The shoes are not breathable. Shoes are becoming less and less durable. But there is a terrible secret how to deal with it. Causes of stink from shoes

Having brought home a brand new pair of shoes, you want not only to defile around the house, but also to inhale the aroma of a new thing. Such a coveted pair of shoes, it smells like leather and even a little bit of glue. And this is understandable. Fresh delivery, new collection. But what a disappointment it is if, after wearing these shoes for a couple of weeks, you again feel the persistent aroma of “novelty”.

Another question - old, but such native sneakers, which overcame a single kilometer of morning runs, suddenly began to stink.

An unpleasant aroma very often causes complexes in a person, he is afraid to take off his shoes in front of strangers. It’s especially embarrassing if you need to take off your shoes anyway – on the train, in the locker room of the gym, at a party.

The main reason why new shoes smell very bad is the poor quality materials from which they are made. A sharp chemical smell can be emitted by both the upper and the sole. And, of course, an abundance of glue, which is not spared in order to be able to walk in these shoes a little longer than the end of its warranty period.

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can be a sign of many medical conditions. And, first of all, it is necessary to deal not with such unpleasant symptoms as sweating and the unpleasant smell that follows it, but with the underlying disease.

Diseases of the endocrine glands, chronic infections, dermatological problems, neurological diseases - all this can cause the feet to sweat and stink a lot.

In these cases, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively.

A fungal infection of the feet causes a person not only discomfort in the form of a smell, but also itching and inflammation of the skin, especially between the fingers, which begins to crack, peel or blisters.

A bacterial infection can join a fungal infection. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to deal with the treatment of a fungal disease. Modern antifungal agents will help with this.

How to be friends with your shoes and what is useful for her to do?

1. The first thing to do in order not to hurt your feet is to wear the right shoes. Do not be afraid to spend a lot of time in the store and seem like a meticulous buyer. When choosing running shoes, pay attention to the density of materials, especially for summer runs.

When trying on shoes, lovers of high heels should first of all listen to convenience. After all, this will affect not only the ease of walking, but also the health of the foot. Perhaps you should try a lower but more comfortable heel, especially for every day.

2. Breathable materials. Good air exchange in shoes will be through materials such as:

3. Rest. Even the most comfortable shoes should take a day off. Both in summer and in winter, shoes can be put on the balcony, it will be useful for it to both freeze and warm up. You can use a freezer.

4. Ventilation. You need to ventilate not only a new pair, but also an old one. This will get rid of excess odor and moisture.

5. Feet require care. Timely treatment of a fungal infection and inflammatory lesions of the skin of the feet, as well as careful hygiene will help not only maintain healthy feet, but also save you from an early purchase. Feet should be washed every evening. Wash your feet several times a week with antiseptic soap.

6. Feet need to be pampered too. Don't ignore if your feet smell bad. Today, there are a lot of deodorants and powders that reduce and eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. But you must always remember the root cause.

7. Shoes should be worn according to the season and the weather. Wet shoes and wet feet will stink faster. Dry shoes only with an electric dryer. You need to do this every time the shoes get wet.

8. In winter, you should change your shoes at work. Your feet and shoes will appreciate it.

Today we will understand the question of what to do if the shoes stink. Consider different effective methods. But first, let's talk a little about the shoes themselves.


People learned to protect their legs from external influences a long time ago. The most ancient shoes, according to scientists, are moccasins. They were found on the territory of Armenia. They were sewn from the skin of an ox, stuffed inside with straw, apparently for softness. Then a kind of protection for the legs began to be used in other territories. Centuries later, bast shoes took root in Russia, sandals made of palm leaves in Ancient Egypt, and low lace-up boots in Greece.

Over time, the material for making shoes changed, various sewing methods appeared, and design was developed. At a certain stage of "evolution" a heel arose. Moreover, both women and men wore such shoes.

Agree, at present it is impossible to imagine life without shoes. It is important that it is practical, comfortable and has an attractive appearance. Today's shoes differ from the old ones by more durable materials, a variety of designs, colors, shapes and an increased degree of comfort. We must not lose sight of the fact that now manufacturers offer a wider range of shoe sizes.

But no matter how beautiful the model is, every person is faced with the problem of bad breath. How to be? What to do if the shoes stink? Let's figure it out next. Note that this smell can cause inconvenience not only to the owner of the shoes, but also to people around. A terribly unpleasant situation when you take off your shoes at a party, and an unpleasant smell spreads throughout the apartment. It becomes embarrassing and embarrassing. Yes, and when you come home after a hard day's work, having taken off your shoes, it is not entirely pleasant to inhale such aromas yourself.

Causes of shoe odor

Before you decide what to do if your shoes stink, you need to understand the causes of the smell. Let's look at them:

1. The smell of new shoes. In general, any new pair has a specific smell. No wonder a shoe store can be recognized by its heavy spirit. And this is not always due to cheap or unnatural material. A similar “aroma” can have both packaging material and glue. Rubber (rubber boots) of poor quality has a very persistent smell. Getting rid of such a smell is quite difficult, and sometimes completely impossible. What should I do if my shoes smell like rubber? Some people have come up with a rather non-standard way to get rid of this smell. First, they wash the shoes with dishwashing liquid, then dry them. Then wipe with a dampened sponge in window cleaning liquid. Then wash it off using the first dish detergent. Let the boots dry afterwards. Thus, you must overcome the fetid smell of rubber.

2. Used shoes have an unpleasant odor from dust, dirt and sweat getting inside. As a result, there is a favorable environment for the reproduction of various bacteria. Shoes and feet can stink even in the cleanest people. Since absolutely everyone sweats, and with long walking or playing sports, this simply cannot be avoided.

3. A bad smell also appears as a result of wearing shoes made of synthetic materials. In such models, the legs do not breathe at all. Then the process described in point 2 starts much faster.

4. Before you figure out what to do if your shoes stink of damp, you need to understand why this smell occurs. It can appear if you washed your shoes or got caught in a downpour, after which they did not dry completely. A large amount of moisture can be between the sole and the insole. Therefore, a dry insole is not an indication that the shoes are completely dry. In a humid environment, the processes of decay and reproduction of various bacteria will begin.

5. One cannot ignore such causes of bad shoe odor as hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating, as well as skin fungus on the legs or nails, which must be treated. After the treatment of such a disease, by the way, you can not use old shoes.

Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

What to do if the shoes stink afterwards? You can use table vinegar. We moisten cotton pads in it and put it inside for 3-4 hours. After that, carefully ventilate the shoes.

You can also wipe the shoes with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. These substances have disinfectant properties. In most cases, the smell disappears.


What to do if the shoes stink? Folk remedies will be appropriate. For example, you can use adsorbents - substances that absorb excess moisture. It can be flour, rice, soda or activated charcoal. It is necessary to pour these substances into the shoes for 2-3 hours, then vacuum them thoroughly.

Special deodorant

What should I do if my shoes stink? You can use a special deodorant. They should be sprayed with shoes from the inside, preferably in the evening, so that the cavity dries before morning. Although it is desirable to use the product without waiting for sharp unpleasant odors. Can be used for regular care of boots and shoes.

There is another proven way to get rid of an unpleasant odor - freeze shoes overnight, after packing them in a plastic bag. But remember that you can not freeze!

To avoid the question of what to do if the shoes stink, you need to properly care for them. How to do it? Now we'll tell you. You need:

1. Every day after coming home, wash and thoroughly dry and ventilate shoes. It is advisable not to limit yourself to one pair of shoes, but to have at least two pairs for the season so that the boots (or boots) have time to be well ventilated. The ideal place is an open balcony.

2. Change insoles at least 2 times a week. It is possible to use special flavored or antibacterial insoles, which tend to remove odors.

3. Sprinkle shoes with a special deodorant at night.

4. It is undesirable to be in the same pair of shoes throughout the day. Change clothes if possible. You can probably have a change of shoes at work.

5. Tights or socks must be changed every day. It is advisable to give preference to cotton things.

6. Compliance with hygiene. Of course, not always an unpleasant smell from shoes arises from the fact that feet are rarely washed. However, this point should not be ignored. Experts advise after taking a shower to pay special attention to the legs. You need to thoroughly wash them with ordinary laundry soap, and then make a bath of salt and soda. Then you should wipe your feet dry and anoint with a special foot cream, the name of which uses the word "deo". These products have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Then put on clean socks.


Now you know what remedies will help in the fight against unpleasant smell from shoes. We hope that our recommendations will help you.

Each of us has faced the problem of smell from the feet and shoes. If not at home, then with relatives or with a neighbor on the train who dared to take off his shoes. What to do so that such a problem does not overshadow life and relationships with others?

First of all, you need to find out the cause of the smell. What it lies in: sweaty feet or the whole problem in shoes. And secondly, start solving the problem.

What to do with excessive sweating of the legs?

Increased sweating of the legs can be caused either by fungal diseases or by the quality of the shoes. Poor-quality shoes, made from leather substitutes, do not allow the feet to breathe, as a result they rot, and humidity and heat are an ideal environment for fungi. So check the skin of the feet for the presence of a fungal infection, and, if found, proceed with treatment.

There is also physiologically increased sweating. In this case, special medicines that reduce sweating will help. For example, formidron, Teymurov's paste, salicylic-zinc paste have such properties. Be careful not to use these products on broken skin. In addition, special foot deodorants have been developed that will also refresh them.

Certainly, don't forget about hygiene. If you have a problem with sweating, be sure to wash your feet with soap twice a day. To disinfect the feet, you can make special baths. For example, if you make a decoction of strong tea and hold your feet in it for about 20 minutes, it will perfectly narrow the pores and disinfect the skin due to the content of tannins. You can also make baths with tea tree oil, which is also an excellent antiseptic.

But what if everything is fine with the legs, but the problem is in the shoes?

How to remove the smell of sweat from shoes?

Here, too, there may be several nuances. Shoes can smell on their own, as a result of poor-quality production, or they can become saturated with the smell of foot sweat and begin to “smell” in any humidity.

So, how to remove the smell from the shoes, if it initially smells bad? Of course, the best advice is to buy good leather shoes with quality workmanship. But it happens that in the store, among other smells, it is difficult to smell what your couple smells like. And, if you found this already at home, then to remove the smell from new shoes, there are several recommendations:

  1. you need to treat the inner surface of the shoe with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  2. pour soda, flour or powder into shoes, leave overnight, and then shake or vacuum thoroughly;
  3. put a cotton pad soaked in vinegar overnight in shoes, then wipe with ammonia solution;
  4. treat the inner surface with a special deodorant for shoes.

Yes, that's sorted out. But what if the old shoes smell bad?

There are quite a few ways to remove sweat odor from shoes you've already worn:

  • You can use those recommendations that apply to new shoes.
  • In addition, it is very important to always dry your shoes in order to prevent bacteria from settling in the humid environment of your boots or boots. For drying, you should purchase special dryers for shoes. There are models with an additional function of ultraviolet radiation. It will help to disinfect, and therefore, remove the smell of sweat from shoes.
  • If there is no dryer, then you can dry it yourself. Just do not dry your shoes on the radiator! From this, it deteriorates and will serve you much less than the prescribed period. You can dry it if you fill the cavity of the boot or shoe with a newspaper. It will absorb all the moisture.
  • It is better to have several pairs of shoes for each season to change them while one pair dries.
  • It is also important to avoid prolonged exposure to closed shoes. Therefore, at work or school, change into open shoes to give both your feet and shoes a chance to rest.
  • You can use activated charcoal tablets. They have absorbent properties and will absorb not only moisture, but also an unpleasant odor.
  • It is also very important to monitor the hygiene of the feet and shoes. Wear cotton socks to keep your feet warm. Insoles should always be dried, washed and changed after two to three months. You can get special insoles with antiseptic properties. They will help keep your shoes fresh. There are also activated charcoal insoles that will also help remove unpleasant odors.
  • For woven shoes (sneakers or slippers), the ideal option to remove an unpleasant smell is to wash them.

The unpleasant smell emanating from the shoes gives its owner a lot of trouble. A person whose shoes emit a specific aroma is ashamed to take off his shoes at a party and shyly tucks his legs under him when in public places. In order not to blush, catching the sidelong glances of others, it is necessary to fight with an unpleasant smell in shoes in the most decisive way.

Before you go on the warpath with the disgusting "odor" exuded by your boots, try to establish for sure the root cause of its appearance.

Search and eliminate the cause of the smell

Excessive sweating of the feet

In the event that the cause of the bad smell of shoes is pathological sweating of the feet, use all kinds of home and pharmacy remedies to combat hyperhidrosis, for example:

  • antiperspirant sprays;
  • deodorizing and astringent pastes, ointments, powders and creams;
  • baths with decoctions of plants containing a large amount of tannins.

To prevent shoes from soaking in sweat, get several pairs of the same type of shoes and wear them alternately. Also, keep a supply of clean cotton socks with you at all times and change them at every opportunity.

Improper care

  • So that newly bought shoes do not acquire a musty smell, remove the insoles from them every evening and hang them on a clothesline, and expose the shoes themselves for ventilation on the balcony or in another place blown by a draft.
  • If it rained during the day and your boots are damp, stuff them with old newspapers. Dry, thin paper will draw moisture out of the skin, and bad smells will go away with it.
  • Buy a special electric dryer for your shoes, equipped with an ionizer and a small UV lamp. Such a miniature appliance not only effectively dries the shoes, but also destroys the bacteria present in it, which are the root cause of the unpleasant amber.

Poor quality shoes

Not only worn, but also completely new shoes have their own smell, and it does not always smell the same. While expensive branded boots tend to exude the noble scent of well-crafted leather, trendy oilcloth boots on the market can emit a scent that even skunks would envy.

In the event that you are "lucky" to become the owner of such a bad-smelling pair of boots, try to remove the specific smell of synthetics and cheap glue as follows:

  1. For the whole day, put a couple on the balcony or on the windowsill.
  2. If prolonged ventilation does not give the expected result, pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into each shoe, shake the shoes so that the sodium bicarbonate crystals are distributed throughout the inner surface of the shoe, and leave the shoes in this form all night. Being a strong absorbent, baking soda will absorb bad odors, but you only need to shake out the shoes and remove the remaining soda powder with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. If soda treatment does not help, use potassium permanganate. Wipe the lining and insoles with a swab dipped in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If, in spite of everything, the shoes stubbornly continue to stink, throw them away and buy others, albeit not so elegant, but of high quality and made of genuine leather.

We eliminate the consequences


Sorbents will help you remove the stubborn smell of old sweat - substances that have the ability to actively absorb gases and liquids from the environment.

As such, you can use:

  • activated or charcoal;
  • talc;
  • alum;
  • baby powder;
  • baking soda;
  • dried dried tea;
  • starch;
  • odor absorber for refrigerators;
  • granular cat litter.

The method of application of all of the above drugs is almost the same.

Pour 1-2 tablespoons of any of these into a thin cotton sock or canvas bag and place it inside your boot. Do the same operation with the second shoe. After 10-12 hours, remove the bags with the drug from the shoes.


For obvious reasons, this method of odor removal is not suitable for dress shoes, but sneakers, canvas shoes or textile sneakers can be washed in an automatic washing machine. To do this, first wash them by hand, then put them in a mesh bag and load them into the drum of the machine along with a few old rags. Wash in the "Delicates, no spin" mode.

Disinfectant and deodorant chemicals for the smell of sweat in shoes

To disinfect shoes and eliminate odor, wipe the inside of the shoes with a swab dipped in:

  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • table vinegar;
  • pharmacy hydrogen peroxide;
  • salicylic alcohol or vodka;
  • ammonia.

When doing this, be careful. All of the above liquids are quite aggressive, so they can dissolve paint or even corrode the synthetic shoe lining.

How to get rid of bad smell in shoes? Frost will help!

Strange as it may sound, but the putrid spirit (or rather, the bacteria that produces it) can be frozen out. To kill the bacilli, pack the washed and dried "scented" shoes in a tight plastic bag and put it in the low temperature freezer. After 7-8 hours, remove the shoes from the refrigerator and put them to dry.

This method, although exotic, is very effective, its only drawback is that it is not suitable for processing shoes made of patent leather and artificial leather.

Comment on the article "How to get bad smell out of shoes"

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03.04.2018 7694

Today, almost all Russian and foreign manufacturers, unless they work in the segment of expensive elegant women's shoes, will definitely have “frost-resistant”, “moisture-resistant”, “windproof”, “dirty-resistant” in their portfolio of collections - in a word, they do not burn in fire, in water resistant shoes, boots, shoes, ankle boots, slip-ons, sneakers, sneakers, loafers and other types of shoes. At the same time, such shoes now look modern, elegant and very fashionable, they are light and very comfortable to wear.
She has, perhaps, only one significant drawback - its high cost. The main part of the cost of innovative footwear consists of expensive materials and licenses for the use of patented technologies, which, as a rule, shoemakers themselves do not have, and therefore they buy from developers - diversified companies, holdings specializing in innovative materials and technologies. The leaders of this market are the largest manufacturers of sportswear and footwear, W.L. GORE & Associates, DuPont, GEOX Breathes and others.

Breathable boots and knit sneakers

Our feet spend most of the day in a closed, closed space - that is, in shoes. And no matter how wonderful, soft and comfortable it is, it is still better without it. But since this is impossible in modern life, we cannot refuse shoes.

If the shoes are of high quality, made of genuine leather, matched in size and with a comfortable shoe, there is little discomfort from it, the legs, as they say, sleep and rest in it. The only problem that designers and technologists could not solve for a very long time was that the legs were sweating and not breathing. This was especially felt during hikes, during long walks, with great physical exertion. According to surveys, basically only two things spoil the hiking experience: bad weather and inappropriate shoes. Science has helped solve this problem. The world's first all-around breathable GORE-TEX waterproof boot with SURROUND technology has hit the market with a total of over 200 models across 29 partner brands (Lowa, Salewa, Ecco, Hanwag, La Sportiva, Mammut, Meindl, Scarpa, and also newcomer brands - Italian Aku, Asolo and Garmont, Norwegian Viking, American Kamik). One of the highlights of the 2016 season will be the world's first knitted X-SO Wave GTX sneaker with GORE-TEX SURROUND technology from Meindl for men and women. The manufacturer calls this model "knitted boots", but it's still just sneakers, knitting in combination with a seamless construction in the front provides greater flexibility and comfort of the model. The innovative lacing system that reaches to the sole provides the foot with the necessary support and stability.

Shoes with GORE-TEX SURROUND technology are the latest innovation to maintain a comfortable foot climate and protect against bad weather. The main distinguishing features are long-lasting waterproofness and breathability. The shoe breathes from all sides, including the sole, thanks to the fact that the waterproof, breathable GORE-TEX membrane is integrated into the boot, completely enclosing the foot. Between the foot and the sole there is a "padding" with an open design. Sweat passes through the membrane and enters the open design of the “pad”, and from there it is removed through the side holes in the sole to the outside. As a result, calluses and chafing that appear on sweaty or hot feet during long hikes are excluded. This technology has been successfully adapted by manufacturers for everyday and children's shoes. But here the technical solution looks a little different: excess moisture and heat are removed directly through the holes in the sole down or, like Ecco, sideways. 17 partner brands offer everyday GORE-TEX SURROUND footwear in their collections (Lowa, Salewa, Viking and more).

Unique technologies that make shoes "breathable" are not only at W.L. GORE&Associates. Thus, the Italian brand GEOX uses its own developments in the manufacture of shoes that help reduce foot overheating: in winter, the feet remain warm, in summer - cool and always dry. One of the patented technologies is GEOX AMPHIBIOX, a special microporous moisture-proof membrane installed in the rubber sole. It protects from rain and snow, improves the breathability of shoes, providing natural thermoregulation. An interesting fact: in 2012, in order to demonstrate the quality and high level of waterproofness, shoes with soles using the AMPHIBIOX membrane were tested for durability in the rainiest place on the planet - the Cherrapunji region (India). The shoes were successfully tested and then, in 2013, the manufacturer decided to test them in normal urban conditions: they “created rain” so that a person lived under incessant rain for 7 days. And this time the shoes withstood the extreme "moisture load".

Another patented technology - GEOX NEBULA - provides shoes with lightness and breathability. A special inner lining with air pockets creates an empty space between the foot and the upper of the shoe, while excess heat is carried upwards. The technology provides the removal of excess heat, optimal cushioning and sole flexibility, slip protection (due to a combination of rubbers and a specially modeled capsule sole). In general, the innovative shape of the sole (flat under the heel and spherical in other places) that provides stability is the pride of the brand.

All the best for children

In the children's segment, new technologies are especially in demand. Children are constantly looking for adventure, their feet are always in motion. Parents try to choose the most functional and high-quality shoes for their boys and girls. On the other hand, all parents are well aware that in order for a child to wear shoes with pleasure, they must be not only functional, but bright, beautiful, a boy or girl must like them by design.

The most important criteria for modern children's shoes are quality, comfort, natural materials. Therefore, the developers of children's models face a difficult task: to create a beautiful, fashionable model, but at the same time one in which children's legs would feel comfortable for a very long time, outdoors and indoors. To do this, various tricks are used, one of them is the innovative sole with SURROUND technology - using a multi-layer material, which is based on a waterproof and breathable GORE-TEX membrane. It has 1.4 billion micropores per 1 sq. cm. These pores are 20,000 times smaller than water droplets, but 700 times larger than a water vapor molecule. The membrane surrounds the child's foot, allowing excess heat and sweat to pass through the holes in the sole with an innovative structure and preventing moisture from entering from the outside. Buyers can determine the presence of this technology in shoes themselves: if there are holes in the structure of the sole, this clearly indicates that this shoe breathes. GORE-TEX partners create styles and colors in a wide range of styles and now use a breathable outsole as a design element. Such functional children's shoes, which are always warm and dry, can be found in children's brands such as Primigi and Superfit.

Children's brands actively cooperate with the medical community and develop their own technologies. Thus, the Austrian brand Superfit is constantly working with orthopedic doctors and European institutes of orthopedics, as a result of which such proprietary technologies have been developed as a shock-absorbing heel pad that prevents a small child from falling backwards, an elongated heel to securely fix the foot, reinforced side of the boot, wide toe part that does not deform or squeeze children's fingers. In children's shoes for winter, details are very important - so that the sole does not slip, so that the lacing is anatomically correct, tightly pressing the shoes to the foot, but not very tight. This winter, the brand has relied on practicality: when creating models of the winter collection, water-repellent genuine leather and suede, microfiber, polyester were used - materials that allow you to preserve the appearance of shoes, making them more durable and easy to care for.

It is also important what materials children's shoes are made of. Many manufacturers of children's shoes today use chromium-free softened leather in their production. Serious manufacturers themselves test the materials used for toxicity and are not afraid to give their shoes for research to third-party regulatory organizations. If the shoes have been tested for the content of harmful substances, they must be labeled "non-toxic", or information on compliance with environmental standards will be in the certificate, instructions, on the manufacturer's website. Many manufacturers produce special eco-lines or collections of shoes with a "green" tag.

Today, almost all Russian and foreign manufacturers, unless they work in the segment of expensive elegant women's shoes, will definitely have "frost-resistant", ...

Editorial Shoes Report