Shared balcony with room. Interior decoration of balconies and loggias with cladding options Eco-friendly upholstery of balconies with wood

Many owners of apartments (especially small ones) increase living space by adding loggias and balconies. If you correctly glaze and insulate the balcony, you can save the required heat. However, people who implement such an idea are wondering - what is the best way to sheathe a balcony inside? There are several options, with their help you can not only arrange a place to relax, but also organize, for example, a summer garden, a full-fledged office or even a small gym.

When choosing a specific finishing material, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the functionality of the future premises; in addition, you need to do the following:

  • objectively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of suitable materials;
  • determine how appropriate the finish is in terms of care and practicality;
  • find out if it will be possible to make repairs yourself if necessary.

Also, do not forget that the balcony is located closer to the street than the rest of the apartment. Consequently, the finishing material will be more influenced by negative factors. Therefore, the chosen option must be durable, resistant to temperature extremes, humidity and ultraviolet radiation.

Today we will consider the possible options, and a comparison of those. characteristics will help to find out which one is better to use when sheathing.

Until recently, wooden lining was practically the only material that was used to decorate the described premises. People liked (and still like) the aesthetics and attractiveness of these products. Walls sheathed with clapboard create the feeling that you are somewhere on the terrace of a country house, and city dwellers, as you know, treat such things more than favorably.

Main characteristics

Let's start by making a distinction between the two concepts. The lining is planed boards with natural moisture, but the eurolining is dry. In addition, eurolining is of higher quality, has a more complicated profile, an increased requirement for the level of humidity, and it also has ventilation channels. Despite significant differences, both materials are similar in their technical characteristics.

Let's get acquainted with the main advantages of lining.

  1. Good insulation. Yes, the described material belongs to the finishing, but it has excellent thermal and sound insulation characteristics.
  2. Environmental Safety. Lining is a natural material that does not have any harmful properties.
  3. Easy to install, quality connections. Using this material, you can create simple, but extremely reliable designs.
  4. Durability. If all operational requirements are met, the lining (euro lining) will last from 15 to 20 years.

We also note that some types of material are inexpensive, which today can be called one of the main advantages. But in order for the lining to last as long as possible, it is better to give preference to pine profile boards - they are somewhat more expensive than, for example, linden, but of better quality. For eurolining, selected expensive types of wood are generally used, which, after drying, are treated with special antiseptics and flame retardants.

Wooden lining - types

Important information! Product labeling is equally important. Almost all lining goes through the same production cycle, and sorting is carried out already at the exit during molding. It is at this stage that the material is checked for quality and grouped (one of three classifications is assigned - “A”, “B”, “C”). The higher the class, the higher the quality of the products.

Class "C" material is, in fact, ordinary waste. You can work with such a lining, but you should not expect a good result.

Lining grade "EXTRA"

Mounting Features

Both lining and eurolining are mounted using the same technology.

Stage 1. First you need to prepare the walls. All work surfaces are thoroughly cleaned, leveled and prepared for the installation of the crate.

Stage 3 . The last stage is the sheathing itself, which can be done in one of the following ways:

  • hidden;
  • open.

Eurolining panels, for example, can be connected using the tenon-groove method using kleimers (these are special brackets). As for the usual lining, it can also be attached to the kleimers. This method is called hidden. With the open method, self-tapping screws and nails are used for installation.

The installation procedure itself is quick and easy, but, importantly, lining is recommended for use on well-insulated balconies.

Video - How to sheathe a balcony with clapboard

Option number 2. MDF panels

They are medium density fibreboards. Such products can be of several types - from flat panels covered with veneer or polymer film, to elements with embossed patterns.

Material advantages

The main advantages of MDF panels include:

  • excellent operational properties;
  • variety of textures and colors;
  • ease of installation (and the panels can be mounted in any direction);
  • the possibility of laying a heat insulator or wiring in the under-panel space;
  • no need to prepare the walls (this does not affect the quality of the installation).

Mounting Features

The procedure for sheathing a balcony with MDF panels is approximately as follows.

Stage 1 . As we have just noted, it is not necessary to prepare the walls, however, the crate will still have to be installed, since the sheathing material will be attached to it.

Stage 2. The launch panel is placed in the corner of the constructed crate, after which it is fixed with a special glue.

Stage 3 . The remaining panels are mounted in the same way and are additionally attached to each other by means of grooves.

Stage 4. The last panel is cut to the required size, fastened with glue and snapped into place with the next one.

As you can see, even a novice can use this material to cover it, because it will not take much effort or time for installation.

Option number 3. Drywall

The following material is also popular, and many are interested in whether it can be used for cladding a balcony. Immediately make a reservation that drywall is fragile, it is quite difficult to clean it, and it loses its original appearance quickly, but at the same time it has its advantages.

These include:

  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of implementing various design solutions;
  • low cost.

Important information! Drywall can only be used as an initial layer, that is, another finishing material is mounted on top of it. Even drywall (GK) is fragile (if we talk about it as a sheathing), and it is suitable for a balcony only if it is carefully insulated.

Now let's get acquainted with the installation technology.

Table. We sheathe the balcony with drywall

Stages, No.Brief description of actionsA photo
Stage 1First you need to build an iron crate on which the GKL will be installed.

Stage 2Then (if necessary) insulating material is placed in the cells of the crate. All formed slots and joints are filled with mounting foam or sealant.

Stage 3After that, the installation of drywall begins directly. The sheets are attached to the metal crate with self-tapping screws, while the latter should be screwed in with the utmost care to avoid deformation.

Stage 4Finishing work is done at the end. A layer of putty or any other material of a similar purpose is applied on top of the drywall.

When all work is completed, the walls can be painted to make the material look neater.

Option number 4. Siding

As a rule, siding panels are used for exterior decoration of buildings, but they can also be successfully used for interior work. In the manufacture of vinyl panels, a special technology is used, thanks to which the material has several significant advantages.

  1. It is reasonably resistant to almost all types of weathering.
  2. If the surface is damaged, then instead of a costly full-fledged repair, you just need to change the damaged panel (or panels).
  3. Siding is environmentally friendly, it does not contain any combustible or harmful substances.
  4. The material described is also heat-resistant, so it can be mounted under any temperature conditions.
  5. Finally, siding allows you to create "breathing" walls.

Installation Features

The technology of cladding a balcony with siding panels is also nothing complicated and consists of three main stages.

Stage 1. The first thing to do is to install the crate, on top of which the entire installation structure will be fixed.

Stage 2. Using self-tapping screws, fixing profiles are fixed (special, intended for siding). First, the starting bar is mounted in the lower part, and then the profiles themselves (H- or J-shaped) are installed. It all ends with the installation of the finishing bar.

Stage 3. At the end, siding is installed directly on the fixed profiles. What is characteristic, this needs to be done only from the bottom up.

Option number 5. PVC panels

The material is similar in its characteristics to the vinyl siding described above, but differs, first of all, in that it is intended exclusively for interior work. You can learn more about the installation process from the video below.

Video - We ennoble the balcony with PVC panels

Option number 6. Sandwich panels

Such panels consist of three layers - a pair of sheets of durable material and a heat insulator between them. For this reason, sandwich panels can be considered one of the most preferred cladding materials.

Among the advantages are:

  • resistance to biological irritants (for example, to mold, fungus);
  • safety;
  • no need for additional finishing;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • light weight;
  • excellent thermal and sound insulation properties.

As for the installation process, it should look like this.

Stage 1. Special fittings are being built (outer and inner corners, as well as final details).

Stage 2. The start panel is mounted (its narrow part is placed in the corresponding groove), after which the installation accuracy is checked using the building level.

Stage 3. To fix the wide part of the panel, self-tapping screws or staples are used.

Stage 4. The second panel is connected to the starting one by mounting the narrow part and further fixing it. All subsequent panels are mounted in the same way.

So what to choose?

Be that as it may, everyone must decide for himself which finishing material suits him best. But if you do not have the appropriate skills, then it is advisable to buy either siding or lining. If the main goal of the work is high-quality insulation, then preference should be given to sandwich panels. And the features of each material described above with the installation rules will help you make the right choice.

Conclusion. Ceiling and floor

Ceilings are often sheathed with the same material as the walls, which ensures the integrity of the room. You can combine different textures to hide the flaws of the balcony. There is, for example, one old method to help raise the ceiling. This method consists in the use of materials that contrast in color.

Important information! When sheathing the ceiling, it should be remembered that lighting devices will be placed on it (if provided).

The floor is usually covered with linoleum, but recently several alternative options have appeared that have the same performance characteristics, but look much better. The floor on the balcony can be covered, for example, with a laminate (necessarily moisture resistant) or ceramic tiles.

Video - Do-it-yourself balcony cladding

Most residents use a loggia or balcony in their apartment as a pantry, a smoking room, a place for drying clothes, and in the worst case, as a place to store unnecessary things that are a pity to throw away. Few people are inspired to put things in order in this room, or to give it at least some useful functionality. In most cases, this is the most useless corner in the apartment.

And if you take, for example, a large loggia, equal in size to a small kitchen, and turn it into a comfortable recreation area with an abundance of decorative leafy plants and singing canaries, or into an office where you can retire and focus on solving important issues!

In this article, you will learn how, with the help of lining a balcony or loggia with clapboard, you can turn an ordinary balcony into a functional room.

In order for a loggia or balcony to successfully serve you all year round, it must be insulated and equipped with a heater. There will be no problems with the installation of heating, it is very simple to install an additional battery on the balcony and connect it to the nearest riser. You can also install a warm electric floor, in extreme cases, put an ordinary electric convector.

Balcony insulation will take longer, because a number of measures will need to be taken to seal it. First of all, you need to glaze the balcony or loggia. There will be no particular difficulties in this work if you install high-quality plastic energy-saving double-glazed windows. But other issues of sealing will have to be addressed more carefully.

It is very important to get rid of drafts on the balcony. To do this, it is necessary to very scrupulously close up all the cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling. If the house is brick, then the masonry must be covered with a thin layer of plaster, since it (the masonry) can itself be a source of drafts. A variety of suitable materials can be used to fill gaps. It can be mounting foam, acrylic or silicone sealant, as well as dry building mixes for plastering.

After sealing the cracks and plastering the brick walls, you can proceed to additional insulation. It is a mistake to believe that only walls need to be insulated. In order for your efforts to be successful, you must also insulate the floor and ceiling. An additional means of insulation can be used with a wind barrier. If you stretch the cellophane film on the floor, walls and ceiling, this will serve as additional protection against the penetration of cold air from outside.

The next stage of work will be the creation of a metal frame from drywall profiles. Between the wall and the frame, it is necessary to put mineral insulation or foam plastic and, if necessary, electrical wiring.

The choice of material for cladding a balcony

Further improvement of the balcony can be done in two ways. It can be completely sheathed with drywall, and then pasted over with wallpaper, or you can finish it with some kind of slatted material, such as plastic or clapboard. Plastic is well suited for such purposes, but it is too cold material, so in winter it will be of very little use. Another thing is lining made of natural wood. It can create a feeling of warmth and comfort at any time of the year.

How to sew up a balcony with clapboard?

If you decide to sheathe the balcony with clapboard, then the frame needs to be strengthened and create a base on which wooden slats will be directly attached. OSB (Oriented Strand Board) is the best for this.

Having chosen the thinnest OSB, which should be no more than 6 mm, we sheathe the walls and ceiling with it, thus creating the basis for the lining. We also lay OSB on the floor as a base, and already on top of it it will be possible to lay a laminate or linoleum. If the floors are very curved, they should be leveled with mineral wool or a thicker layer of OSB.

Having done all the preparatory work, you can begin to install the lining. It is fastened very simply, with the help of self-tapping screws and special clamps. The rail is cut to the desired length and attached to the base, clinging one to the other. There is a protrusion on one side of the rail, and a groove on the other, with the help of which, as a result, a seamless connection is obtained. The corner is formed with special corner beads, or covered with a narrow rail, which is stuffed on both sides of the corner.

Final touches

Like many other building materials, wood paneling needs protection from adverse weather conditions and mechanical damage. To protect and give shine, high-quality varnish is used, which is applied to the lining with a roller, brush or sprayer.

That's the whole process of installing lining with your own hands. It remains to finish the little things: install sockets and switches and put furniture for rest or work, decorating the balcony with greenery. Now the updated balcony is ready for use, and your apartment has acquired a few more square meters of usable area!

Repair and insulation of the balcony inevitably raises a lot of questions, and first of all it is necessary to find out how to sheathe the balcony inside and out. The requirements for materials are different, therefore we will consider them separately.

How to sheathe a balcony inside

There are many options, both traditional and new. The requirements for the interior decoration of the balcony are mainly as follows:

  • durability - after repair, you want at least 10 years not to worry about how the balcony looks;
  • practicality: the surface should be well washed, not absorb dirt;
  • attractiveness - from the balcony it is quite possible to make a place to relax, and not a warehouse of unnecessary things;
  • ease of installation - this is especially true if you are going to do the trim yourself;
  • maintainability - you never know how to develop, it should be possible to replace the damaged area.

There are many requirements, but often one more is added to them - financial. Not everyone has the ability or desire to invest decent amounts. From the point of view of all these requirements, we will analyze the most popular finishing materials.


In many regions, balconies are most often sheathed with wood products. The most popular lining and eurolining, but you can use any other similar materials: imitation of timber, block house, terraced or even ordinary planed board. The difference in appearance and, in some cases, in the method of fastening: the lining and its varieties (imitation of timber and block house) have a thorn-groove lock, which results in a connection without gaps.

Sheathe a balcony with eurolining or ordinary clapboard - one of the most popular finishes. Especially in regions where lumber is inexpensive. Where wood is a luxury, other materials are used.


Plastic PVC panels in any store are in a wide range. Usually they are strips of material of different widths, which are joined like a lining: a lock with a spike and a groove. Therefore, such products are also called plastic lining. Usually this means a surface with seams (as in the photo below).

In the photo, a balcony sheathed with plastic - plastic clapboard

When talking about plastic panels, they mean their seamless version. There is more choice here. There are surfaces glossy (shiny) and matte, plain and with a wide variety of patterns.

Now consider the compliance of this material with the requirements for interior cladding for a balcony:

Sheathing a balcony with plastic panels is an option from the category of “inexpensive and good”. This is the best choice if you need a practical surface.

Laminated materials: MDF panels and chipboard

Another option for interior decoration of an insulated balcony: paneling or. Their basis is wood fibers processed in a special way and covered with a decorative film that imitates various surfaces. In addition to a flat surface, they also absorb sound well. This is the effect that is not available to plastic.

This material has one feature: it does not like high humidity. Therefore, MDF wall panels are suitable only for heated balconies, and they will feel best on loggias. The same applies to laminated chipboard.

Now about whether they meet the requirements for finishing materials for a balcony or not:

  • Durability. Subject to the requirements for operation (at normal humidity), the service life is 20-30 years.
  • Practicality. The surface is even and smooth, all traces of dirt can be easily removed. The film is applied dense and strong, but if you set a goal, it can be damaged with a sharp object.
  • Attractiveness. A variety of surfaces, mostly imitating wood - this is the range of MDF lining (as it is also called). If you like the surface of the tree, but do not want to take care of it, this is your option, because there is a very good imitation.
  • Ease of installation. The system is still the same: the crate to which the trim is attached.
  • The maintainability of MDF panels is similar to the case described above: some margin is needed. With chipboard it is more difficult - either cut and replace part of the skin or change the entire fragment.

For the price, this is quite a democratic option. It takes a little time to install: the width of the panel is about 20 cm, chipboard is generally sheets. So if you don’t know how to sheathe a balcony inexpensively and quickly, you can take a closer look at MDF wall panels or laminated chipboard.


This type of decoration has become traditional in recent years. Its advantages are known: you can get a perfectly flat surface of any configuration. But, with such a finish, “wet” processes with plaster are used, and if the surface is painted, without experience you are unlikely to get a fairly even surface. Unless you use decorative plaster as a finish, which will hide small flaws.

Another option for cladding a balcony is drywall.

Let's deal with the requirements for finishing:

  • Durability. The surface itself can stand for decades, but the coloring will have to be updated regularly. But this has its plus: you can inexpensively change the boring design. With all the other materials previously described, this is not possible.
  • Practicality. If the paint is of good quality, it can be wiped several times with a damp cloth. Only special plasters can be washed.
  • Attractiveness. Finishing with drywall - at the current stage, this is practically the standard for mid-level repairs. You can create a very interesting design or a completely neutral surface. Everything depends on the desire.

  • Ease of installation. The technology is still the same: the frame on which the trim is mounted. Only in the case of drywall, a rather large area of ​​plastering work is added. Of all the previously described processes, this process is the most difficult.
  • Maintainability. In principle, everything can be fixed, but there will be a lot of work. It is also likely that everything will have to be repainted. In any case, one wall. But you can fix it.

As you can see, there are a lot of finishing materials. And this is not all possible options. There are also exotic possibilities: sheathe with bamboo, cork, wickerwork or mats. But for these types of finishes, the surface will have to be leveled with plaster. With the advent of new materials, this process is not very popular: it is slow and dirty, but sometimes you cannot do without them. On a leveled and plastered surface, finishing elements are “sit down” on the glue. Everything is simple, only bamboo and cork cost decently, but the design turns out to be beautiful and unconventional.

How to sheathe a balcony outside

The exterior finish of the balcony imposes slightly different requirements on the materials. In addition, it must be strong and reliable, wear-resistant. To understand the best way to sheathe a balcony from the outside, consider the main options.

Vinyl siding

It is available in two versions - traditional in the form of long boards with a tenon / groove fastening, which is often sheathed at home, and facade in the form of slabs with uneven edges, imitating stone or masonry. Both materials are mounted on the crate using self-tapping screws, but the frame is assembled a little differently, adjusting to the geometry of each material.

Metal siding or profiled sheet

Although vinyl is considered durable among plastics, it cannot argue with metal. If for high balconies how strong the material is uncritical, then for the lower floors it is very important. Therefore, below, balconies are often sheathed from the outside with metal siding or profiled sheet.

The better to sheathe a balcony with siding or profiled sheet - a matter of personal preference. Both of them have a high degree of reliability. Siding is made of aluminum or galvanized iron, on the front surface of which a polymer film is applied. Professional sheet - a shaped sheet of roofing iron, coated with a polymer or paint. The service life is declared from 15 to 25 years.

The main difference is in the installation method. A detail of the desired shape is cut out of the profiled sheet and fastened to the crate in a large piece with special self-tapping screws with a painted cap. The siding is also assembled as a lining: on one side there is a spike, on the other - a groove. Along the edge of the strip there is a perforation for fasteners. Self-tapping screws are screwed into it (in the middle of the hole, slightly short of the cap - leaving the opportunity to move with the temperature change of materials).

How to decorate a house with siding is written in the article "". If you have chosen this material, you will need to know the features and installation rules ...

wood paneling

Houses are built from wood, so why not sheathe the balcony outside with it? Not a bad option, but the wood needs maintenance. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the impregnation of the material used. Take an antiseptic and protective compounds for outdoor use. Processing is carried out before installation begins - then it will be problematic. When finishing, do not forget to process the ends of the boards sawn to size. The rest of the installation is the same.

You can also sheathe a balcony from the outside with a tree - clapboard, for example

Just keep in mind that without proper care, a pretty skin will turn into something unattractive. A fragment of a tree left without care can be seen in the photo on the right below.

How to sheathe a balcony without glazing

Since the finish of an unglazed balcony will be exposed to all atmospheric phenomena, it is necessary to choose from materials for the exterior of the house. Possible options:

  • siding - vinyl, basement, metal;
  • decorative finishing stone;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • plasters for outdoor work;
  • wood;
  • frost-resistant ceramic tiles;
  • polycarbonate.

Most of the material is familiar to you. Questions may arise only on polycarbonate. Sheathing the balcony with polycarbonate has recently begun. And you can make not only a visor on the upper floors (in the photo on the left). This material looks very nice paired with a forged balcony railing. But on such a balcony, the order should be perfect.

How to sheathe the ceiling

On a glazed balcony, the ceiling is often sheathed either with the same material as the walls, or with plastic panels. You can make a plasterboard ceiling.

If we are talking about an unglazed balcony or loggia, then the ceiling is usually sheathed with siding. It is inexpensive, easy to clean, easy to install and at the same time, holds up well.

See the photo below for a few ideas for finishing unglazed balconies.

Decorating a balcony is not an easy task, but it is not entirely difficult. To begin with, it is recommended to carefully evaluate the actions necessary for its completion: for example, for houses of the P-46 series, they may be different than for P-44T. If you plan to finish a cold balcony with your own hands, it is quite affordable even for a person without special skills. With due attention to work, you can get a beautiful additional space to the existing living space.

Assessment of future work

If you have to glaze and finish balconies and loggias, you need to calculate all the actions in advance. First of all, you should decide not only how to sheathe the balcony from the inside, but also decide what work should and can be carried out. Sometimes the possibility of their implementation depends on the design features of the structure. For example, in P-46 houses, glazing can be carried out both in warm and cold versions. There is a strong enough parapet here to support a frame with double or triple glazing.

If there is a loggia or balcony without glazing, it is too early to talk about finishing work. They will not bring the expected result. Glazing must first be carried out, and in some cases, the erection of walls, roofs, repairs or installation of a parapet. Finishing an open balcony will lead to the fact that the materials will soon deteriorate under the influence of the external environment, and all work will have to be done again.

When deciding how best to sheathe a balcony inside, consider whether it is planned to connect it to the room. In this case, it is necessary to include in the list and work on the creation of a heat-insulating layer.

How to prepare surfaces for work

In order for the inner lining of the balcony to perform its functions for a long time, and to keep warm in the resulting room, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the walls, ceiling and floor. For this, work is carried out on insulation, waterproofing and glazing.

Finishing the loggia, balconies will turn out to be of high quality only if all the necessary calculations are carefully made. This helps to change the temperature and humidity conditions of the space from cold to warm. It is important to correctly determine how to sheathe the balcony inside. You can consult with experts for this.

The advantages of this approach are:

  1. The materials for finishing the balcony installed in place will not deteriorate from dampness, the thermal insulation characteristics of the layers will not deteriorate.
  2. If a high-quality interior decoration of balconies and loggias is carried out, the space will be quite suitable for being on it even without installing heating appliances. When the temperature outside is below zero, it will be positive here.

Before the sheathing of balconies and loggias from the inside begins, it is necessary to decide on the materials for its implementation. Advance preparation should be of interest to every owner who decides to independently perform part of the finishing work or do it completely on his own. If you can’t decide how exactly the balcony cladding will be done, photos on this topic can help you make a choice.

Both the appearance of the renovated space and the costs depend on the materials, so the design must be determined in a timely manner. The type of residential building (for example, P-46), the configuration option (for example, “boat”) are taken into account in the calculations.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the balcony is carried out only after installing windows and flooring, installing hydro- and heat-insulating layers. After that, the walls are finished on the balcony, the crate is strengthened for the subsequent installation of thermal insulation and the finishing layer. Preparation is recommended in the following order:

  1. Surfaces from all sides are inspected for defects and cracks. All the flaws that are found during the inspection are carefully sealed up, drops, irregularities, cracks are eliminated.
  2. Finishing the walls of the balcony is carried out only after the irregularities are eliminated: the building level is used to determine them. Neglecting this step can lead to the fact that the entire thermal insulation structure will stagger.
  3. The frame and walls must be treated with an antiseptic. This will prevent the appearance of mold or fungus during temperature changes. The sheathing layer thus receives protection against the appearance of condensate.

Most popular finishes

Glazing and finishing of loggias can seriously differ in performance technology from such similar operations as installing windows and finishing a balcony inside, since we are talking about different designs. There are also plenty of options to get the job done. When choosing, it is necessary to focus primarily on the type of construction: for example, the finish of the P44T loggia of the “boot” type, which has 3 planes, differs from the “boat” option. The difference between them is in quadrature and configuration - the “boat” has one less plane. Working with the walls of a small balcony is done differently than with large surfaces.

Finishing options for balconies and loggias are as follows:

  1. Finishing is carried out depending on the goals and taste of the owners. A well-thought-out design may include plasterboard wall cladding. The use of GKL allows you to work without the use of adhesives. Such a sheathing can act as a basis for facing with plaster, tiles. The advantages of this type of design are the strength and practicality of the material, resistance to fire. But it will be difficult to hang anything on the walls because of their fragility.
  2. The once popular wood trim of a balcony is often replaced by MDF panels: material similar in appearance is easier to install, unpretentious and cheaper.
  3. Balcony cladding can be done using decorative plaster, tinted to the color required by the designed design.
  4. Balcony decoration with cork or decorative stone is popular. This gives the walls a natural, natural color. Often, for the same purpose, the balcony is finished with a block house.
  5. Finishing the balcony with plastic is convenient to perform, easy to maintain. The material belongs to the category of self-levelling and does not require long, laborious preparatory surface treatment.

To calculate the balcony glazing and decoration, you should first consider the design, the design of which will mainly affect the costs. Interesting ideas can be found by looking at balconies that have already been finished, photos of which are posted below (Fig. 1, 2).

Lathing device

When performing work independently, difficulties may arise that need to be resolved in a timely manner. If you are finishing the balcony with your own hands, it is advisable to view the video (video 1) on this topic in advance. Viewing will help you get a better idea of ​​how the balcony is being finished from the inside.

For example, you can consider the options for finishing work available for review or consult with specialists. The interior decoration of a balcony in Khrushchev or another building usually begins with the arrangement of the crate. As its elements, wooden slats or aluminum profiles are useful. If the balcony is tiled, the lining can be made of plasterboard. If finishing works are carried out using panels and plastic elements are used, fixing profiles are required. They will frame the surfaces around the perimeter.

Before performing the crate, you need to decide how to finish the walls on the balcony and what will be the direction of the elements. Depending on this, the battens of the crate are mounted - their correct location will provide greater convenience in subsequent actions.

When determining how to sheathe a balcony with your own hands, it must be borne in mind that the vertical arrangement of the elements will visually make it higher. And, on the contrary, trimmed with horizontal elements, it will seem wider. If you finish the walls diagonally, the process will be laborious. It is not very convenient, especially in a small space.

Why carry out such finishing work

Issues of finishing balconies can be described as relevant today. A typical option will not cause difficulties even for an inexperienced person. A good photograph or detailed instructions can help, where all stages of work are clearly spelled out.

A small corner of an apartment being finished independently or with the involvement of a team of professionals is not uncommon in our time. The advantages of such a solution are obvious: from unused space, often cluttered with unnecessary things, you can build a comfortable functional room in a short period of time, give it the desired design and get additional living space. It is only necessary to resolve the issues of how to finish the balcony inside, what design to choose in order to get a good, cozy office or just a small room. In such rooms, even mini-gyms, rooms for children, or simply beautifully decorated corners with vegetation are arranged. This design will give the room a well-groomed look and attract the attention of guests.

If you are going to finish the balcony inside with your own hands, the calculation of materials and work can be ordered by professionals. In the future, you can act according to pre-prepared instructions. If you have difficulty deciding how to finish the balcony, you should first determine the end result. You can find and read product reviews to determine which ones are best for your purpose. For example, the P-46 series of houses is distinguished by the arrangement of extensive balcony spaces. Finishing material should be selected with this in mind. In the houses of the P-46 series, small structures without canopies are also arranged - for them it is necessary to include roof arrangement in the list of works.

The interior decoration of the balcony is an event that is resorted to to create a comfortable atmosphere in this room and expand the living space of the apartment. Work begins with the choice of material. It should be noted right away that no matter which option is chosen, it is important that the material is of high quality, therefore it is better to refuse dubious purchases in the markets and from hands.

This material is a planed board with natural moisture content. There is a subspecies of building material called eurolining. These are better products with profiles of complex geometric shapes, as well as ventilation ducts. At the same time, the material is more demanding on the level of humidity in the room and the quality of the rough surface.

The advantages of lining:

  1. Environmental friendliness. The material consists of 100% natural raw materials, which does not pose a danger to the health of people of any age category.
  2. Long service life. With proper installation and use, the lining can last up to 20 years.
  3. Ease of installation. Products are equipped with a connecting system, so installation does not take much time. A novice master will cope with finishing the balcony in 1 day.
  4. Additional insulation. Despite the fact that lining is a simple finishing material, it slightly protects the room from noise and retains heat.

Lining - one of the most popular finishing options for balconies and loggias

Installation of lining

Before sheathing the balcony inside, you should stock up on the following tools and consumables:

  • Screwdriver, hammer drill or impact drill, jigsaw.
  • Square, building level, tape measure.
  • Hammer or ax, 3 cm nails, dowel-nails up to 6x100, wood screws.

Tools and consumables required for mounting the lining on the balcony

Then you need to carry out the following preparatory work:

  1. Remove the old coating and thoroughly clean the substrate. Tap it with a hammer to identify weak fragments, they must be removed, and the resulting potholes should be covered with a cement-sand mortar or putty.
  2. Check the evenness of the walls. With a strong blockage, it is recommended to apply a rough plaster layer, on which the lining will subsequently be attached.
  3. Thoroughly soak each product with a special antiseptic composition.

Preparatory work before installation of lining

Next comes the installation of the crate. This stage is time-consuming and responsible, so it is worth talking about it separately. First of all, you need to mark up, the lines should be located 50-70 cm apart and 10 cm from the walls. After that, you need to cut the wooden bars and drill holes in them for fasteners in increments of 15 cm. Using dowels and self-tapping screws, the crate is installed on the wall.

Now you can start lining the inside of the balcony with your own hands:

  • You need to take the first element, lean it against the crate and fix it on it by driving a nail in the middle of the spike.
  • Then you need to take the second element and connect it to the first by inserting the spike into the groove.
  • Thus, finish the entire surface.
  • Before entering the area near the walls and ceiling, the material will have to be cut with a jigsaw.

On a note! You can also use clamps instead of nails. Then the fastening will be invisible.

MDF panels

For cladding the balcony, MDF panels are also used, which are fiberboards. The modern construction market offers several types of this material: flat products with a protective polymer coating on the front side and panels with embossed patterns.

The benefits are:

  1. Do-it-yourself balcony cladding will require a minimum of money, time and effort.
  2. No serious preparatory work is required.
  3. Behind the panels you can hide electrical wiring or other utilities, you can also lay insulation.
  4. The material is produced in a wide range of colors and sizes.

Balcony decoration with MDF panels

Installation work

Sheathing of balconies from the inside begins with the preparation of the tool and the installation of the crate. It should be noted that this material is somewhat similar to lining, therefore, it requires exactly the same preparatory actions. The only difference is that the panels can be installed on a crate made of wooden slats or metal profiles. The installation process is as follows:

  • The first element is installed in the corner. It is attached to the clamp, but if there were no such fasteners at hand, then an ordinary construction bracket will do.
  • The next panel is installed in the groove of the previous one and fixed in the same way.
  • After finishing the entire wall, plugs are installed on the edges of the coating.

The process of sheathing a balcony with MDF panels on a wooden frame

Plastic panels

To sheathe a balcony inside with your own hands, sometimes plastic panels are used. This building material is inexpensive and easy to install, so it has gained popularity among domestic users. It is a PVC sheet equipped with a connecting system.

Advantages of plastic material for finishing loggias and balconies:

  1. Wide range of colors. Thanks to this feature, you can create a unique interior on the balcony.
  2. Simple care. It is enough to wipe such a coating with a damp cloth or sponge.
  3. Can last up to 30 years. At the same time, it is resistant to temperature extremes, exposure to water and sunlight.
  4. Low cost. Plastic panels are currently considered the most affordable option for interior cladding of balconies.

Plastic panels can be used as a budget finishing material for finishing a balcony.

Mounting technology

The preparatory work is exactly the same as in the previous cases:

  • Removal of old coating and preparation of a rough surface.
  • Measurements of the area, marking, installation of the crate.
  • Acquisition of material with a margin of 10%.
  • Acquisition of sound and heat insulation.

The first profile is fixed with a self-tapping screw on the ceiling crate. You need to start at the top to make it easier to work. After that, you need to fix the profile in the center, which will be the guide. Under the installed elements, wiring is laid, as well as insulation. The entire ceiling is covered with panels using a tongue-and-groove system. The last panel, most likely, will have to be cut. The walls are trimmed in the same way. Plastic plugs are used to decorate the corners.


Sheathing a balcony with drywall is only permissible if painting, applying decorative plaster, liquid wallpaper, and so on will be carried out in the future. This material is quite popular for interior decoration, despite its fragility and soiledness.

The positive aspects of drywall are as follows:

  1. Relatively low cost.
  2. Quick and easy installation.

Important! This material is made on the basis of gypsum, so it requires preliminary waterproofing.

Drywall is often used for cladding a balcony, but only as a base for decorative coatings.

Sheathing of balconies and loggias with plasterboard

Before sheathing the balcony with drywall, it is necessary to prepare the surface and install the crate:

  • Draw a line in the center of the ceiling and a few perpendicular to it.
  • Draw lines along the perimeter of the room at a distance of 5 cm from the ceiling.
  • Make marks on the ceiling through 1/3 of the length of the sheet of building material.
  • Cut metal profiles to the desired dimensions with scissors.
  • Using dowels, fix the rails on the wall, and on the ceiling by means of an anchor connection.
  • Starting from the corners of the balcony, install the profiles on the ceiling, and then on the walls with dowels - in increments of 40 cm on the ceiling and 60 cm on the wall.

After that, you can start laying heat and sound insulating materials and, if necessary, utilities. The cut sheets of insulation are installed between the crate and the rough surface. The resulting design is covered with foil, fixing it with a stapler. Now you can sheathe the balcony from the inside with drywall.

The order of work is the same as in the case of the crate: first, work is carried out on the ceiling, then on the walls.

  1. The first step is to prepare the material. To do this, the sheets are cut to the required dimensions and chamfered from them (the edge is slightly turned to make it easier to putty the seam later).
  2. The first element is mounted 20 cm from the corner on self-tapping screws in increments of 15 cm. The hat must be drowned in the surface, but it is important not to overdo it so that the sheet does not crack.
  3. Similarly, the rest of the sheets are installed on the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and walls. At the end, small fragments of material are mounted in the corners and begin to putty.
  4. A primer is applied to the finished coating, and after it dries, a thin layer of putty is applied.
  5. While the material has not yet dried, a sickle is laid on it and covered with a thicker layer of putty.
  6. At the end, the surfaces are primed again to prepare for further finishing.

Balcony sheathed with plasterboard, ready for further finishing


Usually this material is used for finishing facades, but it is permissible to use it inside the balcony. Products are made on the basis of vinyl, therefore they have the following advantages:

  • Good resistance to atmospheric influences (precipitation, wind).
  • The absence of substances harmful to human health in the composition.
  • Good level of ventilation, providing timely removal of moisture from under the coating.
  • The material is well tolerated by high and low temperatures, so installation work can be carried out at any time of the year.
  • Possibility of spot repairs.

Installation of siding inside the balcony

Preparatory work, tools and consumables are exactly the same as in previous cases. Inside the balcony can be damp, so it is better to treat all surfaces with an antiseptic composition and lay waterproofing material.

Installation of siding begins with the installation of a frame for panels. Wooden slats are stuffed on the ceiling at a distance of 40 cm, on the wall - 50 cm. Cross slats are mounted at a distance that is 5 cm less than the length of the element. The crate is attached to dowels.

Before installing the siding, it is necessary to erect a wooden frame and lay waterproofing material

Should know! Before starting the installation, it is recommended to treat the crate with an antiseptic.

Then the insulation is laid. A thermal insulator is mounted in the formed voids of the frame and fixed with a waterproof film. As a result, the balcony will turn into an insulated room.

Now consider how to properly sheathe a balcony with siding. First of all, special guide profiles are mounted on the crate, after which the siding is cut to the required size using metal shears. There is no need to make indents, the first panel is placed right in the corner and secured with a self-tapping screw. For its wide part, the tongue of the next panel is brought in and also fixed. Thus, they trim the entire area. At the end, plugs are installed on the corners and edges of the coating.

Installation of special guide profiles for siding

Sandwich panels

This material has a three-layer structure. The outer layers are made of metal, and the inner one is a heater, for example, mineral wool. Sandwich panels are a popular option for finishing a balcony due to the following features:

  • Safety and environmental friendliness.
  • High rates of heat and sound insulation.
  • Light weight, which reduces the load on the balcony and makes installation easier.
  • No need for further finishing.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms cannot develop on the surface.

Sandwich panels are often used for finishing a balcony due to their sound and heat insulating properties.

Panel installation

  1. The installation process begins with fixing the fasteners: internal corners and final parts on the crate.
  2. Preparatory work is the same as in the case of the above materials.
  3. If the panels are planned to be mounted up to the ceiling, then the first thing to do is to install a plinth at the top of the crate.
  4. The first panel is installed on a metal or wooden frame in the corner closer to the ceiling. It is fixed with a self-tapping screw, after which the next element is inserted into the groove. The rigidity of the structure is ensured by a reliable tenon-groove connection, so you can do without additional fastening of each part with self-tapping screws.
  5. Before installing the next element, it is necessary to check the evenness of the installation of the current one. It is also important to ensure that gaps and backlash do not form.
  6. After finishing the entire wall, it is necessary to install additional elements on the edges and external corners of the material.
  7. The design is checked by the building level, after which it can be operated.


The better to sheathe a balcony inside, each owner will decide for himself. The above materials do not differ much in cost, with the exception of sandwich panels, since they already have insulation. The balcony area is small, which also has a positive effect on the cost of work. It doesn’t matter what exactly will be chosen as the material for finishing, the main thing is to follow the above recommendations and do not forget to check the correct installation of products by level.