Earth zodiac signs. Earthly zodiac signs: characteristics

The main feature of the Earth zodiac signs is practicality. These three signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are associated with random, relatively passive physical and emotional processes, and their relationships are firmly and closely related to each other. People of these signs gather to achieve common goals.
Everyone wants to find dependence and constancy in their partner. In this group we find couples who combine their financial and social resources in order to conquer the world together. Their everyday life is free from emotional extremes. The key word in this group is COLLABORATE, FRIENDLY WORK. People of this group are sensualists, but can control their passion well when it comes to their goals. They are the salt of the earth.
From the point of view of sexual relations (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) they belong to the category of “animal passion” and are relatively passive. The most important principle for maintaining a relationship is WHAT WILL I GET IN RESPONSE TO WHAT YOU ASK?

People of the zodiac signs of the element Earth are focused on life with its real deeds and thoughts, far from high ideals. They are characterized by the absence of stunning ideas and designs; they are efficient and have an understanding of reality. Zodiacs of the earth element are truthful and expect the same attitude from others. They believe only in what can be verified with the help of their senses or when they have irrefutable facts in front of them, excluding any fiction. Many believe that the zodiac signs of the Earth element are devoid of lofty interests, are busy only with the everyday, everyday material side of life, and come to them for advice related to the field of life experience. People of this element are actually engaged in business, and not just scratching their tongues about it. Few people know about their internal capabilities; they are overly filled with self-esteem in order to discover or show their capabilities.
The zodiac signs of the Earth element are most compatible with the Water element, because without it you can become an arid piece of earth and, of course, with the zodiac signs of your element. Alliances with the element Fire are not excluded, if the earth does not pay attention to his unintentional amusements, as well as an alliance with signs of the element Air, if he manages to endure the occasional storm.
Positive qualities of the zodiac signs of the Earth element: efficiency, reliability, ability to manage money wisely, do not expect big concessions from life, methodical, persistent, hard-working people, will provide help if necessary.
Negative qualities of the zodiac signs of the Earth element: tediousness, lack of imagination, excessive frugality bordering on greed, a tendency to see only the bad in everything, intransigence, callousness and ruthlessness towards oneself and those around you.

Zodiac signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Characteristics and associations of the zodiac signs of the Earth element:

The zodiac sign is in the full sense of the word “earth”. They love to quietly, in the shadows, direct the actions of unsuspecting people;
Zodiac sign – volcano. You can rely on them, they are decisive, they are the embodiment of elemental strength, calm and stable like a mountain until the volcanic nature awakens;
Zodiac sign – reasonable, thorough and extremely efficient.
The mascot for people of the zodiac signs of the element Earth is the Dwarf.

Earthly zodiac signs stand firmly on the ground, they are unemotional, ponderous, and a little inhibited. They love stability and pay great attention to money. For example, Capricorns will feel confident and free only when hugging a money bag. Representatives of the earthly element are practitioners by nature, they will never believe in anything until they themselves touch, try, and examine from all sides. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn do not have the spiritual impulses of Air, the sensuality of Water, the passion of Fire, they come from the Earth, do not conquer sky-high heights, but feel great in a society where money decides everything.

General characteristics of the earth element

Among the 12 zodiac signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn stand out as the most realistic and practical. They are constant and dependent; they look for the same qualities in their partners in any area of ​​life. The Earth very rarely follows its feelings; it acts with its mind. Representatives of this element often create couples with the goal of combining social and financial resources with a suitable partner in order to achieve greater success than alone.

Secretly, these signs are ambitious; they cherish the dream of conquering the world, although they will never admit it. By nature, Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are moneylenders; they don’t do anything for nothing, even to close people. Representatives of these signs want to get at least something in return. Their motto is: “If I do as you want, what will I get in return?” Even in bed they are passive and will never do more than is required of them.

Distinctive character traits of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Earthly zodiac signs are sensualists, but they will never admit it. It costs them nothing to hide their real feelings, to hide their desires deeply, because they can prevent them from achieving their goals and working with full dedication. It costs the Earth nothing to make a choice between love and success; it will easily choose the latter option.

Representatives of this stubborn and straightforward element stand firmly on their feet, they love and know how to make money, and their horoscope indicates success in the financial sphere. Earth signs do not strive to get a star from the sky, but they don’t need to. Money is their goal, because it opens almost all doors and solves all issues. Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus look with a condescending smile at the attempts of other zodiac signs to please someone, because this is alien to the Earth. They will never understand freedom-loving, passionate, romantic people. Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are too down-to-earth, devoid of imagination, and petty. And this is their problem.

Positive aspects of earth signs

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are incredibly thrifty. They love, and most importantly, they know how to manage money. Earthly zodiac signs never shift their worries and responsibilities onto the shoulders of others. They manage everything perfectly on their own, relying only on themselves. Representatives of the earthly element are not afraid of work; they take on any task with great zeal. They make excellent leaders, as well as meticulous, correct subordinates. The Earth understands very well that in order to achieve something in life, you need to work, and tirelessly.

To others, earthly zodiac signs seem too callous, unemotional, greedy, and picky. The characteristics of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo still indicate that they will never abandon loved ones and friends in trouble. They are always ready to rush to the rescue, support, help financially if it is in their power. The earth gives a feeling of security and comfort, so next to a representative of this element any person will feel as if behind a stone wall.

Negative character traits

Earthly zodiac signs sometimes suffer themselves and irritate those around them with their pessimism. In any business, they first see the bad side, and then only the good. Capricorns are particularly pessimistic; they emit too much negativity. Representatives of the earth element need to learn to look at the world more openly and notice bright colors.

Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns are overly demanding, both of themselves and of others. They are used to working hard, so they expect the same from others. Representatives of other elements do not always like such assertiveness and demandingness of the Earth, so scandals and omissions may arise on this basis. The compatibility of zodiac signs largely depends on the unity of characters and outlook on life. For example, it will be difficult for Fire and Earth to get along, because the former is used to giving and receiving luxurious gifts, making surprises, and surprising a partner. The Earth has no imagination, because people of this element are realists, the most you can get from them is a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The earth does not feel comfortable with all people. Stability, constancy, sincerity - these are the qualities that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn value so much in others. Compatibility of zodiac signs is very important, because the Earth will only be happy next to a person who also brings something to the relationship, gives a piece of himself. Representatives of the earthly element can go to great lengths for the sake of their soulmate and forgive some offenses. But they will never forgive betrayal, because nothing can be worse than betrayal.

Earth signs get along well with each other, because it is much easier to speak the same language. The only problem is the lack of variety and interesting hobbies. Routine can consume such a couple, make them despondent and kill their feelings. Therefore, you need to think about romance at least occasionally.

Earth signs of the zodiac also feel comfortable with Water. The compatibility of these elements is high. Romantic and gentle water signs do not allow the Earth to become stale and bored. With Fire and Air, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will have a hard time. In a marriage with a representative of the fire element, Earth will need to be lenient towards the temporary hobbies of the other half. The air often creates strong storms, so you will have to be understanding of its mental and emotional torment.

General characteristics of Taurus

What are people born at the end of April and in the first two decades of May like? The first earth sign in the zodiac horoscope is associated with a volcano. Taurus are calm, balanced, reliable, you can rely on them in any situation. They resemble a mountain that will endure all storms and adversities, but sometimes their volcanic nature awakens in them. And then it won’t be good for anyone.

The most routine work is performed by earthly zodiac signs. The characteristics of Taurus in this regard are the best, because he knows how to manage his attention, abstract from external stimuli and concentrate on a specific task. Even in an inappropriate environment, representatives of this sign can perform any work on autopilot, while they themselves think about future plans.

Taurus prefer stability; they hate change because it upsets their peace of mind. Any changes should be made gradually and correctly. Well-being comes first for representatives of the earth sign, because it is the key to prosperity and success. Taurus like to make plans for years to come, while they slowly but surely move towards their goals. And, as a rule, they achieve significant heights.

Taurus' relationships with others

Representatives of the first earth sign are considered closed, cold, detached people. They rarely share their secrets and plans for the future with others, but if they want to stand out and please someone, then it doesn’t cost Taurus anything to transform into a pleasant interlocutor or a grateful listener. Such people never really listen to the opinions of others; they simply don’t care. Taurus people express interesting ideas, but sometimes it is difficult to communicate with them. Interlocutors may feel as if they are talking to a wall that lets any remarks fall on deaf ears.

Behind their equanimity and detachment, Taurus often hide real feelings and experiences. This mask is designed for the people around you, because it costs your loved ones nothing to unravel the true mood of a seemingly calm and balanced representative of the earthly element. A horoscope based on zodiac signs can tell you a lot about a person. For example, Taurus, impervious to the opinions of others, fulfills any whim of their lovers. These are caring and gentle partners, for whom family comes first.

What is Virgo like?

People born at the end of August and in the first two decades of September are the most efficient of all the zodiac signs. Virgos are calm and focused, they do not generate ideas at the speed of light, as Geminis do, and do not show leadership qualities, like Leos, but as performers they are irreplaceable, because they are not afraid of any difficulties. Representatives of earth signs are incredibly pedantic, they take a thorough approach both in their studies and in performing everyday tasks. Virgos are incredibly petty; this character trait very often prevents them from seeing the big picture and highlighting the main accents.

Virgo at home and in the work team

Work, work and once again work - this is the main thing in the life of representatives of the earthly element. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s January, April, July or October outside the window. The Virgo zodiac sign cannot live without work. Such people love to bring order to chaos, they love to compare before and after, to realize that this beauty is their doing. Both at home and at work, Virgos talk about their work achievements; work dominates everywhere. Despite their hard work, representatives of this sign do not know how to save money.

Virgo is a zodiac sign that likes to be in control. That is why such people strive to play the role of commander-in-chief in the family and completely control the actions of their other half and children. Of course, not everyone likes this, so Virgo should not even get along with Leo and Gemini, or she will need to curb her ardor.

Main character traits of Capricorn

The last representative of the earthly element has perseverance, ambition, and diligence. Capricorns make excellent leaders; they also excel as managers and can manage their own company. They are calm and thorough, moving towards their intended goal slowly but confidently, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. Almost all Capricorns dream of leaving a mark in history, of standing out from the crowd in some way.

Representatives of the earthly zodiac sign are divided into two categories: homebodies and restless people. The first ones do not depend on the opinion of the crowd and do not have excessive ambition. The latter always go forward, striving to climb to the top.

Capricorns at home and at work

The zodiac sign (it’s not at all difficult to determine by date of birth) can tell a lot about a person. Capricorns are among those people who do not know how to separate home and work. In pursuit of some goal, they are ready to work without rest, risking exhaustion. Excellent organizers, they solve any problems at work on their own, without shifting them onto the shoulders of others.

Romantic, sensitive Capricorns show their coldness at the beginning of a relationship, but immediately melt away as soon as they are convinced of the sincerity of their partner’s feelings. These are excellent friends who will never betray or abandon you in difficult times. Capricorns are afraid of old age and helplessness, so they are prone to hoarding. The desire to save more money for the future often develops stinginess.

What can we learn from earth signs?

The Earth is calm, balanced, stands firmly on its feet, knows what it wants, and knows how to earn money. Representatives of other zodiac signs sometimes lack all these qualities. Capricorns, Virgos, Taurus are clumsy, devoid of imagination, but still they take tiny steps closer to their cherished goal, without changing course. Well-being and material security are the most important thing for them, so earth signs will never remain hungry and cold.

What should Earth signs learn from representatives of other elements?

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are too fixated on work and achieving success, so they forget about romance, tenderness, caring for loved ones, and relaxation. Earth signs should learn to separate work and home, spend more time with family, and participate in household chores. Earth should learn lightness from Air, passion from Fire, tenderness from Water.

Knowledge about the forces of nature takes its origins from Ancient Egypt, where the Great Initiate lived and wrote his works. On the basis of Hermeticism, a mystical science was formed - alchemy, the purpose of which was to show the ways to comprehend the essence of things.

An element is a state of space, which is a consequence of the work of certain principles of the Universe. Symbols of the elements are designations of these principles or primary elements from which all substances of the cosmos are formed.

4 main states of space:

  • hot;
  • cold;
  • dry;
  • wet.

An elemental element is formed as a result of the interaction of a pair of principles. By changing one principle in a pair, you can transform one element of the element into another.

Alchemical symbols of the four elements

Elemental principles:

  • Earth: dry and cold;
  • Water: wet and cold;
  • Air: warm and humid;
  • Fire: warm and dry.

If we add up all the symbols of the elements into a single figure, we get a six-pointed star - a symbol of perfect form.

The six-pointed star is a symbol of the unity of the 4 elements of nature

But any form, even the most perfect, is dead if it is not filled with life. In ancient philosophies and alchemy, the spiritualizing element is ether or the holy spirit - the great force of creativity. The unity of the spirit and body of the Universe is symbolically indicated by a six-pointed star with a dot in the center. The point is the designation of the fifth element of the universe.

Earth symbols

Qualities: feminine, passive, hard, indestructible I.

1. Archetype: Great Mother, feminine principle

Earth element- the material basis and foundation of life. Her image is nature, a fertile mother.

Archetypal symbols of the earth: Theotokos, patron goddess of the harvest, Great Cosmic Mother.

Archetypal correspondences of the earth element: 1) Third Arcana of the Tarot “Empress”; 2) Goddess of fertility Demeter; 3) Holy Mother of God.

2. Shape: cube, diamond

A common symbol of the earth is the cube - the most stable figure in three-dimensional space. The cubic shape is inherent in the crystal lattice of diamond, a stone consisting of the densest concentration of carbon atoms. The earth symbol can also be any ordered structure or symmetrical shape.

3. Numbers: 6 and 4

Number 6 - the sign of perfect form is one of the symbols of the earth. The following figures also correspond to this element: a hexagon and a six-pointed star. Six is ​​also related to the cube - a geometric figure with 6 sides.

The square and its corresponding number 4 are also associated with the element of earth. A square is one of the projections of a cube on a plane. It symbolizes: connection with matter, the physical world, the physical body, stability, endurance and constancy.

Symbols of the earth: 1) Six-pointed star. 2) Diamond crystal lattice. 3) A vortex at the north pole of Saturn in the form of a regular hexagon.

4. Side of the world and time: north, winter, night

The element of earth corresponds to the solid state of matter. Naturally, the cardinal direction of this element is North, where everything is covered with ice; Season – winter; The time of day is night.

5. Planets: Saturn and Venus

Due to its hardness and stability, the element of earth is associated with Saturn, the planet of restrictions and order. Saturn is the indestructible rock of the Supreme Law, which no one can escape.

Qualities of Saturn: severity, order, state, power, conscience, law, wisdom, old age, restrictions, karma, thoroughness, asceticism.

The splendor of forms is one of the aspects of the material world. Therefore, the element of earth is also associated with Venus - the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Planets of the earth element: Saturn and Venus and their symbolic designations

6. Sphere of existence: material world, nature

In the Tree of Life system, the principles of the earth reflect two spheres of existence: Binah - the Great Mother and Malkuth - Mother Nature.

7. Chakra: muladhara

The earth is a symbol of the material nature of our world. Therefore, this element corresponds to the energy center responsible for survival instincts.

Water symbols

Qualities: feminine, passive, soft, flexible.

1. Shape: bowls and vessels

The symbol of water can be a bowl, a jug or a sea shell. The bowl is also a symbol of the feminine principle, reproductive forces and abundance. Water is the principle of eternal life and motherhood.

2. Sphere of existence: astral world

The water element on the Tree of Life represents the spheres of Yesod, which means “form.” Here we are talking about astral forms formed in the interaction of feelings and logic.

Water is a symbol of the depths of the subconscious, insight and clairvoyance. This element connects us with the world of dreams and visions, with the sphere of astral forms.

Contemplation of the water surface was often used in the practice of foresight. Peering into the depths of the water, the soothsayer saw sacred symbols and mystical images that emerged from his subconscious mind and which were the answers to the question posed.

Symbols of water: fish, sea shell, bowl.

3. Time and place: west, autumn, evening

The rainiest time of the year, autumn, is associated with water. This season corresponds to the time of day - evening, cardinal direction - west. Autumn is also the time of harvesting and summing up the results of the year. And fertility and harvest are also one of the symbols of water, as mentioned above.

4. Planets: Moon and Neptune

The planet Moon corresponds to the water element. The Moon is the patroness of femininity, motherhood, emotions, feelings and intuition.

The water element also protects the planet Neptune. This planet is associated with the psyche, fantasies and dreams. Qualities of Neptune: a tendency towards mysticism, illusions, deceptive visions, mystery and nebula, but also spirituality, connection with the Higher Self, meditative mind.

Water planets: Neptune and Moon

5. Chakras: Ajna and Swadhisthana

Water qualities are inherent in two energy centers: and Ajna. The first is responsible for emotions, receiving pleasure, and the desire to procreate. The second chakra - Ajna - is water, as a symbol of clairvoyance and insight.

Air symbols

Qualities: masculine, active, agile

1. Shape: sword

Air is associated with quickness of thought and sharpness of mind. In accordance with this, symbols of air are swords, pikes and other piercing and cutting objects.

The sword pointing downwards denotes the descent of the creative divine will onto the earth. A sword raised with its tip up is a sign of war and destruction.

2. Essence: freedom and spirit

The white bird is a symbolic image of the spirit. In the esoteric sense, this is a conscious creative act or action aimed at creation. In the Christian tradition, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. And in Ancient Egypt, the hawk was a symbol of the human soul. In many traditions, the bird acts as a symbol of air - a link between heaven and earth, between the spiritual and the physical.

3. Phenomenon: wind

Air has the qualities of lightness, mobility and speed. At the same time, it can be changeable and sudden, destructive and unpredictable. The symbol of air contains phenomena from a light breeze to a giant tornado. Air is movement in all its manifestations.

Air symbols: 1) Whirlwind; 2) Sword topped with a crown; 3) The white bird is a sign of the Holy Spirit.

4. Place and time: east, spring, morning

Air is the element of youth and new birth. Therefore, it is often associated with the east - the place where the Sun is born every morning. In accordance with this, the time of year of the air element is spring, the time of day is morning.

5. Planet: Mercury

One of the symbols of the air element is the planet closest to the Sun - Mercury. Mercury in ancient Roman mythology was the patron of trade and travel, a mediator between gods and people. His attribute is the Caduceus: a club with two snakes entwined around it and crowned with wings.

Qualities of Mercury: speed, cunning, resourcefulness, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, eloquence, perfect mind, changeability.

The god of the air element is Mercury and his attributes: the caduceus and flying sandals with wings.

6. Chakras: Anahata and Vishuddha

Symbols of air are also the respiratory organs and their corresponding energy centers: anahata and vishuddha. – the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest and is responsible for breathing, the manifestation of unconditional love and compassion. Vishuddha is the throat chakra, located in the thyroid gland and has the function of creative self-expression and connected speech.

Fire symbols

Qualities: active, masculine, fast, cleansing.

1. Shape: wands

In ancient times, the rod, as an attribute of power and magical power, belonged to the spiritual caste of priests. This symbol is a designation of the highest element in the hierarchy - fire. The rod also symbolizes the masculine active principle, the divine spark, the creative idea that gave rise to the entire Universe.

2. Place and time: South, day, summer

The symbol of fire corresponds to the hottest side of the world - South, the time of year - summer and the time of day - day. These symbols of fire indicate its burning nature and the destructive aspect of the element. The sun's rays can give life, but also take it away.

3. Phenomena: lightning, explosion, flame

The element of fire can manifest different aspects of its character. The qualities of phenomena determine the qualities of the corresponding fire symbols.

  • A sunbeam is a sign of the Creator’s light, a symbol of his pristine pure nature.
  • Lightning is an idea, a thought born in the Supreme Consciousness, which gave birth to the world.
  • An erupting volcano is a symbol of anger, rage, rage, and the destructive power of fire.
  • A candle flame is a symbol of faith and spirituality, a guiding light, hope, the light of truth in the darkness.

Various forms of manifestation of the element of fire: fire flame, electric lightning discharge, volcano explosion

4. Planets: Mars, Sun

The destructive qualities of fire are most manifested in the nature of Mars. The planet Mars is a symbol of an uncontrollable and raging fire that incinerates everything around. In Ancient Rome, Mars was the god of war and destruction. And at the same time, he was honored as the patron and protector of Ancient Rome.

Another symbol of fire is the Sun. The energy of the Sun gives life. This planet is the center and reason for the existence of life on our earth. In ancient times, the sun was often identified with the Creator himself. In ancient Egypt, the luminary was called by the name of Ra - and the creator of the world.

Planets of the fire element: the Sun and Mars and their astrological symbols.

5. Chakras: manipura, muladhara, ajna, sahasrara

The symbol of fire can carry a variety of qualities. Accordingly, in the human energy structure this element is reflected in several centers at once.

Manipura - the solar plexus chakra carries solar qualities: generosity, leadership, will, primacy, nobility, desire for power. Muladhara contains the energy of Mars, manifested in the penetrating force and power of basic instincts. Ajna is heavenly fire, the electrical nature of thought. Sahasrara - the cosmic chakra - is a connection with the Creator Himself, who is the truth, the source and the cause.

Energy matrix of the Earth's body form lines of force that reflect its dynamic and physical principle.
It is very important for a complete understanding to take into account that the Earth is not a completely homogeneous, smooth energy sphere on which all energy zones are distributed evenly over the entire surface. In addition, the Earth with its energy network is not isolated from the vast galactic-cosmic system, which has subtle energy connections that have a strong impact on the life of the Earth and its inhabitants, as well as on its development.
As in all phenomena of the Universe, there is also an analogy with the anatomy of the human body, in which energy supply and its balance, as well as communication with the surrounding space, are carried out through a system of chakras, points and meridians.

The solid body of the Earth has its centers at the intersection of lines of force, which have a certain location. Through these centers there is a relationship with energies coming from outside. They are vortexes that receive energy and radiate it. The force centers of the Earth are analogous to the nerve centers and chakras on our body.

The four kingdoms of nature - minerals, plants, animals and humans - each individually represent an energy center in the body of the Earth.

The Earth's ley lines are basically the etheric body of the Earth's spirit. According to its structure, each line is formed by two vortices, one tends to direct energy inward, and the other emits energy into the atmosphere. The internal vortex is formed from the energies of human feelings (emotions, thinking, spirit, etc.), the external one personifies will, strength, aspirations.

It is necessary to point out here that when we talk about the spirit of the Earth, similar to when we talk about the human spirit, we mean the real energy of vibrations or waves, energy of high frequency, but not perceived by our five senses. It is this highest energy that is the basis of life. Spirit is the manifestation of any life through form.

When characterizing the element of Earth, it is necessary to add that the signs of this element carry out practical, material embodiments of ideas and achieve their concrete results.
They have constancy in achieving goals, retain the strength and stability of images in their minds. They are characterized by conservatism, which is similar to a durable and harmoniously frozen crystal, personifying the principle of Saturn.

People of the Earth element characterized by materiality and inertia. They perceive everything new very slowly, but if they have already studied an issue or business and decided for themselves that it should be implemented, they do it with great accuracy, perseverance and rare efficiency.
They are characterized by concreteness of thinking, constancy of character without emotional swings and reliability.
They do not have impulsive impulses towards the new, unknown, like people of Fire, but they have an excellent ability to calmly and painstakingly carry out work with which they are familiar, and they can endlessly perform monotonous, monotonous work and this never tires them or causes stress , for example, working on a stream or conveyor.

They prefer to settle down, they are not excited by foreign countries and travel, even moving from one apartment to another is a problem for them, and moving to another city is regarded as a global catastrophe. Therefore, they categorically reject and resist any decisive actions that could change the rhythmic order of their lives.

It would be a good idea to take this fact into account when applying for jobs that involve business trips, since people of this element are very difficult to climb. They seem to be detached from those around them; they try not to get along with people, because... this subconsciously frightens them with all sorts of changes.

But this is only externally - behind the wall of inaccessibility, coldness and calmness there is an emotional flame, their inner life is extremely rich and fruitful. These are deep natures who are capable of great love and forgiveness for those they love, but they never forgive betrayal and cannot forgive and forget meanness towards themselves.

They are very resilient and patient towards everyone around them, but they never change their attitude towards people who they somehow dislike or dislike, sometimes showing simply open hostility.
As a rule, they do not take any part in disputes, discussions, debates at work, they avoid all meetings and social events, but sometimes, to the great surprise of those around them, they suddenly offer the most thoughtful and constructive solutions.

Their spiritual qualities: patience, obedience, calmness, endurance in struggle and hardship are symbols of Christianity. By the way, Jesus Christ was a Capricorn.

Taurus- a very bright representative of the Earth trine, followed by his reliable partners - Virgo, Capricorn.
The scope of their activities is very wide - from the extraction of minerals and metals to trade, industry and art.

For people of this element, when treating, diagnosing and medical prognosis, it is necessary to take into account their tendency to diseases of bones and joints, metabolic disorders with the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidney system, salt deposition, and the formation of calluses caused by impaired potassium metabolism.

People of the earth element have a dense, stable constitution, can withstand physical fatigue for a long time, quickly restore strength, but if they already get sick, they get sick for a long time and seriously, and recover slowly. You need to know this and, if possible, adhere to a reasonable rhythm of work and rest.

The element of Earth is yellow in color and has a sweet (sugary, starchy) taste. When meditating on this element, you can imagine yourself immersed in the earth or something solid (mineral, clay).

These are simple, everyday people who do not make grandiose plans, and always understand reality, no matter how harsh it may be. They do not tend to indulge in trifles; they are down-to-earth signs who consider dreams only a whim. they perceive only what they can see, hear, touch. They believe only in facts and direct evidence; there is very little room in their soul for flights of fancy.

There is a huge positive side to these qualities - while others are chatting, Earth signs are doing and making their plans come true. They are usually proud and independent, preferring to rely only on themselves, without trusting others.

These people need to choose representatives of the elements of Earth and Water. They will also find contact with representatives of Fire if they can coexist with them in constant fun and revelry. Or with air representatives, enduring sudden outbursts of either laughter or aggression.

Earthly zodiac signs have a number of advantages: practicality, reliability, rationality and being able to live smarter on your income rather than borrowing or taking out loans. They do not expect too much from this life and rely only on their own strengths. They are persistent, consistent, very hardworking, and can stand up for themselves and their loved ones.

There are also negative features. Earth signs are quite boring and stingy not only in material terms, but also in emotions. They are stubborn, pessimistic about the world around them, and sometimes cruel to themselves and others. They have no imagination, people are simply bored with being in the same company with them. They don't keep up the conversation and can be rude. We can say that the Earths simply do not know how to communicate with people and be in society.

The most comfortable place to live is your own house with a very small garden plot. These signs love to tinker in the ground, plant plants, and harvest crops.

As for employment and employment, they will only be able to work in a stable and reliable enterprise; they will not even get involved in small organizations, everything there is too shaky and unclear.

Capricorn. He is practical and punctual. The character is punchy. People like him achieve great heights in their own business or good career growth. He is valued by his superiors and feared by his colleagues and subordinates. Gives the impression of a cold and hard person. But this is only for strangers. In the circle of family, next to loved ones, it opens up from a completely different side. Tenderness and love appear in the eyes, the smile does not leave the face. For those around him, he is simple and at the same time honest and reliable; his loved ones always know that he will support them in difficult times and protect them.

Calf. Extremely hardworking Earth signs. He strives to do this with all his efforts, he is ready to sleep and live at work for the sake of his goal. If Taurus has something in mind, he will show all his persistence and achieve his goal. He thinks only with his own head and does not listen to the advice of others; quite often he goes ahead and over the heads of other people. It is almost impossible to unsettle him. People like him do not forget insults. In marriage he is very jealous, which can torment his half. At the same time fair and inquisitive.

Virgo. This sign is analytical and excellent at logical thinking and reasoning. He values ​​erudite people and those with broad interests. People of this sign love themselves very much and constantly strive for perfection. If Virgo does something, the result will always be perfect; it simply cannot be any other way. All these qualities contribute to achieving considerable heights in many areas. This is the result of a lot of work on oneself and constant improvement of acquired skills.