We believe in the future: in Russia, on the day of the centenary of the revolution, time capsules were opened. Scientists have found a "time capsule" Scientists refused to open the time capsule

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website collected for you the stories of the most unusual caches of past times, some of which leave more questions than answers.

1 Steve Jobs Mouse

In 1983, Steve Jobs spoke at the International Design Conference in Aspen. At the end of the conference, attendees filled a time capsule with some items, including a Rubik's cube and a 6-pack of Ballantine beer. Jobs also took part and placed his mouse there, after which the capsule was sealed and buried. It was considered lost for many years, but was rediscovered and rediscovered in 2014. By the way, the mouse is still clickable.

2. Weapons for posterity - in 2064

Sheriff Rick Beseler of Clay County, USA, placed a stun gun in a time capsule that will be opened in 2064 to show people how we armed ourselves in 2014. Some critics note that this was a rather strange choice, given that the Beseler Sheriff's Department is accused of a crime involving a stun gun.

3. A whole Chevrolet Vega

Harold Davison, a Nebraska furniture store owner, wanted to show how people lived in the US in 1975. He dug a huge hole in the lawn of one of his shops and installed a 45-ton vault over it. Inside is a collection of items including bikini bottoms, fashionable polyester suits at the time, and a real Chevrolet Vega in working order. The opening of the capsule is scheduled for 2025. I wonder if Vega will still be good for something?

4. Piece of cake 1948

In 2013, during the renovation of the Niagara Falls funeral home, a time capsule was discovered in the masonry. Inside were not only the usual newspapers and documents from 1948, but also a piece of biscuit pie, which was probably forgotten by accident. The petrified dessert wrapped in wax paper, according to the owner, could have been a traditional treat prepared for the establishment's opening. I wonder what a 70 year old cake tastes like?

5 Possibly The World's Oldest Message Sent In A Bottle

In 2015, retiree Marianne Winkler found an old bottle washed up on a beach in Germany. Inside the bottle was a message from 1906 written by British marine biologist George Bidder. As part of an oceanic experiment, Bidder floated 1,020 bottles into the North Sea between 1904 and 1906, promising a 1 shilling reward to whoever found the bottle. Marianne sent a letter to the Marine Biological Association and - what do you think? - received its rightful award!

6. A grim hello from psychiatrists of the past

In 2015, on the territory of an abandoned mental hospital in Indiana, USA, workers unexpectedly discovered a time capsule. Inside were films recorded by doctors back in 1958. In these notes, physicians of a bygone era have high hopes for electroconvulsive therapy, and also share their thoughts on how to effectively treat psychosis through artificial insulin shock.

Of course, it is difficult to blame the inhumanity of the doctors of the past, who did not own the achievements of modern progress, however, from reasoning about such prospects for psychiatry, it becomes frankly uncomfortable.

7. Mexican jewelry and ruby ​​box

The house in Bel Air, California, built in 1926, has become not just a time capsule, but a real jewelry box. Most recently, during renovations, antique jewelry from Mexico was discovered hidden under the washbasin panel! When cleaning the fireplaces in the house, there were also other items that were not affected by the fire. Among them was an invitation to a party with a certain Roy Rogers and a small box containing three rubies!

8. Embalmed "brothers" of Peter Pan

In 2010, an American woman found an old travel chest in the basement of her house, inside of which were found books about the adventures of Peter Pan, a fan club membership card for this fairy tale, and themed souvenirs. However, the most unexpected discovery was the embalmed bodies of two babies wrapped in newspaper. The name "Janet M. Berry" engraved inside is suspiciously a match for "J. M. Berry ”- the name of the author of a popular fairy tale. However, DNA analysis did not reveal any relationship between the writer and the corpses in the basement, and the mystery of "Peter Pan's dead brothers" still remains unsolved.

1. Time capsule found in a 113-year-old lion statue.

The time capsule was rumored to be hidden inside a golden lion that sits on top of the roof of the Old Capitol in Boston, placed there in 1901. In October 2014, when the lion was temporarily dismantled for repairs, restorer Robert Sher had a chance to see if this was true. Using a fiber optic camera through a hole in the lion's head, he discovered a copper box. When the box was opened, they found inside photographs and newspaper clippings from that era and a couple of unexpected surprises: a 1900 campaign badge featuring Theodore Roosevelt and McKinley, and a piece of wood from the original lion statue from the 1880s.

2. The lost time capsule of Steve Jobs.

Apple founder Steve Jobs gave a talk at the 1983 International Design Conference in Aspen and then placed his computer mouse in a time capsule that was buried in a nearby field. Over the years, the actual location of the time capsule was forgotten and it was not opened on the planned date of 2000. In 2013, a team from National Geographic did manage to find the Aspen time capsule with all its contents.

In addition to the computer mouse from the Lisa computer (the unsuccessful predecessor of the Mac), the capsule contained a Rubik's Cube and 8 cassettes from the British rock band Moody Blues.

3. The time capsule that Paul Revere and Samuel Adams hid, found thanks to a water leak.

Paul Revere and Samuel Adams are among the most famous figures in the American Revolution of 1775-1783.

A time capsule hidden behind one of the bricks of the Massachusetts State Capitol in 1795 was found by a leaker in 2014. This was not the first time the capsule had been accidentally found - in 1855, workers also stumbled upon it.

This time capsule is considered the oldest of those that were discovered on the territory of the United States. Its contents were coins, newspapers, and a silver plate carved by Paul Revere.

4. Mysterious time capsule in the Washington Monument in Baltimore.

During the reconstruction of the Washington Monument in Baltimore, a 100-year-old time capsule was found, but who hid it remains a mystery. The box was found behind a slab with the date September 12, 1915. The contents of this time capsule are still unknown, as restorers fear that an opening could destroy what is inside.

5. Forgotten shoe store

Initially, it was not a time capsule, but by coincidence it turned out that the store did not open for more than 50 years.

An American family inherited an old abandoned house from their grandparents. When they opened it, they found a completely intact shoe store that operated from the 1940s to the 1960s. It still contained hundreds of intact pairs of vintage shoes, valued at tens of thousands of dollars.

6. Time capsule from the armory of Pennsylvania.

Colonel Michael Konzman was looking for information about the 13th National Guard Regiment, the predecessor of the 55th Brigade in Scranton, Pennsylvania. In his Google searches, he came across information about a time capsule hidden in the foundations in 1900. With a team of soldiers, he found and unearthed a copper box, inside which contained unknown facts from the history of the brigade, as well as a cigar.

7. Rob Wright found a time capsule in 2014 that he hid in 1978.

Austin resident Rob Wright created the time capsule in 1978 while living in Fontana, California. He put the letter in a zippered bag and hid it inside the wall of his home. Two years later they moved to Texas and Wright thought he would never see the capsule again.

36 years later, the family that owns the house has now discovered the capsule while doing renovations. “Hi whoever is reading this, my name is Robert Wright,” the letter began. In addition to the letter, the capsule contained several coins and newspaper clippings from the year.

After unsuccessful searches through social media, the family reached out to a local TV station, which aired the story. After seeing the story about his capsule on TV, Wright was incredibly happy that his capsule was found. The only thing he regrets is that he didn't write something deeper in the note.

8. Artifacts from the Civil War in a forgotten dressing room.

As is often the case, during the renovation of a former library in San Antonio, unexpected treasures were found in a boarded-up closet. The cabinet contained 200 documents, including a 1615 King James Bible and Civil War-era photographs.

9. An apartment in Paris that hasn't opened since 1942.

This incredible "time capsule" is essentially an entire apartment that its inhabitants left behind to escape the Nazis in 1942. Madame de Florian, moved to the south of France and has not returned since, but continued to pay rent until her death at the age of 91 in 2010. When her heirs took over, they discovered documentation of the apartment. Opening it, they saw the apartment as it was left 70 years ago. Inside were many amazing relics, including paintings, stuffed ostriches, and Mickey Mouse dolls.

10. Time capsule in Burbank, California, found from newspaper clippings.

A time capsule hidden in the Magnolia Bridge in Burbank, California, was accidentally discovered by Larry Harnish, a Los Angeles Times historian who was poring over newspaper archives. The time capsule was hidden on February 5, 1959, to be opened on February 5, 2009. Harnish, learning this information from newspaper clippings, alerted city officials just in time. The capsule was hidden behind a sign on the bridge. It contained 35mm film (Burbank was famous for its film and television studios), photographs of the city, and even a list of predictions of life in 2009, which included moving sidewalks and underground nuclear power plants.

A time capsule is a message for future generations, which is usually laid in the foundations of monuments, buildings and other infrastructure. This tradition was born among the inhabitants of ancient Sumer. They laid baked clay tablets in the foundations of their temples as notes to future rulers. I present to you the 10 most famous and interesting time capsules.

Lion statue time capsule

There were rumors that a time capsule was hidden inside the golden lion that has been sitting on top of the roof of the Old Capitol in Boston since 1901. In October 2014, when the lion was temporarily dismantled for repairs, restorer Robert Sher decided to check if this was true. Sliding a fiber optic camera through a hole in the lion's head, he discovered a copper box inside. When the box was opened, it contained photographs and newspaper clippings from that era, as well as a couple of unexpected surprises: Roosevelt and McKinley badges and a piece of wood from the original 1880s lion statue.

The Lost Time Capsule of Steve Jobs

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs gave a talk in 1983 at the Aspen International Design Conference. After the conference, he put a computer mouse into a time capsule, which tubed Aspen Time, which was then buried in a nearby field. Over the years, everyone forgot about the actual location of the time capsule, and by the estimated date of the opening (in 2000), they simply could not find it. In 2013, the National Geographic team managed to find a capsule, inside of which, in addition to the mouse from the Lisa computer (an unsuccessful Mac predecessor), there was a Rubik's cube and 8 cassettes with the music of the Moody Blues.

Time capsule found thanks to a water leak

In 1795, Paul Revere and Samuel Adams (famous figures of the American Revolution) hid a time capsule behind the cornerstone of the Massachusetts Capitol. Subsequently, this message to the future was accidentally found by a worker who was looking for a water leak in 2014. The capsule contained coins, newspapers and a silver plate carved by Revere.

The Mysterious Time Capsule at the Washington Monument

During the reconstruction of the Washington Monument in Baltimore, a 100-year-old time capsule was discovered, but who left it is still a mystery. The contents of the box, which was found behind a slab dated September 12, 1915, also remain unknown, as scientists fear an opening could destroy what's inside.

Forgotten shoe store

In fact, this is not a time capsule, but an accident led to the fact that time itself was “mothballed” in this store, which has not been opened for more than 50 years. An American family inherited from their grandparents an old abandoned house that had been locked up for decades. When they opened the house, they found inside a completely intact shoe store that operated from the 1940s to the 1960s. Inside the store were hundreds of pairs of vintage shoes now worth thousands of dollars.

Time capsule from the Pennsylvania Armory, found on Google

Colonel Michael Konzman Googled information on the 13th National Guard Regiment, the predecessor of the 55th Brigade in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Suddenly, he came across information about a time capsule that was hidden in the keystone of the armory in 1900. A team of soldiers found a copper box that contained unknown historical information about the brigade, as well as cigars that had not spoiled in the slightest since.

The time capsule I hid from my childhood

Austin resident Rob Wright created the time capsule in 1978 while living in Fontana, California, by sealing it inside the wall of his home. Two years later the family moved to Texas and Wright thought he would never see the capsule again. After 36 years, the family that currently owns the house discovered the capsule while doing renovations. “Hello to whoever is reading this, my name is Robert Wright,” began the letter hidden inside. Also in the bag, immured in the wall of the house, there were several coins and newspaper clippings of those years.

Forgotten in the wardrobe artifacts from the Civil War

During the renovation of a former library building in San Antonio, Texas, a boarded-up closet was found. Inside the wardrobe were 200 documents, including a 1615 King James Bible and Civil War photographs.

An apartment in Paris that hasn't been opened since 1942

This incredible "time capsule" is in fact an entire apartment, which was left in 1942 by the Parisian Madame de Florian, fleeing the Nazis. She left for the south of France and never returned, but continued to pay the rent until her death in 2010. Her heirs discovered information about the apartment, opening which they found many amazing relics, including paintings, a stuffed ostrich, and Mickey Mouse dolls.

Burbank Time Capsule Found Using Newspaper Clippings

The time capsule, which was located inside the Magnolia Bridge in Burbank, California, was accidentally discovered by Larry Harnish, a Los Angeles Times historian who was sorting through the newspaper's archives. The time capsule was buried on February 5, 1959, and its autopsy was scheduled for February 5, 2009. Inside the capsule were 35mm films (Burbank was famous for its film and television studios), photographs of the city, and even a list of predictions for 2009 that included moving sidewalks and underground nuclear power plants.

Do not open until 2957: MIT found a time capsule

The time capsule, which the authors of the message asked to be opened no earlier than 2957, was discovered on the MIT campus. The sealed glass container was buried in 1957 and forgotten until now. The capsule was discovered by workers who are building the new MIT.nano building. Inside is a letter to the next generation, plus historical artifacts, including prototype electronic components that marked the beginning of modern electronics.

According to the university management, the container is one of the last eight time capsules that were hidden at different times (usually "sending" the capsule to the future was timed to coincide with a specific event). The reason why this particular capsule was lost is not surprising, since more significant things are forgotten, documentation, archives, and artifacts are lost. For example, in 1939, a capsule was hidden at MIT in honor of the installation of a new cyclotron. It was planned to open in 50 years, in 1989, but they simply forgot about it. A little later, the capsule was remembered, but it was too late, since the burial place of the capsule was closed with 16 tons of reinforced concrete.

As for the current discovery, this capsule was dropped into storage on June 5, 1957 by MIT President James R. Killian and electrical engineering professor Harold "Doc" Edgerton. The professor was one of the pioneers of ultra-slow motion photography. The "launch" of the capsule is timed to coincide with the opening of the Electronics Research Laboratory (RLE), a computer center with an IBM 704 mainframe and a nuclear science laboratory. Unusual for this capsule is the estimated opening time. Instead of 50 or 100 years, it was planned to open the capsule in 1000 years.

The structure of the capsule is similar to the Westinghouse Time Capsule, which was buried in 1939, with a planned opening date of 5,000 years. To protect against the effects of time, the metal capsule, covered with glass from the inside, was shaped like a torpedo, filling it with nitrogen. True, the MIT capsule is somewhat smaller than its relative, and it was also decided to abandon the metal in favor of glass. The sealed glass cylinder was created at the RLE Glass Blowing Lab. After filling the capsule, argon was pumped into it and sealed.

Inside the capsule is a letter from the president of MIT explaining the contents. In particular, the document says that the capsule contains papers and memos designed to tell something about the state of science, technology, education, and MIT itself to descendants.

Also inside is a container of synthetic penicillin, an empty tonic bottle, then-issued First National Bank of Boston coins, and a carbon-14 sample. An isotope of carbon is included so that if the cylinder does crack, the age of the find could be estimated, even in the distant future.

Another interesting artifact is the cryotron, a not-so-famous electronic device invented at MIT in the 1950s. A cryotron is a controlled active resistance that uses in its work the phenomenon of the dependence of the temperature at which superconductivity occurs on the magnitude of the magnetic field strength. The advantages of the cryotron are small dimensions and very low control power. The disadvantages of the cryotron are the need for deep cooling and relatively low output power. The cryotron consists of a superconducting rod (for example, tantalum) placed in a vessel with liquid helium and surrounded by a control wire (for example, niobium). By changing the current through the control winding, it is possible to change the magnetic field strength and transfer the conductive rod from the superconducting state to the normal state and vice versa, thus changing its resistance in a non-linear manner.

The inventor of the cryotron, Dudley Allen Buck, believed that his system would greatly reduce the size of computers. He believed that thanks to miniaturization and printed circuit boards, a computer that occupied an entire room in 1957 could in the future be placed in a volume equal to the size of a briefcase, and the power consumption of this system would be similar to the energy consumption of a New Year's garland ball.

A time capsule is a message prepared for posterity and embedded in buildings, monuments or other objects. The tradition of laying capsules came to us from ancient times: even the Sumerians left similar messages on clay tablets in the walls of temples. We bring to your attention the ten most amazing capsules-messages.

Legend of the city lion

The lion, located on the roof of the Boston Capitol, has long been a source of public attention: legend has it that the capsule is stored in the statue. In the fall of 2014, the golden lion was dismantled for repairs, and one of the restorers undertook to check the rumors. With the help of an optical camera inserted into the head of the predator, a copper box was revealed. Inside the box, the researchers found many artifacts: old photographs and newspaper clippings. The restorers were really surprised by the discovered badges depicting McKinley and Roosevelt. A wooden fragment of the former monument also aroused great interest.

Message from Steve Jobs

After speaking at the International Conference in Colorado in 1983, one of the founders of Apple planted a capsule with a computer mouse in the field. By the time of the opening in 2000, the capsule could not be found, the place of its laying was forgotten. However, 13 years later, a group of researchers from National Geographic was lucky enough to discover this place. In addition to the mouse, Jobs laid Moody Blues cassettes and the Rubik's Cube.

American Revolution and water accident

At the end of the 18th century, American revolutionaries Revere and Adams laid a capsule for posterity in the Massachusetts Capitol building. Interestingly, this message could have remained in place to this day if it were not for the accident on the water supply that occurred in 2014. A worker who was looking for a place from which water flowed opened the hiding place of the leaders of the revolution. Inside the capsule were found old coins, newspaper issues and a plate of real silver.

Capsule with a riddle

The keeper of the mysterious capsule turned out to be the Washington Monument in Baltimore. The capsule, which is over a hundred years old, is dated September 12, 1915. Unfortunately, no information was found about who left this message for posterity. Moreover, it is not even known what exactly lies in a small box of a hundred years ago: researchers have not yet opened the capsule for fear of damaging the artifacts that were laid inside.

"Canned" store

Of course, it is difficult to call the whole store a time capsule. However, by the will of fate, the American trade pavilion did not open for more than half a century. The heirs of an old abandoned house for several decades did not even remember their property. But when the house was opened, the owners saw a real store, which, according to historical information, worked in the middle of the 20th century. A huge number of old models of shoes found on the dusty shelves of a forgotten store are now valued at a large sum.

Capsule found using Google

Google took part in the search for this message quite by accident. One day, Colonel Konzman tried to find information about his regiment on the Internet. Among other information about the 13th Regiment of the National Guard, the search engine picked up information about a capsule planted at the beginning of the 20th century in the armory of a military unit. Very quickly, the soldiers found a box of copper. Inside the capsule, previously unknown information about the military unit was found. It is surprising that the cigars found in the same capsule during this time did not deteriorate at all.

hello from childhood

In 1978, young Rob Wright hid a letter for posterity in the wall of his home. After a couple of years, the boy's family changed their place of residence and Wright, who moved from California to Texas, decided that he had lost all connection with his capsule. After almost four decades, the new owners of the house, during the repair work, found a message laid down by the boy Rob. In addition to the letter, the capsule preserved for posterity old coins and newspaper clippings from that period.

Boarded up wardrobe

An interesting cabinet was found in the building of one of the former libraries of the state of Texas. The repair team, which carried out the reconstruction of the premises, discovered a dressing room in which many ancient documents were preserved. Among the two hundred artifacts, the most interesting were a Bible dated 1615 and photographs depicting America's troubled era of civil disobedience.

Capsule the size of an apartment

During the Second World War, Madame de Florian, a native of Paris, fled the city from the cruelties of the Nazi invaders. The hostess did not return to her apartment even when the horrors of the war were left behind. Living in the south of France, the woman continued to pay for her apartment. In 2010, the payment ceased to be made - the woman left the mortal world. Having received information about the apartment, the heirs found it and became the owners of many relics. In a strange apartment there was a place for good paintings, stuffed animals and even Mickey Mouse.

Hints from old posts

The capsule planted in the state of California in the Magnolia Bridge was discovered thanks to the archives of newspapers. The historian of the famous publication Larry Harnish found information about the 1959 capsule. The capsule, planted at the Burbank Television Center, contained film footage, photographs of the city's surroundings, and speculation about the future. According to these predictions, by the beginning of the 21st century, moving sidewalks and underground nuclear power plants would appear in America.

Memory of the development of the North

In the courtyard of one of the houses of a small Siberian village, a capsule was found, planted by workers of the power plant. Addressing their descendants in their message, Soviet builders shared their pride in their hard work and called on new generations to creative activity for the benefit of all living.