The plan of the house is 10 by 12 one-story with 3 bedrooms. Classic brick one-story house with three bedrooms. Project of a one-story house with three bedrooms. What to consider when designing a one-story house with three bedrooms. What must be included in the project

If you are going to build a house, you can order its design to a specialist, or you can try to remake one of the available options to suit your requirements. In any case, you need to clearly understand what you want. It is highly desirable that your desires be well thought out. Not everything that seems attractive as an idea is easy to use. And such "little things" you need to know. We will analyze some of the information, trying to find a suitable project for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Why is that? Because this is the most common option, which is suitable for families of 4 people. Those are the majority.

General planning principles

When you're looking for ready-made projects for one-story three-bedroom houses, or trying to create your own based on what you find, it's important to remember a few things.

These are the principles that it is desirable to adhere to. But this is not a dogma either. Everything can be solved (except for the requirements for boiler rooms). There are really different solutions, for different needs and tastes. All you need is a desire and a certain amount.

If all three bedrooms are placed side by side

Many three-bedroom one-story house designs are designed so that all the bedrooms are on one side of the house. On the one hand, it's convenient. Relatively noisy rooms - the living room and kitchen are on the opposite side. On the other hand, not everyone likes this arrangement - they are afraid that children may be witnesses of unnecessary scenes.

In the project above, this is exactly how the layout is done: all three bedrooms are located on the right side of the house and have approximately the same area. On the positive side, all the bedrooms are far from the living room. With this arrangement of rooms, you can safely watch TV in the living room, receive guests without fear of disturbing your rest.

Among the shortcomings - the toilet and bathroom are far from the kitchen and boiler room. Not the most convenient option for laying communications. Other features include a long corridor with many doors. You don’t use this area in any way, since the free walls are very small.

When planning a terrace, you need to pay attention to several points at once. First - for optimal illumination, it is better if the terrace faces south or east. The second is from which room the exit will be. Most often they make an exit to the terrace from the living room. This is the most logical case. The second option is the exit from the corridor, which, as a rule, adjoins the living room or kitchen (much worse, but possible). Please note that it is very convenient if there is a kitchen next to the entrance to the terrace - to bring in / take out dishes, drinks, etc. After all, the terrace is often used specifically for outdoor gatherings.

These two points already partially determine the layout of your home - the living room should have access to the south or east side. So her position is determined. A kitchen should adjoin the living room, and it is also desirable to “collect” all the rooms connected to technical communications in one zone ... That is, you have practically decided where the living room, kitchen, technical rooms are located. It remains to arrange the bedrooms and organize a convenient passage.

But that's not all that needs to be considered when planning a terrace. There is a third point - its size. Here the approach is individual - someone needs a lot of space, someone needs less. An interesting option is the L-shaped terrace, which covers the southern and eastern walls of the building. If you glaze it, you can turn it into a summer garden ... If you are interested.

And the fourth point, which is also worth paying attention to when developing a house layout. The terrace is heavily used and is a favorite place to relax if it overlooks the garden, the beautifully decorated backyard, the river, etc. If the gaze rests on the fence of a neighbor, no one is interested. In this position, the terrace is not used, gradually turns into a "technical room" - put a lawn mower, dryer, etc. This also determines the position of the house on the site. That is, you have solved most of the tasks of planning a house.

Option 1: with a terrace along the entire short wall

Let's look at several projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms and terraces. In the presented version, access to the terrace is made from the living room. There is also a kitchen window. If you make a wide window sill that opens completely, you can pass dishes through the window.

All technical rooms are collected in one place and located near the kitchen. The bedrooms are located at the opposite end of the house, which, in general, is convenient - you can receive guests or watch TV in the living room and not disturb those who decide to relax.

There is only one additional load-bearing wall in this project - almost in the middle along the long side of the house. The kitchen-living room is one, but you can install a partition and separate the rooms. In this case, you will have to allocate part of the living room, but, with a given area - almost 17 meters - this is not very critical.

The bedrooms in this project have different sizes: 9, 11, 13 meters. Whether it's convenient or not is up to you. If desired, the size of the bedrooms can be increased by reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room (with 3-meter ceilings, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b5 squares is enough, so there is a resource). The smallest bedroom can be enlarged by moving the closet to another wall by moving the partition that encloses the living room. By the way, this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has another plus - a dressing room at the entrance. It's really convenient.

Option 2: with a short terrace along the long side of the house

Consider another option for planning a one-story house with three bedrooms and a terrace. It differs in the position of the "wet" block - kitchen / bathroom / boiler room / toilet. They have been moved to the opposite side. The areas of the bedrooms are "levelled" by reducing the area of ​​the kitchen. Please note: the vestibule is made remote. This also contributed to the fact that despite the relatively small size of the house - 10 * 14 meters (area 140 square meters) - the dimensions of all rooms are solid, the width of the corridor is 1.7 meters, which is also not bad.

The terrace has an exit from the living room, it occupies only part of a long wall. If you beat this option, it will turn out very well. For example, you can put a pond nearby, install, break a beautiful flower bed.

With place under or garage

If you need to place a carport or garage next to the house, you can change the layout so that the entrance to the house is closer to the parking lot. Then there is the possibility to combine the parking shed and the porch. It might turn out to be very interesting.

When planning a shed, it's best to find space for two cars. Even if you have one car, guests will come to you and it is much more convenient if it can be put under the roof. The cost of arrangement is not too different, but you should always look to the future. Maybe you will have a second car.

What is another good carport? Under it, you can equip a place to store any inventory: automobile, garden. In the same place, you can fence off a place under - in order to have a supply of dry firewood near the house. In general, this zone can be used in different ways. And its optimal dimensions are 8 * 9 meters or so. This is if the area of ​​the site allows. If not, you can proceed from the minimum dimensions - 2 meters wider and 1.5 longer than your car.

The above project of a one-story house with three bedrooms has an area of ​​100 square meters, made in the form of a rectangle with sides of 8.8 * 12 meters. The location of the bedrooms is the same - one block, all the technical rooms are also brought together in one place. With such a layout, the corridor turns out to be quite small, which will please many, but it will be a “passing” zone in which you can’t put anything.

If you need to place the parents' bedroom separately

When choosing a layout, many believe that the parents' bedroom should be located at some distance from the nursery. In this case, the approach to planning changes - the elongated rectangular shape of the house is optimal. The long side is divided into three parts by two load-bearing walls.

Such a house with an L-shaped layout is more expensive in terms of cost than a rectangular or square one.

Option 1: without a corridor

If you divide the house into three parts, it is possible to develop a layout for a house with three bedrooms without a corridor. One third of the house is divided into two bedrooms for children, the middle part is occupied by a combined kitchen / living room, the last third is divided between the entrance group / bathroom and the parents' bedroom.

Where the bedroom for parents is located, an entrance to the bathroom is organized from the kitchen / living room. How successful is this solution? Plus, it looks like this - a large kitchen / living room. But she is completely passable. That is, it will definitely not work to retire in it. Perhaps you like this idea. Although, in order to appreciate the convenience / inconvenience, it is worth living in such a house. Usually not everyone likes this, although at the “idea” stage everything seemed tempting.

Location of rooms in a one-story house with three bedrooms - the parents' room is located separately

Please note that this project of a one-story house with three bedrooms does not have a boiler room. If it is necessary, it can be allocated by reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen / living room. But then it will be necessary to think over the layout, how to organize the entrance to it. A possible, but not very convenient option is from the kitchen, if it is located near the bathroom. The second is from the street. But then, you can make an extension to the house. Although, this is determined by the size of the house.

Option 2: with a corridor

A layout with two children's rooms and a parent's bedroom taken away can be implemented in a square house (in the figure below). The minimum possible dimensions are 12*12 meters. In terms of area, this is a little more than 140 squares. In this case, the dimensions of all rooms are close to optimal (square, have an area of ​​​​more than 10 square meters). The living room is combined with the kitchen but is not a walk-through.

If possible / desired, you can do it in a rectangular house, just a square is more preferable, since the cost per square meter of housing is a little lower. I must say that the winnings are quite small, so you shouldn't bother with it too much. It is better to proceed from convenience, because you choose the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms for your own life.

In this layout option, the parents' bedroom is generally isolated. The advantage of this option is that in children there is a place under. There is also a drawback here - "wet" rooms are located on opposite edges of the house. The arrangement of engineering systems will be more difficult (in addition to sewerage and water supply, you will also have to think about separate ventilation).

Not everyone likes the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living room. In this case, you can easily solve the problem by installing a partition. The entrance to the kitchen can be either from the corridor or from the living room.

But, if you do not make other changes, the entrance to the living room is only through the kitchen, which is inconvenient. You can solve the problem by doing some transformations. The first - the "drowned" entrance zone becomes "normal", in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls, the partition separating the corridor is removed. A large entrance area is formed, but without a warm vestibule. But we get an additional large room, which can be well equipped. True, this is another project of a one-story house with three bedrooms (see below).

From this area you can make an entrance to the living room. It turns out next to the entrance, which is quite logical. True, only part of the room remains functional, but the “damage” can be minimized by bringing the doors closer.

You can go even further - remove the partition separating the living room from the corridor. The wall here is load-bearing, so it will require the installation of columns. But the layout of the house will be in a modern style - from the entrance there is a single space that acts as a living room and a common room. For many, this seems convenient.

More options

Having a certain set of premises and requirements for their location, you will not get too many options. The layouts below differ in some details. Maybe one of them will suit you.

Competently compiled one-story house project with three bedrooms allows you to harmoniously place the rooms to create a comfortable environment. Today, small buildings are very popular, as they are able to fully satisfy all the requirements of a modern person. You can build a one-story house from various building materials, using numerous design styles.

Comfortable family home

A one-story house with three rooms is designed for the simultaneous residence of a full-fledged family in it. Living rooms will surprise with their spacious forms, add light and comfort. The project of the house is designed for 4 people, but more people will not feel cramped. In such a house it is very easy to accommodate guests, hold meetings of friends and relatives. A small house allows you to feel comfortable in it at any time of the year.

Advantages of a one-story house

Building a one-story house has many advantages:

  • comfortable use of rooms located on the same floor eliminates the need to go down and up, which is not always possible. For example, families with small children houses with several floors can carry danger, and for people of the age of the steps - a very difficult obstacle;
  • building a one-story house is an economically profitable undertaking. The simple forms of the building, the installation of a gable roof help to reduce the cost of funds for construction;
  • load-bearing walls occupy a small area in the house, which facilitates the planning of the placement of rooms according to individual requirements. For example, you can make it more closed or, conversely, spacious and bright, and if necessary, two living rooms are connected into one;
  • the project allows you to place a , which can also be used as a ;
  • the opportunity, thanks to which the rest will bring much more pleasure, especially in bad weather;
  • diversity allows them to be placed on areas of different shapes and sizes;
  • opportunity to equip pantry in the house greatly simplifies access to supplies that can always be kept at hand;
  • the construction of houses in different styles and directions allows you to choose the most suitable construction option according to individual requirements.

Project of a one-story house with three bedrooms: construction styles

Projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms, impressive in their comfort, can be built in different styles. Based on the individual requirements of the customer, the direction in construction is also selected.

American style house building

The main distinguishing feature of this direction is the demonstration of the wealth of the house. One-story - a complex of elements combined into a single building. American style is:

  • spacious forms. The rooms in such houses are large and bright;
  • strict symmetry of the lines, and, accordingly, the location of the premises;
  • the presence of a cascade, ideally emphasizing each element of the structure;
  • wide, decorating the entrance to the house.

An American-style house with all its appearance speaks of the successful life of its owners, of their prosperity and wealth.

Building a house in the English style

The use of the Gothic style in the construction of one-story houses

Minimalism as a style of building a one-story house

Minimalism originated in the middle of the 20th century. When building a house, only the most necessary elements for a comfortable life are used, which perform their functions. No decor or embellishments. Each item has its own functionality, without which it is simply impossible to do. The main characteristics of minimalism are the use of monophonic construction, the use of strict geometric lines, the correct lighting design and complete conciseness in everything.

A house is built in a minimalist style, as a rule, only from natural materials. When building a private house or office building, marble is used.

Building a house in Provence style

Features are considered exquisite sophistication in combination with tenderness. During the construction of such a house, as a rule, there are practically no plinth and porch. A Provence-style house is built of brick or natural stone, light shades are also used. The main element of the direction is, which without fail is created very powerful, with hinged loops.

You can build a one-story house in other styles. When choosing a direction, experts recommend carefully considering possible construction options, because the house must meet the individual needs of the family, be comfortable for all its members, harmoniously fit into the landscape of the site. That is why, when creating a building construction project, you should seek help from specialists who know the intricacies of creating projects and the ability to choose the best option.

Today, ready-made projects for the construction of houses with one or more floors are also very popular.

Ready-made projects of one-story private houses

A feature of ready-made projects for the construction of one-story houses is their acceptable cost and the ability to visually imagine how the building will look. Many people think that construction according to ready-made projects has no individuality. But this is not at all the case, because finished projects are the basis, and the design is individual. When choosing a finished project for such a house, you need to understand some features:

  • building a one-story house can cost a little more than building two-story house the same area. This is primarily due to the fact that a large foundation and roof can increase the cost of construction, and in fact they are one of the most important structural elements. It is not recommended to save on them;
  • one-story houses with an area of ​​​​more than 200 m² are less comfortable, as the harmony of the arrangement of rooms is lost due to the need to create several corridors. The best are projects of one-story houses of 100 m² with three bedrooms;
  • for the construction of a one-story house of large sizes, an appropriate piece of land will be required;
  • when heating a one-story building, the attic is also heated. That is why many with the aim of expedient use of free space.

Ready-made projects of one-story houses can be purchased from a company specializing in such services. Turning to professionals for help, you are guaranteed to get the construction option that you need. The manager of the company will be happy to help you choose the most profitable construction option, following all the wishes and requirements. With its help, it is very easy to choose a project for a one-story three-bedroom house of 150 m² for a family with children.

It is very important that when choosing a project for construction, the wishes of all family members are taken into account, because the house should be comfortable for everyone. That is why it is recommended to choose a finished project after studying all the desires of the household.

When choosing a finished project, you can make adjustments. For example, the type of foundation can be selected based on the characteristics of the soil on which the construction will be carried out. To determine the best foundation, it is necessary to conduct geodetic studies. In addition, adjustments can be made to the layout of the room itself. The location of the rooms, their size may deviate from the proposed standard and be designed according to individual requirements.

The company can also find out the approximate cost of construction. When developing a project, an estimate is necessarily drawn up that determines the amount of materials required. You can also consider the project of a one-story

If you have become the owner of your own plot, when choosing a project for your future home, you should take care of the comfort of each of your family members in advance. Personal space in a residential building is very important, so the classic option for a family of 4 is the project of a one-story house with three bedrooms, especially if the children are still small. offers profitable solutions for urban and suburban construction at affordable prices.

Houses with three bedrooms - how to choose a project?

As for the two-story house, all the rest rooms are preferably located on the second floor. But if you have small children or elderly people live in the house, you can organize a bedroom for them on the ground floor.

The layout of the house with three bedrooms implies free access to all rooms through the hall. Bedrooms are not made walk-through, but this rule does not apply to the living room. Therefore, you can combine it with the kitchen or make it a walk-through for access to the kitchen.

The structure can be supplemented with other functional elements, such as a garage, a bathhouse, a terrace, etc. A house with three bedrooms and a garage is a common model in suburban construction. Similar projects in a wide range are presented in the catalog of the architectural bureau "Svoi Dom".

Homes with three bedrooms: pros and cons

The advantages of houses with three bedrooms include:

  • lack of stairs near one-story houses - you and your loved ones will be able to move freely around the building, and the stairs will not take up extra space;
  • saving materials when building a two-story house - the roof and foundation are usually very expensive, so building on two floors will allow you to save half the money;
  • the house turns out to be quite compact, if additional premises are not included in the layout, it will be cozy and aesthetically pleasing;
  • a small building area allows you to protect more space on the site for a vegetable garden, garden, outbuildings, landscape composition, etc .;
  • small houses are easily designed for narrow areas or areas of unusual shape;
  • all building materials and the construction process itself will cost relatively inexpensively.

Houses with three bedrooms also have disadvantages:

  • a one-story house with three bedrooms will be more expensive to build than a two-story house, and will take up more space on the site;
  • a two-story building requires a more complex foundation, the construction process of which is quite laborious.

Design company "Svoi Dom" - relevant and modern solutions for every taste

A one-story house with an area of ​​​​10 × 10 meters provides some freedom of action. Of course, this is not a two-story mansion, where each family member will have his own spacious room, but not a house of 50 square meters, where not only a utility zone, but also two, or even three or four rooms are included.

The number of rooms, their size, purpose is much easier to vary when the area of ​​​​the house is 100 squares. Yes, and there are many more projects with such a quadrature. Consider the most optimal projects for a comfortable stay of a large or small family so that it is easier for you to choose the right option.

A one-story house on the site takes up more space than a building of the same area, but with two floors. However, for a family with children or with relatives of advanced age, the disabled, this option is more preferable - it is safer, more convenient.

Yes, and a staircase that would lead to the second floor would take up usable space.

But there are other advantages of such a building.

  • The usable area is enough for a family of 4 or even 5 people.
  • Reduced injury rate due to lack of stairs.
  • Makes house cleaning easier.
  • The design of all rooms of the house can be done in the same style.
  • The house warms up faster and keeps heat longer.
  • The house is square in shape, the number of solutions is large.
  • The foundation does not need additional reinforcement, since it must withstand only one floor.

A one-story house 10 × 10 can turn out comfortable and spacious. The layout of the rooms, their location depends on the size of the family. So everyone will be comfortable in it, including guests who, no, no, and even want to stay the night.

Important: note that the indicated area of ​​​​10 × 10 does not mean that its living or common area will be such. 10-20 sq.m will be taken over by external walls and interior partitions used for zoning.

Therefore, the usable space with which you will operate will remain 80-90 m 2. And this is quite enough - see for yourself.

The presented version of the house has a total area of ​​76.55 sq.m, of which 48.25 is living area. And only one room (living room) is a walk-through.

  • 2 children's rooms of 9.32 sq.m.
  • Bedroom 11.58 sq.m.
  • Hall 18.03 sq.m.
  • Kitchen 7.32 sq.m.

In the remaining area, it was possible to accommodate a boiler room, a bathroom, a vestibule or dressing room and a hall.

If you do not need 2 children's rooms, one room can be used as an office or guest room. If the house is heated by a double-circuit boiler and the boiler room is not needed, the bathroom can be made separate or the freed up area can be used for a wardrobe, pantry, dryer.

Important: if you want to learn how to create interior plans, read our article: 25 best programs, applications and services for an interior designer. This skill is useful for everyone, not just a professional designer.

A small family does not need additional living rooms. And guests, if necessary, can be accommodated in the living room for the night.

Note that this house's total area includes the area of ​​external walls and partitions.

  • A corridor (8 sq.m.) leads from the entrance deep into the house.
  • On the left and right hand of it are the doors to the bedrooms of 16 sq.m.
  • The corridor turns into a hall, at the end of which there is a fenced off room for technical and household needs with an area of ​​5.4 sq.m. The area of ​​the spacious hall is 18.6 sq.m.
  • The house has a spacious combined unit (12 sq.m) and a kitchen combined with a living room.

If desired, the kitchen can be moved to a technical room, and two zones can be made from the living room: a guest room and a relaxation area, or equip a cool home office.

If the layout is not touched, then in a fenced-off room you can equip a boiler room, a dryer, an additional bathroom or a closet.

The advantage of this project is that each of the rooms, whether residential or utility, is not a walk-through.

Rooms should be located in the house not only so that everyone is spacious and comfortable. The orientation of the house to the cardinal points should also be taken into account. So, a bathroom, kitchen, pantry, boiler room will survive the lack of light. But bedrooms, children's rooms and the living room need long-term and sufficient natural light.

This project has a total area of ​​almost 80.96 sq.m, while the living area is 53.96 sq.m, and the living area consists of 2 bedrooms and a living room.

  • Bedroom 1 - 14.37 sq.m. It can be a guest room, an office or a nursery.
  • Bedroom 2 - 16.07 sq.m.
  • Living room - 23.52 sq.m.
  • Kitchen-dining room - 10.91 sq.m.
  • Combined bathroom - 6.06 sq.m.

A vestibule leads to the house, at the end of which there is a boiler room or storage room with an area of ​​3.28 sq.m.

The area of ​​the house stands for a square of 10 × 10 by 2.3 meters. These premises can be donated if the size of the plot does not allow them to be left. And make the entrance from the street directly into the hall, fencing it off, for example, with a plasterboard wall with a door.

The advantage of this option is that, having accommodated 3 living rooms in the area of ​​​​the house, it was possible to make each of them separate.

In a house with an area of ​​​​100 squares, it is quite possible to plan not only the living area and kitchen and technical premises. You can also arrange an open terrace, which everyone who buys a suburban private one-story house 10 × 10 dreams of. The layout of the rooms at the same time will be practical and comfortable.

Take a look at the proposed project for yourself. It has three bedrooms of 11.9; 12.2 and 12.5 sq.m and living room 20.2 sq.m. The space between the rooms is the kitchen, which also serves as a dining room with an area of ​​13.1 sq.m. The toilet room is combined, located next to the entrance to the house.

The living room has four windows and a sliding door. The room receives plenty of natural light. Therefore, behind it you can make a glass veranda. And go to her almost straight out of the house. If this solution does not seem convenient to you, put a door instead of one window. And the window can be moved to the place of the existing sliding doors.

The same terrace, but smaller, can be made in front of the entrance to the house.

Any of the options presented can be changed. For example, move a wall to make a room or terrace look bigger. Demolish non-load-bearing room dividers to make rooms more spacious (loft style). And to change the purpose of the premises - here it will not be as difficult as it seems. After all, this is a private house, not an apartment in a high-rise building.

One-story house 10 × 10: room layout and its basics

A 10x10 house is considered a medium-sized house. Plus, it's a one-room apartment. And, despite all its advantages, you can't move its outer walls apart to single out one room.

Therefore, it is worth initially deciding which rooms in the house are necessary, and which ones you can do without.

  • Need a living room. This is not the master bedroom, but a gathering place for the whole family. This space should not be neglected. We give him the most spacious room.
  • The number of bedrooms depends on the size of the family. A young family may expand soon, so there should be at least 2 bedrooms.
  • The kitchen, if its area allows, can also be a dining room. Even on an area of ​​10-13 sq.m, both a cooking zone and a dining set will fit.
  • A bathroom is one of the most necessary technical rooms.
  • Pantry. If there is room, great. Otherwise, stocks are stored in outbuildings in the yard. But it’s possible to allocate a place of 1.5-2.5 sq.m for it in any way in the kitchen or in the hall.
  • Wardrobe. You can do without a separate room for it. Install wardrobes from floor to ceiling. This will solve the placement problem. Useful ideas and tips can be gleaned from our article on decorating a small dressing room.
  • A dryer is optional.
  • A boiler room is needed only if there is a stove at home, steam heating is installed. But most families use double-circuit boilers, gas heating and install underfloor heating. Therefore, the need for this room is eliminated and an additional quadrature is released. And just under the pantry or bathroom.
  • Terrace. You can refuse, but you don't want to.

We increase functionality without pushing the walls apart

You can make the living area more spacious by making adjustments to the layout.

9 Reasons Why You Should Use 3-Bedroom Single-Story House Designs in Construction

Each developer is looking for options on how and on what to save during construction, both residential cottages and seasonal premises. And without thinking about the fact that it is the project that facilitates the construction process and avoids unnecessary costs, developers begin to build private one-story houses with three bedrooms without a project.

In this article, we will consider why it is necessary to buy projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms. Consider the main advantages of projects, as well as the presence of diagrams, sketches, photos and videos in them:

1. The project and schemes of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms allow you to more clearly represent the final result of construction.

Projects on the basis of which one-story houses with three bedrooms are being built (photos of which are also often attached to them) allow the developer to present a new private house after construction is completed. The project contains a large amount of information that is simply impossible to keep in your head (layout, design calculations, lighting and communications schemes, design of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms, and much more).

2. The project is the best guarantee that finished one-story houses with 3 bedrooms will be of high quality and serve for a long time.

However, it should be understood that this condition is feasible only when residential one-story houses with three bedrooms are built by professional builders with extensive experience. Author's original projects and typical one-story houses with 3 bedrooms include parameters that are calculated exclusively in compliance with all building codes and state standards. Based on this, you can be sure of the quality of the house, that its walls and foundation will not crack, the floors will not bend, and there will be a comfortable climate for living. Three-bedroom one-story cottages that were built according to the project, as a rule, are a holistic organism, with a well-thought-out layout and taking into account a large number of features. For example, plans for one-story houses with 3 bedrooms, which take into account the peculiarities of the location of the house to the cardinal points, as well as the thickness, “pie”, wall construction; the location and size of the windows are more economical in terms of electricity and heat supply.

3. The project is a guarantee that even inexpensive one-story houses with three bedrooms will be functional and comfortable.

Building on individual projects is quite popular because it allows developers to include a convenient and functional layout in the project. The layout of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms is a serious issue that needs to be resolved with responsibility and slowly. This is because the catalog of 3 bedroom single storey houses offers many layout options, and making a mistake at this stage will be costly in the future due to redoing the shortcomings.

4. The design is the most important tool to prevent future rework.

The project allows builders to clearly see the end goal, which helps to prevent mistakes during construction and the need for rework in the future, and therefore avoid unnecessary costs.

5. The project allows you to transfer part of the powers associated with the construction of the house to the involved party.

Construction companies can be involved and start construction work only if there is a project.

6. The project allows to carry out quality control of construction works.

Any claims against builders regarding the quality of work on building a house can be made solely based on the information that is in the project. Any verbal wishes regarding the height of ceilings, wall thickness, window size do not oblige the builders to fulfill them.

7. The project is the basis for creating an estimate.

Without a project, it is impossible to draw up an estimate, which is a reliable tool for controlling the cost of building materials.

8. The project makes construction more economical.

On the basis of the project, the cost of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms can be calculated and an estimate is made containing information on the types, price and quantity of materials. And this avoids the purchase of excess materials.

9. The project allows you to save time and nerves.

When the construction of the house goes according to plan in accordance with the project, you can be calm. This eliminates the need for constant presence at the construction site.