Che respond to an insult beautifully. What a beautiful way to offend someone. Smart curses

It happens that we can be offended and rude even in the most seemingly inappropriate place, for example, in a store where, in theory, “the buyer is always right”, or in a clinic, in a bank, at work, in educational institution, and just at home.

It took place to watch the picture, as a young mother, carrying a stroller with a baby, was attacked by a security guard and began to yell that it was forbidden to enter the store with strollers, although it was illegal.

Some people have such an atmosphere at work that it is not clear how they survive there. The boss can easily be rude or call his subordinate, and the workers do not dare to object to him, being afraid to fly out of office.

If you were offended, said rudely or called names, you should not become discouraged, rush with your fists at the offender.

What to do if you were called names, rude, rude:

  • You can just keep silent, not react, grinning arrogantly. On offenders, this method often acts discouragingly, because their words did not have the desired effect.
  • Answer briefly: "You are rude and ill-mannered." In some cases, you will put the offender into a stupor, put him in his place, and while he is standing, bulging his eyes, you can leave the place of collision with your head held high.
  • Read a rude lecture about polite behavior in society, or say: "Zainka, God bless you!" with a sweet smile.
  • If possible, be calm when you hear dissonant remarks addressed to you, do not shout and do not climb with your fists, by this you only show how much the words of a rude person hurt you. It’s better to answer with a smile something like this: “Why so much interest in my person?” “You don’t have your own personal life, did you decide to participate in someone else’s?”
  • Say this: “If you have such low self-esteem that you can only humiliate others by exalting yourself, then I advise you to seek help and support from a psychologist, because people like you do not have real friends.”
  • Response to a boorish woman: "You are as smart and kind as you are beautiful."
  • Of course, you can respond in kind and be rude in response, sliding down to the level of a rude offender, but shouting your tirade in response, you can throw off the overwhelming tension a little. However, this is the most unfortunate of the options.

Here are some more responses that you can use when confronting an offender:

  • I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you;
  • Appreciated the depth of your thought, thank you!
  • Thank you for your attention to my personality, that you were not too lazy to criticize it;
  • For God's sake, I don't mind. I love being hated;
  • Is that all you wanted to say?
  • I had a better opinion of you;
  • Rudeness does not suit you at all;
  • Do you want a polite answer or the truth?
  • Why are you trying to look worse than you really are?

Depending on the situation, you can put into practice all of the above methods of dealing with boors and rude people, in especially unpleasant situations, try to give out a witty joke or remark.

It is not sad, but it also happens that none of the above helps, especially for teenagers. Offenders can consider ignoring and silence as cowardice and weakness, and with even greater bitterness they continue to make fun and mock a person. In this case, only the only way, through which you can earn the respect of peers - to hit back the offender. This will show that you are not afraid, and are not going to continue to endure insulting ridicule, name-calling and rudeness.

"Jupiter, you're angry, so you're wrong"
Prometheus' appeal to Zeus

We all experience rudeness from time to time. Someone observes its manifestation from the outside, while someone constantly has to listen to rude and offensive words addressed to them. the site understood how to effectively respond to rudeness and respond to rudeness in general.

It's not so offensive to forget at home the right thing, how insulting to hear rude, unfounded words addressed to you. It's not as hard to take on a new assignment as it is to work in a scandalous atmosphere where everyone yells and is rude to each other.

It is known that someone else's aggression is always transformed into auto-aggression, hence Bad mood, decreased self-esteem, performance, etc. How to protect yourself from alien aggression and properly respond to rudeness?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the causes of rudeness. There are several of them, and for each of them you can offer different variants responses. So let's start with the first reason.

Weak psychological constitution of a person

You probably noticed that almost no one is rude to some people, while others constantly fall under the "distribution"? Many boors have remarkable intuition and observation. They choose their victims according to the principle of strength-weakness: “This one is sharp on the tongue, it’s better not to mess with him, but you can have fun with this. He's probably going to say something absurd in response.".

How to react correctly?

Before engaging in fights with offenders, you need to work on your self-esteem, self-confidence and inner strength. After all, it is almost impossible to be rude to the strong.

Calm Method

In dealing with such offenders, never show that you are confused. Express your point of view honestly, firmly and openly. Do not defend and do not defend! Speak calmly and relaxed. Hams are cowards, they are not used to frankness and calmness. They need to piss you off in order to feed on your energy. Don't make them happy.

Bus conductor: “Why are you giving me 500 rubles? I don't have change! I'll land now!"
Opponent in a serious but calm tone: “What, excuse me?”
Conductor: "No change!"
Opponent: “I have a long way to go. I would be very grateful if you manage to change the banknote.”

Method "Psychological Aikido"

It consists in using the energy of the enemy against himself. It is necessary to agree with the "criticism" of the opponent (sometimes it is required to do this several times), as a result of which the situation is brought to the point of absurdity or becomes very funny. And do not forget to praise the boor - it will pay off with interest!

Nervous patient (NP) in the clinic to the second patient (VP): “What, no eyes? Can't you see, there's a line! Where are you going? The smartest one, right?
VP: “I don’t really have eyes. How considerate you are. And I, as the smartest, climbed without a queue.
NP (taken aback): “I’m standing like everyone else ...”
VP: “Yes, you stand like everyone else. It’s not like I’m climbing out of line.”

Usually two or three escapes from the attack is enough. Ham falls into a state of psychological grog - he is confused and disoriented. If the audience is already “bending” with laughter by this time, it will be easier for you. Ham retreats faster and will no longer take risks.

The peculiarity of the method is that it requires long practice and effort, as it requires breaking one's own patterns of behavior.

Method "Humor"

When a person wants to say something bad, he draws air into his lungs. If you make him laugh at this moment, he will relax. Accompany your joke with a smile, you can even praise your opponent.

The secretary went to the director during a meeting to bring tea. But she failed. Catching her heel on the carpet, she slammed to the floor, knocking over all the cups. Seeing the headmaster's face turning purple with anger, the secretary blurted out, "You are so stunning!" Everyone in the room immediately laughed.

Statement method

Sometimes a simple statement of the fact “You are a boor” is enough to silence the interlocutor. But you can also get creative.

Buyer: “Give me, please, vitamins ... forgot what they are called. Here are these, ”he points to the window.
Seller: “Do you need memory pills, by any chance?”
Buyer: "And you? From rudeness?

Method "Sneeze"

It is suitable as an answer to a long rough monologue.

How to respond to rudeness: responses to offensive phrases

If your opponent lets off steam on you for a long and tedious time and cannot stop, help him with this. Listen to him with a calm air until the boor is convinced that he is the master of the situation, and you will remain silent. And then sneeze loudly and defiantly. And in the resulting pause, insert the phrase: "Sorry, I'm allergic to nonsense." And with an extremely polite look, ask: “So where did you stop?”

  • "It's all?" or "So what?"
  • "I had a better opinion of you"
  • “Rudeness does not suit anyone, and even more so for you”
  • “Do you politely answer or tell the truth?”
  • “I thought that artistry didn’t suit you”
  • "Why do you always try to look worse than you really are?"
  • “I have absolutely no time to cherish your complexes”

"I'm sorry, what? You probably misspoke?"

The offender's inability to communicate and resolve issues

This is another common reason for rudeness and rudeness. Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, many people prefer communication that is uncharacteristic of a civilized person. Such people are used to being rude all the time, and other behaviors are of little interest to them.

How to react correctly?

Persistent Politeness and Angelic Patience Method

The main rule of communication with such boors is politeness, goodwill and patience. You can’t go on a provocation, be charged with the energy of a boor, become a follower. Do not forget that the rude man is waiting for reciprocal aggression, and not receiving it, falls into a trance. Politeness and a smile unsettle him, make him communicate in a different, unusual scenario for him. Thanks to this, you get the opportunity to control the situation. Sometimes a boor is fixated on the negative, then you can talk to him just as politely, but louder, than usual. The non-standard situation will also silence the boor.

Seller: “Man, why are you digging for so long? Will you take it or not?"
Customer: "Show me that mug over there, please."
Seller: “You have been standing here for half an hour. I'm not your errand girl!"
The buyer is louder than usual: "Show me that mug, please."

The Boring Method

It is suitable for administrators of forums, groups in social networks, etc. It is known that many community members, knowing full well general rules, deliberately violate them, and then blow up the personal accounts of administrators, expressing sincere disagreement with the fact that they were banned. When arguments end, rudeness begins.

How to respond to rudeness: responses to offensive phrases

Of course, you can ban the dissatisfied in a personal, but if you need to defend the rightness, try without emotions, describe in detail all the flaws of the offender. At first, the interlocutor will blow off steam in the hope of having fun, but having met with a dry official language, he will get bored and fall behind.

Participant: Why was I banned? This is arbitrary! Then write on the page: “We do what we want, we ban the one we want!”
Administrator: “You violated paragraph 2 of the rules of such and such. According to the forum rules, you have been banned for 2 weeks."
Participant: “I didn’t break anything and my pictures are normal! It’s you who find fault there, you yourself don’t understand anything in photographs, so don’t interfere!
Administrator: "For insulting the administration, your ban will be extended for another 2 weeks."

Method "Shocking" (for an amateur)

To combat stereotypical rudeness, the method of breaking patterns is well suited, and speaking plain language- shock. You can prepare in advance a couple of phrases that are completely irrelevant. And to shock the interlocutor, in response to the question “Will you buy or not?” you can ask: “Can you tell me how the series ended yesterday?”

The methods described above are also well suited: "Psychological Aikido", "Humor" and "Statement".

Other effective responses to offensive phrases:

  • "It's a pity you can't answer that with originality"
  • "Something makes me want to talk to you"
  • "I don't like the people you're trying to portray"
  • “I appreciated the depth of your thought. Thanks"
  • "I appreciated your joke. Thanks"
  • "Thank you for being so attentive to my personality"
  • “Not quite witty, but already something”
  • “Witty and funny” (after moving on to another topic of conversation, being distracted by something or someone, leaving the room)

The offender's fear of you

Most of the boors - weak people having low self-esteem and pronounced envy. As soon as they realize that you have achieved more in life than they do, the fear of competition immediately wakes up in them. They mask this fear with their excellent ability to be rude.

How to react correctly?

Hedgehog Care Method

Imagine a hedgehog that released its thorns out of fear. On the one hand, the hedgehog is angry and prickly, and on the other, small and frightened. One has only to take care of him, as he softens, hides the thorns and puffs contentedly, drinking milk from a saucer.

So, how does communication (communication) take place in general - a diagram
Every person has three 'I's in their head (three Ego states: "R"- parental or stereotypical; "AT"- adult or rational; "D"- childish or emotional), and when two people communicate, in fact 6 people communicate (one RAD and the other RAD).

At one point in time, a person can only be in one “I”, and perceive and transmit information only from it. See the communication scheme, using the example of a buyer and a seller (where, just like that, you can often find rudeness, rudeness, and even insults).

The diagram shows parallel (direct), conflict-free transactions (communication units - one asked, the other answered, while both, at the moment of question-answer, are in the same Ego-states).
Here, a priori, insults, rudeness and rudeness are excluded.

AT this example, the buyer asks an "Adult", a rational question, referring subconsciously to the "Adult Self" of the seller. And the latter, perhaps due to his irritability or bad mood, crosses the transaction, answering, as it were, “from top to bottom”, from his “Parental Self” to the “Childish, emotional “Self” of the buyer, which can provoke emotionality (affect) in the latter , for example, first resentment, and then anger.

If the buyer responds to rudeness and insult with rudeness, then there will be a conflict, because. transactions will specifically intersect (see the figure below).

Similar pre-conflict and conflict situations, where rudeness and rudeness reign, and sometimes even insults, can be observed in the relationship between husband and wife, and in any other interpersonal relationship, where transactions intersect, leading to quarrels and conflicts, and then to a break in relations and sometimes to psychological disorders.

Here, the wife, to the “adult” question of her husband, answers either from the “Parental Self” (with a “collision”), or from the “Childish Self” (with resentment, as if she was “run over”), which crosses the transaction, provoking angry, possibly abusive ("Parental") response of the husband and conflict in the family.

What to do, how to properly respond to rudeness, rudeness and insults?

As you already understood, if you respond to rudeness and rudeness with insults, then nothing good will come of it - problems have never been solved in conflicts, neither in everyday life, nor in business, nor in politics (you always need a dialogue at the level of “Adults, rational selves).

For starters, you do not need to delve into the essence of why they are rude and rude to you (this is their psychological problems), the main thing here is to realize why you want to respond to rudeness with rudeness and even insults, or, be offended and then take revenge (it doesn’t matter to whom - the offender himself, someone close to you, or your beloved dog), the main thing is to work out a negative emotion) .

And for this you need to learn to be clearly aware of yourself, your inner "I", when and in what "Ego-state" you are (Ego-state). For example (all about the same seller), you were aware of yourself in a rational (adult) I-state, because you really wanted to know (clarify) the cost of the goods before buying.

But instead of the same “Adult” answer, you were rude and even indirectly insulted. What to do, how to respond to rudeness?

After all, for a second you switched to the “Childish, emotional I” and for a moment felt, let's say, resentment or injustice ... (this must be realized). And then your psychological defense automatically worked, and you switched again, but already to the “Parental Self”, you already felt “righteous anger” and you wanted to be rude in response - this is a mistake.

If you can be aware of your switching in ego states, then you can always respond to any rudeness, rudeness or insult smartly and beautifully, just using the so-called psychological sambo (judo, aikido - whatever you like).

Your task, having realized yourself in the “childish, emotional I” at the time of the psychological attack (rudeness, rudeness, insults addressed to you), is not to switch, at least immediately, to the “Parental I”, but to complete the situation in the emotional ego state , since the message, the insulting transaction (see the figure above) is directed exactly down to your “childish self”, where, in fact, you felt resentment, guilt or injustice.

From this, childish ego-state, you need to end the situation - if you are offended, briefly pretend that you are offended; if they blame - temporarily feel guilty (show it), etc.

And without letting the opponent say more than a word, continue the conversation from any, better than the “adult”, ego state.

Remember, when you are in the “rational self” (there are no emotions), your intellect is working at full capacity, which means you can easily find any necessary, smart and beautiful words to correctly respond to insult, rudeness and rudeness in any situation.

Your "adult", rational and conscious goal (in the example of the seller) is to buy a product, and not to make a fuss with it, ruining your mood for the whole day. Therefore, realizing the feeling of injustice in the “childish self”, during rudeness and rudeness, and realizing that in fact you are accused of not being able to see prices (in not knowing them) - the mistake of the seller’s thinking - you need to answer from that ego state ( children's), to which the vector of the accusation “what is oblique, you don’t see the price tag” is directed - like, “yes, sorry, I didn’t take my glasses.” (why would you need to prove to some upset person that you are not oblique ... you yourself know this ...).

Similarly, you can act in any pre-conflict situations, responding beautifully and intelligently to rudeness, rudeness and any insults. This way you keep your good mood, do the job, maintain and improve relationships, and do not accumulate negativity in your head, which then needs to be worked out on your internal organs (if you are an introvert) or on other people (if you are an extrovert) ...

Help of a psychoanalyst

Read journal of psychological assistance: useful articles and recommendations of psychologists

There are times when we see the only way to stand up for ourselves in the ability to offend the interlocutor. It is worth recognizing that this method is not always justified, and, at times, may even lead to negative consequences. But still there are situations when it is very difficult to do without it. There can be many such situations, and we will consider some of them in more detail. self defense When someone allows themselves to speak offensively in our direction, often, we "boil" in response. Few people manage to restrain their emotions in such a situation and ignore the attacks of an aggressive interlocutor. Of course, if a person has managed to achieve the highest degree of self-control or simply cannot decide on a response offensive remark, then he is able to ignore negative words addressed to him. And yet, more often than not, holding back is not easy. Defense of the weak There are situations when we cannot help but pay attention to the fact that someone allows himself an insulting attitude towards another person. This is especially unbearable to watch when under fire hurtful words gets a spouse, your child, a shy girl or even an unknown pensioner. In general, aggression awakens in many of us when a weaker person suffers, who finds it difficult to stand up for himself. Of course, in this case, the injured party needs protection, and, undoubtedly, will experience a deep sense of gratitude, having received it. Animal protection This point is somewhat similar to the previous one, but the difference is that this time it is not about a weak person, but about an animal. Some of us, seeing, for example, how teenagers torture a cat or a drunken person kicking a dog, try to pretend that they simply don’t notice what is happening, but the majority still cannot look indifferently at the suffering of “smaller brothers”. Of course, in this case insults on your part will be more than justified.

How to morally humiliate a person without a mat

Not each of us is able to humiliate a person without resorting to swear words. However, if you learn this, then you can say that you have mastered the art of the most "subtle" insults.

Clever phrases to shut up a person

If you want to put a person in his place, with some kind of veiled insult, take note of a few phrases.
    Open your mouth at the dentist! Usually, those who cannot manage their own climb into someone else's life. Do not fall under hot hand so as not to fly away under a hot foot.

Cool and funny insults

Such insults can seem cool and funny not only to the person who utters them, but also to the person to whom they refer. However, it all depends on how touchy your interlocutor is. If he is too sensitive to the slightest hint of insults and overly vulnerable, then, of course, he will not be funny in this situation.
    Yes, close your laugher already! Stop waving your tongue like a flag in a parade.

Offensive sharp phrases

If you want to offend someone with a sharp and offensive phrase, then, apparently, this person really managed to hurt you. Of course, in no case should you show that you are offended or angry - in this case, you will not achieve the desired effect. Speak sharp phrases in a calm tone, which may well be accompanied by a slight smirk.
    Looks like the stork dropped someone on the way. And more than once. You would have been taken to the Kunstkamera even during your lifetime. One more phrase like that, and you will have to move through life in jerks. You should think about saving nature by sterilizing yourself. It must be difficult for you to love nature, after what she has done to you.

How to culturally send a person by calling witty words

You may well offend a person, even being with him on “you”. To do this, it is not at all necessary to switch to obscene words or direct insults. One witty phrase is enough. Therefore, you can even say that, in this way, you will send a person culturally.
    Are you leaving already? Why so slowly? I'm too busy a person to pay attention to your complexes. Shock me, finally say at least something smart. It seems that youthful maximalism has not gone away with you. .I hope that you are not always so stupid, but only today.
And yet, most likely, you understand that in the case when we insult someone else, it is quite difficult to talk about any level of culture. Often such conversations simply roll into an ugly squabble.

Play on his weaknesses and complexes

If the situation develops in such a way that you have to insult a woman (we note that these are still the most extreme situations), then, of course, you can play on her complexes. Most often, weak point women is her appearance. Even if she does not show that your words somehow hurt her, most likely, you will still achieve the goal - she will remember what you said and it will disturb her. It is also worth noting that some men can also be offended by mentioning them. appearance or physical parameters. Although most often a male representative can be offended by mentioning his unenviable mental qualities, most men react quite painfully to these remarks. So some examples:
    Alas, you cannot save the world with beauty. However, with your mind too. Woman, you are not so beautiful as to be rude to people. Just looking at you, I can believe that a person really came from a monkey. Don't worry, maybe one day you will say something smart. Where did you learn to do makeup in the style of Valuev? What, no one wants to get married, why is she so angry? Is everything really tight? Well, at least try to spread your bone marrow. It’s immediately obvious that your parents dreamed that you would run away from home. It’s true they say that the brain is not everything. In your case, it's nothing at all.

Create long-term systematic pressure on the enemy

Naturally, in this paragraph we are talking about psychological pressure - the influence on the interlocutors, which occurs in order to change their psychological attitudes, decisions and opinions. Often this method is used in situations where, for some reason, you cannot openly be rude to a person, but you are also unable to react to his behavior in any way. So what are the types psychological pressure exist? Moral pressure It can also be called humiliation, which is expressed in the desire to morally suppress the interlocutor. Systematically, you point out some feature of a person, even if your words are not true. Thus, you intentionally sow complexes in your opponent. For example, you can always hint or directly tell someone: “How stupid you are,” “You are very clumsy,” “You still need to lose weight,” and the like. In this case, it becomes difficult for the interlocutor to control himself, and if at first he practically does not pay attention to your words, then later they begin to seriously offend him. It is important to note that this technique is appropriate to apply to people who suffer from self-doubt. Compulsion Such a method can be used by a person who is endowed with some kind of power - finance, information, or even physical strength. In this case, the opponent is not able to give a worthy rebuff, realizing that in this case he may suffer in financial plan, do not get the right information and so on. Belief This kind of psychological pressure can be called the most rational. By applying it, you are trying to appeal to the logic of a person and his mind. This method is applicable to people with a normal level of intelligence who are able to understand what you are trying to convey to them. A person who tries to act by the method of persuasion should select the most logical and evidential phrases, not allowing doubts and uncertainty in his tone. It is important to understand that as soon as the "victim" begins to notice any inconsistencies, the force of such pressure will begin to weaken. suspension In this case, the person makes an attempt, as it were, to “starve out” the interlocutor. You are trying to put pressure on someone, but when they try to convict you of this, then you step back or move on to other topics. You can also, in response, accuse the opponent of inventing everything, twisting it, and so on. Suggestion This method of psychological attack can only be used by a person who is somehow an authority for his “victim”. One way or another, you are trying to inspire something to the interlocutor, speaking in hints or directly.

Is it permissible to use obscene names and curses

Of course, we are not always able to control ourselves and cope with ourselves in peak situations, but you should make every effort to achieve this. If it has come to the point that you do not see any other way but to get nasty to a person, then try to do it subtly and beautifully. As they say, there is no need to stoop to the level of “bazaar women”. Of course, if you couldn’t restrain yourself and switched to a mat, then there’s nothing to be done, and still try not to allow this, and put the person “in their place” in other ways. It’s not that you can somehow especially hurt interlocutor. It is simply believed that a person who has “descended” to obscenities is not able to defend his opinion in ordinary words - to some extent, this is how we demonstrate our own inadequacy. Of course, it’s another matter if you, in principle, always communicate with the abundant use of swear words, but this is a completely different conversation.

How to learn sarcasm using cheeky funny words

Having learned to use bold and funny expressions appropriately, you will surely be able to gain fame in a close circle as a person with good feeling humor and tech-savvy sarcasm. But it is important not to forget that impudence can be fraught with consequences, and with such phrases you can provoke the interlocutor to an unpredictable reaction.
    Go, lie down, rest. Yes, at least on the rails. It would be possible to offend you, of course, but nature has already coped for me. Nobody scares you, you will be scared at the mirror. A stapler would not interfere with your mouth at all. go.
Learning the art of sarcasm And yet, it is important to note that people who can express themselves in a sarcastic form do not always use this skill, trying to offend or humiliate someone. Often, sarcasm sounds when some non-trivial situation is commented on - then it looks funny and organic. It is almost impossible to comprehend the art of sarcasm for a person whose vocabulary not very diverse, and the outlook is rather limited. That is why it is worth reading and learning more. Type in the search: "Authors who write with humor." As you yourself understand, in any case, truly “sharp” phrases are made up of words, the variety of which you can easily draw from intellectual films and books. By the way, examples of some witty phrases can also be seen in books. As a last resort, learn sarcasm from people who make a living with their jokes - we are talking about participants and hosts of various comedy television shows. If you want to pass for a really witty person, then do not repeat the mistake that many beginner jokers or people who think they are such. Having heard or read some interesting joke or funny expression, they periodically repeat it in order to make the interlocutor laugh. The first couple of times it can be really funny, but after a while people start smiling just out of politeness, and that's for the time being, for the time being. As you understand, it is simply unacceptable for a master of sarcasm to be associated with someone with a broken record.

If you want to be rude beautifully, then it is appropriate to use phrases that your interlocutor probably has not heard yet or those that he will not immediately orient himself with a witty answer. In this case, for sure, you will look more advantageous. So, perhaps some of these statements will seem appropriate to you.
    If these beeps continue to come from your platform, then your dental staff will have to move. Are you sick or do you always look like this? you, but life has already done it for me.
We take into account possible consequences Entering into a skirmish with an aggressive interlocutor, it would be foolish not to take into account the possible consequences of this step. You must understand and be prepared for the fact that you will have to move from words to deeds if, for example, you threaten someone with physical violence. If your opponent provokes you to further actions, and you just start ignoring him, then all your threats simply lose their meaning. Of course, it can turn out differently - a person will be frightened by your words, and will shut up. However, you must be prepared for different developments if you still decide to enter into a conflict. When not to use insults All your "pungent phrases" and " beautiful insults” do not make any sense if you decide to use them when communicating with an insane person. So, what kind of person can be called insane. First of all, this refers to the interlocutor who is under strong alcohol or drug influence. Surely, such a person will simply not be able to appreciate the subtlety of your insults - he simply will not hear them, or he will react inadequately, even if your words are not too offensive. It’s really better not to mess with such people, even if they are trying in every possible way to offend you. Your task is to completely leave their field of vision, and not enter into a senseless conflict. If a drunk person offends a weaker one, then, of course, you need to help the offended party, but verbal skirmishes are unlikely to give any positive result. In any case, if you are sure that in this situation you can do without insults by solving the problem in some way or by any other method, it is still better not to go as far as swearing. It is possible that later you will have to regret your incontinence. As we have already mentioned, it is appropriate to take this step only in case of protection (of yourself or a loved one). If you yourself initiate such conversations, you will very soon get a reputation as a boor and brawler.

Such situations occur suddenly and sometimes there is no way to prepare answers in advance. This collection of tips and answer options will help you in an emergency to correctly navigate and fight back.

Situations are different and before you start answering you should evaluate it from the outside. This skill is difficult to develop, especially if stressful situation arose unexpectedly and your first reaction, of course, is to answer the offender in the same way. But still, before you do this, think about the following:

1. It happens that you yourself could serve as the beginning of this situation, even if you didn’t want to do it at all. Perhaps you touched a personal person and his words are just a reaction to your behavior.
2. When you are absolutely not to blame for a person’s behavior, and the reason for it may simply be that he is in a bad mood and he decided to recoup you, of course, it is simply necessary to fight back.
3. If in this moment the interlocutor is in an abnormal state, he is drunk or does not understand what he is doing, then the best way out of this situation is to get away from him as soon as possible and not try to answer.

4. There are times when the abuser is your boss. Such situations are, of course, very unpleasant, but unfortunately, no matter how much one wants, there is simply no way to answer him the way you want.
5. It is also better not to get into quarrels with colleagues, because this can only aggravate the situation. In this situation, it is advisable to simply leave.

How to respond to an insult

If you are offended by a well-known person who, simply due to circumstances, is now irritated, then in this situation you can act wiser and remain silent.

But there are situations when you are offended by a person who simply finds fault with every little thing and is looking for a reason to start a scandal in everything. In this case, it is worth answering the offender.

  1. At the moment when a person insults you, his main goal is to provoke a response from you. For your part, you can discourage and disarm him by remaining absolutely calm and simply agreeing with his words. And after that, thank him for taking the time to look for your shortcomings and point them out to you. He definitely does not expect such behavior from you and he will understand that it is simply useless to continue doing this.
  2. The method can also help to get out of the situation with dignity when you answer the interlocutor with the same phrases, for example: “So what?”; "So what?" etc. Such a reaction of yours will allow you to remain calm and will infuriate your interlocutor.
  3. An unexpected reaction to his words on your part will also help to disarm the interlocutor. For example, if you take and laugh at the moment when he insults you.

In any case, try at such moments to learn how to behave competently and not get involved in mutual insults. Try not to let your opponent get what he is trying to achieve by creating this situation. Of course, it’s not easy to pull yourself together, but this is what will help you get out of the situation as a winner.

How funny to respond to an insult, example

  • Do you like playing in public? Not Enough PR Opportunities?
  • Thank you of course for moralizing, but it is better to help me with money.
  • Are you missing hugs? Do you want me to hug you?
  • You talk so interestingly, but say something clever better.
  • Of course, I heard that nature has a wonderful sense of humor, but looking at you, I was also convinced of this.
  • I certainly appreciate your advice. But why judge everyone by themselves?
  • Have you ever thought about saving nature? I can suggest a surgeon and arrange for him to sterilize you.
  • You look so stupid now that I'm not even offended at all. Rather, even funny.
  • Oh, I always dreamed of meeting Shrek live! Finally my dream came true!
  • It's so funny to me that I can't even adequately answer you. Have you thought about a career as a comedian?

How to respond to an insult with sarcasm

  • I read somewhere that insulting other people hides their complexes. Don't you think it's really true?
  • Of course, I would listen to you more, but somehow you are boring.
  • You think so primitively that you don't even want to answer.
  • If suddenly I want to know your opinion, I will ask you.
  • You go on, go on. Maybe you can come up with something smarter?
  • Is your imagination limited or is your vocabulary exhausted?
  • What an amazing talent you have! You don't even have to pretend to be stupid!
  • Perhaps your parents were happy when you moved out of them?
  • Your behavior makes me very sad. I thought you were smarter.
  • If you want to appear smarter, shut up.

How to respond to an insult witty

  • After your birth, nature must have realized its mistake.
  • How well you manage to remain stupid no matter what!
  • It looks like you just lost your dignity. Help you find him?
  • And where did you get so smart? You probably graduated from a madhouse with a red diploma?
  • It's a shame they don't die of stupidity. Then you wouldn't be around.
  • Yes, of course I can go to a psychiatric hospital. But are strangers allowed into your house?
  • Looks like it's time for you to hurry. As far as I know, the psychiatric hospital closes early.
  • You are so much like the ocean. You make me sick just the same.
  • Now that's self-confidence! Do you consider yourself completely invulnerable?
  • Your brains are only enough to turn a cigarette into ashes.

How to respond to an insult with smart words

  • Your primitive phrases depress me. Could you be smarter?
  • Do you want to hear from me a polite answer, or a truthful one?
  • Sounds like you need to rethink your diet. Carcinogens accumulated from junk food began to destroy your brain.
  • Do not try to hurt my dignity by using your shortcomings.
  • Well, nothing, you just have to be patient a little. After all, they have already learned to increase their lips and breasts. Surely soon learn and increase brains.
  • I'd love to talk to you, but I need to lie down to be on the same level as you.
  • What a pity that you know how to assert yourself only with the help of insults.
  • You are a living confirmation of the phrase that if there is no mind, then it begins to sink even lower with the help of insults.
  • Apchi! I think I'm allergic to your stupidity!
  • I don't associate with people who try to cover up their low IQ with insults.

How to respond to a person with rude words

  • You do know that restoring teeth is very expensive these days, don't you? I wouldn't risk it like that if I were you!
  • Go sterilize! People like you just can't reproduce!
  • You should not climb under a hot hand, otherwise you can run into a hot foot!
  • I would like to offend you now, but judging by you, nature has already done it for me.
  • Run up and kiss me while I'm standing behind a tree.
  • Instead of this tirade, better decorate our world with your absence from it!
  • I would very much like to send you, but judging by the appearance you just got back from there!
  • Opposite my house there is a cemetery, and you apparently really want to become my neighbor.
  • You would be of great benefit to the world if you hung yourself in the corner.
  • What a pity that one thought cannot kill. Otherwise, you would already be dead.

How to respond gracefully to an insult

  • Don't worry like that! I don't have the pleasure of seeing you!
  • Unfortunately, you cannot save the world with beauty and intelligence!
  • Look, do you see this plinth? Here he is on the same level with you, insult him!
  • Please restrict me from communicating with you.
  • How interesting to watch you, otherwise I have not been to the circus for so long!
  • Let's agree that you won't tell lies about me. For this, I will not tell anyone the truth about you!
  • Of course, you are not smart. But I didn't even think it was that much.
  • To communicate with people like you is not in my competence. Therefore, talk better to the nightstand.
  • I would like to explain where you are wrong. But your little brain will not be able to withstand such a flow of information.
  • Unfortunately, all that you have is positive - it's only the Rh factor.

How to adequately respond to an insult

  • Are you trying to convince yourself now?
  • I will not even try to think about the set of words that you are now pronouncing!
  • From your lips, these words sound like compliments.
  • If you don't like me that much, then no one forbids you to cry about it in the corner.
  • It is very foolish of you to hide your own failure behind rudeness.
  • Your words do not offend me at all, it would be more insulting to hear them from an intelligent person!
  • Aren't you afraid that fate will one day answer you the same?
  • I have absolutely no desire to associate with primitive man!
  • Spreading such words, do not forget that fate makes us one day pay for all our actions!
  • Unfortunately, I thought much better of you.

How to respond to an insult with humor

  • Don't be so angry! And then the pimples will start to burst!
  • I don't even need to scare you! For me, this mirror does every day!
  • Stop croaking, otherwise you will suddenly swallow your tongue!
  • You are like a slime, just as vile and nasty.
  • I thought clowns were only found in the circus!
  • For people like you, Mario players jump from above!
  • Are you the main actor in the movie Dumb and Dumber?
  • Looks like a monkey escaped from the zoo. Stay here, the zoologists will come for you.
  • How hard it must be to live with such a small intellect. Well, at least try to make the bone marrow work.
  • Looks like you got bitten by a bee on your tongue. I can't find any other explanation for your terrible smell from your mouth.

How to respond to a boor for an insult

  • I thought you were only not beautiful on the outside, but you were also rotten on the inside.
  • I am well aware that you are entitled to your own opinion. But this right does not oblige me to listen to him.
  • I'm so interested in what you're talking about that I even wanted to sleep.
  • Well, try to think at least using the bone marrow!
  • How fearless you are, just throwing words like that. Aren't you afraid that you will have to answer later?
  • I would like to hit you, but I'm afraid that the animal rights activists will accuse me of mistreating animals.
  • When you start talking, I look so smart against your background! Go on!
  • It must be very difficult for you to live. Don't want to talk about it?
  • Go to the landfill to make a fuss, to the society of people like you!
  • Save our world from your presence!

How insulting to respond to an insult

  • Your words fully reflect your level of intelligence!
  • If I wanted to hear the barking of dogs, I would get myself a mongrel.
  • If the appearance is terrible, it does not give the right to behave the same way!
  • Probably, when the stork brought you, mother wanted to take a better stork for herself.
  • Did you just come up with all this now or did you rehearse for a week?
  • It seems your pot hasn't been cooking for a long time.
  • Your mental development completely coincides with the level of the shell.
  • In your case, there is only one good trait. The one that separates the buttocks.
  • It seems that at the time of the disaster you did not have time to escape from Chernobyl in time.
  • It seems that in your body the absence of a head is replaced by the fifth point.

How to respond to an insult to a man

  • They say when the dignity is too small, they try to cover it with another part of the body. In your case - a long language.
  • Is it hard for you to find a mate? Because as soon as the mongrels agree to live with you.
  • Your dignity has just sunk to the bottom.
  • I don't even want to look at you.
  • You can only drag the family down.
  • I do not want to know even such a low entity as you.
  • Unfortunately, you don't even realize how low you've fallen. But the people around see it.
  • Probably your woman is very ashamed of her choice.
  • Judging by your words, you are just a moral impotent.
  • You hide a small dignity with a sharp tongue.

How to boldly respond to an insult

  • Alas, you are not distinguished by a rich imagination.
  • You can't even get any dumber.
  • You probably think that I'm really interested in your opinion.
  • Yes, you should definitely not expect the best from you.
  • Apparently when you were created, God ran out of materials and had to use the leftovers.
  • Go wash off all your idiocy.
  • You don't seem to think at all.
  • You can't really prove that you have a mind.
  • You just have an endless stream of stupidity, maybe splashing it out will at least find the remnants of the mind.
  • Looking at you, I want to go back in time and persuade your parents to have an abortion.

How to rudely respond to an insult

  • In your case, it is better to open your mouth only at the dentist.
  • Let's play hide and seek. You will hide away from me, but I will not look.
  • But until I opened my mouth, it seemed to me that a decent person was standing in front of me!
  • Don't scare the crows with your appearance!
  • Communicating with you means sinking to the same level, and I'm not interested!
  • Run back to your madhouse before I call the orderlies!
  • Go graze with other cows, don't blather!
  • Save this world by crashing against the wall with a running start.
  • It must be hard to live being a mistake of nature.
  • Shut up, maybe you can even look smarter!

How cool to respond to an insult

  • Even arguing with you is pointless. Your brain just can't take it.
  • It will be difficult for me to offend a person on whom nature has already recouped itself.
  • You go on, go on. Maybe you can come up with something interesting.
  • A woman who is older and reproaches her age can be answered: “We are the same age. I just know how to take care of myself and maintain beauty.
  • Unfortunately, your mental development causes me only boredom.
  • Why are you leaving so slowly?
  • Congratulations! It seems you just managed to cross the threshold of all human stupidity.
  • You are trying to answer questions that I did not ask.
  • You are a unique specimen! You are the embodiment of a complete misunderstanding!
  • Unfortunately, you do not differ in the ability to maintain a conversation.

How to respond harshly to an insult

  • Well, at least you're lucky with your looks. It fully reflects your ugly inner world!
  • Such a smelly creature only communicates with flies.
  • What a fine fellow you are, let me shake your throat!
  • Before insulting me, say goodbye to your family.
  • It's time for you to decide what gender you are.
  • Do you feel bad or do you always look like this?
  • Even the horoscope laughs at you.
  • It would be better if your parents planted a tree, although maybe that's what they did!
  • Here is a paradox: your head is big, but there is no brain in it.
  • It looks like your parents dropped you in brake fluid as a child.

How to answer a woman to an insult

  • Alas, but your dignity ended 7 more men ago.
  • To mess with someone like you, only to dishonor yourself.
  • You have such behavior as if you were raised in a brothel.
  • Your mouth stinks worse than we do.
  • Men can only look at you with pity.
  • Outwardly, you fully reflect your inner world.
  • Of course, I understand that you are beautiful, but it is much more interesting to communicate with smart people.
  • You not only squandered your beauty on men, but also lost the remnants of your mind.
  • If nature has cheated on appearance, then it will not work to hide it with a sharp tongue.
  • Inflated lips and chest are not yet proof of intelligence and beauty.