Nuts in the oven while cooking. How to properly dry nuts in the oven

Roasted hazelnuts are a real delicacy that adults and children adore. Today I will show you several ways to prepare it, and you will choose which one you like best. Although the most delicious is, of course, in aromatic spices and seasonings, which our men adore with beer, especially with a good football match or boxing match on TV.

Prepare all the necessary products according to the list.

If the nuts are in shell, naturally, we clean them with a special nut cracker.

In a frying pan (without shell and peel, for baking and cakes)

How to fry hazelnuts in a frying pan without shells and peels?

The first option is to prepare hazelnuts for cakes or any other baked goods. To do this, put the nuts in a comfortable deep bowl and pour boiling water over them. Blanch the hazelnuts for about 10 minutes, then drain the water and peel them.

Place the peeled hazelnuts on a paper towel and dry for a few minutes.

Pour the peeled and dried nuts into a frying pan and place on the stove. As soon as we hear a slight crackling sound, turn the heat to low and fry the hazelnuts until tender and crispy.

In the oven (without shell, in peel)

How to roast hazelnuts in the oven without shells, but with skins on?

The second option is peeled in the oven. Pour the hazelnuts onto a baking sheet and cook at 180 degrees in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. The baking sheet with nuts must be shaken constantly, they must cook evenly on all sides and not burn. At some point the peel will begin to crack and a delicious nutty aroma will emerge. Taste one nut - if you are satisfied with the readiness, turn off the stove and cool the hazelnuts.

In a frying pan (without shell, in peel)

How to fry hazelnuts in a frying pan without shells, but with skins on?

We'll do the same with the nuts in their skins, only in a frying pan. Pour the hazelnuts into a cold frying pan and place on the stove. As soon as the nuts begin to crackle, turn the heat to low and fry until cooked and crispy. Don't forget to constantly shake the pan or stir the hazelnuts with a wooden spatula.

Place the finished roasted nuts on a paper towel and let them cool completely. Next, the hazelnuts need to be peeled. This is easy enough to do - rub them between your palms.

Seasoning for roasted hazelnuts

While the nuts are cooling, prepare the aromatic seasoning. In my opinion, a mixture of Italian herbs, which includes rosemary, thyme, tarragon and other aromatic herbs, is ideal. Place a tablespoon of a mixture of Italian herbs in a mortar, add a pinch of salt and grind it all.

Now we return the peeled hazelnuts back to the frying pan, pour in a little olive oil and add our aromatic mixture with salt. Stir and heat for just a couple of minutes so that the herbs only release their aroma, but do not start to burn, otherwise it will make the snack bitter.

Cool the roasted hazelnuts and serve.

This way you can cook and fry any nuts. Have fun!

Roasted nuts have a high percentage of calories, which is necessary when replenishing energy or restoring strength after stressful situations or surgical interventions. This high-calorie product should be consumed with caution by people who are overweight.
We bring to your attention a recipe that will tell you how to properly fry walnuts in a frying pan. Look again.


- walnuts – 1 kg.

Necessary information
Roasting walnuts takes 40 minutes.

How to cook with photos step by step

1. First, prepare the walnuts for frying by first cracking them using a nut cracker. Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Place the nuts in a container and pour boiling water over the fruits.
Tip: You can use a knife to quickly crack the nuts. To do this, insert a knife into the upper point between the two halves and carefully open them. If the shell is not completely opened, a hammer will help. A few taps and the core will fall out. Then we clean the nuts from internal films, small fragments and partitions. After this, place the nuts in a colander and rinse under running water. Be sure to wait for the liquid to drain and then dry on a paper towel.
Tip: For better cracking of walnuts, you need to put them in the freezer for about 1 hour and then take them out.

2. Cover the container with nuts with a towel and leave to soak for 15 minutes.
Tip: Boiling water will soften the nuts.

3. Take out the steamed nuts and place them on a towel to dry. After this, we will peel the skins from the nuts.

4. At the next stage, pour the peeled walnuts into a frying pan and fry without adding oil for 15 minutes at medium heat.
Tip: We will fry the nuts until they begin to crackle and acquire a bright golden color. It is recommended to stir the nuts periodically with a wooden spatula.
Tip: It is advisable to lay out the nuts in such a way that they are arranged in one layer.
Tip: It takes 20 minutes to fry large pieces, and 15 minutes will be enough for small pieces.

5. Now you can put the roasted walnuts in a bowl. They are used in the preparation of salads, pastas, baked goods, soups, baked goods, and dough. Today I will also tell you.
Tip: Roasted nuts are stored in a tightly sealed box or jar in a dark place.

Roasting hazelnuts dries the nut, making it crunchier and imparting a nutty, brownish color to the natural fats. Roasted hazelnuts have a pleasant flavor, but over-roasting will make the nuts bitter. Roasted nuts can be used in recipes or eaten plain.

How to roast hazelnuts in the oven

1. Place the shelled hazelnuts on a baking sheet in a single layer.

2. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

3. When the oven is hot, place the baking sheet with the nuts on the rack in the middle of the oven.

4. Roast the nuts for 12 minutes, then check if they are done. If they have a nutty smell and are slightly brown, the hazelnuts are ready.

5. Check the nuts carefully to avoid overcooking them. If you want to roast the hazelnuts longer, preheat the oven to 125ºC and roast for 15-20 minutes.

How to fry hazelnuts in a frying pan

Pan-roasting will give your hazelnuts an out-of-this-world flavor. You can add a little vegetable oil to the pan so that the hazelnuts do not burn, just a little so as not to interrupt the natural nutty taste.

1. Place the hazelnuts in a heavy-bottomed pan in a single layer.

2. Place the pan on the stove over medium heat.

3. Stir the hazelnuts every minute.

4. Watch the hazelnuts closely as they begin to turn brown and give off a nutty smell. Hazelnuts are very easy to overcook.

5. Cook the hazelnuts for 5-10 minutes until the nuts are crisp and brown.

6. When the nuts turn brown, remove the hazelnuts from the heat immediately to avoid overcooking.

How to roast hazelnuts on an open fire

Hazelnuts acquire a smoky aroma when they are roasted over a fire or on a grill. These hazelnuts can serve as an excellent snack when you are out in nature with friends.

1. Place the shelled hazelnuts in a heatproof bowl or frying pan and carefully place the nuts on the hot coals.

2. Shake the nuts regularly every 2-3 minutes, depending on the heat, until they are browned, toasted and crispy.

How to remove thin husks from hazelnuts

Hazelnuts can be eaten without removing the thin husk, although many people prefer to remove the husk first and enjoy the completely peeled nut. Roasting makes it easier to remove the thin husks, although there are hazelnut varieties, such as Oregon, that are very difficult to peel. You won't be able to remove all the husks, and that's okay. The nut hulls provide an additional source of nutrients and also give the nuts a nice color.

1. Carefully transfer the hot toasted nuts to a clean kitchen towel.

2. Wrap the nuts in a towel and lightly rub them together.

3. This will remove the papery husk that has almost fallen off and has a bitter taste.

4. Serve. Many people like to eat hazelnuts on their own, while others add the nuts to salads, meat dishes and many other recipes.


1. Roasted hazelnuts can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for several months. Just let it sit at room temperature before eating it.

2. Remove roasted nuts from the pan or ovenproof dish immediately after they are cooked to avoid overcooking them.


Keep a close eye on the hazelnuts as they begin to toast as they can burn very quickly. Discard any burnt hazelnuts as they will be very bitter.

Cedar fruit can be consumed at different ages, raw or fried. In cooking, there are some rules about how to fry pine nuts. It is known that you can not only get enough of the fruits of the cedar tree, but also get a lot of benefits, because cedar nuts contain: polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, many vitamins, minerals and microelements. They contain high-quality proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Preparation and Cleaning

Before starting to fry cedar fruits, they are sorted out, looking to see if there is mold or rot on the shell or not. The product should look healthy in appearance and smell environmentally friendly.

Advice: It is preferable to peel nuts at home than to buy already shelled kernels, so the product will not lose its beneficial qualities and will most likely be uncontaminated.

After inspection, the nuts are washed well and the shell is removed. You can clean raw materials using different techniques. It is best to peel the nuts by hand using a small wooden mallet.

Tip: To make cleaning easier, dip handfuls of nuts in warm water and leave for a while. You can use boiling water; it is enough to keep the fruits in it for 3 minutes.

The soaked nuts are laid out on part of the towel, the second part will cover the products. Take a rolling pin, roll it over the nuts, then open the towel and get rid of shell fragments.

Using another technique, they use pliers or a garlic press to get rid of the shell. When pine nuts are peeled, their shelf life in indoor conditions is reduced to up to a month. The question may arise whether it is possible to extend the shelf life if peeled pine nuts are fried, for which experts recommend that after roasting the nuts be placed in the freezer.

There is a technique for splitting cedar fruits with a door or furniture legs, but this method has many opponents, because then clean grains will be mixed with dust and specks on the floor; this technique was invented more for the sake of entertainment. Teeth won't do either, it's better to save them. Nuts are cleaned in industry under high pressure.

A simple home cleaning method (exfoliation) can be done with your fingers, but provided that the fruits are young and the peels are thin and weak.

How long to fry?

It is known that the shelf life of roasted pine nuts is one year; in their raw form, the fruits can last much less. How long it is necessary to fry pine nuts depends on the method, on whether peeled kernels or whole nuts are used, for example, frying unpeeled fruits in a frying pan will last about 10 minutes.

During normal frying, the stove is set to high heat and the pan is heated. The cedar fruits, sorted and, if desired, peeled from their shells, are poured onto the hot bottom of the frying pan in one layer; no oil is required, since the nuts themselves are quite oily; during the frying process, vegetable fat is released from them. Fry the product for one or two minutes, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon or spatula. You should not be distracted during the process; cedar fruits can burn very quickly.

Tip: Roasting is completed when the cedar kernels heat up, begin to crunch a little and darken.

If the shells have not been peeled, pour the whole nuts into a hot, dry frying pan. Eight minutes with constant stirring will be enough to cook the product. Cracked shells will indicate readiness. But before you turn off the heat, you should try one nut.

In the oven

Pine kernels or whole nuts can be roasted using the oven. Recommendations for quickly cooking nuts “with and without clothes” are slightly different.


The cedar fruits are poured into a sieve (you can use a colander), sorted, and specimens whose shade differs from the main healthy mass should be removed. The cabinet warms up, the degrees are set to “150”.

The cedar fruits are evenly distributed on a dry baking sheet in one layer; the nuts will be roasted on the top grill for 13 or 15 minutes.

Tip: When the cedar product comes out of the oven, you don’t need to pour it all in at once. The nuts cool on the baking sheet; this will take about 20 minutes. up to half an hour.

In a shell

It is best to fry nuts in the shell, this way they will retain the maximum of useful elements and properties. Cedar fruits are washed but not dried. Turn on the oven at 160 degrees and wait until the oven warms up.

Raw nuts are spread on a dry sheet from the cupboard in an even layer. You can sprinkle salt on top. Place the sheet on the top level of the oven. After 10 or 15 minutes. raw materials are checked. It is necessary to fry until the cedar fruits become golden or brownish in color. Check for readiness often, otherwise you may not have time and the product will be overcooked.

The finished fruits are removed from the oven and cooled on the sheet for approximately 25 minutes. Once cooled, they are poured onto a waffle towel, the same one is placed on top, and a rolling pin is rolled over them. With strong pressure, the shells crack, separating from the nucleoli.

In the microwave

The microwave oven works great for roasting pine nuts. Washed nuts do not need to be dried. The wet product is salted. Prepare a special paper bag that can be used in a microwave oven; 60 or 70 grams of nuts are poured into it. Close the package by folding it.

Place the full bag in the microwave and set it to fry for a minute. After turning off the stove, the package is taken out, you will need to wait 2 minutes, during this period the cedar seed is fried from the inside.

When the nuts are released from the packaging, they are scattered in an even layer on a large flat plate. They need about 15 minutes before they cool completely. Next, the seed is separated from the shell. Hazelnuts are prepared in the same way.


Roasted pine nuts can last for 3 months or six months, depending on environmental conditions. Fruits that have not been subjected to heat treatment can spoil in a matter of days.

Roasted nuts will last longer in a closed container in the refrigerator or freezer; it’s great if there is a “dry freezing” function, in which case the product will not become bitter and will not absorb extraneous aromas. The packaging can be foil.

For long-term storage, it is better if the fruit harvest time comes in September. If you leave the nuts in the cone, they can get stuck, so they are removed almost or immediately. Nuts in sugar and syrup are eaten quickly and cannot be stored.

Nuts are absolutely a healthy product. It is best to eat roasted nuts, as they acquire a refined taste. Any nut is a valuable product that contains a large variety of vitamins A, E, C, B, as well as micro and macroelements (iodine, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, etc.).

There are many known beneficial properties that roasted nuts have. So, for example, it is believed that by eating nuts, you improve your vision, calm the entire nervous system, get rid of insomnia, headaches, etc. By regularly consuming roasted nuts, you stimulate your brain.

The oil obtained from processing nuts has a positive effect on our body; it can cleanse the kidneys and bladder. Doctors also recommend eating fried nuts for people who suffer from diseases such as breast cancer, flatulence, and various throat diseases. Mixing nut oil with red wine and applying it to your head can help get rid of dandruff.

Are roasted nuts healthy? Even though the nuts are roasted, they still contain a large amount of protein, healthy fat and vitamins. Roasted nuts are definitely tastier than raw ones. To fry them, place the nuts in a hot oven (150-160 degrees) for 10-15 minutes, so they will acquire an exquisite taste. In order not to harm your body, eat nuts daily (30 grams) and you will be healthy! Remember that excess of any product will not benefit you!

Who can eat roasted nuts?

Many doctors recommend that pregnant women consume nuts in moderation, because they contain large amounts of vitamin E and various minerals. Both young and old people are allowed to eat nuts. Nuts are our youth! By eating a handful of nuts every day, your body will be completely saturated with the substances necessary for the body. In addition to all this, it should be noted that all nuts are rich in fiber, which is so necessary for our body. After all, as everyone knows, it is fiber that helps us improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Remember that you should not eat bitter nuts, because they contain potassium cyanide, which can adversely affect your body, as experts say, such potassium can become poison for our body!

Which nuts are healthier, roasted or raw? Of course, both roasted and raw nuts are tastier, but we find it most enjoyable to eat roasted ones. To prevent them from becoming harmful, do not fry them in oil and do not add salt or sugar to them. As mentioned above, consume no more than 30 grams of nuts per day, otherwise you may experience dizziness!

Any nuts are contraindicated for those people who have problems with excess weight or individual intolerance to the product. Children need to be given a little less. When buying nuts at the store, choose them with extreme caution. It is better that they are in a shell, check that there is no mold. If the nuts are shelled, check that they are even and uniform. To keep the nuts you buy much longer, put them in a jar with a lid and put them in the refrigerator. This way they will last much longer.

Which nuts are healthy: raw or roasted: Video