Room design for a teenage boy: ideas and photos of the interior. How to Design a Teenage Boy's Room Stylish and Modern: Practical Tips

The issue of decorating a child's room excites all caring parents. As the baby or baby grows up, every father and mother need to be prepared for the fact that their beloved son or daughter will have a desire for self-expression. In adolescents, this trend has a special specification, and when designing a room for a child at this age, you will need to take into account many nuances. So that the end result can please both the parents themselves and the teenager directly. Room design for a teenager in a modern style 50 photos:

Design room for a teenager 12 sq m

It is important to understand that the design of a room for a teenager in a modern style should be such that it corresponds to the worldview of a person who is not yet an adult, but, at the same time, is no longer a child. He already has his own tastes, interests, views. Therefore, in a teenager's room there must be a place for both traditional attributes - furniture, accessories, and special elements - a sports corner (if the child likes to play sports), a poster board, an easel or other accessories that will improve the talent inherent in the owner of the room.

Watch the video: Design a room for a teenager in a modern style

Room design for a teenager boy 14, in addition, with the right choice of color palette and decorative elements, you can create a really beautiful and unique, modern and trendy room. But in order for the final result to be successful, several key nuances should be taken into account at the preparatory stage:

  • who will live in the room - a girl or a boy;
  • adolescent age;
  • whether it will be a room for one person or perhaps sisters, brothers or sister and brother will cohabitate in the same room.

Be sure to involve the child directly in the discussion of the design style, this will allow him to feel his responsibility. Design of a room for a teenager in a modern style, see photo:

Not all parents may like the walls in the room hung with posters of music, sports, cinema or idols from other branches of human activity. Of course, such decorations do not add order. But in this case, it is not worth resorting to drastic measures. After all, you can always find a compromise way out of the situation and even try to benefit from such a child's addiction to decorating the walls in the room with posters. We will talk about solving this and many other tasks when designing a room for a teenager in a modern style below.

Mutual understanding and respect for personal opinion is the key to success

The modern design of the room for a teenager boy, so that the relationship between parents and children who have entered the transitional age develops well, dad and mom should understand that a teenager is a child who already has his own opinion. He is looking for ways to express himself - in the hairstyle, the manner of dressing, pasting the walls with posters. Parents can solve the last problem very simply - just by hanging a cork board or a processed piece of plywood on the wall.

After that, it is enough to give the material a background color and such a practical accessory will not only directly fulfill its function - to serve as the basis for pasting with posters, but will also be able to decorate the interior. Such a solution will minimize chaos in the room, and will also confirm that parents respect and appreciate the wishes of their son or daughter. In addition, such a move will have a positive effect on the relationship between children and adults. Teenage room design 9 sq m photo:

Looking for the perfect solution

When choosing a style for decorating a room, it is important to constantly consult with the child. If you don’t have your own ideas about which room design for a teenager in a modern style to choose, you can always look for a hint on the Internet or specialized magazines.

For example, girls may well like one of these design options - a room in the style of "princess", "ballerina", on the theme of "Disney" or other orientation; while young men may be interested in ways of designing in such directions as “sport”, “racing cars”, “space”. If representatives of different sexes cohabit in a room, then the choice of a universal theme will become rational - beach, music, retro. Room design for a teenager girl 14 - see photo below:

The choice of color palette will largely depend on the owner of the room. For girls, gentle and soft tones are most suitable - pink, purple, while boys often like truly "masculine" tones - blue, green, brown.

The design of a room for a teenager is 12 sq m - when painting, you can also use stencil graffiti or freehand drawings that will look very appropriate. But without the owner of the room, decisions on the relevance of their application should not be made on their own. In general, it should be noted that paint drawings can add variety and mood to the atmosphere, moreover, they are not burdensome in terms of finances.

What about furniture?

Design a room for a teenager in a modern style, what is a room for a teenager without furniture? But in order for the child to live comfortably, you will need to responsibly approach the issue of its selection and location.

  1. First of all, parents should take care of the organization of the child's bed, because this is the key to sound sleep and the health of a teenager. You can choose (depending on the preferences of the young gentleman or lady) a bed, a folding chair or a sofa, but always with an orthopedic mattress. Room design for a teenager boy interior style - examples of a photo idea:
  2. The child will need somewhere to put his personal belongings, so it is advisable to find a place in the room to place a closet. It is better to choose roomy models, because as you grow older, your wardrobe will only increase.
  3. It is very difficult to imagine the design of a room for a teenager in a modern style without a mirror. This is the age when children already have their own preferences in the manner of dressing, so this accessory will come in handy for them to take care of themselves.
  4. A place for a change of bed linen must also be taken directly in the child's room. It can be highlighted in a closet, sofa or bed drawers, bedside tables. Adolescence is a time when natural changes and reactions will occur in the body of boys and girls. On the topic of physiological maturation, parents should have conversations with their children, explain why various incomprehensible “incidents” can occur and what to do in such situations. Just during such communication, it is necessary to show where the spare bed linen will be stored and what to do with it in each specific case of the “incident”. Modern room design for a teenager boy:
  5. The workplace must also be properly equipped. In particular, homework will be easier and more convenient to complete at a roomy desk, in which there is a place for stationery. At the same time, if possible, it is better to choose an ergonomic chair, in which the backrest tilt and height can be adjusted.
  6. The design of the room for a teenager boy 14, it is ideal if notebooks, a computer and textbooks can be placed on the table at the same time. In this case, the effectiveness of homework can be increased.
  7. When designing a room for a teenager in a modern style, it is also important to make sure that the child can practice his hobby. If he likes to read or sing, you should justify a comfortable corner for him; for practicing a musical instrument, it is important to find a place for its convenient location; if the child is prone to sports, then the room should have a place for the Swedish wall and other sports devices.

A harmonious combination of furniture, accessories and hobby equipment will allow parents to create the most comfortable conditions for studying, relaxing and living in the child's room. Remember that such a result can be achieved only through direct contact with the young owner or hostess of the premises, because as a result, it is he or she who will have to live here, which means listening to their opinion is an obligatory task for loving parents. Design a room for a teenager in a modern style - photo interior ideas:

A teenager's room is very different from a nursery not only in the size of the furniture, but also in style. When a child turns 10-12 years old, then parents should already think about replacing the furniture set in his room.

In our online store you will find many models of furniture that will decorate a teenager's room, make it stylish, modern and original. Here you will find products of almost all shades at attractive prices.

Remember that the furniture in the teenage room must be chosen strictly with your child, since at this age the preferences of your daughter or your son change dramatically. With us you will definitely find what you need. The catalog presents furniture, both with facades of pastel, light shades, and quite bright colors. Yet there are no models of aggressive colors that many psychologists do not recommend. The fact is that too bright shades can negatively affect the psyche of a teenager, and such colors are often annoying and annoying.

For girls, our online store offers furniture sets in white, light green, light beige, pink, lilac shades. Such colors, as a rule, do not strain, many types of wallpaper are combined with them, you can choose a variety of textiles for them. A set for a teenage girl's room may consist of a bed or a sofa-sofa, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers. Desk, chair, dressing table, etc. As for the dressing table, this is a necessary thing for a novice fashionista. Here she will store perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, flaunt herself in front of a mirror. This place should be thought out no worse than her working area.

Here you will also find a variety of furniture models for a teenage boy's room. The facade of the models in this case can be pastel, purple, brown, chocolate, bright green and other colors. Pay attention to models with photo printing, on which original drawings can be depicted. As a rule, a teenager's room with furniture that has photo printing looks especially original and stylish, it gives the design of the room a certain personality that teenagers like.

Furniture for a teenage room, presented in our online store, will appeal to your daughters and sons. Despite being slightly exuberant at this age, our models will be appreciated by them. Pleasant colors, bright accents, rich colors, original furniture design - everything a teenager needs. In such a room, he will be pleased to spend time, do homework, do his own business, invite friends, etc.

Here you will find only reliable, practical and multifunctional models of furniture for a teenage room, which are made from high quality raw materials. Our online store cooperates only with the best furniture manufacturers in Russia and Europe, so the quality of each product is guaranteed. The furniture is made only from environmentally friendly raw materials, so you can not worry about the health of your child. Remember that adolescence is a turning point in everyone's life. Help your child overcome all difficulties, let his room be his multifunctional assistant in everything.

Modern rooms for teenagers are very difficult to design, at times, even for designers. Such a task is quite difficult, since the design should suit both parents and the child himself. But the most important thing is that the design of such a design will definitely not seem boring! Browse the suggested photos of teen room designs.

The age of a teenager is one of the most difficult periods. After all, then the personality, morals and views of a person are formed. They are at the same time children who need your attention and care, and they are only learning to take responsibility for their actions. And at the same time, they are already beginning to realize that they are independent, respectively, they can rebel, defend their own views and rights, they begin to check how strong the prohibitions of their parents are, and they themselves make the boundaries of freedom wider.

As a rule, the need to update the children's room for a teenager arises even at school, and at a fairly early age. Of course, no one forbids you to regularly update the interior in the nursery gradually, depending on how your child grows. But if this is not possible, you should immediately think over and create an original room design for a teenager.

Even if you will design a room for the "future", you do not need to decorate the interior in it with a very boring, but expensive and with a certain taste. Everyone has long known that in youth, maximalism is welcomed in almost everything. And in relation to taste, and preferences, and even more so - behavior! That is why, the interior of a room for a teenager must be created taking into account incredible colors and their combinations, shapes, textures and color schemes!

You must remember that as a teenager, a child will not appreciate the interior of his own room just because it turns out to be very expensive!

A room for a teenager is a "personal corner" of your child, where he does everything: studies, invites his friends here and spends time with them, fooling around, playing, having fun. And if you don’t want him to constantly run out into the street for a walk, decorate his room so that it is comfortable enough, and he wants to spend as much time as possible in it.

Keep in mind that it is important for a child to express himself. Don't let the layout of the apartment "confuse" you. When decorating the interior of a room for a teenager, consider his own interests and wishes. In accordance with them, equip the nursery for a teenager, or you can even make it themed. You can give him the opportunity to choose the furniture in his room that he likes and tastes the most, or the picture on the photo wallpaper. If you have a girl, you, along with her, with your own hands, can sew beautiful and unique curtains or, for example, pillows for the bed. This method is excellent in that you can teach her the skills necessary in life, as well as get closer. View design options in the photo design of a room for a teenager.

A room for a teenager should be decorated beautifully, but you can’t make it the same as for a baby!

Room for a teenage girl

Thanks to numerous designs, it is not necessary to decorate a girl's nursery for a teenager in pink colors, as well as bows and all kinds of ruffles. Manufacturers of a variety of furniture for a teenager's room take into account the hobbies of children and their versatility. Therefore, they offer a diverse range of furniture. But, then, how to organize a room for a teenage girl, no one will tell you better than she, even if you hire a super designer!

Every girl becomes a woman over the years. Therefore, if space permits, place a dressing table in the room!

As a rule, any girl, even a goth, has a very wide variety of clothes. Accordingly, there should also be a lot of places where it will be possible to store it all. Furniture should be such that it does not clutter up free space, especially if the room is very small. Such storage options will perfectly fit into absolutely any interior, such as:

closet; a chest of drawers for storing linen and small clothes, and if there are drawers at the bottom of the bed, you can store shoes in them.

Teen boy room

In fact, it almost never happens that a boy does not have a hobby. But it is thanks to them that you can originally decorate a room for a teenager boy.

To do this, you can use and reproduce absolutely any ideas and fantasies in reality! For example, you can use a sports theme, or maybe an army, music, ship, computer, chemical, or film art and many other ideas.

If it is difficult for you to understand what topics your son is most interested in, pay attention to what exactly he is ready to do at any time of the day or topics that are interesting to him. That will be the answer!

And no matter what hobbies the son has, a sports corner is simply necessary in his room! Look at the photo of the teenager's room for possible design options!

two teenagers

In this case, it is important to make the room such that the children can interact, as well as that each of them can do something different. A photo of a teenager's room will surely help you make the right choice.

At the same time, it is also important that none of them be deprived or offended. Therefore, they should have everything in equal shares and, accordingly, in full abundance. And now we are not talking about toys at all. Here, the convenience of beds, wardrobes with the necessary number of shelves, as well as the necessary space for doing what you love or studying are important.

If the room for a teenager is small, then combine the “working” zones in it. For example, in the sleeping area - put a bunk bed, conditionally divide the wardrobe equally, and make one large tabletop as a working area.

Ceiling decoration

If there is sufficient height, you can use stretch ceilings made of drywall. And this is a great opportunity to better illuminate the room.

Choose a cover based on the chosen style in a nursery for a teenager. For example, parquet is suitable for a classic style, linoleum is an excellent solution for a loft, and ceramic tiles are an ideal solution for Hi-Tech.

But the most important thing is that the floor is warm. For this reason, always consider the function of its heating beforehand.

If the child is fond of sports and likes to "sip" weights, put a carpet. Then the main coating will not deteriorate, and the neighbors will not complain about the noise.

There should be a lot of light, especially if the room for a teenager is small!

In order for the sleep to be of high quality, it is imperative to hang curtains made of sufficiently dense materials. In addition to the main lighting, be sure to use lamps, give preference to local lighting, in several areas, rather than using just a chandelier.

Multifunctional teenage - zoning

You can make a teenager’s room with your own hands, and it will not be difficult at all if you listen to the wishes of the child and take into account his hobbies. If the room is large enough, it is better to make the “correct” zoning in it so that the child is comfortable doing any business in his own “corner”.

Sleep and rest area

It is important that sleep is of good quality. After all, this is the key to health! If there is not enough space to put a bed, choose a good sofa, on an orthopedic mattress. It is important to place it in such a way that the sun does not shine in the eyes. And at the head it is worth putting a night light.

Zone of study and hobbies

Be sure to need a table at which the child will be able to pursue his hobby and do homework. Lighting in this area should be bright, but not harsh!


Especially if you have a girl, there simply cannot be many cabinets! When there is not much space in the room, but you need to place a lot of things, this can seem like a serious problem. But in this case, it would be ideal to use multifunctional furniture, such as beds with a built-in wardrobe or a chest of drawers in the form of a ladder to a bunk bed.

In any case, fantasize and turn the most original ideas into reality!

To make repairs in the room of a boy of 13-14 years old, finding a suitable design is not so easy, everything needs a compromise with its owner. For a teenager, everything should be practical and multifunctional.

The best option is to prepare an approximate interior design project, paint an action plan for creating a new room.

All according to plan

Spacious furniture is bought for the nursery, because every year a child has more and more things, books, textbooks, and equipment. The interior decoration of the walls is changing. To make the room of a 13-14-year-old teenager turn out to be multifunctional, look modern, you need to do the following:

  1. Get rid of old finishes, as well as unnecessary things. It's time to forget about toys and make room for books, textbooks, accessories, technology. The previous finish (paint, wallpaper, plaster, flooring) is also removed. The nursery must be fully prepared for renovation.
  2. Before finishing. You can put in new windows, doors, heating equipment, floors, and then proceed to the walls. Do not forget about leveling, sealing cracks. These works are necessary in order for the wallpaper or paint to lie flat.
  3. We buy new furniture. For the interior, you need to choose a furniture set, choose a comfortable, spacious one. In a small room, a sofa bed is appropriate. Models of furniture and its quantity depend on the area. Each item must be assembled with high quality, distinguished by a high rate of environmental friendliness, reliability and practicality. Furniture set should be comfortable for everyday use.
  4. We place accents. In the design for a child of 13-14 years old, the room should contain appropriate accessories that the owner will like with their originality and style. These can be collectible souvenirs, photos in interesting stylish frames, etc. We should not forget about the awards, certificates and cups of a teenager if he participates in competitions.

Organization of a workplace for a student

In a thoughtful interior, the details are in harmony with each other. Design creates appropriate contrast, not dissonance. Everything is provided in the room, first of all, for the rest and study of the boy. The nursery will be cozy when the walls are of pleasant colors, and the furniture fits well into the room in color and size.

How to create harmony

A teenage child, as a rule, likes everything bright and unusual, sometimes it can be extraordinary and even aggressive. In this case, you need to find a compromise with the owner of the room. It is not necessary to make a room in bright colors, children will quickly get tired of such an interior, no matter how old they are. In addition, aggressive tones in design have a negative impact on the psyche of a teenager.

The nursery can be bright, but in moderation. The interior can combine several shades. The number of light tones should prevail. Hue can be cold or warm. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the favorite colors of the teenager are also present in the design.

The originality and uniqueness of the interior can be emphasized with the help of original accessories that the boy will like. The facade may have a 3D drawing, for example, in a musical or football theme.

As textiles, it is better to choose dense fabrics of a muted shade. In the boy's nursery, you can hang Roman curtains, blinds. Sliding curtains with a 3D image will look especially beautiful and stylish. Unusual textiles will please the child.

If you want to make an original room, then take a look at. The interior will then be modern, stylish. A teenager aged 13-14 will like a 3D image of music, sports, nature, automotive and other topics. Remember that boys at this age tend to stand out.

In the nursery, everything should be convenient, practical, multifunctional and roomy, then the child will like to be at home.

photo:, fiphoto, sergey02, evaletova,, hemul75, poligonchik, paulvinten, Paha_L, Richman21

As the child grows up, his preferences change, including to the surrounding personal space. Toys faded into the background, and their place was taken by more "adult" hobbies and hobbies - sports, music, computer. In adolescence, the child is in search of his own "I" - this is manifested in his daily habits, the manner of dressing and talking, as well as in the desire to surround himself with things that emphasize his individuality. During this period, posters and posters of your favorite music groups or sports teams appear on the walls of the children's room, or hand-made drawings that look ridiculous against the background of wallpaper with bears. Obviously, it's time to change the "children's" interior and decorate the teenager's room so that he is comfortable in it.

What to consider when choosing a design

The peculiarity of the interior of a teenage room is that it is more like an "adult" in its individuality, a reflection of the personal qualities and hobbies of its owner. When choosing a design solution, colors for decorating the main surfaces - walls, floors and ceilings, one should take into account the preference of a young person.

This is a subtle psychological moment - a boy at this age must learn to make independent decisions, for which he will be responsible. And the second point is that it is important for a teenager to feel the support of his parents and respect for his own opinion. Joint repair during this period is a good time to get close to your grown-up child, understand him and become his friend.

What should be considered at the first stage of preparation for repairs in the room of a teenage boy:

  1. In what style the room will be decorated - you can mix several or choose one of them;
  2. In accordance with the style of the interior and the preferences of the child, finishing materials are also selected;
  3. A child's room at any age remains a multifunctional room in which the zones of sleep, study, storage, hobbies and entertainment should organically coexist;
  4. For each, it is necessary to choose furniture - something can be left, and something can be replaced;
  5. The design of textiles, lighting fixtures and decor must be selected together with the child.

If, when choosing and decorating, the right to vote is on the side of the child, then when equipping a sleeping and working place, you need to listen to your own experience and the advice of specialists. A thoughtful approach will also be required for the distribution of functional areas.

Choosing furniture

When looking at interiors with a “masculine character”, it is clear that regardless of the chosen style, there is a spirit of minimalism in them, the characteristic features of which are space, functionality, the absence of “extra” decor and, in general, the presence of only the necessary furnishings. This principle should be followed when decorating a teenager's room - boys do not need additional furniture and are often not too pretentious about the execution of its appearance.

If the room is small, then it is worth using multifunctional furniture - transformers, folding models and loft beds, tables, chairs and cabinets on wheels, light portable lamps.

So, with the help of a transforming sofa, you can combine three functional areas in a modest room: during the day it will be a guest area, and at night it will be a full-fledged sleeping place. And the third function is the organization of storage of bedding or clothes.

A cabinet with wheels will acquire dual functionality - you can store personal items in it and use it as a bedside table for a lamp or as a coffee table.

On the part of parents, special attention should be paid to the materials for the manufacture of furnishings. The most practical and environmentally friendly materials are metal and natural wood - they have an aesthetic appearance, a long service life, and are perfectly combined with each other and with other finishing materials. And also suitable for any style decision in the design of a teenage room.

Of inexpensive materials, laminated chipboard has a great decorative effect. Furniture from it has a glossy sheen, which visually increases the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small space. The color can be very different, and with the help of modern technology, the facade of such furniture can be decorated with any image.

Sleeping place

It is necessary to arrange the bed in such a way that when entering the room it is not completely visible. Usually, a wall-mounted location is chosen, in which the sleeper will feel most comfortable, in addition, this will save free space.

Near the bed, you can place a cabinet or other plane for small things - a night light, a book, a phone. Cantilever shelves are distinguished by compact placement. From hinged shelves above the bed, if possible, it is better to refuse.

If the style decision in the interior involves an open floor covering, then a small rug with a soft pile can be placed near the bed.

storage area

It is desirable to place the storage system in close proximity to the bed. A boy's wardrobe in adolescence is not as large as that of girls of the same age, so it is enough to install a built-in wardrobe with a linen chest of drawers. This piece of furniture can stand apart and additionally serve as a TV stand. Depending on the chosen style, the storage system can be supplemented with chests and baskets.

It is important that the boy has enough space to store personal items - books, magazines, music and computer discs, award paraphernalia and collectible models. To do this, use racks and shelves. If necessary, a through rack can be used to divide the space into private and common areas.

Job Requirements

Most of the time a teenager spends at his desk, working on a computer or preparing lessons. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to the equipment of this functional area.

An excellent solution would be to purchase a multifunctional computer desk with a sufficient depth of the table top so that you can place a computer monitor and, if necessary, do written work. Numerous shelves and drawers allow you to conveniently store stationery and textbooks.

Since in high school the boy will spend a lot of time at the table, a high-quality chair must be purchased with the ability to adjust the height of the seat and tilt the back. Armrests are necessary so that the hands can take a break from writing or working on the keyboard. The upholstery of the back and seat must be made of natural wear-resistant fabric.

Place the workplace as close to the window as possible. For work in the evening, high-quality artificial lighting should be installed. It is desirable that it be a functional table lamp with the ability to adjust the direction of the light flux.


Many contemporary styles feature plenty of natural light, making the room appear larger and brighter. An important role is played by the design of the window opening. Heavy and dense fabrics should be discarded and plain translucent multilayer curtains “on the floor”, roller blinds or Roman blinds should be used. By the way, the high-tech style, which is often used in teenage interiors, involves horizontal blinds on the windows, and the Scandinavian style does not appear at all without openings free from textiles.

In rooms with a sufficient ceiling height, stretch or plasterboard multi-level structures are installed, the main feature of which is the ability to install lighting fixtures of any modification - this allows you to organize multi-level adjustable lighting in the room. In combination with wall and floor lamps, uniform illumination of the room can be achieved.

In a small room, it is also necessary to achieve a uniform distribution of light, so they use the main light source - a ceiling chandelier or a ceiling lamp and additional lamps on the walls, bedside table and floor. You can create twilight in the room with the help of spotlights built into the furniture.

Decor and accents

As noted earlier, the choice of decorative and accent elements for a teenage interior should be done together with the child and in accordance with his preferences. So, an accent wall can be decorated with the name of your favorite group, made in the technique, or with a photo wallpaper with an image that is close to the child's hobbies.

It is very important to allow the child to surround himself with things that are important to him today - this will help to give the child a sense of stability and self-confidence. The ability to choose items for the personal environment will allow you to feel independence and responsibility for the decisions you make. A young person will be able to feel his own uniqueness in the process of realizing his creative abilities, the manifestation of fantasy and individuality.

It is worth noting that, being in search of his own "I", a young person very quickly changes his preferences, sometimes to radically opposite ones. In this regard, in order for the wall decoration to last as long as possible, for posters, posters, magazine clippings and photos, you can use a sheet of plywood attached to the wall.

Interior styles for a teen boy's room

There are several styles that are especially suitable for decorating a boy's room in adolescence.

Functional and practical. The interior uses furniture made of natural wood. The color palette is chosen warm, you can use contrasting combinations of muted shades such as:

  • dark brown, red and white;
  • sand, blue and white;
  • red, blue and white.

Differs in freedom and ease, a practicality and functionality. Furniture is purchased only the most necessary, simple and comfortable, and its facades have a smooth, concise design. The finish is neutral, against which a few bright accents can be used.

Straight, hard, impetuous lines and a restrained atmosphere are characteristic of. In such an interior, the presence of mirror, glossy, glass, metal and chrome parts and surfaces is welcome. This style can be emphasized by the presence of modern household appliances and other devices.

A practical solution for decorating a teenage room can also be. It is versatile and flexible. Furniture can be used in a variety of ways, for every taste, and decorative elements of the original design are welcome in any quantity.

Whatever style is chosen, it must meet the wishes of the owner of the room and inspire him to new achievements.