Stones for Scorpio: a talisman by date of birth. What zodiac sign suits onyx jewelry

>> Aries (21.03-20.04)

Aries (03/21-04/20)

Aries is a sign of fire. Strong, bright, though possessing a accommodating character. Those born under the sign of Aries are full of energy and creative ideas, loves everything new and interesting, is distinguished by extraordinary thinking. Napoleon the Third, Leonardo da Vinci, Quentin Tarantino, Sergei Rachmaninov and many other famous, creative people were born under this fiery sign.

For a very long time, many centuries ago, people noticed that a certain person can wear only certain stones, while others can bring him bad luck and even illness. Astrologers in all countries of the world have studied the influence of precious stones on the character of a person and his life.

As for any other sign of the Zodiac, Aries has its own talisman stones that bring good luck...

For centuries, astrologers have observed people and assigned a specific stone to each sign. For Aries, diamonds, rauchtopazes, spinel, rock crystal, amethyst, onyx and ruby ​​were chosen as lucky stones. Gentle colors- These are the colors that bring Aries happiness and prosperity. Bright stones are a symbol of strength and confidence.

Each stone affects Aries differently. The most powerful of all amulets is a diamond, so Aries must have jewelry with this gem. Pendants with diamonds, pendants, earrings. The magic of this stone is very great, it affects the fate of a person, changes his subconscious, helps to achieve his goals. It is suitable as an amulet for both women and Aries men. In the old days, a diamond ring was always worn for hunting. It was believed that then you would definitely return with prey. The sparkling facets of diamonds blaze with fire - the element of Aries, and therefore attract the blessings of the stars to them. No wonder the Aries planets are the Sun and the mysterious Mars.

Suitable for those born from March 21 to April 20 and rauchtopazes in any frame. Gold earrings with rauchtopaz help women keep love in marriage, find a soul mate. For Aries men, a pendant with a rauchtopaz in the form of a hammer or a golden fleece can be of great service. These are the symbols of the sign, its lucky amulets, bringing power, good luck, prosperity, allowing you to finish what you started and catch unusual idea to resolve any issue.

Rock crystal jewelry is also suitable for all Aries without exception. This stone was worn by many monarchs in order to gain wisdom and justice, to see the hidden.

Amazing onyx - it is not only beautiful, but is considered one of the most powerful stones for many signs of the zodiac, including Aries. Necklaces and brooches with onyx, as well as pendants, that is, those jewelry that are on the chest, will protect their owner from damage and the evil eye. They will repel the evil thoughts of unkind people, protect them from envy and spells. Onyx creates a powerful invisible protection around Aries from evil and hostility.

Stones that correspond to the element of Fire and the sign of the Zodiac Aries are used for those born under this sign and in stone therapy. All the energy of the stone is transferred to Aries at the moments of meditation, passes into the water that Aries drinks if a stone is placed in it - an amulet. Aries must necessarily wear stones suitable for them in order to maintain youth, health, not become victims of black magic and find happiness in the family.

>> Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

One of the most complex and mysterious signs of the Zodiac is Scorpio. Anyone born under this sign analyzes everything that happens around from childhood and achieves great success in this. It is almost impossible to hide anything from Scorpio, he has a natural scent for lies, so it is very difficult to deceive him.

Scorpios are stubborn, they will not back down and in any case will bring to the end any business. Sometimes this can greatly interfere with their lives, since the consequences of such stubbornness are sometimes serious and unpleasant. Such an approach to life: on the one hand, eternal analysis, and on the other hand, the inability to use its results, can bring Scorpio to trouble.

It is not easy for Scorpio in love. All the same stubbornness, rejection of detours, almost complete lack of cunning make easy love adventures and family life difficult for him.

In order to successfully progress through career ladder to find harmony with yourself and to keep good relationship in their family, in order to become more liberated, Scorpios should pay attention to talismans, amulets, lucky numbers that astrologers have chosen for them.

The lucky colors of Scorpions are all shades of red, orange. Bright, juicy, they give Scorpions vitality. lucky number for Scorpio, oddly enough, is a combination of three "sixes", as well as the numbers 1, 4, 8, 11. In addition, Scorpios have symbols - objects and jewelry in the shape of a scorpion or resembling a beetle bring them good luck.

Scorpios are very susceptible to amulets. When they put on their favorite stones, their life immediately takes a sharp turn in better side. Therefore, it is by no means impossible to neglect the stones-mascots of Scorpios. Astrologers have selected stones for Scorpios in accordance with the colors and patron planets suitable for this sign. These wonderful magical stones include rubies, topazes, onyx. Each stone has a different effect on Scorpios, but topaz earrings, and bracelets with onyx, and pendants with rubies - bring only positive emotions and attract good luck. Therefore, at least one amulet jewelry should be with Scorpio all the time in order to avert trouble in time and help to accept correct solution in a difficult situation.

The influence of onyx on Scorpions is wonderful. This stone adapts to the character of its owner and gives him exactly what is needed in this moment. Any jewelry with onyx will do. If Scorpio is furious, an onyx ring on the middle finger will cool his anger. If Scorpio is on the verge of great discoveries, an onyx pendant will give strength to follow the path leading to victory to the end. It is useful for Scorpio women to wear onyx pendants to become more feminine and softer, and for Scorpio men, onyx gives a feeling of independence and strength. A wonderful, versatile stone. It has a tonic effect on the health of Scorpio.

Important for Scorpio and topaz. This gem is not only incredibly beautiful, but can also provide Scorpio with the strongest support. It is useful for those who are at a crossroads in life and do not know which way to turn. It helps to see the hidden, obscure and make right choice. Many monarchs wore topaz pendants and topaz earrings going to important state meetings and negotiations - this stone protected them from lies, helped to see the secret intentions of the interlocutors. Topaz is needed for those Scorpios who often get into an irritable state - it will calm, create a peaceful mood.

Ruby! Bright as drops of blood and possessing great power. Strong and implacable Scorpions can always count on the help of this shining gem. Ruby rings worn by rulers Ancient Russia, pendants with rubies were loved by Marie de Medici. And many other monarchs, kings, kings and emperors gave their hearts to this wonderful gem. Ruby is a symbol of strength and passion. It is the best fit for the unstoppable Scorpions, helping them achieve the highest and seemingly unattainable goals. Ruby, at the same time, is also a stone of love. One of the spouses who was born under the sign of Scorpio can wear an oolong with a ruby ​​or any other decoration in order to preserve passion, love, and tenderness in marriage. Oddly enough, but the ruby ​​acts differently on overly passionate natures - it cools the ardor, helps to calm down and pull yourself together. Therefore, it suits those who are very jealous, constantly nervous and often angry. Scorpio, wearing jewelry with a ruby, activates the patron planet Pluto, attracts its energy.

Passionate and unrestrained Scorpions, if they do not use the help of amulets and "their" planets, can make quite serious mistakes. The fault is usually intemperance and uncompromisingness. Lucky stones give Scorpios peace of mind and balance, become their friends and protectors for life.

Of all the signs of the zodiac, Scorpio is considered the most mysterious and mysterious. The outward imperturbability of this representative water element deceptive, because it is aggressive, gloomy, which is typical of the time of year when these people are born. Scorpio seeks to achieve its goal by any means. In order for good luck to accompany not only in business, but also in everyday life, it is advisable for Scorpio to wear stones - talismans.

What stones are suitable for Scorpio women?

amethyst stone

Stones that will be talismans for scorpions of women according to the horoscope can be chosen based on the date and time of birth or taking into account her abilities.

First decade. If the date of birth falls between October 24 and November 02, then solid stones with a transparent structure, such as amethyst, tiger's eye, jasper, sapphire, hematite and serpentine, are suitable as a talisman or amulet.

Second decade. A Scorpio woman whose birthday is November 3-13 is recommended to wear coral, sardonyx, and turquoise jewelry. Ladies born on these days are distinguished by courage, nobility and strength.

Third decade. The most difficult character in women born 14-22.11. They are characterized by temperament, passionate nature, very amorous and extremely emotional. To pacify emotions and control them, Scorpions are advised to wear jewelry made of, beryl, garnet, emerald, topaz or alexandrite.

Women - Scorpions according to the horoscope, who are engaged in scientific activity, you need to wear hematites, because such stones enhance thinking.

Alexandrite develops intuition in a woman, normalizes her health. For purposeful ladies, a cat's eye is suitable, which also protects against negativity and the evil eye. Yellow topaz is worn by Scorpio women with the ability to solve dreams. Sapphire jewelry will help soften the lady's character, inspire goodwill and help to cope with outbursts of anger. Opal beads endow their owner with wisdom and the ability to think sensibly.

What stones are suitable for Scorpio men?

blood stone

Bloodstone (hematite). This stone is especially useful for Scorpio men who can get viral infections as a result of violent passions. Framed in silver, the bloodstone enhances the sexual energy of a man.

Tourmaline. This stone is considered a family talisman: it makes a man - Scorpio, according to the horoscope, childbearing, strengthens family relationships, love ties. tourmaline happens different shades and it is recommended to wear it every day.

Black opal. It is a favorite stone of magicians and sorcerers. If it is worn by Scorpio, it contributes to the development of intuition, a person more deeply learns the secrets of human consciousness. The owner of black opal has leadership qualities, oratorical abilities.

Alexandrite. A male scorpion, constantly wearing jewelry with such a stone, foresees illness or lurking danger. Wearing alexandrite contributes to the development of the gift of clairvoyance. The owner of the alexandrite stone finds a balance between feelings and reason.

What stones are talismans for Scorpios?

For Scorpio, it is important to choose the right talisman stone that will become reliable protection from negativity, will bring success in business and family life and allow you to control energy.

There are several stones that can be worn constantly as a talisman. Each of them has its own action, so the talismans can be changed if necessary.

aquamarine stone

  • Garnet. Dark red stone gives additional spiritual and physical strength. Wearing jewelry with a pomegranate allows you to rationally use energy, directing it to achieve your goals. This stone pacifies negative emotions, reviving in its owner best qualities. A person who constantly wears a pomegranate easily copes with professional duties, establishes business connections, and is successful in love affairs. Pomegranate awakens in Scorpio the ability to rule over people, so it is often used by magical people.
  • Carbuncle is a type of pomegranate, an ideal talisman for women. Men took it to fights, because the stone protected from injuries, it was applied to wounds to stop bleeding.
  • Topaz. This is the stone of creative Scorpions. It is worn by people engaged in mental activity, the stone helps to correctly express thoughts.
  • Ruby. It brings good luck and love to Scorpios. Ruby enhances the qualities of a person: it makes the evil even angrier, in the good it reveals kindness. It is believed that wearing a ruby ​​protects against possible poisoning and misfortune.
  • Alexandrite. Lighting changes the character and intensity of the stone. A person who constantly wears jewelry with alexandrite has intuition and a bright mind. If bright reflections appear on the stone, this is a sign of impending danger. Alexandrite attracts good luck and success, normalizes the health of its owner, prolongs his life.
  • Aquamarine. The aquamarine amulet cools the ardent nature of Scorpio, smoothes problem situations. Aquamarine wear wise people for whom family is important.
  • Amethyst. This talisman will be appreciated by Scorpions who are tired of living in constant voltage and anxiety. Amethyst gives peace and balance of emotions, brightens thoughts and makes a person insightful.
  • Emerald. It is especially useful to wear an emerald talisman for gambling Scorpios. It protects against spontaneous actions, rash risk. Such a talisman clears the mind of unnecessary emotions, does not allow you to get caught in the net of love spells. insidious woman.
  • Sarder, carnelian. A talisman stone for Scorpios who cannot find their life partner for a long time. Both stones charge their owner with positive, vital energy. Carnelian and sarder effectively relieve melancholy, they are recommended for those who constantly criticize others, torment themselves with anger and jealousy.

As a talisman, Scorpios can also wear jewelry made of beryl, coral and rock crystal.

What stones are contraindicated for Scorpions?

Each sign of the Zodiac has stones, the wearing of which is contraindicated. Such wrong amulets and talismans will only worsen the health and character of a person. Which stone should not be worn by Scorpio?

Both a man and a woman born under the sign of Scorpio should not wear light stones with a delicate shade. That is, you should be wary of jewelry made of jade, orange agate, chrysolite, moonstone, light garnet. Experts advise not to wear precious minerals orange and yellow color.

Pearls are completely unsuitable for most Scorpios in terms of temperament. This stone cools the ardor of a person, and Scorpio lives with passion. Pearls can muffle talent, imposing a boring life.

Amber, agate take the energy of their owner, while giving him absolutely nothing in return. But they hold back the emotions of overly emotional Scorpios.

Scorpio stones by date of birth

Lazurite - 06.11, 16.11, 21.11;
  • Beryl - 08.11;
  • Obsidian - 09.11;
  • Onyx - 10.11;
  • Turquoise, Andalusite - 13.11;
  • Coral - 14.11;
  • Onyx - 16.11;
  • Zircon, Diamond - 18.11;
  • Rubin - 22.11.
  • Astromineralogy

    Ladies and gentlemen! We bring to your attention the section "Astromineralogy" on our website.

    Astromineralogy is the science of the energy relationship of a person with minerals and metals. Astromineralogy is the connection between stones and the signs of the Zodiac.

    In this section, you will see articles that will help you, when purchasing jewelry inserts, better navigate the assortment based on your needs.



    The constellation SCORPIO is under the influence of two planets - gloomy Pluto and red Mars, so two extremes coexist in SCORPIO at the same time. Based on the above, SCORPIONS are best suited for dangerous red, black, blue and lilac precious and semi gems, however, do not forget about the "native" element of Water. SCORPIONS should look at the following stones: turquoise (green and blue-green), black pearls, corals (red, black and blue), opal (black and fire), blood red garnet, ruby ​​(thick red), black onyx , amethyst, malachite, obsidian.

    ONYX. SCORPIO is a controversial sign of love and death, strongly influencing others. Motto: "A song of love on the battlefield." SCORPIO has a great resistance to life's difficulties. SCORPIO is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This Sign lives in full force with the alternation of successes with failures. Vital energy SCORPIO's are great. To balance the internal state of SCORPIO, it is necessary to wear jewelry with ONYX jewelry inserts. ONYX is a “stone of leaders”, which gives the ability to reach a great goal and power over other people, clears the mind, helps to defeat opponents, strengthens memory, protects against sudden death and attempts on life. The stone improves mood and gives good spirits. It causes respect for its owner and cools excessive passion, helps to concentrate energy and directs it to the working channel.

    RUBY. SCORPIO has a balanced mind and emotions. The life forces of SCORPIO, bestowed from birth, are enormous. SCORPIO can both destroy himself with sad and evil thoughts and neglect of danger, and heal himself by gathering together a strong will. SCORPIO was born under the most inharmonious and contradictory sky. SCORPIO is defined by hidden power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. It carries strong passions, sometimes dormant, but not dying. This character does not change. Satisfied with myself, despite the changes. SCORPIO does not allow defeat. Always knows what he wants. Rebellious under any compulsion and insubordinate when contradicted. An individualist who despises public opinion and customs. His decisions are irrevocable. RUBY will help SCORPIO to correctly distribute its forces to achieve its goals. RUBY - a stone of power, strength and violent energy associated with the karma of other people, strong and bright. Scarlet RUBY strengthens strength, banishes melancholy and protects the wearer from evil spells.

    GARNET. SCORPIO - a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. SCORPIO is made for her. He is suspicious, jealous. A SCORPIO man is not inclined to show his feelings in public - he is rude, inattentive and even cruel. In private, he confesses true attitude. A SCORPIO woman recognizes her chosen one with her sixth sense at first sight. He will have no choice but to submit to her charms, since this is unusual passionate nature. Pomegranate will help SCORPIO to cope with his passion correctly. GARNET - a stone of fire, passionate and passionate love. GARNET is considered a symbol of heartfelt feelings, love and friendship, it is also called a stone of honesty. He is a talisman of lovers, he is given as a sign of friendship, memory and love. GARNET - a stone of love, which is able to excite love passions and amuse the soul. It drives away sadness and brings joy to the owner.

    The most complex and energetic strong sign The zodiac is considered Scorpio. Representatives of this sign are stubborn, secretive, domineering, selfish, ruthless and aggressive. They are characterized by such qualities as suspicion, vindictiveness, and dissatisfaction with everything that comes their way.

    However, a developed Scorpio, who knows how to analyze himself, is able to overcome these shortcomings, he will have enough strength to minimize all negative points. Such a representative of the sign becomes wise, noble and strong man who will be able to protect loved ones and become successful in life.

    Choosing a stone by date of birth (by decade)

    People born between November 3rd and 13th are Scorpios of the second decade. These impulsive, kind, noble and strong daredevils are under the influence of the Sun. Lucky stones -, amethyst, and - Scorpions of the second decade will help to show the best personality traits.

    Stones according to the horoscope Scorpio, talismans

    Coral will help Scorpio escape from captivity bad mood, deal with negative emotions and just enjoy life. This mineral is an excellent talisman for health: it will restore strength and energy, relieve stress. The coral will cool the ardor of the representatives of the Scorpio sign and will not let them get into an awkward situation due to surging passions. Red coral will promote constructive and rational logical thinking and let you know what needs to be done.

    Married Scorpio men and women will always appreciate it, because he preserves harmony in a couple, preserves love, stands guard over fidelity. Opal will teach a jealous woman to drive away bad thoughts and trust her lover. Jewelry with this stone makes the owner more prudent and wise.

    Women's scorpion stones - topaz, sapphire, amethyst, garnet

    Topaz set in metal white color, will help to cope with the natural skepticism of Scorpio, teach you to see the clues of fate and develop intuition. The gem will not allow the Scorpio woman to be led by manipulators. Topaz will help the fair sex to keep youth.

    Stones for a scorpion man - topaz, beryl, ruby, tourmaline

    Topaz will be useful as a talisman for young Scorpios, who have not yet gained prudence and wisdom. The mineral will help Scorpio restore emotional balance, weaken inconsistency, stubbornness, dangerous self-confidence of its owner in communicating with people, and also increase insight. Topaz will be able to teach Scorpio to improve and know himself, direct the energy of the owner towards development, lead him away from nervous breakdowns and stress.

    Beryl will free Scorpio from accumulated negative emotions, help in controlling outbursts of anger. The talisman in the form of beryl will remind the owner of his inherent ability to understand and care for others, will not let him harm anyone, while Scorpio in once more in order to achieve their goals, they intend to go over the heads of others. If a representative of this sign needs encouragement, fortitude or a sense of his power, beryl will find hidden resources that will help strengthen Scorpio, restore his strength, awaken determination and willpower.

    For a Scorpio man, a suitable talisman would be. The gem will eliminate the effects of stress, increase both spiritual and physical strength. Ruby will not allow the Scorpio man to slide into depression or become discouraged. If a Scorpio man is prone to self-blame, then he just needs to wear a ring with a ruby. The talisman will help you to be confident in yourself and your decisions. Ruby will bring good luck to those who have the desire to conquer the heights of politics or business.

    Often Scorpio's aggression finds a way out in the wrong place, at the wrong time and in the wrong situation at all. able to calm the owner, relieve tension by directing his negativity in the right direction. Scorpio-man stubbornly goes to his goal, not giving himself concessions. A tourmaline talisman will teach the owner to enjoy the benefits already achieved and help to relax. Black or dark red mineral will help to achieve demand and recognition creative people. Happy relationships in the family will help restore tourmaline.

    Stones that are contraindicated for a scorpion

    Representatives of this sign are categorically not suitable for such stones as diamond, agate, amber, onyx, emerald.

    Pearls Scorpio is strictly contraindicated! The fact is that this sign needs the energy boiling around him, he loves to be at the epicenter of passions, and pearls turn his life into a calm, stagnant swamp, in which there is no place for shocks and adventures.

    Scorpio, who owns amber, will lose determination, the will to win and perseverance. Amber and agate will feed on the energy of the representative of this sign, giving nothing in return.