Amulet "Wheel of Fortune": the meaning of the talisman. Wheel of Fortune Tattoo: Tattoo as the Secret of Good Luck

From the very beginnings of its existence amulet "Wheel of Fortune" meant the continuity of ongoing cycles. After all, our journey in life consists of both ups and downs. Consistency is a rarity, especially in the modern age. The wheel symbolizes constant movement forward, eternal development, progress.

Counters of specialized stores and Internet sites offer a variety of options for personal choice. Among this assortment, it is not difficult to find the “Wheel of Fortune” talisman.

But the stronger and more effective amulet will be the one you feel and make yourself. A person puts his soul into such a thing.

A special good luck charm will be beneficial if its owner does not forget about it - communicate with the rainbow image, share your experiences. And be careful: any damage can reduce the magical effect.

The meaning of the amulet “Wheel of Fortune”

Natural processes, energy transformations, the functioning of the human body - absolutely everything changes.

In ancient times, the image of a wheel was associated with the moment of birth and the moment of death.

The connection of force and energy is closed in a ring - their continuous interaction occurs. And thanks to its positive effects, biologically active flows are revealed, aimed at achieving the desired effect.

How to make a Wheel of Fortune talisman with your own hands

If you decide to make a special amulet with your own hands, wait until Wednesday comes - the third day of the week. This is a prerequisite for obtaining the desired result.

During this period, the energy of the Universe interacts with monetary energy: their lines intersect and connect into a single whole.

So, when you wait for the right moment, get to work. You will need:

  • A large cardboard or green sheet - you will draw your amulet on it.
  • Golden-colored paint for drawing the sign.

The quality of the materials chosen is not that important. The main role will be played by the correct application of symbolism and faith in its energy power.

You should pay attention to the proportionality of the figure: it is believed that it is this detail that turns the amulet into a money amulet.

An amulet with the image of the Wheel of Fortune will attract the energies of good luck and fortune to you.

Draw a circle on paper or cardboard. It is best to use a compass (by adhering to geometric principles, we increase the magical power of the wheel). Inside the circle, draw a symbol of Fortune.

Focus - carefully performing all actions will win over the Goddess of Luck. Say mentally or out loud:

“The wheel turns - Fortune returns to me!

When you finish the procedure, you should carry out the activation process. To do this, you must give a piece of your internal energy to the amulet.

Just take it in your left hand and begin to visualize your prosperous future: you live in abundance, you are completely satisfied with your income, your financial situation is at the highest level.

At the same time, slowly move the index finger of your right hand clockwise along the edges of the circle.

Simoron traditions are designed to attract good luck to those who really need it. The Simoron ritual using the Wheel of Fortune amulet accelerates all universal processes related to money issues.

It is noted that after the ritual a person begins to develop a so-called white streak. Luck covers literally all areas: professional, social, and family. The quality of modern life is improving in all respects.

On a sheet of white paper, draw a circle with a pen and divide it into seven identical sectors. Color each one in its own color - corresponding to the rainbow order.

In numerology, seven is considered especially lucky. She is a magnet for luck, happiness, higher blessings, freedom, love.

Carefully cut out your drawing. Now it's time to recharge.

Take a moment to think back to your childhood years, when everything seemed carefree and unimportant. Place the wheel in the back of a toy car and roll it around the room. You can make sounds of the engine, brakes - turn the ritual process into a game one.

It may seem a little funny and funny, but it is passion and the rotation of small wheels that trigger the mechanism of the Universe, aimed at financial prosperity. Your inner voice will let you know when to stop.

After the work done, the rainbow circle will radiate good luck and fill your life with it. And it is not necessary to constantly contact it - it is enough that the amulet exists. He is your personal financial assistant.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Symbols of happiness (talismans-amulets) [photo] Oleynikov Anton

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Esoterics- Development, Harmony, Healing, Awakening. These are new updated sensations. Esoteric practices can give a person those experiences and sensations that he cannot achieve in material life. Harmony comes into life, both with yourself and with the world around you.

Esoterics(from ancient Greek ἐσωτερικός - internal) - secret, hidden knowledge. This knowledge has great wisdom and helps you understand yourself and the world around you.

Esotericism- a set of special ways of perceiving reality that have secret content and expression in “psychospiritual practices.”

Esotericism includes magic, alchemy, astrology, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, theosophy, Sufism, yoga, Vajrayana (Buddhist tantrism), Freemasonry, anthroposophy, and mondialism.

Good day, dear visitors!

On my page you can find the information you are interested in

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their origin, description and meanings of the cards.

You can get acquainted with various fortune-telling layouts.

In chapter " Runes» you will learn how to make runes with your own hands

And activate them correctly so that they help you in various life situations,

and you will also find a lot of fortune telling on runes.

In chapter " Palmistry» the basic elements of palm reading are described successively

(lines, bumps, signs, etc.), options for their interpretation are given.

You will acquire hand reading skills and learn how to make palm prints correctly.

« Lithotherapy"will take you to the world of stones. Will tell you about their unusual properties,

will teach you how to properly handle stones.

It will also tell you how to choose the right stone.

« Horoscopes» will help you understand how a person’s date of birth influences his character

And fate. Also here you can get acquainted with various options for horoscopes.

« Numerology» will help you find the dependence on the date of birth, first name, last name and show

how to use it to determine the most favorable time for making important decisions.

Numerology explains the influence of numbers on people's lives, business, health and happiness.

It will also tell you which numbers will bring good luck and which ones should be avoided.

"Chuck ry"will introduce you to the seven human energy centers.

They will describe in detail what each chakra is responsible for.

And also, with the help of special exercises, they will teach you how to open these chakras.

In chapter "Magic"you will learn to correct your destiny with the help of various conspiracies,

love spells And also here you can find some forgotten types of fortune telling,

which our grandmothers practiced.

Chapter "Amulets" will introduce you to various types of amulets, talismans, amulets.

He will teach you how to make them with your own hands for different occasions in life.

and will help to activate them correctly so that they help their owner.

"Dream Book" will help you understand the most mysterious dreams.

“Women's Secrets” - This section presents articles about relationships, love and marriage. Sex and relaxing massage. Hairstyle, accessories, image, clothes, jewelry, makeup.

“Compatibility” - will tell you about the partnership between the signs of the zodiac and the eastern horoscope, and introduce you to techniques for life.

“Tattoo” - Most modern tattoos that have magical powers came to us from ancient times. A tattoo can change not only your body, but also your life.

“Hypnosis” - Almost anyone can learn hypnosis techniques and become a hypnotist. To do this you will need honesty, diligence and determination.

“Traditions” - will introduce you to secret and hidden teachings: Sufism, Slavs, Mayans, Martial Arts, Enlightened Ones, Shamanism, Buddhism.

“Paths and Schools” - they will give an introduction to Reiki, Cosmoenergy, Feng Shui, Yoga and will introduce you to the works of Gurdjieff and Castaneda.

“Development of perception” - will introduce you to meditation methods, help develop memory and attention, and teach you how to stay in lucid dreams.

“Awareness” – will introduce you to psychotechnics, psychosomatics, enlightenment, psychology.

“The Art of Therapy” - will teach you how to use sound therapy, aromatherapy, color therapy, herbal medicine and origami to your advantage and will give you the opportunity to help other people.

The desire to attract luck and fortune into life, to become the darling of fate has been characteristic of man since ancient times, so he endowed many symbols with magical properties. Modern fans of body painting also do not miss such an opportunity, so the Wheel of Fortune tattoo, along with a horseshoe and four-leaf clover, is in great demand. The positive significance of the drawing is difficult to overestimate, however, it also has its own nuances.

Myth of Fortune

Fortuna is the ancient Roman goddess of luck, whose image was borrowed from the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula. In ancient Greek mythology, she corresponds to the goddess Tyche, endowed with the same powers. Translated into Russian, her name means “accident”.

The attribute of both goddesses was a wheel, which impartially chose its lucky one. Images have survived to this day where a man with a crown on his head stood at the top of the wheel, climbing people were on the sides, and an unfortunate and destitute beggar was at the bottom. The philosophical meaning of the picture can be explained by the phrase “What was below will be above.” In other words, everyone has a chance at happiness, but do not forget that at any moment you can lose your position.

Fortuna also had other powers: she was responsible for agriculture, material wealth, and helped farmers and cattle breeders. A holiday was even held in her honor every year on June 24th. Among her constant attributes was also a cornucopia, a source of wealth. The goddess was the embodiment of the best feminine qualities and patronized all representatives of the fair sex. It was believed that girls have a much greater chance of catching luck by the tail, having won the favor of Fortune.

“Wheel of Fortune” has become a household expression for many centuries. This is what roulette is called in a casino; a similar symbol can be found among the major arcana in the Tarot deck. If a person gets a card in an upright position, this promises a happy turn in business, if in an inverted position, luck will soon turn away from him.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The Wheel of Fortune tattoo is primarily a talisman for its owner. It promises happiness, luck, luck, success in all endeavors. Additional elements of the tattoo will help direct positive energy in the right direction. For example, a crown or coins in a composition will help you achieve a high position, and cards and dice will attract fortune in gambling, casinos, and lotteries. Sometimes a tattoo characterizes a person as greedy and greedy for money.

Tattoos are of particular importance for women. As already mentioned, Fortune symbolizes the feminine principle and favors girls. It will bring good luck and fulfillment of desires in all areas of life: both in career and on the personal front. Tattoos also contribute to the development of creative talents and provide the opportunity for self-realization. The main thing is to decide on the main vector, since not everyone can get everything at once.

It is noteworthy that in prison circles there is also a similar symbol, although there the tattoo looks different. The composition consists of a full-length nude woman standing on the winged wheel of Fortune. In places not so remote, the tattoo has a positive interpretation and means faith in luck.

Execution technique

The choice of stylistic solution should be determined by the sketch you like. There are several options here: the wheel itself or the Tarot card of the same name. In the latter case, the Arthur Waite deck, the most famous of all existing analogues, is taken as a basis. This is mainly the choice of people who are fond of magic and believe in fortune telling and predictions.

To depict a wheel, a minimalist style, simple and laconic, is suitable (see photo in the gallery). Girls also prefer the watercolor style, while men prefer the dotwork technique, when the image consists of many small dots. They create a voluminous and convex monochrome pattern on the tattoo.

Video about tattoos for good luck

Photos and sketches

People have been using talismans for good luck since time immemorial. Someone uses the magical power of precious stones or old coins, but good luck talismans made with one’s own hand can also become “objects of power.” They can be made from any natural material: wood, stone, leather, material (linen, cotton, wool), paper. The main thing is to correctly express the innermost intention in it. In general, any thing can be a talisman. But An object exhibits special properties if it is “charged” with the energy of the owner and his belief in the magical power of this thing. Therefore, it is best to use proven ones (passed on by inheritance) or create and program a magical assistant yourself.

We will make our good luck talisman out of cardboard. To do this, you need to carefully draw a sign (from the picture) filled with special content. This type of talismans is called “pantacles”.

PANTACLE is a monogram inscribed in a protective circle. One of the most commonly used magical symbols expressing the will of its creator.

Esotericism identifies pentacles as a separate group and advises careful handling of these powerful “accumulators” of force. There are many types of pentacles - to achieve a variety of goals, plans, desires...

A pentacle with an image helps a person become lucky Wheels of Fortune.

It must be created on the waxing moon at midnight, on Wednesday (this day of the week is responsible for good luck). Take a piece of cardboard (7cm by 7cm) green (this is the color of money and height) and a gold pen. First we draw a circle, and only then we enter the sign shown in the figure into it. When drawing a monogram, try to think not about the correctness of the lines, but about the problems that you want to solve with the help of a good luck talisman (pay off a debt, pay off a loan, win the lottery, win a tender, etc.). Once you have completed your design, cut it out in a circle.

Now we need to “charge” our sign so that it becomes active.

Take a candle of the color corresponding to your zodiac sign and melt it in a water bath. You can take natural wax - it absorbs information even better. Dip our circle into the melted wax for one minute. When it dries, place it on your left palm and move it clockwise with your right fingertips. Concentrate your mental and emotional strength and visualize the end result in your mind's eye. That is, the purpose for which it was created has already been accomplished. After setting up, do not show the talisman to anyone, do not give it to anyone, and no one should know about it except its owner. Carry it with you as often as possible, it should be saturated with your energy. At least a couple of times (or more) a day, pick it up and think about what you expect from it.

Take care of your magical assistant, keep him and believe in his power, then he will serve you and protect you.