Presentation letter sample. Presentation letter

Advertising and information(presentation, commercial) the letter belongs to information letters. Such letters are intended for the presentation of any product, organization, person (as self-promotion) - for example, a political figure or a socially significant event like a city holiday.

An advertising and information letter is open in nature, that is, it is addressed to the public, the general public and therefore does not imply a personal appeal to the addressee. For this reason, it is not customary to respond to presentation letters with response messages.

The standard beginning of a presentation letter representing any product is the wording " We take this opportunity to draw your attention to...". In addition to this, the following formulations are also possible:

  • Contacting you...
  • We would like to draw your attention to...
  • The reason for this letter is...
  • Please consider this letter...
  • You have a rare chance to take part in...
  • Surely you will answer our call...
  • We will only be happy if...
  • This event represents great importance for...
  • The upcoming event will undoubtedly draw your attention to...
  • This event is conceived as a celebration of the public...
  • This is an extraordinary event...
  • The main advantages...
  • Undeniable benefits...
  • An important added benefit...
  • The exclusivity of the action is also given by the fact that ...
  • Your participation is essential...
  • Your support would be greatly appreciated...
  • Your choice can be decisive for the outcome...
  • Your activity will serve not only as evidence of the manifestation of civic responsibility, but also ...
  • I will be filled with deep satisfaction if...
  • Your coming to the holiday will be received with enthusiasm by us...
  • It will be our pleasure to bring you some joy...etc.

When presenting relevant information, the attention of the addressee should be drawn to the most important benefits described in the message.

In conclusion, it is necessary to encourage the addressee to take action - for example, to obtain additional information or to directly participate in something. Usually a presentation letter has an attachment - in the form of reference information materials, photographs, illustrations, etc. The author of the letter, carrying out a "self-presentation", may attach a summary or biography to the message.

A commercial offer is a form of communication between entrepreneurs, a call for cooperation. About how to write transmittal letter to commercial offer, read the article.

When the head of the company offers his services, he tries to do it in the most advantageous way for himself. It is quite difficult to describe all the advantages in the format of one resume. Additional information is required in the form of an advertising brochure, price list, photographs of finished objects, a draft contract, a presentation of company employees, etc. In this case, it is better to create a cover letter for a commercial offer - see the table for examples of wording and possible applications.

How to compose

There is no approved form for this appeal, but there are certain rules that should be followed:

  • presentable appearance - it is desirable to use color or polygraphic printing, because. it is written more for advertising purposes. It is important for the leader to impress a potential partner;
  • letterhead with details - this will give the message greater significance;
  • appeal to a specific employee - unaddressed mailings are often regarded as spam and do not reach their goal;
  • the author (the one whose signature is under the letter) must be equal in position to the one to whom he addresses - this is one of the rules of ethics business correspondence;
  • the text should contain a brief presentation of the company's activities and list the main advantages over competitors;
  • applications are listed after the main body of the text;
  • writing ends with a polite signature, indicating the position, contact information and full name of the sender.

Sample cover letter for business proposal

Let us consider in detail the sample, the stages of writing and the content of the sections.


Short description




Commercial offer


Theme defining its purpose

Cover letter for business proposal


Specific address with full name

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Main text

Brief presentation of the company's activities

LLC "Bright Future" is a leading manufacturer of cardboard boxes. We offer the most low prices in the region and are ready to offer favorable conditions for delivery.


List Applications

1. Draft cooperation agreement - 10 sheets.
2. Price list - 3 sheets.
3. Specification and the lineup products - 8 sheets.
4. Photo finished products- 3 sheets.


Polite signature and contacts of the person in charge

OOO "Bright Future" Sidorova Maria Ivanovna. Performed by: sales manager
Pavlov Valentin Yurievich, tel. 111-22-33.

Business letter. Writing business letters How to write a business letter with psychological point vision, so that it is not thrown away without being read, so that it has some effect? There are usually a lot of letters or e-mails designed to find business partners, offer their goods or services. Most often, they are massively sent to recipients about whom they have no idea (SPAM). This is a common mistake made by new businessmen.

First, find out the details about the company where you are going to send the letter. Find out as much information about a potential partner as possible. And only after that compose a business letter to him. Experience shows that it is always more pleasant for the recipient of a letter to know that they are contacting him personally, and not to read some kind of faceless "business proposal to the commercial department of the company."

Addressing a person by name emphasizes respect for his personality, evokes positive emotions in him and, as a result, location towards the source positive emotions. In addition, what serious business proposals can we talk about if the sender did not even bother to find out the last name, first name and patronymic of his potential business partner?

If you still failed to clarify the name of the addressee, you should not write in the appeal: “Uv. Mr Director! or "Uv. comm. dir. firms!" In this case, the abbreviations are inappropriate. The words "respected", "sir", "madam", "deputy director", "head of department" and the like should be written in full. Otherwise, the recipient will quite rightly think that you don’t really respect him very much.

A business letter should contain a title that briefly and catchy reveals the content of the text. Such a brief annotation greatly facilitates the processing and sorting of letters by the recipient. Any more or less serious organization receives a lot of different letters every day. Therefore, it is highly likely that your message will simply not be noticed, even if it contains super attractive offers. After all, they are read by real people.

If you are not lucky, then your business letter will be somewhere in the top ten considered. By that time, all managers no longer delve into the content of letters, but tend to send more paper to the trash. Therefore, first of all, you need to ensure that your letter is singled out from the mass of similar ones.

A brief annotation will be very useful even if a business letter sent to a potential client does not immediately interest him. It happens that some time passes, and the director says to the secretary: “Remember, they sent us an interesting offer in November? No, I think it was in August. I don't remember where. Basically, find him." The header of your letter should contain such information that could make it easier to find it.

Good impression will produce a business letter, which, after the greeting, will contain some introduction-compliment. The introduction usually says that you are happy to welcome such a well-known company, what a great honor it will be for you to serve such a solid partner, etc. It would not be superfluous to express hope for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

On the contrary, business letters with “watery” text make a very bad impression. “Waterish” refers to a style that includes a lot of verbal garbage (for example, “We are sure that cooperation with us will definitely be beneficial to you, isn’t it?”), excessive politeness (for example, “Be so kind please read this letter”), brief general questions at the end of a disjointed question (“You need this, don’t you?”), empty adjectives (outstanding, amazing, magnificent, etc.), superfluous pronouns (“we all happy to welcome you and your firm" instead of "welcome to welcome you").

When leaving business letters, you should not use directive phrases-instructions such as "If you are interested in the offer, then you should contact us by phone ..." With such a phrase, you psychologically set people against you. Firstly, you yourself make the recipients of the letter think that your offer may not interest them. Second, you arrogantly tell your potential partners how they should behave. It is better to write: "To discuss the details of our proposal, you can contact us by phone ...". The meaning is the same, but the tone is less categorical and sets you up for a more benevolent attitude towards you.

The key to turning sentences that simply describe what your firm does into sentences that convey the impression of your firm. concrete achievements, is right choice verbs. There is a form of the verb that evokes in the reader the idea of real results. For example: completed, developed, increased, created, made, etc. These are verbs perfect look. Other verbs and phrases with verbs are more indefinite in relation to the result of the activity.

Verbs such as produce, work, perform, participate, give an idea of ​​the functions performed rather than the results achieved. They are imperfective verbs. The use of perfect verbs will create the illusion of concrete success in performing any activity, which means it will give the impression of greater solidity and respectability of your company.

For anyone business letter(even sent by e-mail) must use letterhead. This emphasizes that a reputable company is behind the letter, which means that you can do business with. We remind you that a letterhead is a set of details located in a certain way: company name, address, telephone, fax, company emblem, manager's signature, etc.

If the letter is about financial relationships, then it would not be superfluous to indicate the current account and the name of the bank whose services you use, as well as links to licenses, certificates and other permits (if your business requires them).

A letter containing a serious business proposal, involving cash settlements for a large amount, is best sent by mail, and not by fax or. Ideally, the postal courier should personally hand it to the manager or secretary. Such a letter must have a large branded envelope printed in a typographical way.

Information letters

Information letters inform interested parties about the facts that have happened or the planned events. When compiling information letters, the phrases are used: "We inform you that ...", "We inform you that ...", "We inform you about the event ...".

Letters of guarantee

They are intended to provide the addressee with written guarantees regarding the intentions or actions of the author (organization, sender), one way or another affecting the interests of the addressee. Most often, letters of guarantee are issued to confirm payment. Letters of guarantee are distinguished by clarity, accuracy and unambiguous wording - since we are talking about providing guarantees to the addressee on behalf of and on behalf of an organization or official. Such letters may begin with a statement of the essence of the guarantees provided to the addressee, for example: "I guarantee with this letter ...".

Presentation letters

Letters are intended to present (literally - to present in a favorable light) any product, organization, person (as self-promotion) - for example, a political figure, or a socially significant event - for example, a city holiday. The presentation letter is open (public) in nature, that is, it is addressed to the public, the general public and therefore does not imply a personal appeal to the addressee. For the same reason, it is not customary to respond to presentation letters with response messages. The standard beginning of a presentation letter representing any product is the wording: "Taking this opportunity, we draw your attention to ...". When presenting relevant information, the attention of the addressee should be drawn to the most important benefits described in the message. In conclusion, it is necessary to encourage the addressee to take action - for example, to obtain additional information or to directly participate in something. Usually, a presentation letter has an attachment - in the form of reference information materials, photographs, illustrations, etc.

We bring to your attention step by step recommendations how to make a presentation of the company on the site and make the text "About the company" effective tool increase sales, write the text "About the company" is not boring, make you want to read it and learn more about your business.

Unfortunately, some people think that the "About" page is not needed at all - this is a big mistake. It is not enough to have and good design, it is important to establish a trusting relationship, and for this - to tell about yourself. To do this, you can use a video clip in addition to text. If you decide to record a video for the About page, keep it short and intense, about 1.5, 2 minutes maximum.

First, it is important to decide for whom you will write the text "About the company"

To write the text “About the company” is interesting, you need to determine who you want to tell about yourself. That is, it is advisable to start with an understanding of your target audience. The concept of the page largely depends on this and what is tedious to emphasize.

If you want to write the text "About the company" to clients.

First of all, it is important to build trust in the company, your services or product. Customers need to show the benefits of working with you or the benefits of purchasing a product in order to create a desire to buy it. Avoid ambiguous expressions, dubious remarks - be on the same wavelength with your customers.

  1. Tell why your site will be useful or interesting
  2. Tell clients how you can help and what problems you solve
  3. Tell us about how you differ from your competitors

If you want to write the text "About the company" for employees.

Let's say you really need a partner or a person in a team. This is a priority at this time, so you need to tell why it is worth working for you. Remember: you will be read by a person who can become an important part of your team and be useful to the company.

  1. Take Special attention real benefits, not perceived ones.
  2. Give a clear vision of how wage and what prospects do you offer
  3. Describe the qualities that are most important to you

Web studio services for preparing texts and optimizing the site for promotion

  • Compilation of the semantic core of the site for promotion by texts
  • Selection of keywords to compose the semantic core of the site
  • Analysis of search query statistics when preparing texts for the site

If you want to write the text "About the company" for the media.

By preparing the text "About the Company" for the media, you form your image and public opinion. If you form the right impression about the company, then you will be provided with an impeccable reputation and publications.

However, you need to write about this directly and interest journalists so that they want to talk with you, learn something important and tell about the events that are happening in your country. This approach works for the future, and in this case you will get:

  1. Increasing customer confidence
  2. Favorable offers from suppliers
  3. Interest of potential partners for cooperation

If you want to write the text "About the company" for investors.

It is quite another matter if your main goal is to attract investments. Then the approach to writing the text should be specific and businesslike. Facts and real numbers of your achievements are very important for investors when preparing the "About" page.

  1. It is important to emphasize and show that you can really earn
  2. You need to make it clear that you will be able to receive much more income when you receive investments.
  3. Be sure to use numbers that you can verify

In the next article, we will talk about what tools to use in order to write such a text "About the company" that will help your site visitors not only understand you better, but also push them to immediately place an order or purchase.

The purpose of your About page will be achieved if potential client leave their contacts for further communication with you. If you are not sure that you can write an effective page "About the company" on your own - contact the web studio "AVANZET", we will be happy to help. If you have any questions, call us for a consultation, or fill out the form to