Venus in Scorpio tarot divination. Interpretation of the layout of Venus in Scorpio in tarot cards. The meaning of the cards of love divination Tarot Venus in Scorpio

AT recent times I started writing less on the White Blog. Not because there is nothing. It just felt like I was stuck. As if one stage of life has ended, a new one has begun. And wherein old stage is no longer interesting, and the new one is not yet clear. And I don’t understand at all what to do next, I don’t see where to go. I am completely confused...

It would seem that I know what to do in this case. Just take and apply what you talk about in webinars, find your new passion. But this time something is not right. It is as if I have a blank sheet of paper in front of me, but for some reason the Universe does NOT give clues this time.

I impatiently ask the Soul questions: “Show me the door. What should I do next? Where to go? Where is my passion? And the answer is silence. I can't calm down, I'm worried. After all, it is “wrong” to live without a course, just “to be”, without going anywhere. It feels like the days are going down the drain.

From within, of course, a thin voice breaks through, “Relax. Just be, just enjoy life. The time will come when you will see your door." But no, how can I relax and just enjoy doing nothing? I'm not used to it :-)

And so yesterday I "accidentally" stumbled upon the channeling of Krynon, which was transmitted by Lee Carroll two years ago. But I didn’t hear it then, I had to find it yesterday :-). I really love Lee Carroll's performance of Kryon, I like how simply he talks about important and complex things.

I know that many are now in the state that I have described. You write to me about this in your letters, asking the same questions. And so I am publishing a piece of this channeling that I have adapted. I hope that by the time you read it to the end, you will smile as widely as I did. And you will understand what to do next ;-).


“… A lot of people feel like they're stuck right now. They don't know what to do next. Oh, we congratulate you on this! Because that is how the Great Shift manifests itself.

All your life you have been taught that you always have to prepare for everything. Especially for something new to you. Well, for example, you are planning a trip by car. You're driving far away, to a city you haven't been to before. And most of you will buy a road map.

You feel more confident with the card. Turn right, turn left. Some of you will even take a felt-tip pen and draw your route on the map. And they will be content and calm because they know where their journey begins, where they are going, and where they will stop for food and gas.

And, by and large, this is how you used to live. Most people need to anticipate, control, understand the direction and, preferably, know all the turns and stops along the way. Most require a map and proof.

You are used to having some kind of beacons, ideas about what to do next. To have some control, some certainty, an understanding of where you are going. And when you don't have that, you cry out to the Spirit: “Aaaaaaa! I feel lost! I don't know where to go and what to do next! Guard!"

see also

… Now I will try to help you with this and draw a picture. I hope you understand the metaphor. Imagine that you are driving far away, to a city where you have never been. You have no idea how to get there, you don't even know the name of this city. But you know that although there is no map, the one who built the road promised you to leave very clear signs along the way. The fact is that this road was created by the divine Spirit.

There is no map, but you are calm. Because you know, since you made the decision to go, said “I am calm and trust in the Spirit”, the divine card (which you do not have) will certainly appear exactly when you need it. And you are driving calmly, without a map and even without understanding which city you are heading to.

Naturally, there will be people around you who will think that you are crazy.

- What are you going to do? How will you live?

Well, I don't know how. The only thing I know for sure is that I will drive this road and enjoy it.

And where does this road lead?

- To my goal.

- What is your goal?

Well, where I'm going.

“So, where are you going?”

- I do not know yet.

- You don't know where you're going?

- Not.

“You must be out of your mind.

Approximately such conversations will be conducted around you, but you slam the car door with a smile, send everyone a kiss and go. Calm and relaxed because you know that the divine creator of this road knows who you are.

see also

And you are going. Days pass. weeks. Maybe a month or two. Maybe a year. And you still don't know where you're going. And, of course, there will be those around you who will say, “Hey, you should be worried. Do not you see? Nothing happens in your life! You can't be so irresponsible!"

But you are calm and joyful. And you answer: “All is well! I'll see my turn when the time is right." Only the person who is in harmony with the World can answer this way. Who trusts the Spirit and what he does not even see yet ...

And just when you least expect it, the sign appears. Like an inscription on the road: “Dear Tatyana, welcome, you are here! Turn right". And you turn right, say, "Thank you, divine road maker."

How many of you can do that? Trust in life and what will be the sign when the time comes? Yes, you don't know everything, you don't see the whole way, but you are in union with the energy that knows. Do you really need to constantly grab at the atlas? Or can you put it aside and enjoy the journey?

What I just said may or may not work. It all depends solely on your beliefs and your faith. You might say that you're willing to trust the Spirit, but you'll still sit on pins and needles and worry, “Oh, I hope this works. I'm so scared! I'm so worried! Well, where are these signs? I have already driven two whole blocks, and they are all gone. ”

And you will miss all the signs. Because fear makes you blind. Because divine signs are only visible in the light of your trust. Those who are in agony and depression, in tension, impatience and fear, will not see the signs.

see also

Find your core, sit down in joy without any idea where you are going. And the signs will appear when their time comes. This is the love and promise of God. Because God knows who you are...

P.S. Do you know what I understood for myself from this seemingly primitive story? That as long as I don't see signs and turns, I don't need to worry. They will appear in due time. In the meantime, I should just enjoy life and travel. Because in the end, the reward will not be the one who reached the goal, not the one who arrived first. And the one who enjoyed the journey.

Here is such an original and concise question I received in the mail from the reader Igor. The question, of course, is not specific, but judging by the analytics on the Internet, it is very relevant. And if the question exists, then the answer must be.

Behind the question "What to do?" there can be a different scale meaning - from elementary momentary idleness, to the search for the meaning of life. Let's take a look at some of the most common ways people ask this question, the main recommendations, and the key laws of decision making.

What should I do? Options, by situation

If you find yourself in a difficult, unpleasant, conflict or, as you think, hopeless situation.

1. You need to calm down and pay off any negative emotions: , etc. Remember - “Never make responsible decisions in a negative or depressed psycho-emotional state”, in this case, any of your decisions will be wrong and destructive for you and your destiny. First, you need to remove the negative, emotions, regain positive or at least calmness, and only after that think, analyze and make decisions. Read more:

2. Next paper and pen will help you. When you have more or less calmed down and pulled yourself together, take a pen and write. write it all out possible options solutions to the situation, which can only come to your mind, for this, let go of yourself, your mind, give yourself free rein and write out briefly even the most incredible and fantastic options. Write the longest possible list - 10-20-30 points.

Then several times, slowly re-read all the options you wrote, if something else comes to your mind, add it to the list.

After that, cross out one option at a time. First of all, cross out those decisions that will lead to the most negative consequences, if they are implemented (the most negative, radical). Think with your head, not with your fifth point (resentment, fear, desire for revenge, etc.), for this, clearly imagine all the consequences of this decision, so as not to become an enemy to yourself.

What to sacrifice? When in the decision-making process such a question (dilemma) arises in front of you - always sacrifice your weakness and negativity (resentment, etc.), and not your fate, relationships, prospects or the fate of your loved ones, even if you are offended by them . Remember, if you follow your weakness, resentment, rage, cowardice, or pride, you will never win or win, but only lose. And if you can find the strength in yourself to step over your own pride and pride, overcome resentment and overcome fear in yourself, you will become stronger in spirit, and take a powerful step up to the next step of your destiny. This is something that you should fight for and something that you can respect yourself for later.

3. If you are consulting with someone, be sure to consider the following:

The motives of the person you are consulting should be positive. You must be sure that he wishes you well (be extremely sincere in this, do not be deceived).

The person who advises must understand something in the relevant issue. You should not consult a botanist in matters of nuclear physics. How not to about It is to consult with the poor or peasant about business, career and finances.

And even if you decide to consult with someone, always make the decision yourself and be 100% responsible for it. You must fully feel and be sure that this is your decision, and not someone else (imposed).

If you have reached a dead end in life, do not know how and why you should live on?

Often the question “what to do?” much more than a person would like to think about it. Therefore, if you feel that your life is falling apart, if you have lost yourself and do not want to live, then these are the issues that need to be addressed.

When you ask yourself the question “what to do?”, you need to continue it, try to rephrase: what to do with what and with whom? with your life, with yourself or with something specific? where to go? in which direction to look, strive?, etc.

Rephrase and expand the question and it will be easier for you to answer it!

If the question is “what should I do?” is of a global nature for you, I recommend the following practical articles for reading and elaboration:

Don't be afraid to ask big questions, don't be afraid to think about the meaning of life! Remember, if there are questions, then there are answers, and these answers will make you many times stronger and happier if you find them.

1. Write down on paper all the possible options and choose the best one.

2. Rephrase the question, ask it differently, expand it, or better yet, break this question into several smaller questions and answer them (it will be much easier to find the best solution).

3. Consult only with adequate and knowledgeable person, with a good friend.

4. If you are a believer, you are in luck! Ask God, the Light Forces to direct you, to let you know where and why to go with some signs and situations according to fate so that you understand this. Believe me Higher power know how to help a person accept correct solution, they have many more tools for this than humans.

  • Read more -

5. What else helps? Watch a good movie. Good film tunes to a certain wave, gives energy, inspiration, raises the spirit and confidence of a person, and in a new state, new, stronger decisions most often come. Listen to good inspiring music. Music emotionally relaxes a person and connects him to the streams of creativity that bring new thoughts, ideas and forces into the human mind.

There will be more specific questions -!

Fortune telling online "His plans for a relationship with me" free alignment Tarot for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what they are for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he makes for you.

By spreading the cards on your loved one, you will also find out how he treats a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, whether you will have a wedding.

Free fortune-telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of the development of a relationship, but it is better to turn to this layout if your union has already developed and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this divination on the plans of a partner.

Tarot cards ready for online divination"His plans for a relationship with me"

Choose 1st card

Card number 1. What a relationship with you is for a partner.
Card number 2. What your partner wants from a relationship with you.
Card number 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card number 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His willingness to create a family.
Card number 5. What are the partner's fears and hopes regarding marriage with you.
Card number 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card #7. How an existing relationship with a loved one will affect your life.
Card number 8. How the existing relationship will affect the life of your partner.
Card number 9. What will your union come to. How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).

In astrology, Venus is considered the main planet for the analysis of personal relationships. Her position in the sign and the relationship of other planets to her in the horoscope makes it possible to draw conclusions about which partner will be attractive to a person, and how he can build a strong and successful relationship. Scorpio in the Tarot is one of the most mysterious signs, as in the Zodiac. water sign this one is directly related to passions and emotions. This sign is controversial, and even describing it is difficult. He does not like to flaunt his feelings and prefers to control others. He does this secretly, but persistently. The sign is ruled by Mars and Pluto, but Venus in Scorpio is imprisoned in this sign. It manifests itself through Scorpio in a complex and ambiguous way. This position is characterized by passionate feelings, jealousy, attachment to a partner, as well as a tendency to inflame passions in relationships.

Features of the Tarot layout Venus in Scorpio

The Venus in Scorpio Tarot spread is of a loving nature and helps to understand the real feelings of partners for each other, shows hidden influences in relationships. The cards predict the development of events in a relationship and also provide valuable advice for the future. Usually, the predictions of this alignment, in which Scorpio participates in the Tarot, are valid for three months. But before starting the alignment of Venus in Scorpio, you have the opportunity to determine the period during which the received prediction will be valid. Also, if you are overcome by anxiety and excitement before divination, you can use meditation.

The Meaning of the Tarot Cards in the Venus in Scorpio Spread

There are ten cards involved in the Venus in Scorpio layout, the meaning of which is as follows:

  • The first card in Venus in Scorpio is the current relationship with a partner.
  • The second is the impression your partner makes on you.
  • The third is the impression you make on him.
  • The fourth is your feelings for your partner.
  • Confused - the feelings that a partner experiences about you.
  • The sixth is the hidden influences you bring into the relationship.
  • The seventh is the hidden influences that the partner brings to the relationship.
  • Eighth - significant circumstances for your relationship in the future.
  • The ninth is advice on how best to proceed.
  • The tenth card in the Scorpio Tarot spread is the result of your future relationship.

Watch the video on how to independently make a tarot layout for relationships

In the layouts for the Tarot deck, techniques from classical astrology have proven themselves very well, such as, for example, in the “12 Houses” layout or “Search for the missing thing”. In this scenario, we use the symbolism of the Signs and Planets.

In astrology, Venus is the main planet that governs love and pleasure. Her position in natal chart Querent, aspects to other planets help predict the type of partner, what type of relationship a person chooses, how he can like him, and everything that a person likes gives him pleasure.

Scorpio is the most mystical, mysterious and passionate sign. It belongs to the element of Water and is associated with violent feelings. It is very difficult to describe Scorpio, to get to the bottom of him - what he really feels and what he wants. After all, he does not put his emotions on display, preferring to control others. He does this also secretly, but persistently.

Scorpio's rulers are Pluto and Mars. And Venus governs opposite sign Taurus, in Scorpio she is in exile, for this reason, Venusian manifestations are dramatic and difficult for both the Querent himself and his partner. After all, this is a strong attachment to a partner, mad passion, jealousy against the background of a constant desire to test the relationship for strength, bringing them to the maximum boiling point. That is why this Tarot spread is ideal for dealing with complex, confusing relationships, where one or even both partners experience excruciating feelings of either happiness or grief.

The love alignment "Venus in Scorpio" helps to understand real feelings, shows hidden influences in relationships. Also, the cards will give advice and show possible developments in the near future. This alignment makes a forecast for 3 months, unless a different period has been agreed upon, in which the prediction will remain in force.

If you are worried and cannot tune in before fortune-telling, you should light a candle and meditate for a few minutes. For better alignment, you can use classic Venus stones: rose quartz, emerald, coral, or copper jewelry (rings, bracelets).

Scheme and meaning of positions in love story for tarot cards "Venus in Scorpio":

  • Position 1 - Relationships in the present.
  • Position 2 - The impression your partner makes on you.
  • Position 3 - The impression you make on your partner.
  • Position 4 - Your feelings.
  • Position 5 - Feelings of a partner.
  • Position 6 - What hidden influences you bring to the relationship.
  • Position 7 - What hidden influences the partner brings to the relationship.
  • Position 8 - Important events soon.
  • Position 9 - Advice on what to do.
  • Position 10 - What will the relationship lead to in the future.