Provence style curtains - style features, and combination rules (77 photos). Curtains in the style of Provence: window design ideas in the spirit of French country Curtains in the interior of the Provence bedroom

Provence style is one of the most fashionable interior styles, inspired by the spirit of the French hinterland. The simplicity and unpretentiousness of village life, proximity to nature attract residents of megacities, and this design is often used to decorate a kitchen, regardless of its area. And in a small kitchenette, and in a large one, it is possible to create a cozy space where it will be pleasant for all household members to be.

Each interior dictates its own requirements for the design of the room, including windows. Provence is no exception.

Features of decorating windows in Provence style

Provence loves textiles, and there should be a lot of it in Provencal cuisine. In addition to curtains on the windows, these can be curtains on cabinets, tablecloths and napkins, pillows on chairs. It is advisable to choose fabrics that are combined with each other.

The kitchen is a special place, so much attention is paid to convenience. For the kitchen, short curtains up to the window sill are most often chosen, this makes it possible to use it functionally.

The folksy style gives preference to homeliness and comfort, so the panels do not differ in a special exquisite cut, they are simple in shape, but decorated with love. Curtains in Provence style in the interior are distinguished by:

  • maximum access to natural daylight;
  • lightweight, unobtrusive design;
  • many decor details - ruffles, assemblies, bows.

Choosing fabric for curtains

Fabrics for the Provence style are chosen simple - cotton, linen, chintz. Muslin, cambric will do. These materials are practical, do not shed, do not lose their shape. Simplicity and comfort are what is important for the style of the French province. Layering, tulle, other synthetic materials on kitchen windows are not welcome.

The simplicity dictated by the style can be traced in everything - in the use of natural materials, in colors - pastel colors, small patterns are preferred. Favorite colors of Provence - blue, lavender, red, yellow green, favorite pattern - small floral.

Therefore, for curtains, it is better to take monophonic fabrics or with a small pattern:

  • bouquets or patterns of small flowers;
  • cell;
  • small patterns;

If you choose a cage or material with a large pattern, use them carefully so that they do not draw attention to themselves, but are only an addition to the overall interior of the kitchen. It is better that the patterns are not bright, and the background is light, soft, for example, beige, milky, and not white.

It is better to hang curtains in the living room or kitchen on wooden or forged cornices - they are most suitable for the style of a village house. Plastic and other modern options are best not to use.

When choosing fabric for curtains, think about the rest of the textiles. It is not necessary to use the same materials, pick up companion fabrics and “play” with their combination: you can make the “twists” monophonic by complementing them with a checkered top lambrequin.

Types of curtains for the Provence kitchen

The basic requirements of style dictate the choice of curtain models. Curtains that are simple in cut are most often used in the kitchen.

Curtains with ties

Short, up to the window sill or slightly covering it, curtain-cloths are fixed along the edges of the window with tiebacks. In the upper part of the window, they can be complemented by a lambrequin made of the same fabric or a contrasting one. Light materials are often chosen - chintz, batiste, and such curtains are decorated in different ways.

As a decor can be used:

  • lace;
  • ruffles;
  • frill.

Cafe Curtains

This is the name of the popular curtain design 30 years ago, which is a short canvas (more often two canvases) attached to a base located in the middle of the window. In the upper part on the cornice there is a lambrequin. It can be either simple, straight, or curly - short in the center, lengthening to the edges of the window.

You can decorate such curtains in different ways:

  • embroidery - small flower bouquets embroidered on plain linen will look especially impressive in the Provence style;
  • ruffles - to match the fabric or from contrasting materials;
  • frills - fabric, lace;
  • ribbons - ribbons on a short lambrequin will look spectacular, slightly picking it up and tied at the bottom with bows.

You can come up with a lot of variations, just look at the numerous photos of curtains in the Provence style. They are easy to make with your own hands, this explains their popularity in the Provence style.

Marquise, lambrequin

Despite the fact that Provence does not like synthetic fabrics, tulle, organza is often used to decorate kitchen windows. Pelmets can complement them, which, in contrast to tulle, are made of bright fabric. Colors can be different: cage, floral theme, ornaments. Plain fabrics are acceptable.

Variants of lambrequins can also be varied: straight, decorated with frills, ribbons or embroidery. Matched in the same tone to the rest of the kitchen textiles, they will complete the interior design, and the light tulle on the windows, without blocking the daylight, will still protect the windows from prying eyes.

Roman curtains

A modern and already popular type of window decoration. Such curtains are often chosen for the bedroom, but they also look harmonious in the kitchen interior. This is some kind of blinds, but much more aesthetic and functional. During the day, full or partial penetration of light into the room is ensured, and at night the window closes completely.

The functionality of Roman curtains lies in the fact that they provide the opportunity to vary the access of sunlight to the room - you can only slightly shade the window, lowering the curtain, you can completely close half of the window or completely the entire opening.

Three roman options - classic, cascading and frameless - provide a choice of the option that best suits the style of the room.

It is easy to sew such curtains on your own, choosing natural fabrics and colors according to the color scheme of the room.

To decorate a window opening in a Provence-style kitchen, you don’t need much. It is enough to pick up light fabrics, show imagination and your needlework skills, and the kitchen will become cozy. Embroidery and ribbons, lace and ruffles, do-it-yourself decorative elements will decorate the curtains for the Provence style kitchen.

Photo of curtains in Provence style

Provence is an imitation of the traditional house of the French province. This design direction appeared as a kind of country, along with the Swiss chalet and the Mediterranean style. Provence borrows the features of the artistic image of a village house and transfers them to modern realities. The result is an expressive and cozy interior, characterized by the use of natural materials, restrained colors, lack of pretentiousness, an abundance of textiles and lightness.

What should be the design of curtains in Provence style?

So, textiles, as already mentioned above, are an important part of this style, its main decoration. This also applies to curtains. What should they be in order to emphasize the restrained beauty and homely warmth inherent in this style? Let's figure it out.

Material selection

First, think about what material is better to take. Heavy and expensive options in this situation will not work. They are too pretentious for the style of a country house. But cotton, unbleached linen, chintz will perfectly fit into the artistic image of the room.

In addition to them, you can also use organza and chiffon. Although these fabrics are difficult to classify as traditional, they are light and transparent, perfectly in line with the spirit of Provence.

The specifics of the color solution

Then, you should think about colors. Bright colors will not fit into this kind of interior, which does not like flashy contrasts. But pastel shades, plain or with a pattern, will be appropriate.

Provence, unlike other country trends, traditionally loves gentle cool tones, like lavender, pink or blue. However, beige is also quite appropriate. White is often used.

In this case, a combination of several colors will look great. Flashy contrasts are best avoided, but close tones that work well together can brighten up a room, make its space more interesting and rich. Ornaments also do not need to be afraid: Provence is well complemented by small floral patterns, a strip or a cage.

The main types of cut

Finally, the cut of the curtains is of great importance. In this case, it is worth choosing simple models. The most common options are classic, Roman or French blinds.

The first ones are probably well known to you: they are just two rectangular pieces of fabric moving apart to the sides. Roman ones open vertically, representing the only smooth canvas. French curtains are similar in principle to Roman ones, but unlike them, they are assembled in wavy folds. At the same time, no matter what cut you choose, it will always be appropriate to supplement it with a certain amount of decor: bows, tassels or frills. Hand embroidery for this style is almost always a great addition.

Kitchen decoration

When choosing Provence-style curtains for the kitchen, a number of points matter. First, you need to remember that cooking is associated with an increased appearance of dirt, grease and pungent odors. All these unpleasant things can settle on the tissues and be absorbed into them. Therefore, the curtains here should be made of fabric that is easy to wash. It is desirable that they are not very voluminous. The Roman or French version is better.

Secondly, in the kitchen, a plain light finish is more often used. Curtains are a chance to add some lightness and brightness to the look of the room. A small floral ornament will look spectacular here. Or maybe a discreet cage.

Finally, other textile elements, if they are in the kitchen, should be combined with curtains. It is preferable if the tablecloth, chair covers and curtains are made from the same fabric or from similar ones.

Curtains in the living room in Provence style

The design of a place for receiving guests in many styles is decided using an abundance of textiles. Curtains, traditional for any room, are complemented here by pillows, bedspreads and carpets. This is typical even for colder and more concise directions than Provence. For him, the abundance of textiles is doubly relevant.

Therefore, in the living room it is worth hanging long and lush curtains. It is acceptable to combine them with such decorative details as bows, ruffles or lace along the edge. In a word, here one can deviate somewhat from the principle of maximum restraint. Even the coloring allows certain liberties in this type of room.

Larger and multi-color patterns, contrasting combinations of several shades. Of course, within reasonable limits. The interior should not lose the softness and harmony inherent in this style.

Delicate Provence style bedroom design

A Provence-style bedroom is a space devoid of sharp contrasts. The place to sleep should look calm. Soft nuanced shades are required to form the most delicate image. Therefore, it is best to fit into the Provence-style bedroom curtains made of plain fabric without a pattern. Or with a small and dim ornament, which is readable only in certain lighting conditions.

The choice of cut in this case depends only on your preferences. Any variety will do here. Even a more artsy option can fit well into the bedroom space. Trust your taste.

Fittings: little things are very important

The right choice in this situation is a round forged cornice. Modern materials here will look out of place. Their use is possible only if they are stylized antique, authentically imitating all the same forging. Or if they are somehow hidden from view without interfering with the space of the room.

The value of properly selected curtains for the interior

A memorable attractive interior is always a combination of many components. Finishing, lighting, furniture are of great importance. The selection of accessories, at first glance, against the background of everything else, seems to be the easiest part. However, this apparent lightness is deceptive. The absence of curtains or their inconsistency with the general style will immediately catch your eye.

Therefore, study photos of curtains in the Provence style, look for interesting ideas, select fabric, shade and cut. And then, after some effort, you will get a complete harmonious result that pleases the eye. A space in which you will feel comfortable living and receiving guests.

Photo of curtains in Provence style

Provence style curtains are a wonderful window decoration that can create coziness in a room of any purpose and bring the serenity of the French province into the atmosphere.

Such curtains will fit into the interior space of the living room, bedroom, kitchen.

They will bring a note of peace to urban housing and emphasize the originality of a country cottage.

Appearance Features

Despite the simplicity of style, window decoration with Provence curtains requires compliance with certain rules, namely:

  • The use of exclusively natural materials;
  • Simplicity and sophistication of the cut;
  • Calm range of colors;
  • It is possible to use materials with an ornament of flowers. The style allows small checks in white and red or white and blue color combinations, as well as a vertical stripe.

There are no special requirements for the design of Provence curtains. It can be either classical models, or English, or Roman versions.

Curtains on hinges, grommets are perfect. To give ergonomics, the parallel use of pleated window decorations or roll-type products is allowed.

The main thing is the absence of rough drapery, the airiness of the structure.

In order to obtain an original space, Provence curtains in the interior are often decorated with exclusive decor: ruffles, bows, lambrequins, frills. Often, decoration elements are made in a catchy palette of shades.

The highlight will be jewelry created by oneself.


Window decorations require a scrupulous choice of material. You can give preference to options of a single-color type or fabrics with patterns. Curtains with drawings of rural themes look interesting.

Floral ornaments are suitable for the bedroom, and berry and fruit compositions are suitable for the kitchen space.

Fabric for Provence curtains is used exclusively natural: cotton, linen, chintz. Often, embroidered fabrics or crocheted lace are used in the interior, which can give the composition maximum comfort and completeness.


To create a harmonious interior space, a competent choice of shades of window decor is important. This style involves the use of light colors in conjunction with catchy and at the same time calm colors.

Such a combination will bring originality to the rural setting, allowing you to focus directly on the curtains.

The main shades are cream, beige, and also milky. They will be an excellent basis for bright colors. It is not recommended to use pure white color, as it is cold, therefore it will spoil the originality of the composition.

Choosing curtains for different rooms

When choosing shades of window decor, it is important to consider the purpose of the room for which it is intended. The photos of Provence-style curtains offered on the site and the recommendations that will be discussed below will help you.

For the bedroom, options for neutral cream, milky shades are suitable, however, pale green, blue tones are also acceptable. Uniformity will be diluted with small flowers.

Curtains created in the style of Provence for the living room should be sophisticated, but at the same time restrained. Curtains of olive or golden color and transparent tulle are suitable for this room.

The kitchen space is the perfect space to bring this style to life. Beige or striped curtains are suitable here. Lovers of experiments fit bright colors. The main thing is not to get too carried away with orange for those who do not want to gain excess weight, as psychologists say that this shade makes you want to eat.

A children's room for a girl is a real field for creativity. In the interior of this room, it is necessary to harmonize the requirements of style and children's wishes. Here it is preferable to choose window decor with flower motifs, frills and ruffles are also appropriate here.

For a successful design of the bathroom, it is better to give preference to stylish Roman or roller blinds in beige shades, complementing them with extraordinary tieback ribbons.


When decorating windows with curtains in this style, great attention must be paid to the eaves. Forged models look original, as well as products painted in light shades with sloppy strokes.

To give the cornices exclusivity, they are artificially aged.

Also a great choice would be natural solid wood cornices, matched to match the floor. To create an unusual interior space for the cornice, elements of rural life, plant branches are used.

Remember, you should not choose massive models, because they are not able to emphasize the attractiveness of window decor.


Curtains created in the Provence style reflect rustic simplicity, are distinguished by exquisite simplicity, are the true embodiment of home comfort and coziness.

Photo design curtains in the style of Provence

For the rustic home style of old France, textiles are of great importance. There should be a lot of it in a Provencal kitchen: beautiful ruffled curtains, a starched tablecloth, napkins, decorative pillows and kitchen towels. Everything is united by one motive, harmonizes with each other and creates comfort. In a city apartment, a Provencal corner will be a breath of peace, tranquility, will give a feeling of a measured village life.

The main features of the style

The photo shows the curtains in the Provence style kitchen in pastel colors with a floral pattern.

To choose the right curtains for this style, you need to know its signs. French Provence is known for its picturesque landscapes, fragrant spices, fragrant pastries and coffee, azure sea and gentle sun.

The color scheme used in the interior should be as if faded in the sun with bright splashes of floral motifs.

For the arrangement of the kitchen interior, slightly aged furniture, peeking red brick masonry, and rough plaster are used.

The photo shows Provence-style curtains in the kitchen from a simple linen fabric.

Materials for decoration and decoration are natural without pretentiousness and bright colors. Everything in moderation.

Drawing and finishing

Kitchen curtains in the Provence style are distinguished not only by their simplicity of form, the richness of ribbons, frills, bows, tassels, but also by specific patterns.

The fabric may have a striped or plaid pattern in desaturated colors. Images of small bouquets of roses, lavender and other flowers of the south of France are very popular.

The general impression that textile decor makes is simplicity and tenderness.

If you decide to use a fabric with a large pattern, this is a serious step. Will his window and kitchen hold up? Are there enough advantages in such a pattern? Will you like this fabric after a while?

As with multi-tone geometric patterns, these fabrics don't always work well with other indoor motifs, so they're best paired with plain solids or gingham or pinstripe fabrics.

When combining color and motif, use unequal proportions so that one of them dominates. A large pattern will look good with a simple border or trim that will emphasize the main color.

Conversely, a small pattern becomes invisible if it is "lost" in space or looks at a distance. This is what happens in a large room. Given the difficulty of using small patterns, it is better to hang such curtains on a small window in.

When choosing accessories, you need to give preference to only one type, you do not need to combine bows, fringe, and tassels together. It will turn out tasteless. Instead of simplicity and rustic comfort, oversaturated rococo will come out.

A characteristic feature of kitchen curtains is a simple cut. A rectangular piece of fabric with frills sewn along the edge is used. The most acceptable length is up to the windowsill.

Also characteristic of Provence are those that are hung on a transverse bar in the middle of the window. For decoration, bright tiebacks are used to match the pattern on the fabric.

It is better to choose a cornice forged or wooden.

The style accepts natural materials dressed in a natural form. Ornate forged jewelry will not work. The simpler the better.

Symphony of colors

You can use plain curtains and ornaments. You need to choose a color to match the furniture.

Lavender, olive, ash pink, sky blue are perfect.

Ensembles of white and red, beige and blue can add brightness and cheerfulness.

There may be embroidery or sewn-on decor on the canvas. Curtains look dynamic in pastel peach, beige tones with bright splashes of green, blue, lilac, terracotta shades.

For a room decorated in muted colors, the best choice would be bright printed chintz, used for curtains, napkins and tablecloths.

If there are bright floral ornaments on the furniture or in the decoration, then the curtains should be hung inconspicuous.

Decor of shelves and cabinets

Curtains for open shelves and sideboards can serve as a cute and romantic addition to the Provence-style kitchen textile decor.

Curtains attached to a curtain wire or a narrow rail at the top and bottom of the door look elegant and neat. Choose a light, solid color fabric or a fabric with a small geometric pattern, as a large pattern is "lost" when the curtain is gathered. On glazed doors, as well as on the doors of cabinets, kitchen curtains made of checkered or striped cotton look great, giving the look of a country house. A more sophisticated look has transparent curtains made of chintz or lace.

Lightweight and natural fabrics

Provencal curtains often depict the motives of rural life: it can be fruits, flowers, or even landscapes.

Curtains made from natural fabrics are perfect: linen, cotton, chintz or cambric.

You can also give preference to more transparent and light canvases.

Organza or chiffon is allowed, as they make airy, transparent curtains that are great for the character of the style. To decorate curtains in beige tones with sprigs of lavender or olive, cutwork lace or crocheted openwork stripes are used.

Curtains should look like they were sewn and decorated by hand for years to come.

Provence seems to be created for arranging kitchen furniture. A room in which each box is placed in a fabric cover, each saucer is placed on a handmade napkin, certainly turns out to be original. It is permeated with rustic naivety and French romanticism. Comfort, pleasant colors, simplicity of forms contribute to raising the mood, good appetite and communication with the family.

The style of the French village - Provence - is very warm and homely. It requires a lot of effort to create, because everything must be thought out to the smallest detail. In particular, window decor: curtains in this style play a very important role.

Style Features

Provence is a region in the south of France that comes close to the Mediterranean Sea. It is far from glitzy, fashionable and businesslike Paris. Life here goes slowly, in unity with nature.

Provencal style in the interior belongs to the group of country styles, i.e. national village houses. That is why in some sources you can find the name "French country". This style is very cute, cozy and homey. Mistresses around the world are very fond of this design, because it allows for an abundance of decor and various beautiful little things. In addition, the Provencal style is ideal for small city apartments, as most rural houses in the south of France are small.

The main features of the style:

  • Printing "time" on things. The most conspicuous items in the room should either be historical or artfully aged. Modern technology, overly ergonomic objects destroy the style.
  • Light interior. Preferred colors: white, delicate yellow, mint, light blue, turquoise, beige.
  • Use of natural materials and textures: raw, or vice versa - painted wood, stone, "wickerwork" will look appropriate on the walls, and in furniture, and on the floor.
  • An abundance of textiles and accessories. Live or dried flowers.

Provence is suitable for decorating any room - living room, hallway and even a bathroom. But it looks best in the bedroom and, of course, in the kitchen.

Of the shortcomings of this direction, it is necessary to note the complete irrationality. Provence - a style for fans that will require constant maintenance of order. Numerous plates, vases, candlesticks, will need to be constantly wiped from dust. All the necessary things will have to be hidden far away in the cabinets, and trinkets will be put outside. Part of the room will be occupied by objects without purpose - for example, a decorative basket of flowers or a wrought-iron bookcase, which one could do without. In such an elegant room, you will have to maintain perfect order so that the “French village” does not turn into chaos. Plus, Provencal decor is quite expensive.

If you are still going to decorate a room in a Provencal style, pay special attention to textiles. Its task is to be deliberately simple, while linking the different elements of the room into a single whole.

Provence involves large windows that should be covered with curtains. No plastic cornices or roll systems! The classics of the genre are a forged round cornice (or made “forging” in the colors of aged metal) and delicate air curtains. For especially resistant to curtains - wooden blinds.


Curtains in the Provencal style are, of course, light fabrics. The easiest option is light white curtains. Preferably, of course, a fabric with a floral print. Therefore, most often, housewives prefer to hang curtains with a floral pattern on a white background. Flowers can be both small and large - small ones look cute and simple, large ones look more elegant.

Classic combinations with a white background:

  • Pink flowers, green leaves;
  • Yellow flowers green leaves;
  • Red flowers, green leaves;
  • Blue or blue flowers, green leaves

These are universal options that will look very Provencal. The color of the ornament can be selected based on the overall color dominant in the room.

The background of the curtains can also be beige, light gray, pale blue, dusty pink, sand, mint lilac. On all these shades, the floral pattern will look perfect.

Another "Provencal" version of the pattern is a small delicate cell or equal stripes (colored stripe - white stripe). Such curtains can be both solo and combined. For example, you can combine a checkered or striped fabric with a floral or plain material.

Plain curtains are also quite a viable option. They can be "revived" with printed tulle or accessories and lace.

Provence can be both elegant and simple. Both options are good in their own way. A simpler design is suitable for the kitchen, but for the bedroom or living room you can make the style festive. Accessories come in handy for this. Provencal curtains can be complemented with a lambrequin (plain, short or with semicircular folds), tiebacks, frills and lace, satin ribbons, bows. It is better to refuse cords, brushes and other “splendor”: the decor should be tasteful.


In this style, curtains can be of completely different lengths. It is necessary to proceed from considerations of practicality and other parameters of the room. Long curtains can be hung in a large room, and if the room and window are small, short curtains will suffice.

It is also better to prefer the short version if, for example, in your kitchen, the stove is close to the window. For safety reasons, short curtains are best for those who have small children and pets.

The most beautiful Provence style options:

  • Plain long curtains from the eaves to the floor with or without tiebacks.
  • Short curtains up to the window sill.
  • Shortened curtains (30-40 cm long below the window sill), assembled on tiebacks.
  • Cafe curtains: the upper part of the window is covered with a lush lambrequin, and short curtains are attached at the level of the middle of the window to a stringed cornice. Such curtains reach exactly to the windowsill.

Short curtains are better suited for the kitchen. Long - for living rooms. However, this is not a strict rule. If the kitchen is large and the long curtains in it are safe, they won’t eat up space, you can safely hang them.


The style of the French countryside tends to natural fabrics. Therefore, cotton options will look best: thick satin, poplin, curtain fabric made of cotton fiber. The fabric should resemble chintz in its lightness and simplicity. Real chintz is not suitable for window decoration, because it is too thin and short-lived.

Any rustic style is a great addition to linen. Rough, but pleasant to the eye, linen will drape well and protect well from the sun. Today you can choose beautiful multi-colored linen options for curtains, but the most beautiful and authentic option is unbleached linen. A curtain made of linen in a natural gray-brown shade will look very impressive. It can be complemented with hemstitch, wide lace, embroidery or short linen fringe.

For a bedroom or living room, you can choose classic curtain fabrics with stylish padding. It may resemble silk or satin. This will bring a touch of luxury to the overall mood of the room.

Separately, it is worth mentioning lace and lace curtains. For the Provence style, this is just a godsend! Suffice it to recall the fillet knitted curtains that hung in our grandmothers' houses: delicate, and most importantly, man-made, they will create a special mood in the room. If you have something similar left on the mezzanine, feel free to take it out, bleach it and hang it on the Provence window. If desired, such curtains can be bought, made to order or knitted independently.

For different rooms

In general, the Provencal style allows a lot of liberties - which curtains to hang in which room, it's up to you.

  • For the living room, long and well-draped curtain models are most often chosen. They can even fall to the floor in smooth folds. This option is suitable both for the hall and for the studio, where the kitchen is combined with the living room and the whole room has one common window. The main thing is that the room is large enough, otherwise long and lush curtains will visually take up a lot of space from you.

  • For the bedroom, the option with a lambrequin is well suited. Curtains are usually made long enough, but do not reach the floor 2-3 cm. If the bedroom is small, one curtain instead of two will look great. By the way, Austrian, Roman, "London" curtains with a Provencal pattern are perfect for a bedroom. They will save space and look original. In the bedroom and living room, it is best to prefer fabrics with floral prints or solid colors.

  • For the kitchen, as already mentioned above, different length options are suitable, depending on the size. If it is very tiny, the best option is cafe curtains or one short (up to the windowsill) curtain. Floral motifs will also be appropriate here, although you can easily add a small check, a stripe pattern, prints on pastoral themes (shepherds, sheep, a Dutch mill), a food-themed pattern (vegetables, fruits, lavender, bouquets of Provence herbs), coffee. Fabrics are very common, on which a rapport is drawn from various Provence herbs with inscriptions (“Caraway”, “Lavender”, “Basil”), etc.

  • When choosing curtains for a gazebo or veranda, proceed from the size of the windows and the room itself. If they are small, simple curtains or cafe curtains will suffice. In general, you can only cover them with lembrequins from above, and leave the windows themselves open for the penetration of daylight. Large windows can be covered with curtains. Usually there are many small windows in the gazebo or on the veranda - you can hang a curtain on each. You can decorate windows with Roman or Austrian curtains by hanging them on each opening.

  • If you want to decorate a window on a sloping wall (for example, under a roof), simple curtains a little longer than the window are best. On the bottom edge, they should be fastened to the wall. For each, you can make a textile pickup with Velcro or ties.

How to choose?

If you have decided on the length and model of the curtains, you can also think about the color combination. Curtains must be in harmony with the wall decoration and must have "support" in the interior. Ideal if you have a set. For example, for the kitchen - curtains, tablecloths, pillows for chairs. For the bedroom - curtains, bedspread, valance on the bed. For the living room - curtains, lamp shade or floor lamp, pillows on the sofa / armchairs.