Questionnaire for getting a job. Items are standard, most often they indicate. Legal aspects of compiling questionnaires

Questionnaire for employment- a document that provides the employer with the opportunity to assess the qualifications of the applicant. When hiring an employee, I want him to be a really qualified and competent employee in matters that he will have to solve in the process of service. In order to correctly assess the qualities and skills of the applicant, an interview is conducted. In addition, it will not be superfluous to offer the applicant for a vacancy to fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job. The correct assessment of the applicant depends on how competently the questionnaire form is drawn up. We suggest you download the questionnaire options so that on the basis of them you can already create your own.

Questionnaire for employment. Sample design

Each organization has its own specific features, in addition, each position within the same organization also has its own differences. Therefore, when developing a questionnaire for your applicants, you need to take into account a number of features that are specific to your company. It is possible that in one organization several forms of questionnaires will be used for different positions.

Our samples are just possible options questionnaires that can be used to evaluate candidates for employment. You can remove something, add something, it all depends on the specifics of your activity.

The purpose of a job application is not only to assess the professional and personal qualities of a person, but also to collect basic data about him: full name, age, marital status, passport details, residential address, telephone number.

In the future, the information from the questionnaire will be useful for filling out a personal card for the employee.

What can be included in a job application form?

In addition to the standard information listed above, you can also include items about the applicant's education, citizenship, relationship with the law (conviction record), some biographical data, information about the next of kin, military records for men, personal qualities, professional skills, work experience, achievements and goals.

The author's course by Olga Likina (Accountant M.Video Management) is great for organizing personnel records in a company for beginners and accountants ⇓

Application form for employment. Main sections

Consider which sections can be included in the job application form and what information they can reveal.

#one. General information about the job seeker

general information about the applicant gives an initial idea about the candidate and allows you to draw the first conclusions about his compliance with the profile future work. Based on this information, the following parameters can be assessed:

  1. Remoteness of the place of residence of the applicant from the place of work. If the travel time to the place of work turns out to be large, then this reduces the reliability of the applicant in the future.
  2. The contact number is important for feedback with the applicant and prompt clarification of the issues that have arisen.
  3. Marital status shows the degree of his responsibility and the need for constant income. If he is single, then this may be a signal that he is looking for a temporary job.

#2. Applicant's education

The second section reflects the education of the applicant: basic, additional and special. Based on this section, it can be concluded that the qualifications of the applicant for the future position are appropriate. The more courses, trainings and educational programs passed the candidate, the more promising he is.

#3. Job seeker skills

The next block is an assessment of the special skills and abilities of the job seeker. This section determines the degree of qualification of the candidate and the ability to cope with the duties assigned to him for the position.

#four. Employee motivation and work experience

This section assesses the candidate's work experience and motivation, which may include growth wages, career development, etc.

#5. Additional information about the candidate

This section indicates additional information about the candidate, it is important to pay attention to what the applicant wants to do in the organization and what advantages he highlights.

Download a job application form. Form

Often, questionnaires are used by large enterprises. Some organizations limit themselves to data from a person's resume and find out his professionalism during a personal conversation (interview). We offer you two examples of the questionnaire: short and extended. Choose a suitable questionnaire for yourself and form an option from it that suits your company.

The questionnaire is one of the documents through which the collection of important information for the employer about applicants for a particular position is carried out. In the future, based on the information provided by the applicant in the questionnaire, the organization will form an employee.

Any statutory There is currently no application form.. It is not possible to design a fully informative questionnaire. In each specific case, for each enterprise it is different, depending on the information that the employer would like to receive from the employee. The most socially significant issues, such as place of residence, citizenship, right to work, criminal record, biographical and professional data should be reflected in it (the main thing is not to overdo it with the volume of the questionnaire). As a rule, the employee fills out a questionnaire at the stage of an interview when applying for a job.

Currently, most applicants come for an interview with detailed and all kinds of additions to them, so filling out questionnaires is not common everywhere. Often, the information contained in the resume is enough for the employer. But not always.

First of all, a correctly completed questionnaire allows the employer to evaluate the applicant in terms of compliance with the personal specification, that is, to understand what qualities a person has to successfully complete the work entrusted to him.

Filling out a job application

Questioning of applicants largely depends on intra-company rules and is most often common in large organizations. As a rule, applicants are not informed about the upcoming survey, therefore, when going for an interview, in addition to a resume, it is advisable to take with you copies or originals of other documents that in one way or another can contribute to successful employment.

Usually, employers require you to fill out the questionnaire by hand, so the interviewee needs to approach this process with all responsibility and try to avoid mistakes and corrections. To do this, it is best to familiarize yourself with all the questions presented in the questionnaire before starting filling out and sketch out a preliminary plan of answers in your mind.

It is highly discouraged to leave blank items in the questionnaire. So, for example, if the requested information has nothing to do with the applicant, you can indicate "not available" as an answer. This will make it clear to people who will read the questionnaire that the applicant has not missed (consciously OR not) any question.

Legal aspects of compiling questionnaires

For the first time since the adoption of the Constitution Russian Federation In 1993, our state recalled its obligation declared in the Basic Law to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, including information about the private life of its citizens.

Thus, at the stage of compiling (developing) the questionnaire form, one should not forget about Article 86 Labor Code, which prohibits the employer from collecting (receiving) and processing personal data of an employee affecting his political, religious and other beliefs, and data about private life only with the written consent of the employee himself.

In exceptional cases, directly provided for by federal law, the employer has the right to collect the specified data if they are directly related to employment issues (for example, when accessing information containing state secrets).

When hiring (and not only), employers are not entitled to collect and process the personal data of an employee related to his membership in public associations or his trade union activities, except as otherwise provided by federal law.

It is not harmful to recall that at any stage of work with personnel, the organization is obliged to maintain confidentiality, and simply the norms of decency.

In case of non-observance of the information confidentiality regime, the minimally delinquent employee will receive a reprimand, and more, may be dismissed under paragraph B of Article 81 of the Labor Code or even charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of privacy", the maximum punishment for which is arrest for a period of four to six months, which you will agree is also unpleasant.

It is sometimes quite difficult for the head of an enterprise to decide which applicant is more suitable for a vacant position, it is even difficult to determine which of the candidates to invite for an interview. is not unified, and some applicants focus on one information, others on another. To resolve this issue, many enterprises offer candidates to fill out an applicant's questionnaire when applying for a job, a sample of which they make up on their own.

What is a questionnaire

The questionnaire is not a mandatory document, the employer does not have the right to demand it from the applicant at all. Moreover, the management of the enterprise does not have the right to insist on the disclosure of any personal information, information about family, religious affiliation or political beliefs. But if the candidate for the position agreed to this, then a sample of the completed application form when applying for a job is attached to the personal file of the hired employee.

The questionnaire has many similarities with a resume, with the only difference that it must display exactly the information that interests the employer, and not the one that the applicant wants to present.

Types of questionnaires

To date, recruiters identify three. This table will show you.

For an interview

Forms of such documents are usually placed in stores and other in public places, sent by mail or downloaded from enterprise websites. The applicant fills it out and sends it to the employer as an offer of his candidacy for a vacant position

For employment

This type of questionnaire assumes that the applicant has already been invited for an interview, and he fills it out directly at the time of communication with the employer

When applying for a job

The questionnaire is filled out already in the case when the candidate has received an invitation to start working and has given his consent. The completed form is attached to the personal file.

Rules for compiling the questionnaire form

There are no uniform rules for the form of the questionnaire when applying for a job. The sample is always drawn up by employees of the personnel department, taking into account the requirements of the top management of the enterprise. Although in practice it has already been worked out general rules, which are typical for questionnaires at any enterprise. The form must contain the following items:

  • place and date of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • marital status;
  • place of registration and residence;
  • contacts for communication;
  • information about education and work experience.

All other required information in the sample questionnaires when applying for a job is prescribed depending on the requirements of the company's management. And it could be:

  • functional responsibilities for each position held;
  • information about achievements in professional activity;
  • information about close relatives;
  • hobbies and hobbies;
  • having a criminal record;
  • additional sources of income;
  • wishes for wages;
  • availability of letters of recommendation.

How to fill out an application for an applicant

If the applicant has never worked in public institutions and did not encounter big companies, then he may not know how it looks and how a sample application form for employment is filled out. As a rule, this is done by hand. The questionnaire in its essence is a simple questionnaire and there should be no problems with filling it out. There are practically no differences in the questionnaires that are filled out on different stages"communication" between the employer and the potential employee.

As a rule, all sample questionnaires for employment have several blocks. The table provides tips for completing the first block.

Career objective

At the enterprise, as a rule, the form is unified for all positions, so the candidate needs to write what vacancy he is applying for

Full name, surname and patronymic must be written

Date of Birth

Typically displayed in the format: day month Year

Place of Birth


You should indicate the place of registration and residence, if they are different from each other

Family status

Is the candidate married, have children, their age

In this block, some employers ask you to indicate the desired salary level. Sometimes information is requested about how a person learned about an open vacancy. It is possible that the management of the company will want to know if there are persons working in the company who are relatives or friends of the applicant.

The table shows examples of filling out the second block of different sample questionnaires when applying for a job.

The next block in the sample questionnaires for employment is information about education and other skills.


This paragraph describes what educational institution was completed, in what years, what was the form of education

Additional education

In this section, you should indicate information about the passage of additional courses, trainings and seminars, of course, the information should relate directly to the position for which the applicant is applying

Computer skills

Often, the employer offers only to tick off the programs that are required for work.

Level of knowledge of languages

This paragraph also often indicates the languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat it is desirable for the applicant to know.

The fourth block of the questionnaire is usually compiled so that the employer can determine the personal qualities of the applicant, how promising he is in terms of career development. Interests may be identified. Some businesses offer a short survey, for example:

  • whether the candidate can stay on long business trips;
  • is it possible to stay late at work;
  • What is the desired work schedule and so on.


You should know that even if the questionnaire is too detailed, you cannot do without a personal meeting with the employer. A person who will be of interest to the specialists of the personnel department will certainly be invited to an interview, where the question of hiring will be finally decided.

A little secret: how to fill out a questionnaire when applying for a job. When applying for a job, almost everywhere it is required fill out a resume. BUT how to fill out the form correctly, while avoiding gross errors (not only spelling), we will now consider. To begin with, this questionnaire is brief information about your life status and experience in a particular area.

Therefore, many employers (or employees of the personnel department) very often, when comparing resumes (for example: the same work experience, skills, education) and selecting candidates for a particular position, pay attention to how the questionnaire is filled out.

As a result, a large percentage of people with the same skills, experience, etc. are eliminated, and the manager calls you back or says during the interview: "You don't suit us .. and so on ...". All why? That's right, because you filled out your resume poorly or seemed like the wrong person to the manager. So let's not make these mistakes in the future.

An example of filling out a CV

FULL NAMEIvanov Ivan Ivanovich
Date of BirthDecember 30, 1998
Registration address, residence address, passport data (series, number, date of issue)There shouldn't be any difficulties.
Family statusSingle, married, married (underline as appropriate)
Children——, if you have to specify: Daughter - 3 years old, son - 5 years old.
CitizenshipRussian Federation

do not need to specify: Russia, and even more so Russian - this will be a mistake

Educationsecondary, secondary special, higher, incomplete, academic degree, second higher education (underline as appropriate)
Educational establishment: … . Year of ending: … .
Applicable vacancyYou can indicate the vacancy you are interested in, several (if you can apply for them, preferably no more than three)
SpecialitySpecify your Profession.
Functional responsibilities:
— …
— …
— …
Work experienceWe indicate the length of service, plus additionally: new acquired skills related to this profession.
Last three jobsHere we indicate: the name of the organization, the date of employment / dismissal; if requested to indicate reasons for dismissal, it could be as follows: (more comfortable conditions work, the remoteness of the place of work from your actual residence, the instability of the company, a higher position held ..) In some cases, this should be taken care of in advance if you worked unofficially (remember the details).
Add. education / coursesSpecify courses: PC system administrator. Programs: Adobe Photoshop, Word, Excel, PHP5, Outlook Express, etc.
Desired salary levelThis is an insidious point, so if you know how much they roughly pay for this job, it’s better to indicate 10% - 15% more (they will understand that you are claiming something more, doing your job well), I don’t recommend setting it too low (think: beats the thumbs at work), too big - too (imagined himself). In any case, if you show your good side, you will be promoted anyway.
Knowledge of foreign languageSpecify language. Highlight: speech, writing, fluency, spoken, translation with a dictionary..
A computerConfident PC user. Programs: we list what we know how to own.
Bad habitsIt’s better not to lie here, if you smoke, write - I quit, we don’t explicitly indicate about drinkers here;)
Driver's licenseIs there or not. Specify the category and experience.
Personal qualitiesPunctuality, communication skills, responsibility, stress resistance, diligence, etc.
Additional InformationYour hobbies and other things can be indicated here ...

In the absence of any skills, a dash is put in the column.

And now: how not to behave in an interview, how best to get out of this or that situation if you don’t know the answer to it.
We examined the correctness of filling out the resume, but this is only 60% if an interview awaits us ahead.

How not to behave: stepping from foot to foot, pulling hair, blushing, staggering - when talking, acting insecure, stuttering, mumbling, twitching, talking loudly, not looking often to the side / to the floor. You don't notice it, but others do.

How to conduct a conversation with a manager: when you answer, look into his / her eyes, partially shifting your gaze, but you should not “hypnotize” him.
The manager conducting the interview is, first of all, the same person as you. But as soon as he feels insecure when talking with you, he (she) immediately begins to ask unnecessary questions. Therefore, in order not to put yourself in an awkward position, it is better to say more you than - he (she). If it so happens that you still do not know how to answer his question, then turn everything into a joke, and when he (or she) laughs at your joke for a long time, try to form an answer to the question posed earlier.

As a rule, a manager is an avid, savvy master in his field, often using the following techniques: an impromptu task for a group of applicants, a related question on your profile, etc. To do this, you need to expand your horizons of knowledge.

It is necessary to know the terms from personal qualities, this is suitable for young people, and for those who do not know either.
Sociability- establishing connections, contacts, competent communication.
Punctuality- a character trait that includes: accuracy, systematic adherence to the rules (order of task, etc.).
A responsibility- responsibility for actions and actions, as well as their consequences.
Stress tolerance- set personal qualities, allowing a person to endure significant intellectual, volitional and emotional loads (overloads) due to the characteristics of professional activity, without any particular harmful consequences for the activity, those around him and his health.
diligence- the fulfillment of a task that has a specific goal.

If you positively influenced the manager, he liked everything about you, maybe you too (of the opposite sex) or the one who will conduct the interview, then even the resume questionnaire will go by the wayside, because. it is highly likely that this person will recommend you for this position.

This article ends, and I wish you - get a job right away, and don’t dangle through interviews due to refusals.