Russo-Japanese War 1904 05. Russo-Japanese War briefly. Map of military operations of the Russo-Japanese War

1904-1905, the causes of which are known to every schoolchild, had a great influence on the development of Russia in the future. Although it is now very easy to “sort out” the prerequisites, causes and consequences, in 1904 it was difficult to assume such an outcome.


The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the causes of which will be discussed below, began in January. The enemy fleet, without warning and obvious reasons, attacked the ships of Russian sailors. This happened for no apparent reason, but the consequences were great: the powerful ships of the Russian squadron became unnecessary broken garbage. Of course, Russia could not ignore such an event, and on February 10 war was declared.

Causes of the war

Despite the unpleasant episode with the ships, which dealt a significant blow, the official and main reason for the war was different. It was all about the expansion of Russia to the east. This is the underlying cause of the outbreak of war, but it began under a different pretext. The reason for the fury is the annexation of the Liaodong Peninsula, which previously belonged to Japan.


How did the Russian people react to such an unexpected outbreak of war? This clearly outraged them, because how could Japan dare such a challenge? But the reaction of other countries was different. The USA and England determined their position and took the side of Japan. The press reports, which were very numerous in all countries, clearly indicated a negative reaction to the actions of the Russians. France declared a neutral position, as it needed the support of Russia, but soon she concluded an agreement with England, which worsened relations with Russia. In turn, Germany also declared neutrality, but Russia's actions were approved in the press.


At the beginning of the war, the Japanese took a very active position. The course of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 could change dramatically from one extreme to another. The Japanese failed to conquer Port Arthur, but made many attempts. An army of 45 thousand soldiers was used for the assault. The army met strong resistance from Russian soldiers and lost almost half of its employees. It was not possible to hold the fortress. The reason for the defeat was the death of General Kondratenko in December 1904. If the general had not died, it would have been possible to keep the fortress for another 2 months. Despite this, Reis and Stessel signed the act, and the Russian fleet was destroyed. More than 30 thousand Russian soldiers were taken prisoner.

Only two battles of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 were really significant. The Mukden land battle took place in February 1905. It was rightfully considered the largest in history. It ended badly for both sides.

The second most important battle is Tsushima. It happened at the end of May 1905. Unfortunately, for the Russian army it was a defeat. The Japanese fleet was 6 times larger than the Russian one in terms of numbers. This could not but affect the course of the battle, so the Russian Baltic squadron was completely destroyed.

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the causes of which we analyzed above, was in favor of Japan. Despite this, the country had to pay dearly for its leadership, because its economy was exhausted to the point of impossibility. It was this that prompted Japan to be the first to propose the terms of a peace treaty. In August, peace negotiations began in the city of Portsmouth. The Russian delegation was headed by Witte. The conference was a great diplomatic breakthrough for the domestic side. Despite the fact that everything was moving towards peace, violent protests took place in Tokyo. The people did not want to make peace with the enemy. However, peace was still concluded. At the same time, Russia suffered significant losses during the war.

What is worth only the fact that the Pacific Fleet was completely destroyed, and thousands of people sacrificed their lives for the Motherland. And yet, Russian expansion in the East was stopped. Of course, the people could not but discuss this topic, because it was clearly clear that the tsarist policy no longer had such power and power. Perhaps this was what caused revolutionary sentiments to spread in the country, which eventually led to the well-known events of 1905-1907.


We already know the results of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. And yet, why did Russia fail and fail to defend its policy? Researchers and historians believe that there are four reasons for this outcome. First, the Russian Empire was very isolated from the world stage in diplomatic terms. That is why a few supported her policy. If Russia had the support of the world, it would be easier to fight. Secondly, the Russian soldiers were not ready for war, especially in difficult conditions. The effect of surprise, which played into the hands of the Japanese, cannot be underestimated. The third reason is very banal and sad. It consists in multiple betrayals of the Motherland, betrayal, as well as in the complete mediocrity and helplessness of many generals.

The results of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 turned out to be losing also because Japan was much more developed in the economic and military spheres. This is what helped Japan gain a clear advantage. The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the reasons for which we have examined, was a negative event for Russia, which exposed all weaknesses.

The Russo-Japanese War arose from the ambition to carry out the expansion of Manchuria and Korea. The parties were preparing for war, realizing that sooner or later they would go to battles in order to resolve the “Far Eastern issue” between the countries.

Causes of the war

The main reason for the war was the clash of the colonial interests of Japan, which dominated the region, and Russia, which claimed to be a world power.

After the "Meiji Revolution" in the Empire of the Rising Sun, Westernization proceeded at an accelerated pace, and at the same time, Japan increasingly grew territorially and politically in its region. Having won the war with China in 1894-1895, Japan received part of Manchuria and Taiwan, and also tried to turn economically backward Korea into its colony.

In Russia, in 1894, Nicholas II ascended the throne, whose authority among the people after Khodynka was not at its best. He needed a "small victorious war" to win back the love of the people. There were no states in Europe where he could easily win, and Japan, with its ambitions, was ideally suited for this role.

The Liaodong Peninsula was leased from China, a naval base was built in Port Arthur, and a railway line was built to the city. Attempts through negotiations to delimit spheres of influence with Japan did not produce results. It was clear that it was going to war.

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Plans and tasks of the parties

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia had a powerful land army, but its main forces were stationed west of the Urals. Directly in the proposed theater of operations was a small Pacific Fleet and about 100,000 soldiers.

The Japanese fleet was built with the help of the British, and training was also carried out under the guidance of European specialists. The Japanese army was about 375,000 fighters.

The Russian troops developed a plan for a defensive war before the imminent transfer of additional military units from the European part of Russia. After creating a numerical superiority, the army had to go on the offensive. Admiral E. I. Alekseev was appointed commander-in-chief. The commander of the Manchurian army, General A.N. Kuropatkin, and vice-admiral S.O. Makarov, who assumed the post in February 1904, were subordinate to him.

The Japanese headquarters hoped to use the advantage in manpower to eliminate the Russian naval base in Port Arthur and transfer military operations to Russian territory.

The course of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

Hostilities began on January 27, 1904. The Japanese squadron attacked the Russian Pacific Fleet, which was stationed without much protection on the Port Arthur roadstead.

On the same day, the cruiser Varyag and the gunboat Koreets were attacked in the port of Chemulpo. The ships refused to surrender and took up battle against 14 Japanese ships. The enemy paid tribute to the heroes who accomplished the feat and refused to give up their ship to the delight of the enemies.

Rice. 1. The death of the cruiser Varyag.

The attack on Russian ships stirred up the broad masses of the people, in which even before that “hat-captive” moods were formed. Processions were held in many cities, even the opposition ceased its activities for the duration of the war.

In February-March 1904, the army of General Kuroka landed in Korea. The Russian army met her in Manchuria with the task of delaying the enemy without accepting a pitched battle. However, on April 18, in the battle of Tyurechen, the eastern part of the army was defeated and there was a threat of encirclement of the Russian army by the Japanese. Meanwhile, the Japanese, having an advantage at sea, carried out the transfer of military forces to the mainland and besieged Port Arthur.

Rice. 2. Poster The enemy is terrible, but God is merciful.

The first Pacific squadron, blockaded in Port Arthur, took the battle three times, but Admiral Togo did not accept the pitched battle. He was probably afraid of Vice Admiral Makarov, who was the first to use the new tactics of waging a naval battle "stick over T".

A great tragedy for Russian sailors was the death of Vice Admiral Makarov. His ship hit a mine. After the death of the commander, the First Pacific Squadron ceased to conduct active operations at sea.

Soon the Japanese managed to pull large artillery under the city and bring up fresh forces in the amount of 50,000 people. The last hope was the Manchurian army, which could lift the siege. In August 1904, she was defeated at the battle of Liaoyang, and it looked quite real. The Kuban Cossacks posed a great threat to the Japanese army. Their constant attacks and fearless participation in battles harmed communications and manpower.

The Japanese command began to talk about the impossibility to continue the war. If the Russian army went on the offensive, it would have happened, but Commander Kropotkin gave an absolutely stupid order to retreat. The Russian army had many chances to develop the offensive and win the general battle, but Kropotkin retreated every time, giving the enemy time to regroup.

In December 1904, the commander of the fortress, R. I. Kondratenko, died and, contrary to the opinion of soldiers and officers, Port Arthur was surrendered.

In the company of 1905, the Japanese outstripped the Russian offensive, inflicting a defeat on them at Mukden. Public sentiment began to express dissatisfaction with the war, unrest began.

Rice. 3. Battle of Mukden.

In May 1905, the Second and Third Pacific Squadrons formed in St. Petersburg entered the waters of Japan. During the Battle of Tsushima, both squadrons were destroyed. The Japanese used new types of shells filled with "shimosa", melting the side of the ship, and not piercing it.

After this battle, the participants in the war decided to sit down at the negotiating table.

Summing up, we will summarize in the table “Events and dates of the Russo-Japanese War”, noting which battles took place in the Russo-Japanese War.

The last defeats of the Russian troops had grave consequences, resulting in the First Russian Revolution. It is not in the chronological table, but it was this factor that provoked the signing of peace against Japan, exhausted by the war.


During the war years in Russia, a huge amount of money was stolen. Embezzlement in the Far East flourished, which created problems with the supply of the army. In the American city of Portsmouth, through the mediation of US President T. Roosevelt, a peace treaty was signed, according to which Russia transferred southern Sakhalin and Port Arthur to Japan. Russia also recognized Japan's dominance in Korea.

The defeat of Russia in the war was of great importance for the future political system in Russia, where the power of the emperor would be limited for the first time in several hundred years.

What have we learned?

Speaking briefly about the Russo-Japanese War, it should be noted that if Nicholas II had recognized Korea for the Japanese, there would have been no war. However, the race for colonies gave rise to a clash between the two countries, although back in the 19th century, the attitude towards the Russians among the Japanese was generally more positive than towards many other Europeans.

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At the dawn of the twentieth century, a fierce clash occurred between the Russian and Japanese empires. In what year our country was expected to go to war with Japan. It began in the winter of 1904 and lasted more than 12 months until 1905, became a real blow to the whole world. It stood out not only as a subject of dispute between the two powers, but also with the latest weapons that were used in battles.

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Main events unfolded in the Far East, in one of the most disputed regions of the world. At the same time, the Russian and Japanese empires claimed it, each had its own political strategies regarding this area, ambitions and plans. Specifically, it was about establishing control over the Chinese region of Manchuria, as well as over Korea and the Yellow Sea.

Note! At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russia and Japan were not only the strongest countries in the world, but also actively developing. Oddly enough, this was the first prerequisite for the Russo-Japanese War.

The Russian Empire was actively pushing its borders, touching Persia and Afghanistan in the southeast.

The interests of Great Britain were affected, so the Russian map continued to grow in the direction of the Far East.

China was the first to stand in the way, which became impoverished from numerous wars, was forced give Russia part of their territories in order to obtain support and funds. So, new lands came into the possession of our empire: Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

The reasons also lay in the policy of Japan. The new emperor Meiji considered self-isolation a relic of the past and actively began to develop his country, promoting it in the international arena. After numerous successful reforms, the Japanese Empire reached a new, modernized level. The next step was the expansion of other states.

Even before the start of the war in 1904 Meiji Conquered China, which gave him the right to dispose of Korean lands. Later, the island of Taiwan and other nearby territories were conquered. Here the prerequisites for future confrontation were hidden, since the interests of the two empires met, which contradicted each other. So, on January 27 (February 9), 1904, the war between Russia and Japan was officially started.


The Russo-Japanese War has become one of the most striking examples of the "cockfight". No racist, religious or ideological disputes were observed between the two warring countries. The essence of the conflict did not lie in the increase of its own territory for significant reasons. It's just that each state had a goal: to prove to itself and others that it is powerful, strong and invincible.

First consider Causes of the Russo-Japanese War within the Russian Empire:

  1. The king wanted to assert himself through victory and show all his people that his army and military power were the strongest in the world.
  2. It was possible once and for all to suppress the outbreak of the revolution, in which the peasants, workers and even the urban intelligentsia were drawn.

How this war could be useful to Japan, we will briefly consider. The Japanese had only one goal: to demonstrate their new weapons, which were improved. It was necessary to test the latest military equipment, and where can this be done, if not in battle.

Note! The participants in the armed confrontation, in case of victory, would have adjusted their internal political differences. The economy of the victorious country would have improved significantly and new lands would have been received into its possession - Manchuria, Korea and the whole Yellow Sea.

Military action on land

At the beginning of 1904, the 23rd artillery brigade was sent to the eastern front from Russia.

The troops were distributed among strategically important objects - Vladivostok, Manchuria and Port Arthur. There was also a special corral of engineering troops, and a very impressive number of people guarded the CER (railway).

The fact is that all provisions and ammunition were delivered to soldiers from the European part of the country by train, which is why they required additional protection.

By the way, this has become one of the reasons for the defeat of Russia. The distance from the industrial centers of our country to the Far East is unrealistically great. It took a lot of time to deliver everything necessary, and it was not possible to transport much.

As for the Japanese troops, they were outnumbered by the Russians. Moreover, having left their native and very small islands, they were literally scattered over a vast territory. But in the unfortunate 1904-1905 they were saved by military power. The latest weapons and armored vehicles, destroyers, improved artillery have done their job. It is worth noting the very tactics of warfare and combat, which the Japanese learned from the British. In a word, they took not quantity, but quality and cunning.

Naval battles

The Russo-Japanese War has become real fiasco for the Russian fleet.

Shipbuilding in the Far East region at that time was not too developed, and it was extremely difficult to deliver the "gifts" of the Black Sea to such a distance.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, the fleet was always powerful, Meiji was well prepared, knew the enemy's weaknesses very well, therefore he managed not only to restrain the enemy's onslaught, but also to completely defeat our fleet.

He won the battle thanks to all the same military tactics that he learned from the British.

Main events

The troops of the Russian Empire for a long time did not improve their potential, did not conduct tactical exercises. Their appearance on the Far Eastern front in 1904 made it clear that they simply were not ready to fight and fight. This is clearly seen in the chronology of the main events of the Russo-Japanese War. Let's consider them in order.

  • February 9, 1904 - battle of Chemulpo. The Russian cruiser "Varyag" and the ship "Korean", under the command of Vsevolod Rudnev, were surrounded by the Japanese squadron. In an unequal battle, both ships perished, and the remaining crew members were evacuated to Sevastopol and Odessa. In the future, they were forbidden to enter the service in the Pacific Fleet;
  • On February 27 of the same year, with the help of the latest torpedoes, the Japanese disabled more than 90% of the Russian fleet by attacking it in Port Arthur;
  • spring 1904 - the defeat of the Russian Empire in numerous battles on land. In addition to the difficulties in transporting ammunition and provisions, our soldiers simply did not have a normal map. The Russo-Japanese War had clear schemes, certain strategic objects. But without proper navigation, it was impossible to cope with the task;
  • 1904, August - the Russians were able to defend Port Arthur;
  • 1905, January - Admiral Stessel surrendered Port Arthur to the Japanese;
  • May of the same year was another unequal sea battle. After the battle of Tsushima, one Russian ship returned to the port, but the entire Japanese squadron remained safe and sound;
  • July 1905 - Japanese troops invaded the territory of Sakhalin.

Probably, the answer to the question of who won the war is obvious. But in fact, numerous battles on land and water have caused the exhaustion of both countries. Japan, although considered the winner, was forced to enlist the support of countries such as Great Britain. The results were disappointing: the economy and domestic politics of both countries were completely undermined. Countries signed a peace treaty and the whole world began to help them.

Outcome of hostilities

At the time of the end of hostilities in the Russian Empire, preparations for the revolution were in full swing. The enemy knew this, so he set a condition: Japan agreed to the signing of a peace treaty only on condition of complete surrender. At the same time, they had to comply the following items:

  • half of the island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands were to pass into the possession of the land of the rising sun;
  • renunciation of claims to Manchuria;
  • Japan was to have the right to lease Port Arthur;
  • the Japanese get all the rights to Korea;
  • Russia had to pay her enemy an indemnity for the maintenance of prisoners.

And these were not the only negative consequences of the Russo-Japanese War for our people. The economy began to stagnate for a long time, as factories and factories became impoverished.

Unemployment began in the country, prices for food and other goods rose. Russia began to be denied loans many foreign banks, during which business activities also stopped.

But there were also positive moments. By signing the Portsmouth Peace Agreement, Russia received support from the European powers - England and France.

This was the seed of the birth of a new alliance called the Entente. It is worth noting that Europe was also frightened by the impending revolution, so it tried to provide all possible support to our country so that these events would not go beyond its borders, but only subside. But, as we know, it was not possible to restrain the people, and the revolution became a vivid protest of the population against the current government.

But in Japan, despite numerous losses, things got better. The Land of the Rising Sun proved to the whole world that it can defeat the Europeans. The victory brought this state to the international level.

Why did it all work out

Let us list the reasons for Russia's defeat in this armed confrontation.

  1. Significant distance from industrial centers. The railroad could not cope with the transportation of everything needed to the front.
  2. The lack of proper training and skill in the Russian army and navy. The Japanese had more advanced technology possession of weapons and combat.
  3. Our adversary developed a fundamentally new military equipment, which was difficult to cope with.
  4. Betrayal by the tsarist generals. For example, the surrender of Port Arthur, which was previously taken.
  5. The war was not popular among the common people, and many of the soldiers who were sent to the front were not interested in winning. But the Japanese warriors were ready to die for the sake of the emperor.

Analysis of the Russo-Japanese War by historians

Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 was of great historical importance, although many thought that it was absolutely meaningless.

But this war played a significant role in the formation of a new government.

Briefly about the causes of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

At the beginning of the last century, the interests of the Russian and Japanese powers clashed in securing China on the seas.

The main reason was the foreign political activity of states:

  • Russia's desire to gain a foothold in the Far East region;
  • the desire of Japan and Western states to prevent this;
  • Japan's desire to take over Korea;
  • the construction of military installations by the Russians on the leased Chinese territory.

Japan also tried to acquire superiority in the field of armed forces.

Map of military operations of the Russo-Japanese War

The map shows the main points and course of the war.

On the night of January 27, the Japanese attacked the Russian flotilla in Port Arthur without warning. Then followed the blocking of the port of Chemulpo in Korea by the rest of the Japanese ships. On the map, these actions are shown by blue arrows in the area of ​​the Yellow Sea. On land, blue arrows show the movement of the Japanese army on land.

A year later, in February 1905, one of the main battles took place on land near Mukden (Shenyang). This is marked on the map.

In May 1905, the 2nd Russian flotilla lost the battle near Tsushima Island.

The red dotted lines indicate the breakthrough of the 2nd Russian squadron to Vladivostok.

The beginning of the Japanese war with Russia

The Russo-Japanese War was not a surprise. The conduct of policy on the territory of China assumed such a development of events. Near Port Arthur, Russian ships were on duty to prevent possible attacks.

At night, 8 Japanese destroyers smashed the Russian ships at Port Arthur. Already in the morning, another Japanese flotilla attacked Russian ships near the port of Chemulpo. After that, the landing of the Japanese on land began.

Chronological table of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

Events unfolded on land and sea. The main stages of the war:

On the sea On the land
Jan 26-27 (8-9 Feb.) 1904 - Japanese attack on Port Arthur. Feb. – Apr. 1904 - landing of Japanese troops in China.
Jan 27 (Feb. 9) 1904 - attack by the Japanese squadron of 2 Russian ships and their destruction. May 1904 - the Japanese cut off the fortress of Port Arthur from the Russian troops.
May 31 (April 13), 1904 - an attempt by Vice Admiral Makarov to leave the harbor of Port Arthur. The ship, on board of which the admiral was, fell on one of the mines placed by the Japanese. Makarov died with almost the entire crew. But the Vice Admiral remained a hero of the Russo-Japanese War. Aug. 1904 - battle near the city of Liaoyang with General Kuropatkin at the head of the troops. It was unsuccessful for both sides.
May 14-15 (according to other sources May 27-28) 1905 - the largest battle near the island of Tsushima, in which the Japanese won. Almost all ships were destroyed. Only three broke through to Vladivostok. It was one of the decisive battles. Sept. – Oct. 1904 - battles on the Shahe River.
Aug. – Dec. 1904 - the siege of Port Arthur.
Dec 20 1904 (January 2, 1905) - surrender of the fortress.
Jan. 1905 - the resumption of defense by Russian troops on the Shahe.
Feb. 1905 - Japanese victory near the city of Mukden (Shenyang).

The nature of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

The war had an aggressive character. The opposition of the 2 empires was carried out for dominance in the Far East.

Japan's goal was to capture Korea, but Russia began to develop infrastructure in the leased territories. This thwarted Japan's aspirations and she took drastic action.

Reasons for the defeat of Russia

Why did Russia lose - because of the wrong steps of the Russian army, or did the Japanese initially have all the conditions for victory?

Russian delegation in Portsmouth

Reasons for the defeat of Russia:

  • the unstable situation in the state and the interest of the government in the rapid conclusion of peace;
  • a large reserve of troops from Japan;
  • it took about 3 days to transfer the Japanese army, and Russia could do it in about a month;
  • Japan had better weapons and ships than Russia.

Western countries supported Japan and assisted her. In 1904, England provided Japan with machine guns, which the latter had not previously had.

Outcomes, consequences and results

In 1905, a revolution began in the country. Anti-government sentiment demanded an end to the war with Japan, even on unfavorable terms.

All forces had to be thrown at settling the situation in the state.

Although Russia had enough resources and capabilities to win. If the war had lasted a few more months, Russia could have won, as the Japanese forces began to weaken. But Japan asked the United States to influence Russia and persuade her to negotiate.

  1. Both countries were withdrawing their armies from the region of Manchuria.
  2. Russia gave Port Arthur and part of the railway.
  3. Korea remained in the sphere of interests of the Japanese state.
  4. Part of Sakhalin now belonged to the Japanese state.
  5. Japan also gained access to fishing along the coast of Russia.

In both countries, the war had a negative impact on the financial situation. There was an increase in prices and taxes. In addition, the debt of the Japanese state has grown significantly.

Russia drew conclusions from the loss. At the end of the decade, the army and navy were reorganized.

Significance of the Russo-Japanese War

The Russo-Japanese War acted as an impetus for the revolution. She opened up many problems of the current government. Many did not understand why this war was needed at all. As a result, anti-government sentiment only intensified.

The main events of the RUSSIAN-JAPANESE war of 1904-1905 January 26 - 27, 1904 March 31, 1904 February 1904 April 1904 July 17, 1904 July 28, 1904 August 1904 August 11 - 21, 1904 September - October 1904 October 1904 December 20, 1904 February 1905 February 25, 1905 May 14-15, 1905 June 1905 August 23, 1905 Sudden attack by Japanese destroyers on the Russian squadron on the outer roads of Port Arthur. Mining approaches to the port → The Russian fleet cannot influence the course of hostilities. Two Russian ships (the cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets") opposed 15 enemy warships near the port of Chemulpo (Korea). In an unequal battle, cruiser commander V.F. Rudnev ordered to leave the ship; "Varyag" was sunk, and "Koreets" was blown up. The flagship battleship "Petropavlovsk" ran into a mine in battle: Vice Admiral S.O. Makarov, his headquarters (281 people) and V.V. Vereshchagin A series of defeats of the Russian army in unequal battles near the town of Tyurenchen → rus. troops retreated to Laoliang. Japan captured the port of Dalniy (Liaodong Peninsula) - a springboard for operations against Port Arthur. The beginning of the Japanese siege of Port Arthur. Rus. the military base was defended for 7 months under the leadership of General R.I. Kondratenko, having withstood 4 assaults The Russian fleet, which tried to break through to Vladivostok, is defeated Japan launched a forced attack on Port Arthur, but met stubborn resistance → cessation of the assault, siege of the fortress. Liaoyang battle: three Japanese armies attacked the Rus. position, but faced fierce resistance and suffered heavy losses. Commander of the Manchurian army A.N. Kuropatkin, reinsured, decided to retreat north to Mukden. Battles on the Shankh River (heavy losses on both sides) an attempt by the land army to help the besieged Port Arthur → The battle on the Shakh River ended unsuccessfully The 2nd Pacific squadron left the Baltic port of Libava under the command of Admiral Z.P. Rozhdestvensky to the rescue of Port Arthur (she had to go around Africa) Capitulation of Port Arthur (Surrendered by General A.M. Stessel, despite the decision of the Fortress Defense Council to continue resistance) Fighting near Mukden → threat of complete encirclement рус. army → order (February 22) of Kuropatkin about the immediate encirclement The Japanese occupied Mukden Tsushima battle: the Japanese fleet, which had superiority in strength, artillery and speed, defeated the 2nd Pacific squadron Landing of two Japanese divisions on about. Sakhalin → the unequal struggle of the militias from hard labor lasted two months Portsmouth m / d (through the mediation of US President T. Roosevelt; Portsmouth - USA; head of the Russian delegations - S.Yu. Witte): - loss of Port Arthur and the southern part of Sakhalin Island; - evacuation of troops of both countries from Manchuria; - refusal of Russia from claims; - the right to fish along the Russian shores.