Psychological pressure in the team psychology. How to withstand psychological pressure? How to resist psychological pressure. Turning to the law

Hello again, dear friend!

Whatever they say, our daily work is stressful in many ways. Competition, rush jobs, endless business plans and the desire of management to “motivate” employees in all available ways, rarely resembling heart-to-heart conversations. How to deal with psychological pressure at work?

In the previous article, we discussed what psychological wushu is and why it is important to master the techniques of psychological self-defense. Protection may be more active or passive, but one way or another it is necessary.

Some prefer to just remain silent. These are possible responses to psychological pressure, but not the best. For:

  • When they start to pressure or provoke us, a wave of emotions rises inside. If they cannot be curbed immediately and the emotion crosses a certain threshold, sometimes it results in angry tirades, and more often they cause numbness and lightness. shock. And a lot of stress, too.
  • The image of a person who is not able to withstand pressure is not the best. All and sundry will put pressure on you, fearing nothing.

We know everything about you!

Most make round eyes with the words "What exactly?". At the same time, they begin to become noticeably nervous.

- Very well. So my story about myself will take less time than expected...”

Possible uses for this technique:

Unusual idea, it will be necessary to consider it ...

I'll think about how to take this into account in my work ...

I've thought about this before, but haven't come to a definitive conclusion yet...

External consent means that you agree with some part of what the partner says.

“Only a person like you can spend a lot of time talking with such partners!”

- Yes, potential partners are really so-so ...

You agreed. But only with part of the sentence. And you saved face, and the partner has no reason to escalate the confrontation.

Broken Record Technique

The broken record technique is based on the "three C's" or "German sergeant's principle".

  1. First say exactly what you want to say
  2. Then what exactly did you intend to say
  3. Then say exactly what you said

Essentially a repetition of the same thought. On the fourth time, you will most likely be heard.

It is better to choose a phrase in advance. It should be capacious and it would be appropriate to repeat it several times.

For example:

Why did you hire an employee from my department to do this job without approval?

I had no other choice...

You put me in a stupid position!

I understand. But I was in a desperate situation...

Why do you think you have the right to do so?

I'm sorry, I had no other choice...

Stubborn Professor Technique

The meaning of this technique is to express doubts that doing the actions that the partner suggests does not violate your personal rights or beliefs.

Why are you picking on words every time?

Pedantry is an important part of my nature...

Options for using technology:

This is one of my beliefs...

If I do this, then I will cease to be myself ...

This is against my rules...

I have some prejudices, but they also help me find the best solutions...

All four of the techniques we discussed, three today and one in the previous article, are counteraction techniques, not confrontation techniques. They allow you to stop the emerging conflict in the bud, to transfer negative energy in a different direction. At the same time, "save face", save nerves and relationships with a partner.

Have a nice day!

Irina Olegovna, Tomsk:“Hi, I have high blood pressure at work, what should I do? Indicators increase precisely in the office, but at home it is normal. Red cheeks, sometimes presses in the temples. If I measure the pressure in the office, then the numbers show 150 mm Hg, and in the evening at home 130 mm. How to deal with it? I work in a good company - an economist.

Modern large cities are a place of concentration of a large number of people, constant movement and poor ecology. All this becomes a cause of stress for the human body and applies to most of the adult working population. Psycho-emotional stress in the workplace is especially strong! When the level of responsibility is high and the psychological state is most prone to emotional breakdowns.

Under the influence of everyday work and stress, many people develop arterial hypertension. Moreover, the level of blood pressure during working hours is higher than during a break (rest). Often there is a difference in the average daily blood pressure values ​​measured at work and at the weekend. This phenomenon is called "hypertension in the workplace".

This is one of the manifestations of the so-called stress-induced hypertension - a recurrent acute increase in pressure that occurs against the background of exposure to certain psychosocial factors. It can be observed both in people with normal blood pressure and in hypertensive patients.

There is only one way out! This is psychological relaxation and relaxation.

On such days, it is better to take a vacation, write a sick leave, take time off from work. During this period, a person needs complete rest.

It is better to drink a course of herbal tinctures that will help calm down and normalize blood pressure.

IT IS A FACT: Recent studies by scientists have shown that people with high pressure at work have a number of personal and emotional characteristics. Moreover, it is recommended to use differentiated treatment tactics for such patients.

It is necessary to consult a psychologist, on the basis of which further recommendations for the implementation of psychological assistance are formulated. These measures will ensure better control of blood pressure in patients, which will reduce the risk of complications in the heart and blood vessels.

What threatens

Increased pressure in the workplace is unsafe. There are studies in which it has been proven that this phenomenon increases the risk of target organ diseases. With hypertension, these are: the brain, heart, fundus vessels, kidneys.

For people who are prone to arterial hypertension, physical activity, coffee drinking, mental disorders, and smoking are not recommended.

What to do if pressure rises at work

If high blood pressure during working days has become a periodic phenomenon, you should:

  1. Calm down, it is desirable to go out into the fresh air. Breathing will help relieve pressure. It is necessary to take a deep breath in the air and slowly exhale through the nose, holding the breath for a few seconds as you exhale. During the working day, it is advisable to get up and walk around the office every half an hour. Prolonged sitting will only exacerbate the situation.
  2. You can lower blood pressure with apple cider vinegar compresses. To do this, you need to take a cloth or paper napkin, soak it with vinegar and apply it to your feet for 10 to 15 minutes. You can rub your temples and forehead.
  3. If the pressure cannot be brought down, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist. He must prescribe daily monitoring, if necessary, prescribe treatment.
  4. A hot foot bath can help you relax at home. It will contribute to the outflow of blood from the head and improve the general condition. Pour hot water into a basin or any other container. It is necessary to immerse the legs to the ankles for 5 to 10 minutes.

If the level of blood pressure does not fall and stays above 160/100 mm Hg. st., you need to urgently call an ambulance!

How to spot hypertension in the workplace

To identify this diagnosis, you need to record blood pressure every hour. Measurement of indicators is carried out with a tonometer.

The best option would be daily monitoring using a device that is attached to the body. It collects data throughout the day and night.

Such a device will be prescribed and issued by a doctor after a consultation.

The criteria for office hypertension are:

  • increase in the average daily rate of systolic (upper) blood pressure more than 135 mm Hg. Art.;
  • increase in the average daily indicator of diastolic (lower) blood pressure more than 85 mm Hg. Art.;
  • differences between daily averages of upper and/or lower pressure recorded during working hours and on weekends. At 6 mm Hg. Art. and more, and / or 3 mm Hg. Art. and more, respectively;
  • if it is impossible to measure blood pressure on a day off, blood pressure indicators are compared during working hours and during a break. The difference between the indicators of the upper pressure in this case will be more than 8 mm Hg. Art., lower - more than 5 mm Hg. Art.

High blood pressure at work is easier to prevent than to treat hypertension for life. If the work process is associated with strong physical or psychological stress, it is better to change this type of activity. For people who value their difficult profession, constant consultations of a psychologist and therapist are necessary.


Article author Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna, therapist

In contact with

In the Labor Code forced dismissal is not subject to special provisions, and the employer can use many tricks to force a person quit . How to protect your interests?

Under what circumstances can you be forced to leave?

People often do not know their rights well or are simply afraid to go against the system. But if, in such a situation, dismissed will not be at a loss and will collect enough evidence that an illegal and forced dismissal will be able to keep the position or receive monetary compensation.

The reasons why an employer forces an employee to write an application for voluntary dismissal , most often lie in the desire of management to save money or time. force employee to be fired can in the following situations:

  1. Downsizing state or liquidation of the enterprise.
  2. The employee is allowed systematic or serious violations of the labor schedule.
  3. The qualifications of the employee do not correspond to the position he occupies.
  4. Personal dislike or desire to attach "your" person to the position.

By law, compulsion to dismiss at will on the part of the employer is unacceptable, the definition itself initially assumes only the desire of the dismissed person to terminate contract.

How to recognize coercion to quit?

If a person is satisfied with his position and salary, then any attempts to force him to refuse this position fit the definition of " forced dismissal ". An employer can exert pressure in the following ways:

  1. Report that the quality of work is not satisfactory, and offer to quit on your own.
  2. Threaten to fire under the article if the employee does not agree to do it himself, or threaten with physical harm.
  3. Find fault and fine for the slightest offense, deprive bonuses and so on.
  4. Openly violate the rights of an employee: reduce his salary, demand overtime work, and the like.
  5. Issue documents retroactively or forge the signature of an objectionable employee.

According to article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to dismiss an employee against his will, you need not only good reasons, but also compliance with the procedure for terminating the contract. The employee must be notified in writing of the decision made within 2 to 6 months, depending on the reason.

In addition, in some cases compensation payments are made. Here are unscrupulous leaders and forced to quit under article 77 of the Labor Code, which contains general grounds for dismissal.

How to legally protect yourself from the pressure of management?

Anyone can face the situation forced layoffs . In such cases, you should be prepared for the following actions:

  1. Inform management of your knowledge of labor law and the illegality of what is happening.
  2. Accurately follow the working order, instructions to request in writing so that the management does not have a reason for nit-picking.
  3. If the employer creates provocative situations in order to compromise the employee, make sure that there are witnesses who can speak in court.
  4. If there is such an opportunity, it makes sense to think about transferring to another division of the company.
  5. If the current work is not too important, forced dismissal by agreement of the parties You can turn it to your advantage by insisting on monetary compensation.
  6. Draw up a statement of claim in court, providing evidence of violations by the employer.

Knowing your rights, you can solve a similar problem on your own or seek help from a lawyer.

Nuance! Having discovered the knowledge of the intricacies of the law and the determination of the employee, the management usually prefers to resolve the issue in a peaceful way that suits both parties.

Where to apply, and what evidence of coercion do you need to have?

It is quite difficult to achieve justice in case of illegal dismissal. But, knowing what evidence will be accepted by the court, you can defend your rights. When applying to the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office before signing the letter of resignation, the relevant services will conduct an audit and issue a warning to the employer about the unlawfulness of his actions. If the application has already been signed, but the person does not want to leave, there are three solutions:

  • write a complaint to the labor inspectorate;
  • apply to the prosecutor's office;
  • file a lawsuit in court.

The deadlines for contacting the authorities are limited to a month after the termination of the contract.

Sample application to the labor inspectorate.

The labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office will check the data and, if the alleged violations are found, they will take the case to court. In order to prove in court the fact of forced resignation from work, the following evidence is needed:

  1. Written evidence or audio recordings of disputes, disagreements and threats from the administration of the enterprise.
  2. Copies of orders indicating coercion to quit: deprivation of bonuses, fines, demotion, and so on.
  3. Testimony of people who saw and heard threats and demands to vacate their positions.

If immediately after the termination of the employment contract, another person is hired for the vacant position, this may serve as evidence of the employer's prior knowledge of the vacant vacancy.

Attention! The difficult financial situation and other adverse conditions resulting from the loss of a job can also indirectly confirm what happened compulsion to quit.

How does pressure on an employee threaten an employer from a legal point of view?

Of course, for forcing an employee management is not threatened with a prison term for dismissal, but still they will have to answer for violations of rights. Depending on the severity of violations, the following types of penalties are applied:

  1. Disciplinary penalties under labor law.
  2. In accordance with administrative law - the imposition of a fine and material compensation to the victim, followed by reinstatement (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
  3. When forced to dismiss a pregnant employee, management will incur criminal liability from forced labor to the suspension of business activities (Article 145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In case of detection of forgery in documents or damage to health from psychological or physical pressure, a criminal case may also be initiated against the perpetrators.


Good afternoon. I have such a situation. I have been working at a new job and in a completely new direction for me for almost a year. There was no prior experience. The team is mainly made up of adult women 45+, I am 24, who have been working with each other for decades, and a couple of girls of my age. With all seniors I communicate neutrally, normally, except for one. She ignores me, for example, if we work 12 hours a shift together, during all this time we only say hello and goodbye. Or somehow, at the beginning of my work, she told me, like, that I don’t understand anything and how I was even hired. He answers my questions with irritation or simply says look in the book. Or, in front of me, he may say to others that "why take the young, they are stupid" and this was said twice underlined. The boss is good, but I don’t want to tell her, no matter how I make it worse. All this really annoys me, it seems to everyone and to myself I say that I don’t give a damn about her, but all the same, her behavior and words hurt me. How can I disengage and not take such people to heart at all?

Diana3008, good evening. Do you interact with this employee in any way during the shift? Do you have things in common? Are you in the same room? I highly recommend an article about
The psychologist will answer the topic after a while.


Yes. We are in the same room just the two of us for 12 hours. We have almost the same job. But since She behaves like that, then I don’t communicate with her and try not to contact her at all

Hello! I think that many young professionals may face similar problems.
Tell me, please, what exactly annoys you in communicating with her? Yes, this cannot but hurt, given that you are a new person in the team who has never worked in this area.

Or somehow, at the beginning of my work, she told me, like, that I don’t understand anything and how I was even hired.

And how would you like your communication with her to go?


It hurts me that she just ignores me and seems to hate me, although there is a girl of my same age, she works half a year longer than me, everything is ok with her. Well, for example, when I greet her, she answers me "hello" as if quietly under her breath, in a lowered intonation, although with others "oh hello, how are you ..." and that's all with me. I already wrote that after 3 months of work, she told me when I made a mistake that I didn’t understand anything at all and how my boss allowed me to work. And in front of me, she told her colleagues why they should take the young, they are stupid, and she repeated this word stupid twice out loud.
Now she answers my questions, I just don’t ask them anymore because I already feel more confident at work. Therefore, she can simply answer me and that's it. Ignore is that we can not talk to her at all for all 12 hours.
I know that I am not a stupid person, but I realized that it was really difficult for me at this job without preparation, I was taught, but taught so-so. And of course, in difficult moments, I can slow down and slow down, but this is inevitable, because the specifics of the work are such. But I already feel more confident and knowledge is slowly falling into place in my head.
I would like her to communicate with me like others, well, that is, it is clear that there is nothing special for us to talk about with women, but just asking them how she went on vacation and all that would be nice. Although I understand that I will not take the first step towards it. I just hate her now. I had before. When I saw that with her on a shift, I started to shake

Yes, I also get stupid and slow down sometimes. Everyone makes mistakes, mistakes are development, without them, nowhere. A person who is intolerant of the mistakes of others has unresolved psychological problems himself.
My first job was as a psychologist at school, but I worked there for 3 days, because the headmistress was just an unbalanced woman who screamed at everyone with or without reason. She, of course, had an ideal order and the school was one of the best in the city. But I was scared. :) Now I think that it would be better if I stayed, I would have gained such an experience.
And you have iron patience, despite her attitude, you learn and improve in your work! This is respectful. :thumbsup:

Now she answers my questions, I just don’t ask them anymore because I already feel more confident at work. Therefore, she can simply answer me and that's it. Ignore is that we can not talk to her at all for all 12 hours.


Here, in general, everyone discusses each other if suddenly something happens. If someone (not me) is wrong, everyone will discuss it. If she herself makes a mistake, they will discuss it. And not only to me, there is also a girl working here, she also clung to her until her husband, who also works here, put her in her place. Since then, she has been very friendly with this girl. I just understand everything with my head, but inside I still worry every time. And I don't know how not to worry.

Hello! People need to talk about something, and someone's mistakes, for some people, are very interesting topics for discussion. It's hard to work in such an atmosphere. Are you somehow worried that you will be discussed for your mistakes?
What do you think, if you are the first to start talking to her on topics that are distracted from work, how will she react?

Here, in general, everyone discusses each other if suddenly something happens. If someone (not me) is wrong, everyone will discuss it. If she herself makes a mistake, they will discuss it.


It won't bother me if I'm judged for my mistakes. Because I understand with my head that this is inevitable and this is normal. But it was during the shift and after with this woman that I was unsettled.
If I talk to her about abstract topics, it seems to me that she will not support the conversation. And I definitely won’t talk to her, after all. Unless she suddenly does

And another question, if I hear, for example, that she says again "the young are to blame", or rudeness towards her, etc., should she answer in terms of "why do you answer like that, you can't say normally?" Or just keep quiet? Because, on the one hand, she is almost twice as old as me, and it’s embarrassing for me to somehow answer her, but on the other hand, I feel like I’m spineless, they humiliate me, and I just keep quiet and don’t defend myself in any way?

Yes, I understand, you hardly want to talk to her, you feel hatred and resentment.

And another question, if I hear, for example, that she says again "the young are to blame", or rudeness towards her, etc., should she answer in terms of "why do you answer like that, you can't say normally?" Or just keep quiet? Because, on the one hand, she is almost twice as old as me, and it’s embarrassing for me to somehow answer her, but on the other hand, I feel like I’m spineless, they humiliate me, and I just keep quiet and don’t defend myself in any way?

Psychological pressure is such a way of influencing a person in which it is possible to influence not only his actions and mode of action, but often even his way of thinking and opinion.

Psychological pressure is resorted to for various reasons. Often this is done because of a lack of real power in the person exerting pressure, or because of self-doubt. A person who possesses does not put pressure on others, but solves problems, trying to use direct and honest methods.

Psychological pressure not only "breaks" the victim and gives her a lot of anxiety and loss of an inner sense of security. This method of influence can also turn against the one who uses it - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for an article (Article 40 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) for those who exert insurmountable psychological pressure. The article provides for punishment for psychological pressure on a person, and at the same time is an acquittal for the victim of such influence - the justice of the Russian Federation considers pressure so powerful that it can drive a person to a crime against his will.

Thus, pressure in psychology is an extremely undesirable mode of action. It may seem that knowing how to put pressure on a person psychologically is great and effective, and it helps a lot in life to achieve your own goals. Many psychologists, especially those who specialize in business training, also think so. However, pressure remains an unhealthy strategy that can only bring temporary results, and in the long run only brings injury and suffering to those around you.

Knowing how to suppress a person psychologically is necessary first of all in order to be able to resist this pressure from others. Many people are familiar with this condition, in which, after being manipulated, they are forced to do something that is contrary to their inner beliefs. At the same time, they experience a lot of mixed negative emotions - from shame and anger to a literal split of the personality into two parts.

Types of psychological pressure

There are several types of psychological pressure, each of which requires special attention to its management and avoidance strategy. Here are the most common types of pressure, and then we'll talk about how to resist them.

The first of them, the most unpretentious and undisguised, is coercion. Coercion can, which has an imaginary or real superiority over its victim. It could be a boss threatening to fire you, or a gangster from a doorway threatening with a knife. Both of these are nothing but coercion.

Humiliation (or humiliation) is the second type of psychological pressure. For him, the manipulator gets personal, offends (probably even publicly), emphasizes the flaws that are painful for the victim: appearance, illness, marital status, etc. The lowest and most offensive words are selected that are designed to “crush” the victim of manipulation. How does it work for a manipulator, what does a humiliated person want to do for a person who has told him so much? It's very simple: after the sounded nasty things, the manipulator immediately offers a way by which the humiliated victim can rise in the eyes of society - to fulfill the proposed assignment.

The next method of pressure is avoidance. In this case, implicit manipulation is performed, and when the victim tries to clarify the situation, the manipulator waves it off indignantly. Thus, the victim of manipulation creates "cognitive dissonance" - an unpleasant feeling that she is doing something wrong. In an effort to get rid of this feeling, a person fulfills any requests of the manipulator.

Suggestion and persuasion are options for applying psychological pressure. At the same time, the manipulator must have some kind of influence on the victim: either have absolute authority in her eyes, or be a well-known person to her. Suggestion is more focused on emotions. The manipulator may use phrases like "Listen to me, I know for sure ...", or "Don't you trust my opinion ...", or "I only wish you well, therefore ...".

In this case, the psychological suppression of a person occurs as if from good intentions, as a result of which the victim adopts the imposed opinion and begins to consider it his own. Persuasion is characterized by rationalization, i.e., they try to inspire a person with something, using the arguments of logic, sometimes quite perverted. The number of arguments, both real and imaginary, reaches such a quantity that the victim's brain simply gets tired of perceiving the information critically and automatically agrees.

Gratitude required. This is a variant of long-term psychological pressure. The manipulator first renders the victim a service: one that was not asked for and that did not really cost him anything. He can regularly provide such imaginary "help" to the victim, rubbing himself into confidence. At the moment when the manipulator has something, the request “return the favor” comes into play. The request can become quite intrusive and turn into threats if the victim does not agree to the terms right away.

How to resist psychological pressure?

It should be understood that manipulators are not guided by a special list where it is written how to put pressure on a person psychologically. This means that the manipulator does not choose only one method of pressure - in life there may be the most sophisticated combinations of strategies that change in the course of exposure to the victim. These methods are chosen depending on the intuition and the degree of depravity of the manipulator, i.e., practically nothing limits his imagination.

In this regard, coping strategies must also be flexible. To know how to resist psychological pressure, you need to realize that it is being applied to you. Sometimes it is very difficult to do this: as already mentioned, there are a lot of ways to exert psychological pressure on a person and they can form the most unexpected combinations. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly ask yourself the question: am I doing this because I want to, or does someone else want it? If, when answering a question, you feel some fragmentation, splitting, if your motivation is dictated from the outside by a specific person, this is a sign that you are under pressure.

Psychological pressure can be defeated by resorting to a straightforward rebuff. However, this does not work for all manipulators, and not every victim can maintain a “fighting spirit”. A direct response implies that the victim, having realized his position, informs the manipulator that his demands are unrealistic or undesirable. For some manipulators, directness can be confusing and they admit defeat, but in many cases, the victim can be immediately entangled in a network of less obvious manipulations, accept the guilt imposed on her, and wallow in other people's ambitions even deeper.

Work on yourself and your self-esteem. It is no secret that it is easier to exert psychological pressure on a person if he is not confident in himself and his own abilities. It is almost impossible to reach a higher level of your life on your own, especially for a person who is already under pressure, therefore, in such situations, the intervention of a specialist is necessary.

The psychologist conducts trainings and practical sessions on personal growth, and also helps people who have fallen under the influence of manipulators to realize their own goals and learn how to avoid pressure from outside. Especially the help of a specialist is required if the toxic environment covers the victim's immediate circle of friends - family or loved ones. A psychologist will teach you how to resist the psychological pressure of a husband or parents without destroying family ties.

Psychological pressure: protection against manipulation in several tricks

Psychological pressure is harder to recognize than overcome. If you know exactly who is exerting pressure on you and in what matters, a few simple defense techniques will help you. They may seem insignificant, but if you are aware of what and why you are using them, then they will work. Receptions against psychological pressure are as follows:

  • Create barriers. If you feel that an unpleasant conversation is starting, in which they will try to “crush” you, put various objects between you and the interlocutor. An ashtray, a chair, a cup, a mobile phone - any, even an insignificant, object on the way from the manipulator to you can become your mental "protection" and an obstacle to aggressive influence.
  • Take closed postures. Cross your legs, cross your arms, put your finger on your lips or eyebrows, prop your face with your palm. All these natural barriers that you create with your own body in the way of aggressive influence will help you think more critically in relation to what the interlocutor imputes to you. In addition, these poses give confidence.
  • Create mental barriers. Outline with your imagination a circle around you, stand up a dome or a wall, you can mentally place yourself in a spacesuit. Imagine that behind an imaginary barrier is your security zone, where no one can penetrate, no matter how hard they try.
  • Distract the attention of the manipulator. Move objects in front of him, perform various manipulations, cough, yawn, stretch: show any physical activity that will prevent the opponent from concentrating on what he is saying. The main thing is not to overdo it, because everything should look natural.
  • Present the interlocutor in a funny way. For example, mentally put a jester's hat on your important boss or make him a screaming penguin. As long as you are focused on creating a funny image, you will not have time to be afraid, which means you will have more opportunities to think about the incoming information and confront it.

These techniques will help you gain confidence and find a mental resource in order to resist the manipulator. can be used constantly, but they are not enough to constructively discuss a controversial subject and unconditionally regain an advantage in a situation.

How to get out of pressure?

Here are specific techniques that will allow you to lure the advantage to your side in a conflict situation:

  1. Ask questions. The first question to ask when applying pressure is "Can I refuse this request?" Even if the opponent answers "Yes, but ...", you can already operate on this answer to explain your refusal. If the answer is no, a number of other questions should be asked. It is especially important during such an "interview" to monitor the reaction of the manipulator - his facial expressions or gestures. Often only a close look is enough to break the opponent's confidence. Clarifying questions that are not a direct confrontation, but help to identify “holes” in manipulation, can help in a situation of pressure. “Does it look like I don’t want to take responsibility?”, “Does it show that I’m afraid?”, “What should I be afraid of?”, “Do you think that I have no right to refuse?”, “Why are you so sure of what you're saying?" Such questions can confuse the manipulator and buy time for the next step.
  2. Determine your opponent's strategy. How are they trying to break you? Maybe the manipulator refers to his experience or age? Take advantage of your experience and age. Referring to authorities? Question them or say that this figure is not authoritative in your specific dispute. Trying to put pressure on others? If they are present during the conversation in person, you can ask each of them why they support your opponent and not you. If the manipulator is trying to gain an advantage with a pace or a quick attack, take a break - say that you need to urgently move away. The main thing in any dispute is to take your time and be attentive to exactly how pressure is applied in order to find the weaknesses of this method.
  3. Use your benefits. It is best to use the same strategies as your opponent - to find the support of third parties or authorities, your own merit or experience. However, do not overdo it: your task is to extinguish the conflict by balancing forces, and not provoke a new one by transferring the manipulator to the status of a victim.
  4. Negotiate. Now that the manipulator's strategy has been reversed and he cannot unconditionally dictate his terms to you, you have an option that suits both of you equally. Offer compromise solutions. If it is possible to forever avoid contact with the manipulator, it is worth cutting off all the ends and no longer dealing with this person.

Remember that psychological pressure is a traumatic method of influence, and it is better not to resort to it unnecessarily. And if you can't handle the pressure on your own, don't be afraid to ask for help.