Wall graphics drawings in the interior. Wall painting is an original note in the interior. Wall painting for the nursery

The childhood fear that painting on the walls is not good spoils the lives of many designers. Drawing is good if drawing is good, Elena Fateeva, the author of the Maori Name project, tells us. Ethnic ornament can become the main decoration of the interior. Such drawings have great mystical power - for example, your one-room apartment will turn into a full-fledged two-room apartment.

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On the picture:

Graphics on the wall in the apartment is the main decorative feature of this project, a tribute to the owner's passion for New Zealand.

Information about the apartment: Elongated one-room apartment 54 sq. m., with two windows (room, kitchen) and a loggia.

About the owners: Young man, party lover and New Zealand

Customer wishes: fit in 54 sq. m. a separate bedroom, a spacious pantry, and a spacious living room in which you can arrange parties.

Developing the project of this apartment, designer Elena Fateeva was guided not only by the direct wishes of the customer (kitchen-pantry-living room), but also looked for an idea that would stylistically unite different parts of this space. The starting point was the owner's interest in New Zealand. Quoting the beauties of nature seemed banal to Elena, and she began to explore the topic more deeply. For the Maori - the indigenous people of the islands - the drawings applied to the body had a deep sacred meaning. Lines and curlicues provided a connection between a person and the outside world. Elena transferred the motifs of Maori tattoos to the walls, bringing ethnic notes to the minimalist interior.

Note the bold redevelopment. Elena Fateeva abandoned the usual right angles, placing the central corridor diagonally across the apartment. To the right and left of the hallway - a dressing room and a bathroom. The kitchen gave way to the bedroom and "moved" to the wide part of the corridor. In search of additional space, the designer combined the loggia with the rest of the apartment.

Ethnic motifs of the Maori people greet guests from the doorstep. Black graphics on white walls look very modern and not boring.

A kitchen combined with a dining or living room is a common thing in a modern interior. The kitchen combined with the corridor is, of course, an innovation. In a modest room, it is a pity to allocate large areas for the kitchen (especially in a bachelor's apartment), so why not arrange it in the aisle? Household appliances were placed in niches on one side of the aisle, and the work area occupied a free corner on the other.

White glossy fronts and lack of bright details help the kitchen look spacious and bright, despite the fact that there is no window nearby. The designer refused not only rails and shelves, but even the handles on the doors - they open by pressing.

Daylight enters the kitchen area from the spacious living room. Another plus of a neutral white finish is that it does not attract too much attention and almost merges with the wall. The carpet-skin in the living room also works on the inconspicuousness of the kitchen - it plays the role of an accent spot, attracting the eye.

Another unusual solution is that the bar counter, which replaces the dining table, is separated in space from the kitchen and does not serve as a separator between functional areas. Here it is an independent corner in the living room.

The graphics in the interior of the apartment unites the space into one whole. Black pattern is the only decoration of a simple and functional dining area. A series of small ceiling lights above the bar counter is an additional way of zoning the room.

The ethnic theme in the living room is developed by a cowhide and floor lamps. The latter are the invention of the designer. Branches painted yellow frame a lampshade of a suitable shape - it turned out beautifully and environmentally friendly. Natural asymmetry is continued in the design of the rack. The wall above the sofa is enlivened by a series of graphic pictures in the color scheme of the room.

The transforming bedroom, if necessary, becomes part of the living room. At other times, it is a cube in the center of the room, closed by screen doors. Frosted glass doors allow daylight into the bedroom without looking heavy. However, in the bedroom, daylight in large quantities is not really needed, unlike in the office. Here the desk stands close to the continuous glazing of the former loggia. So that foreign hanging elements do not spoil the impression of a minimalist design, the TV was removed into a niche on the wall.

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Graphics in the interior. Self-sufficiency and originality

Sometimes a situation arises when the repair in the apartment is completed and all the furniture is in place, but the interior still leaves indifferent both the guests and the owners themselves. It is sometimes very difficult to understand what is still missing, what else is required. What exactly can make the design of an apartment spectacular, fill it with meaning, without cluttering up the space? Perhaps one of the most interesting options that will give the interior a uniqueness and at the same time expressiveness is graphics. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you mention graphics? A pencil sketch made with quick and precise movements of the artist. The drawing that appears on a white sheet of paper in front of your eyes as a result of a few strokes of a graphite pencil seems almost magical. It attracts, fascinates, makes you look again and again.

Graphics in the interior of your apartment

Creating such a black and white drawing is not an easy task. It takes a lot of time and great talent to turn a sketch of lines and strokes into a work of art. Due to its sophistication, some understatement, unobtrusiveness, graphic drawing will always find its place in the design of any interior. It does not bother, and at the same time, gives spirituality to the interior.With its simplicity, the graphics make the viewer's imagination work. And often a black and white drawing of several lines is more interesting and fuller than other flashy art objects that by no means decorate the design of an apartment. In what form can graphics be present in the interior? Well, firstly, in the form of a separate drawing. It can be, a hallway and even a kitchen and a nursery. Its main advantage is mobility. You can take such a drawing and walk around the apartment, trying to determine where it will most fully fit into

It should be noted that black and white graphics are more restrained, intelligent, one might even say more intelligent. She communicates with a person only through lines, she does not have such a powerful factor as color. That is why a graphic black and white drawing is very complex and more strict in relation to the objects surrounding it, their shape and texture.

There is an opinion that black and white graphics are not suitable decoration for a nursery. This is not entirely true. For a baby’s room, this will really not be a very suitable decor item, because the baby prefers bright colors and clear shapes. The interior design of a teenager's apartment is another matter. For such a room, a talented artist is able to create a beautiful black and white masterpiece that will interest the child, make him think and at the same time give the room a personality so appreciated by teenagers.

Today, graphics made on the ceiling, doors of rooms or cabinets, walls are gaining more and more popularity. or will only benefit from such decoration. It can be either black and white or color drawing, which is an abstraction, a portrait shot, a landscape. You can paint the walls in the Japanese style and then an elegant sakura will wrap around the room. And the walls of an elongated and relatively narrow corridor of a city apartment are perfect for decoration in the form of black and white drawings depicting the buildings and streets of a modern city. Any apartment, country house, as well as an office or a restaurant can be filled with individual features using graphics. Of course, provided that the pattern is combined with the overall design style of the room.

It should be mentioned that, having decided to create an apartment design using graphics, you definitely need to take care of the choice of artists. The artist must have sufficient experience and possess talent and creativity. Only in this case the details of the drawing will be carefully drawn, and the image itself will be realistic enough for all its conventionality. Ours has an advantage over others in the form of its highly qualified specialists. The graphics in the interior, executed by them, will look organic and natural. Contact us! Our design studio will transform your interior!

For those who want to make their interior truly unique in its kind, today there are many solutions. But the most true of them is, perhaps, graphics. And no explanation is needed for this.

It is worth considering the possibilities that can be implemented with graphics in modern interiors. After all, modern interior trends are more concise and formulaic than their traditional types, so it can be difficult to give a modern interior something really of its own. This is especially true of the laconic high-tech style. However, for any other style, you can always find a pattern that does not break the harmony. The Japanese have already learned this: everyone knows that in Japanese modern interiors there has always been an unobtrusive wall painting with floral motifs - and it remains relevant to this day.

The most common and almost traditional appearance of graphics in the interior are paintings or reproductions of contemporary artists, works of the designers themselves. Such paintings are most often located on the walls of bedrooms and living rooms. Illuminated paintings have become a fashionable element. But this is not the only way to give the interior an individual sound.

Modern painting on the walls is both a decoration and part of the interior decoration. With its help, most often allocate functional areas of the room. In the bedroom, the graphic marks the seating area, in the kitchen, the dining area, and in the living room, the sofa wall. Graphics in the bathroom is most often used for the wall above the bath. And how much a child may like the graphics, and it’s not worth saying: in the nursery, it’s the right place. Often, with the help of graphics, window and door openings are distinguished. Graphics on functional items such as furniture or interior doors can also bring a room to life. A print with a raging sea or a spacious field on an interior door can look very impressive. You can decorate a door or a furniture facade with one patterned coil, or you can make it the main decorative detail of the room.

Today it is not difficult to transform a room: it is not necessary to paint it manually. You can purchase special stickers for walls, doors and furniture. They are quite durable and resist external irritants well. Film graphics are very popular among manufacturers of interior doors, furniture and stained glass. There are even kitchen aprons decorated with a film - despite all the effects of humidity and temperature, they remain in an attractive form for a long time.

The main advantage of graphics in the interior is the ability to give it a real personality, without violating the stylistic unity. You should only correlate your choice with the features of an existing or proposed interior direction.

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Graphics in the interior can turn the trivial look of the house into a picturesque art space, decorated with black and white colors and drawings with interesting plots.

The use of illustrations in the interior creates expressive focal points and visually alters the structure of the living space.

A very fresh solution for decorating the dining area, despite the advantage of black and white, bright yellowish accents dilute the monochrome interior

The role of graphic art in the interior

From time immemorial, graphic drawings have adorned a person's home, giving it unique features. Many artists actively used charcoal sticks and slate pencils to draw paintings on canvases and illustrations on the walls.

The picturesque objects of art found in the interior magnetically attract the eyes of those around them, admiring the subtlety of execution and trying to unravel the plot of the painted composition. Therefore, drawings depicted on accent walls, ceilings, furniture and other furnishings are a popular way to highlight the central components of an interior picture, an effective method of combining functional areas and space into a single whole.

Large studio space of a spacious apartment in gray tones. The center of attention is a large volumetric abstraction on the wall above the sofa, which maintains the general mood of the room.

Important! Graphics is interpreted as a type of fine art that uses a monochrome palette of colors: black, white and gray. In the process of creating drawings, straight lines, images of various geometric shapes, strokes, contours, tonal contrast of light and dark tones are used.

From the point of view of designers, the graphics on the walls in the interior, decorated with achromatic colors, are ideal for finishing offices, home studies, libraries and other parts of the house where the atmosphere conducive to the working process or intellectual leisure should dominate. A neutral palette of colors contributes to creativity and fruitful activity, as a calm range of colors does not irritate and does not distract attention from performing certain tasks.

Despite the limited choice of paints for drawing, according to A. Ber, "graphics is a special world of expressive possibilities, where black, white and gray color interact with each other in an infinite number of options." It is difficult to disagree with the German artist, because black and white drawings can bring a touch of novelty to the interior picture, solve many design problems:

  • form the visual center of the interior composition;
  • erase the border between functional areas in a studio-style apartment;

  • simulate an asymmetric configuration of residential premises - visually increase the height of the ceiling when decorating the wall with a vertical image that goes to the ceiling, reduce the length of a high wall by depicting several parallel horizontal black and white lines drawn in the middle of the wall around the entire perimeter of the room;

  • shade the expressive line between the elements of the black and white finish of the bathroom, kitchen or other residential premises;

  • create a unique furniture design by applying monochrome images to the upholstery of the sofa or the front of the closet;

  • emphasize the characteristic features of modern design trends - hi-tech and modern;
  • dilute the bright palette of colors of the interior, executed in the manner of pop art, boho or kitsch;

  • transform the appearance of interior details or create a unique decor - draw a dial on the wall with ornate patterns or a strict geometric outline, decorate flower pots or vases with ornaments that harmoniously echo the prints used in the interior.

The art of creating magnificent compositions with the help of achromatic colors is possessed by a few hyperrealist artists who thoroughly know the rules of the play of light and shadow. Among them are the names of world-famous masters of pictorial art: Stefan de Kruk, Mattias Adolfsson, Sandra Javad, Diego Fazio, George Nova, Caesar Del Val, Linda Haber. Reproductions of their paintings, depicted with a slate pencil, are often used for auto-tuning, decorating the walls of public institutions and houses, where monochrome tones act as the main colors of the interior design palette.

Portraits, images of animals, philosophical storylines that tell about the global problems of mankind, black and white streaks of life, abstractions that require unraveling the artist's idea, will definitely become the main attractions of the house, emphasizing the respect for the masters of fine art in graphic design.

Advice! 3D graphics have limitless potential. The interior can acquire the features of man-made if you personally create in a graphic editor a sketch of an image with a plot that advertises the concept of the chosen stylistic direction, household hobbies or objects that they dream of.

A sketch of a black and white drawing can be used as a template for creating a photo wallpaper design, decorating mirrored facades, stretch ceilings, ceramic tile panels or modular paintings.

Graphics in the interior: rules of use

To avoid creating a dull atmosphere in rooms dominated by black and white compositions, you need to choose the right place to place the picture. The graphics in the interior look presentable against a neutral background, due to the finish in snow-white, pastel light blue, beige or pearl tone. Having chosen such an original way of decorating the inner shell of housing, it is worth remembering the rules for using graphic compositions:

  1. In spacious rooms, three-dimensional graphics in the interior look advantageous, a photo of which should be selected in the process of creating a design project. With the help of 3D-visualization of the interior, you can visually evaluate many nuances of choosing graphic illustrations: evaluate a proportionate and balanced combination of colors and their gradations, choose the right dominant color that connects all other tones, reduce or increase tonal saturation, stop the choice on the optimal scale of the picture.

  2. In small rooms, black and white ornaments, patterns and ethnic motifs organically look. For example, a graphic mandala in an interior can fill the atmosphere with hints of mystery and sacred magic. The most suitable for an interior decorated with graphic drawings with geometric components will be a schematic Sri Yantra ornament with a frame made up of rectangular elements.

  3. In representative areas of the house, it is worth using illustrations with a dynamic character that create the illusion of movement to decorate the walls: a graphic depicting a car moving at high speed, breaking through the space of a rocket, a liner or an airplane. This will create an energetic emotional atmosphere that will charge those around you with a driving mood during long-awaited meetings with guests.

  4. Lounge areas must be decorated with static black and white drawings without sharp-angled edging and curvilinear lines. Graphics with streamlined outlines and gradual transitions of tones sets you up for peace of mind and measured relaxation.

  5. Accent walls should be designed with symmetrical compositions that allow you to fully consider each part of the graphic design.

  6. To highlight the picturesque composition, it is worth supplementing it with LED lighting or spots aimed at the main dominant of the interior picture.

    Unusual geometric abstraction made in graphic technique

  7. In order for a bright illustration, decorated in sharply contrasting black and white tones, to look organic against the background of an interior with a neutral palette, you should combine it with mirror panels or chrome-plated metal wall panels that can reflect a graphic pattern.

    Bright living room in monochrome tones with framed graphics

  8. With the help of graphic compositions, objects of admiration can be placed on the walls of the house, acting as a link between parts of the space, reflecting the canons of different interior genres. For example, combine colorful Provence with Mediterranean style aesthetics with black and white blotches depicting natural motifs and diluting a bright palette of colors.

Advice! In interior design, there are no strict rules for decorating a living space.

Therefore, you can confidently trust your personal aesthetic taste in the process of transforming the environment, paint the walls of the house with confidence, not being afraid to put a blot in a conspicuous place, as the modern design direction welcomes man-made, simplicity and non-ideal forms in any manifestation.

Variations of graphic compositions

Graphics in the interior can be presented in different ways:

  • In the form of a bright drawing, executed in the technique of airbrushing. With the help of an airbrush, the master can apply any image on a metal, glass, wooden panel or a perfectly evenly plastered wall. Due to the skillful combination of black and white colors, professionals create amazingly beautiful graphic drawings, from which it is difficult to look at another detail of the situation. Therefore, so that the surrounding interior items do not fade against the background of dynamic images, it is worth supplementing the composition with chords in the form of red-white or yellow-black upholstery of chairs, green or blue curtains, involuntarily diverting attention from the impeccably executed graphics on the wall.

  • In the form of paintings or frescoes, decorated with achromatic paints. A unique technology for applying black and white images to a wall covered with a thick layer of gesso (ground base). This material is used by icon painters. It radiates a barely noticeable glow from the inside, bewitching with a reflection. Such an original type of graphics will look spectacular in interiors filled with notes of attractive antiquity and genuine luxury: in houses dominated by the aesthetics of vintage, classic, art deco, gothic.

  • In the form of all kinds of inscriptions, reflecting the basics of lettering (the art of creating drawings using letters written in calligraphic handwriting). Slogans with a positive meaning, life mottos or quotes of idols look organically on walls painted in a solid color. A huge advantage of using this type of graphics in the interior is the ability to easily modify the decor of the wall decoration.

  • In the form of drawings transferred to the wall using stencils. Anyone who wants to dilute the boring appearance of housing with bright images or inscriptions can cope with the task of applying a graphic illustration. To do this, you can choose stencils with a pattern or a slogan that appeals to the aesthetics of the interior genre, attach the template to the wall with double-sided tape and decorate with alternate use of quick-drying black, white and gray paint in spray cans.

  • In the form of a passe-partout, which you can make with your own hands. In a white frame made of wood, plastic or cardboard, you can place black and white pictures of your favorite painters printed on a printer, or touching and smiling children's drawings. The original graphics in the interior will cause no less delight among others than the original of the great artist.

  • In the form of newspaper pages placed inside the glass tops of a dining table or kitchen set. An organic addition will be the design of a kitchen apron with eye-catching wallpaper with a newspaper print. Such a non-trivial finish of the kitchen impresses the interior with the aesthetics of the English style, retro style and pop art.

Graphics in the interior in any form, be it a beautiful black and white picture with an intricate story line, placed in the living room, or comics depicted on the wallpaper of a teenager's room, always look catchy and arouse interest among others. Therefore, feel free to introduce fashionable art objects into the look of the house, which will attract guests with a non-trivial approach to decor and the ability to fit graphic compositions often found in everyday life into the interior with designer skill: on posters, black and white photographs, spreads of books, newspapers, advertising banners and signs.

Graphics in the interior can turn the trivial look of the house into a picturesque one. art space, decorated with black and white paints and drawings with interesting plots. The use of illustrations in the interior creates expressive focal points and visually alters the structure of the living space.

The role of graphic art in the interior

From time immemorial, graphic drawings have adorned a person's home, giving it unique features. Many artists actively used charcoal sticks and slate pencils to draw paintings on canvases and illustrations on the walls.

The picturesque objects of art found in the interior magnetically attract the eyes of those around them, admiring the subtlety of execution and trying to unravel the plot of the painted composition. Therefore, is a popular way to highlight the central components of the interior picture, an effective method of combining functional areas and space into a single whole.

Important! Graphics is interpreted as a type of fine art that uses a monochrome palette of colors: black, white and. In the process of creating drawings, straight lines, images of various geometric shapes, strokes, contours, tonal contrast of light and dark tones are used.

From the point of view of designers, the graphics on the walls in the interior, decorated with achromatic colors, are ideal for decorating offices, and other parts of the house where the atmosphere conducive to the work process or intellectual leisure should dominate. A neutral palette of colors contributes to creativity and fruitful activity, as a calm range of colors does not irritate and does not distract attention from performing certain tasks.

Despite the limited choice of paints for drawing, according to A. Ber, "graphics is a special world of expressive possibilities, where black, white and gray color interact with each other in an infinite number of options." It is difficult to disagree with the German artist, because black and white drawings can bring a touch of novelty to the interior picture, solve many design problems:

  • form the visual center of the interior composition;
  • erase the line between functional areas in a studio apartment;
  • simulate an asymmetric configuration of residential premises - visually increase the height of the ceiling when decorating the wall with a vertical image that goes to the ceiling, reduce the length of a high wall by depicting several parallel horizontal black and white lines drawn in the middle of the wall around the entire perimeter of the room;
  • shade the expressive line between elements, kitchens or other living quarters;
  • create a unique furniture design by applying monochrome images to sofa upholstery or facade;
  • emphasize the characteristic features of modern design trends - and;

  • dilute the bright palette of colors of the interior, executed in a manner, or kitsch;
  • transform the appearance of interior details or create a unique decor - draw a dial on the wall with ornate patterns or a strict geometric outline, decorate flower pots or vases ornaments that harmoniously echo the prints used in the interior.

The art of creating magnificent compositions with the help of achromatic colors is possessed by a few hyperrealist artists who thoroughly know the rules of the play of light and shadow. Among them are the names of world-famous masters of pictorial art: Stefan de Kruk, Mattias Adolfsson, Sandra Javad, Diego Fazio, George Nova, Caesar Del Val, Linda Haber. Reproductions of their paintings, depicted with a slate pencil, are often used for auto-tuning, decorating the walls of public institutions and houses, where monochrome tones act as a quality.

Portraits, images of animals, philosophical storylines that tell about the global problems of mankind, black and white streaks of life, abstractions that require unraveling the artist's idea, will definitely become the main attractions of the house, emphasizing the respect for the masters of fine art in graphic design.

Advice! 3D graphics have limitless potential. The interior can acquire the features of man-made if you personally create in a graphic editor a sketch of an image with a plot that advertises the concept of the chosen stylistic direction, household hobbies or objects that they dream of.

A sketch of a black and white drawing can be used as a template for creating wallpaper design, decor of mirror facades, stretch ceilings, ceramic tile panel or .

Graphics in the interior: rules of use

To avoid creating a dull atmosphere in rooms dominated by black and white compositions, you need to choose wisely. The graphics in the interior looks presentable against a neutral background, due to the finish in snow-white, pastel, or pearl tone. Having chosen such an original way of decorating the inner shell of housing, it is worth remembering the rules for using graphic compositions:

  1. In spacious rooms, three-dimensional graphics in the interior look advantageous, a photo of which should be selected in the process of creating a design project. With the help of 3D visualization of the interior, you can visually evaluate many nuances of the choice of graphic illustrations: evaluate the proportionate and in and their gradations, choose the right dominant color that connects all other tones, reduce or increase tonal saturation, stop the choice on the optimal scale of the picture.

  2. Black and white ornaments, patterns and ethnic motifs look organic. For example, a graphic mandala in an interior can fill the atmosphere with hints of mystery and sacred magic. The most suitable for an interior decorated with graphic drawings with geometric components will be a schematic Sri Yantra ornament with a frame made up of rectangular elements.
  3. In representative areas of the house, it is worth using illustrations with a dynamic character that create the illusion of movement to decorate the walls: a graphic depicting a car moving at high speed, breaking through the space of a rocket, a liner or an airplane. This will create an energetic emotional atmosphere that will charge those around you with a driving mood during long-awaited meetings with guests.
  4. Lounge areas must be decorated with static black and white drawings without sharp-angled edging and curvilinear lines. Graphics with streamlined outlines and gradual transitions of tones sets you up for peace of mind and measured relaxation.
  5. Accent walls should be designed with symmetrical compositions that allow you to fully consider each part of the graphic design.
  6. To highlight the picturesque composition, it is worth supplementing it with spots aimed at the main dominant of the interior picture.

  7. In order for a bright illustration, designed in sharply contrasting black and white tones, to look organically against the background of an interior with a neutral palette, you should combine it with mirror panels or chrome-plated metal wall panels capable of reflecting a graphic pattern.
  8. With the help of graphic compositions, objects of admiration can be placed on the walls of the house, acting as a link between parts of the space, reflecting the canons of different interior genres. For example, combine colorful with aesthetics mediterranean style with the help of black and white blotches depicting natural motifs and diluting the bright palette of colors.
  9. Advice! In interior design, there are no strict rules for decorating a living space.

    Therefore, you can confidently trust your personal aesthetic taste in the process of transforming the environment, paint the walls of the house with confidence, not being afraid to put a blot in a conspicuous place, as the modern design direction welcomes man-made, simplicity and non-ideal forms in any manifestation.

    Variations of graphic compositions

    Graphics in the interior can be presented in different ways:

  • In the form of a bright drawing, executed in the technique of airbrushing. With the help of an airbrush, the master can apply any image on a metal, glass, wooden panel or a perfectly evenly plastered wall. Due to the skillful combination of black and white colors, professionals create amazingly beautiful graphic drawings, from which it is difficult to look at another detail of the situation. Therefore, so that the surrounding interior items do not fade against the background of dynamic images, it is worth supplementing the composition with chords in the form of red-white or yellow-black upholstery armchairs. . involuntarily diverting attention from the impeccably executed graphics on the wall.