Forgetting your watch while visiting is a sign. Signs and superstitions about watches. Is it possible to buy a watch for yourself?

Signs and superstitions about watches

For a moment, imagine such a very creepy (or funny) picture. In the morning, before leaving the house, you carelessly broke a mirror, it fell and shattered into small fragments, and in one of them you saw your reflection. “Well, nothing,” you thought, “it’s just a superstition.” Then, leaving the house, you noticed a black cat who was trying to sneak past your feet. No matter how hard you tried not to attract the attention of the animal, the black cat still managed to cross your path. But you could still come to terms with this if you hadn’t suddenly met a woman with empty buckets, walking towards you as if nothing had happened! But that’s not all: when you looked at the display of your mobile, you realized to your great horror that today is that very Friday the 13th, when all the ghouls, witches, poltergeists, werewolves, vampires and similar evil spirits go for a walk! “Everything is clear,” you thought, “I’m so unlucky, because yesterday I took out the trash at night.” Such, to put it mildly, an unsuccessful start to the day can knock down any person, even with the most stable mentality. Do you think so too? Or do you not believe in omens? On this score, the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov once joked: “The worst omen is if a black cat breaks a mirror with an empty bucket!” Well, in this case, I would advise you to see a psychiatrist! And regarding the sign about (not) taking out the trash, Zadornov said something like this: “If you don’t take out the trash at night, there will be an unpleasant smell at home.” This is an accurate sign! Now let's get serious.

Signs, prejudices and superstitions can be treated differently. You can believe it, or you can not believe it. However, it so happened historically that people, starting from primitive times, paid attention to various signs, supposedly sent by someone from above, visions and signs. The reason for the emergence of superstitions in ancient times lies in the ignorance of man himself. The level of development of the then culture and ancient civilization did not allow people to find logical explanations for one or another unusual phenomena, and people wrote everything off as signs.
But what can we say, and today people do not stop inventing new signs out of nowhere. For example, recently the belief has become widespread that empty bottles should not be left on the table - they say, there will be no money. Let me ask then, how many empty bottles did bankers leave on their office desks before the economic crisis that struck just recently? No matter how stupid various signs may sometimes seem, we still continue to believe in them. We are not even embarrassed by the fact that these beliefs sometimes run counter to the usual understanding of things and logical explanations of phenomena. This is how a person is: if he doesn’t understand something or doesn’t want to understand, then he elevates it to the rank of a “miracle”!

Of course, we can spend hours sorting out this or that sign, analyzing it and comparing the data with the real world. Ultimately, we will definitely find a completely reasonable explanation. But on the other hand, is it worth doing this and is it possible to achieve a positive result by simple denial? And what do we know about the world around us? For the vast world, we are like ants, swarming in their anthill and diligently obtaining food for themselves and their families. Forgive me for such a bold comparison. I want to say that any folk wisdom, any sign or superstition can be used to your advantage. You just need to believe strongly, and I prefer to believe in the good, which I advise you to do.

People began to come up with signs a long time ago, so by now a huge number of such “signs” have accumulated. If you look at all the “folklore” data, you will notice that almost every natural phenomenon, every human act, every living creature or inanimate object on the planet is associated with some kind of legend or sign. Of course, watches also made it into the general pile. It couldn't be any other way.

From the moment man thought of creating the first watch, this loud creation became the subject of various beliefs, rituals and even cults. Signs about watches appeared an incredibly long time ago, and some of them continue to exist to this day. Watches, whether sunwatches, pocket watches or wristwatches, carried a certain secret; it seemed that man was able to curb time, to subordinate it to his power. But it was not there! Signs and superstitions about watches date back to ancient times, and today many of them have only become even more entrenched in the consciousness of society. Clocks surround us everywhere: wall clocks decorate our living rooms, alarm clocks help us not to oversleep in the morning, wristwatches always keep us informed of the current time. Let’s also not forget about the clocks on mobile phones, computers, microwaves, etc. It seems that the famous Griboyedov phrase - “happy people don’t watch the clock” - has long lost its significance, since in the modern world a person simply cannot do without a clock .

It is precisely because watches are so important and irreplaceable in the modern world that they are given special importance, and the signs associated with watches do not lose their power. Of course, there are some signs about watches that have disappeared from today's life. For example, ancient people believed that watches had some kind of magical power, and sorcerers and witches could use watches to take a person’s life by stopping the movement of the device, and also cause irreparable harm to health. On the other hand, “light” magicians could extend life through clocks!

Many people who called themselves “guides to the world of the dead” used watches that helped them communicate with the souls of the dead, and witches thus called to earth representatives of evil spirits who served as their assistants. It gives me goosebumps! I noticed that signs and superstitions about watches can be somewhat frightening - worse than a black cat crossing the road. As a rule, signs associated with watches indicate the most important thing: time, death or life, while the poor animal, born black against its will, simply brings minor troubles. To overcome all difficulties, troubles and adversity, you need to be able to look fear in the face. This is what we will do - we will look at the most popular, sometimes terrifying, and sometimes calming signs about watches.

It is a bad omen to give a watch as a gift - it is, let’s say, a permanent “classic” of the world of watch superstitions. Everyone knows that it is not advisable to give a person a watch for any occasion. But why don't they give you a watch? This sign is explained by two main reasons. If you give a watch as a gift to a close friend or relative, this will inevitably lead to a quarrel or separation from him. The second reason why watches are not given as a gift is the belief that by doing so you are shortening the life span measured for the person to whom the gift is intended. For example, if you have been invited to a wedding, then, as the popular saying goes, you should not give the newlyweds a watch, since by doing so you will doom the young family to constant quarrels and scandals. And the matter may end in divorce. A superstitious person, when asked “do they give watches as gifts?” will answer in the negative, but it is worth thinking about whether the cause of the quarrel that occurred after the presentation of such a gift was really this unfortunate watch. Or the reason is something else: disagreements, incorrect behavior, lack of care or attention to each other. As practice shows, buying a watch as a gift is a bad sign. But many people do not put these superstitions in first place. For example, in business circles, business partners give each other a nice wristwatch, and this is considered a sign of respect. In addition, politicians and other famous figures have received similar gifts more than once. A striking example of the fact that you can give a watch is the close and very fruitful collaboration between the popular singer Dima Bilan and producer Yuri Aizenshpis. It is known that the producer, as a sign of friendship, gave Dima Bilan a wristwatch, which became the most expensive and valuable for the singer.

There is a popular belief that you can give a watch if you take some symbolic payment from the person in return - for example, a small coin. This, let’s say, “antidote” to undesirable consequences effectively influences the “bad” omen and “neutralizes” it one hundred percent. That is, you do not receive a watch as a gift, but rather buy it.
Since I touched on the topic of “the sign of giving a watch for a wedding,” I’ll say a few more words about it. Here's an example from life: the famous Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage did not hesitate at all and gave his son a wristwatch for his wedding. Today there are a huge variety of such “wedding” watch options. And to make your gift unforgettable, you can present the newlyweds with a pair of watches, which are sometimes called “engagement watches.” Such models are offered by many modern watch companies; “engagement” watches differ only in the size of the cases, and their design is identical. For me, this is a very romantic gift!

Let me add a few more words on the topic of “the sign of giving a watch.” A watch is a rather personal, individual item; it can carry with it the energy of its owner. So, sometimes watches are passed down by inheritance. If a person gives you his watch during his lifetime, then it automatically becomes a powerful amulet for you, capable of protecting you from failures and adversity. However, in this case, it is important that the person gives you his watch of his own free will, and in no case should you ask him for this, otherwise there will be no “talisman effect”.
Folk omens and superstitions are surprisingly strong, so it is almost impossible to convince a person of something related to omens. These beliefs “sit” deep inside the consciousness and are passed on from one generation to another. If you are one of those people who believe that giving a watch is a bad omen, then you should not go against your beliefs. After all, you can buy a watch for yourself! But if you think that in this case you will easily avoid “evil fate” or “the wrath of fate,” then you are greatly mistaken. Even when choosing a watch for yourself, it is worth knowing a few “rules”, failure to comply with which can lead to dire consequences. For example, it is believed that a woman should never buy a square (rectangular) watch or other models whose cases have sharp corners. Thus, a woman can doom herself to a hard life; she will constantly have to do men’s work and solve men’s issues. Therefore, dear ladies, choose for yourself an elegant, feminine watch in a round or oval shape. If you still prefer something more interesting, then buy a watch of any other shape, the main thing is without sharp corners.

Poor man who buys himself a round watch! Thus, he risks being left without work in the future. If you, dear men, are haunted by failures, you feel a lack of money, or important business deals periodically fall through, then see if you wear a round watch on your wrist! Or stop messing around and find a good job!
Now you know why giving a watch as a gift is a bad omen, but you shouldn’t believe absolutely everything so unconditionally. Do not invite bad things into your life, and then this bad thing will not be able to enter!

These words belong to the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga (1911 - 1996), who also said: “Not repairing a watch is the same as not treating a disease.” By the way, the words of the soothsayer are confirmed by both folk signs and the opinions of some authoritative people. The sign of a stopped watch has been studied by many esotericists and parapsychologists, who came to the conclusion that a broken watch is a symbol of failure and misfortune. However, in this case we are most often talking about antique watches or hand-made models. It is believed that a master watchmaker who made a watch with his own hands put a piece of his soul into it, and when the watch breaks, the soul of the master also dies. She begins to suffer greatly and throws out her pain into the world around her. If a broken watch is not repaired for a long time, then it becomes a kind of “astral crypt” for the watchmaker’s soul. Is it necessary to talk about the danger that such a “crypt” poses to the house where it is located?

In addition, the sign that the watch has stopped has the following interpretation: the owner of a faulty watch is guided by “dead” or “stopped” time, so he has no way to move forward. Such time forces a person to stagnate in one place, it resists the person’s achievement of his cherished goals. The sign that the clock has stopped indicates that the owner of a faulty device will not be able to move forward in his career and will not be happy in “matters of the heart.”
But, as you know, even from a hopeless situation there is always a way out. So what should you do if, by chance, you become the owner of a broken watch? The solution is simple - you need to fix it urgently, and if the master says that the situation is hopeless and the watch cannot be brought back to life, then remove the mechanism from the watch case, wrap it in a dark purple flap and store it separately in a dark box. Esotericists claim that purple is the color of the dark moon, which absorbs all negative vibes and does not allow them to penetrate into the real world.

If the breakdown of the watch does not lie in the mechanism, but, for example, in a broken glass, then the glass should be replaced immediately. It is not difficult. Some particularly superstitious people say that before putting on such a watch after repair for the first time, it is worth reading the “Our Father” and sprinkling it with holy water, of course, within reason. Then the “sign of breaking the clock” will not work.
If you become the owner of a watch (and owning any watch is a big responsibility, judging by its importance), then please, wind up your mechanical watch regularly and monitor its condition, and in electronic and quartz models, take the trouble to change the batteries on time. Make sure that the “sign the clock has stopped” does not negatively affect you and your life. An exception is the personal watch of a deceased relative, which is usually stopped and then kept next to a photograph of the deceased. Losing a watch is also not a very pleasant omen. By the way, watches are among the “hot ten” most lost items, and such a loss, as people say, can lead to failures in business. But on the other hand, how can an inattentive person who cannot even take care of his personal belongings achieve success in anything?

On the topic “the sign that the clock has stopped” you can find a huge amount of information both from folklore sources and from real life. The following information, as they say, is not for the faint of heart. There is a belief that if a broken wall clock suddenly begins to strike or play music, then someone in the family will definitely die. What is most interesting is that this sign is believed not only in our country, but also in many other cultures of the world. So, in January 1946, in one of the families in distant Australia, the wall clock, which had not been working for more than 20 years, suddenly began to ring. The household loved these graceful antique clocks that decorated the living room, so the owners did not want to get rid of them. But they had no idea that this piece of furniture could serve them badly. One winter evening, having struck exactly six times, the clock stopped, and a week later the head of the family suddenly died. The family members took such a sad event seriously, but did not blame their wall clock for it, until a year later the battle was repeated and another member of the family died. When the master examined the clock mechanism, he did not find any reason for its sudden “activity,” but they got rid of the clock just in case.

Of course, you shouldn’t take all these folk signs on faith, because what the inflamed consciousness of a person heartbroken over the loss of a loved one can’t come up with. In the end, by definition, there are no bad omens - they are all warnings of impending danger. Think positively and hope for the best.

So can anyone explain once and for all whether it is worth believing in signs and superstitions about watches or are they just fruits of a person’s rich imagination? If you ask my opinion, then I believe that the world should be looked at more simply; one cannot attach great importance to absolutely all events, and especially to superstitions. After all, each person has his own life and his own destiny. But you can look at this from a different angle: it is also impossible to distance yourself from signs and superstitions, clearly neglecting the centuries-old experience of your ancestors. As the popular proverb says, “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,” so there is something to think about here.
By the way, they say that you can find out your fate with the help of an almighty watch. If you want to take a chance and look into the future, then follow these instructions: be sure to get a mechanical (not quartz or electronic) watch and before going to bed, move the clock hands forward by the desired amount of time. It is worth considering that one hour is equal to one month. Putting the watch under your pillow, go to sleep, and you are guaranteed a prophetic dream about the future. But in any business there is a catch, and here too - if after waking up you do not move the clock hands back, then the scrolled time will be irretrievably lost! I don’t know whether this method works or not, but it makes me afraid, so I won’t experiment.

To the question “to believe or not to believe in folk superstitions about watches,” I would answer with a popular proverb - without faith there is no faith. That is, you cannot believe half, you need to believe with all your soul. But what that means is a completely different question. Let's tune in to a positive mood, believe with all our hearts in the best and with the great power of thought let's force the river of fate to flow in the direction we need. Then all misfortunes and troubles will pass us by. Pah-pah-pah. Let's knock on wood!


Is it possible to wear someone else’s watch, give a watch, or pick up a watch?

A huge number of beliefs and traditions are associated with watches, which appeared a very, very long time ago, but are in demand to this day. Is it possible to wear someone else’s watches, donate them, throw them away, and many other questions arise in almost every person, and the answers to these questions are not always clear-cut. So, let's start understanding them and looking for answers.

Is it possible to wear someone else's, broken or broken watch found on the street?

How often do we come across discoveries? Agree that if not regularly, then at least several times this happened to everyone. Money, jewelry, watches - anything, because if someone loses, someone will definitely find it.

But there is the following point in this situation - it is very difficult to argue with the fact that almost all people are superstitious. Therefore, having found any thing, not every person will pick it up, and even if this happens, doubts about the correctness of their actions will not keep themselves waiting. Of course, any sane person first of all thinks about the safety of both his own and his family, so questions about whether it is possible to take the things found for yourself will be absolutely logical and understandable.

It is also worth noting the fact that most people only know that it is forbidden to pick up other people’s things on the street, but only a few know why. Or maybe it's not so scary after all? This is exactly what we will be looking into today. Let's talk, perhaps, about that thing that has become an integral part of every person's wardrobe.

Watch can rightfully be called a part of our life. Since ancient times, this attribute has symbolized both the eternity of time and its transience. This accessory has always been attributed magical properties.

Everyone knows the opinion that every thing has its own energy. And she receives it precisely from the person to whom it belongs.

  • Since we are all different people, it is simply impossible to be sure that a stranger’s watch, much less a found one, has absorbed exclusively positive energy - therefore, according to the sign, such a watch cannot be worn.
  • And at the same time, if you are going to wear the watch of a person close to you, who has no malicious intent towards you, wear it with pleasure.
  • The watch you inherited will serve a wonderful amulet, but only if you received them by the free will of the owner.

But with broken and broken watches things are a little different:

  • Broken watch have long been considered a bad omen, and carry bad luck and troubles for their owner. Such watches should not only be worn, but also kept at home, as they emit negative energy.
  • It is believed that broken watch stop the life of their owner, taking away all the vitality to move forward. A person loses the desire to live, and there is not enough time or energy to achieve his goals.

In order to protect yourself from such negative phenomena, you need to do the smallest thing - immediately fix the broken thing. Agree, the way out of the situation is really simple.

Almost since childhood, we have become accustomed to trying on the clothes of friends and family, exchanging things for a while or forever. But is it worth doing this with a watch?

Is it possible to try on someone else's watch, to change watches?

Since watches are considered personal items, there is no point in changing them, and this is not just a matter of signs. It is quite easy to explain this opinion; it is not customary to do so simply, just like, for example, changing underwear.

  • According to popular beliefs It is believed that a person who tries on someone else’s watch also tries on the life of its owner. In this case, everything should still happen only based on your desires. If you believe in this sign, then before putting on such an accessory, seriously think about whether it is worth it.
  • Our ancestors believed that should not be worn or tried on things of people who have serious illnesses, the deceased, as well as the bride and groom, since these things have too much energy and are not always good.

  • But, despite all these warnings, you need to remember that a lot depends on how you yourself relate to such signs. After all, we cannot exclude the fact that many things are passed on from generation to generation and at the same time do not cause any problems to their new owners.
  • Swap for hours It’s worth it only with those people in whom you are absolutely confident, because by exchanging a thing, you also exchange its energy.

Next, let's move on to perhaps the most common sign. When choosing a gift for family and friends, your choice may justifiably fall on this stylish wardrobe item. But there will be more than one person in your circle who will assure you not to give such gifts, explaining that you cannot give a watch.

Giving new watches or re-gifting someone else's watch is considered a bad omen. But why is it generally accepted that this is the case? There are several reasons why giving such a gift is highly undesirable:

  • Since watches symbolize time and life, it is believed that by giving such a gift, you are reducing the life of the person to whom you give it.
  • And by giving a watch to a loved one, you doom yourself not only to constant quarrels and disagreements with him, but also to separation.
  • It is also not customary to give any watches to newlyweds, since there is an opinion that such a gift will bring squabbles and abuse to the couple, and subsequently divorce.

If you are really inclined to believe this sign, then it will be useful for you to know that you can give a watch by taking a small symbolic payment from the person in return, for example, and generally these are small coins. This way, you kind of buy them, rather than receive them as a gift.

Is it possible to buy a watch for yourself?

It is in this case that our ancient signs allow us to act with absolute safety, but it is worth adhering to some tips:

  • If you choose an accessory for yourself woman or girl, preference should be given to oval or round watches, or other shapes, but always with rounded edges. It is believed that this particular form of the product will provide a woman with a happy and carefree life, as well as success in personal affairs. But by buying a square-shaped watch, a girl dooms herself to “carry an unbearable burden” and do all a man’s work on her own.
  • If he buys a watch for himself man everything should be exactly the opposite. Guys should choose a rectangular or square dial shape. Having given preference to this particular form, it is generally accepted that a man will be successful in work, his finances will always only grow, and there should be no problems at all in family life.

Today we cannot say how the shape of a watch affects family life and a person’s financial situation, but I would like to believe that by listening to these recommendations, you can really get what you promised.

Today a lot has been said about wristwatches, but what can be said about wall clocks? In principle, there is no significant difference in these accessories, since they perform the same role.

Is it possible to hang someone else's wall clock in the house?

Here I would like to note that you shouldn’t indiscriminately drag not only watches, but also other things into your house, and even more so you shouldn’t do this when you don’t know the owner of these things. By bringing in things that previously belonged to other people, you can quite “clutter” your house. Whether you need this - decide for yourself.

If the desire to hang someone else’s watch is so great that you are ready to ignore all the signs and superstitions, then follow at least the following recommendations:

  • When purchasing a watch, it is advisable to do so from your friends. This way, you will at least know what the fate of the owners of this accessory is and will be able to assess the possible risks.
  • Buy Only serviceable, working watches. You should not take a watch that “doesn’t work” in order to repair it.
  • There is also no need to take into your home a watch with a broken dial or a watch with other damage.
  • If you like the watch, it is in good condition, and its previous owner is familiar and pleasant to you - take your purchase and hang it in your home with a positive attitude.

It often happens that we like something that has already been used and is sold second-hand. But is it safe to buy watches this way? Let's figure it out.

Is it possible to buy watches by hand?

It's no secret that by buying things second-hand, including watches, whether they are new or used, you can save a lot of money, but is it worth it? People's opinions and signs do not give a clear answer.

  • The sign about buying a watch second-hand again tells us that when purchasing such a ticking accessory as a bonus, we we can get different types of diseases and a dose of negativity.
  • There is also an opinion that sometimes people cause damage for such items, and then sell them to get rid of their problems, and you accordingly buy them and take them on yourself.
  • On the other hand, more down-to-earth, you need to understand that we are all human. And most people sell things out of necessity, without any malicious intent.

What position you take and what you believe in, the choice is yours. When we lose some things, we don’t attach any importance to it, but is that what happens when we lose a watch? I think no.

Why lose your watch on the street?

There are many options that explain why losing a watch can occur. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • You are reminded that wasting time does not lead to anything good. This is a kind of call for you to reconsider your life and perhaps decide to change something.
  • Also, losing a watch may indicate that difficulties will await you in the future. That time will “stop”, you will not develop, and all your affairs will “stand still”.

  • Another option for explaining such a loss is the following: a certain stage in your life has already ended and gone into the past along with the lost watch, and a new round of time lies ahead. But what it will be like depends not only on signs and superstitions, but also on yourself.

So, is it possible to use the watch of a person whom you know, everything is clear, but what to do if you find such an accessory and its owner is unknown?

Why find a wristwatch on the street and is it possible to pick them up?

There is no consensus regarding this belief. Some sources strictly prohibit raising a clock on the street, while others say that this is just a sign from above, intended for you.

  • In one version of this sign, it is believed that the moment a person passes away, his watch stops. Therefore, picking up such a find is extremely dangerous not only for health, but also for human life. By taking such an accessory for yourself, you risk taking away all the illnesses of the deceased person. By choosing such a watch, you can take away all the negativity of the disease and doom yourself to suffering.
  • Also, before interpreting the significance of such a find, it is worth paying attention to its appearance. Other sources indicate that if you find a watch that is not broken and works, then this is a pretty good sign. Such a find symbolizes new opportunities that will soon open up before you. These can be both work-related opportunities, for example, a promotion, and family life, for example, a new acquaintance, or a new stage in a relationship.

  • If you Found a broken or stopped watch– you should seriously think about where you spend your time. Such a find may warn that you will spend the precious minutes of your life completely irrationally. In such cases, you need to remember how fleeting time is and that you cannot get it back.
  • It should be noted that such a ticking find can also remind you that you forgot to fulfill a promise to someone. Try to remember who and when you promised something and correct the situation.

What to do if you find a watch on the street? It’s up to you to decide, of course, but if you’re superstitious, then perhaps you should just pass by, because few people will want to check for themselves whether it’s true or not.

Sometimes it happens that we can forget our watch about one of our relatives or friends. What do the signs say in this case and is there any mysterious meaning at all?

Why forget your wristwatch in someone else's house?

  • If you forgot your friend’s watch, then depending on the shape of the dial, you can talk about the following: angular watch- to disagreements, resentment, perhaps even to the fact that your friendship will soon end. Round or oval watch- to reconciliation, long friendship, understanding.
  • If you forgot your loved one’s watch, this is a wonderful sign. Most likely your relationship will work out very well and will have a happy ending. Such relationships, as a rule, easily pass all the tests of time and only become stronger as a result.
  • But if you forgot the watch of a person who is unpleasant to you, then this can only mean that you will not be able to stop communicating with this person as quickly as you would like. Most likely, unpleasant conversations will drag on over time, and you will have to see and explain things to this person more than once.

  • Forgotten hours at work, may indicate that you are not doing your job and, accordingly, are not getting any pleasure from this process. In such cases, it is recommended to think about what you are doing, maybe you should forget about all prejudices and forced situations and simply allow yourself to do something that would truly interest you.
  • If you forgot your watch at the party or walking - this suggests that at the moment your priorities are in favor of relaxation and pleasure. You need to think about whether the emphasis is placed correctly, and whether the things are actually necessary.

The most unpleasant sign is to break a watch. But why is everyone so afraid of this? We will now find out the answer to this question.

Why do wristwatches break?

The sign of a broken watch is quite ancient and it never promised anything good.

  • The most common interpretation of this sign is this: if If the glass of the watch is cracked, this means that one of the family members is ill. To a greater extent, this is generally believed for the reason that a watch, as mentioned earlier, symbolizes life and the transience of time, and a cracked dial is primarily a violation of integrity. It is worth noting that these are only assumptions and, of course, you should not immediately take everything to heart.

  • It should be noted that wristwatches generally break very easily, this may be due to a problem with the strap or clasp, but this is also considered a bad sign. Although, unlike the first case, such a breakdown causes more negativity in the work sphere. If the clock breaks in this way, you may experience failure at work, or at this stage you will not see a promotion up the career ladder.

Every thing has its own lifespan, and even though it would seem that the main thing in a watch is to change the battery on time, they also stop working over time.

Is it possible to throw away watches?

There are quite a lot of opinions on this matter.

  • Of course, before asking the question of whether it is possible to throw away such an accessory, you need to make sure that it cannot be repaired in any way. Give the watch to the master, and only if his verdict is not reassuring, start thinking about it.
  • Previously, there was a belief that a watchmaker, when making a watch, put a piece of his soul into it, which is why it was forbidden to simply throw away this product. By throwing away a watch, you doom the person who made it to illness and suffering.
  • If your watch is in good working order, but you don’t want to wear it anymore, don’t rush to say goodbye to it. Just put them in a secluded place without stopping the arrows.
  • Our ancestors recommended doing the following with broken watches: they should be placed in a dark box, preferably wrapped in a purple piece of paper. It is believed that this color absorbs negative energy well and can neutralize it.

Owners of antique, albeit broken, watches should also think carefully before throwing them away.

What to do with old, broken and antique watches?

  • Happy owners of antique watches, as well as owners of ordinary wristwatches, need to first make sure that they are not working and only then decide whether to throw them away or keep them. If it is still possible to repair the accessory, then this must be done without fail; there should not be any faulty clocks in the house.
  • And even if the watchmaker has confirmed that the antique watch is faulty, do not rush to throw it in the trash. To protect yourself and your family from negative influences, you need to remove the mechanism from the watch and hide everything in the same dark box.

Today, once again, we had the opportunity to see that signs and beliefs occupy a fairly important place in our lives. Every day we come across many things that we try to explain not only from a scientific point of view, but also from a mystical point of view. When discussing ancient signs and traditions, I would like to recall the famous saying: “How many people, so many opinions.” Each person has the right to independently make decisions regarding the veracity of certain superstitions, but you and I cannot deny that they exist.

It’s up to you to decide whether to use other people’s things or not, to select your own finds or not: if the opinion that every thing has the energy of its owner and it’s not always positive doesn’t scare you, then charge yourself with positivity, set yourself up for a wave of good luck and have fun use the thing.

Video: Why can't you wear other people's things?

Each person has a different sense of time, for some it rushes, while for other people it creeps along slowly. But clocks always count time the same way. Therefore, many signs and superstitions are associated with this mysterious object.

The most famous superstition is that watches should not be given as gifts. Although it would seem to be an excellent gift, in Eastern countries, presenting it means inflicting a mortal insult on a person. In the Celestial Empire, even the hieroglyph that means the word death is similar to that symbolizing time. Chinese sages believe that a given watch counts down the years of the life of the person who received it as a gift, thereby shortening it.

Giving a watch for a wedding is considered a bad omen. Such a gift will lead to the fact that family life will not work out. If you are not sure that those to whom the gift is intended are not superstitious, it is better not to buy a watch, so as not to accidentally spoil the young family’s holiday.

If you believe in superstitions, then it is better not to give your significant other a watch, as this will lead to separation. The clock will count the years lived together, while quickly approaching separation. In the same superstition there is such a version that by giving a watch, you can thereby bring trouble or even death in the family.

You should not give such a gift to older people, as they are more impressionable than young people and believe more in omens. One of them says that if the watch given to an old man stops, it means he will soon die.

If you still received a watch as a gift, then you need to give the giver a small coin for it, thereby turning the gift into a purchase.

The signs apply not only to working watches, but also to broken ones. They say that if a broken wall clock starts chiming, it means that soon there will be a dead person in the house. The same thing is prophesied by the broken glass on a wristwatch.

The famous clairvoyant Vanga said that clocks that stopped showed dead time and advised getting rid of them. They either need to be repaired or thrown away, otherwise the owner of the watch will live on dead time, and this threatens with illness, lack of career growth and lack of happiness in his personal life.

When buying a watch, you need to pay special attention to its shape. It is believed that a lady who chooses a square watch, with sharp corners, thereby puts herself in the place of a man, and will be forced to do all the men's work. But a man who chooses a round chronometer risks being left without money and work in the future, since round watches carry feminine energy.

But those who do not believe in omens have nothing to fear. Therefore, you need to believe exclusively in good omens, and then even such a gift as a watch will be a symbol of a happy life.

Every person at least once in his life has had to find a watch on the street. You should pay special attention to this sign, because it may mean that you are wasting your time in the wrong direction. It is quite possible that your actions will not lead to any result and you are simply wasting your energy. Sometimes a found watch tells you that you are trying to delay the time to solve an important life problem. It doesn't matter what this finding indicates. Everyone decides for themselves whether to wear them or not. The main thing is to know what exactly such folk signs mean. They can be interpreted in different ways. You just need to follow all the instructions left by your ancestors.

What does the condition of the find indicate?

In principle, finding a watch on the street is not so difficult. It is human nature to rush and not notice how this or that thing is lost. Anyone can lose things. And there is no need to be afraid of it. The main thing is to pay attention to the condition of the item. It is precisely this that is capable of fully revealing all the nuances of folk signs and superstitions. You should carefully consider the item and take a closer look at some of the characteristics.

  1. If the found watch is in good condition, then good news awaits you. But it is imperative that they be intact and move. This is the only way to be sure that you have prospects in life.
  2. The working mechanism indicates that you did not keep the promise you made to another person. You can think about what exactly you forgot to do.
  3. A working found clock can give a sign that a person will find true love. This is especially important for those people who have long stopped believing in love and protect themselves from this feeling. The find can be interpreted as a symbol of love.

What does a broken watch tell you?

Folk signs can mean many things. For example, if a watch found is outwardly in perfect condition, but its mechanism is faulty, then you need to immediately begin repairing it. If after repair the mechanism works, then you will be able to correct all life’s troubles and problems. This may indicate that all problems will pass, you just need to overcome all the trials. Be sure that you will receive a nice prize for your efforts.

In those moments when the watch, even after repair, does not work, you need to carefully analyze your life. It is possible that you are standing still and not moving forward in any way. It’s better to hold off on making important decisions and improve yourself a little. It is better to think about how to prepare a springboard for new beginnings.

If you had to find a watch that has defects in appearance, then this signifies unpleasant problems in all areas of your life. Most likely, it is better to prepare for the fact that a large number of problems are expected in love, work and business. There is still a possibility that you will have to doubt your own abilities a little.

What can be affected by the gender of the finder?

Popular signs and superstitions say that gender greatly influences the meaning of the find. Gender is of great importance in predictions. Ideally, a man should find men's accessories, and a woman should find women's accessories. You should also pay attention to what design the find has. This can tell you a lot about upcoming events.

If a woman finds someone else's women's watch that has a round shape, then she can quickly correct the troubles in terms of love relationships. The lady, along with the watch, will find those character traits that are necessary for well-being in the family, namely tolerance and prudence. The case when the object turns out to be triangular in shape means that some problems await the young lady. It is better to prepare yourself for various problems, so that in the event of a sudden attack, you do not lose ground under your feet.

If a man finds a triangular watch, he will acquire masculine character traits. He will be able to boast of courage, courage, and masculine energy. Thanks to this, his woman will become proud of her man. A round watch found indicates that the man will have to improve relationships in the love sphere, but he will have some difficulties with work. The thing is that this form of discovery brings to its owner a soft character that does not fit in with the business sector.

Signs that fate gives you

A watch discovery can indicate not only a person’s future. It can be interpreted in different ways. The main thing is to pay attention to the smallest details. For example, if a serious guy finds a colorful and unusual watch, then he should reconsider his views on life. Most likely, you will have to change your character a little and approach life a little easier. It is best to wear this watch all the time.

Many people are sure that folk signs are nonsense that does not require special attention. Unfortunately, such thoughts negatively affect a person’s fate, because all folk signs and superstitions were derived by our ancestors from personal experience, and they in no way wished us harm. Rather, on the contrary, they tried to warn us about certain possible scenarios. And this requires attention. You should respect your ancestors and follow their advice. If you find a watch, then it’s up to you whether to wear the find or not. Just don't neglect the heritage of your ancestors.

According to esotericists, watches can change fate, significantly influencing one or another event. They affect karma and slow down the course of actions. Signs associated with watches point a person to such moments as time, death and life. If you wear them correctly and know what to do with a broken or donated accessory, you can avoid unpleasant situations. All manipulations with a mechanical product have a hidden mystical meaning. Incorrect handling can slow down the fulfillment of a desire and create an obstacle to the goal.

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    Watch as a gift

    A mechanism that shows time cannot be given or accepted as a gift. According to superstition, small sharp hands carry negative energy, and the dial counts down the life cycle. Another sign warns of separation or breakdown of relations between the giver and recipient of the gift.

    To neutralize the negative effect, you need to “buy back” the gift by giving a symbolic amount for the watch. This way, the accessory will not cause harm to the owner, and he will be able to wear it with peace of mind.

    You cannot give newlyweds a watch for their wedding. Such a gift provokes quarrels in the family and is an omen of divorce. You need to pay for the gift or warn guests so that they do not give the bride and groom an unwanted item.

    Receiving a gold watch as a gift is considered a good sign that will bring good luck and prosperity to life.

    The loss of a donated watch also has a negative impact on its owner. There will be a slowdown in business and difficulties will arise in achieving goals. For a love relationship, the loss of a gift can be fatal, especially if the person who lost the valuable item has not yet met his soul mate. A person will not be able to find his love for a long time.

    If the donated watch breaks, the donor changes his opinion about the owner of the gift.

    Wearing or putting on someone else's watch is considered a bad omen, unless it came from a deceased relative with whom you had a good relationship.

    Changing accessories is not a very smart idea. This action leads to an exchange of problems.

    Why do you dream of a watch - interpretation of a dream

    Signs when purchasing

    You need to buy the watch yourself. Representatives of different sexes need to pay attention to the shape of the product.

    1. 1. If a girl chooses a watch, she should give preference to a round or oval accessory. According to superstitions, it is this form of the product that provides women with a happy, carefree life and good luck in love affairs. Having bought a square-shaped watch, she will take on an unbearable burden and will do everything on her own, without feeling the satisfaction of self-sufficiency.
    2. 2. If a man buys a product for himself, he needs to choose a square or rectangular option. This way he will achieve success in his work, ensure material wealth and harmonious relationships. With a round shaped accessory, he will feel powerless for no apparent reason.

    Buying a gold watch means satisfaction with your life and material wealth for a long period.

    If your new watch shows the wrong time, you should urgently have it repaired. They will not bring good luck, but will slow things down and interfere with the implementation of plans. Also, you can’t wear a product that doesn’t fit. They will slow down the beginnings and will not move them forward.

    If you buy an accessory from a friend with whom you have a good relationship, you need to read a short prayer over it: “Our Father” and wear it as if it were your own. But if you feel unwell or notice the regular occurrence of minor troubles, you should get rid of them.

    A wall clock that has been hanging for several years in someone else’s apartment should not be bought and brought into your home or hung on the wall. Along with them will come extra problems that can seriously complicate relationships between family members and slow down things that were going well before they appeared.

    If you don’t part with your favorite product, over time it turns into a talisman. And if a person notices that everything is falling out of his hands, he should buy a new wristwatch that will change his life for the better.

    Why did they break down?

    A clock that breaks means problems and delays in affairs, both love and commercial. For women, a broken wrist accessory means trouble with a loved one. For a man - difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, delays in planned undertakings and slowdown of an already started project.

    1. 1. The mechanism broke down during the daytime - business problems and delays in the implementation of plans are coming. Stopped - you need to prepare for obstacles in your endeavors.
    2. 2. A breakdown at night foreshadows personal difficulties and cooling of relations between family members. They stopped telling the time - there are intimate secrets and betrayals in the house.

    The clock has stopped before your eyes - you need to remember the appointments and unfulfilled promises. If it seems that now they are not important, after a while the person will notice the missed opportunity and regret it.

    If they lag behind, the owner will soon remember the serious matter, but it will be too late to change anything.

    If an old clock that did not count time wound itself up during the day, unexpected joy will come to the house. At night - family members will have long-standing wishes come true.

    A non-working mechanism should be sent for repair or thrown away. You cannot store it in your home, since the now unnecessary item will constantly interfere with your life plans and relationships with people around you.

    You should not keep an old broken clock in the house. They need to be thrown away because they carry negative energy that slows things down and prevents new, progressive actions from being taken.

    Break the mechanism

    Wall or grandfather clocks have a special mystical aura. Their fall is considered an unkind omen, predicting trouble. Or warns that time is irrevocable and it is worth appreciating every moment of a happily lived life. If they are beyond repair, they should be thrown away.

    Signs about a broken wall clock:

    1. 1. If they fell and did not break, but stopped showing the time - the active life of their owner also stops. It moves at a slow pace without any development.
    2. 2. If there is a seriously ill or old person in the house, a clock falling from the wall and breaking predicts death.
    3. 3. The glass on the dial is cracked - changes are coming, both for the worse and for the better.
    4. 4. If the mechanism showing the time fell from the wall to the floor and remained intact, this should be understood as advice to change your occupation, place of residence, or change at least something in your life.
    5. 5. When glass breaks, you should prepare for a family conflict that could develop into divorce.

    If the clock is left hanging on the wall with a cracked glass, the owners of the house need to show delicacy in communicating with relatives who will soon come to visit. Having noticed damage, it is necessary to eliminate it, otherwise household members will begin to quarrel with each other.

    If a person himself breaks a wall or grandfather clock by catching it with his hand, he will have problems that will delay the implementation of plans.

    When the hands of a clock hanging on the wall are bent or broken off, it means that family members are at a crossroads. You need to weigh every decision and not make rash actions.

    Signs regarding damage to watches are presented in the table:

    Sign Meaning
    CrashedTo parting with a loved one
    Broke when they were on handThere is a time of big things ahead that will be difficult to cope with on your own.
    The clasp came undone and the accessory hit the groundIt is worth stopping and thinking carefully about your actions. A personal item thus reminds its owner of caution and attentiveness
    Crashed and showing the wrong timePossible deception and receipt of inaccurate information
    Glass crackedThe troubles that can be avoided by replacing it
    The arrows broke offA person will soon have to make a choice
    Stopped showing timeNothing happens in the owner's life
    After the fall they began to walk fasterYou need to hurry up with making a decision, otherwise luck will fly by. Slower - don’t rush things, analyze the situation or take your time

    Wearing a broken watch is a harbinger of disappointment and tears.

    All mechanisms in the house must be in working order. Stopped or broken ones need to be repaired or thrown away. An exception is the watches of deceased family members, which are kept along with their photographs. You can wear them if they fit.

    Lose an accessory

    The loss of a watch does not bring any deep shock, other than the sadness of losing something dear to the heart. The sign says that this is how fate hints about the beginning of a new life stage and upcoming changes. Life prepares pleasant surprises, which begin with regret about past events. You need to let go of the past and bring something fresh into your established existence.

    According to another version, the loss may indicate that difficulties await the person in the future, he will not be able to develop the business, and things will stand still. To neutralize the negative impact, you need to buy a new accessory.

    The signs differ depending on where and how the person lost the watch:

    1. 1. On the street. Such a loss should be seen as a reminder that wasting time does not lead to anything good. This is a call to reconsider your life and change something in it.
    2. 2. At work. Changes or delays in salary payments are coming.
    3. 3. In someone else's house. To gossip, gossip, quarrels with friends.
    4. 4. The watch was stolen. A person will lose not only his favorite accessory, but also a comrade.

    Forgetting at home means haste in business, vain fuss and family troubles.

    Find the clock

    Finding a watch is a contradictory sign. Beliefs say that the significance of such a find depends on the description of the item:

    Watch Meaning
    Men'sTo meeting a man, a guy (if a woman found them), and to a business partnership if a man found the accessory
    Women'sFor a woman - a pleasant surprise, for a man - meeting a lady who will be late for dates
    OldTo a meeting with old acquaintances or the return of forgotten problems of past years
    SimpleA nondescript watch on a thin strap predicts a reminder of old grievances from the female sex
    NewTo success and the onset of a happy period
    Someone else's watchThe problems of the person who lost them will go to the new owner
    Gold watchThe one who loses a valuable item will be greatly saddened, regretting the loss, and his sadness will not bring anything good
    Broken or stoppedA person needs to think about how he spends his time.

    Fishing out an old mechanism from a box of unnecessary things means someone will fulfill a promise that a person has long forgotten.

    When the chosen watch continues to tick, it is a sign that someone is waiting for the fulfillment of a forgotten obligation. It is better to try to fulfill the old request, otherwise sooner or later the finder will be let down at the most inopportune moment.

    It is not worth wearing the discovered product; it is better to sell or return it.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...