banks, among which were branches of the largest Moscow banks - Mosbusinessbank, Most-Bank, Russian Credit, Inkombank, SBS-Agro, etc.

Currently, among the largest and most stable banks in the territory of the region, one can note: Sberbank, Vneshtorgbank, Kedr, JSCB "Yenisei United Bank".

Legislative authorities:

Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Krasnoyarsk City Council;

City councils of other cities of the region.

Executive authorities:

Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Among the bodies of federal subordination are:

Territorial branch of the Federal Securities Commission;

Territorial Agency for Financial Recovery and Bankruptcy;

the Federal Tax Police Service;

Plenipotentiary Representation of the President of the Russian Federation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Office of the Authorized Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation;

Krasnoyarsk Regional Department of Statistics;

Department of the Federal Employment Service for the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Krasnoyarsk Customs (East Siberian Customs Administration);

Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

Committee for Ecology and Subsoil Use of the Krasnoyarsk Territory "Krasnoyarskgeolcom";

East Siberian Regional Department of Currency Control of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Demographic situation

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2000, the following phenomena were observed:

The number of economically active population by the end of December 1999 amounted to 1511.2 thousand people, or 49.1% of the total population of the region.

The unemployment rate was 13.6% of the economically active population (205.6 thousand people);

59.5 thousand employees of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises (3.9% of the economically active population) worked part-time, 3.3% were on forced administrative leave (48.8 thousand people);

For every vacancy there were 22.6 unemployed;

The largest share in the structure of the unemployed was occupied by citizens aged 30 to 53 (58 for men) - 63.4%; young people from 16 to 29 years old - 32.7%;

Every sixth inhabitant of the region has reached retirement age;

The most common causes of death of the population were diseases of the circulatory system - 48%; accidents - 18%;

At the same time, there is an increase in the activity of federal and regional authorities to smooth out social tensions:

The work of the regional administration has been intensified in obtaining loans, loans from the Ministry of Finance, developing effective systems of offsets to pay off wage arrears;

The control of the State Labor Inspectorate over compliance with labor legislation at enterprises and organizations has been strengthened;

Employment and assistance programs for the unemployed have been developed through the Department of the Federal Employment Service:

Programs have been developed for retraining and assistance in housing construction under the program "State Housing Certificates" for citizens discharged from military service and military personnel transferred to the reserve.

According to the Consulting Agency "Expert-Region", the rating of the region in terms of the socio-political situation is 57th place, incl. according to indicators:

Administrative expenses - 64th place;

Social tension - 57th place;

Main branches of market specialization

Among the Siberian regions, the Krasnoyarsk Territory belongs to the zone of "stabilization" of industrial production and can be considered as a center of economic growth. In 2000, the region's industry produced products worth 124.5 billion rubles, which in physical terms compared to 1998 is 108%. At the same time, the bulk of industrial production accounted for enterprises with private and mixed forms (without foreign participation) of ownership (93.4%). The growth of industrial production in 2000 was observed in the fuel industry (9.1%), ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (13.9%), chemical and petrochemical industry (13.1), mechanical engineering and metalworking (14.8%), forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry (2.2%), building materials industry (4.1%), microbiological (11%).

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are 5 monopoly enterprises that produced 38.4% of the total output in 2000:

JSC "Krasnoyarskenergo";

OJSC Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant;

OJSC "Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant";

OJSC "Krasnoyarsk plant of non-ferrous metals";

OJSC Achinsk Alumina Refinery.

The main sources of investments of enterprises are their own funds

The resource and raw material potential represents the availability of balance reserves of the main types of natural resources. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest natural resource base in Russia. The unique natural resource potential of the region is capable of providing a significant income for the foreseeable future.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks first in Russia in terms of reserves of coal, nickel, nepheline ores, magnesites, and graphite. Almost all platinoids are mined in the region, 75% of cobalt, 80% of nickel, 70% of copper, 24% of lead, 16% of coal from the total production of Russia.

In terms of gold mining, the Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies one of the first places among Russian regions. The Olimpiadinskoye deposit, the second in terms of reserves in Russia, is located in the Severo-Yenisei region. Within 30 years, large-scale gold mining is possible on it.

Alluvial gold reserves and resources make it possible to increase and maintain its production in the amount of 4.5-5.0 tons per year. The total volume of forecast calculations: alluvial gold - 10 tons; root gold - 5 tons. An increase in gold production is possible only on the basis of bedrock.

The main reserves of lead and zinc are concentrated in the Gorevsky lead-zinc deposit, which is one of the largest in the world in terms of lead reserves. It focuses on:

Industrial stocks of lead - 42.4%;

Reserves of zinc in Russia - 2.5%.

At the Gorevsky Mining and Processing Plant, up to 200 thousand tons of ore are mined and processed, from which 16-18 thousand tons of lead concentrates are produced, containing 50-60% lead and up to 450 g/t silver.

The presence of unique coal deposits predetermined the structure of the sectoral economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. About 8% of coal in the CIS is mined in the region, which is more than 52 million tons per year. The Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin is the largest in terms of seam thickness and occurrence conditions, the explored reserves of which amount to 600 billion tons. The Kansk-Achinsk basin is the largest mineral resource base for the coal, energy and chemical industries. The value of the basin is determined by the wide distribution of super-thick coal seams occurring at shallow depths and available for efficient open-pit mining. The total reserves make up 66% of Russia's energy reserves of coals. The total explored coal reserves are 806 billion tons, of which only 7% have been industrialized. Currently, the Nazarovskoye, Berezovskoye, Irsha-Borodinskoye fields are being exploited. The average coal production is over 50 million tons per year.

The Norilsk ore district is rich in copper-nickel ores, after enrichment of which copper, nickel and pyrrhotite concentrates are obtained. On the basis of the deposits, a mining and metallurgical complex was created - OJSC Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant - the world's largest producer of nickel and platinum group metals: Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir., Os, Ru. It meets the needs of Russia in copper, nickel, cobalt by more than 70%, platinum group metals - by 90%.

There are 25 explored oil fields in the region (whose reserves are 1011.3 million tons), gas (reserves - more than 1 trillion m3), gas condensate (reserves - 50 million tons). Oil production has begun in one of the most promising oil and gas provinces in Russia, located in the south of Evenkia and the Lower Angara region.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are large resources of iron-aluminum raw materials in the amount of 600 million tons, incl. 200 million tons of low-quality bauxites, including 22.4% alumina, 12.2% silica, 35.2% oxide iron. The main part of explored reserves is concentrated in the Central deposit.

The iron ores of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are represented mainly by the magnetite grade, they are poor (26-35% iron), but easily enriched. The largest deposit is Tangarskoye (one of the six deposits of the Sredne-Angara iron ore region), reserves are 265.4 million tons.

The Porozhinskoye deposit of manganese ores is the largest deposit in Russia containing oxide and carbonate ores.

Forecast calculations of iron-type chromite ores suitable for underground mining. are estimated at 200 million tons,

The reserves of iron ore in the region amount to 2270 million tons, of which 56% are easily enriched. Inferred resources are estimated at 4.5 billion tons.

Explored bauxite reserves in the interfluve of the Angara and Podkamennaya Tunguska are estimated at 100 million tons. The Kirgiteisky bauxite deposit in the Motyginsky district was the basis for the creation of the Kirgiteisky periclase plant as part of the Angarsk mining and metallurgical complex, which produces electrical periclase - 6 thousand tons per year.

Forecast calculations of the reserves of niobium pentoxide in the Yenisei region are estimated at 176 thousand tons; only the Tatar apatite-pyrochlore deposit contains 29 thousand tons.

The balance reserves of loose talc at the Kirgiteiskoye deposit in categories B + C1 are 2.7 million tons (10.9% of Russia's reserves); category C2 - 4.9 million tons. The high quality of talc will create a base for the ceramic, paint and varnish and pulp and paper industries.

The balance reserves of antimony in the amount of 36.2 thousand tons of category C1 (with an antimony content in the ore of 9.4%) are presented at the Uderiisky gold - antimony deposit.

The predicted reserves of quartzites at the Shilshinskoye deposit, which can be used for the production of crystalline silicon and refractories, are estimated at 343 million tons. The Sredne-Rassokhinskoye deposit contains reserves of quartz sands of category C1 + C2 in the amount of 115.6 million tons. The use of sand is possible for molding glass and building raw materials.

Investment attractiveness

The predominant forms of attracting foreign investment in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are foreign loans, as well as the creation of enterprises with foreign investment. In total, about 200 enterprises with the participation of foreign capital are registered in the region, mainly American, European, Chinese (USA - 10%, Western European countries - 21%, China - 9%).

By types, the volumes of foreign investments accumulated by September 2000 amounted to: direct - 13.8 million US dollars, portfolio - 21.1 million US dollars, other - 431.8 million US dollars.

Investors are invited to participate in the development and implementation of comprehensive economic programs such as:

Processing of products of the timber industry complex;

Development of the largest deposits of gold and lead-zinc ores, magnesite, polymetallic ores and bauxites, additional exploration and development of large oil and gas deposits;

Development of the fuel and energy complex of the region, including the creation of technologies for deep processing of coal, the development of solutions for the gasification of the region and the use of other alternative energy sources, as well as the development of directions for the use of energy;

Conversions of defense enterprises of the region - a program of high-precision, science-intensive technologies for the production of magnetic media, the production of high-purity metals in industrial volumes, the production of new generation vehicles;

Development of trade infrastructure, including the creation of an international trade center, a system of business communications - an international airport, subway, first-class highways, a number of objects of cultural and social significance;

Intraregional and interregional links

Infrastructural potential characterizes the possibility of organizing and conditions for entrepreneurial activity in any territory of the region. Given the length of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of 3,000 km from North to South, the most important component of the infrastructure potential is the transport system.

The transport system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of its competitive advantages, the importance of which has increased due to the change in the geopolitical position of Russia, the increased focus on the Northern Sea Route for escorting foreign ships due to the loss of a number of ports in the Black and Baltic Seas, the organization of transpolar air routes connecting the South- East Asia and North America.

The main competitive advantages of the Krasnoyarsk Territory related to the transport system are:

Location on transport communications of federal and international importance. The city of Krasnoyarsk is a major transit hub on the Trans-Siberian Railway;

Crossing short air routes over its territory and the possibility of providing the region's airspace for organizing intercontinental air traffic;

The presence in the city of Krasnoyarsk of a large airport of international importance.

The degree of development of the transport system is differentiated by districts:

The central and southern regions of the region are the most developed in terms of transport. In the south of the region passes the main transport route - the Trans-Siberian Railway. The zone of preferential service by rail transport is 88 thousand km2. Parallel to the railway lines, important motor roads are laid, which have independent significance, their own directions and service areas.

In the southern regions of the region, the main transportation is carried out along the main railways, to a lesser extent - along other railways, roads and river routes.

The northern and eastern parts of the region are poorly developed in terms of transport:

there are no year-round railways and motor roads, transportation of goods is carried out by river transport along the Yenisei and Angara, as well as along small rivers during the spring flood, by road transport along winter roads, or by air.

The communication complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is represented by:

Enterprises and organizations involved in the production and sale of telecommunications and communications equipment, computer equipment;

Enterprises and organizations providing information, telecommunications and consulting services.

More than 120 licensees are registered with the Department of State Supervision of Communications in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who have received the right to provide local telephone, long-distance, cellular and trunking communications, radio, television and other services. More than 30,000 radio-electronic devices were issued permission to work on the air in the territory of the region.

At present, the most powerful companies in the communications system are Rostelecom, OJSC SibChallenge, JSC Elektrosvyaz.

Rostelecom is the territorial center of long-distance communications and television (branch of JSC Rostelecom):

Carries out operation of objects of the main communication and television broadcasting systems of the region, republics: Khakassia, Tuva, Komi, Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions of Russia;

Provides international and long-distance telecommunication services.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are:

6 paging companies (Yenisepage LLC; Iskra OJSC; Continental Link CJSC - Krasnoyarsk Paging Communications; Korona LLC - Unified Paging System of Russia; Paragon LLC; Cross Joint Venture);

2 companies providing cellular communication services (Yenisei-Telecom, JSC Sibchallenge);

4 trunking companies (JSC "Geoset-Siberia" - engineering center; OJSC "Iskra"; Krasnoyarsk regional radio and television transmitting center; OJSC "Sibchallenge").

The system of state-owned postal services is increasingly being transformed into a private one and is being replaced by firms engaged in express postal services in the business sector, mainly with head offices in Moscow (DHW; EMS; UPS; TNT).

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is an extensive network of production and distribution of printed publications: 45 newspapers of the central press, 48 ​​newspapers of the regions, 16 magazines. The main postal agencies are: production and commercial company "Korsar", LLC "Agency" Beginning of the day ", Liga-press, press distribution agency" Khvoya ".

The system of television and radio companies is most widely represented, only in the city of Krasnoyarsk there are 5 local radio broadcasting companies, 5 local television companies (CJSC Afontovo Television and Radio Company; independent television company Prima-TV; OJSC TVK-6kanal; Krasnoyarsk state television and radio broadcasting company Center of Russia ; "Telesfera"), 8 television companies of the Russian and interregional level also broadcast in the city.

In the information service system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 6 companies are registered that provide regulatory, legal, scientific, technical, economic and production information (Garant-Service LLC, Yenisei CJSC - World Trade Center, Inform-Service - production and commercial center , Iskra OJSC - Krasnoyarsk Engineering and Information Center, RosAgroPromInform - Krasnoyarsk Engineering Center, Takmak-System LLC - Regional Information Center).

At present, the information and telecommunications services market is being formed by covering the middle-income segment of the population and introducing new technologies (fiber optic cables) that make it possible to form a telecommunications infrastructure that provides access to the global information space through the Internet system.

Main problems and ways of development

Financial and economic risks. Financial and economic risks reflect negative trends in the economic development of the region, the current economic situation as a whole, in the regimes of financial and credit activities and the level of legislative creativity. Financial and economic risks depend on many factors:? demographic changes; changes in business activity (index of entrepreneurial confidence);? changes in the level and structure of incomes of the population (poverty threshold); changes in the structure of investments and lending activity. The change in the demographic situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as a whole is expressed as follows:? reduction in the population of the region (negative natural increase - the excess of the number of deaths over births) - 14114 people? an increase in the number of divorces (by 8.6% against 1999), and at the same time an increase in the number of marriages (by 7.1%); increase in the number of people of working age by 2.3 thousand people. (1841 thousand people);? change in the age structure of the population by reducing the proportion of people younger than working age (up to 22.9% against 23.6% in 1998);? activation of migration processes on the territory of the region (from the northern regions to the southern ones - the coefficient of migration movement from the city of Igarka is 62.3%, from the city of Norilsk, Turukhansky and Boguchansky regions - 20-29%).

Changing the structure of the population by reducing the proportion of young people may lead to a decrease in the economically active population in the future. This factor is joined by the factor of activation of migration processes from the northern territories to the southern ones, especially of middle-aged and elderly people. This leads to the need to increase expenditure items for social protection of the population and the formation of social programs.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the business activity of enterprises and the index of entrepreneurial confidence begin to grow. According to the forecasts for 2000, 88.0% of industrial enterprise managers believe that the economic situation will not change or will improve.

The economically active population is 49.1% (1511.2 thousand people), including:

Employed in the economy of the region - 86.4% (1305.6 thousand);

Unemployed - 13.6% (205.6 thousand).

The predominant part of the population - 74.6% of the total number of employed - are workers of large and medium-sized enterprises. The number of newly introduced jobs at large and medium-sized enterprises amounted to 7.6 thousand. for 2000 At the same time, the number of unprofitable enterprises by industry varies from 26% to 69%.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory currently belongs to the sixth lowest group (absolutely unreliable guarantees) in terms of the reliability of loan guarantees, which are secured by budget revenues, and ranks 63rd in the Russian Federation.

The level of lending activity is below the Russian average. At the same time, one should take into account the positive dynamics of the share of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the tax revenues of the Russian Federation.

Financial risks increase due to changes in the level and structure of the population's income, and an increase in the poverty line.

Changes in the structure of expenses occur due to:

Growth in the purchase of goods and services (56.9% against 55.7% in 1999);

Decrease in expenses for the purchase of real estate (by 2 times) and the purchase of foreign currency (by 2.2 times).

Part of the foreign exchange market goes into the unaccounted for "shadow" sector, which leads to the loss of a fairly large segment of the buyers' market. In terms of the share of hidden income, which increased to 19.7% against 11.1%, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks 6th, in terms of poverty - 6th (26.6% against 37.4% in Russia).

There is a trend of outflow of funds outside the region.

environmental risk

The enterprises accumulated about 398 million tons of toxic waste as of 01.01.2000. During 1999 12.2 million tons were formed, of which 2.9 thousand tons are waste of the second hazard class. The largest amount of pollutants is emitted into the air basin of the cities of Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk.

On the territory of the region there are 17 places of organized waste disposal with a total area of ​​251 hectares. At the same time, there are 8 reserves and national parks on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with a total area of ​​13.5 thousand hectares.

The Krasnoyarsk Regional State Ecological Fund has been created, which identifies the following as priority areas of its activity:

Reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment - Programs "Clean Air", "Clean Water", "Waste", "Waste Water";

Monitoring - formation of a regional system that is part of the Unified State System of Environmental Monitoring;

Radiation safety - study, analysis and mapping of natural and anthropogenic radiation sources;

Rational use of natural resources;

Environmental education, education through the media;

Compensation for damage to public health caused by environmental pollution.

End of form


1. Morozova T.G. Economic geography of Russia. M., 2000.

2. Lysenko Yu.F. Economic geography of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. M., 1999.


4. - site of the Committee of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for Economics and Industry.

5. Gladkiy Yu.N., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic Geography of Russia.-M.; Enlightenment, 1999.,

Speaking about the level of production in general, scientists often operate with such a concept as the technological order. In fact, this is a cycle of innovations, a change of generations of technology. The leaders of the world economy work in the fifth way, Russia - in the fourth. To catch up with competitors, it is necessary to carry out technical re-equipment. But one change of equipment is not the end of the matter. The second step is the organization of labor: even on similar machines, we sometimes produce four times less than in foreign factories. Both of these factors should work in tandem. As follows from the rating of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, labor efficiency in Russia in 2018 was half that in the European Union, and 2.6 times lower than in the United States. At the initiative of the President, the national project "Labor Productivity" was launched in the country. The task is to reach the rate of its growth by five percent annually.


- The ultimate goal of the activities within the framework of national projects is to put the economy on a new track, make it high-tech, increase labor productivity and, on this basis, raise the standard of living of our citizens, ensure the security of our state for a long historical perspective.

V. V. Putin

Strange as it may seem, our shortcomings can be turned into advantages. The expert group on the national project "Labor Productivity and Employment Support" conducted a survey of three thousand Russian managers. And I found out: downtime they account for 30% of their working time. The intensity of work is also not at the maximum. And so it turns out: if the growth of labor productivity there is one to three percent during the modernization of a Japanese or German enterprise, then it can increase many times over in our country. There are no such conditions as in Russia anywhere in the world. The main thing is to get down to business without delay. What, in fact, is the president calling for.

Competitive selection

Let's say right away: getting into the national project was not so easy. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation announced a competition and set strict criteria. As a result, 20 Russian regions were selected, including our Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Krasnoyarsk will receive about 29 million rubles from the federal treasury to support 159 enterprises. "Homework" - the growth of labor productivity in the basic non-primary sectors of the economy should be 5.7% per year by 2024.

In 2019, 19 regional enterprises will join the project. Experts from the Federal Competence Center in the field of labor productivity have already named eight of them. These are Techpolymer CJSC, SibGlass LLC, Plant of Geosynthetic Materials LLC, Russian Profile LLC, Moloko OJSC, LPZ Segal LLC, Volna Combine LLC and Minusinsk Confectionery Factory CJSC. Another 11 will be determined by the results of the competition. And there are plenty to choose from: applications were submitted by 26 firms and organizations in the region.

Experts to help us

As we know from school, labor productivity is measured by the number of products produced by an employee per unit of time. But this does not mean at all that, having taken a frantic pace and falling from fatigue at the end of the day, this same employee will work effectively. There are a lot of subtleties and nuances here, the search for which is carried out by entire scientific institutes.

That is why experts came to the region to help our production workers - project managers from the Federal Competence Center. Together with work teams established in the enterprises, they evaluate the current state of the production flow, identify losses, implement examples of improvements using lean manufacturing approaches, and so on. Plus, there are measures to reduce the consumption of stocks of raw materials and materials, the number of equipment downtime, improve the quality and culture of production.

Such business consulting on the market usually costs millions of rubles. But for companies participating in the national project, it is free. Moreover, other types of assistance are also provided. Namely, the training of managers under the program of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “Leaders of Productivity”, support for the Russian Export Center in Moscow in exporting, obtaining concessional loans from the Industrial Development Fund at 1% per annum from 50 to 300 million rubles for five years. For small and medium-sized businesses in the basic non-primary industries that are participants in the project - loans for investment purposes for up to 10 years (loan size from 0.5 million to 2 billion rubles, interest rate not more than 8.5% per annum).

How does the project work in practice? For example, a clearly obsolete link for the Krasnoyarsk enterprise "Volna" is a painting line. It needs to be modernized, to prepare people. And the knowledge of the competence center experts will come in handy here. They have already begun to train employees of departments, then they will move to the level of workshops. In six months, the system of work of both personnel and the entire production should change here. After the experts leave the enterprise, one of the employees will be appointed as a permanent project manager to improve labor productivity.

The costs of training employees of enterprises participating in the national project are compensated by the employment service. An agreement has already been reached to allocate a subsidy for the training of 187 employees of Techpolymer CJSC, Segal Foundry and Press Plant LLC and Geosynthetic Materials Plant LLC. Volna Combine LLC and Moloko LLC are joining them to train another 173 specialists.

In addition, the service reimburses the cost of staff training. In total, more than 15 million rubles were allocated for these purposes from the federal and regional budgets. So, in August, the employment service reimbursed the costs of the Segal foundry and press plant for the training of 45 people in the areas of "Fire-technical minimum" and "Rules for labor protection when working at height." It is also planned to conduct advanced training of two employees at the course "Practical Materials Science". Seven employees of the enterprise will be trained in “Company Operational Efficiency Management”.

In order to become a member of the national project, you must submit an application on the site productivity.rf, pass the selection and sign an agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the region.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest industrial and resource regions of the country with huge reserves of natural resources. Russian colonization reached the Yenisei at the beginning of the 17th century, at the same time in 1628 the administrative center of the region, the city of Krasnoyarsk, was founded, but in fact the development of the region began only at the very end of the 19th century, when the Trans-Siberian Railway passed through its territory.

Introduction 3
Natural resources 4
Land resources 4
Mineral resources 4
Forest resources 5
Water resources 5
Biological resources 6
Mining 6
Regional economy 7
Industry 9
Metallurgy 9
Manufacture of machinery and equipment 11
Chemical production 11
Coal industry 12
Mining industry 12
Fuel and energy complex 12
Timber industry complex 13
Construction activities 14
Agriculture 14
Transport 16
Rail transport 16
Road transport 17
Water transport 17
Air transport 17
Pipeline transport 17
Foreign economic activity. nineteen
Export and import 19
Investment policy 21
Conclusion 23
References 24

The work consists of 1 file

Federal Agency for Education

Kemerovo College of Statistics, Economics and Information Technology, branch of the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)


in the subject "Regional Economics"

topic: "Economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

Completed: students of group 2B-1

Checked by: teacher

Kemerovo 2011

Introduction 3

Natural resources 4

Land resources 4

Mineral resources 4

forest resources 5

Water resources 5

biological resources 6

Mining 6

Regional economy 7

Industry 9

Metallurgy 9

Manufacture of machinery and equipment 11

Chemical production 11

coal industry 12

mining industry 12

Fuel and energy complex 12

Timber industry complex 13

Construction activity 14

Agriculture 14

Transport 16

Railway transport 16

Automobile transport 17

Water transport 17

Air Transport 17

Pipeline transport 17

Foreign economic activity. 19

Export and import 19

Investment policy 21

Conclusion 23

Bibliography 24


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest industrial and resource regions of the country with huge reserves of natural resources. Russian colonization reached the Yenisei at the beginning of the 17th century, at the same time in 1628 the administrative center of the region, the city of Krasnoyarsk, was founded, but in fact the development of the region began only at the very end of the 19th century, when the Trans-Siberian Railway passed through its territory. The modern Krasnoyarsk Territory was formed in 1934; before the revolution, the Yenisei Governorate existed on its territory, the territory of which throughout the 19th century. served as a place of reference. It was here that the exile of the future leaders of the Soviet state - Lenin and Stalin - took place.

In terms of area, together with districts (2339.7 thousand sq. km), the Krasnoyarsk Territory is second only to Yakutia, and without districts (710 thousand sq. km) it ranks 7th, in terms of population (without districts - 3038.2 thousand people) - 13th place. The majority of the population of the region are Russians, there are quite large communities of Ukrainians, Tatars and Germans, while the share of the indigenous peoples of the North is very small - less than one percent of the population. The predominant religion of the region is Orthodoxy, the Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei diocese is one of the oldest in Siberia, but the positions of Protestant churches are also quite strong in the region.

I chose the Krasnoyarsk Territory as the topic of this essay because it is the most promising region of Russia. It contains huge reserves of coal, land, water, forestry and other resources. Natural and climatic conditions satisfy vital needs, which contributes to the development of large companies and industries. And the wealth of territories and resources attracts investors not only from Russia, but also from international levels.

Natural resources

The resource and raw material potential represents the availability of balance reserves of the main types of natural resources. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest resource and raw material base of Russia, primarily the mineral resource base, represented by reserves and probable resources of the main types of minerals.

The main natural resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are land, mineral resources, forestry, water and recreational (biological).

Land resources

The land fund of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 72,367.1 thousand hectares.

Mineral resources

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest resource and raw material base of Russia in terms of production and reserves of gold, coal, lead, aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt, platinoids, and other minerals; it occupies a leading position in Russia and in the world.

More than 95% of Russia's nickel and platinoids reserves, 71% of copper, 50% of cobalt, and 28% of aluminum are concentrated in the region.

Lead reserves of the total Russian reserves are 42%, gold - 20%, silver - 6%, about 70% of Russian coal reserves are concentrated, that is, approximately 20% of world reserves.

In terms of explored gold reserves, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia. The main volume of gold mining in the region (87%) is provided by three companies: CJSC ZDK Polyus, LLC Sovrudnik, CJSC Vasilyevsky Rudnik.

The reserves of lead and zinc in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are concentrated in the unique Gorevsky lead-zinc deposit. It contains 42.7% of lead reserves and 2.5% of zinc reserves of the total Russian reserves.

The Norilsk ore region is unique in terms of copper-nickel mineralization with platinoids. A mining and metallurgical complex, CJSC Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company, was created on its raw material base, the world's largest producer of nickel and platinum group metals. This enterprise fully meets the needs of Russia in copper, nickel, cobalt and platinum group metals and is the largest supplier of non-ferrous and precious metals to the world market.

In terms of the initial total resources of oil, natural gas and condensate in the amount of more than 53 billion tons of conventional hydrocarbons, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia after the Tyumen Region. 25 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the region.

A number of oil and gas fields in the Turukhansk North and in the Angara region have already been prepared for industrial development. From the position of investment attractiveness, the main projects in the oil and gas sector are related to the industrial development of the Turukhano-Vankor group of oil and gas fields, the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskaya zone and gas fields of the Lower Angara region.

The Porozhinskoe deposit of manganese ores is one of the largest in Russia. The state balance of mineral reserves for the deposit includes 29.4 million tons of manganese in oxide ores in categories С1+С2.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory has a competitive raw material base of rare metals and niobium - these are the Chuktukonskoye and Tatarskoye deposits.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is also very attractive in relation to such types of minerals as aluminum raw materials (Goryachegorsk deposit of nepheline syenites, ore reserves - 738 million tons), antimony (Udereiskoye deposit, metal reserves - 37.8 thousand tons), nickel and platinoids (Kingashskoe deposit, balance ore reserves 219.4 million tons, predicted resources - 219.1 million tons), talc (Kirgiteiskoye deposit, balance reserves - 7.6 million tons), magnesite (Verkhoturovskoye deposit, balance reserves - 110.7 million tons), phosphorite (Seybinskoye deposit, ore reserves - 6.6 million tons), zeolite (Sakhaptinskoye deposit, reserves of zeolite-containing rocks - 33.2 million tons) and others.

forest resources

The area of ​​the forest fund of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is (including the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki municipal districts) - 155,781.2 thousand hectares (45.1% of the total forest area of ​​the Siberian Federal District). The total stock of timber of the main forest-forming species is 11,120.22 million m 3 (36.4% of the reserves in the Siberian Federal District, 13.6% of the all-Russian timber reserves).

Forests cover 65.9% of the territory of the region. The forests of the region are 85.7% coniferous, 34.5% larch, 18.2% pine, 16.9% cedar, 10.7% birch, 8.8% fir, 7, 3% - spruce, 3.6% refers to other tree species.

Water resources

The river flows through the region from south to north. Yenisei. The total number of lakes with a surface area of ​​1 sq. km and more - 352, in the southern part of the region there is a complex of lakes containing mineral waters and therapeutic mud. Approved operational reserves of surface waters as of 2007 amount to 1,771.88 thousand cubic meters per day in the region.

Annual water intake throughout the region is 2,731.5 million cubic meters, wastewater discharge - 2,424.2 million cubic meters. per day, 0.61 km3 - in year.

biological resources

The biological resources of the region in terms of the number of species significantly exceed the resources of any territory in Russia. Many species are available hunting resources: brown bear, reindeer, roe deer, deer, elk, wolf, hares, duck, goose, capercaillie, black grouse, waders, blackbirds and others.


The presence of a rich resource base creates favorable conditions for the development of extractive industries. Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District in terms of mining, the region ranks third after the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.

In 2007, 318 organizations were engaged in mining in the region. The extraction of minerals was carried out by 5 organizations with the participation of foreign capital.

In 2007, the extraction of oil (4.4%), gas (17.9%), iron ore (2.9%), non-metallic building materials (10.3%), graphite (10.2%) increased.

Regional economy

The economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is focused both on capital-intensive, energy-intensive industries based on the use of a rich resource and raw materials base, and on the production of intermediate products intended for deliveries to other regions of Russia and to countries near and far abroad.

The economic development trend of the Krasnoyarsk Territory reflects:

  • specialization in export-oriented types of economic activity;
  • some increase in the proportion of extractive and manufacturing industries in the region due to the implementation of large investment projects to develop the extraction of fuel and energy resources,
  • the transport infrastructure of the region, the implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of the Lower Angara region, including the construction of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station;
  • stabilization of production volumes of mining operations;
  • increasing the degree of concentration of production of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy;
  • strengthening positions in the market of cultural services, sports events and tourism business.