Children's holiday birthday contests. Where to celebrate a birthday. We hold games and competitions at home

Four participants are selected. Two are blindfolded, the rest dictate where and what to draw. Task: draw a birthday boy. The team with the most beautiful drawing wins.


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Birthday without birthday person(s)?

The guests came for a birthday party. And there is no birthday. Children ask parents, ask questions that parents can answer YES or NO.

For example:
Is the birthday boy (name) in his room?
Is the birthday person (s) (name) hiding in the closet?
Birthday boy (s) (name) behind the chair?

Those. you can’t search, but by asking questions you can find the birthday man (-tsu). Whoever hits the dot is the winner. He (she) brings out the birthday boy (-tsu), receives a prize from him (her) and the holiday begins.


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Guess what's behind?

Participants are seated in a circle, facing the back of a neighbor. A piece of paper is attached to the back of each with tape. The first player is told in his ear a simple word that is easy to draw: a flower, a house. He must draw with a pencil on the back of his neighbor what he heard. A neighbor, guided only by his feelings, while he is being drawn on his back, must understand what is drawn there, and make a similar drawing on the back in front of the sitting player. When all participants finish their drawings, they begin to evaluate these works, according to the voting results, whoever has the most beautiful and accurate drawing, except for the first participant, wins and is awarded a prize.


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Dance on the paper!

3 couples are participating. To cheerful music, all participants dance on the newspaper. Each time the music is turned off, the newspaper folds up and its area decreases. The task is not to step over the edge of the newspaper. Those who fail are out of the game. The most persistent win and be awarded with a prize!


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Skittles are placed on the floor, two people participate. The host says that the driver needs to drive at night without lighting. The participant will be blindfolded and will be given commands to direct the "movement of the car". The competitor must knock down as few pins as possible. Then the next participant starts driving. Whoever knocks down fewer pins wins.


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Move the coin!

The participants are divided into two teams. At the end of the room you need to put two jars. Each participant is given a coin, which he must put on his leg. After that, the participants take turns carefully and quickly to carry a coin on their leg and put it in a jar. The team that completes the task faster wins.


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Magnetic fishing!

The players are divided into two teams. Magnets are placed in the basins. The first player of the team is given a fishing rod with a magnet, you need to run to the basin, catch a "fish", transfer it to a nearby bucket and return to the team to pass the fishing rod to the next one. The team with the most catch wins.

Birthday contests at home

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Air battle

The room is divided in half by a ribbon. The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same number of balloons. The task is to throw all their balls to the opponent, while the balls from opponents must also be sent back to their field. The competition begins with a sound signal and after the second sound, the children must stop. The team with the fewest balloons on their field wins.


Let's get acquainted

It happens that in the company at home holidays there are children who are unfamiliar with each other. How to make friends? Of course, by offering to play, then no one will have any embarrassment.

Children hold hands and stand in a circle. Inside the circle is the birthday man or the chosen leader. All children, on command or to the soundtrack of a cheerful children's song, begin to move in a circle to the right. The birthday boy goes to the left, facing the guests. On the command "stop" or on a pause in the music, all children stop. The birthday boy gets acquainted with the child who was opposite him. The game is repeated as many times as there are children in the circle so that the hero of the occasion can get to know everyone. An adult stops the music and says “stop” at the moments of meeting with still unfamiliar children.

If all the children know each other, this game can be played in a different way. Everyone who stops at a signal in front of the birthday boy congratulates him, compliments him.

Formula 1

Two sticks (you can use pencils) are tied with a rope of the same length (3-4 meters). A typewriter is tied to the free ends of the ropes. The "finish" in front of which both players stand can be marked with a ribbon or drawn with chalk.

The rest command: "One, two three, start!" Two players begin to quickly wind the strings around the pencils. Whose car crosses the finish line first, he won.

Then the next pair compete. The winners advance to the semifinals and compete against each other. The champion is awarded a "super prize".

Vanya - simplicity

This children's folk game "Vanya-simplicity" is suitable for a company in which there are no more than five children, and the room is spacious enough.

Children stand up as a “train”, that is, one after another, putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. They begin to follow the leader, "Vanya". At the same time, they say: "Vanya, Vanya-simplicity, I bought a horse without a tail." At the words “he sat down backwards and went to the garden,” everyone moves in the opposite direction, back to front. Then they stop and say: “One, two, three, catch!” After that, the children scatter to different sides, and "Vanya" catches the players.

Instead of the name "Vanya" you should use the name of the child, standing first. For example, "Sasha-simplicity". When the game is repeated, the next child becomes the driver (Misha, Misha-simplicity).


Two or three people participate in the competition. It is necessary to disassemble into separate piles peas, beans and beans mixed in a cup, or beads of two or three types, or pasta - feathers, horns and shells. You can offer such a mixture to each player in his own, separate container. These can be cups or salt shakers of the same size. Then the winner is the one who first sorts out all the contents of his bowl.

If there are no three identical small vessels, you can mix everything in one large cup, put the players around it and give them certain time. Whoever has more piles on the table in the allotted time (no more than three minutes!) Will win.

Try to guess

An adult invites children to guess how many nuts or sweets are in a transparent jar. Or how much (what length, height) this toy weighs. Or on which page there is a bookmark in a book, if there are so many pages in it. Determine by touch what is in this bag. Or guess what is in a closed box that cannot be opened, but you can take it, shake it, turn it over, etc.

Children express their opinions. Whoever guesses or whose answer is closer to the truth is given this box, a jar along with the contents, a book or a toy as a prize.

Naturally, when preparing the material, an adult himself carefully counts, measures, weighs it and remembers the correct answer.

Take a chair

Every child except one comes out with their own chair. The chairs form a circle. There is space between the chairs so that a person can easily pass.

The leader turns on the music, or rings a tambourine, or rhythmically strikes his hands. The children walk around the chairs. As soon as the sounds stop, each player tries to take any chair. The one who did not have enough space is out of the game.

They remove one more chair, and if there are a lot of players, then two or three chairs at once.

The game continues until one of the two most dexterous children is on the last remaining chair. He is a winner.


For this competition you need a lot of balls or balloons. Compete from two to four participants. Each of them tries to collect and hold as many named items as possible.

You can make the task more difficult. Each player is given three attempts, for which he must take and move to his corner, possibly large quantity balls.

Whoever succeeded is declared the main ... greedy. If you feel that this can offend a child, and not make him laugh, do not say this word! The prize is awarded to the winner in any case.

Who will be lucky?

The children split into twos and stand up two by two. Couples raise clasped hands. All couples alternately run forward into the formed gate from behind. Thus, each last pair, having run between all the children, becomes the first for a while.

All couples together gradually move back so as not to go beyond the space allotted for the game. It is desirable that the game is accompanied by cheerful music.

The driver stands in front of the players with his back to them. It can be a parent, a character, or a birthday person. He has several prizes in pairs, for example: two pens, two markers, two lollipops, two bookmarks, two notebooks, etc.

When the driver says "stop!", the players (and the music) stop. The driver, without turning around, says: “This pair of chocolates!” Then he turns and gives the couple who was at that moment directly behind him (that is, the first couple) sweet prizes. The couple that next time will be ahead by the word “stop!” May get notebooks or bookmarks.

The game is played until the driver runs out of prizes. It is possible that some pairs of prizes will not get it at all, and some - two or three times. Here's how lucky anyone is!

Mission Dance

Children dance randomly to their favorite music. The leader from time to time shouts out command words that the dancers must immediately execute. For example, the host may ask everyone to continue the dance in pairs or threes, go in a chain or snake for the birthday boy, then change into a round dance, etc.

Let's congratulate the song

The birthday boy walks out the door. The guests choose which song they will perform for him. For example, they decide to sing the refrain from Gena the Crocodile Song.

All participants must say one word from this song, and at the same time. Therefore, they agree on who and what particular word from the selected song will speak. If there are a lot of children, then they are divided into groups, each of which is assigned its own word.

It is necessary to exclaim in unison, on command (for example, by waving a hand). Some shout “unfortunately”, others (at the same time) - “day”, others - “birth”, fourth - “only”, etc.

Upon returning, the birthday boy must guess what song the guests want to sing for him. If he guessed correctly, then he listens with pleasure or sings this song along with the guests.

If the song is not guessed the first time, then with a wave of the organizer's hand, the words are repeated again. Thus, the hero of the occasion is given a second chance to hear and guess the song, and congratulators - to finally sing it, to the delight of themselves and the birthday man.

On the new year holiday Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden can leave the hall, and the children, divided into three teams, shout out the words “in the forest”, “born” and “herringbone”. On March 8, dad and children can sing their favorite song for mom in the same way.


The guests walk in a round dance to the right. Inside the circle, the birthday boy moves to the left. He sentences or sings (arbitrary melody):

I'll go round and round

I'll find a couple.

Come on, Olenka (Sashenka) - my friend,

Join the circle with me!

The birthday boy brings the selected child into the circle. Further, the game can develop in three different ways.

First option

"Druzhochek" together with the birthday boy dance in a circle, and other children clap. Later, they, too, can join in the dance.

Second option

The birthday boy and the guest dance together in a circle. Then each of them invites a new partner. Now two couples are dancing in a circle. Then each of these four chooses another “friend”, and in the middle four couples are already dancing. And so on until all the children are invited to the dance.

Third option

The birthday boy ends his text with these words:

We are with you now to drive,

Let's start catching everyone!

The game turns into "catch-up". The birthday boy with the "friend" catch the rest of the children. Players scatter, but freeze in place or leave and sit down if the drivers touched them.

The birthday boy and the "friend" can arrange a competition among themselves who will catch the most players. In this case, each child caught goes to the side assigned to the driver who caught him.

Find and name

If the holiday is held in a cramped room full of furniture, where there is no opportunity to play outdoor games, you can give the guests of the birthday boy the task of finding as many words in the room as possible for the same letter. The letter is indicated by the birthday man, opening his favorite book on some page.

Or they are looking for items that begin with the same letter as the name of the hero of the occasion. For example, for Sasha they will call words starting with the letter “c” (glass, wall, chair, candle, salad). And for Katya, they will pick up words starting with the letter “k” (book, armchair, cat, baby, ketchup, fireplace). The winner is the participant who named more words by one letter.

cat and mice

The driver is a “cat” (you can tie a bow around your neck), the rest of the participants are “mice”. "Cat" sits on a chair and pretends to be asleep. The “mice” carefully, on tiptoes, move around the room around the cat or in all directions and say, at first very quietly, then louder and louder:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

We are not afraid of the cat.

We are a cooing cat

Let's turn the gate!

"Cat" wakes up, meows and catches up with mice. Touching the "cat" during the "sleep" is prohibited!


Russian folk needle

Children are divided into two teams. In each of them, the players are equally divided, and they stand one behind the other. Teams line up in a straight line facing each other. It is desirable that the distance between the teams was large enough.

In the center of the playground, on the same line with the teams, strictly in the middle between them, one child crouches. This is "bread". He is chosen by a counting rhyme in advance.

All players, except for "bread", begin to pronounce the words in unison:

That's how tall

(raise hands up)

That's how wide

(spread arms out to sides)

Cut and eat!

(clap their hands for "cut")

After the clap, the first players of both teams break away from their seats and try to be the first to run and touch the “bread”. The player who succeeded takes the “bread” and takes it to his team. They stand behind the rest of the players. The less successful player of the opposing team himself becomes the "bread" and sits in his place.

The game is repeated. The same words are spoken again in chorus and the same actions are performed, but now the next players of both teams (now they are the first) compete for "bread".

The game ends when all members of both teams compete with each other. The team with the most players wins. This means that they often took away “bread” for themselves.

The older the child becomes, the more parents puzzle over what to give their child for his birthday, how to celebrate this holiday, what program and where to spend.

Every adult wants to please children, to do something unusual, to surprise them with something. It is seven years old… What demands do modern children make to their parents at this age? What does a real holiday mean to them?

If you are about to celebrate your birthday at home with large quantity guests, our advice and ideas are for you.


Before you start selecting games and contests for children 7 years old for a birthday at home, decide what the repertoire will be like: directed in one key (only contests, only experiments, etc.), or containing a variety of items (competitions interspersed with games, experiments, practical jokes, etc.).

We offer you some numbers that your seven-year-olds will surely like.

birthday experiences for kids

Older preschoolers and younger students will like and remember for a long time interesting experiments. Here is some of them.

Birthday letter

Prepare your letter in advance as follows. Dip a cotton swab in milk and write a message for the hero of the occasion on a white sheet of paper. Dry the letter. Show the children White list and tell the birthday boy to read it. Let the guys themselves give ideas on how to develop the text. Then take a burning candle and slide the flame over the paper in the place where the message is written. The letters will gradually appear and the children will be able to read the text.

Inflator bottle

Place 2 tablespoons in a half liter plastic bottle baking soda. Take a balloon and vinegar. Pour 50-100 ml of vinegar into a bottle and quickly put a ball on the neck. Hold the ball at the base and shake the bottle - from the interaction of soda and vinegar, it will gradually inflate.


Blind from plasticine a “volcano” hollow inside. Inside, put a bottle with a narrow neck, with soda and a piece of orange paint (gouache, food, etc.). Press the hole on top of the "volcano" to the opening of the container so that the outgoing "lava" flows out. Pour vinegar into the upper hole (in bottles) and wait for the "eruption" to begin.

Birthday pranks for kids

The point of pranks is to amuse the audience. Children love to laugh! For practical jokes, choose non-offensive children who understand humor.


A volunteer is called, he is given the task to throw off, with the help of facial expressions, without moving his head and without using his hands, two matches stuck on his forehead. In fact, one match sticks, and the second is imperceptibly removed, about which the audience should be warned in advance. The first match falls, the player is offered to use facial expressions more actively in order to throw off the second one supposedly hanging on his forehead. At this time, the audience plays along: they suggest which face it is better to make a face so that the match disappears. Then the player is offered a mirror to make it easier to remove the match. He looks down at himself and realizes he's been played.


Two volunteers are needed for the draw. Children sit opposite each other at the table. A ball is placed in the middle and the task is explained: the players must blindfold the ball to the opponent's side. The children are blindfolded and the ball is silently removed, and instead of it they put a plate of flour. On “one, two, three,” the players begin to blow with all their might. Spectators cheer friends, cheer for the players. When they untie their eyes to show who won, they see that everything around is white! (Flour can be substituted for confetti.)

Magic tricks for kids on birthday

You can show tricks to children and teach them to do the same at the same time. This will be a fun time for a noisy company.

Orange or apple?

Carefully remove the peel from the orange so that it can be placed on the table and looks like a whole orange. Then take a smaller apple and hide it in the peel. Show the children a supposedly whole orange, cover it with a “magic” handkerchief, then remove the handkerchief, discreetly peeling off the peel of the orange, and show the surprised viewers that your orange has turned into an apple.

empty vase

The magician must have long sleeves, in one of the sleeves hide a rubber bulb with water. Show the children an empty vase, let them make sure that there is no water in it. Then the magician puts his hand into the vase, pressing the pear of water against the wall, and to the surprise of everyone, splashes out the water.

Birthday games for children 7 years old

Games for children of seven years old can be organized both mobile and logical. You can print out various puzzles, crosswords, scanwords and give them to the kids. So, examples of games for children 7 years old for a birthday at home.


Parents must prepare cards in advance with animals, birds, etc. written on them, which need to be depicted. During the game, one person comes out, draws a card, reads (possibly with the help of an adult) and draws the word written on it. The audience must guess what was written on the card. The one who guesses the word changes with the leader.


All children sit with their hands folded. The leader with a ring in his folded hands approaches everyone, as if putting a ring in each of his closed palms. In fact, he imperceptibly puts a ring in someone alone and says: “Ring, ring, go out on the porch!” Those sitting nearby (to the left and right of this player) must orient themselves in time and detain him. If the child managed to jump up, he becomes the leader.

Who is he?

Among the players, they think of one person and talk about him to the host. Then the leader comes out, he is blindfolded. When he enters, all the players have already mixed up. The facilitator must guess the hidden person by the hand or by the head.

To hold children's birthday contests for 7 years at home is the simplest and most interesting for children, because not only the birthday person, but also the guests receive gifts.

Prizes are best chosen a few weeks before the birthday. For example, when you go to supermarkets, shopping malls, on sale. So that you don’t have to buy in a hurry just before your birthday “what was in the store” and not spend a lot of money. So, what contests for a children's birthday of 7 years old can be organized at home on your own.


Find some pictures, such as famous cartoon characters, animals or objects. It’s good if all the drawings are from the “one opera”, so that it is easier for children to guess. Cover the picture with a thick sheet of cardboard or a book and slowly begin to open it in small parts. Who first guessed what is shown in the picture - receives a prize.


Tie two threads of the same length with one side to two toy cars, the other to pencils. On the count of “one, two, three,” the players must wind the thread around the pencil as quickly as possible. The winner is a prize.


Make a selection of children's puzzles. Mark the names of those who guessed correctly on the list. The one who guessed the most riddles wins a prize.


Grab a few packs of paper clips and lay them out in front of the kids. At the leader's command, everyone begins to build a chain. After a few minutes, the leader shouts: “Stop” and the winner is determined - the one whose chain is the longest.

"Magic Words"

You must be prepared for the fact that among the friends of your birthday there will be children with different characters. Someone, perhaps, will try to disrupt your program, someone will make noise and indulge, and someone will be offended with or without reason. There is no time at the holiday to teach children and instruct them. Therefore, you need to stock up on some "magic words" so as not to waste a lot of time on bullies.

When you feel that the situation is getting out of hand, stop the program and call on everyone to listen carefully to you. When the children are quiet, explain your rules to them in a persuasive tone. Everything will depend on what is happening, what is the problem and which of the children creates it.

Strictly say that the holiday begins to act new law: “Whoever behaves in such and such a way receives a penalty point. For three penalty points, a person leaves the game (leaves to play in another room, etc.), and if illegal actions continue, the leader calls the parents, and the violator is taken home.

At the age of seven, children already perfectly understand causal relationships, so your strict tone and the gloomy prospect of being left without a holiday will certainly “bring them to their senses.”

Important little things

When preparing a celebration for a child, pay attention to some of the nuances that play an important role in the child's perception of the holiday.

  • Take care not only about decorating the room for the holiday, but also about the original table setting. For seven-year-old children, the taste of the dishes on the table is not as important as their appearance.
  • For table setting and decorating a room in a festive style, a lot of little things are now on sale, and this will make a birthday bright and unusual.
  • Find a CD or Internet radio with children's songs that will sound both during the feast and at competitions.
  • Get someone to take pictures and video of the whole event to capture the fun.

And if you are still not ready to take on the entertainment for the guests, then professional hosts for the holiday will come to your aid. But keep in mind that with some firms providing staff for children's day birth, you need to arrange in advance a few weeks.

Children's birthday is an important holiday for a child. The task of the parent is to make it fun, exciting and unique. The main attribute of the holiday are games and competitions that allow children to get to know each other and overcome shyness. Birthday games for children should be active and alternate with calm ones so that the kids can relax.


First game: "Who am I?"

A fun game that develops thinking and imagination well.

What develops
: fantasy, thinking, artistry.

Rules of the game:

A leader is chosen from among the players. The host thinks of a word (animal, bird, object) and shows it without words with movements and facial expressions. Children must guess who the leader is. Whoever guesses the word first becomes the leader.

Second game: "Fish, beast, bird"

An interesting game for thinking and speed of reaction.

What develops: speed of thinking, attention, speed of reaction.

Rules of the game:

Children stand in a circle, the leader is in its middle. Moving in a circle, the host starts a counting rhyme: "Fish, beast, bird, fish, etc." The child on whom the counting rhyme stopped (for example, on the word “Fish”) must quickly name the fish. If named correctly. The facilitator starts the counting rhyme again. Words must not be repeated. If the child thinks for a long time or answers incorrectly, he is out of the game. The last one left wins. For the losing children, the leader assigns "forfeits", for example, to crow, jump, bark, etc.

Third game: "Who knows more"

A sedentary game that can be carried out for children to relax after outdoor games.

What develops: attention, thinking.

Rules of the game:

The children sit next to each other on a bench. The facilitator gives the task to each child in turn to name five objects. of blue color or round shape. Each child is given a specific time, for example 30 seconds. Do not repeat the words of others. If the child does not invest in the allotted time, he is out of the game. The one who knows more items wins.

Game 4: "Picture Cards"

A fun game that will allow the child to overcome shyness and express themselves.

What develops:
fantasy, artistry, eliminates awkwardness.

Rules of the game:

You should prepare in advance for the game. The host must cut out drawings of objects, animals, birds from magazines, stick them on cardboard to make cards. Each child takes turns drawing a card from the deck. If a child pulled out a card with a dog, cat, crocodile, he must pretend to be this animal.

Fifth game: "The box with fairy tales"

An interesting game that perfectly develops imagination and a cohesive collective spirit.

What develops: fantasy, team cohesion.

Rules of the game:

Before the game, the host cuts out mugs from cardboard various colors and puts it in a box. Each player takes turns drawing a circle. certain color, for example orange and begins to fantasize and invent a fairy tale. You need to come up with 2-3 sentences, for example: “A bright orange sun shone in the morning. It was autumn and orange leaves were falling to the ground from the wind. After that, the second child pulls out a colored card and continues to invent a fairy tale.

Game 6: Q&A

A well-known and interesting game that will cheer up and amuse everyone.

What develops: Removes stiffness.

Rules of the game:

The host takes out a piece of paper and writes at a distance of 2 centimeters the questions: “Who was it?”, “Where was it?”, “What did you do?”, “What did you say?”, “What did people say?”, “How did it end?”. The sheet is passed to each child in turn. The first player writes the answer to the question and folds the piece of paper so that no one can see what he wrote. The second and subsequent players do the same. After that, the presenter takes a piece of paper, unfolds it and begins to read the story that turned out.

Seventh game: "Candy-beads"

Fun mobile relay game.

What develops: team spirit, speed.

Rules of the game:

Before the game, the leader makes two pairs of beads, stringing sweets on a rope. It is convenient to pierce the candy with a needle with a thread inserted into the eye. The thread should be dense so that it does not break during the game, ideally nylon. Players are divided into two teams, a leader is chosen. The host hangs beads on the commander and places him at a distance of 15 steps from the team. The players line up. At the command of the host, the first player runs up to the commander and unfolds the candy without the help of hands. Eats and runs back. The team that quickly ate all the candies from the commander's neck wins.

Eighth game: "Children's bowling"

A game that gives children great pleasure.

What develops
: accuracy, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Rules of the game:

The facilitator sets up toy skittles or plastic bottles at the other end of the room. Children are divided into two teams and stand in a line side by side. A rope is placed in front of the children, the first players are given a ball in their hands. Everyone rolls the ball, tries to knock down the skittles. The host records the number of pins knocked down and at the end of the game, when all participants have made an attempt, counts which team has knocked down more and won.

Game 9: Sitting Volleyball

An unusual variant of volleyball that is suitable for children of many ages.

What develops: speed of reaction, agility, coordination of movements.

Rules of the game:

The host divides the players into two teams. Chairs are placed at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from each other, equal to the number players. The players sit on chairs, between them the leader stretches a separating rope. Children start playing volleyball. It is allowed to hit the ball with your hands, not to catch and not to get up from the chairs. The ball must fly over the rope, if it fell on the side of the opponents, the team is awarded a point. The host keeps score, the game time is 15 - 30 minutes or up to 15 points.

Game 10: Let's get to know each other

A good birthday game to introduce children at the beginning of the holiday.

What develops: eliminates the feeling of shyness.

Rules of the game:

Children stand in a circle, the leader stands in the middle with the ball in his hands. The host calls his name and the name of the player to whom he throws the ball. The player must catch the ball, state his name and the name of the person to whom he is throwing. Thus, all children can get to know each other. If the child does not know anyone by name, he throws the ball back to the leader.

Eleventh game: "Changers"

A fun game for children for attentiveness and speed of reaction.

What develops: attentiveness, thinking, reaction speed.

Rules of the game:

Chairs are placed in a circle in the room, equal to the number of children. All children sit on chairs, the leader stands in the middle of the circle. Lead finds common feature all or some children and says: “Those who have blonde hair(plaid shirt, dark trousers, etc.).” The task of the children is to find a given element and change places on the chairs. The task of the presenter is to take a place in the vacant chair with a general commotion. The one who is left without a chair becomes the leader.

Game 12: Mirrors

An exciting outdoor game for children that requires increased concentration.

What develops: attentiveness; movement coordination.

Rules of the game:

Children stand in a row, in front of them is the leader. The task for the children is to be a mirror of the leader and repeat any movements after him. If the leader jumps on right leg, children are mirrored on the left, etc. If the child makes a mistake, he is out of the game, the winner becomes the leader.

Game 13: The Sculptors

Very interesting game for older kids.

What develops
: thinking, memory, attention.

Rules of the game:

Children are divided into pairs, one of them is a sculptor, the second is a model. The sculptor stands with his back to the sitter. At the command (one clap) of the presenter, the sitter takes some kind of pose. On the second command, the sculptor turns and examines the position of the sitter for five seconds. On the third command, the sculptor turns away, and the sitter changes his position again. After the signal of two claps, the sculptor turns and begins to "sculpt" from the sitter the position that he remembered in 5 seconds. The winner is the pair whose sculptor "blinded" the figure as accurately as possible.

Fourteenth game: "Ear, throat, nose"

An exciting game of attentiveness that children should show.

What develops: attentiveness, coordination of movements.

Rules of the game:

Children stand in front of the leader in a line. The host touches the mouth, eyes, nose, while calling them. Children must repeat all the movements after him. After a few minutes, the facilitator tries to confuse the players by touching the ear, naming the nose, etc. Children should touch the place that the leader calls, and does not show. The child who makes a mistake is out of the game. The winner is the one who turned out to be the most attentive and dexterous.

Game 15: "Confusion"

A mobile and interesting game for children, with the help of which the mood is lifted and shyness is eliminated.

What develops: thinking, fantasy, dexterity, coordination of movements, logic.

Rules of the game:

Children stand in a circle and take each other's hands. The host turns away, the children have a minute, they must climb over each other, get tangled in the “knot” without opening their hands. The task of the presenter is to unravel the "knot" without opening the children's hands.
