Jelly dessert recipe with gelatin. How to make jelly at home

There is no such person who does not like sweets. There are an incredible variety of delicacy options: cookies, cakes, candies, marshmallows, Turkish delight and, of course, jelly dessert. Historians claim that people loved to pamper themselves with this sweetness

Children especially love jelly for its unusual and varied flavors. It can be different - green, red, yellow, multi-layered. In addition, they are very useful, because its base - gelatin or agar-agar - has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. It’s also convenient that you don’t have to run to a supermarket or restaurant to get it - after all, the delicacy can be prepared at home. How to do this is described in this article.

Tablets of History

The history of such a culinary work as a jelly dessert goes back to the relatively distant past. Medieval manuscripts claim that an analogue of gelatin appeared about 500 years ago and was a kind of whitish glue that was made from air bubbles

The familiar gelatin in powder form was invented by Peter Cooper, who discovered that crushed bones, cartilage and animal skins turn into a transparent substance, thanks to which any liquids solidify. It had virtually no color and no smell.

Innovation from the pharmacy

After some time, pharmacist Pearl Waite prepared jelly with the addition of flavors and dyes. His wife came up with the name, and the jelly dessert received its own name - “Jell-O”. Unfortunately, people did not appreciate the new culinary product, and Waite sold the patent for $450 to his neighbor, inventor Orator Woodworth. The new owner of Jell-O was not immediately lucky - it took some time before this product gained popularity, which reached its peak in 1950.

A treat for everyone

The Jelly with Fruit dessert was a wild success among opera singers, famous actresses and other famous people. This was the signature dish of all housewives. Children adored the very thick jelly, which they could pick up with their hands and eat, biting off one piece at a time. Young people added vodka to it, and the intelligentsia served this delicacy in beautiful crystal vases. In a word, everyone ate it with pleasure, regardless of age, race or the thickness of their wallet. Thanks to the various variations in taste and ease of preparation, jelly dessert remains a favorite sweet today. By the way, the gelatin we are used to can be replaced with a more useful agar-agar. In this article we will be happy to share several of the simplest and most interesting recipes for preparing this dish.

Classics of the genre

The Fruit Jelly dessert is very easy to prepare and is kind of basic. It can be eaten either alone or in combination with biscuits, ice cream and cakes. Preparing this delicacy is not at all difficult. You will need ingredients such as compote or juice, gelatin and your favorite fruits (you can add berries to the dessert if you wish).

  • Step 1. Carefully read the instructions printed on the gelatin packet. Dilute it in the specified amount of hot water. The main thing is to stir the mixture thoroughly so that it is homogeneous and free of lumps.
  • Step 2. Heat the flavoring liquid (compote or juice) and boil it for 4-5 minutes.
  • Step 3. If the gelatin has cooled down, it should be warmed up a little. Then you need to carefully pour it in a thin stream into the juice or compote, stirring carefully so that these two components combine well with each other. Wait until the mixture cools down.
  • Step 4. Wash and cut the selected fruits into cubes, strips or circles and place them in equal portions in vases, glasses or silicone baking molds.
  • Step 5. Carefully add the gelatin mixture to the fruit and refrigerate until completely set. Please note: the freezer is not suitable for this purpose!

You can serve the finished jelly with fruits with whipped cream. If it was prepared in vases or glasses, it can be eaten directly from them. If the dessert has frozen in silicone baking molds, you need to carefully remove it, first lowering the molds (not to the edges!) into warm water. The jelly will melt and easily pop out onto the saucer.

Smetnye rivers

If you want to experiment, you can prepare a dessert with “Jelly and sour cream”, adding marmalade to it. It is extremely tasty, tender and healthy. This dish is a little more difficult to prepare than the fruit dish, but the effort is worth it! Dessert with jelly and sour cream consists of ingredients such as gelatin, store-bought sour cream 10-15% fat, sugar and marmalade.

  • Step 1. Dissolve gelatin and sugar. In this case, you should add a little less water than indicated in the instructions.
  • Step 2. Cut the marmalade into large cubes and place in a container in which the jelly will subsequently harden.
  • Step 3. Pour sour cream into a saucepan and heat, stirring gently. Under no circumstances should you bring it to a boil, otherwise it will curdle and all your work will be in vain.
  • Step 4. Combine the dissolved gelatin with warm sour cream and mix well. Let cool.
  • Step 5. Pour the cooled sour cream-gelatin mixture into the container with marmalade, mix carefully and refrigerate until completely set. You cannot pour the warm mixture, as the marmalade may “float”.

When serving, the dessert with jelly and sour cream must be removed from the mold, as indicated above. In cross-section, this delicacy is unusually beautiful, and because of the multi-colored marmalade, it looks like precious stones in the snow. Dessert “Jelly with sour cream” can be topped with chocolate or cherry syrup or garnished with mint leaves.

Curd shores

Another unusual, delicate delicacy is a curd dessert with jelly that both children and adults will enjoy. To prepare you need milk or sour cream (400 ml), (200 g), gelatin, sugar, vanilla and fresh fruit - for example, currants or strawberries.

  • Step 1. Pour milk or sour cream into a saucepan, add sugar, mix thoroughly and place on low heat. Heat, stirring constantly, until the surface of the milk begins to bubble. Turn off the heat.
  • Step 2. Pour instant gelatin into a bowl or cup and fill it with a small amount of warm milk. Stir until completely dissolved.
  • Step 3. In a thin stream, add the dissolved gelatin into the milk and mix thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator for a short time until the mixture begins to harden.
  • Step 4. Add the curd mass and fruit to the milk-gelatin mixture and beat thoroughly with a mixer or blender.
  • Step 5. Place in bowls or vases and place in the refrigerator until completely set.

When serving, this dessert can be sprinkled with ground nuts or grated chocolate, as well as melted honey or berry jam.

Variations on the theme of jelly

Having mastered the basic skills in working with gelatin, you can use your imagination and prepare stunning desserts that will be the perfect addition to the most luxurious holiday table. The jelly can be multi-layered, multi-colored, with the addition of cocoa or coffee; instead of sour cream, it is permissible to take yogurt, and replace milk with cream. Cookies, nuts, dried apricots or prunes are added to this dessert. In a word, thanks to gelatin, any of us has the opportunity to become the inventor of our own signature treat.

How to make jelly for a person who does not have the slightest experience in creating such culinary delights? Jelly is an incredibly beautiful and tasty dessert, but it’s quite easy to spoil it. It is enough to confuse the proportions or prepare the ingredients incorrectly to get a shapeless, spreading mass instead of elastic, smooth, shiny, beautiful sweetness. To prepare the delicacy correctly, it is important to know some secrets.

How to make classic gelatin jelly

Jelly was made before gelatin was invented. An elastic, dense mixture was obtained by long boiling of natural unclarified juice with sugar. To obtain a product of proper quality, we chose berries and fruits with a high pectin content: currants, gooseberries, cranberries, lingonberries, sour apples.
Gelatin made the task easier for housewives and significantly simplified the process. Now classic jelly can be obtained from any type of juice, syrup, compote, carbonated drink, fruit drink or even milk. There is no need to evaporate moisture for a long time and add large amounts of sugar.

The secret of beautiful jelly is properly prepared gelatin. It is important to read the instructions on the package, because the methods for preparing it may differ slightly from one manufacturer to another.

Soak the gelatin in cool, clean water, using the proportion of a tablespoon of dry powder (or 15 g) per 100 ml of liquid.
Stir and set aside for at least 40 minutes.
Ready gelatin will look like a crumbly gel-like mass. There should be no free water left in the glass.
Now the crystals need to be dissolved: place the glass in a water bath, heat it to a temperature of 60ºC, stir and remove from heat when the mass turns into a homogeneous transparent liquid solution.
You can’t hesitate with warm gelatin. It must be immediately poured into the prepared base. This could be one of the juices or drinks listed above. Mix gelatin with them in a ratio of 1 spoon to 2 cups of liquid.
Now pour the future jelly into molds or bowls and put it in the refrigerator to harden for at least 5 hours.
To get the jelly out of the silicone mold, just crush it on all sides and then tip the dish onto a plate. The finished dessert can be decorated with chocolate chips, confectionery powder or syrup. But it will be especially pleasant to eat it on a hot summer day with fresh berries.
The jelly contains a minimum of components, so the main emphasis should be on their quality and not replace one with another. Secondly, use the correct ratios and follow the mixing order. Then you will get the same result that looks so temptingly at us from the pictures.

From fruit juice

To prepare a refreshing sweet, take two glasses of any clarified juice (400 - 500 ml) and 10 - 15 g of powdered gelatin (a tablespoon).
1. Pour 100 ml of base into a separate container. Add a tablespoon of thickener to it and set aside for 40 - 60 minutes.
2. Heat water in a saucepan, bringing it almost to a boil, and remove from heat. Place a glass of swollen gelatin in the hot liquid and stir the crystals until they turn into a homogeneous solution.
3. Combine two glasses of juice with liquid gelatin, mix everything well and pour into molds.
4. When the mass has completely cooled down, put it in the refrigerator for 5 - 6 hours.
5. After this time, the fruit jelly is ready to delight with its refreshing taste.

Cooking with jam

If you have a jar of aromatic homemade jam in your house, you can make a wonderful, refreshing dessert from it.
1. Take a glass of sweet preparation (preferably liquid) with plenty of syrup. Remove the berries or fruits from it, and dilute the remaining liquid with two glasses of water and put on fire.
2. Boil the mixture for 8 minutes. Let cool to 50 - 60ºС, add 25 g of instant gelatin to the saucepan and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Strain the solution through a sieve to remove grains of unswollen gelatin.
Place the berries or fruits left from the jam into the molds and fill them with the gelatin mixture. The dish will be ready after 6 hours in the refrigerator.

Homemade milk jelly

There is nothing easier than making homemade jelly from milk. This dessert is easy to please both children and adults.
1. Pour gelatin (15 g) with cool water (100 ml).
2. After 40 - 50 minutes, dissolve it in the microwave or in a water bath.
3. In a separate saucepan, heat 400 ml of milk with 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 1 g of vanillin.
4. After the sugar has completely dissolved, remove the milk from the stove and pour gelatin into it in a thin stream.
5. Mix the mixture thoroughly and distribute it among the bowls.
After 3 - 4 hours, the jelly, put in the refrigerator, will be ready. It can be served with coconut flakes sprinkled on top.

Based on sour cream

The sour cream dessert turns out very light and tender. It hardens quickly and does not require long preparation.

1. Soak gelatin powder in cool, clean water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for half a glass of liquid. Instant crystals will swell in a quarter of an hour; ordinary gelatin will take 30 - 40 minutes.
2. Heat the thickener container in the microwave or a saucepan of hot water until the mixture turns into a liquid mass.
3. Prepare the syrup: melt half a glass of sugar with 2 tbsp in a frying pan with a thick bottom. spoons of water.
4. Combine all ingredients: 350 g of sour cream (it should be at room temperature), syrup and melted gelatin. Beat the mixture with a hand whisk.
5. Place any berries (can be frozen) on the bottom of the molds and fill them with sour cream mixture.
Put the sweets in the refrigerator. You can try it in 1 – 2 hours.

How to make dessert from compote

When the new season of preparations is already approaching, and the shelves are still filled with old supplies, prepare a delicious dessert from them. Household members will not be able to resist and will quickly destroy all last year's compotes.

Jelly from blanks is prepared, perhaps, in the fastest way. It only requires 2 cups of compote and 1.5 tablespoons of instant gelatin.

Heat the base on the stove to 70ºС and pour all the gelatin into it. Stir very thoroughly so that there are no lumps left, pour into glasses and when the compote has finally cooled down, put it in the refrigerator.
In an hour we will get from there the most delicious cool dessert. The compote jelly is ready.

Curd jelly with gelatin

To prepare an airy curd delicacy, you will need half a glass of milk, sour cream and sugar, a small pack (10 g) of gelatin and a package (200 g) of cottage cheese or curd mass.
1. Pour gelatin with milk and leave for 30 - 40 minutes.
2. Mix sour cream, sugar and cottage cheese. Using an immersion blender, turn them into a homogeneous mass.
3. When the gelatin swells, melt it on the stove.
4. Pour the mixture of milk and gelatin into the curd and sour cream, stir everything with a whisk and pour into beautiful bowls.
Let's put the dessert in the refrigerator and after 40 minutes you can try it.

Kefir option

The taste of kefir jelly is reminiscent of the taste of ice cream, and therefore this dessert can easily replace store-bought sweets. Its composition is completely natural, which means the dish is suitable for the smallest sweet tooth.

1. As usual, prepare the gelatin. Take a pack and measure out a tablespoon of powder. Fill it with 100 ml of water, leave it to swell, and then heat it in the microwave for 20 - 30 seconds.
2. After the gelatin has dissolved, let's move on to the rest of the ingredients. Mix half a liter of kefir, half a glass of sour cream and 3 tablespoons of sugar. If desired, you can also add a teaspoon of vanillin.
3. Pour gelatin into a bowl with all the ingredients.
4. The mixture must be whipped with a mixer or electric whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved and a large number of bubbles form.
5. After this, the mass can be poured into prepared forms and refrigerated for 3 - 4 hours.
Delicate soufflé is well decorated with mint leaves and fresh berries.

From strawberries

This truly summer and unusually aromatic dessert can be prepared all year round. Both fresh and frozen strawberries are suitable for this.
1. If necessary, 300 g of berries should be sorted, washed, dried and poured into a blender bowl. Add to it 3 - 4 tablespoons of sugar and one and a half glasses of water. Blend until pureed.
2. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan and put on fire. When the strawberries boil, they should be immediately removed from the stove.
3. Add 15 g (or one and a half tablespoons) of instant gelatin into the slightly cooled mixture and mix everything until the lumps are completely broken down. If you want to make the gelatin jelly more homogeneous, you can strain it through a sieve.
Now all that remains is to pour the bright jam into the bowls and put it in the refrigerator until the morning.

How to make agar-agar jelly

Agar-agar is a plant-based thickener that has slightly different properties than culinary gelatin. Its gelling abilities manifest themselves when heated, so when using agar you can not be afraid of typical mistakes made when working with gelatin.

Agar-agar jelly becomes dense already at room temperature, but it still needs to be put in the refrigerator. At room conditions, it does not melt or spread, and in general it turns out more beautiful and stable.

This thickener has no specific odor. It can be used by people who cannot stand classic gelatin.

It is very easy to prepare jelly based on agar-agar:

1. Soak 2 teaspoons of powder in 150 ml of water for a few minutes.
2. Heat the mixture on the stove and boil it for a minute.
3. Prepare sweet water: dissolve any fruit syrup (raspberry, cranberry, strawberry, etc.) in half a liter of hot boiling water, adding the required number of spoons to taste.
4. Mix the agar mass with sweet water and pour the resulting mixture into silicone molds.
The jelly will begin to firm up as it cools. Then it is better to put it in the refrigerator. In small molds it will harden in 30 minutes.

For a cherry dessert, try making the incredibly tender and tasty Italian dish Pana Cota.

1. First, soak 20 g of gelatin in 50 ml of cold water. Let it sit for 15 - 30 minutes.
2. In a container, mix a glass of very heavy natural cream (33%), half a glass of sour cream and half a glass of sugar.
3. Place the mixture on the fire, heat, but do not boil. Place half of the swollen gelatin there and mix thoroughly until all granules are completely dissolved.
4. Open a pack of frozen cherries, select half of the berries, rinse them under running water and allow excess moisture to drain.
5. Place the berries in a saucepan, pour 100 ml of boiled water over them and add the rest of the gelatin. Heat and stir, dissolving any lumps.
6. At the beginning, the prepared bowls need to be filled 2/3 with buttercream and put the jelly in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then take it out, spread the cherry component over the first layer and put the delicacy back in the refrigerator. After 2 - 3 hours you will be able to enjoy a delicious dessert.

With lemon

Lemon jelly looks very colorful and is quite suitable for a holiday table. Making jelly at home will not be difficult or difficult.
1. You need to take a ripe large fruit with intact skin, wash it thoroughly and cut off only one zest, without touching the white layer.
2. Squeeze the juice out of the rest of the lemon.
3. Boil the zest with two glasses of water for 15 minutes. Pass the liquid through a sieve, removing any pieces of peel.
4. While the zest is cooking, you can prepare the gelatin. Pour two teaspoons of powder into half a glass of cold water, wait 15 minutes, and then dissolve it in a water bath.
5. Mix the decoction of zest, lemon juice and thickener, heat everything up a little again so that not a single lump remains.
6. When the resulting composition has cooled a little, add 3 tablespoons of honey to it and pour the future dessert into plastic molds greased with vegetable oil.
To finish cooking, place it in the refrigerator for an hour.
Jelly is a universal product that is made both on weekdays and on holidays. It can be eaten both by those who do not deny themselves anything, and by those on a diet. It’s easy to learn how to cook it, you just need to practice a little and figure out the ideal proportions for yourself.

Making fruit jelly is a fun process! Prepare this delicious dessert from fruits or berries according to our recipes.

  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp. (200 ml)
  • Juice - 400 ml (it is better to take two types of juice, 200 ml each)
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Fruits - optional

The most reliable way to make good gelatin jelly is to read the instructions on the gelatin package. After all, the gelling properties of gelatin differ depending on the manufacturer and the type of gelatin. For example, gelatin in plates has a lower gelling ability than powdered gelatin, and the methods for preparing the gelatin mass are radically different.

This recipe suggests approximate standards, based on the instructions for the specific gelatin powder.

1 tbsp. pour gelatin with one glass of cold water and leave for about an hour to swell.

Next, prepare the juices, on the basis of which the jelly will be prepared. Juices can be either packaged or prepared at home. There is no clear framework for combining types of juices; it all depends on your preferences. The only thing is that juices that are contrasting in color will look more impressive. But if you want to make one type of jelly, this issue should not worry you.

Pour juice (in this case pineapple) into a saucepan and add half of the gelatin mass. Taste, if the juice is sour, add sugar to taste. Heat the juice until the gelatin and sugar dissolve. Next, pour the juice into containers and place in the refrigerator until completely solidified. You can add pieces or slices of pineapple to the pineapple layer. It is advisable to pour the jelly into transparent cups or bowls.

You need to do the same with the next layer, pour cherry juice into the pan, add the remaining gelatin mass and heat until the gelatin dissolves. Carefully pour the cherry juice onto the well-frozen pineapple layer. You can decorate the top with berries or fruits.

It is ideal to decorate with those berries and fruits whose juices were used in the preparation of gelatin jelly. For example, you should put pineapple pieces in the pineapple layer, and cherries in the cherry layer. This will not only decorate the dessert, but also determine the type of jelly.

Recipe 2: how to make fruit jelly from pears

You can prepare such a delicacy from pears of any variety, but softer fruits are best because they boil well. I would also like to note that in this simple pear jelly recipe you can replace sugar and gelatin with gelling sugar (500 grams), then you don’t have to add lemon to the jelly at all.

  • Pear - 1 Kilogram
  • Sugar - 500 grams
  • Edible gelatin - 5 grams
  • Lemon - 1 piece

First you need to rinse the pears and lemon, wipe them, and prepare the remaining ingredients.

We peel the pears from the core and cut the fruit into pieces, put them together with the lemon in a saucepan.

Add sugar to the pan and place it on low heat.

Simmer the pear over low heat for 5-6 minutes, then increase the heat to maximum and bring the liquid to a boil (the pears should release juice). After this, turn the heat down again to the lowest possible setting and continue cooking the pears with lemon for 15-20 minutes, stirring them occasionally.

After time, the resulting mass must be ground through a fine sieve or using a special device.

Next, soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Pour the pear mass into the pan again, add the swollen gelatin and place the pan on low heat. Constantly stirring the mass, heat it so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, but do not bring it to a boil. Pour the future jelly into sterilized jars and close tightly with lids.

We put the jars of jelly together, cover them with a towel and leave them until they cool completely.

Recipe 3: apple jelly with cinnamon for the winter

  • medium apples - 10 pcs
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups
  • cinnamon -1 stick

To prepare this jelly, select ripe apples of a not too sweet variety with sourness, rinse them thoroughly in cold water, remove the stems, cut into slices and remove the cores (you can skip this process). Also rinse the lemon and cut it in half.

Pour quarters of apples into a deep and suitable volume (not aluminum) pan, and add lemon halves along with a small stick of aromatic cinnamon. Fill the contents of the pan with water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit slices, bring to a boil and cook the apples over low heat for 45-60 minutes.

Now the straining process will take place. Take another equally voluminous non-aluminum pan, place a large sieve or colander with gauze on top, and place the contents of the pan with apples there. Over the next night or just 8 hours, leave the apples to drain like this.

Do not press the apples under any circumstances, otherwise the jelly will be cloudy; the fruit can only be lightly and very carefully mixed. After the specified time has passed, you can put small glass jars in the oven for sterilization and continue preparing apple jelly. The resulting mass should be approximately the same as shown in the photo.

It’s okay if the strained juice looks a little cloudy after eight hours; further boiling will take care of this problem. We place the pan on the stove, having first measured the volume of the resulting clean liquid: for about 600 milliliters of juice you need to use 1 cup of sugar.

Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon, heat and dissolve the crystals. After boiling, cook the jelly for about 15-20 minutes until thick and ready.

Pour the hot jelly into the glass jars we prepared earlier at the same temperature, seal it tightly or screw it with the same sterilized lids. Leave the jelly at room temperature until it cools completely, and then put it in the refrigerator until it hardens, and store it there.

Recipe 4, step by step: apple jelly with gelatin

  • apples 500 grams
  • water 2.5 glasses
  • sugar ¾ cup
  • gelatin 15 grams
  • cinnamon to taste

Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan, add sugar there and heat, stirring until the syrup drips slowly from the spoon.

We wash the apples and cut them into pieces along with the skin and hard core with seeds, since they contain the substances necessary for the formation of jelly. After this, fill the apples halfway with water and put on the fire and cook after boiling for half an hour, then pour the boiled apples into a pan with gauze through a colander.

Cover the colander with a lid and leave the apples for two hours until all the juice has drained into the pan. Next, we make jelly from this juice. Measure the resulting juice using a measuring cup. And based on a liter of juice, we add seven hundred grams of sugar, add sugar to our juice and set it to simmer.

Be sure to skim off any foam that appears and continue to cook the syrup for about half an hour. Before you finish cooking the syrup, you need to check it for readiness: you need to drop a drop of syrup onto a cold plate, if the drop remains, has not spread and has retained its shape, therefore, the jelly is ready and can be poured into jars.

Recipe 5: homemade orange jelly

  • Orange juice – 300 ml
  • Sugar - 30 g
  • Instant gelatin - 8 g

To make jelly from orange juice, prepare the products according to the list. I used instant gelatin, if you don't have that, regular gelatin will work too, but it will require pre-soaking.

Pour orange juice into a small saucepan. Add sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves. Do not let the mixture boil; its temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.

Pour gelatin into the ladle and stir well so that there are no lumps.

Once the gelatin has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and strain the liquid into a cool bowl.

When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, pour it into portion molds and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

After 4 hours, the orange jelly is ready! You can serve it by sprinkling it with chocolate or coconut shavings.

Recipe 6: dessert - raspberry jelly with cognac

Fans of tasty, healthy, juicy and aromatic raspberries will love the recipe for raspberry jelly with fresh berries. You will have to work for about 2 hours, but the effect is worth it - an exquisite delicacy of fresh berries, a refined taste emphasized by cognac, a subtle aroma of raspberry plume, this dish is for lovers of gourmet cuisine.

  • Fresh raspberries 150 g
  • Gelatin 5 g
  • White crystalline sugar 100 g
  • Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
  • Cognac 1 teaspoon

Wash fresh or thawed raspberries thoroughly, separate 2/3 of the berries, transfer to another container, preferably enameled, and mash. To get raspberry pulp, you can, for example, use a pestle from a rolling pin.

Pour gelatin into 50 ml of cold water and soak.

Boil water, about 200 - 250 ml, put sugar in boiling water, cook for about 10 minutes. Add softened gelatin, mix everything, bring to a boil again, add raspberries, cook over low heat or in a water bath. Cook for 30 minutes.

Add lemon juice and cognac to the boiling mixture and cook for 10 minutes.

Strain the hot jelly (for example, through cheesecloth or a sieve), then cool quickly. for example, you can lower a bowl of jelly into a large saucepan of cold water. Then pour the jelly into molds and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Remove the molds with berry jelly from the refrigerator, place them in warm water, carefully place the raspberry jelly on dessert plates, and decorate with raspberries to your taste.

Recipe 7: Canned Cherry Jelly

  • Canned cherries 200
  • Water 250ml
  • Sugar 100
  • Gelatin 1 tbsp. lodge
  • Cherry juice 1 cup.

To prepare cherry jelly, we need such products as cherries in their own juice, water, cherry juice, sugar and gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Pour the cherry juice into a saucepan and heat over low heat.

Punch the cherries with a hand blender.

We wipe the punched cherries through a colander, on which pieces of skins remain.

We are left with pure puree.

Add cherry puree and dissolved gelatin to a saucepan with heated cherry juice. Heat, but do not bring to a boil.

We pour 2/3 into glasses, and let 1/3 cool a little and thicken, and then pour it into a blender glass and beat at highest speed. We get an airy gelled foam. Pour the foam on top of the frozen jelly. We put it in the refrigerator.

Take it out, decorate with berries and treat your family and friends, bon appetit!

Recipe 8: strawberry-banana jelly on agar

A very beautiful fruit dessert-cake made of jelly and fruit.

  • ripe bananas – 2 pcs.
  • strawberries – 300 g
  • agar-agar powder – 1 tsp. no slide
  • water – 1 tbsp.
  • fresh mint - a few leaves
  • pink pepper – 3-5 peas

In a deep saucepan of suitable size, soak the agar powder in clean cold water for at least 1 hour.

Bring the agar solution to a boil and, with constant stirring, boil for 30 seconds. Remove the boiled solution from the heat and leave to cool to a temperature of 50-80C. This is the perfect time to make fruit and berry puree.

Cut about a third of the berries into longitudinal slices of approximately the same size.

Place the berries, cut side out, around the circumference of the cooking ring.

Leave some of the berries for decoration; beat the remaining ones in a submersible blender with bananas until smooth. With constant rapid stirring, pour the prepared puree into the agar solution (not vice versa!) and then pour the mixture into the cooking ring.

Leave the jelly to cool at room temperature (a miracle will happen here and the previously completely liquid mixture will harden into jelly), and then put the finished jelly in the refrigerator to cool (it tastes better this way). Then carefully remove the ring.

Arrange the remaining strawberry slices in a circle on the prepared jelly, garnish with fresh mint leaves, ground pink pepper and serve the strawberry-banana dessert to the table. Bon appetit!

Recipe 9, simple: fresh peach jelly (with photo)

Peach jelly is a delicious and incredibly healthy dessert that will be eaten in a matter of minutes and will appeal to adults and children, because it is not for nothing that the peach is nicknamed the “king of summer.” This recipe for fruit jelly with gelatin is quick, simple and straightforward to prepare.

  • water - 600 ml
  • fresh peaches - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 20 g
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.

Meanwhile, peel and pit 2 peaches. Cut the peaches into pieces.

If you have a sweet tooth, then most likely one of your favorite treats is gelatin jelly in all its varieties. This is not only a delicious dessert, but also healthy. Of course, you can go to the store, buy a bag of jelly, dilute it with water and you’re done. But it's not at all like homemade. You can prepare it yourself, and, as they say, feel the difference. Below are delicious recipes and photos for them:



  • 100 g berries (raspberries or strawberries)
  • 3-4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 12-15 g gelatin
  • ½ tsp. citric acid
  • 400-500 g water


  1. Fill the berries with half the amount of sugar and leave in a cool place for 2 hours, stir several times.
  2. Drain the resulting juice and put it in the refrigerator, and pour hot water over the berries and bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from heat and let steep for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth, add the remaining sugar and bring to a boil.
  5. Mix gelatin prepared in advance with syrup, stir, pour in berry juice and citric acid, pour into molds.



  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 3 glasses of water


  1. In a saucepan, stir water with sugar, boil, add lemon zest and dissolved gelatin.
  2. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a spoon, pour in lemon juice and remove from heat.
  3. Strain through a cloth, pour into molds,



  • 1 orange
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 15 g gelatin
  • 1.5 glasses of water


  1. Peel the oranges, remove the seeds and cut into thin slices.
  2. Add half the sugar and leave for 30 minutes to form juice.
  3. Mix water and the remaining sugar in a saucepan, boil, add dissolved gelatin and orange zest.
  4. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil, pour in orange juice, a little citric acid and strain.
  5. Pour into molds in a 1 cm layer and let harden.
  6. Place orange slices on the frozen layer, pour in the remaining jelly and cool.



  • water – 450 ml,
  • instant gelatin – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • cherries – 15-20 pcs.,
  • sugar (or powder) – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Prepare the cherries. Peel it, wash it or defrost it if necessary.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and add cherries. Cook the compote over medium heat. Turn off the heat 5 minutes after boiling.
  3. Pour 100 ml of compote into a saucer.
  4. Add gelatin and mix well until dissolved.
  5. Add powdered sugar or sugar and mix well again.
  6. Combine the gelatin mass with the remaining compote and stir. Pour the mixture into molds or glasses and refrigerate until the jelly has completely hardened.



  • 300-500 g of fresh strawberries (the quantity will be specified below);
  • Dr. Oetker gelatin sachet 10 g;
  • 200-300 ml of clean water;
  • sugar to taste (from 2 to 4 tsp).


  1. To make jelly we need juice. And you need to get it from fresh strawberries. There are two ways to do this. The fastest way is to extract the juice using a juicer. Moreover, even if you strain the juice through a mesh or cheesecloth, it remains thick and the jelly will not turn out transparent. However, we will get an interesting visual effect - “clouds” will appear in the jelly. This also affects the taste and consistency - the structure becomes less glassy, ​​and my child and I like this option the most, it turns out more “strawberry” or something. However, we also use transparent jelly - it’s just considered a completely different dish.
  2. So, to make jelly with pulp, you need to squeeze out the juice using a juicer or press. To get 300 ml of juice, I had to squeeze 300 g of strawberries. By the way, the pulp from the juicer is quite juicy and aromatic, and is also well crushed... Feel free to make a jar of jam from it or use it to make dessert. It went great with ice cream for us.
  3. For transparent jelly, we proceed in a different way: add 500 g of strawberries with sugar and set aside for several hours or overnight to allow the juice to drain. After this, it is enough to clear the juice from the seeds by filtering it through a mesh or gauze folded in several layers. However, the seeds don’t bother us at all, so I make it with them. We get clear, beautiful, glowing strawberry juice.
  4. Next, we proceed in the same way for both types of juice.
  5. Taste and add sugar to taste.
  6. Next, it is advisable to act exactly according to the gelatin manufacturer’s recommendations, although they usually differ little from each other. The main thing is that the contents of the bag are designed specifically for 500 ml of liquid.
  7. Add gelatin to the diluted juice and stir thoroughly. Let it swell for 10 minutes.
  8. Then place the container with juice and gelatin on minimal heat and cook with constant stirring until the gelatin dissolves. It is important to control the temperature! Jelly should not heat up to more than 60 degrees! However, at minimum heat on the smallest burner while stirring, gelatin simply has to dissolve at much lower temperatures.
  9. Strain our jelly through two layers of gauze or mesh.
  10. Pour into molds and leave to cool at room temperature.
  11. When it has cooled completely, put it in the refrigerator. In a few hours the dessert will set well and can be served.
  12. What to add? Anything! Sliced ​​fresh strawberries, whipped cream or ice cream. And in its “pure” form it is in very good demand!
  13. Bon appetit! I’m sure that after such a culinary experience you won’t look at powdered strawberry jelly again!

Juice jelly

The recipe for this delicious dessert consists of:

  • juice (whatever you like),
  • Sahara,
  • water 100 ml.
  • 1 packet of gelatin.

Cooking method

  1. First you need to soak the gelatin in water for 30 minutes. Then put on fire and heat until completely dissolved. Stir regularly, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Remove from heat, slowly pour in the juice, stirring at the same time (so that there are no lumps). Pour our yummy mixture into molds and let cool. Bon appetit! Read more: .

Made from gelatin with added juice and fruit


  • 15 g gelatin,
  • 0.5l. juice,
  • sugar
  • chopped fruits (whole ones are fine).


  1. Pour gelatin with water (room temperature) and leave for half an hour. The proportions are indicated on the package; it is important to follow them.
  2. Place the pan with the juice on the fire. When it boils, pour in the gelatin, stirring constantly (until completely dissolved).
  3. Place fruit on the bottom of the molds and fill with gelatin (as shown in the photo). Place in the refrigerator for an hour. Ready!

Made from gelatin with the addition of yoghurt


  • 250 ml. drinking yogurt (cherry);
  • 250 ml. drinking yoghurt (vanilla);
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • 0.5l. water;
  • 3h. spoons of honey.

To prepare you need:

  1. Dilute gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package. Let it cool.
  2. Pour the resulting amount of gelatin evenly into bowls.
  3. Pour the yogurt from the packages into different containers so as not to mix the colors.
  4. Add honey in proportions - 3 teaspoons per 0.5 liter. yogurt.
  5. Pour gelatin over the yogurt and mix thoroughly.
  6. Prepare the molds. We fill them in layers, alternating colors.
  7. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour, after each layer.

Curd with gelatin

So, we need:

  • 200 gr. Cottage cheese;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • Berries or fruits (who likes what).

The recipe is quite simple and won’t take much time:

  1. First we prepare the gelatin. Pour the contents of the pack into a deep plate, pour in hot milk and whisk with a whisk (so that there are no lumps).
  2. Add half the mass of prepared gelatin to the berries or fruits and mix. Add sugar and mix again.
  3. Pour the remaining gelatin into the cottage cheese and beat for a few minutes.
  4. Place the berries with gelatin in a large glass or bowl and place in the refrigerator. Then add cottage cheese and return to the refrigerator.
  5. If you want, you can also decorate with berries.

Delicious jam with zhelfix

A good help in making jam at home is zhelfix (this is a natural-based thickener that is used for making jelly, jam, preserves, etc.). The big advantage is that thanks to this product there is no need to sterilize the jars, which saves a lot of time.

Ingredients for jam with jellyfix:

  • Strawberries (or other fruit, but without adding yogurt) – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 500 gr;
  • Zhelfix – 1 sachet (2 in 1).

Method for making jam with jellyfix:

  1. Sort the strawberries and wash under running water. Place in an enamel container and use a blender to puree.
  2. Mix sugar with jellyfix and add to strawberries. Mix everything together and put on fire. While cooking the jam (3-5 minutes), stir constantly.
  3. When the preparation of the jam is finished, we pour it into sterile jars and roll it up.
  4. Treat yourself and your loved ones this winter! Delicious jam with gelfix. Read more: .

Gelatin with juice

For this delicacy, we will need:

  • 3 glasses of any juice;
  • 1.5 teaspoons sugar
  • 30 g gelatin.

Easy to prepare:

  1. Mix the juice with gelatin and leave for an hour.
  2. After the gelatin has swollen, add a spoonful of sugar and put on fire. During cooking, stir constantly with a wooden spoon. Do not bring to a boil under any circumstances!
  3. Remove from heat and pour into large bowls. It will be beautiful if you add whole fruit to the juice jelly (you can put it on the bottom, or you can decorate it on top).


  • 750ml milk
  • 2 bananas
  • 30g gelatin
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • vanilla sugar to taste
  • 50-70g grated chocolate for decoration


  1. In a blender, beat milk, sugar and 1 banana. First cut the banana into pieces. If you like the aroma of vanilla, then add vanillin to the milk-banana mixture at the tip of a knife. This way, homemade milk jelly with bananas and chocolate will acquire a subtle, but so attractive vanilla aroma.
  2. Next, dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Let it thicken.
  3. Add gelatin to the milk-banana mixture. It is best to do this through a medium-sized sieve, so that undissolved pieces of gelatin do not get into the dessert. Beat for 3-5 minutes to obtain a smooth, homogeneous consistency.
  4. Cut the remaining banana into small thin strips and place them on the bottom of bowls or serving glasses. Pour the banana-milk mixture into these molds. Decorate with grated chocolate and refrigerate to set for 2-2.5 hours.



  • milk - ½ liter
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • gelatin - 1 tablespoon
  • vanillin - on the tip of a teaspoon


  1. You need to pour the gelatin with boiled water, the temperature of which should be slightly above room temperature. Within half an hour, the gelatin will begin to swell.
  2. Place the saucepan with milk on the fire and, without allowing the milk to boil, remove from the stove. Add sugar to milk.
  3. Put the saucepan on the fire again, bring the milk to a boil again and remove again. Add gelatin to the milk, from which excess water must first be drained and stir constantly.
  4. Leave the milk and gelatin on the table to allow the mixture to cool.
  5. Add vanillin (the amount depends on your taste), mix.
  6. Strain the future dessert through a sieve directly into the molds so as not to waste the mixture by pouring it from one dish to another.
  7. Place the filled molds in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!) and take them out only when they have hardened.
  8. To carefully transfer the jelly onto a plate, place the molds with the dessert in hot water for a couple of seconds. There is no need for this procedure if you plan to serve the dessert in the container in which it froze.
  9. If desired, decorate the dessert with pieces of fruit.
  • In order for your jelly to be tasty, you must follow a few simple rules.
  • It is not advisable to cook jelly in aluminum containers, as it may darken and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • The bottom of the dish into which gelatin is poured must be warm, otherwise lumps may form. It is best to put it in hot water.
  • You can add a little wine or lemon juice to the jelly, and its taste will become more intense.
  • To prepare a gelatin solution, you need to fill it with cold water at the rate: 1 part gelatin – 8-10 parts water and leave for an hour to swell. Then place the bowl with gelatin in a water bath and heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Strain the solution.
  • If you have gelatin not in powder, but in sheets, then you should first rinse it with cold water, pour it in for 30-40 minutes (for 1 part gelatin - 10-12 parts water), then drain the water, squeeze the gelatin from excess moisture and add , stirring constantly, into the boiling syrup. The plates will completely dissolve.
  • Agar-agar is prepared in the same way as leaf gelatin, the only difference being that it should be soaked for 2 hours. Agar should be taken 2 times less than gelatin.

Ease of preparation, use of only natural and healthy ingredients, original appearance - all this jelly homemade. You will also need recipes for making jelly if you want to make an extraordinary cake or pastries. Jelly is a bright, tasty and extraordinary dessert with a gelatinous appearance, which is obtained due to the presence of pectin in the ingredients, or the use of gelatin. The jelly base can be different, it is this that gives the predominant taste of the jelly. The most common type is fruit jelly. The recipe for fruit jelly without gelatin uses apples, since these fruits contain a lot of pectin, which is why the jelly hardens. In other cases, gelatin, pectin or agar are added. Delicious fruit jelly, this is currant jelly, orange juice jelly, raspberry jelly. Sometimes they serve a dessert such as fruit in jelly. You can also make fruit jelly from jam. The fruit usually produces a clear jelly. This cannot be said when preparing sour cream jelly, curd jelly, milk jelly or chocolate jelly. Milk jelly and sour cream jelly are prepared from the same gelatin that is used to prepare other types of jelly. Making milk jelly or jelly with sour cream is just as simple: soak the jelly, add it to warm boiled milk, stir, add vanillin, and set it in a cold place to harden. Once it hardens, your milk is ready. jelly. The recipe with gelatin is one of the fastest and most accessible; gelatin hardens faster than, say, agar. By combining several different colored jellies, you can make a fun broken glass jelly. This can be fruit jelly of various colors and milk jelly. The glass is just like real glass, it is very tasty and children really like it.

A common question is how to make jelly from gelatin. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the proportions. For 1 part gelatin you should take 8-10 parts water. After the jelly has hardened, excess water should be drained. If you are interested in how to make homemade jelly, the video will be a good hint. There are other nuances of how to make jelly. Do not use aluminum cookware. Another secret on how to make jelly at home without lumps: the bottom of the gelatin container should not be cold. And when the jelly hardens and you need to remove it from the dish, you should put the dish in hot water for a few seconds, then put your jelly. The recipe with photos will show you how it's done. Choose the appropriate recipe and see how to make homemade jelly, photos and comments are attached. You can also make delicious homemade jelly from agar. The recipe is similar, but you need to take 2 times less agar than gelatin. Finally, it should be noted that jellies are beneficial for the body. Gelatin is good for joints, and pectin and agar are excellent intestinal adsorbents.

Mousse- a recipe that was given to us, again, by French confectioners. “Mousse” translates to foam, and making mousse essentially boils down to beating various ingredients until foamy. Mousse jelly is similar to the use of gelatin or pectin, which fix the foam. Although some mousses are also prepared on the basis of egg whites and sticky semolina. Mousses also come in fruit and milk varieties. Usually prepared with cranberry mousse, apple mousse, strawberry mousse, curd mousse, chocolate mousse. Fruit mousses are the healthiest. They can be made very light, but if you use cream and butter, they will be richer. It is also important that the mousses are very colorful, they look very bright and festive. For example, chocolate mousse is a recipe that can be prepared in an extraordinary way, decorating it with berries, nuts, and candied fruits. Having spent very little time and learned how to make mousse, you will close the question of a quick and tasty dessert. It will also be useful for you to know how to cook mousse, if you are planning a buffet or sweet buffet. This portioned dessert seems to have been created for such feasts. And of course, you can prepare healthy baby mousses. Recipes with photos will reveal to you all the secrets of preparing delicious and beautiful mousses.