Fomicheva education of sound culture of speech. What is included in the concept of “Sound culture of speech. Who listens better

Julia Shutova

Winter has come. Soon the most fabulous winter will come holiday. In anticipation new many happy years for everyone hassle:need to think new year menu, make decorations for the interior, buy gifts for relatives and friends. But what about the children? They are waiting for Santa Claus, and of course they are preparing for New Year's party!In kindergartens, serious preparations are underway for this action, educators and music workers are thinking interesting scenarios. But they always need help parents, including number and in preparation costumes. Last year, our pupils acted as Christmas trees and how I sewed for them suits I will tell you now.

Let's make a hat first. We need a glue stick, a blank paper cone (you can use ready-made caps that are sold in birthday kits, Double-sided tape and tinsel.

We connect the straight sides of the cone and stick double-sided tape on it, then remove the protective film, and wind the tinsel in a circle.

Now let's make a pom-pom.

Having connected 2 blanks of the circle, we wind red threads on them

By outside circle, cut the threads with scissors, separate the circles, and tighten the threads into a pompom.

Attach the pom-pom to the cone. The hat is ready. To keep it on the child's head, you need to make 2 small holes at the base of the cone, and tie a hat elastic.

Now I'll tell you how the skirts were sewn. For their manufacture, I bought gabardine fabric, crepe satin (for belt) and oblique inlay. First I cut out the skirts, stitched a slanting inlay to the bottom.

Then I cut strips for belts.

I sewed it to the top of the skirt, inserted an elastic band.

This is how the skirt turned out.

For top and bottom tier Christmas trees The skirts were the same.

Fitting) And moms helped us to sheathe skirts with tinsel)

These are so beautiful Christmas trees performed at the New Year's holiday!

Thank you for your attention!

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In anticipation of the main holiday of the year, we continue to make carnival costumes for kids with their own hands. Another option for an original and bright outfit is a Christmas tree costume for a girl. If you show imagination and purchase the necessary accessories for tailoring the outfit, your daughter will go to the matinee in good mood and get a lot of pleasant emotions.
There are many options for making Christmas Trees, and we will consider the most spectacular and simple of them.

How to sew a Christmas tree outfit for your daughter for the New Year 2019

Options and ideas for Christmas tree costumes for the New Year 2019, a wide variety of ideas from which to make a costume.

With the help of a finished dress and tinsel

This is the simplest and fast option. For manufacturing, we need any dress or sundress available at home, and the color does not have to be green.

We abundantly sew fluffy tinsel on the dress, placing it horizontally. It can be green, white or blue tinsel.

Large and small beads, small Christmas decorations, rhinestones are perfect.

Finished dress and scraps of fabric

Another option is to make a suit from an existing item of any shade and sew green flaps on top. You need a large number of pieces of light fabric measuring 15-20 centimeters.

Can be taken various shades, such as blue and green, or green and salad. The flaps are cut out in rhombuses and sewn vertically, overlapping each other.

If there are several colors, then they should be alternated in a checkerboard pattern. When all the elements are sewn, you can start decorating the dress.

For this, a gold-colored satin ribbon, small plastic Christmas tree decorations, and beads will do.

It all depends on the idea. By the way, another way to decorate the costume is to cut the edges of each rhombus into narrow strips.

You will get some kind of Christmas tree needles.

DIY tulle dress

If there was no ready-made outfit available or the existing one is not quite suitable for the realization of the intended image, it is not difficult to make what you need on your own.

It is necessary to purchase tulle in the amount of six meters, a wide elastic band, wide and narrow satin ribbons, accessories for decoration.

First you need to make a pattern. Depending on the size of the girl, we cut the material into 50 or 60 ribbons, the width of which is 15 centimeters.

To measure the length of the segments, measure the distance from the armpits to the knees and multiply it by two. Add three centimeters to the resulting value.

Now we measure these dimensions on the matter and cut them. The next step is sewing the elastic. To calculate its size, we measure the girth of the chest and subtract five centimeters.

We get the desired length of the gum. Then we sew the elastic band and put it on a chair, for the convenience of further actions.

We take the previously prepared ribbons, fold them in half and thread them under the elastic. We stretch the ends of the tape into the formed loop. Tighten the knot carefully.

Thus, we use all the prepared pieces of fabric. We pass a wide satin ribbon into knots from stripes.

We make straps for the dress, for more comfortable wearing, you can make them with ties around the neck or arrange them crosswise.

If you want to make the outfit fitted, you can invent a thin belt from a satin ribbon. Well, then the costume is decorated bright details taste.

Suit from a puffy skirt and a finished T-shirt

If your daughter has a beautiful T-shirt in green, blue or white flowers, it remains to add only a tutu skirt and decorate the costume.

For sewing such a skirt, exactly the same method is used as for sewing a tulle dress. Only the length of the tapes is calculated differently.

It will be equal to the distance from the waist to the knee of the baby. All other items remain the same.

When the skirt is ready, we sew it to the T-shirt, and decorate the reconciliation with beads, rain or tinsel.

Shimmery outfit with garland

If you want to surprise those present and be the center of attention, you should make a costume with bright flashing lights.

An ordinary garland, which is powered by batteries, will help in this.

First of all, we will cut the dress in the shape of a trapezoid. For such a costume, the fabric must be taken dense so that it keeps its shape well after decorating with a garland. Then we will construct the lining.

Cut out the pieces and sew them together. We put on garland bulbs on a thin wire, sew them to the suit and leave them on the outside, and hide the wires in the inside - lining.

Optionally, you can add additional decorations in the form of golden ribbons or tinsel, but in this case there is nothing to excess.

In addition to the costume itself, a headdress of the corresponding theme will be an excellent addition to the New Year's look. Consider how to sew hats for small Christmas trees.

Headdress for the image of the Christmas tree

Tinsel cap

Let's take a sheet of drawing paper and form a cone-shaped figure out of it. The diameter should be such that the cone can be easily put on the head of the child.

After trying on, we glue the desired piece of drawing paper, and wrap it very tightly, without gaps, with green fluffy tinsel, carefully gluing it.

We decorate such a cap with toys, beads, ribbons or snowflakes.

headband decoration

To make it, we get a ready-made headband for hair. You will also need a green piece of fabric, which must be cut into narrow long strips.

Not a bad option would also be a rim on springs. We, as in the first case, sheathe it with fabric, and we attach sewn decorations to the springs. For example, made snowflakes or Christmas trees look pretty nice on springs.

Finished beanie with embellishment

For this option, you will need any home hat, which should be sheathed abundantly with green or golden rain.

Decorated beach hat

If you take an ordinary summer hat, wrap it with tinsel, and stick toys or beads for the Christmas tree on a reconciliation, you get a chic headdress that perfectly complements the image of the Christmas Tree.

Cape for outfit - a luxurious accessory

Of course, it is not at all necessary to make a cape for the costume. However, if you still make it, it will turn out very elegant and stylish.

It is very easy to make it - you need to take a piece of satin measuring 145 centimeters in length and exactly the same in width.

From the prepared cut, cut out a circle, after folding the fabric in half for convenience.

In the center of the resulting circle, we cut out a hole through which the child will put on the product.

We cut the cape in front and sew on a large button and eyelet. We decorate as desired.

Don't forget to decorate your shoes

No matter how beautiful the outfit is, the wrong shoes can ruin everything. Therefore, clothing for the legs should also be paid attention.

The first way is to take ordinary slippers or Czechs and sheathe them with satin fabric in the color of a dress, cape or headdress. You can decorate with feathers, beads, snowflakes.

The second option is to sew snow-white shoe covers from dense matter. To do this, you need to make a pattern according to the size of the child's legs, transfer it to the fabric and sew it with threads that match the shade.

In order for the shoe covers not to slip on the leg, causing discomfort, it is necessary to sew an elastic band around the edges. Decorate finished shoes with tinsel, fur or beads.

The subtleties of making a festive costume Christmas tree

To avoid unforeseen difficulties when sewing, we will learn some tricks.

  1. If the costume turned out to be too bright and colorful, the white color will correct the situation. Using ordinary cotton wool, we apply horizontal patterns to the dress, laying the pattern between the main decor. Old beads or just a dense thread that is passed through Christmas tree decorations or beads on an outfit also look good.
  2. In order for the dress to keep its shape from below, with inside carefully sew small loops with a dense thread. We pass a wire through the loops, previously wrapped in cloth or tape, so that the child does not accidentally get hurt by sharp edges.
  3. If there is no time to make shoes, you can use ordinary light socks, dressed on white tights. In this case, decorate the tights with gold or green rhinestones.
  4. To brighten the image on the baby's face, draw patterns in the form of snowflakes or Christmas balls on cheeks. This can be done with the help of mom's cosmetics.

As it turned out, there is nothing complicated in the design of the costume. If you start making it in advance, without the New Year's rush and thinking through the details, at the matinee the baby will surprise those present with her beautiful stylish outfit.

The Christmas tree is a bright character for a children's holiday. She is always in the spotlight. This role most often goes to artistic girls or their no less active mothers. As a rule, a mother is lost when the choice of teachers in the distribution of roles falls on her or her daughter. The issue of a bright costume becomes one of the main ones in preparation for the holiday. But you don't have to worry about the outfit. It can be made independently from improvised materials. The article will discuss how to make a Christmas tree costume for a girl and an adult with your own hands.

There are many ideas for creating a Christmas tree outfit: from decorating basic clothes with tinsel to a full-fledged serious costume, sewn in a professional atelier.

Consider the most popular of them:

  • Festive dress in white or green flowers, decorated with tinsel, rain and homemade Christmas balls. This dress is complemented by a foil paper crown and green ribbons in the hair.
  • A simple cut sundress with a T-shirt or blouse of the appropriate shade underneath. A voluminous hat made of thick paper is prepared for a sundress.
  • T-shirt and tulle tutu skirt. The T-shirt is decorated with tinsel. A headdress will be superfluous - the suit is voluminous due to the fluffy skirt. An ideal attribute is ponytails or ribbons with green bows.
  • Floor-length layered satin dress Green colour. As a rule, such a dress is very massive, due to a large number shuttlecock looks somewhat solemn. But he has one significant drawback - a child in such an outfit is comfortable except to sit still.

Attention! Each mother decides for herself what is suitable for her daughter. But the obvious rule is: New Year's celebration, first of all, fun for children, and only then a demonstration of the most unusual costume by parents. A little actress should be comfortable and not hot.

The model presented in the article is simple, but at the same time looks spectacular. We propose to consider what the costume consists of, and how to make it with your own hands step by step.

Costume components

The “Christmas tree” image in the dress consists of the base and decorative elements To her.

Costume includes:

  • sundress green;
  • a hat made of cardboard or thick paper;
  • decorative elements in the form of homemade Christmas balls, tinsel and rain.

What is needed to make

To make a Christmas tree costume you need:

Dress making

To sew a dress, you need green fabric. It is better to take satin or any other fabric that is easy to use and beautiful in appearance.

All work on making a dress is carried out in several steps:

By the way! The model does not provide sleeves, but if the mother really wants to decorate the child's arms, then you can sew on small sleeves - lanterns. Alternatively, you can sew tinsel instead of sleeves, but only on top of the shoulders. That is, where the arms do not touch the body. Otherwise, the young "herringbone" will be uncomfortable - the tinsel is very prickly.

  • When the dress is ready, it must be decorated. The flight of fancy here is unlimited. You can sew tinsel along the hem, decorate the neck with it. Rain is sewn on the dress. But you don’t need to make too many decorations so that instead of a Christmas tree, the costume does not turn into a parsley outfit.

Making a headdress

The costume includes a hat. To make it, you need to cut out 2 parts from a sheet of drawing paper: the brim of the hat and the cone. To make a cone, a circle with a diameter of 40 centimeters is cut out of paper. An incision is made from the edge to the center. We form a cone and fasten its edges together with PVA glue.

Reference! In order for the glued edges to hold well, they can be reinforced with tape. But you need to stick adhesive tape only on the inside of the cone.

The Christmas tree costume for the girl is ready! It remains to wait for the holiday, which for a child in such a costume will be very interesting.

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree costume for an adult

Mothers are often asked to participate in children's holiday. Trying yourself in the role of a Christmas tree is undoubtedly worth it. And the costume will be very easy to make.

Necessary tools and materials

To make a Christmas tree outfit for an adult, you will need:

  • green fabric for dress;
  • foil paper and thick cardboard for the crown;
  • tinsel;
  • glue, thread and scissors.

Making the base of the costume

The costume is based on a sundress, the manufacturing technology of which is similar to sewing a children's dress. To sew a sundress, you need to attach any T-shirt or blouse to the fabric. Outline, lengthen and expand the pattern along the hem.

Important! The sundress should be loose and long. Unlike a child, it is better for an adult “herringbone” to wear a matching blouse or turtleneck under a sundress.

When both parts are ready, they are sewn together. The edges are processed. Next, the sundress is decorated with tinsel and rain.

This is how easy and fast you can sew a dress for a suit. It remains to make a headdress.

Christmas tree headdress

Consider the option of a crown as a headdress. To make it, cut out a strip of no more than 5 centimeters wide from white paper. The length depends on the size of the head. The edges of the strip are fastened with a stapler. The finished part must be painted over with green paint and allowed to dry.

A crown is cut out of foil paper. The peaks of the crown are performed in an arbitrary form. Details are fastened with a stapler. The finished crown is decorated with not too large tinsel. By the same principle, you can make a star.

Everything! The costume for an adult is ready. Children at the holiday will be delighted with such a "revived" adult Christmas tree.

Additional details for the costume

To complete the image of the Christmas tree, it can be supplemented with individual elements.

As additional details may perform:

New Year is a magical holiday. This is the time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. To give a child magic, it is not necessary to invent the impossible. You can make a fairy tale out of ordinary things by putting a piece of your soul into making a carnival costume.