Seeing warm rain in a dream. Why dream of getting caught in the rain in a dream

Each of the existing dream books offers its own interpretation of dreams. Sometimes they can be quite unusual. If the dreamer got caught in the rain in a dream, she can find many interpretations of this. It's quite common a natural phenomenon can tell a lot about success in business, about the personal life and health of the one who dreamed about it.

Often, ladies ask the question: “In a dream, I got caught in the rain, what does this mean?” In this article you will find answers to all your questions that relate to this natural phenomenon from your dreams.

Time connection symbol

If in a dream you saw rain, it means that you are observing the connection of times with your own eyes. The puddles you step on are your past. Water gradually “washes away” unpleasant memories, while leaving something that has true value, something that is really dear to you. What you are trying to see in a dream - a veil of rain - is the future.

Rain outside the window

There will soon be a holiday on your street if in your dreams you watch the rain outside the window. What does such a dream mean? Resolution of a question that burdened the dreamer, emotional relaxation. He does not even have to make any efforts, because the coincidence of circumstances will take care of all matters. Liberation - that's what it means to see rain outside the window in a dream.

Get caught in the rain

You can interpret such a dream in different ways. You should definitely look into the dream book. Those who have realized the need for change and are currently in a state of search can fall under the rain in a dream. This natural phenomenon is often dreamed of by those who yearn spiritual growth. A person can get caught in the rain in a dream, which means the onset of a new life period, and a dream can be regarded as a signal to start.

Rusty downpour

If in your dreams you fell under streams that resemble bloody rain, then this is a symbol that in reality you may accidentally find yourself in the very center of scandals and intrigues. Not only is it by accident, it is also completely undeserved. FROM highly likely here someone's evil slander or unfortunate misunderstandings will take place.

Clouds and rain

If the dreamer fell into the rain in a dream, and clouds gathered over her, then such a dream reports an alarming condition that has been haunting her for several days. The prospects that have opened up before you, for some reason, do not attract you at all. Perhaps this is not unreasonable. What does the dream book offer? Weigh the pros and cons and make decisions based on that.

Meteor Rain

Such a natural phenomenon in a dream is not at all the same as a starfall in reality, reminiscent of a dream book. Instead of making wishes, new problems will fall on your shoulders that no one but you can handle.

Lightning, thunderstorm, rain

Things like thunderstorms, lightning and rain in a dream are definitely a positive sign for the one who sees them. And how does the dream book interpret this? He promises that the dreamer's well-being will begin to improve every day, and all things will get better.

sun and rain

Getting caught in the rain in a dream, during which the sun appears in the sky, is a favorable sign. Sun and rain means that your life will soon be filled with fresh light again. Vital energy, and the black bar successfully passed. However, the dreamer still needs to try to learn a lesson from the past unfavorable period. This will allow him to avoid such troubles in the future.

Rain in a dream

If the dreamer often sees rain in a dream, then the dream book will advise him to pay attention to his health. Maybe he should take better care of his body. Depressive states do not arise out of nowhere, so there is a possibility that the depressing feeling is caused by the first signs of an incipient disease.

It's raining all night

If in your dream it rains all night and seems too boring, cold and long to you, then the dream seems to be asking you questions: “But isn’t your life too monotonous and boring? Perhaps your life could be more interesting? Isn't it time to add some variety to it? Get into something new. Entertain yourself!

Other interpretations

There is a slightly different interpretation of such a natural phenomenon in dreams. If the dreamer got caught in the rain in a dream or just sees it often enough, then perhaps she is lonely. This natural phenomenon is often dreamed of by those who seek to build deaf invisible walls between themselves and the people around them.

As the dream book explains, introverts in a similar way try to protect their vulnerable inner world. Another thing is that in a confined space, stagnation or complete devastation often occurs.

Wet the rain in a dream

One of the opinions of the dream book is that in a dream, getting caught in heavy rain and getting wet under it means that in reality you will find yourself defenseless. In addition, such a dream suggests that danger should be expected from people who know how to ingratiate themselves. Therefore, you should avoid sweet-voiced and eloquent strangers.

A woman in a dream got caught in the rain

If the fair sex happened to be in the rain, then the dream book promises her global changes that will affect not only her personal life, but also her financial and financial situation. Perhaps the girl will meet a wealthy patron. However, remember that gossip and envy in such a case cannot be avoided.

Rain with hail

If you dream of a downpour accompanied by hail, then the dream book advises you to postpone the implementation of your ideas and plans. It is necessary to wait out an unfavorable period. The city is a symbol of obstacles, dangers, difficulties and even complete collapse.

Walk in the rain

If you have a dream about how you walk in the rain, it symbolizes diametrically opposite emotions in reality. Streams of water that did not please you in your dreams can turn into an extremely beneficial event for you, which you have been waiting for a long time. Such may be release for the prisoner, a new acquaintance for the lonely, the end of a drought for the farmer, recovery for the sick, a right choice for the indecisive.

Let's talk about drops

If a lady asks the dream book: “I got caught in the rain in a dream, why dream of this?”, Then the interpreter will advise you to pay attention to the drops that fell on the dreamer. If they are transparent, clean and iridescent, then you will meet nice people. If the streams of water are dirty and muddy, then they symbolize communication with narrow-minded, limited people or with gossips, which is unlikely to give you great pleasure.

Rain through the roof

If the dreamer in his dreams watches how rain pours through the roof in the house, and storm water gradually fills all the rooms under the ceiling - a dream means that this water will wash all your living space and take with it all negativity, anger and envy to where they remain dreams after we wake up. Peace, tranquility and joy will reign in your home.

Walking in the rain, which is a joy to the dreamer

If in your dreams a walk in the rain is a real pleasure for a person, then the dream book most likely suggests that you are a party lover and will visit one of them soon. You will never miss any opportunity to entertain yourself.

Fiery rain

A harbinger of real cataclysms is a dreaming fiery downpour. This natural phenomenon can be a harbinger of events that are out of your control, or real natural disasters. The book-interpreter does not specify the amount of damage caused and the scale of the tragedy.

Warm downpour

If in a dream you fell under warm rain, then the dream symbolizes that soon you will have the opportunity to simply enjoy life, because in the next life span no big events are expected. Optimistic mood, family idyll and financial well-being- your faithful companions in the near future.

hide from the rain

If in a dream you are hiding from the rain, then this is a prudent symbol that indicates your ability to get around sharp corners and get away from unnecessary problems. Dream Interpretation believes that it is in your power to find mutual language with any person and smooth out all sharp corners. That is why you always have someone to turn to for patronage and assistance.

Running in the rain

If the dreamer is running in the rain in his dreams, and the plot of the dream does not mean that you will get wet, then you should understand that the habit of turning a blind eye to unpleasant, but obvious things can lead you to trouble.

Dreamers who like to run in the rain, in reality, often choose a path in which there is no resistance and competition. Such dreams are a reflection of your talent for getting what you want without spending a lot of effort, as well as finding the most optimal solutions for a successful exit from unpleasant situations.

Rain in a dream: interpretation of other dream books

It's no secret that there is more than one dream book in the world. Each interpreter book can interpret the dream in its own way. Which dream book to believe is up to you!

Imperial dream book

According to this interpreter, if the dreamer had to get caught in the rain, then in no case should he be upset: in this way you will find harmony and create a balance between your inner and outer world.

Heavy rain, according to the Imperial dream book, can be the personification of inaction, the need to rely on the will of fate and chance. This natural phenomenon means events that the dreamer cannot influence in any way.

Miller's dream book

This interpretive book considers rain in a dream a good sign for those who have recently found their soul mate. Regardless of whether you admired the streams of water from the shelter, or whether the downpour still overtook you, in any case, the situation on the love front will improve significantly in the near future.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga's dream interpreter considers rain as a kind of indicator of family relationships. The cold streams of the downpour will testify to alienation. Warm and pleasant rain will be evidence that there is complete harmony, advice and love between the spouses.

Dream Interpretation Heavy Rain

Water as a symbol of sleep is quite important. She is responsible for the emotional sphere of life, and for the spiritual life of a person. Accordingly, rain is also significant symbol. And why can you see a downpour or very heavy rain in a dream?

Why do we dream of a downpour

The interpreter of dreams believes that water falling from the sky is rather a negative symbol associated with sadness and longing. But at the same time, a dream is given to people to prepare for certain unpleasant moments, in order to be able to avoid them if possible.

How heavy rain is viewed by interpreters

If it rained heavily

Often the interpretations given by dream books coincide, but due to certain circumstances there are differences. If you had a dream that you remember bright details, it cannot be ignored. If you do not have preferences among interpreters, you can study some of the most popular ones.

Aesop's dream book

Get caught in a downpour - you have certain problems that you cannot fix without someone else's help. You try to cope on your own and because of this you are marking time.

Dream Interpretation believes that hiding from a downpour in an unfamiliar house means strangers interfering in your life. This circumstance will significantly complicate the path to the goal.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • It is a dream that you are caught in a very heavy rain - troubles will appear, you will have to solve them first of all.
  • Why get wet literally to the skin during bad weather in your dream - the troubles that fall on your head will negatively affect your relationships with people.
  • But to be able to hide from pouring rain in a dream - get a person who will take you under his guardianship and help eliminate all obstacles.
  • Why go under a stream of water hiding under an umbrella - you are a sane person, with the help of your ingenuity and intuition, you will cope with all obstacles without resorting to the help of friends.
  • Similarly, dreams about friends and relatives that were outside during bad weather are considered. The only point is that all interpretations will relate to the troubles of the person he sees.
  • The dream book also advises you to remember if you felt the touch of water on your skin. Since just to see in a dream that you were caught in a downpour, but not to feel it, you will miraculously protect yourself from a serious illness. To feel how heavy drops flow down your body - urgently take care of your health, the disease can overcome at any moment.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • Why see a downpour in a dream? To big trouble.
  • Why fall under it? For problems related to your health.

Positive interpretations of dream books about what a very heavy downpour is dreaming of

Taflisi's dream book says that if a sick person sees a downpour in a dream, accompanied by a thunderstorm, then he will soon be healed.

If a downpour is dreamed of by a person mired in debt, this is a very good symbol. The dreamer will be able to pay off the debt and even live in abundance.

Highly good dream with a downpour and for people in places of deprivation of will. Seeing this means that you will soon gain freedom.

To see how the downpour is raging outside the window, and the thunder is heard literally above your house - all misfortunes and troubles bypass you. Thunder is accompanied by flashes of lightning, happiness awaits you in love.

Seeing heavy rain outside the window in a dream

If seen from the window

  • Dreaming of a downpour that is coming outside the window - you will soon have happiness.
  • It is a dream that it is pouring rain outside the window - grandiose changes will soon take place in your life. Life will change so drastically that you will be surprised.
  • Take a look at your emotions. If the rain made you happy, then life will change in better side. The dream interpretation promises those people who were overcome by experiences on a certain occasion, a calm and happy life.
  • The more it rained, the better your life will become. you will meet new love, find Good work get health.
  • If you are sitting at home and watching a thunderstorm rage outside, then you needlessly worry about loved one, everything will soon be formed.
  • But you can clearly hear the sound of rain drumming on the street - you may feel unwell in the near future.
  • Watching people get wet in the rain - to disappointment in an old friend, a good friend.
  • Watching the rain from the window for a very long time - you do not know how to organize yourself, your time is wasted.
  • In a dream, the bad weather outside the window irritated you, minor troubles will fall on you, which must be immediately eliminated.

Fall in a dream under a downpour

She dreams of getting caught in a downpour and getting very wet - a waste of time on empty talk. Interpreters advise changing the circle of communication, and not wasting time on unnecessary, unnecessary chatter.

Not just getting caught in a downpour, but joyfully running through puddles - you can achieve a promotion at work. In addition, your financial income will increase significantly.

Other interpretations of why to see heavy rain in a dream

A sleeping person can not only see or hear a downpour, but also watch a natural disaster caused by bad weather.

For example, to see a flood due to a downpour - a situation will happen in which you will not be able to control your emotions. You should learn to control yourself now, otherwise you can chop firewood in the heat of the moment.

Velesov's dream book says that your emotions will get so out of control that they can ruin your whole future life.

It is a dream that lightning hit you during bad weather - according to Miller, unforeseen obstacles will appear before you, which will be quite difficult to eliminate. But to hear a thunderstorm in the distance - all troubles will bypass you, do not worry about trifles.

In general, the main thing is that the rain is not long, and does not cause you negative feelings. If all these rules are followed, then you should not worry, everything will work out.

Falling under warm rain is a favorable sign, foreshadowing a surge of strength and energy. If at the same time the sky is covered with black clouds - expect bad news. To shelter from the rain means to avoid danger in reality. Hear in a dream the sound of rain and heavy thunderstorm- to an approaching illness, which will be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

A leaking roof predicts minor troubles. If you are very wet and cold - such a dream indicates that you are too gullible and do not see the obvious facts. Getting caught in the pouring rain is a sign of spiritual or professional growth.

Why dream of rain - according to Vanga's dream book

A heavy downpour at night with thunder and lightning prophesies war. If you fall under the summer rain - this is evidence of good intuition, spiritual cleansing from sins, repentance. Also, such dreams indicate the presence of paranormal abilities inherent in you. You are afraid of them, you run away, but sooner or later this gift will save someone's life.

The rainbow after the rain is a divine sign that the Almighty sends as a symbol of forgiveness. Big changes await you good side.

Why dream of rain - according to Freud's dream book

Rain is a symbol of fertilization and ejaculation. A woman dreams of a child if she falls under a downpour in a dream. man similar dream indicates a tendency to self-satisfaction. Sheltering from the rain is a sign of fear of responsibility and unwanted pregnancy. Well, if you get wet and cold, then most likely the blanket has slipped off you.

Why dream of rain - according to Denise Lynn's dream book

Water is a symbol of emotions, rain cleanses, refreshes, gives life to plants. Dreams of rain may indicate the entry into a phase of emotional purification, renewal, and are also a potential sign of intensive growth and fruitfulness. However, if you experience fear in a dream, falling under a strong thunderstorm, it means that in reality you will soon shed many tears.

Why dream of rain - according to Grishina's dream book

- summer rain, without wind, always promises something good, positive. Expect pleasant changes;
- get wet under it - a sign of marital fidelity, gaining happiness;
- rain from strong wind dreams of anxiety, anxiety;
- a storm indicates sexual dissatisfaction;
- a long downpour that provoked a flood is a good sign, portending the imminent joy of adding to the family.

Why dream of rain - according to Loff's dream book

Water is a symbol of fertility. Rain represents activity, personal growth, restlessness. Seeing this image in a dream means striving for something, fulfilling yourself, setting goals for yourself and stubbornly going towards them.

Why dream of rain - according to Zadkiel's dream book

Rain in dreams predicts troubles and worries, especially if it is accompanied by a thunderstorm and strong winds. Small promises minor troubles. To fall under the soft summer rain is a favorable sign, foreshadowing new stage in your life. For lovers, such a dream is an omen of imminent marriage.

Why dream of rain - according to Hasse's dream book

- get wet to the skin - to a family crisis, the fading of passion;
- wet hair indicates the approach of passionate, ardent love;
- black clouds warn that you are wasting your time, and your efforts will not lead to the desired results.
- light cold rain dreams of trouble;
- if large drops fall on you, and at the same time cause pain - expect illness.

Why dream of rain - according to Meneghetti's dream book

This image indicates lethargy, depression, pronounced introversion of the subject, which, without intervention, can lead to the development of an inferiority complex or lead to despair.

Why dream of rain - according to Danilova's dream book

Warm summer rain symbolizes family idyll and harmony. A lingering, cold rain or heavy downpour is a sign of misunderstanding, mistrust and tensions. Most likely, your love has long faded, and living together turned into a routine that you want to run away from. Children frolicking in the rain - such a dream indicates excessive softness. This quality is often used by unscrupulous people from your environment. Learn to finally say the word "no" sometimes.

Such a natural phenomenon as rain very often appears in dreams. Therefore, everyone is interested in the question of what such a dream is about and what events it can lead to in real life. Such a dream can tell a lot. Rain in a dream can be a harbinger of changes in personal life and work. He can tell about the upcoming difficulties and the approach of joyful events.

To the question of why the rain is dreaming, one can unequivocally answer that such a dream is characteristic of the period of purification. During this period, on a subconscious level, it becomes necessary to wash away the accumulated negativity from the soul. But the interpretation of a dream depends entirely on the manifestation in which you see the dream.

Rain in a dream can be different and it depends on what can be expected in the near future. But in any case, such a dream is not simple and must be interpreted, first of all, by listening to your inner voice.

Why dream of any rain?

Any rain in a dream indicates that you are a very emotional and receptive person. Also, dreaming with rain indicates that you naturally have a strong intuition.

Thunderstorm and rain

If you dream of a thunderstorm in a dream, then, of course, the question immediately arises of what such a rampant element can lead to in real life. A dream with a thunderstorm and a downpour is a harbinger of dangers in life.

But in general, a dream with a thunderstorm and heavy rain can be considered favorable due to its warning nature. Such a dream warns of problems and disappointments in real life, therefore, by taking timely measures, you can turn the situation in your favor.

It is considered a very good sign if a thunderstorm bypassed you, and you saw a downpour only from afar. This means that you will be able to avoid the unreasonable wrath of management or prove your innocence. It is also very good if in a dream you managed to hide from a thunderstorm. As a rule, after such a dream in the service, a rapid rise up the career ladder is expected.

Get caught in the rain - interpretation of sleep

Why dream of falling under a downpour? If in a dream a person falls under a strong cold downpour, then this portends a cooling of relations with loved ones. But if after a dream you draw the right conclusions, then loneliness, as a result, the loss of friends can be avoided. But if you fell under a downpour in a dream, but at the same time you had the feeling that only your hair got wet, then soon you will be overwhelmed like a wave by a passionate love relationship.

If you see in a dream a heavy downpour from the side, then this indicates that a split has arisen in your soul between what you want and reality. Such an internal barrier prevents you from establishing relationships with people around you. If you do not try to achieve harmonization, then you can forever be left alone.

If you were caught in a heavy downpour, but it did not cause you strong negative feelings, then most likely people around you will gossip about you. Of course, this may hurt you, but such empty and meaningless conversations are unlikely to harm you. Serious changes in life, both positive and negative character, you should wait after in a dream you saw a heavy downpour outside the window of your own house.

Heavy night rain

A heavy night rain, seen in a dream, portends an accident that may happen in the near future to you or your loved ones. Try for some time after the dream to avoid any negativity and be careful in all areas of life. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the negative consequences of an unkind dream.

See the drizzle

If you see a weak, drizzling rain in a dream, then sad events await you soon. They will not have a significant impact on your life, but they will cause frustration and tears. Monotonous lingering rain in a dream portends a sad life streak. During this period, you can start to mope for no apparent reason.

Miller's dream book

Therefore, the advice given in Miller's dream book should be taken into account. It is necessary, after a drizzling rain seen in a dream, to urgently do an interesting and exciting business in real life. You need to try not to let longing into your heart, because if this happens, it will be much more difficult to get out of depression.

Why dream of blind rain?

If you dreamed of a cute blind rain, during which the gentle warm sun shines, then this is a good sign. Such a dream portends joyful events in Everyday life. Anxiety will leave you for a long time, and they change will come joyful and calm mood.

I dreamed of a thunderstorm and a downpour

In a dream, not only a thunderstorm and a downpour can portend the emergence of dangers in real life. For correct interpretation it is also important whether you managed to hide from a light rain, or still got wet to the skin. You also need to remember your feelings from a collision with a natural element.

Walking in the summer rain

If you dreamed that you were taking a walk in a pleasant light summer rain, and at the same time there was a feeling that the jets of rain were washing away fatigue and anxiety from you, then this means that happy moments await you in real life. During this period, peace and harmony reign in your family, you are surrounded by people who love you and your loved ones.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to Vanga's dream book, a walk in the summer rain symbolizes the forgiveness of all your sins. Higher powers. As a rule, such a dream occurs after repentance in the temple and the full realization of such life mistakes.

According to Freud

Freud connects rain in a dream with the sexual sphere of human life. Such a dream for a woman indicates that she subconsciously dreams of the birth of a child. And for a man, he is evidence that he has a tendency to self-satisfaction.

Get wet in the rain

But if you felt in a dream that after walking in the rain you got wet and cold, then in real life you feel like a defenseless person and cannot resist the problems that have fallen on you. You should be prepared that after such a dream you may be in danger of breaking off relations with your loved one. But be aware of the warning nature of sleep, which indicates to you in advance that your partner's feelings for you are cooling for some reason. Therefore, in many respects the development of the situation depends on you, so the first thing to do to save the relationship is to extinguish all conflicts.

Dream Interpretation - muddy rain

bad sign is a muddy rain seen in a dream. After that, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to defend your honor and dignity in real life, after enemies try to slander you.

If you don't get wet in the rain

It is very good if you walked in a dream in the rain, but at the same time you absolutely did not feel that you were wet. This means that your hopes will come true, and you will be able to successfully complete all the projects you have started. After such a dream, there is absolutely no need to worry, but you should continue the work you have begun at the same pace.

Hear the sound of rain in a dream

A dream in which you hear the sound of rain, but do not see it, is a harbinger of illness. Also quite significant is the dream in which you see that the roof of your house is leaking. In such a life period, you should avoid wrong actions that can greatly harm you. After you saw rain in a dream, you should definitely try to correctly interpret the dream and link it to events in real life.

Water is the source of life for all life on earth. But you don’t want anyone to be at the mercy of the elements, under a stream of pouring rain. Why dream of rain in a woman’s dream, we will find out in proven dream books.

Rain is the element of water, a symbol of change, purification, getting rid of something outdated, obsolete. Water marks variability, flexibility, but at the same time the preservation of its content, essence, and not properties.

Rain for a woman always portends positive changes in the future, provided that in a dream the dreamer felt comfort, experienced pleasure and joy. These emotions are sure to pass into real life, which will bring many positive moments, fulfillment of desires, getting rid of bad habits, purification and enlightenment.

Negative meaning interpretation comes with those dreams where you were thrown down by the stream dirty water, knocked down by a wave, after a downpour. You need to be prepared for unexpected troubles after a vision where you found yourself under a cold, autumn rain dressed completely out of the weather or got caught in a downpour without an umbrella in the winter.

Many cultures describe the effect of water on the internal state of a person. Clean and transparent drops represent a surge of strength, energy, self-confidence and a brighter future. A woman, after such a dream, is charged with health, optimism, hope for happiness, peace and tranquility.

In Buddhism, streams of fresh water represent the flow of material wealth. In this sense, the stronger the rain, the more profit and financial benefits the dreamer expects. Business lady such a dream is a harbinger good period for profitable investment funds, increasing the initial capital, the successful development of their own business.

In Christianity, dew drops bring restoration, renewal, purification. For those who dream of future offspring, to feel themselves under the warm pouring rain - good sign. A woman should hope for an early pregnancy and happy motherhood.

I dreamed of streams of mud, after a typhoon - get ready for a series of troubles and problems. Sometimes it will seem that you are unable to stop all the negativity that can fall on you. Count on the support of loved ones and do not turn away from relatives in difficult moments, showing your pride, independence and independence.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Everything connected with the water element represents conception. future life. Rain in a man's dream can represent his active ejaculation. For a woman, splashes of rain falling on her body signify an early pregnancy and childbirth.

Getting wet under a warm shower means complete satisfaction from intimacy with a partner. Feel the drops on your face - in reality experience an orgasm. To go into a thunderstorm without an umbrella and not be afraid of bad weather is to have a strong desire to become a mother.

Hiding from the weather, covering yourself with a raincoat - to be afraid of an unplanned pregnancy. Not in your plans right now maternity leave and sedentary lifestyle. Sex for you is a way to relax and get maximum pleasure.


A positive interpretation predicts a dream book. Rain in a woman's dream is a symbol of insight, the disclosure of her inner potential, the development of intuition, enlightenment and gaining the gift of divination. I saw a thunderstorm - protracted conflicts and litigation will soon be resolved. Seeing a rainbow after a bad weather is a great reason to enjoy life, to wait for happiness and prosperity.

To look through the rain stream - in reality to be able to foresee the situation in time, to guide relatives, acquaintances and friends on the true path. During this period, you need to believe in your own premonition, give advice to those who are in dire need of them.

David Loff

The soothsayer puts a negative meaning into his prediction. Unmanaged water element associated with a wave of aggression and violence against the people. Heavy rain in a dream is a harbinger of various wars, civil unrest, uprisings, riots and revolutions. The days you shouldn't visit public places so as not to be at the mercy of cruelty and injustice. The consequences can cause long suffering and be extremely terrible.

To see such a strange phenomenon as a house filled to the roof with rainwater is a great sign. The problems and hardships of the dreamer will completely drown in the bustle of the past. It is time to make plans, discuss new ideas, projects and goals. There will be a chance to change the place of residence, work or citizenship.

Thunderstorm and lightning for a sick woman - in reality a symbol get well soon. For those who are bound by invisible fetters, feel dependent and doomed, such a plot personifies liberation, absolution, universal forgiveness. The spirit of freedom will enter you and limitless possibilities. To take advantage of fortune now means to completely change your karma for the future.

I dreamed of carrying full buckets of rainwater - in reality it will be possible to get rid of all obligations and overdue debts that have weighed on you for a long time. Your well-being will pick up the pace of growth and raise you to high level social ladder.

Watching the autumn rain outside the window, sitting under a warm blanket - in reality, you will be able to bypass all the hardships and troubles. You will recognize a dubious and disadvantageous situation in time by refusing the offer. Possible conflicts after this will not affect your well-being and reputation.

Gustov Miller

Rain in a woman's dream is a symbol of a new life stage. The moment when you should not refuse unexpected, adventurous offers, be afraid of deals that promise big profits. If you have the opportunity to go on a cruise - take it. Such a chance will expand your imagination, raise the bar of desires and needs, and encourage you to act for the benefit of happy change.

Dirty rain streams in dreams - to cash receipts and financial stability of the dreamer. A good time to look for a new job. The position will require a lot of responsibility from you, but promises a decent reward. To those who have own business, income is likely to be sudden and unplanned. But do not spend all the money on current needs. Investing in new ideas will prove very promising.

A girl trying to hide from a downpour, but still getting wet is not good sign. The dream warns to avoid casual acquaintances and dubious relationships. These contacts can lead to disappointment in people and prolonged depression.