Dark purple curtains. Lilac curtains in the interior of the living room photo. Types of curtains in purple tones

Calm and chic shades of lilac colors will create an atmosphere of aristocracy and tranquility in any home. However, the use of this color in interior design can be complicated by a particular susceptibility to it, enhancing or muting the tones that surround it. Most often, fans of lilac tones in interior solutions are women with a very subtle psyche.

This color is often confused with purple, but the latter has much more blue undertones, for this reason it is perceived harder.


Lilac colors are very catchy, even if expressed in soft, pastel colors. The color itself is ambiguous: it appears as a result of mixing blue, white and red tones. The superiority of the first of them will determine the general appearance of any room:

  • Pastel colors will give airiness, visually making the room more voluminous. Light colored curtains will help to relax and make the room suitable for relaxation.
  • Saturated colors will enhance mental activity, contribute to the development of fantasy. These curtains will make the interior more sophisticated.

  • Acid colors will give brightness, but their excessive amount can be annoying.
  • Dark tones will create an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism, allowing you to replace black when decorating a room.
  • Purple curtains are aristocratic and refined, but they are rarely seen in the decor of rooms.

How it matches with other colors

Consider how the lilac color is combined with other shades:

  • Lilac colors with white is a classic combination, in which snow-white wallpapers and light-colored pieces of furniture will serve as a softening background for curtains. The tones of the snow-white-lilac curtains are different, since the white interior has a lot of light so that the room does not seem too dark.
  • The color of lilac and beige is a beautiful ensemble, often found in bedroom interiors, as it soothes perfectly. Against the background of beige walls, violet-colored curtains create a luxurious look.
  • Lilac with an expressive purple, red-wine hue - these are amazing options for organizing cozy living rooms or solid offices. This kind of combination helps to develop a rich imagination and fantasy. If there is an ornament on such curtains, they can become a catchy element for a discreet decor.

  • Lilac with brown, brick or sand shades are full-fledged attributes of the traditional English style. It is better to choose curtains from heavy and as dense fabric as possible so that it can be easily draped.
  • Lilac with khaki, all kinds of mint colors are immediately recognizable colors of the Provence style. Here you have to take into account the intensity of tones and room details.
  • Lilac colors with pink, as well as with peach color - this is an ensemble for luxurious boudoir.
  • Lilac with coffee perfectly will complement each other. Coffee tones will give lilacs a certain depth and volume. The color of coffee is selected for finishing curtains, as a second curtain or when choosing furnishings.

Lilac colors in combination with dark colors look deeper, they perfectly fit cream and powdery tones, among which they open up beautifully, and sometimes they can unobtrusively dominate. Lilac is a very insidious color and does not create an ensemble with all tones. There are colors that it is better not to place in the same space with lilac curtains:

  • Blue and bright emerald will look unsuccessful with any lavender colors. They have different levels of saturation, and ultramarine, next to lilac, acquires an ugly grayish undertone.
  • With scarlet colors and orange, lilac also does not look very nice. These colors immediately attract all the attention to themselves, and the lilac curtains look inexpressive against their background.
  • With a black setting or gray-tone wallpaper, a lilac tint should also not be used, or the room will become too gloomy.
  • With yellow color and mustard tone, it is better to use purple coloring, but not lilac colors.
  • Sky blue can be successfully combined with lilac, but none of these colors should be the main one.

You can check whether the colors are combined when choosing fabric for curtains, just by attaching the fabrics one to the other. Inappropriate combinations will be immediately noticeable.

Use in various interiors

When using lilac in the interior, you need to take into account that it has always been considered the favorite color of people with a melancholy mood, so it is not quite suitable for decorating kitchens and dining rooms, although it is quite common there. Lilac colors will perfectly save you from lack of sleep - this is an indisputable fact. This color will calm the nerves, create a feeling of complete security, as there are no annoying tones in it.

Curtains in dark lilac colors can be chosen in the bedroom for those inhabitants who often experience stress. These can be products of muted tones or having a companion fabric with a dark base.

The living room is just the place where fantasy ideas are welcome. Here you can carry out any experiments, apply combinations of catchy colors that oppose each other, for example, dark lilac and bright yellow in the hall will look very interesting. They muffle each other and create an expressive decor in the room.

Roller curtains in lilac colors can be hung in a dining room that needs a lot of sunlight. White and lilac textile curtains are most harmonious here. In the kitchen, it will be possible to place a muslin of any of the lilac threads. The main thing is that the table and walls are light at the same time.


Provence style curtains are usually made from 100% natural materials that do not have artificial luster and overly creative designs. The selected fabrics will be simple and airy, and the lilac color will give them a note of grace. In addition, you can play with popular prints. Here you can use wide stripes, small cells and original abstraction. Small flowers suitable for this style can be easily changed to larger, more complicated patterns that resemble photo printing. The main condition is the illuminated background.

With the help of light vases, plates and various figurines, you can visually dilute the lilac haze without overloading the room.

To stylishly decorate the windows in the bedroom, it is best to choose a soft material without a synthetic sheen. Curtains can fall in beautiful folds to make the color shimmer with light and slightly dark tones, thereby giving special depth to this incredible shade. The main thing is that the walls should be shades of beige, river sand or pistachios. If you fill the entire room with only lilac tones, this will not cause the most pleasant associations.

The main highlight of the room can be organza curtains, which form overflows from lilac to sultry purple or even gilded color. For living rooms, bright lavender tones, fabrics with catchy ornaments are usually selected.

Lilac colors can be supplemented and diluted, since being the main one in such rooms is not very suitable for her.

What styles are suitable for

The range of lilac colors will allow you to choose the best variations for decorating windows in all residential areas. In order for these products to be 100% combined, you need to choose them correctly for a certain style in the interior:

  • Pastel colors will fit perfectly into the popular provence style. You can choose curtains of a faded lilac-beige undertone and furniture upholstery in clarified purple tints.
  • In the living room, decorated in classic style, you can choose curtains in faded lilac colors. They will give clarity to any background. More sunlight will pass through loose fabric.
  • For style decision pop Art you can choose curtains with lilac color. Acid tones emphasize the demonstrative and provocative decoration of the room. You can emphasize them with lemon or even light green colors of various decor items.

Modern interiors gravitate toward bright, saturated colors. But they can not always take on the functions of the main ones. Often the best solution is to choose calmer shades. In the purple palette, this is lilac and, which is almost the same thing, lavender. Lilac curtains are a suitable option for a variety of styles. They can be seen in provence, country, classic, art deco, minimalism, eclecticism, everywhere they look harmonious and out of place.

What is lilac color

Perhaps the most popular shade of purple, as well as it is obtained by mixing blue and red colors. But if there is more blue in violet than red, then here they are present in equal proportions and are lighter, as if diluted with white. You can clearly understand the difference based on their names. Purple is violet, lilac is lilac.

Lavender, like lilac, can look different. Therefore, there is no single color standard. Any pale purple tone can be called both lavender and lilac.

This delicate and mysterious color symbolizes creativity, spirituality and is considered a symbol of the future. Extraordinary people gravitate towards him, understanding and appreciating art in all its manifestations. In nature, lilac and close to it lavender are not often found, they can mainly be seen in the color of the petals of garden and wild flowers, such as ageratums, hyacinths, aquilegia, asters, snowdrops, backache.

The use of lilac curtains in the interior

Lilac curtains in the interior do not focus on themselves, but create a mood that can develop a state of spirituality, enhance creative activity. These colors are the main ones in the Provence and Shabby Chic styles that are fashionable today. Here they are used in combination with olive, rose and cream. A simple interior, furniture, careful attitude to which gives it the opportunity to serve several generations of owners - find admirers all over the world, popularize the already canonical set of colors.

Lilac color has been used in color therapy since ancient times. Psychologists believe that contemplating it, a person can get rid of all his inner fears, anxieties and experiences.

And so that the lilac-colored curtains look the most harmonious in the setting, experts advise:

  • Use lilac dosed. Its overabundance reduces the cost of the situation. It is enough to support the curtains with a couple of matching accessories: pillows, a bedspread, a carpet, a lampshade on a floor lamp.
  • Choose your combinations wisely. The best partners here are white and all neutral pastel shades.
  • Take into account the illumination of the room. In a room with windows to the north, curtains made of translucent light lavender fabric are more appropriate. If a room needs complete blackout, blackout fabrics in saturated close to purple tones are ideal.

Literally bathed in white, lilac curtains on the windows act as bright accent spots. A few decorative pillows, a panel on the wall, a vase will raise the vitality and mood of the owners of such housing.

Lilac curtains for the living room or bedroom in high-tech and minimalist styles choose cold shades. They are easy to combine with chrome fittings, metal decorations and furniture details.

A creative minimalist interior can be created in combination with black. Such an expressive and dynamic combination is self-sufficient and does not need additional support with accessories.

Curtains of lavender color are perfectly combined with light green, blue and light yellow colors in the interior and are popular in classic and vintage styles. Dark wood furniture and golden, bronze, silver details in antique decor will have a special effect on the atmosphere of the interior with such curtains - they will make it warmer.

Curtains and tulle in lilac tones create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the living room, cheer up the inhabitants of the children's room, gently distribute the light and visually enlarge the space of the kitchen, provide a comfortable stay in the bedroom.

The bedroom, a room with a relaxing atmosphere, needs an atmosphere designed in a calm range. Blackout curtains in lilac tones and lilac tulle for daytime are ideal here. They will not look heavy, they will not let light into the bedroom, they will provide a comfortable daytime sleep or rest. At the same time, the color of the curtains in the bedroom is selected based on its size. Canvases of light lavender shades are suitable for a small room. They visually expand its boundaries. For a spacious room, you can choose both light and dark colors, there is room for imagination.

Light curtains in the bedroom are usually "played out" by darker walls or wallpaper with a pattern and vice versa. Lavender color is included in the palette of water colors, it is not at all difficult to choose additional colors for it. One has only to remember the depth of sea waters, the ice sparkling in the sun, the blue boundless expanses of the Atlantic and the cold, clear blue of the northern lakes. Add pink to them and you can start experimenting.

Lilac curtains for the kitchen

The kitchen is the perfect place to use the color lilac. It is believed that, along with green and blue, it slightly reduces appetite and helps not to overeat. For a kitchen with curtains of this color scheme, furniture and accessories are suitable, including silver, beige, chocolate, cream, peach, mint and menthol colors.

In a small kitchen, there is usually no need for thick curtains; here you can get by with lilac tulle up to the floor or window sill. If more substantial light protection is needed, install light filters or decorate the windows with Roman models. It is desirable to focus on the color - curtains of such a self-sufficient color do not need additional accessories and a complex cut.

Lilac curtains in the interior of the living room

In the living room, lavender shades are used less often than in the bedroom and in the kitchen, so here they look the most fresh and original. This room is the face of the house; it is customary to decorate it with special care, without saving on finishing materials and textiles. In order not to spend money “down the drain” and not make mistakes, it is advisable to take into account the advice of experts:

  • The combination of light lilac curtains for the living room with a predominance of white and pink colors in the decoration of walls and furniture will bring femininity to the atmosphere.
  • Dark curtains and lilac tulle against the background of light ash-gray walls are a more masculine, brutal option.
  • If lavender and lilac curtains are planned for the unisex living room, choose a blue, brown or beige background for them.
  • In the spacious living room, a multi-layered combination of canvases painted in different saturation colors looks original.
  • If there is no intention to shock guests, you should not combine soft and flashy colors.

All of the above colors can also appear in details (pillows, bedspreads, carpets) and muffle the languid bohemian lilac color.

Chiffon-based photo curtains with prints in the form of lilac clusters or lavender inflorescences, which are gaining popularity, are also suitable for living rooms. They are relevant for minimalist interiors that are not full of decor.

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The choice of color for interior items is of great importance. I want the atmosphere of the room to be inviting and at the same time special. Take at least the curtains: they are a special design accent, unobtrusively emphasizing the chosen design idea. If their color is unique and not beaten, and the tone is chosen correctly, the right atmosphere will be created. Lilac curtains are an actual solution, today they are in the center of attention of creative designers.

Color Features

The lilac shade is unique. It comes in a palette of purple, consisting of two strong colors: red and blue. This explains the inconsistency and complexity of the shade: it includes the feminine and masculine, restraint and a storm of emotions.

The lilac tone is multifaceted: due to the concentration of one of the two colors, albeit diluted, the shade can be warm or cold, joyful or sad, inspiring creativity or inspiring despondency. This factor must be taken into account when choosing curtains, so more often a neutral tone is used in the interior, in which there is a balance of two colors. This gives a feeling of relaxation and peace.

This shade is multifaceted, like the tones of lilac inflorescences. The color palette includes dark lilac, light lilac tones with a pinkish, bluish, sometimes diluted red undertone.

Features and Benefits

Lilac curtains are universal. This is a sought-after decorative element that can add a sense of magic to the atmosphere and looks incredibly stylish. This shade is adored by creative and dreamy personalities. More often this is the choice of women: men are extremely categorical about the design in lilac tones, even if there is a lot of diluted blue in the shade.

In the design of the room, lilac curtains have their own nuances:

  • There can't be too many colors choosing curtains in a lilac shade, you can not repeat it too often, as an excess of tone will become annoying;
  • lilac tone curtains are not combined with every shade of the color palette. The composition obeys certain rules, otherwise the curtains can destroy the intended style;
  • if the tone is chosen correctly, he can relieve tension associated with breathing, suitable for asthmatics and residents of hot countries;
  • when buying, it is important to take into account the correspondence between the shade and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room: the more space, the richer the lilac tone should be;
  • colors for such curtains must be selected carefully to create a feeling of light and air. You can use the contrast color wheel or gamma to dilute the shades of lilac;
  • this tone is not suitable for decorating the room of the elderly, as it can cause depression;
  • special attention should be paid to the material of the curtains: in most design ideas, it prevents the penetration of sunlight.

The pictures below show a palette for a combination of lilac with contrasting colors (a range for diluting shades of lilac) and a combination of lilac with neighboring shades.

When choosing textiles, experts advise giving preference to products made of muslin, organza, nylon, veils for curtains, linen, cotton and even dressed wool. The choice of fabric is unlimited: it can be light and airy, as well as dense materials. An interesting solution is the coloring and texture of the fabric (shiny, with a sheen, print, relief).

Lilac curtains have many advantages:

  • harmoniously fit into the design of the office, a special room for yoga or meditation;
  • have a wide palette of diluted undertones, allowing you to bring a special mood into the style with a predominance of masculine or feminine;
  • there are a laconic cut or a multi-layer design (for example, rolled, Roman);
  • look elegant and graceful, giving the style of the room a uniqueness and bringing freshness to the interior;

  • emphasize the special refined taste of the owner of the house, indicating nobility and aristocracy;
  • they look beautiful both straight and with folds, coattails, collected waves, (velvet curtains, bases of heavy curtains);
  • successfully fit into a different style of decoration of the room;

  • are an independent accent and are well combined with other shades of the color palette (plain and with a pattern);
  • suitable for any room in the apartment: good in the design of the bedroom, kitchen, living room, hall, studio apartment and even on the loggia or balcony;
  • depending on the intensity of the selected tone, they can visually change the area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace (relevant for small apartments);

  • they are plain or printed, echo the shades of existing interior items;
  • depending on the chosen style, they are made of textiles of natural and synthetic origin;
  • differ in size, so they can be universal or model, designer, short or long;
  • can decorate the room of adults and children (mainly girls).

In addition, in the interior design with lilac curtains there are various additions to the curtains. These can be covers or capes for upholstered furniture made of similar textiles, decorative sofa cushions, poufs and much more that can decorate a room by repeating the lilac shade or texture of the curtains.


Since lilac curtains are versatile and look good in different styles, their main task is the correct texture and design. With skillful selection, they will indicate the idea of ​​​​the following styles:

  • Minimalism;
  • Neo-Baroque;
  • Art Deco;
  • Arab;
  • Oriental;



High tech.

In each case, lilac will be a soft accent that needs to be repeated through other interior items. You need to use color carefully: if the curtains are long or voluminous, a couple of small things are enough (table lamp shade, flower pot, picture frame, wallpaper pattern).

In search of style, do not neglect the color temperature: warm and cold tones of lilac do not always look good together. The design of the curtains is subject to the specific idea of ​​the room.

Color combination

According to experts from the field of interior design, lilac curtains have many opportunities for successful color harmony. The main palette is neutral. Gray, white and black colors are what you need. With the help of light colors, you can fill the room with light without interrupting the design. Black color is able to give lilac brightness, so it is relevant, but should not dominate. Giving light and emphasizing the peculiarity of the main color, it is important to leave the emphasis on lilac.

In addition to classic colors, lilac curtains can be combined with a beige, diluted sunny, brown tone. The main thing is to leave the advantage to lilac: it is unacceptable to include flashy and poisonous colors of the color palette in the design, which can destroy the tenderness and harmony of style.

Such a shade can be combined with itself: the play of contrasts of saturation and concentration of undertones (for example, pink with lilac or fuchsia is quite a beautiful combination). When adding dark shades of color, we must not forget to dilute two tones with a third, not included in the lilac group. Among these colors are beige, sand, peach, apricot, honey, amber, creamy, as well as gold and silver.

Design Ideas

Decorating windows with lilac curtains is a fascinating activity. You can feel like a real designer, taking the ideas of specialists as a basis and adding something of your own to them.


Nowhere do light lilac curtains look so beautiful as in the bedroom. If the area of ​​​​the room is small enough, but you want to show its spaciousness, you can decorate the window with an asymmetrical curtain with drapery in lilac tones, repeating the shade in the color of pillows or a small sofa. To prevent boredom, the texture of the materials of curtains, pillows, sofa upholstery should be different.

Filling the room with air will help the white color involved in the color of the ceiling, chandeliers, bed linen, sconces and sofa upholstery fragments. So that the room does not look dull, it is worth adding a dark gray tone, using it in the color of pastel linen, the pattern of the picture, the accent wall area behind the sofa.

Kitchen-dining room

Lilac curtains on the verge of fuchsia tone fit perfectly into the design of the kitchen-dining room. In this case, it is worth keeping the shade lighter or even soft pink (through fresh flowers). If you don’t want to be zealous with color, you should soften the accents by adding the silver color of furniture (chairs, tables), the pattern of the ceiling of the chandelier, kitchen utensils, and curtains. If the Minimalism style is chosen, it is better that the curtains are plain.

In the design of kitchen windows with lilac curtains, it is worth considering a few points:

  • if the kitchen area is small, it is better to choose curtains in white with a rich lilac pattern;
  • harmoniously looks in the interior of the kitchen light openwork tulle of delicate lilac color;
  • green and lilac curtains are a good choice for a component for the kitchen (it is worth supporting the tones with fresh flowers by placing them on the windowsill);
  • without white, the lilac tone will not be able to create a good atmosphere in the kitchen.

Purple curtains will fill the interior with motifs of nobility, luxury and material well-being. Previously, purple dye was expensive, so only monarchs wore purple fabric.

Violet paint combines depth and saturation. It draws attention to itself and is one of the most beautiful and complex palettes.

Color depth

Violet tones are complex and passive. Combinations with other motifs make purple colors auxiliary. In the photo of purple curtains, it is noticeable that such textiles visually absorb the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

This paint is not a synthesis of red and blue paint. In fact, violet forms ultramarine and purple.

Violet paints are difficult to optimally combine, but the resulting solutions are pleasantly impressive.

Palette of colors

Purple curtains will enliven the interior, make it more voluminous, but will not become the basis of the design. Consider the main shades of purple:

Dark purple tones are heavy paint. It is a cool color that prevents the penetration of light and reduces the volume of the room.

Purple curtains in the interior are found on the southern windows of the premises, where there is always a lot of sunlight. Such curtains will be the best solution in the style of day and night.

Bright lilac motifs, where pink accents predominate, are considered doll paint. Such curtains are a very bold decision. It is difficult to find related textiles for them.

Moderately bright orchid motifs are the most common textile solution. This design of purple curtains is easy to combine with other colors, but the background must be chosen wisely.

The orchid is combined with the contrasting greens, pistachios, beiges and dark browns that accompany the orchid in the wild.

Dark plum tones are rarely integrated into design solutions. There is no purple brightness in these colors, as gray accents prevail here. It is optimal to use matte or satin plum textiles.

Cold, almost blue, amethyst purple curtains in the bedroom look optimal, as they create a calm environment.

Bright tones of paint look favorably on matte textiles, and satin fabric complements not saturated shades well.

Optimal combinations

Any variations of purple colors will be a beneficial accent of other colors in the interior. With a contrasting combination, the dominance of purple is impossible. Consider options for combining purple with other colors.

Dark gray tones and purple accents are a deep gothic combination. It is optimal to use satin textiles. Velvet nuances, as well as forged cornices, will become a profitable decor.

Purple motifs can be integrated into white solutions, while bright colors should not be present in other decor items. White paint will visually enlarge the room, and purple will reduce it. Therefore, you should carefully select the balance of purple and white.

Grassy green paint and purple accents are a bright and stylish solution. One of the most profitable combinations will be grassy curtains with purple flowers. The best option for the execution of such curtains will be cotton and linen.

Light walls increase the space of the room, and purple colors become a beneficial accent. Light purple motifs complement the pistachio composition well. These curtains look good in kitchens and nurseries.

Violet tones and their shades create an advantageous composition, when decorated in the same style. Designers combine purple colors with fuchsia, azure, delicate pink nuances and blue accents.

Purple curtains in the hall look pretty good if the room is large and well lit. The main thing is the correct selection of the main color, on which attention will be focused.

As a result, the interior will look like a complete one. You should not combine purple paint with bright colors against which it will be invisible.

Photo of purple curtains in the interior

The color of lilac is chosen by refined personalities, sensitive and gentle natures. Psychologists unanimously say that color is a symbol of detachment, as well as a symbol of a special perception of life.

If you don’t notice anything like that behind you, but you like the color of lilac, then maybe you are just a bright and creative person.

Most likely, you are even thinking about adding lilac curtains to a window in one of the rooms.


The kitchen set is snow-white with gloss, the walls are beige, and the curtains are lilac to the floor, which are made of muslin. There is something special, fascinating and even cosmic in such a fashionable interior.

Cool white color effectively combines with all shades of purple. If you are going to complete the window decoration in this color, then you should pay attention to the following options:

  • Curtains made in the style of a cafe, if the window is square and small in size. Such curtains are made from natural fabrics.
  • Translucent Roman blinds will be perfectly combined with white frames.
  • A voile curtain can be used up to the middle of the window.
  • Austrian curtains in white, draped at the bottom, decorated with a lilac bow.

Whichever one you choose from the proposed options, it will become a real decoration of your kitchen if it is made in pastel colors.

A planter with flowers, a vase or a bowl matching the color of the curtains perfectly support the color, enlivening the environment.


The interior of the bedroom, made in gentle and soothing colors, will be complemented by purple curtains. The bedroom is complemented by curtains, which are made of stripes of different shades of the same color.

A lilac curtain is also suitable for the bedroom, made of velvet, which, as it were, descends to the floor in delicate folds. In the bedroom, the color of the curtains is complemented by a bedspread of the same color on the sleeping bed.

If the bedroom is small, and there is only room for a bed and a wardrobe, then the color of lilac can be used as the main color, with the inclusion of its shades for decorating both windows and walls, accessories, pillows.

If the room is spacious, then deep tones can be chosen. A lilac-colored carpet can be laid on the floor, the flowers “dressed” in pastel will be in harmony with bright-colored curtains.

Often, young girls choose curtains in lilac tones, in particular, a violet hue. The window is decorated with curtains in one tone, without lambrequins. On the bed are decorative pillows, pillowcases of which are of the same shade. The rest of the surfaces should be light.

Living room

In the hall you will not often see the color of lilac, and if the color scheme is chosen as the main one, then such an environment will definitely be original. As a rule, textiles for this room are chosen expensive. The living room receives dear guests, and therefore I would like all items to look perfect. How to choose lilac curtains in the living room?

The interior of the living room will become much more tender if lilac is combined with white. If you need such a “sweet” effect, then go ahead and combine lilac with white.

If the room is mostly masculine, then you should give preference to a deep shade, which is very close to purple, and then dilute it with gray, for example, decorate the walls with graphite-gray wallpaper in one tone.

Purple goes well with colors such as blue, black, gray. If in the hall you need to allocate a zone for a working corner, then lilac curtains in the interior become like a unifying component of two parts that are different in purpose. The wall should be decorated with inserts of the same shade, which are decorated with moldings.

What goes with lilac?

The color is universal, and therefore it is easier to highlight colors that are not compatible with purple: swamp green, burgundy and red, brick brown, terracotta.

Compatibility is very easy to check when choosing a fabric by applying them together. If the combination is not harmonious, it will immediately catch your eye.

Oddly enough it sounds, but the design of lilac curtains occupies a central place in the interior, because they attract attention by the fact that they are unusual.

It is generally accepted that the color of lilac is monotonous and pale, but this is not so. In the photos of lilac curtains below, you can see that the color is represented by a colossal palette of shades that are suitable, as they say, for all life occasions.

With all this, we note that you should not buy lilac curtains in a lilac room, because such an interior notably loosens the nervous system.

Blueberry curtains, or the colors of lavender, so to speak, the “brothers” of purple, on the contrary, seem to set you up for positive, for dreaminess, and therefore, if you need such an effect, then feel free to use it.

Actually, therefore, such curtains are not appropriate in the office, because it will be unrealistic to work fully.

Photo of lilac curtains in the interior