How to plaster a wall corner: stages of work, tools and materials. How to plaster corners, tips and tricks Gypsum plaster corners

The most important stage in the performance of plastering work is the processing of corners. In order for them to turn out clear, even, without sagging and depressions, one desire is not enough, it is necessary to have experience, attentiveness and know professional secrets. We asked professionals about how to plaster corners.

Internal corners, which are formed between two walls that are combined with each other or a ceiling and a wall, are called husks among professionals. The outer corners, obtained at the point of junction of the walls, are called usenki.

Corner finishing

Internal corners

During plaster work, one of two options for finishing internal corners can be used. The first of them involves joining the processed wall with the already lined one, the second method is the simultaneous plastering of two walls.

Let's consider the first method. The spray and primer layer are applied in the classical way, leveled by the rule, starting from the corner in the direction of the wall. Next, scratches are applied to the surface of the solution and an angle is formed.

To do this, the grater / trowel is placed with its edge against the seized surface at an angle of 30-40 degrees, brought to the inner corner, laid on recently and rubbed with alternating up / down movements. Lay the tool flat on the newly processed side, and press the edge against the seized side.

With translational movements with strong pressure, they clean it of adhering fresh solution. When the primer layer sets, a coating is applied over it.

The second thin layer of covering is smoothed out with a wooden or foam grater in such a way that a flat surface is obtained without shells, pits and tubercles.

When finishing the corner, the grater is held so that its lower edge lies on the hardened side, and the corner just touches the fresh plaster. Move the tool up/down over the full height of the corner. As a result, you will get a clear edge of the combined walls.

When processing two joining walls at the same time, work proceeds according to the same scheme.

External corners

Metal corner profile (price - from 160 rubles)

Processing of external corners during new construction or renovation of premises can also be carried out in two ways. The first of these involves the use of an angular metal profile. This method makes it possible to plaster both combined walls at once and end up with a strong corner.

The second method has two stages, first one side of the corner is plastered, then the other.

The metal corner profile allows you to easily form a smooth and reliable outer edge of the walls without any problems. On both sides, mesh shelves of various thicknesses adjoin the central part of the profile (the latter is determined by the lath model). Before you apply a continuous layer of primer, the solution that fixes the profile must be allowed to dry.

The corner rail can also be placed on a thin layer of plaster mixture, applied in a continuous strip from ceiling to floor, in this case it is much easier to level the profile. All corner metal profiles can be shortened if necessary.

The side shelves are cut with scissors for metal, and the central part is cut with a saw. A fixed rail can also be used as a beacon when smoothing a layer of plaster primer.

As soon as the mixture seizes, it must be cut with a steel trowel, thereby freeing up space for covering. It is applied in the classical way, while the thickness is determined by the angular profile. To round the resulting plastered corner, fine sandpaper is used.

We plaster slopes

The narrow planes of door/window openings that are perpendicular to the walls are called slopes. it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the depth and thickness of the created solution layer must be the same.

Plastering a window slope

Thanks to such accuracy of work, the width of the visible part of the window frame or door frame will be uniform throughout. To obtain an equal slope depth allows a metal corner profile, equally distant from both the lower and upper surfaces of the window frame / box.

Instructions for finishing slopes with your own hands:

  • Fix the corner profile. On the floor or window sill, put a right-angled triangle, knocked down from the rails (the length of its leg should be slightly greater than the width of the slope). With one of the legs, press the triangle against the horizontal beam of the box / frame, and the other against the front of the corner profile.
  • Place the template on the triangle so that its edge, which faces the slope plane, coincides with the edge of the leg attached to the profile. In the place where the template is in contact with the inside of the edges of the vertical bar of the frame, make a mark with a pencil. At this point, hammer in a nail so that it protrudes about 2.5 cm. If you use the template as a rule, then the hammered nail will act as a stop.
  • When moving the template along the axis up / down, the distance between the wall and its edge does not change, this ensures that the thickness of the plaster is equal along the entire perimeter of the slope.
  • You can make a template emphasis in another way. At its end, from the side of the box / frame, cut out a rectangular ledge, which will rest against the edges of the vertical rack of the box / frame.
  • The lower surfaces are plastered last. Start applying the primer layer by working towards the corner profile. Then, having leveled the ground with a template, distribute the covering.

Common Mistakes

  • The beginning of plastering without assessing the type and condition of the base material. This leads to the fact that in the future it is necessary to make repairs to the cladding, dealing with problems in the form of cracks and complete peeling of the plaster.
  • Application of a covering layer, bypassing the primer. There is a high probability that on the surface of the walls after it dries, the angular contours of bricks / blocks will appear.
  • Applying a gypsum-based finish directly onto an aerated concrete base. These materials are poorly combined with each other, so in the future the plaster may crack.
  • Long breaks after partial, walls or slopes. The solution should set evenly over the entire surface of one layer.
  • on a concrete base, the moisture content of which is above 4%. The applied mortar adheres very poorly to such a base.
  • The most important recommendation is how to properly plaster corners on slopes. Expansion joints must be made at the joints of plaster with door frames and window frames. Before work, expansion rails must be attached to them. Ignoring this rule can lead to a crack.
  • If the outer corner is in a place of intensive passage, the installation of a steel or aluminum profile on it is mandatory. Otherwise, no one will give you a guarantee that the corner will not be damaged during operation.
  • Cutting galvanized profiles with a grinder. Thus, you will destroy the zinc layer that protects the rail from corrosion. In the future, rust appears on the surface of the cladding in the form of red spots. Use only a hacksaw and scissors to cut the profile.

Cement and can be purchased ready-made or made independently.

Advice! For mixing the mixture, it is better to use drinking water, not process water. It has much less impurities, so the likelihood of efflorescence is minimized.

Advice! The finer the sand that is part of the mortar, the smoother the surface of the plaster lining will be.

Advice! If plastering work is carried out at temperatures below +10 ° C, Portland cement will be required to make the mixture.

Take note:

  1. Plastering of reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces must be started only after 28 days after pouring the solution.
  2. It is recommended to prime the substrate before application. Before working with a gypsum mixture - this is a must.
  3. Between the application of the spray and the primer, a break is required to set the solution (at least 8 hours).
  4. Do not forget that metal and wooden guides (beacons) are removed after leveling the plaster.
  5. In those places where the surfaces will be lined with ceramic tiles, a primer layer is sufficient.
  6. It is not recommended to leave empty space under metal profiles.
  7. To smooth the plaster in the inner corners, it is more convenient to use a special corner spatula.
  8. Walls can be painted or wallpaper glued 14 days after work with gypsum plaster and 28 days after applying cement, lime or cement-lime mortar.

Summing up

Now you know how to plaster corners. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website provides a detailed photo and video instruction in which you will find the necessary information on this issue.

What you need to know about the corner alignment process: what tools to use and tips to consider. Can you do this work yourself if you are an inexperienced master? What techniques to use to make everything work smoothly and reliably? The article will be useful for both amateur repairmen and professional craftsmen. The former can learn, the latter can learn something important for themselves.

Wall corner plastering: how to work

Repair in the apartment is an event for all family members. It should be approached seriously, because this is not done for one year. If you are confident in your own abilities, you can start repairing yourself.

If you do not know where to start and how to finish, it is better to contact experienced professionals who will help you solve the problem.

Corner processing is considered a difficult and responsible stage of work.

So that the corners are straight, without depressions and influxes. Therefore, it is worth learning some professional building secrets.

How to plaster wall corners so that they are straight: existing techniques

Corners are obtained by combining two walls or a wall and a ceiling. The internal ones are professionally called husks, and the external ones are called mustaches. In the technique of plastering, there are some features that require the preparation of adjacent walls before starting work.

Today, professionals use the following basic techniques for plastering husks and mustards:

Do-it-yourself plastering of wall corners: stages of work

Aligning corners with your own hands using plaster is a very time-consuming, but quite doable process. The problem is that you need to achieve a clear right angle of exactly 90 °. When pasting walls with wallpaper, a deviation of 1-2 degrees is permissible. But with decorative puttying or painting, it will be striking. For example, in the style of minimalism so popular today, there are clear lines and a deviation of even half a degree is unacceptable.

What will be required

Before starting work, it is worth preparing tools and materials.

If you do not know what consistency the plaster mixture should be, give preference to ready-made materials. Dry mixes are best left to professional builders. A good option is a gypsum-based mix, which is also called starting putty.

Required tools:

  • bucket or bag with the selected material.
  • drill or perforator;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • rule;
  • grout;
  • level;
  • square;
  • templates.

For the treatment of husks and mustaches, there is a special primer that helps the adhesion between the plaster and the wall.

How to carry out work

Preparation should begin with knocking down the ledges in the corners of the room. This will help save materials for plastering. After that, the walls are primed with a special mixture of deep penetration.

You need to prime the area slightly larger than the width of the rule.

Starting the plastering of the husk, we install control beacons. They are made in the form of a small strip of gypsum plaster. Then the mixture is applied to the corner sections of the walls and leveled using the rule. To make the tightening work easier, use a long tool. Then they prepare another lighthouse, located on the adjacent wall. In the same way, the adjacent plane is tightened.

How to plaster the outer corners of the walls

The easiest way is to plaster the mustache with the help of a counter-shoulder. This is an angular profile that helps to make the mustache smooth and protect it from damage and chips.

You need to apply a small amount of the mixture on the mustache and place the corner profile on top with a light pressure movement. Excess plaster that comes through the holes must be removed with a spatula.

After drying, you need to “walk” around the corners with fine-grained sandpaper. The final layer is applied together with the plaster of the ceiling or walls.

It is worth considering some recommendations of professionals in order to get a good repair as a result.

  1. If you are only an amateur in the field of repair, it is better to use auxiliary materials and tools.
  2. Use a primer for good adhesion of the applied mixture to the surface.
  3. Wait for the drying time of the previous layers, otherwise everything will crack or fall off.
  4. Use proprietary ready mixes.

Plastering corners is a rather painstaking job. If you do not know some secrets, you can spoil the final look of the room. To do this work, you should carefully prepare and have the necessary tools.

In order for everything to be kept and done in good faith, you need to use additional materials. Agedesion additives are used to create a strong bond between dissimilar layers. As a result, if there is a desire and at least small skills, even novice builders can make even husks or mustaches.

Useful video

Plastering corners is one of the most difficult stages of finishing. The appearance of the finish coating depends on the correctness of the work performed. In this case, it is important to choose the appropriate tools and properly level the surface. A lot of videos have been posted on the network, how to plaster corners, but the masters recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the finish before watching the videos.

Rules for how to plaster the corners of the walls inside and outside the building:

  • For finishing the facade and in rooms with high humidity, use a cement-sand material. Such a product has moisture resistance and resistance to temperature changes. For finishing corners in a dry room, it is recommended to use a gypsum composition. The material is easy to apply and has a long service life.
  • The thickness of the material layer for wall corners is 50 mm. For ceilings - 30 mm.
  • Before applying the solution, the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution. This will help to avoid the occurrence of mold and fungus under the layer of material.
  • After disinfection and degreasing, the base is treated with a primer. The tool will improve the adhesion of the material and the surface.
  • If there is no plastering experience, it is recommended to use ready-made compositions. Such products are used immediately after opening the package. If you have at least minimal experience in finishing work, you can use a dry mix. The product is distinguished by a favorable price, but the solution needs to be prepared before use. Pour water into a clean container and pour the material. Product ratios are indicated on the packaging. Next, with a construction mixer or a drill with a mixer nozzle, knead the solution until the consistency of thick sour cream is formed. The product is left for 10 minutes, mixed and used as directed.
  • For mixing the solution, it is recommended to use only clean water. Another liquid contains impurities, which will adversely affect the quality of the material.
  • It is not recommended to knead the solution in large portions, since the finished product must be used within half an hour. After that, the material will harden. If the finish is done by an amateur with his own hands, then he will not have time to quickly use up the solution and the composition will become unusable.
  • After plastering, the surface is leveled. Poorly prepared corners worsen the appearance of the finish, which is especially striking if paintings or photographs are hung nearby.

Foundation preparation

Plastering the corners of the walls, the video below demonstrates this, begins with preparation for finishing:

  • clean the corners and walls of the old coating;
  • cut off the protrusions with a grinder or grinder;
  • examine the surface for unstable fragments and remove them;
  • increase the size of cracks;
  • treat the defects with a primer and after the agent dries, fill the imperfections with a solution;
  • dismantle metal elements or treat with an anti-corrosion agent;
  • Apply primer in two coats with a dry break.

Necessary materials and tools

For plastering corners you will need:

  • rule;
  • level;
  • angled and straight spatula;
  • trowel;
  • construction grater and trowel;
  • plaster.

Finishing of external corners

Plastering of external corners is performed in different ways. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the methods in order to choose the most suitable option.

Finish without perforated corner

If the corners for plastering are not used, then the finishing technique will be as follows:

  • fasten a flat board on one side of the corner, while the thickness of the product should be equal to the thickness of the plaster;
  • apply the solution and level with the rule;
  • stop work for two days to dry the material;
  • dismantle the board, fix the product on the other side and repeat the manipulation.

Plastering with a corner

Instructions for plastering corners using a counter-shoulder:

  • apply the solution to the corner on both sides;
  • press the plastered corner to the material, draw a straight spatula on top to remove excess;
  • level, check the quality of the finish and, if deficiencies are found, add a mortar or, on the contrary, remove excess material;
  • apply the plaster again, wait for the product to dry and clean the surface with a construction float.

If plastering is performed not only on the corners, but on the entire wall, then apply the second layer of mortar immediately to the entire base.

Plastering inside corners

Plastering of internal corners is also done in several ways.

Finishing with beacons

The use of beacons is relevant if the walls are plastered along with the corners. Finishing algorithm:

  • Install guides on both sides of the wall, then fix the beacons around the perimeter at a distance less than the length of the rule. In the corners, fasten the profiles 5 cm from the joints.
  • Fill the gap from the joint to the profile with mortar on one side. Level the material with the rule. Perform this manipulation on the other side of the corner and along the perimeter of the wall.
  • Form a corner using an angled spatula. Move from top to bottom.
  • Suspend finishing to dry the material. Then remove the guides. Fill the voids with mortar and level the material.

Plastering with profiled corner

How to plaster internal corners with a profiled corner is a frequent question for amateurs. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to the following finishing rules:

  • Use plaster corners with reinforcing mesh. Measure and cut the desired length of material with metal shears.
  • Apply a small amount of mortar to the corners. Attach the product to the material, press on it and draw with a straight spatula. Remove the solution that has seeped through the mesh.
  • Take a break to dry the product. After that, apply the solution so that the product is completely hidden under a layer of material.

How to remove the corners when plastering in this case? Do this with an angled spatula. Move the tool from top to bottom. Remove excess material with a straight trowel.

Reinforced finish

To align the joints of the walls, it is not necessary to use a plaster angle. Instead, it is recommended to use a sickle:

  • apply the solution to the joints of the wall;
  • cut the required amount of mesh;
  • press the sickle to the mortar and draw with a spatula so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed at the junction (as in the photo below);
  • remove excess solution;
  • wait for the composition to dry and apply another layer of plaster;
  • Form a corner with an angled trowel.

Common mistakes when plastering corners

When plastering corners, amateurs often make the following mistakes:

  • The material is applied without examining the surface for unreliable fragments. This leads to cracks after some time after finishing or the collapse of a part of the plaster.
  • Do not use a primer before applying the mortar. Because of this, the material is poorly attached to the surface, and after solidification, the outlines of the building base itself appear.
  • Cut galvanized corners with a grinder, and not with metal scissors. Such manipulation leads to damage to the galvanized layer. As a result, the product is exposed to corrosion, and rust appears through the wallpaper or paint.

Only compliance with all the rules for plastering corners guarantees a positive result and a long operational period of finishing.

The video in this article demonstrates how to properly plaster corners.

The plaster square is used for the correct finishing of corners, with its help you make the correct geometric shape. After all, the angle immediately catches the eye and the wrong geometry can ruin the entire design of the room.

Plastering the corners of the video will show you the most difficult parts of this work. Instructions for finishing different corners will also be offered, because there are several types of them.

I want to say right away that it is best to use a plaster profile for a corner. It will not only allow you to properly maintain the shape, but also make it more rigid. So when doing this work with your own hands, you should turn your shooting to it. Its price is not high, but the effect will be noticeable.

In fact, there are two types of corners, you can see this in the video in this article, and accordingly their finishing is done in different ways. Let's take a closer look at each option.

Plastering interior corners

A well-made plaster will help to level not only the room walls, but also the corners, giving them a clean and tidy look. For finishing internal corners, there are two ways that should be considered in detail - processing the wall at the junction with the already lined one and plastering work simultaneously with two walls.

Attention: Before finishing the inner corner, you should always immediately check the unevenness with a square, then you will immediately see the application layer. If necessary, you can always use corner beacons for plastering.


  • The first method involves the application of two plaster layers (spray and primer) by the classical method, starting at the junction between the walls and evenly distributing the resulting mixture over one of them, and then applying a properly prepared mortar.
  • For these actions, you will need a suitable tool - a trowel - which should be laid flat on the finished plaster at an angle of thirty to forty degrees, and then alternately moved up and down along the wall, starting from the inner corner.

The technique of plastering the outer and inner corners of the premises has its own characteristics and requires careful preparation of the adjacent wall surfaces. At the same time, the main attention is drawn to the quality of the corner joint in compliance with all indicators provided for by the standards.

Nowadays, there are two methods of aligning the corners at the joints of the walls, the order of use of which is determined by the type of subsequent decoration of the walls of the room. In the case when the walls in the room are supposed to be pasted over with wallpaper with the selection of a pattern, you can align the corners according to the level. When it is planned to finish them with decorative plaster, they usually resort to leveling along the plane.

Preparation of materials and tools

Before plastering the corners of the walls, you will need to prepare appropriate materials with which you can level the corner areas by applying several layers of coatings (without the so-called "sagging").

We recommend that you purchase only high-quality ready-made mixtures produced by reliable and trusted manufacturers. In this case, plaster prepared on the basis of gypsum is considered the best option (it is also called starting putty).

Corners can be treated with a special deep penetration primer, which significantly improves adhesion to the plaster.

To organize plastering work, you will need to prepare the following accessories and tools:

  • plastic bucket;
  • electric drill with a whisk attachment;
  • rule and a set of spatulas;
  • special "grout";
  • a set of sandpaper of various grain sizes.

Plastering inside corners

To align the corners of this type, control beacons are installed directly in the corner itself. For a smooth and imperceptible "tightening" of the formed corner, you should use the rule of the largest possible size (length).

Preliminary preparation of the surface of the corners comes down to removing (knocking down) noticeable bumps and protrusions from it, which will allow you to save on the amount of putty applied. After leveling, the surface is primed with a deep penetration composition, which additionally strengthens the treated area and increases adhesion with the putty layer. Priming is carried out over the entire width of the rule used in the preparation of the corner, or even a little more.

After the applied primer has dried, it will be possible to proceed to the preparation of the corner beacon, which is made in the form of a five-centimeter strip of gypsum plaster. For its preparation, a gypsum mixture is used, which, first of all, is thoroughly mixed to avoid the formation of lumps.

After that, the finished mixture is applied to the corner areas, and then aligned in a vertical plane using the rule. At the end of the leveling of the mixture and its complete drying, it will be necessary to prepare another beacon, which should be placed on an adjacent wall.

After the beacons are prepared, you can proceed to the "tightening" of the walls in the area of ​​​​the corner joint, produced by the same rule. When applying plaster to the wall for the entire length of the rule, one of its ends must rest on the previously installed beacon, while the other is carried along the wall while cutting off excess material. The putty layer removed using the rule cannot be reused, since the dried fragments of the solution will violate the plasticity and uniformity of the finished mass. To eliminate ("clogging") visually distinguishable grooves or scratches, it will be possible to apply another layer of mortar and "pull" the corner surfaces using the same rule.

Plastering outside corners

Before plastering the corners of the walls from the outside, you should knock down all the growths and protrusions on it. Only after that you can proceed to priming the surface being prepared for plastering. For high-quality plastering of outer corners, it is recommended to use special profiles, which are perforated metal slats of a certain length, made in the form of corners.

Being essentially ready-made beacons, such profiles are fixed at the corners by pressing them into the mortar already applied to the surface of the walls. After that, you can remove excess plaster mixture and check the verticality of the structure in both planes.

The final grouting of the outer corner, carried out with the help of “classic” abrasive tools (construction mesh or the so-called “skins”), should be done after a certain time, when the applied plaster layer is completely dry.


We offer you to watch the following video about plastering internal corners: