Moving to a new apartment: signs, feng shui. Favorable day for moving to a new apartment Favorable days of the week for moving

Signs and superstitions have deep roots, so it is almost impossible to trace the beginning of their appearance. Some signs have come down to us unchanged, some have been transformed taking into account modern realities.

It is up to you to believe in them or not, we have only collected the most common customs and signs associated with moving that may be useful to you.

When moving to a new apartment, you need to take into account everything up to signs and rituals.

When is the best time to move?

It is hardly necessary to prove or explain that there are favorable and unfavorable days. Everyone in life has come across the fact that on some days everything works out as well as possible, while on others, for no apparent reason, everything falls out of hand. Since no exact explanation has been found for this, it is generally accepted that the phases of the moon have a great influence on people.

Moving on the lunar calendar

Each phase of the moon affects not only the well-being of a person, but also the nature of the development of various life situations. To minimize the negative effects of the phases of the moon on your planned move, check with the lunar calendar and choose the best days for the move.

The phases of the moon can affect the move in different ways.

The best days to move according to the lunar calendar in 2017

2017 Favorable days for moving Unfavorable days for moving
1, 2, 7, 8, 29 3, 4, 11-14, 20-22, 30, 31
February 3, 4 7-11, 16-18, 26, 27
March 2-4, 30, 31 7-10, 16, 17, 26, 27
April 27 3-6, 12-14, 22, 23, 30
May - 1-4, 9-11, 19-21, 28-31
June - 6, 7, 16, 17, 24-27
July - 3, 4, 13, 14, 21-25, 30, 31
August - 1, 9, 10, 18-21, 26-28
September 3, 4, 30 5-7, 14-17, 23, 24
October 1, 2, 28, 29 3, 4, 11-15, 20-22, 30, 31
November 24, 25 8-11, 16-18, 26-28
December 1, 2, 21-23, 28, 29 5-8, 14, 15, 24, 25

If the lucky days in the table do not coincide with your plans, then simply select the best day of the week for a housewarming party. And remember that any recommendations of astrologers without your personal data are only general. If you really attach great importance to astrological forecasts and numerology, then for an accurate calculation of favorable days for moving, seek the advice of relevant specialists.

Choose a favorable day of the week to move

  • Monday is ruled by the Moon. It sharpens all the senses, so special attention must be paid to controlling emotions.
  • Tuesday corresponds to the planet Mars, which helps to achieve your goal.
  • Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Any of your undertakings on this day will be accompanied by good luck.
  • Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. All the important decisions that you put off are best done on this day.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus. Devote this day to your family and friends.
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn. A good day to carry out your plans.
  • Sunday is ruled by the Sun. Auspicious day to start new business.

Choose the best day of the week to move in so that it brings good luck in a new place.

Day of the week The influence of the chosen day of moving on your future life in a new place
Moving on this day will have a positive effect on your health.
Tuesday Moving will contribute to the growth of your intellectual potential.
Wednesday Moving on this day of the week will give your life more passion.
Thursday It is believed that moving on this day contributes to the growth of well-being.
Friday Moving on the last working day of the week will ensure you success not only in business, but also in love.
Saturday It is considered favorable for moving, as it promises success in the business field in the future.
Sunday A good day to move, also promises success in business.

If it snows on the day of the move, then the new settlers in the new place will have a lot of money. And if it rains during the move, then the move will be accompanied by strong emotions.

How to transport a brownie?

If you believe in the existence of a brownie, but do not know how to properly transport it to a new apartment, then the advice of our ancestors will help you. They believed that there was a brownie in every house and fed him so that he would reliably protect the home. A treat was obligatory on January 28 and February 10, since these days were considered important for the brownie. He is a vegetarian and has a big sweet tooth, loves milk and cereals.

The brownie and the cat are inseparable friends.

In the old days, they believed that the brownie moved to a new house on an old broom or on a cat. Also, there were often tips in which they offered to transport the brownie in a basket with soft things. The main thing was not to forget to invite him with you to a new place of residence, and he himself decided on what to get over.

The cat was the first to be allowed into the new house. After him, a man was supposed to enter, or the eldest woman in the family, always on the right foot. In the place where the cat sat down, they put a saucer with milk, cookies, sweets - a treat for the brownie.

The newcomers are the first to let the cat into the house.

Rituals for moving

Additional help in such a difficult matter as moving is never superfluous. If the following rituals have survived to this day, then perhaps they really made life easier for those who used them:

  1. For well-being in the family, at the entrance to a new apartment, the floor was sprinkled with silver coins.
  2. At the new place, a general cleaning was carried out. To cleanse the room of negative energy, salt was added to the water.
  3. Housewarming was celebrated twice. On the day of settlement in a close family circle and for the second time after they settled down in a large company with friends and relatives.
  4. Leaving the old place, they cleaned up all the garbage and left a few coins so that the new settlers lived in prosperity. The boomerang principle worked, what you want is what you get.

In any case, in addition to signs and rituals, a positive attitude and a responsible performer who can be relied on are important. To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say this: “hope for signs, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” Approach responsibly to the choice of the company that will transport you.

Apartment moving with employees of the ProfPerevozka company.

The company "ProfPerevozka" respects the wishes of customers related to the observance of rituals and customs during the move. We are convinced that whatever you sincerely believe in will work. And for our part, we will do our best to make the move as comfortable as possible for you. We guarantee that with us your life in a new place will begin with pleasant and joyful moments.

The experience of generations tells us about the existence of important rituals and signs. When you change your place of residence, the influence of signs and beliefs can be especially pronounced. Moving to a new apartment is a global change, and change has no stability. Therefore, it is during this time period that it is worth directing your attention to the wisdom of the people - signs. Here are the most important signs and beliefs that it is desirable to take into account all new settlers.

Evaluation of a new place by external factors:

  1. It is necessary to carefully study the environment and the location of the new house or apartment. Sharpen your eyes on the bird community. If there is a nest of birds on the roof or under the roof of a new house, then this is a clear sign of a happy and peaceful place. Birds will never breed their chicks in a place with a black aura or dark energy.
  2. If there are a lot of crows in the area and you see that they are not just staying in this place, but are constantly, then this is a very bad sign. Hearing the frequent cawing of crows in the yard can bring sickness and decay into the house. Of course, there are no evil or good birds, but the crow is a mystical, special bird, and far from always bringing good luck.
  3. Another external beacon of a pleasant place is future neighbors. Well-being often has an extensive radius of influence. Living nearby should radiate calm and positive. If there are many asocial families and people among the neighbors, then most likely this territory does not have a bright energy background.

The internal characteristics of the premises - who and what lives in the house?

white spider

If you entered a new apartment and saw a white spider on the ceiling or walls, then do not rush to reprisal. According to old folk signs, this albino brings happiness and the possibility of a pleasant event to the house. If he was in the intended room of the bedroom, then this promises lasting harmony in the relationship between the spouses.


These insects signify with their presence a happy place and good energy. Of course, they cause trouble to people with their appearance in the apartment, but ants live only in bright places.


But if a beetle crawls or flies in the house, especially a large one, this is a sure sign of future misfortune and loss. The sign is sad, therefore, if you see such a sign before purchasing an apartment or house, then it is better to think carefully again. If this house has already been bought, then in no case should you kill the bug. Catch the unkind messenger and release. Let the beetle pick up and carry away its sadness.

black mold

Not always black mold happens only from dampness in the room. Often it symbolizes the presence of unkind and oppressive energy in the home. Moving to a new apartment is worth postponing, cleaning everything thoroughly and performing some of the rituals described below in this article.

Dear lamb

If there was always order and cleanliness at the old place of residence, things were not often lost, and at night no one knocked, rustled, frightening the inhabitants of the house, then this educated brownie must certainly be taken with you.

Our ancestors highly respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who guarded the home from intruders, fires and accidents, especially with infants.

Before moving, a small neighbor needs to be lured with milk and a bright box of any shape. Put an open box next to the milk that was poured into the brownie in a saucer. It is advisable to put a teaspoon in the box, not new, but which has been used in the family for some time. Leave it all for the night, and in the morning it will be possible to transport your keeper. In a new apartment, you need to open the box, leave it in this position for an hour, and you yourself need to leave so as not to interfere with the brownie to calmly go out and find a place to your liking.

The cat is the helper of the brownie. If you have a cat, be sure to let it into the house first when you move. She will help the brownie to find his comfortable corner. Our ancestors did not enter a new home first. According to folk signs, only a cat had a similar privilege.

Login and create your life

A popular sign says that to attract prosperity and good work on the door of a new house, you need to attach the smallest coin, and for big and small luck, you need to hang a horseshoe over the door. True, there is one nuance - a horseshoe cannot be bought or accepted as a gift. It can only be found. Only in this case it will be filled with your luck and will radiate it constantly.

It is better to enter a new place of residence in order of seniority. Order and respect - harmony in the head, in thoughts, which means order in the whole environment.

It is better not to enter your house empty-handed for the first time. You can bring a flowering plant with you. A flower brought on the day of moving will attract the energy of the sun and rebirth.

Our grandparents were sure that the threshold in the house is an important place associated with the energy of the ancestors. So, a great solution would be to thoroughly wash this significant place in the apartment when moving. Try not to trip on the threshold when entering a new home. A popular sign tells us clearly - this is a bad sign. A piece of mesh can be placed under the threshold or under the threshold cover. It can be any mesh, but only from threads. It is believed that a dark and evil person who thinks or plans evil will never be able to bring it to your house. Having stepped over the threshold with the grid, he will instantly lose his strength, and his thoughts will begin to get confused. You can even see this effect later, noticing that your guest has no strength at all, and his words are often meaningless and overly frank.

Sprinkling the corners of a new house with coarse salt is an old sign. Salt has always been considered a special substance, which was often used by sorcerers in creating amulets and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners for an hour or two, and then mop the floors throughout the house. Salt will take away everything bad and impure.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading a prayer. This should be done calmly, without fuss. Enter the apartment with the icon, place it in the central corner, and then carefully read the words of the prayer. It is desirable to leave the icon in this place forever. Cross over after all corners and windows, moving clockwise.

We take with us only happiness

There are things that, according to the customs of the people, should not be kept in an apartment:

  1. Reeds.
  2. Bird feathers.
  3. Remnants.
  4. Dry leaves or flowers.
  5. Old clothes, and especially the clothes of dead people.
  6. Dishes with cracks and chips.
  7. Photos with defects and creases.
  8. Old broom.
  9. Horns and stuffed animals.

Keeping these things in the house is not recommended, and taking them with you to a new home is doubly wrong. Such care and attachment to these things only increases their negative effect on others. Moving to a new place is a great reason to leave everything unnecessary and harmful outside the new life.

Who lives in the house and how?

No need to break the atmosphere of the new place with foul language or scandal, especially on the first day of the move. You need to start with a positive, because a good and correct backlog promises great success in the future.

It is better to bring a piece of sugar, a handful of beans or peas with you. According to traditions, sugar symbolizes pleasure, and legumes symbolize financial well-being, therefore, let them lie down for a day on the windowsill.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small bunches of wormwood, tying them with red threads. This plant has magical powers and is able to exorcise dark spirits and entities. You can even set fire to a sprig of sagebrush and let it smolder, spreading protective smoke throughout your new home.

And when the main things fall into place, it will be useful to prepare a festive lunch or dinner. It would be right to serve pies that were already cooked in the new apartment. This will consolidate a positive acquaintance with the new energy and set the vibrations in a major way.

Do not say goodbye to the old house negatively, do not say bad words about it, do not remember grief and pain - ingratitude is always punishable. Even if life in the old place was not very sweet, then you need to appreciate the good and thank you for the lessons, the obstacles that tempered and strengthened you.

Weather forecast for future life

Try to move into a new house or apartment in good weather. Folk signs mark the connection of weather with further life in a new place:

  • The sun promises joy and success.
  • Rainbow - good health or miraculous healing in a new place.
  • Light rain - monetary success.
  • Heavy rain - life in a new house will make you shed tears quite often.
  • Lightning - a bright and emotional personal life.
  • Thunder and lightning - regular and very large scandals, disagreements in a new place.

It is not necessary when moving to follow absolutely all the recommendations and take into account all the signs of the people. Sometimes it is enough to carefully listen to your inner world and determine for yourself closer options for rituals or necessary actions.

Folk signs and traditions, formed over centuries of observation, help to gain well-being and health. Ignoring ancient rituals or listening to the intuition of the people is the individual choice of each. But why not think about them, what if they give a real opportunity to protect yourself, your family, to start your successful future in a new apartment, and maybe life.

Moving is always accompanied by stress, fear of forgetting, breaking or breaking something. For superstitious people, the stress is doubly stronger, because you need to consider what days it is right to move, what to transport first, and how to make life in a new apartment even happier. That is why for a competent move to a new apartment you need to know a few basic rules.

No. 1. Package.

The first step is to decide how to pack when moving. Cardboard boxes are very useful for packing things. Look for them in the garage, in the attic or in the country - they will definitely be needed. On the boxes, you can mark the contents with a felt-tip pen in order to quickly navigate upon arrival in a new apartment. In the hardware store you can buy a film for packing large items, wide tape and long ropes. Don't forget newspapers to pack the glass. For things and utensils, you can buy several bags of shuttles - large zippered checkered bags that are sold on the market. First, pack those things that you are not going to wear in the near future, do not forget to make notes "Husband's winter clothes", "Summer shoes", etc. It is also better to put the dishes in bags, and not carry them in boxes in front of you: the bottom of the cardboard box may turn out to be unreliable and as a result you will have to buy new dishes ... But it is better to pack books and household items in boxes, signing each of them.

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No. 2. Transportation.

Another important point is the transportation of household appliances. As for small household appliances (DVD players, laptops, tape recorders, etc.), they can be wrapped in towels or blankets and carefully put in a bag, unless, of course, there are “native” boxes left. But with regard to large household appliances and furniture, things are a little more complicated. If it is possible to disassemble the furniture in parts, then it is better to do so by wrapping upholstered furniture in a film. In this form, it will be much easier to transport it. When disassembling furniture, mark on each part what part it is, so that it is easier to assemble. Monitors and TVs are recommended to be covered with a protective film and transported in a car with a screen to the back of the seat.

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Folk omens

For many, the rules of moving to a new apartment include not only the proper packing of things, but also the observance of all the canons aimed at ensuring that life in the new apartment is happy and carefree.

What are the right days to move? One of the most favorable days for moving to a new home is Sunday. It is believed that if you move on this particular day of the week, you will be lucky in everything. If you move into a new apartment on Thursday or Friday, love will reign in the house, and your financial situation will also improve. But if you move on Saturday, the financial situation may, on the contrary, worsen and failures will follow. Monday, as you know, is a hard day, it is also considered an unfavorable day for moving - the plan will not be realized.

How to move correctly and what signs are better to keep out of harm's way?

If you are not a superstitious person, but just in case you decided to insure yourself, then there are a few simple folk signs that will not force you to brew potions and look for fabulous flowers.

One of the most famous signs is a cat - a pioneer. It is believed that it is best to launch it into the house first. Cats are very sensitive to negative energy, so by entering the house first, they will lead you to a clean and happy path to a new life.

It is believed that it is best to move into a new home in good weather, as rain will bring trouble and failure.

Move during the waxing moon - then peace and prosperity will reign in the house.

If brownie Kuzya is not just a fairy tale for you and you want him to move in with you, then put him a treat in a new apartment so that he moves with you with pleasure.

Signs when moving to a new apartment should be considered during this important event. Many people don't even remember them. They will not require much time, but their consequences will have a beneficial effect on your new home. You will live more comfortably and calmly. We will remind you of these simple actions.

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to the old housing. It is important to thank him for the years he lived within its walls and show him due respect. Before you leave it forever, put things in order there. Wash floors, windows, and everything you can. On boxes and other packaging for things you need to draw crosses. This will serve as their protection against loss during the move.
  • Things that you think will be superfluous in a new apartment, you do not need to take with you. You need to get rid of them in advance. Thus, you will provide yourself with the beginning of a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden for you.

Ritual of farewell to old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to cook a pie and eat it all with the household in the old apartment. You can't take leftovers with you. If life was not easy for you there, make the cake salty. With a good life - it should be sweet.

Signs and rituals for housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to a new home, you need to take with you a brownie who has lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to do an action with a broom from an old apartment. Just take it with you when you move. Thus, your spirit of the house and his and the protector will also move to a new home. If there was no broom in the household, proceed as follows. Take a small box and put some soft things in it, you can stuff it with scraps of fabric. Put her for a while at the front door and the brownie will “settle in her. Take the box with you and you can be sure that the brownie has also moved.
  • During the move, at the entrance to a new apartment, the cat must be the first to let it in. The place he chooses to stay is the most suitable place for a bed. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the cat meets the requirements of this folk sign. He must be a cat, not a cat. But the thing is, not everyone has cats. In this case, it is not recommended to use a dog instead of a cat. It serves to protect housing and should not be the first to cross the threshold. The dog should enter the new apartment last. It is not necessary for anyone to pass ahead of the cat. Wait until he gets comfortable and dares to enter anyway. Behind him come all the other newcomers.
  • Following this, immediately “feed” the brownie. You can put a container of milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and does not go to live with other more generous owners. After that, you can proceed to wet cleaning and parsing things.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all areas of the apartment. This does not depend on the cleanliness of the home. Even if it's perfectly clean. This saves the home from bad energy. She might have gathered in it before you moved in.
  • When entering a new dwelling, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better if they were made of precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being to the house.
  • Get a new broom, horseshoe and St. John's wort in advance. Put the broom in the corner at the front door, and above it, strengthen the horseshoe with the horns down. Grass in bags can be hung in several secluded places. Such a kit will help protect the apartment from an unclean spirit and ill-wishers.
  • It is good to choose a place where you could place icons, talismans, amulets.
  • As you unpack the boxes and tidy up your new home, prepare some treats. Now it's time to call friends, neighbors to celebrate housewarming.
  • Put banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is for the well-being of the family and for attracting new honest friends.
  • If you follow all these rules, you can calm down. At the new place of residence, family happiness will accompany you, all life's difficulties will pass you by.

  1. If you did not take a brownie with you from the old dwelling. As soon as the new moon comes and when the moon is visible to you, you need to loudly call him through the open window: “Brownie - brownie, come home soon. You will live with us, and we will love you.
  2. In a new apartment, conduct a rite of consecration. To do this, light a church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the prayer "Our Father".
  3. Incense well rid the apartment of negative energy. You can light incense sticks and place them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. A great sign if the move occurs when it snows or rains. This is a sign from above that a happy life awaits you in a new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things in a new apartment, if there are broken or cracked dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. It can become a source of unhappiness.
  6. For new housing, it is necessary to make brand new purchases. It can be something from dishes, towels or curtains. This will bring you good luck.

Moving to another city, new apartment or house is a responsible step for the whole family, no matter what country it is. This opens a new stage of life. Therefore, you need to move correctly so that life in a new place is calm and happy. There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with the move, as well as rituals for cleansing the house from the energy of the previous owners. And if you know how correctly, according to the laws of magic and higher powers, they will move into a new house, you can make this new period of life exceptionally rich and happy.

There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with the move.

Preparing to move to a new home

Moving begins with the collection of things, their packing and loading. But in fact, this is not the main thing. It is very important to properly say goodbye to the house you are leaving. Thank him for all the good that you experienced here, and forgive yourself and the spirits of this house for all the bad that you leave here. There are a few things to consider when preparing for a move.

  1. You can’t drag old rubbish with you to a new house, because with it you take away your past problems. And why do you need them in a new life? Leave them where they appeared and do not take them with you. Before you move, sort household items, appliances, dishes, clothes. Throw away everything that has fallen into disrepair (broken appliances, torn clothes, crockery with cracks and chips). Even some old letters, photos and gifts that only remind you of sadness and a bad past have no place in your home.
  2. Do a general cleaning in the old apartment (wash the floor, windows, remove the cobwebs, rub the mirrors). So you say goodbye to housing and leave a good mark on yourself. So you clean not only your former home, but also your presence in it.
  3. Number all the boxes with things and put crosses on them. This symbol will protect against loss.

These same tips will help you prepare if you're moving to a new office.

If the spirit of the brownie lived in the old house, he should be called with him to the new housing. Brownies leave their habitat following the cats or in old brooms. If there is neither a cat nor an old broom, then there is a very simple way to take the spirit with you.

The ceremony of inviting a brownie

The house spirit, if not angered, loves all household members and helps them in housekeeping. When moving to a new apartment, it is better to take a brownie with you. It is very easy to do this.

What is needed for the ceremony

To conduct such a ceremony at the invitation of a brownie, you need:

  • old boot.

Take your boot on your left foot. It must be worn.

How to conduct the ceremony of inviting a brownie

The ceremony is carried out when all things have already been taken from the house.

  1. Place the boot in the center of the largest room.
  2. Speak the words:

    “Grandfather brownie will go home for me, we need to keep order at home, we need to help the owner with the hostess.”

  3. Leave the room for a few minutes.
  4. Put the boot in your bag and take it to your new place of residence.
  5. In the new house, put the boot in the center of the large room, and say the words:

    “Here’s grandfather, he’s arrived, settle down and come in the evening to drink milk.”

  6. Exit the room.

In silence and away from prying eyes, the brownie will come out and find a secluded corner for himself in a new apartment. Prepare a saucer of milk for him in the room.

What are the best days to move

It is very important on what day the move is planned. Astrologers and practicing magicians, relying on folk signs, have chosen which days are best to move to a new apartment or house.

It is very important what day you plan to move.

Favorable days of the week for moving include:

  • Tuesday;
  • Saturday.

These days the road will be calm, luck and success await in all matters.

Unfavorable for housewarming are:

  • Monday;
  • Wednesday;
  • Friday.

Thursday cannot be attributed to any of the categories, this day is called neutral. Therefore, on Thursday, you can safely transport things and move to a new apartment. Sunday is a special day, you can’t work on Sunday, so any business and events will have to be postponed.

Signs that will help in the housewarming

Even severe skeptics at least once used beliefs and signs, especially in such an important event as a housewarming party. When moving to a new apartment, you need to observe the following signs.

  1. The cat is the first to be allowed into a new home. And where he chooses a place, put a bed there. Cats are very sensitive to negativity and will never choose a bad spot.
  2. At the entrance to the apartment, you need to throw a handful of gold or silver coins with a ringing on the floor. This will attract wealth to the house and serve as a ransom for the former brownie if he remained in the house from the former owners.
  3. For a new house, you need to buy a horseshoe, a new broom and a bouquet of dry herbs. These items protect the house from negativity.
  4. It’s also a good idea to immediately start a Red Corner in the house where the icons will hang and where it is best to store special things and amulets.
  5. The first step in a new house is to carry out a general cleaning. Throw away all the garbage that remains from the previous owners, wash the floor well in the corners. It is in the corners that all the negativity accumulates.
  6. After cleaning, make a big round cake and invite close family and friends for a housewarming party. Put a few bills under the tablecloth of the festive table.

When is it necessary to carry out rites of purification and protection of the house?

It is very rare to find out exactly what kind of people lived in the apartment before you, what guests went to them, what events took place in the house. Sometimes one general cleaning is enough to cleanse the energy of a room, but sometimes it is necessary to carry out special purification rites. This is necessary in the following cases.

  1. In a new place, it’s hard to sleep, tormented by nightmares. Perhaps the spirit guarding the former owners here for some reason disagrees with your settlement in this territory.
  2. Constantly haunted by a sense of fear, insecurity, overcome by longing. In such cases, you need to find out the past of the house, perhaps there is a negative here, a suicide or a murder was in this house.
  3. Pets are restless and behave aggressively. If this happens, it is also worth checking the house for the presence of an evil entity or past grievances.
  4. The plants in the new house withered. The reason may be insects or the impact of the negative.

These signs indicate a large accumulation of negative energy in the house. Living in such a place will not bring anything good to the family, so the room needs to be cleaned. You can invite a priest. He will bless the house, read prayers and give you an icon. It will need to be hung over the entrance to the apartment.

The rite of purification can be carried out independently. To do this, you must follow the following rules.

  1. You need to believe in the power of the magical rite and in its effectiveness.
  2. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony in complete solitude, so that no one can interfere.
  3. During the ritual, thoughts should be bright, you can not think about extraneous things.
  4. Women should not perform rituals during menstruation.
  5. After the ritual, you need to fast and refrain from alcohol.

The priest will bless the house, read prayers and give you an icon

A simple rite of cleansing an apartment with holy water

The ceremony can be performed immediately after the move. It does not require special magical knowledge and skills. The ritual will forever rid the new house of the negative energy that has remained from the old owners.

For the cleansing ritual you will need:

  • church candle;
  • Holy water.

Buy a candle in the temple. She must be new

How to conduct a ritual

It is very easy to carry out the ritual. Follow the step by step description.

  1. Sprinkle the corners in all rooms three times with water.
  2. Light a church candle.
  3. Go around with a candle all the rooms three times.

Before carrying out the ritual of purification, clean the apartment well.

Cleaning the apartment with salt

Salt is a universal magical accessory. It has been used in witchcraft rites since ancient times. The use of salt in purification rites is due to the fact that it is able to absorb all the negativity.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • a handful of coarse salt.

Ordinary table salt from the store is used. You can use salt consecrated for Easter or for Epiphany.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is easy to carry out on your own at home.

  • Divide salt into small bowls or pots and place in all corners of the house.
  • Leave the salt bowls for seven days.
  • After the expiration date, pour all the salt into one bag.
  • Bury a bag of salt outside, away from home.

The salt used in the ritual should never be eaten. Otherwise, you will take away all the negativity that she has absorbed into herself.

The power of fire to cleanse the apartment of negativity

Since ancient times, fire has been endowed with mystical properties. It carries the energy of creation and destruction at the same time, so it is often used in various witchcraft rites. An ancient Slavic rite will help to reliably cleanse the house of negative energy, expel evil spirits and protect from the evil eye.

Respect in magicians causes a kind of fire

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual you need:

  • 12 candles.

You can use church or white candles.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed in complete solitude.

  1. Place candles around.
  2. Light all the candles and cast the spell:

    “In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate the truth from falsehood, you, Dazhdbog, separate the day from the night, and you, Perun, separate Yav from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, but I conjure underground. Let all the dark spells burn, all the nauses and slanders, all the dryness of Naviya in the Hellfire. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

  3. Let the candles burn out.
  4. The action of the rite will be fast. The power of fire will cleanse the house and protect its inhabitants.

Signs, rituals of purification and protection will make moving to a new house successful, and life in a new place happy. Since ancient times, magic has been helping a person, protecting his home and family. Respect the place where you live. Do not litter the new house, protect it from evil people, then your life will become happy and prosperous.