✅ Do I need to set a threshold? Or can you do without it? Interior doors with a threshold: installation, types and materials Assembling a door frame with a threshold

wide doorway

Alternative descriptions

architectural element of the building

Triumphant building

Arch of the architect

Gate in honor of military victories

triumphal gate

Arc-shaped overlap of an opening in a wall or a span between two supports - pillars, bridge abutments, etc.

Arc between pylons

Opening in a semicircle

arcuate opening

arc overlap

Doorway through the house

Architectural vault

arc opening

Triumphant in Paris

triumphant gate

Opening in the form of an arc

Arc-shaped ceiling between two columns

Where can you find attic

Curved floor, in which the transverse thickness of the masonry is less than the length of the overlapped space


Latin "arc"

Arc-shaped overlap of an opening in a wall or a span between two supports - pillars, bridge abutments

In architecture - curvilinear overlap of an opening in a wall

architectural element

Architectural "horseshoe"

Gate without leaves

Gate in a semicircle

arcade element

Through passage in the house

Arc as a gate

The structure of the victors

Say "arc" in Latin

This architectural structure is very similar to a rainbow

Erich Maria Remarque's novel "Triumphal..."

Curvilinear overlap

Always open gate

hole in the wall

Driving through the house

Curvilinear bridging of openings in a wall or spans between two supports

Arc on columns

Arc opening in the wall

arcuate overlap

Gate in honor of victory

Gate for the victor

architectural gate

Roof for the triumphant


City gates for victors

Passage in the building

architectural opening

triumphal gate

Driving through the house


Driving through the house

Turn "punishment" into a gate

Checkpoint for the winner

arcuate vault

triumphal building

Decorative entrance to the room

Architectural "semicircle"

arcuate passage

Construction "in an arc"

Semi-oval gate

Part of a sports bow

Arc de Triomphe in the title of Remarque's novel

Passage in a semicircle

architectural semicircle

. "arc" in Latin

Triumphant "Parisian"

Arc de Triomphe

arcuate gate

Gate in the form of an arc

Metal arc on tugboats

Standing on the Place de l'Etoile in Paris

. "bent" hole


Arc-shaped overlap of an opening in a wall or a span between two pillars, pillars, bridge abutments, etc.

. "Bent" opening

. "Arc" in Latin

. "Rainbow" opening

Architectural "horseshoe"

architectural arc

Architectural "semicircle"

J. lat. an arc thrown through the gaps, a lintel, a vault with a wall (not a bathhouse, not a head). The Roman arch is round at the top; eastern island; gothic archery. Arched, arched, related to it. Arcade a whole row, an order of lintels, vaults, sometimes with pillars; transitions under the arches; vaulted passages

Latin "arc"

Construction "in an arc"

Triumphant "Parisian"

Anagram for the word "kara"

A jumble of the word "cancer"

Anagram for the word "arak"

architectural opening

A mess of the word "cancer"

Anagram for the word "arak"

. "rainbow" opening

Anagram for the word "kara"

Threshold - a transverse beam on the floor at the bottom of the doorway. The threshold, like the door, in folk ideas is a direct and symbolic boundary between the house (one's own, not dangerous) and the rest of the outside world (alien, dangerous). Moreover, these ideas can be found both in everyday life and in various ritual actions, especially in the rites of passage - maternity, wedding, funeral.

When building a house and during the rite of passage to a new house, the owners perform a number of actions for further prosperous living. So, first of all, the owner lets a cat or a rooster through the threshold of the house: if the rooster goes towards the red corner, life in the new place will be happy, if not at the threshold.

In everyday life, special rules of conduct are associated with the threshold, as well as certain prohibitions: You can not sit or stand on the threshold.

But despite the fact that this rule is always declared, in practice, gatherers constantly observe violations of these rules by the villagers: people who come in for a short time often sit on the threshold, not to visit, but to tell or ask neighbors something.

They don’t greet and don’t pass things over the threshold, they don’t cross the threshold without the invitation of the owner. At the same time, the threshold is only one of the symbolic boundaries existing in the house. So, a person who comes to the house can cross the threshold, but at the same time he cannot go beyond the matitsa without a special invitation.

It is necessary to observe certain rules not only when entering the house, but also when leaving it. When leaving the house on the threshold, it is necessary to say a protective prayer, ask permission from those who will protect on the road.

The threshold (together with the porch) is of particular importance in the matrimonial relations of the village youth. The threshold of the house where the girl lives, the guy is not supposed to cross: the one who enters the house is evaluated by the elders as claiming the status of a groom.

At parties, the threshold turns out to be the location of the village guys: At such meetings of the girls, their own, village guys came, sat at the threshold, and had their conversations.

When a guy took a girl from a holiday to his house (in the village it was called getting married with a self-propelled gun or cigarette), the girl became a wife, that is, she changed her girlish status to female as soon as she crossed the threshold of the guy’s house.

The husband's parents meet the young at the doorstep, presenting them with bread and salt. In the Leshukonsky district of the Arkhangelsk region, a young woman should immediately, “on the threshold” ask permission from her mother-in-law to call her “mother”.

In the Arkhangelsk region, when the bride was taken to the bathhouse, she should not have touched the threshold with her foot - "otherwise the girls from the village will not get married for a long time."

In the maternity rite, the threshold is associated with a number of magical actions, especially in cases of difficult childbirth: my grandmother gave me some water to drink. And she was doing something at the door. They say they washed the threshold at the door. And they gave water from the threshold to drink.

In the funeral rite, when the coffin is taken out, it is necessary to hit it three times on the threshold so that the deceased can say goodbye to the house. To wash the floors, after the deceased was taken out of the house, they began precisely from the threshold.

The threshold serves as a place for performing healing magic: the patient lies down on the threshold along the floorboard, and the healer performs a magical action on him.

The threshold as part of the doorway is found in the descriptions of divination. Thus, violating the prohibition, they sit on it while calling the betrothed or recognizing their further fate. Often various objects are used in this case: mirrors, candles, horse collars.

The threshold is associated with the idea of ​​memory and forgetting. So, for example, there are a number of proverbs on this topic: memory is like up to the threshold; crossed the threshold and forgot.

Interior sills are a functional design. Its main role is to mask the junction of different coatings or floor levels. They are required to ennoble the design of rooms and make the home comfortable. Therefore, you should know how to set the threshold of an interior door in order to avoid mistakes.

The main advantages of the structures are:

  • noise reduction.
  • protection of the premises from odors;
  • protection against ingress of dust and drafts.

Varieties of thresholds and their functional purpose

According to the design features, flat, T-shaped, flexible or overhead, sills with an external or hidden type of installation are distinguished.

Rice. 1. Threshold options

Based on the building material used, the following types of systems can be purchased:

Rice. 4. Plastic threshold

Fig.5. metal threshold

Wooden products can be made with your own hands, but they will not look like those made on specialized equipment. Brass sills will last forever, aluminum products are more affordable, and you can focus on a polymer profile with a textured finish. Thresholds made of plastic are quite flexible, they hide various joint defects.

How to choose a threshold for an interior door

Now even professionals find it difficult to make their choice from the variety of door sills offered by different manufacturers. In addition to wood products, there are many accessories in stores, which you need to select according to the following criteria:

It is necessary to choose the right type of nut correctly not only in terms of external attractiveness, but also in terms of functional, quality indicators. You should also take into account the features of the room, the opening where the structure will be mounted. For example, for a bathroom, you should choose a product made of moisture-resistant material.

Based on the conditions of use and the characteristics of the room, an ordinary, multi-level bar or threshold-guillotine is distinguished. Multi-level views are used in places where the coverage drops in different rooms, but the guillotine is not installed for every door.

Suitable for installation in the bathroom and toilet

Installation of any threshold for rooms with high humidity is a rational solution, since if the pipes or the washing machine are damaged, the thresholds will become protection against flooding of other rooms.

If you use the threshold as a waterproofing in case of a possible water supply failure, then you need to put a stone version. To prevent humidity from rising in the bathroom, you should put an electric fan in the ventilation duct or buy a box without a sealant, leaving a gap between the threshold and the lower door end of 4-5 mm.

Thresholds and related inconveniences

Doors with built-in threshold structures have some disadvantages:

  • They interfere with constant walking into the room (especially when there are disabled people or children in the family);
  • Complicate the installation of flooring.

Mounting methods

After the dimensions of the thresholds for interior wooden doors are determined, installation work begins. The installation process of such a design can be carried out in different ways.

Installation of a wooden threshold

When choosing wood, it is better to purchase a ready-made kit with characteristics corresponding to the parameters of the opening. Before installation, remove the old fasteners, clean the surface of debris, level the concrete screed.

After determining the dimensions of the future structure, its height is calculated and, according to the measurements made, grooves are made from below the side racks. After measuring the width of the box, the wood blank is cut, inserted into place and knocked out with a hammer through a special gasket.

The nut should be drilled in several places so that the points are visible. After you remove the threshold, holes are made according to the marks on the concrete and fasteners (dowels) are hammered into them. Then the threshold is put in place, screwed on with self-tapping screws and their caps are recessed into the bar. Holes are putty.

When installing a wooden threshold in a toilet or bathroom, it is necessary to ensure its height so that there is a gap of 4-5 mm between the panel and the plank for air supply to the bathroom and the efficiency of the supply and exhaust system.

External and internal ways of fastening door sills

There are the following installation methods:

  1. Drilling holes in the nut for fasteners, into which elements are placed and fixed with self-tapping screws. Despite the simplicity, the method will not be aesthetic.
  2. The hidden installation method is laborious, but with its use an attractive design is obtained. The lower part of the threshold is installed with self-tapping screws, and the upper part is mounted in special grooves. There are also models of thresholds, where a decorative layer is glued or snapped to the lower element.

With the help of external fastening, the threshold is easier to fix, but the internal method will be preferable due to aesthetics. This applies to laminate products where a neat look is required.

Rice. 8. The scheme of fastening the thresholds

Guillotine threshold - a useful novelty

Recently, anti-thresholds have become popular, which are traditionally placed at the bottom of the door, but can be mounted at the top of the opening. Designs are called guillotine or smart thresholds, they are required to seal, increase the noise and heat insulation of the door, protect the room from burning, wind and dust. These are versatile, durable and attractive devices.

In Soviet times, installing a threshold on interior doors was mandatory. Today, this is decided by the owner of the room in which the door block is placed. When choosing an option with or without a threshold, you must first take into account all the advantages and products.

Benefits of door sills

The door threshold is a useful invention. It performs many important tasks.

  1. Improving the sound insulation in the room. However, it is worth considering that the absorption of sounds also largely depends on the material of the door leaf. If you want to install a threshold for this purpose, then the door frame must be with a rubber seal.
  2. Preventing the penetration of odors, smoke and burning into other rooms. This is especially true for doors at the entrance to the kitchen. But this function can be successfully taken over by the hood.
  3. Ennobles the passage if the rooms have different floor levels. This is especially common at the entrance to the bathroom and toilet.
  4. Acts as a waterproof barrier. This also applies to bathroom doors. Concrete and stone thresholds in the bathroom are especially good at preventing water penetration.
  5. Protection against drafts and dust. Doormats help keep the room clean.

Thresholds and related inconveniences

The door with a set threshold has its drawbacks.

  1. Difficulty in laying floor coverings.
  2. An obstacle to daily walking indoors. This is especially inconvenient if there are small children or disabled people in the house.

Materials for manufacturing

If, having weighed all the pros and cons, you decide that you need a threshold, then you need to decide on its type and material of manufacture. Interior thresholds can be made from:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • concrete or stone.

The wooden threshold can be made of oak and pine, and oak will be more durable. Thresholds made of this material are most often chosen and installed because they go well with any type of flooring. The only drawback of such products is the need to paint or open them with varnish from time to time.

Metal thresholds are made of aluminum, stainless steel, brass. They last longer than wooden or plastic sills. The most common are aluminum.

The threshold for an interior door made of plastic is the cheapest option, but it also has a shorter service life. Such a threshold is appropriate if the door frame and leaf are made of plastic.

A laminate threshold will look harmonious where the floor is made of the same material.

Doors with a stone threshold can most often be seen at the entrance to a house or apartment. Concrete or stone is also used for sills on a balcony door. This material is the most durable, but it is difficult to install a threshold from it if the door frame is already installed.

Types of door sills

When choosing a wooden, metal, stone or any other threshold, take into account the features of the room and the opening in which it will be installed. So, the threshold in the bathroom must be made of moisture-resistant materials. If the floor level in the rooms is different, then this should also be taken into account when buying a nut.

Based on the characteristics of the premises and operating conditions, the following types of thresholds can be distinguished:

  • ordinary;
  • multilevel;
  • guillotine threshold.

Multi-level sills are used where there is a difference between the flooring of different rooms. In such a situation, you can attach a threshold in the form of a wide bar at an angle.

The guillotine threshold is not suitable for every door. It cuts into the lower end of the door leaf by 20 millimeters, so it is not used for leaves with a thin bottom beam.

Threshold setting

The choice of length, width and color of the product is quite large, so before you go to the store, measure the width of the opening and the gap in the floor covering that needs to be closed with a threshold.

Prepare the opening before starting installation. Remove the old threshold, if any, remove debris and dust, make sure the integrity of the flooring. After these steps, you can proceed with the installation.

The sills can be fastened traditionally, using self-tapping screws through drilled holes, or hidden. In this case, the fasteners will not be visible. The installation method depends on which product you have purchased.

In a traditional installation, two or three holes need to be drilled through which the threshold will be affixed in place. At the same time, the heads of the self-tapping screws are recessed into the material of the product.

Hidden installation is typical for laminate thresholds, which are a mounting strip and a top decorative element. The plank hidden from the eyes is fastened in the doorway with self-tapping screws, and the top plank is seated on top of it by snapping or gluing.

Installing a threshold on interior doors with your own hands is not at all difficult. Everyone can cope with this task.

To hide the joint between different floor coverings, as well as possible differences in uneven floor levels, it is customary to use a functional design - an interior threshold. This small detail is mounted between rooms, in the corridor, bathroom, and also near the front door. At first glance, it may seem that installing the threshold of an interior door is a simple matter. Somewhere it is true, but if you do not take into account some of the nuances, then you can experience a little difficulty. If you want to understand this issue in more detail, then this article is for your attention.

The interior threshold is an interior detail that is subjected to heavy loads and constant mechanical stress. This is due to the fact that it protrudes from the general floor level by several millimeters. Given this, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of this part. First, let's look at its features:


  • Not only does a massive wooden door absorb noise, the threshold also copes with this task.
  • With the installation of the threshold, dust and drafts enter the room less.
  • If there is a flood in the bathroom, then the threshold can prevent the neighboring rooms from flooding. However, with significant flooding, this design will be useless.
  • When food is being cooked in the kitchen, the threshold keeps smoke and fumes out of the living rooms.


  • Often, because of the thresholds, especially children, fall, as it protrudes above the surface of the floor.
  • If the self-tapping screws are poorly screwed into the threshold, then this can be the cause of leg injuries.

As you can see, along with the advantages, there are not so many disadvantages of this item. Now you should decide on what material it is better to purchase a threshold from.

Today the market is flooded with a large number of building materials, this also applies to thresholds. For your attention, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with thresholds made of different materials:

  • Stainless steel.
  • Bronze.
  • Brass.
  • Aluminum.
  • Plastic.
  • From laminate.

The most popular material from which interior thresholds are most often made is metal. In this category, stainless steel, aluminum, bronze, etc. Due to their resistance to atmospheric influences, they can also be installed outdoors.

Thresholds made of this material are resistant to mechanical stress. On sale you can find both painted products and anodized.

Stainless steel

Due to the matte or glossy finish and silver color, stainless steel thresholds are rarely installed on the floor. Most often they are used in furniture or for wall decoration.


This type of material is very expensive. Plus, it’s hard to find a threshold made of bronze on sale. Therefore, it is worth ordering. But there is a good alternative. "Under bronze" an aluminum threshold is made. It is more affordable in price.


If you want to have a beautiful golden color threshold, then brass is a great material. This valuable material will cost quite a lot, but the appearance will pay off all the costs.


Lightweight and reliable sills are made from an alloy of various metals that are in aluminum. Their affordable price is in perfect harmony with long-term operation.

Thresholds made of aluminum or steel are often covered with plain paint or a successful imitation of wood. Also, the aluminum profile is laminated with a durable film. Due to this, the appearance of wood, stone, etc. is copied.

This is one of the common materials that is used for installation under interior doors. If you want to have a durable threshold, it is recommended to purchase an oak threshold.

Oak sills are expensive, plus they need systematic care, namely painting and varnishing.


Between metal and wood, the plastic threshold is average in terms of durability. This element has a wide range of colors. But its main drawback is manifested under intense loads, as a result, it can burst.

From laminate

If a laminate is laid on the floor, then it is advisable to use a laminate threshold. However, under conditions of high humidity, it can deform over time.

This material is usually used on the threshold of a balcony. It has no shrinkage and is durable.

Apart from the material used, this item also varies in appearance. This is very practical, because thanks to the variety of forms, thresholds of different difficulties can be blocked. Below are the main types of structures of this element.

Overhead or flat

They are plastic or metal plates that have different shapes. They can be successfully used for covering various kinds, for example, laminate, carpet and linoleum.

Such a threshold is called a consignment note, since its fastening is carried out from above.

Transitional or multi-level

If you need to hide the transition from different floor coverings, then this type of threshold will properly perform the task. Transitional thresholds will block the difference in height from 3 to 15 mm.

In shape, they are most often rounded or have the shape of a developed angle.


In this category, aluminum thresholds are most often used. Often a difference is formed between the room, forming a small step. In such cases, such a threshold will be an excellent solution. The surface of the corner element is most often perforated.

Corner thresholds are also installed on the steps. And the perforated surface prevents the shoes from slipping.

This type of threshold is made from safe and hypoallergenic plastic. Under the influence of high temperature, it becomes elastic, due to which it acquires the desired configuration. This material is sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress. Most often they are used to hide threshold differences, finish columns, podiums and pedestals.


These products have different widths and colors. Underfoot they are almost imperceptible, as they are absolutely smooth. They can hide the radius transitions between one or another coating.

This type of threshold is predominantly made of metal, and sometimes of plastic. They are equipped with holes for fastening to the floor. To hide the hats of the screws, the holes are equipped with a conical shape. The holes themselves are arranged in increments of 15 cm. This is the simplest type of nut, with the installation of which everyone can handle.

This item does not have mounting holes. The fastener is hidden under the bottom of the structure itself. If the threshold difference does not exceed 15 mm, then this type of profile can be safely installed.

This is one of the latest developments, which resembles the letter P in shape. It is made of aluminum with a spring device and a rubber seal. Installation is carried out at the end of the door block, so that when the door is open, such a threshold is not visible. When the door closes, the guillotine automatically descends and completely closes the gap between the door and the floor.

This building organizes high-quality thermal insulation and sound insulation. The main advantage is the complete absence of drafts. Plus, the threshold does not interfere with movement. Smart threshold can be combined with absolutely any door.

This type of nut is not suitable for hollow doors, as its insertion occurs to a depth of at least 2 cm. Additional carpentry work will also be required.

So, we have decided on the types and materials from which the sills are made. Now consider the methods of their installation. It is worth noting that there are several technologies for their fastening. To a greater extent, it depends on the type of product design. The only thing that unites the beginning of installation work is the measuring process. You should take accurate measurements of the openings and cut the threshold with a hacksaw or grinder along them.

This method is very simple. The plate is equipped with mounting holes. To fix it, you need to mark with a pencil marks for drilling holes in the floor. Do not make holes too deep. Otherwise, the self-tapping screw with the dowel may become loose after a while. You just have to tighten the screws and put on decorative hats.

Most often preference is given to thresholds with a hidden fastening system, and in most cases for aesthetic reasons. In this case, strips with floating holes for the fastener head are used, which consist of a rail and a T-shaped nut. The mounting method is as follows:

  • First of all, drill holes in the floor. Insert plastic dowels into them. Then carefully string the screws by the hat onto the bar. After that, you just have to send the screws into the plugs. In conclusion, you can lightly tap on the bar by placing several layers of paper or thick cardboard.
  • If the threshold is in the shape of the letter T, then drill the required number of holes in the floor. Next, fasten the bar to the floor with self-tapping screws, and the upper decorative part of the threshold is snapped or glued on top.

In this case, extreme care is required. In this room, ceramic tiles are most often on the floor. Therefore, you will have to purchase a threshold that will not let moisture through. Just in this case, the ideal option would be a system - a smart threshold.

So, as you can see, the technology for setting the threshold with your own hands is quite simple. In addition to the functional load, it will give the floor a finished look. Therefore, you should not postpone its installation for later, but rather do this work right away. If you know other important details of doing this job, then leave feedback and comments at the end of this article.


This video shows how to install an interior door sill: