Choosing beds for children: what should you look at first? A complete overview of baby beds and their design features Which bed is best for a child of 3 years

The child is growing rapidly, and this requires some changes in his room. In particular, changes may affect the crib. Of course, the bottom of that crib that was bought a few years ago was lowered a long time ago. The child has mastered well the hole that his dad made for him by removing one or two wooden rods from the side (in many modern cribs such a hole is provided in one of the end walls), and uses this hole when waking up or getting ready for bed, uses the hole, getting out of cribs to the chamber pot "on duty" nearby. It is possible that the wheels were removed from the legs of the crib as unnecessary, and the arcs were removed and they no longer use the motion sickness system, the alarm system and other bells and whistles. And if the crib was inherited from the father or mother themselves and its design is absolutely simple and the child has to climb over the railing, which the children do with monkey dexterity until the parents completely remove the front wall, then perhaps it's time (although the legs seem to be between the bars do not stick out) to buy another bed - more modern and appropriate for his age.

At the time of buying cribs for a four-five-year-old baby, it should be borne in mind that he will use it for several years.

What requirements should this bed meet? ..

Firstly, it must be made of natural wood and varnished; well suited for a children's bed hardwood - beech, birch, hornbeam, oak, ash, etc.; this wood is very durable, the child does not risk getting a splinter; natural wood - the material is non-toxic, fully complies with hygienic requirements; some parts of a baby bed can be made of wood boards and plastic.

Secondly, the bed for a child of four or five years old should have at least low sides.

Thirdly, the bottom of the bed should be low above the floor.

Fourth, the dimensions of the mattress must match the dimensions of the bottom of the bed. These are bed requirements. But there may also be wishes - if the choice is wide. For example, children's beds with canopies are very comfortable; the use of canopies not only allows you to create a cozy environment around the child, conducive to falling asleep quickly, but also reliably protects the baby from winged insects (mosquitoes, flies, midges, etc.), which is especially important for residents of rural areas or when the family leaves for the country house. plot. You should also be glad if the design of the children's bed provides a box for storing linen, things; the drawer can be very roomy and allows you to keep everything you need for baby care in one place. Many modern beds can also be used by children as a sofa when the bed is removed.

However, it is not uncommon for families in which four or five-year-old children sleep in beds designed for adults. It is noteworthy that the kids themselves are only happy about this. The child is very spacious on a large bed; in addition, a child who is “allowed” to sleep on an adult bed feels more adult, which greatly elevates him in his own eyes, helps to assert himself (and this can be oh so difficult around adult family members or older children) .

It is unlikely that anyone will have any objections to the fact that parents will put an adult bed in the child's room, if safety requirements are taken into account. More precisely, only one requirement should be taken into account - the possibility of falling out of bed. Parents should not reassure themselves that, they say, falling low is not high for them, if you remember how big a tricycle or a table covered with a tablecloth seemed to you as a child, you will understand that the child may even be afraid to fall out of bed. And falling in a dream, that is, in a relaxed state, deprived of the opportunity to group, a child can get very seriously injured.

A small child sometimes sleeps restlessly - and opens up in a dream, and tosses and turns; it is clear that in the absence of restrictive sides, at some point it may well fall to the floor. It is easy to avoid this danger.

We offer here several ways to prevent a sleeping child from falling out of bed:

You can put several pillows or rolled blankets around the child; these pillows or blankets successfully serve as a side;

On one side of the bed - the one with which the bed is pushed to the wall - you can slightly shorten the legs (or put something under the legs of the bed, remote from the wall); the slight slope of the bed against the wall will prevent the child from rolling to the floor; if the child sleeps restlessly, he will simply slide against the wall, and there is no risk for him in this;

Under the edges of the mattress, you can put wooden blocks 6-7 cm thick (or sandbags having the specified thickness); if the mattress takes the form of a “boat”, a sleeping child will never fall out of this “boat”;

Effectively prevent the child from falling from the bed while sleeping with a tightly pushed chair, some parents even use two chairs for this purpose; chairs pulled up to the bed not only protect the child from falling and injury, but also keep the blanket on the bed if the child sleeps restlessly and unfolds;

To prevent accidental falls of the child from the bed, it is recommended to focus on the formation of the habit of sleeping on a bed that does not have restrictive sides; if in the child’s subconscious there is confidence that the bed has no sides, this confidence will be a limiter for him; as soon as the child starts tossing and turning in bed, the limiter will signal “be careful!”; the habit we are talking about is formed simply: the child needs to be given the opportunity to lie on a new bed more often in the middle of the day; the kid ran around, got tired, let him lie down, let him look around; he will thus quickly wean from a crib with sides.

And finally, if a fall has occurred, you should not scold and raise a child, "so that this does not happen again." Even a teenager can fall out of bed. And an adult. It is better to take care of security measures and sleep well for everyone.

Every responsible parent knows that when choosing a bed for their child, two rules should be followed: functionality and quality. Today, the furniture industry offers a wide range of different models of beds. These include a crib from 3 years old. How not to get lost in this variety, decide on a model and color, and also not go beyond the family budget?

We offer to consider the options for sleeping structures, among which you can make a choice, depending on the age category of the child and the requirements of the parents. If your little ones are turning three years old and their cribs are getting small, it's time to think about a new bed.

To do this, remember four basic rules:
1. The materials from which the bed is made must be natural and not contain toxic substances.
2. When choosing, pay special attention to the safety of the structure. Corners must be rounded. If the berth is located high, it is necessary to have a side so that the child does not fall. Nuts and bolts must not stick out.
3. Choose mattresses with orthopedic features, this will protect the child's spine from deformation.
4. The design should be in harmony with the main interior design of the children's room.

Such rules will help to focus on the quality of the product and not be tempted by the bright design.

Types of baby beds

Bed - transformer

1. With one bed
The compact design will free up part of the space in the children's room. The bed in such models is usually hidden. In the daytime, the bed does not take up space in the room, and in the evening, with a slight movement of the hand, it slides out of the bottom of the chest of drawers or closet. The design mechanism works on hydraulic springs, which will make it easy to lay out a bed for a child from 3 years old on their own.

2. With two beds
For two or more children, two-level or bunk beds are suitable.
A two-level design can completely replace the furniture of a children's room. The sleeping places are additionally equipped with linen drawers, a desk, shelves and a wardrobe. In such models, the second bed is retractable or folding. When assembled, the bed occupies a minimum of space.

On video: bed-transformer.

If there are three children in the family, the design provides for a retractable third place. Due to the close location of the tier to the floor, we recommend purchasing an additional mattress.

Children's bunk bed from three years, consists of two beds located one above the other. The upper tier should have a side 30 cm high. A mandatory structural element is a ladder. So that the climb up does not make the child much effort, the steps are made large and stable, for example, from boxes for things.
When choosing a bunk or two-tier bed model, make sure that a 3-year-old child sleeps on the lower tier.

Bed "module"

Every child dreams of such a bed. The design resembles a miniature castle. Here your baby will not only sleep well, but also work productively and have fun. The bed is located on a hill. It is possible to go upstairs by stairs, or by a gentle slide, which is included in the playing area of ​​the module.

There are many boxes - cubes, for storing toys and things. All of them are equipped with rollers, which allows you to move them around the room without much effort. Any cube performs the function of a table at which the child can draw. A good addition to the design will be a gymnastic corner. The whole module is made of different materials, painted with bright colors. The kid will not want to leave such a children's room!

Loft bed

This bed is designed for one child. The bed is located at the top (on the 2nd tier), so the presence of a side is mandatory. The space under the bed is used for a desk, wardrobe, shelves and toy boxes. There is also a play area. In order for the child to freely ascend and descend from the second tier, the stairs must be stable and with a railing. In such a bed, the baby will feel like a chick in a nest.

Bed standard single

Most often, this model is chosen for children from 3 years to adolescence. The single bed is equipped with an orthopedic mattress. The size of the bed is 20 cm larger than the height of the child. In order to save space, there can be linen drawers in the lower part of the sleeping structure, and the headboard can be equipped with convenient shelves.

Sofa - bed or armchair - bed

The mechanism of operation of the sofa and chair beds is identical. The only difference is that two children can fit on the sofa, and one in the chair. Models of beds are diverse: from children's themes in design (fairy tale characters, exotic animals, space objects) to classic style.

Upholstery fabric designs for children are soft, wear-resistant, bright colors. The only disadvantage of such beds is that there is no integrity of the bed. For a comfortable sleep, it is recommended to purchase a thin orthopedic mattress. Such models are suitable for any age category of children.

“Thanks to the beds with sides, children feel protected throughout the night. The enclosed space reminds the baby of a small house, where it is cozy and warm.

Beds for girls

Decorating a girl's room is a lot of fun. Here, the flight of your imagination can not be limited. From a young age, girls develop a love for beauty, refinement and femininity are formed. Therefore, you should not resort to everyday classic or cold motives, give them a fabulous atmosphere. The key accent of the interior in the nursery should be the bed.

In the first years of life, the child sleeps in a crib. But such a bed is designed only up to three years. However, there are improved models with an additional complete set of a removable lattice, which will allow you to make a sofa out of the crib. Also, the kit may include side drawers or bags for storing small items.

Having reached the age of three years for girls, you can purchase a spacious and comfortable bed with an interesting design. To date, furniture manufacturers offer a large selection of such models. For example, it can be a carriage, a fairy-tale castle or a house. The main thing is that the style of the room is in harmony with the bed. In such a bed, girls will be happy to sleep, as well as spend time playing with their friends.

Older girls can arrange a room in an oriental style. The atmosphere of a fairy tale will be created by a bed decorated with a lace canopy. A photograph of a bedside canopy will convey the whole atmosphere of the East. This is not only part of the decor, it will serve as a mosquito net or protect from the morning sun. Any oriental beauty will envy such a sleeping place.

As for teenage girls, psychologists advise discussing all issues of interior and furniture together with them. Better yet, take the girl with you to the furniture store.. She will be pleased to feel like an adult and understand that her opinion is considered. The most practical and comfortable option is a single-bed design on legs with a beautiful carved headboard. The material of the bed can be either metal or wood. For convenience, most models are equipped with bedside tables.

Remember that most of the time the child spends in the nursery. Therefore, he should like the situation and evoke positive emotions.

Children's beds for boys

For boys, the age of three is associated with abroad, on the one hand, it completely depends on the mother, and on the other hand, the child seeks to do everything himself, to know the world around him. At this age, children already have a favorite cartoon, fairy tale, hero. And there is also a dream: to be like your favorite hero. To satisfy the dreams of their children, parents can purchase stylized beds.

“The kid is afraid to be alone at night in a dark room, the glowing headlights of the bed - cars will replace the nightlight. And the night is not so scary anymore

Imagine how your baby sleeps sweetly in a batman mobile or a pirate ship! Moreover, this design is in no way inferior to standard models in terms of comfort. With a minimum of effort to raise the bed, you can find a spacious drawer for storing things or bedding. After sleep, the bed turns into a gaming machine or a ship. Such children's beds (with photo) for boys from 3 years of age can be viewed in any furniture store.

There is only one thing, BUT ... Children grow, tastes change, and after a few years the sleeping place must be replaced with a new one.
A teenage boy will not want to sleep in a children's bed, that's for sure. As a rule, at this age, children prefer traditional beds, with a straight headboard and a full bed.. The color scheme of the bed for boys of adolescence should not be bright colors. The best option is calm pastel colors. Without a doubt, such a model will last for many years, with careful attitude to it.

Sofa beds or armchair beds are just as popular for a boy. Thanks to this design, you get two things: during the day there is a sofa for relaxing in the room, and in the evening - a bed for sleeping.

“The child refuses to sleep in the bed, citing the fact that the mysterious Babai lives under it… The design with a platform and lower drawers will solve this problem forever”

Children's beds for children of different sexes from 3 years old and teenagers

When children of different sexes grow up in a family, the arrangement of sleeping places in the children's room becomes a problem for parents. The kids constantly feud over the best part in the room. Girls want a bed with canopies in pink tones, and boys prefer everything in the style of the cartoon "Cars". The question arises: how to embody everything in one room?

You can solve the problem by making a design in the form of a house with two beds. Set up one place for the girl, and the second for the boy. Furniture design textiles should clearly separate the children's areas. The girl's bed is in light pink or pastel colors, and the boy's bed is in blue or dark colors.

You can simplify the task. Children's beds from 3 years old can be two-level in one neutral color scheme. So that the color suits both the boy and the girl. Only decorative elements make the border of the zones. A canopy will decorate the girl’s bed, and equip the boy in the form of a racing car. This combination will stop the feud, and each child will get their favorite place in the room.

When choosing a teenage bed, it is necessary to find a compromise solution that will satisfy the needs of the child and the financial possibilities of the parents. Make sure that the sleeping structure is made of natural materials and with a solid base. At this age, the child should sleep on a flat and hard surface.. An orthopedic mattress and a wooden lattice will help to cope with this task. Such requirements are prescribed for both boys and girls. The bed should not clutter up the space in the room.

If the interior is already partially furnished, the model of the bed must be matched to the overall style. Do not forget that the soft shades of textile colors soothe and set you up for a good rest.

Sleeping designs for teenagers are diverse. Furniture manufacturers provide a large number of photos of their creations. They can be bunk, two-level, sofa beds, single beds. Optionally, you can bring your bed sketch to the furniture manufacturer. Then your child will have an exclusive option.

Proper care of the bed will allow it to serve for many years. Having bought the desired model in the store, do not be lazy to pay attention to the operating instructions. At home, remove the packaging film from it. This procedure will protect the furniture from the effects of condensate. Subsequently, your mattress and bed will not smell damp. To clean the mattress, purchase a removable cover, this will prevent it from getting dirty.

The bed is the most important part of the bedroom. Children spend most of their time on the move. After such activity, everything should soothe and dispose to sleep. A good sleeping place creates maximum comfort for a child's sleep. A sound sleep is the key to the health of your child.

Where could I buy?

Have you already chosen a bed for your handsome man or beauty? In any case, you will 100% find the crib you need in the cupistol store. Quality assurance, huge selection, delivery! We highly recommend! 🙂 Have a nice day and see you soon!

Beautiful baby beds (1 video)

The most important item in any bedroom or nursery is the bed. And although a three-year-old child does not spend as much time in a dream as a baby, but 8-12 hours is also pretty good. And the dependence of well-being on restful sleep in children is even more serious than in adults.

Compliance with the age and height of the child is the main task of children's furniture, it is also the most difficult to implement. The furniture in the nursery is completely replaced at least three times, and such useful mechanisms as height adjustment do not solve all the difficulties.

For a bed, the first place is not so much the length and width as the height of the bottom, as well as the installation of various devices to avoid falling in a dream. At an older age, these factors cease to be relevant, and parents are faced with another problem: placing a new, rather big bed in a small nursery.

Teenage bed (photo)


A safe bed for an infant or toddler is a design with a very high bottom and railings. As a rule, it serves as a bedchamber for a child up to three years old, since its size is quite sufficient.

As soon as the child masters the technique of "climbing", and this happens quite quickly, the fences are removed. To prevent a fall, the crib is placed close to the adult. However, a baby at 4–5 years old should sleep separately, which means that other adaptations are needed.

Sides in a crib are not only desirable, but sometimes simply necessary. Especially if the child is restless. Thanks to the safety of the child when he is in the crib.

  • Sides - wooden or plastic low railings about 1/3 of the length of the bed. Sides can be installed on one or both sides, be stationary or removable. Sometimes the device is upholstered with a soft cloth to prevent the possibility of injury. The purpose of the side is not so much to stop the fall of the baby during restless sleep, but to warn him. Contact with a sudden obstacle is already enough to wake a sleeping child or stop a toss and turn. Therefore, special strength from the sides is not required. But the fastening must be reliable: the baby will surely lean on it in order to climb onto the bed.
  • The second security requirement is sustainability. The bed is used by the child not only for sleeping, but also for games, sometimes very active. Narrow and tall structures are more prone to tipping than wide and low structures.
  • The third requirement is rounded corners and contours. A child can easily get hurt on sharp edges.

- the decision for the nursery is ambiguous. This design occupies an area larger than an ordinary bed, therefore it is installed in spacious rooms. On the other hand, some models suggest using the space under the podium more rationally.


  • The best option is to consider a tree. In most collections, the rest of the children's furniture is made of chipboard or MDF, but the bed is made of wood. Preferably hardwood - ash, beech, oak. Solid wood perfectly holds grinding and polishing, which eliminates the formation of splinters.
  • Not a bad option combined - a tree with MDF or chipboard. But at the same time, it is necessary to clarify the class of the material - not higher than E1. The same requirement must be observed when choosing a crib entirely from chipboard. The low-emission material is safe and does not cause allergies.
  • There are many models where plastic is combined with wood or metal. Nothing bad can be said about such options if high-quality material was used in the manufacture. As a rule, the head and foot of the crib are made of plastic: polymers are plastic, easily dyed, so it is much easier to give them an unusual shape and color.

What should be given special attention when choosing is the bottom. A flat solid bottom is a bad option. Wooden slats attached to the base provide ventilation for the mattress.

The orthopedic base differs from the usual rack in the shape of the rail. It cannot be said that this solution will be superfluous, but its cost is higher.

The podium bed is a fairly simple design. If you have experience working with wood and a metal profile, then building is a completely feasible undertaking. Well, independent design and decoration is almost always more interesting than copying a finished project.

Mattress for baby beds

The importance of a mattress for a restful sleep, or rather, for proper sleep, is difficult to overestimate. Especially when it comes to a child whose backbone is not yet formed. So the choice is clear: a children's bed from 0 to 14 years old needs an orthopedic mattress.

There is a big difference between an orthopedic and anatomical mattress for a baby bed: the first one provides support for the spine in the desired position, the second one follows the shape of the body. These products are not interchangeable, although the orthopedic may also have anatomical properties.

Children's orthopedic mattress (photo)

Sizes of mattresses in a children's bed:

  • From 3 to 6 - neither the cervical nor the lumbar bend has yet been formed, but muscle tissue is actively developing. At this age, mattresses of both high and medium hardness are allowed. But spring, nevertheless, it is desirable to avoid. Rigidity of the product is still more important than elasticity.

For a baby bed, it is better to buy mattresses with a combination of coconut fiber and latex, coconut coir and polyurethane foam. If this option seems too hard, for example, when the child is weakly gaining weight, then a model with an upper soft layer, the so-called memory effect, is selected. It is better not to reduce the overall rigidity of the mattress.

  • From 6 to 12 - the cervical bend is formed at the age of 7, and the lumbar bend up to 12. The stiffness remains the same - high or medium-high class. Models with a spring block are allowed, preferably independent.
  • From 12 and older - the process of formation of the spine is completed, and now, the main thing is not to deform it with an incorrect position at the table or in a dream. For this, a mattress of medium hardness is selected, spring or springless as desired.

For any age, it is advisable to purchase a model with a removable cover made of a well-washed fabric. As a rule, these are mixed fabrics of jacquard weaving with a certain proportion of polyester. They do not pose a danger, but they provide wear resistance and ease of cleaning. Cotton and calico covers are cheaper, but they also become unusable quickly.

It is also important that the size of the mattresses exactly matches the size of the children's bed. Too big will wrinkle, shortish - move along the bottom with the child. In addition, if we are talking about a 3-year-old baby, there is a threat of a stick or a leg getting stuck in the gap between the side and the mattress.

Since the beds are available in standard sizes, the mattresses have the appropriate parameters. Quite a few manufacturing companies offer custom-made orthopedic mattresses, but the cost of such a service is appropriate.

When choosing a crib for a baby, it is very important to choose not only safe and comfortable furniture, but also the most functional. This criterion is met by furniture designed not only for recreation, but also for other purposes. The cribs included in the kit allow you to use the space of the room most efficiently.

Bed dimensions

The sizes of beds are standardized, including children's. They are selected by age, and, most importantly, by the height of the child.

Sizes of baby cots by age:

  • From 0 to 3 - the optimal parameter for a single children's bed is 120 * 60 cm. European standards are slightly larger - 120 * 65 cm. If the baby is short, he can use such a bed even at 4-5 years old, you just need to adjust the height of the bottom.
  • For 3–5 years old, the standard sizes are 140*70, 160*70, 80*190 or 195 cm. The height of the bottom is not more than 1 m.
  • A middle-aged student is more suitable for a size of 80 * 190 or 90 * 200, which corresponds to a single "adult" bed.

The bed, table and chair are too small or too big, equally not useful. After all, the baby's skeleton is just being formed, and the correct posture during classes or sleep is much more important for him than for an adult. But buying a new crib every 3 years is a big burden on the family budget. of all types and modifications are designed to solve this problem once and for all.

In order to save space in the nursery, bunk beds are purchased, where the bed is located on the “second” floor, and the table is on the first. For a student, this design is quite safe and convenient. The height of the lounger is about 1.5 m, and the parameters of the place to sleep correspond to a single bed - 80 * 190 cm. To order, children's beds can be made according to individual sizes.

Children's bed "Elephant", bed size 700x1400 mm (photo)

Construction and design

The bed in the usual version is a frame with a bottom mounted on legs. The headboard and footboard, by the way, are optional elements. However, the small areas of children's rooms, as well as the rapid growth of the bed user, gave impetus to the emergence of a wide variety of transformers.

  • Transforming bed with a chest of drawers - in the initial assembly, it is a baby bed with high sides and an adjustable bottom. A chest of drawers with a changing table are one with it. As the child grows, the fences are removed and replaced with bumpers. Then, when the sleeping place becomes cramped, the chest of drawers is shifted to the floor, and the bed is extended by 60–70 cm.

Depending on the complexity of the model, the chest of drawers can later be converted into a desk for a preschooler or shelves. The design often has drawers for linen at the base. The only drawback of this option is a solid bottom, so you need to monitor the condition of the mattress additionally.

  • A bunk bed offers even more options. If the model is designed for one child, then a sleeping place is organized on the upper tier, and on the first tier, a chest of drawers or a wardrobe with drawers, a writing or computer desk, a sports corner, or all together is created, as needed. The option is very functional and saves a lot of space, but it can only be used after the child reaches 3-4 years old.

Roll-out teenage bed (photo)

  • Roll-out bunk beds are designed for two children and differ in that the top bed is located at a lower height. To create two sleeping places, the lower bed must be pulled out from under the upper one.
  • Bed-table - is implemented for older children, as it involves coordinated manipulations with the planes of the table and the bed. For a preschooler, it's just too hard.
  • Teenage option - sofa bed. For an adult child, the nursery is not only his working area, but also a place for receiving guests. A sofa in such a situation is more necessary.

Transformers experience a higher load than ordinary furniture, so preference should be given to models made of wood or combined: a wooden bed, and a chest of drawers, table plane, shelves - from chipboard.

Children's is a popular solution. Not only does it look original and attractive, but its resemblance to a car greatly facilitates the process of putting the child to bed. The kid does not leave the game for the sake of sleep, but simply plays another, less mobile one.

The design of children's furniture is the most diverse, but the bed in this sense is not the most grateful material, since most of it is hidden by a bedspread. In models for children aged 3–6 years, the sides and headboard turn into a design solution. They are made in the form of a castle, imitate cars or yachts and even "spaceships".

The bed-machine refers to gaming furniture, that is, such items that simultaneously perform their primary user function and additional gaming. - a great gift for a baby. And if he is allowed to participate in the process - at least paint the board with a brush, there will be no limit to delight.

Older models are trying to pick up in accordance with the color palette. In any case, furniture made of light wood or painted in fairly bright colors is best suited for a nursery. MDF with acrylic color coating perfectly copes with this task.

In a teenager's room, furniture should be in harmony with the chosen style. Fortunately, converting a bed is not difficult: just replace the headboard.

Choosing a baby bed is not the easiest thing. As well as in the bedroom for adults, this item determines the style of the room, although not so clearly. However, it must be age appropriate. Buying a new one as you grow or picking up a multifunctional transformer is an individual choice.

Healthy and safe sleep of the baby is of great importance for physical and mental development. In the first 4 weeks of life, a child sleeps from 16 to 20 hours, a year and up to seven years - from 10 to 12. Therefore, it is so important to provide the child with a comfortable, and most importantly, safe place to sleep.

Among the various models of beds for babies, attention should be paid to a children's bed with sides. It is a smart choice for parents concerned about the health and development of their child. In order for the child to like the sleeping place, and also to ensure a healthy sound sleep, it is important choose the right model appropriate for the age and needs of the child.

Age from 3 to 7 years is characterized by the continuation of intensive age, increased curiosity and activity. A three-year-old child has already grown out of his infant crib, which means it's time to think about buying a new one.

Often the baby's sleep at this age is restless, at night the baby turns and rolls over. To protect the child from injuries and falls, when buying children's sleep furniture, you should give preference to models equipped with bumpers. Furniture stores offer a large assortment of such children's beds, but they all differ from each other in size, functionality, equipment and design. Consider the most popular types of beds for children from 3 years old with sides.

A classic without unnecessary details

The children's bed without superfluous details will perfectly fit into any interior. It can be made of wood, plastic or even metal. The single model is equipped with built-in or removable boards that can be adjusted in height.

The crib does not have additional add-ons, therefore it only functions as a place to sleep. However, in a situation where children's room is fully equipped, that is, there is all the necessary furniture, except for the bed, it makes sense to choose this particular model. It does not take up much space, and the design options are so diverse that you can integrate it into absolutely any interior.

An important parameter is the preferences of the child himself. Bright and original design will delight and attract the attention of the baby. A boy can choose a bed in the form of a rocket, a car, a motorcycle or even a pirate ship. A girl in the form of a fabulous carriage, a children's boat.

An original idea for a girl would be a tent bed. The sides of this model are made of soft fabrics, which are fixed on top and around the perimeter. In addition to the unusual design, the bed has child protection function from falls and other external factors, such as insects. You can choose a place to sleep in the form of a circus tent, a tent with drawings from your favorite cartoons or a fairy-tale house.

Original children's beds (video)

Single bed with drawers, shelves or chest of drawers

Often rooms with a small area are allocated for children. In such a situation, it is important to think not only about the beauty and safety of furniture, but also about its functionality and ergonomics. Bed with sides can be additionally equipped with:

  • drawers;
  • superstructures with shelves;
  • desk;
  • chest of drawers;
  • small closet.

Drawers and a chest of drawers can be allocated for small children's underwear or toys. Drawers are at the bottom of the bed will be available to the baby. The child can independently get and clean the things he needs, this teaches him to be independent and work.

A bed, complemented by a desk or wardrobe, will solve the problem of small space in the children's room. Additional furniture will no longer need to be bought, and interior elements will be in harmony with each other.

Loft bed and bunk bed with sides

For children aged 5 to 8 years, you can choose a loft bed. The sleeping place will be located on the second tier, which the child needs to climb up the stairs. Below is usually play or study area.

This model is quite functional, as it can include a children's desk, wardrobes or an entertainment area.

A bunk bed is best suited for a family with two children. It can be either a standard model with sides, or a more original one. For example, the lower bunk could be a sofa bed that can be folded out. Two-level beds are often complemented by wardrobes, bedside tables, shelves and drawers, which allows you to ergonomically place furniture in the children's room.

Suitable for children aged 3 to 4 retractable model bunk bed. The sleeping places are much lower, besides they are protected by high sides.

Gallery: children's beds with sides (25 photos)


For the smallest children's rooms, transforming cribs are suitable. Night berths during the day will turn into a closet or sofa. The sides in such beds are usually removable, so there are places for their storage.

Edge material

When choosing a crib, in addition to design and function, it is important to consider the quality of the materials used. Not only the material of the crib body plays a role, but also the sides themselves.

Sides can be:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • soft tissue.

Soft sides perfectly protect the baby from bumps and injuries. However, it is important to remember that any fabric is a dust collector. They should be washed regularly, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that they must be removed.

Ideal, in terms of strength and practicality, will be wooden and metal boards. They do not require special care and can last a very long time. If the side is made in the form of a series of rails, be sure to pay attention to the distance between them. A large distance between the rails is unacceptable, since the legs or arms of the child can get stuck between them, this will lead to injury.

When choosing a crib with plastic sides, pay attention to the quality of the material. Plastic must be certified, it should not emit a pungent chemical odor.

Usually, the sides are not located around the entire perimeter of the bed, but only at the head and at the upper half of the body. This is very important, since solid sides, especially in the form of tents, block fresh air and it can harm the baby.

With these tips, you can easily find a safe crib for any child. And the original design and bright appearance of this furniture will make the children's room your child's favorite place.

In the first place in the arrangement of a room for a child is the choice of a bed. For a berth, they purchase specialized furniture that undergoes strict certification.

The coating of the model must be smooth, without protrusions, cracks, cracks and burrs.

Children's models differ in design features and the material used in production. The rating of companies producing products for preschoolers and older children is published on the Web.

For a berth, they purchase specialized furniture that undergoes strict certification.

Bedroom furniture for a child has a number of differences:

  • made mainly from natural materials;
  • its dimensions correspond to the age category;
  • structures are equipped with additional safety features.

Children's models differ in design features and the material used in production.

Standard children's beds must comply with SanPiN and other regulatory documents, which indicate the necessary safety parameters regarding the use of material, paints, varnish and fasteners.

When organizing a bed, parents should check the crib for stability and reliability of the assembly.

The coating of the model must be smooth, without protrusions, cracks, cracks and burrs. Roll-out beds and ladders should be checked for safety.

When organizing a bed, parents should check the crib for stability and reliability of the assembly. The reliability of fasteners is also important.

Models for a child under 3-5 years old must be equipped with restrictive elements - sides and metal barriers.

Models for a child under 3-5 years old must be equipped with restrictive elements - sides and metal barriers. This applies to both single-tier and two-tier structures.

Roll-out beds and ladders should be checked for safety.

Children's models can be cheap or expensive, but they must meet the safety criteria in any case. This is true for both the baby and the student.

Safety concerns both single-tier and two-tier structures.

Types of beds for children

Furniture for a child today is very diverse. Among the popular models, there are several types of beds:

  • typical (traditional);
  • modular;
  • withdrawable;
  • thematic.

Children's models can be cheap or expensive, but they must meet the safety criteria in any case.

At the same time, children's models within each type can be with one or two, and sometimes even three tiers.

Advantages and disadvantages of beds for children

For a berth choose designs that are as safe as possible. Furniture made of natural wood, with sides (for kids) and a solid frame - of course, has all the advantages. In addition, it is often practical - for example, it is equipped with lower drawers and a table. The slats at the bottom of the bed create natural ventilation.

Bedroom furniture for children should be lower than for adults.

If you have two children, then the loft bunk bed will become not only a place of rest, but also a play area.

The child is still small and cannot control his movements in a dream - it is easy for him to fall out of the crib.

Children's beds have their drawbacks if they are made from low-quality materials. It is recommended to refuse plastic and other artificial derivatives in the design.

For a crib with a plywood or wooden bottom, prefer a slatted design.

How to choose the right beds for children?

In order for children's furniture to serve the entire period declared by the manufacturer, a number of criteria must be followed:

  • choose a bed according to the age of the child;
  • when buying, require a certificate of product conformity;
  • check that all assembly parts are present.

It is advisable to buy children's beds from solid wood.

It is advisable to buy children's beds from solid wood. In this case, the coating - paint, varnish - must be non-toxic. This will protect your baby from harmful fumes of furniture finishing.

Also calculate how the crib is proportionate to the size of the room.

For a crib with a plywood or wooden bottom, prefer a slatted design. This will save the model from absorbing moisture and will promote free air circulation.

In order for children's furniture to serve the entire period declared by the manufacturer, a number of criteria must be followed.

Bedroom furniture for children should be lower than for adults. The child is still small and cannot control his movements in a dream - it is easy for him to fall out of the crib. If it is equipped with sides with alternating slats or rods, then they are located at an average distance from each other so that the baby does not get stuck with his foot, arm or head between them.

For a younger child, a classic or thematic one is suitable, for an older one - from a typical model to a folding sofa.

Also calculate how the crib is proportionate to the size of the room. It is important to take into account the environment in the room, but here you can always improve the situation - choose calm colors for curtains, wallpaper; complement the interior with interesting decor, etc.

Children's beds have their drawbacks if they are made from low-quality materials.

For the baby, furniture with streamlined shapes and without protruding fittings is suitable, since he is very mobile, but still does not know how to control his body.

Boys and girls over 4 years old can already choose a themed bed.

To organize a bed, you can purchase complex furniture, which includes a bed, a wardrobe (chest of drawers), a table and a chair.

For a berth choose designs that are as safe as possible.

If the age difference is more than 5 years, then with a sufficient area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, it is more reasonable to purchase different beds.

Boys and girls over 4 years old can already choose a themed bed. Initial hobbies will show which model the child will prefer. Boys tend to be tech-savvy, so racing car or airplane bedroom furniture will appeal to them. Girls love everything fabulous - for your little "princess" you can arrange an appropriate canopy bed or imitating carriage.

Initial hobbies will show which model the child will prefer.

You can paint the classic model yourself - cartoon characters, flowers, abstractions from geometric shapes, applied in bright colors, will cheer up the kids.

Children's models within each type can be with one or two, and sometimes even three tiers.

For two children, a bunk bed is ideal - its design serves as a sleeping place, and a "training camp", and a site for interesting games.

Girls love everything fabulous - for your little "princess" you can arrange an appropriate canopy bed or imitating carriage.

If the age difference is more than 5 years, then with a sufficient area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, it is more reasonable to purchase different beds. For a younger child, a classic or thematic one is suitable, for an older one - from a typical model to a folding sofa.

Furniture for a child today is very diverse.

Boys tend to be tech-savvy, so racing car or airplane bedroom furniture will appeal to them.

VIDEO: Children's beds for children

50 Baby Bed Design Ideas