Anahata. The fourth chakra of a person. Anahata chakra. Fourth chakra

The Anahata chakra is the center of love, loyalty and caring for others. This love is devoid of selfishness and selfishness, it is selfless and pure. The fourth chakra gives us the ability to feel the beauty of nature and establish harmony in life. She strives for unity with other people. In this article I will tell you how to open the anahata heart chakra and normalize its functioning.

This chakra is located in the sternum, in its very center. The dysfunction of the fourth chakra is evidenced by arrogance, deceit, possessiveness and fear of rejection. I have already talked about this in more detail. Be sure to check out this article.

Opening the Anahata chakra is performed in several ways, which together allow you to achieve good results. This includes chanting a mantra, meditation and working with active points on the hands and feet.

The heart chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs through which the 4th chakra is activated.

These points are marked in the figure - see photo.

Sit down to do the exercise sitting on the floor or on a fitness mat. Take a comfortable position with your back straight.

We begin the work with the right foot, find the active point on it and gently massage it clockwise with your thumb or index finger.

After the massage, simply press lightly on the active point. Visualize that a green ray of light is coming to this point from your thumb, with which you press. This color is delicate, not too dark, close to the color of blossoming foliage.

Continue the exercise for 15 seconds. Then do the same actions with active points on the left foot, and then on the hands. This helps unblock the heart chakra.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's do a meditation on the Anahata chakra. Take any suitable meditation pose. For example, sit on the edge of a chair or in a cross-legged position. Keep your back straight.

  1. Imagine how you find yourself in a summer forest. You are sitting on the ground, pressing your back against a wide tree trunk. Look up and you will see intertwining branches that form something like a dome above your head.
  2. The rays of the sun pass through the branches and leaves, forming amazing patterns of different shades of green behind the ground. There are some fallen leaves on the ground around the tree, some of them are fresh, bright green, others are a little faded.
  3. Observe the rich green color of the leaves, direct this light to the heart chakra area, let it cleanse and nourish it.
  4. Reflect on what negative emotions and heartache this may release. If you find something, it means that the Anahata chakra is being cleansed. Continue meditation until all negativity is gone.

This meditation to open the heart chakra will help you restore harmony in your soul.

Correspondence between chakra and element

The fourth chakra corresponds to the element of Air. This element, unlike Fire or Water, we cannot see, but only feel. Air contains prana - the vital energy necessary for every person on Earth.

The element of Air is related to breathing. When we inhale, the lungs fill with oxygen, which then enters the bloodstream. When interacting with blood, an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. The blood absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide is expelled during exhalation.

Oxygen-enriched blood moves through the arteries and disperses throughout the body.


Meditation is effective for activating the 4th chakra. Take any position. Imagine that you are walking across a field on a stormy and cool day. Feel the wind playing with your hair - you feel chilly.

Soon you see a grove, and behind it hides a small church. You move there while the wind blows leaves from the trees. Autumn is outside.

Once near the old church, you notice that it creaks and trembles in the wind. You find the latch and open it. Without any doubt, go inside, closing the door behind you.

You are enveloped in a state of peace; the sound of the wind is no longer heard here. The decoration of the church is very beautiful. Antique stained glass windows create colorful reflections on the walls and floor.

You enjoy the feeling of peace and harmony that has opened up before you here.

Reflect on the fact that similar situations occur in our lives. When you are overcome by life's storms and problems, it is so good to be in a place of rest and peace - you can take refuge there at any time.

You cannot see this place, it is like the wind, which you can only feel. But you can come here at any time to relax and gain strength.

Mantra for the fourth chakra

Before performing exercises with mantras, you should do breathing practice. Sit on the edge of a chair or lie cross-legged on the floor. It is important that no one distracts you and that there are no loud noises around.

Analyze the state of your body. Is there tension somewhere? Relax. Direct your attention to the tip of your nose. Consider whether its temperature changes when you inhale and when you exhale.

Breathing practice

Your breathing should be free and natural. Don't try to influence him in any way. Usually in this case the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. Continue doing the exercise for 5 minutes.

Then bring your attention to your heart. Visualize that it is enclosed in a circle - this is a symbol of safety and security. The circle has no corners where danger could be hidden.

When the circle becomes large, you will open up a lot of space for love. Think about a person who is very dear to you. Become aware of the feelings you have for him. Send him your love.

Then, while continuing to breathe freely and naturally, close the heart chakra and reduce the circle to its original size.

Mantra Yam

The mantra of the Anahata chakra sounds like “yam”. There is another sound for the fourth chakra - “aaa”. Maybe this is the one that suits you better.

The mantra chanting exercise is performed immediately after the previous exercise. Stay in the same position. Bring your attention to your heart chakra. Imagine that it is hidden in a protective circle - in the one you created a little earlier.

We begin to chant the mantra - for the heart chakra, singing on the note “F” is better suited, but this is not necessary. First, take a deep breath and sing the sound “a-a-a” as you exhale. Repeat several times.

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. as you exhale, open your lips and chant the first part of the mantra: “I-I-I-I...”;
  3. close your lips and continue singing the ending: “mm-mm-mm”;
  4. then follows a new breath and repetition of the previous points.

If you complete the task correctly, you will feel vibrations in the area of ​​the anahata chakra.

As you do the exercise, visualize your heart chakra as a tranquil garden with a round pond in the center.

On the surface of the water, a pale pink lotus flower sways lightly among the green foliage. The sound of the Yam mantra emanating from it creates vibrations and ripples on the surface of the water. As a result, the lotus blooms. He gives you Divine love.

Yantra for Anahata

The sacred, mystical symbol or yantra for the anahata chakra is a circle with two triangles inside. One is directed with its apex up, the other with its apex down.

The yantra contains the meaning of the unity of opposites and the duality of human nature.

For a person to successfully move along the path of spiritual development, he must overcome this duality. Namely, to accept coexistence within yourself:

  • positive and negative character traits;
  • masculine and feminine;
  • creative and rational thinking.

Yantra Meditation

Take any meditation pose. Place the yantra design in front of you so that you can see it clearly. Relax, breathe evenly and calmly.

Think about the meaning of two overlapping triangles. Together they make up the Star of David. This symbol is known in Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Hindus see in it the fusion of linga (male strength) and yoni (female strength, fertility). Together they form a unity of opposites.

Think about the combination of masculine and feminine in your character. Both of these poles are contained in each of us, be it a man or a woman.

Are you able to balance these poles? Are you giving equal stress to the left and right hemispheres of your brain? Let me remind you: the left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, and the right hemisphere is responsible for creativity. Both should have a place in your life.

Anahata is the chakra of love. It is the center of love, compassion, mercy, care and fidelity, which governs our abilities to give and receive love, give, forgive and compassion


Green color. This is the heart chakra, which takes an active part in all vital human processes. She is responsible for the connection between the upper and lower chakras, earthly and spiritual, fortitude and groundedness, success, and health.

The heart chakra is blocked by the experience of grief. A blocked chakra can manifest itself as unpleasant pain in the heart area. The feeling of grief is a more dangerous and destructive state also because it is much more difficult to remove the blockage than in other chakras. Opening this chakra requires a lot of willpower so that you can come out of a state of apathy. Apathy is an insidious companion of grief that almost always accompanies it. It takes great desire to be able to see what your situation is teaching you, what soul tasks you need to complete, what lessons you need to go through in order to gain strong heart energy.

The meaning of the Anahata Chakra.

The positive attribute is love, the negative is envy/resentment.

Green color.

Element: air.

Desires: to love and be loved.

Challenge: Gain self-confidence.

Key word: emotions.

Anahata is located in the heart area, between the nipples. Corresponds to the cardio-aortic plexus, the apex of the cone is located between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae.

On an emotional level, the chakra is responsible for compassion, self-respect and respect for others. People dominated by anahata are benevolent and caring towards both themselves and others.

In terms of health, it is responsible for the functioning of the lungs, heart, thymus gland, and hands.

If imbalanced, it can lead to heart and pulmonary diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive or hypotonic type, bronchial asthma, and mastopathy. At the psychological level, social passivity, sadness, egocentrism, and a tendency to take offense are manifested. The result of the dysfunction of this center is millions of deaths on a human scale, a real “epidemic” of cardiovascular diseases that are steadily getting younger.

Anahata chakra is the flower of love.

Anahata - the desire for beauty, harmony and balance, seeing beauty in others, in the world around us, in nature, Anahata - merging with beauty, the joy of moving in the flow, love devoid of hatred. When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, a person experiences unnecessary attachments, dependence on love and the opinions of other people, he doubts the existence of love, fears rejection, passive aggression accumulates in him, he feels lonely and sad, and problems with the heart and lungs arise. When this center is blocked, your chest is unbalanced, your diaphragm does not work well and you lose 1/3 of your vitality. If the chakra is not balanced, you will give to those who do not need it and share with those who do not want it. If the chakra is unblocked and balanced - a person is sociable, loves others unconditionally and sees God in everything, he is in harmonious relationships, understands that everything is going as it should, he is full of empathy, kindness and forgiveness.

How your life energy is taken away


Induce a feeling of guilt - “Everyone has caring children, but ours...”.

Indifference to the gift, the attention shown, the flowers given are immediately re-gifted.

Arouse pity: “Help, good people, there has been nothing to eat for a month.”

Break communication (unfinished dance).

Remind me of my heartfelt attitude: “Remember, I gave it to you.”

Key word for each chakra

Anahata "I LOVE"

The Heart Chakra is the gateway to the higher chakras, connecting you to the Soul Self and the Spiritual Self. When your Heart Chakra is unbalanced or virtually closed, you will primarily act as an instinctual person, ruled by the lower three chakras of the physical self. By balancing the energies of the heart mind/emotions (the body's life force and love force energy center), you step into the power of the unconditional love of GodMind. You will quickly release all energies and thought patterns manifested in the form of jealousy, envy, selfishness, guilt or low self-esteem. By igniting the Threefold Flame of Divine Will, Wisdom and Love, you begin to develop compassion and oneness with life and with everything.



I love and approve of myself completely and unconditionally.

I am at peace with my thoughts.

I take loving care of myself. I move through life easily.

My thinking is characterized by order and harmony.

I am in harmony with the entire Universe. Finally it dawned on me how beautiful I am. I want to love and enjoy myself.

I greet every morning with joy.

And I spend every day with gratitude

My thoughts are full of tenderness and goodwill.

Prosperity and growth of wealth is my divine right!

All channels for my financial support are open.

I wisely use all the resources that are in my hands.

My income is constantly increasing and I am increasing my wealth with ease and pleasure.

The Universe loves me and there is everything in it for everyone. I always have everything I need.

I forgive myself, I forgive everyone who has offended me, I am free, I am always safe.

I accept others as they are and let go of all expectations.

Everything happens in the best way for everyone.

Love gives me success.

I am worthy of love.

Now I am attracting into my life the ideal partner, who needs me exactly as I am.

Now everything good has become normal and natural for me.


The harmonious functioning of the chakras is facilitated by the chanting of mantras. Each chakra has its own mantra.

The fourth chakra - Anahata - is concentrated in the solar plexus area. For this chakra, use the mantra YAM.

Tibetan Singing Bowls - 4 Anahata (green color)

Singing bowls (also known as Himalayan bowls, Tibetan bowls; in Japan they are called Rin or Suzu) are a type of bell as a musical instrument. Singing bowls are a stationary instrument; unlike ordinary bells, they are not suspended or attached to a handle. The sound is generated from the vibration of the walls of the bowl and its edge.

Singing bowls are an ancient musical instrument used throughout Asia as part of the religious traditions of Bon and Tantric Buddhism. Nowadays, in addition to traditional religious use, singing bowls are used everywhere as a tool for meditation, relaxation, various medical practices related to biorhythms, and yoga.

Music “Heart Chakra (Compassion)”, performer: SPA Strings (Google Play . iTunes . eMusic)

The work of chakras in the process of human life.

Anahata chakra - is responsible for building love and friendly (enemy) relationships. True love is only possible when both partners are synchronized on this frequency. Otherwise, the word love means something else...

Kundalini Yoga - 4th Chakra - Anahata (Flower of Love) Maya Fiennes

All these practices can be used independently to increase the vibrations of the second energy center, or you can add sessions to them, which will speed up the process significantly and allow you to quickly achieve harmony in consciousness, find your place in the Universe and begin to fulfill your destiny.

Chakra location: parallel to the heart, in the center of the body. Colors: green and pink. Additional color: dark red, carmine.

Symbol: a circle bordered by 12 lotus petals, inside of which there is a six-pointed star with the sound “yam” written on it. The chakra stem extends from a six-pointed star. Another symbolic element corresponding to this chakra is greenish-gray smoke.

Keywords: feeling, compassion, gentleness, love, balance. Basic principles: devotion. Internal aspect: Love. Energy: harmony. Age period of development: from 13 to 15 years.

Element: air. Feeling: touch. Sound:"Yam". Body: sensual body.

Nerve plexus: tactile nerves, such as those in the fingertips that transmit the sensation of touch (some argue that the heart chakra is not connected to any nerve plexuses.) Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: thymus.

Organs of the body associated with the chakra: heart, circulatory system, lungs, immune system, thymus gland, upper back, skin, hands. Problems and diseases arising from an imbalance in the chakra: respiratory diseases, heart pain, heart attacks, high blood pressure, tension, anger, dissatisfaction with life, insomnia, fatigue.

Aroma oils: sandalwood, rose, cedar.

: aventurine, chrysocolla, rose quartz, emerald, jet, chrysoprase, dioptase, malachite, rhodonite.

Translated from Sanskrit The name of the chakra “Anahata” translates as “ever-sounding drum.” This chakra is located in the center of the chest, parallel to the heart, it connects the three lower chakras with the three upper ones. As a result, it represents the “heart” of the entire chakra system. It connects the physical and emotional centers with centers of high mental and spiritual activity.

Located at the center of the chakra symbol six pointed star, represents the connection between the upper and lower, and the point where these two triangles intersect is the heart chakra.

The meaning of Anahata Chakra.

The heart chakra is the center of love, compassion, caring for others, service, loyalty and therefore the ability to heal. Thanks to its activities, we can adapt to another person, “feel” him, touch him and allow him to touch us - on the emotional, spiritual and physical levels.

Anahata replies and for stimulating the ability to absorb heavenly love. The power of faith passes through it from the throat chakra. If Anahata is closed, a person stops believing in the miraculous, he closes himself off from feelings and emotions.

An open and harmoniously developed Anahata gives pure Divine love for all living things. This kind of love is not afraid of being rejected. Imbalance in the chakra leads to a constant fear of losing a loved one or being rejected. In this case, the person also experiences love, but earthly, selfish love. Divine love is neither imposed nor rejected. She simply exists and lives according to her own laws.

Just as the solar plexus chakra is responsible for: self-esteem, the heart chakra also responds for a person's love for himself. Without true self-love and self-acceptance, it is impossible to properly love others. The words “love your neighbor as yourself” tell us that we all must love ourselves in order to be able to love our neighbors. When we do not have respect and love for ourselves, due to lack of awareness, we discover our own shortcomings in every other person.

The people we encounter in life often behave like mirrors of our own personality, and when we do not accept our own character traits, it is these qualities (directly or indirectly) that will make us angry and disturbed in another person.

Therefore, looking for a path to the ability to connect to the power of the universe, our hearts must learn to love and accept both yourself and others.

Basic emotions The sexual chakras, which are activated in the solar plexus chakra, become conscious in the heart chakra. At the solar plexus chakra, processing our emotions and being aware of them leads to self-knowledge and increased inner strength, while wisdom, which connects with these aspects in heart chakra, opens them up to the feeling of the rest of humanity, makes them less focused on "I".
When we open our hearts, then we allow ourselves to be sensitive, to expose our inner side and our softness. Gentleness is expressed throughout our entire being. A solid knowledge of ourselves and a recognized inner strength are necessary in order for us to allow ourselves to be soft and to be affected by emotions.

Harmonious Anahata Chakra.

Heart chakra in a balanced state is also responsible for one more aspect: the ability to keep the “I” intact, not to identify it with others to such an extent that the “I” dissolves in them. It also does not allow the suffering of others to penetrate into the self.

These aspects are important for everyone - especially for healers. Even then, when we are ready to help a person with all our being, to give oneself without any desire to receive a reward, without any selfish interests, such a limitation is necessary in order to maintain the integrity and health of the “I”.

When the heart chakra is open and balanced, we feel inner faith. We understand that the power of the Lord means love for every form of life, we come to a higher level of chakra functioning, which allows us to love not only those who are close to us, but also everything in the universe.

Anahata also determines whether a person will love himself. It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that if a person is unable to treat himself with love, he will never be able to love anyone. Remember what the Bible says: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This means that first of all, every person must love himself. This will give him the opportunity to feel true love for loved ones. If a person does not love and respect himself, he begins to look for flaws in everyone on a subconscious level. Sincere love is unknown to such a person. He can only claim ownership rights over another person, considering these selfish feelings to be love.

Opening the heart leads to development sensitivity, softness, tenderness. If a person has gentleness, then it is expressed in everything: in words, movements, deeds. The paradox is that hardness is necessary to develop softness. That is, the inner core and self-awareness. Only in this case does a person allow himself to be soft and sensitive.

If the chakra is open and allows energy to pass through well, our mind gets the opportunity to see and feel our emotions, as well as the feelings of other people. We tune in to receive love and give it. We no longer need to wear hundreds of masks to protect our inner world. We are completely open to the Universe and Divine energy. A person with a balanced Anahata is overwhelmed inner strength. It is this that makes it possible to show sensitivity and compassion to others. In this case, protective armor completely disappears as unnecessary.

Chakra Harmonization leads to the emergence of inner faith. A person begins to understand that the power of God is manifested through love for all living things. Thanks to this awareness, the functioning of the chakra moves to a higher level. As a result, our love extends not only to those close to us, but to the entire Universe.

If a person identifies himself too strongly, which means Anahata is unbalanced. Its owner tends to dive deeply into other people's problems and experience them as if they were his own. This leads to the destruction of the chakra and the appearance of imbalance. There will be losses in the life of such a person at every step. If you have a desire to give warmth and love, to help those who need it, carefully monitor the harmonization of the heart chakra. She must be balanced and developed so that other people's pain and suffering do not destroy her.

Learn to distance yourself from problems. This will help you correctly assess the situation and make objective decisions. If you can look at both your own and other people's problems with detachment, sincere love and compassion will settle in your life. You can always come to another person’s aid in difficult times without disturbing the harmony of your chakras.

What are the signs of a healthy Anahata Chakra.

The whole point of the fourth chakra in love and compassion. If it were not for Divine compassion, filling the entire universe, this world would have remained an absolute void.

How can you understand what state Anahata is in? person nearby? It is harmonized if you are attracted to a person. It seems to you that an inner light seems to emanate from him. It’s calm with such a person. Next to him, all problems disappear, the unpleasant sensations from what happened are forgotten. The owner of a healthy chakra subtly feels connections with other people. He is tuned to their understanding and sympathy. At the same time, he does not violate the harmony of his inner world, does not allow emotions from the outside to undermine it. Balanced Anahata gives a feeling happiness and self-confidence. A person easily shares all this with others, filling them with boundless happiness and love for all living things.

In the company of such a person, people feel at ease. They easily open both the heart and soul. If your heart chakra is open, you will be repeatedly expressed gratitude. “You just saved me!” – you will hear this phrase more than once. Although in reality you will not do anything supernatural. But your conversations with people, listening to their problems, sympathy will awaken in them the desire to live. People love to communicate with those who have harmonized Anahata. They intuitively feel that they can pour out their whole soul to this person without fear of a catch. Yes, maybe he won’t be able to help with anything specific. But even a simple conversation with him brings noticeable relief. You can just sit quietly next to me with a person with a healthy Anahata. And this will already heal your soul and heart.

You probably remember that all living beings in the Universe constantly exchange energy. The owner of a healthy Anahata also gives a piece of his energy to those who are nearby. Under its influence, they open their hearts, tune in to a wave of mutual understanding, learn to give and receive love. All this harmonizes the chakras and life in general. Agree, it’s always nice to see around you the smiling faces of loving people who are ready to help in difficult times. The more energy of love the chakra sends to the Universe, the more a person receives it from other people. After all, we all remember very well that like always attracts like.

If the chakra is in harmony, a person has a desire to help even strangers. He sympathizes and empathizes with everyone who needs it. At the same time, it does not waste energy. He is not affected by energy vampires, his actions cannot be manipulated. He knows exactly what and to what extent he can give to others. The help he provides to people does not give him a feeling of superiority. It is natural for him and is one of his vital needs.

Often, the owner of a healthy chakra offers people completely different help for which they turn to him. At first this causes negativity. But then the person in trouble realizes that this is exactly what needed to be helped in his case. The point is that if a person the heart chakra is developed, he intuitively feels what exactly a person needs at this stage.

Harmonization of the heart chakra has a positive effect on human emotions. He fully accepts all the emotions that arise in him, without creating conflict in his inner self. He is freed from self-doubt. A person is not afraid to show his weaknesses in public. He can cry and give tenderness. The lack of fear is due to the fact that he is calm about the manifestation of emotions in other people. And it won’t shock him if a stranger suddenly hugs him tightly and kisses him. A healthy aura helps understand people's feelings and accept them as they are. She encourages people to let their emotions out rather than hold them inside. All this creates favorable conditions for the development of family relationships and the establishment of social connections.

An open chakra has a very strong effect on a person's environment. If her energy freely goes beyond the physical body and interacts with the biofields of other people, then even the rudest people soften. They begin to understand that deep, deep down in their soul there lives a love that is breaking out. The more they communicate with a gentle person who does not condemn their actions, the more anger and irritation calms down, and softness and tenderness awakens. This happens because their Anahata is balanced and harmonized.

The owner of a healthy chakra understands where the causes of grief and sadness lie. These feelings appear in us when we move away from our inner self and stop listening to our heart and soul. Such a person seeks to connect to his own soul and fill it with energy. If he succeeds, a desire arises to live and appreciate every moment of life. The world no longer seems scary, cold and dangerous to him. A person understands that in fact the Universe is friendly to him. She is beautiful and harmonious. A person stops living only for himself. He is no longer limited only to his feelings and thoughts. On the contrary, there comes a feeling of unity with all people living on earth, with plants, animals, with the forces that fill our planet and the heavens. To him it is easy to understand the laws of the Universe, learning new experiences. And he accepts those situations that unsettle other people with understanding and gratitude.

When the Anahata Chakra is inharmonious.

Chakra imbalance greatly affects for building relationships. As soon as a person's channel through which he can receive love is blocked, he becomes firmly convinced that he is unworthy of love. His energy levels stop attracting love to him. It is clear that it is extremely difficult for such a person to build a strong family. He will be afraid of any manifestation of feelings on the part of his soul mate, withdrawn, become rude and cold.

A malfunction in the chakra is reflected, first of all, on a person’s ability to give and receive love. It happens that a person seems to love (so it seems from the outside), cares, and supports loved ones. But in reality he does not experience true feelings because his heart chakra cannot connect to the source of Divine love.

This situation often leads to spiritual exhaustion. On the one hand, a person constantly gives love, but on the other, he cannot receive it. Therefore, sooner or later the body begins to suffer from a lack of love. In this case, it becomes awkward for a person to love and care. He seeks to ridicule sincere feelings, says that he does not need support and love. In his view, accepting love from people is a sign of weakness.

What causes chakra malfunction? Most often, it takes its origins in youth. During this period, many parents are already embarrassed to show love to their children. They believe that their children are already adults, so they cannot be hugged or kissed. And completely in vain. Every person needs such manifestations of feelings throughout his life. So, a teenager, seeing that his parents have stopped loving him (he is simply sure of this), begins to suppress his feelings and emotions. Thus it blocks the heart chakra. After many years, this failure will make itself felt. When an adult starts his own family, he will understand that it is very difficult for him to show love to his family members and accept tenderness and care from them.

A chakra imbalance can have another manifestation. A person strives to envelop everyone with warmth and love. He literally imposes his feelings, causing people to feel rejected and angry. But at the same time, the chakra does not let the energy of love inside at all. Thus, the person becomes emotionally exhausted. He gives all the time without receiving anything in return. This leads to imbalance and anger towards the whole world.

You probably remember that the owner of a balanced chakra does not give love in order to receive something in return. For him, the very fact that there is a return is important. This process is natural for him and does not cause negativity.

If there is no harmony in the chakra, a person intuitively feels a constant need to receive at least something in return for his love. If his love does not find a response and does not bring anything expected, disappointment comes. The person feels like he has been used. This leads to bitterness and increased resentment. The owner of an unbalanced chakra does not know how to love just like that. He definitely needs to get approval from the outside, to win the affection of a person. He is constantly haunted by the fear of being rejected by the one to whom he gives his love. A person is terribly afraid of loneliness, constantly concentrates on his feelings and ultimately turns into an egoist. He can’t find the birthplace of Universal love, where love for oneself and for other people are united.

Physical body and Anahata Chakra.

Anahata is responsible for the state heart, blood vessels, lungs, thymus gland, skin, hands and development of immunity.

Scientists say that a person cannot feel with his heart. This organ has completely different functions. In fact the work of the heart is closely interconnected with experiences and feelings. For example, anger and irritability lead to pressure surges. If a person is constantly angry, he develops hypertension.

Strong experiences (grief from loss, grief, sadness) lead to pain in the heart area and a feeling of devastation. And vice versa, when something can be changed in a favorable direction, the heart seems to lighten. Esotericists saying what exactly love is concentrated in the heart(to yourself and others) and trust (to your inner self and to the world). When a person experiences emotional problems associated with a lack of love or trust, he develops heart disease. This is due to the fact that the emotional layer influences the heart chakra.

Let's say there are a number of negative qualities that can lead to myocardial infarction. This is callousness, cruelty, inability to care for loved ones and receive love, an insatiable thirst for power and money. All this blocks the channel of communication with the heart. It becomes insensitive to emotions and experiences. Moreover, it is the heart that is responsible for the flow of blood to all organs. Blood is associated with joy. This is life-giving energy. But if it becomes filled with bitterness and rigidity, the circulatory system fails. Problems with blood vessels may begin. And they, in turn, lead to diseases of the internal organs.

The heart chakra also influences for lung function. What is breathing? This is a person’s ability to enjoy life, feel its fullness, love every day he lives. If a person cannot truly love himself, accept himself for who he really is, the respiratory system begins to work incorrectly. As a result, chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi develop.

Every second every person inhales air. He is personifying the ability to connect to energy Universe. On the other hand, he is responsible for creating our personal space. If you have problems with the respiratory system, it means that these two components are in conflict. And this indicates an imbalance of the heart chakra.

Often, an unbalanced Anahata leads to the development of asthma. This serious illness is associated with the constant suppression of love. It can also develop if an unsuitable environment is concentrated around a person. In this case, it may seem to him that having friends nearby leads to unbearable stuffiness. If asthma develops in a young child, it means that he is overwhelmed with parental love. His parents are ready to kiss the child every minute, they don’t let go of him. As a result, the baby receives more love than he gives. Eventually this love begins to choke him. There are cases of asthma development due to separation from the parental home. The teenager experiences a lack of parental love to which he is accustomed. This also leads to asthma.

Hormones and Anahata Chakra.

The heart chakra is closely related to the endocrine thymus gland. It consists of two flat hemispheres. They are located in the chest (front). It contains lymphatic tissue, which is responsible for the development of immunity (only in children). Special T-lymphocytes that protect our body from attack by foreign bodies are trained by the thymus gland. In a newly born child, the gland reaches a decent size. As you get older, it decreases.

Why does an adult need the thymus gland?? Science still cannot find an answer to this question. Until the age of fifteen, the gland produces a hormone called humoral factor. It helps strengthen the immune system. But later the generation of this hormone stops, and other organs begin to be responsible for the immune system of an adult. However, the thymus gland remains in the body, although it does not provide any benefit to it.

Doctors believe that the gland helps a child develop into an adult. It's no secret that children's bodies are more often susceptible to disease. It does not tolerate viruses and bacteria well. If it were not for the thymus gland, which is responsible for the development of immunity, it is quite possible that many children would not live to reach adolescence. The heart chakra has a strong influence on the functioning of this gland. If it is balanced, the child rarely gets sick and recovers quickly. Gland imbalance leads to constant acute respiratory infections and serious infectious diseases.

How to open the Anahata Chakra. Meditations, exercises.

Opening the chakra is possible through the practice of breathing meditation. Mindful breathing leads to calming, stopping or slowing down the restless mind and finding an inner space of silence. It is best to charge Anahata with energy during walks in the fresh air - a park or forest is best suited. The color of the fourth chakra is green, which is reflected in the relationship with nature and all life on earth. Cleansing from negative emotions in this chakra is achieved by contemplating the miraculous beauties of this world and by communicating or caring for animals.


1. Sit straight, as comfortable as possible, do not cross your legs, breathe calmly, naturally. Watch your inhalation and exhalation carefully. Focus on the substance of air. Enjoy how it enters the nostrils, fills the lungs, imagine how oxygen enters all the cells of the body through the blood. Try breathing through one nostril. Change your breathing rate. Play and experiment with breathing. Become fully aware of the breathing process.

2. Imagine how you inhale energy along with the air. It is called differently: “prana”, “qi energy”, “orgone”, “magnetic fluid”. This energy is omnipresent, all-pervasive. She is the basis of life. The more you focus on breathing in the energy, the more noticeable the changes in your body will be to you. It will become more and more saturated with energy. Your body perception will change. It will become an energy cocoon for you, consisting of many luminous power threads-channels. Try inhaling energy through your hands, feet, eyes, whole body. You can inhale energy with your whole body and exhale through your eyes. You can concentrate all the energy in the heart area. Experiment. Experiment. And enjoy.

3. Breathe into yourself purity, wisdom, joy, love, tenderness, peace. Concentrate them in your aura and transmit them with your breath to those you have chosen. Exhale those qualities that you want to get rid of. Breathe with different colors, sounds, touches.

4. Create an image of your ideal life and breathe it in. Through breathing, connect with auras. Feel the Unified Cosmic Breath. Breathe the sun, moonlight, hurricane wind.

5. Visualize your body growing larger with each breath.. It becomes boundless like the sky, a stream of universal existence in which all lives, the passage of time, the body itself become breath.

6. Place the fingers of your right hand on the point between the eyebrows, and the fingers or palm of your left hand on the heart center. Inhale through the brow center. As you exhale, lower the energy of your breath into your heart center. Now focus your attention on inhaling the golden mist. Breathe naturally, do not strain either when breathing or when moving energy. With each inhalation and exhalation, you release and absorb the essence of life energy. Perform 10-20 breathing cycles. Feel that the center between the eyebrows and the heart center are connected.

7. Now, as you exhale, send the energy of your breath upward- from the heart to the point between the eyebrows. And, exhaling, direct it back - from the eyebrow to the heart center. Use your breath to clear the space between these areas. Breathe naturally, without tension. Using the power of your mind, eyes and heart, direct the flow of life force. Perform 10 to 20 times.

8. Project images of love, gratitude and joy in this space. You can prepare them in advance, but they must be clear, clear, and complete. They are visible as in a holographic image. Then breathe through the eyebrow and heart center and fill this image with energetic substance. After this, open your eyes, holding the inner vision of the object. The outside world will seem less real to you than the inner world.

9. Look through your heart at the whole world around you with the gaze of love, speak through your heart the language of love, breathe through your heart the air of love. And thank God for the ability to love that he has placed in everyone’s heart.

First exercise.

You need to concentrate for a few minutes and remember that feeling when you loved someone unconditionally– it’s best if it’s an old memory. Even better if you find a memory of when you loved the whole world as a child. Then the feelings of love were the purest and clearest.

Now just feel, remembering how your chest becomes a little warmer. Allow the flow of Planetary Yoga to intensify this warmth a little and open up the feeling of love from this chakra with each exhalation. Let your breath help you with this, increasing the feeling growing from your chest with each inhalation and exhalation.

Second exercise.

Think about: What is “love”? Allow the experiences and ideas that are present in this sensation to come. Take the best ones. Place them in the center of your chest. Watch how their energy intensifies and grows. Inhale and exhale through the center of your chest, allowing these experiences to radiate more and more of this energy. Allow the memories to gradually dissolve, and the energy to be released from this process and intensify.

Now inhale with this energy and heart center, and simply allow the flow of Planetary Yoga to spread the energy throughout the Universe. In every part of it. At the same time, if you have inner vision, you can see in this green color of the chakra the radiance of the stream - golden-white.

Meditation on Anahata.

So that the heart skillfully finds a balance between spiritual and bodily desires, you can use a simple meditation on Anahata.

  • Imagine a beam of white light above you, which enters the body through the head. Pass this flow through your body so that each chakra is filled with glow and cleansed by it.
  • Then raise the white beam. You will see how light enters the heart and turns green. Trust this glow and understand that you are now an open and loving subject.

Feel how full your life is, how limitless it is. Show generosity, share your huge heart with the whole world.

Meditation “The Cross of Buddha and the Opening of the Spiritual Heart.”

This meditation is one of the main ones for opening the spiritual heart.. Usually it is performed at the beginning of each set of classes - this immediately brings the student into a subtle state of consciousness.
Traditionally, the basic formula of this meditation is words or mental message:

“May all beings be peaceful!
May all beings be at peace!
May all beings be blessed!”

It is believed that when performing this meditation you can increase the forces that fill the heart– goodwill, compassion, empathy, equanimity, and increase in absolutely all directions, pouring out the strength of the heart to the whole world.

This meditation is also a powerful protection. The law of karma works here - “what goes around comes around”, the law of cause and effect, and our harmonious attitude - “May all beings be calm! May all beings be blessed!” discards all the bad thoughts of others.

So, MEDITATION– sit with a straight back either on a chair, or on the floor with your legs tucked under you (vajrasana), or in one of the poses with crossed legs (Turkish, half lotus, lotus, etc.).
Completely relax, “zero out”.

Then we enter Anahata with our consciousness.

Master entering Anahata- one of the fundamental moments of practice, and indeed of life.

Here's one way: experience yourself as consciousness. Most often, the clot of consciousness is located in the head on the side of the face. If we are there, we will move back to the occipital part, which should cause relaxation of the facial muscles, and then we will go down the Sushumna channel to Anahata. The chakra can be entered both from behind and from below. With experience, choose the appropriate option for yourself.

To make sure we are really in Anahata, Let's look from it into the head, where we used to be.
If only part of the consciousness went to Anahata, and part remained in the head, this is normal. With practice, the consciousness will become more mobile.
After entering Anahata we create there is the most subtle state of love and tenderness for all living beings. We will see white light in the chakra and feel warmth. Let us pay attention specifically to the aspect of tenderness in love. And by adding laughter, we get the feeling of a magical holiday.

Now, having opened the chakra like a flower, we send forward a wide beam of white light to the entire universe with the words: “May all beings be peaceful! May all beings be at peace! May all beings be blessed!”

Returning to Anahata, turn our attention to the right and repeat also to the right side of the universe. Then back, left, up and down. Those. the cross turned out to be 3-dimensional.

According to observations, if you entered Anahata, this does not mean that you will immediately feel peace and love. It is important to decide to find it in yourself, and only then radiate it. In some of its dimensions, Anahata is the main component of a person’s emotional center. In this dimension, you can experience a state of anger or fear in Anahata. In other words, you need to work not only with energy, but also with your mind.

However, another approach is also possible. If For some reason you cannot feel peace and love inside, then sincerely wishing this to others can open this state in you.
Remember that that in every person there is at least a spark of compassion. Having found this spark, it is very easy to expand it to the entire Anahata (heart chakra), and then to the rest of the world.

The key point in this meditation is the visualization of Light in Anahata, preferably in its center. Standard of light The sun may appear, or a lamp or candle burning with an even flame.

Having learned to enter the subtle state of love in class, practice it in everyday life. With experience, the exercise can become more complicated. For example, radiate light and love immediately back and forth, left and right. Or look with your consciousness in the direction where the beam goes.

After some time after regular practice, a feeling of expansion in the chest, both pleasant and uncomfortable, may spontaneously arise. It can last from a moment to several hours. There is no pathology here. This is how the spiritual heart is revealed!

For pain in the spine, use three threads:

-Abovedown from infinity to infinity a blue thread (enters the crown, exits through the tailbone).

-From left to right– red thread – passes through the heart center.

-Front - back– yellow thread – also passes through the heart center.

Let's visualize these threads coming and going from infinity. In the heart chakra there is a dazzling white light.

A developed Anahata Chakra gives a person: wisdom, self-control, inner strength, overcoming obstacles, difficulties with minimal losses, purity of thoughts and intentions, enhances energy. If a person has the skill of the state of Love and Calm, then such a person is able to communicate at higher levels of our Being.

If there are similar problems in your life and you cannot cope with them on your own, I invite you to, where after just one meeting you will clarify the reasons for your difficulties.

The fourth center, or chakra, is anahata (translated from Sanskrit as “invulnerable”, “unstruck”, “silent”).

Anahata is located in the middle part of the sternum. She is depicted as a green lotus with twelve petals.

In the middle of the image are two crossed triangles.

A triangle with an upward apex symbolizes the intellectual, spiritual, energetic level of human existence, and a triangle with an apex pointing downward indicates the physical body, a version of physical, material life. Crossed triangles form a “middle point” - a hexagon, a honeycomb, a cosmic honeycomb structure of life, where the person himself is inscribed. The triangles themselves indicate that in this chakra there are flows of the Earthly level (triangle with the apex up) and the Cosmic level (triangle with the apex down). Ideally, these two principles should be in a state of balance, which fills the aura with a feeling of harmony.

Astrologically, the fourth center corresponds to the Sun.

R. Steiner connects the sphere of the Sun with the Cosmic Christ, or Spirit of Form, the Divine principle behind the human Christ and cosmic and human evolution. In the Kabbalah, Anahata as the solar center corresponds to the Sephira Tiffereth, which represents the first stage of initiation, in which a person receives revelation from the Higher Self, or guardian angel.

The fourth chakra corresponds to the elements of air and touch. It means liveliness of the heart, movement towards something, connection, permission to touch oneself, to touch things. Here we find the ability to feel, empathize, and correspond to consonance. Through this center we see the beauty of nature as well as harmony in music, art and poetry. Here images, words and sounds turn into feelings.

The Anahata chakra is responsible for love, communication, and tolerance. These feelings determine the chakra. Feelings of resentment, misunderstanding, sadness and grief block the energy of the Earth Channel at this level, preventing the flow of energy to other levels. It is no coincidence that the feeling of sadness in the Russian language is described by such expressions as “a stone on the heart”, “a broken heart”, “the soul is restless”.

Painful sensations in the heart area indicate a disruption in the flow of energy at this level.

Understanding yourself, your needs and tasks, understanding the needs of your neighbor and even the entire civilization, compassion, consolation (which means a gift of love) - all this contributes to the normal flow of energy in the Anahata chakra. The feeling of love for oneself, for one’s neighbor and for the whole world contributes to the harmonious functioning of the intellectual and physical plane in a person.

Think about this: you can cry, suffer and be sad every day - but no one is forcing you to do this!

This chakra has an important influence on the activity of the thymus gland (thymus) and the body's immune system. It is associated with the activity of the heart, the functioning of the lungs and the circulatory system. Anahata promotes nutrient absorption and is related to tissue regeneration. This center binds together and balances the activity of other chakras. It connects with a level of consciousness that awakens higher compassion and natural abilities, allowing you to see the deep forces of nature.

The opening of anahata strengthens, purifies it, balances the internal movements of feelings or energies and allows a person to feel a state of deep independence from the influences of the world. He no longer relies on other people's opinions about himself. He becomes a self-supporting person. Mastering the element of air allows him to “fly”: to make spiritual flights to higher worlds and experience higher states than before. Of course, in addition to deep balance, awakened anahata acquires the ability to sincerely enjoy life, love and compassion.

There are many figurative expressions indicating the boundlessness of the Anahata chakra. We say: “He has a big heart,” “There is a place in my heart for each of you,” etc.

When the words “I love you and always think about you” are spoken only by the mind, they remain just empty words. To truly send someone a feeling of love, we need to open the Ana Hata Chakra and allow love and light to radiate from our inner self.

Anahata chakra is our inner temple where the divine resides. atma,"flame of life" Self-realization, otherwise called God-realization, involves the recognition of our own “I”, that is, atma. To show that something belongs to us or concerns us, we involuntarily point to the center of the chest, the location of anahata. No one points to the head, stomach or any other part of the body. This clearly shows that we involuntarily identify ourselves with the atma at the heart center.

IN Chandogya Upanishad said:

In the center of the body there is a small cloister surrounded by a wall with eleven doors. Hidden in this abode, a lotus is blooming, and inside it there is a tiny, small space.

What does this "tiny space" in the heart of the lotus mean? This is atma, our true Self. Atma is a particle of God. This is pure, unchanging, Infinite Consciousness. It is the Eternal, Unborn and Imperishable that lives in every living being. Just as the entire tree is already contained and present in the seed, the essence of the entire Cosmos lives in the center of the heart chakra. Presumably, although we will not be able to see it - even if we dissect the heart and examine it under a microscope, we will not be able to find traces of this "tiny space inside the lotus of the heart."

On the one hand, in the anahata chakra we experience delightful, happy experiences; on the other hand, it is easy to become unbalanced in this chakra. If the mind and consciousness are not cleansed, then deceptive thoughts and feelings, obsessions and complexes arise in the anahata chakra, which affect us physically and mentally. Deep within ourselves, we hear and encounter numerous unreacted experiences and karmic situations from the past that rest in the subconscious.

The heart chakra glows with green and pink light, and sometimes also yellow. Green is the color of healing, as well as harmony and sympathy. If an aura seer notices a clear, transparent green color in the area of ​​another person’s heart, then this will be an indication of a highly developed healing ability. The yellow aura, saturated with pink, represents a person living with a pure, devotional feeling of love for the Highest.

Harmonious state

If your heart chakra is completely open and cooperates harmoniously with the other chakras, then you become a channel of Divine love. The energies of your heart can change your world, and the people around you can unite, reconcile and heal. You radiate a natural warmth, warmth and joy that opens the hearts of your loved ones, awakens trust and gives joy. Sympathy and willingness to help are obvious to you. Your feelings are free from external interference and conflicts, from doubts and uncertainty. You love for the sake of love itself, the joy of giving without expecting anything in return. In all of Creation, you feel at home and completely safe. In everything you do, you are present with all your heart.

Love in your heart also sharpens your attention, so that in all manifested forms at every level of Creation, you see the cosmic play of disintegration and unification, bringing Divine love and harmony. You have experienced yourself that separation from the universal Divine aspect of life and the resulting suffering increases the desire to reunite with the Supreme. Only this former separation allows one to consciously and perfectly experience the love of God and the boundless joy that flows from it.

This wisdom of the heart illuminates the events of the world and your life with new light. The love in your heart spontaneously supports all aspirations, allowing the love of God and his Creation to grow. You notice that the entire life of Creation takes place in your heart. You no longer perceive life as something separate, but as part of your own life.

The sense of vitality is so great in you that only now do you actually know what it means to “live” in the unfeigned primary sense - the ever-present expression of Divine love and happiness.

Disharmonious state

A disharmonious state of the heart chakra can be expressed in various ways: for example, you would like to give, to be constantly present for others, without being connected to the source of love. Somewhere in the depths of your heart - perhaps without realizing it or admitting it - you expect recognition and confirmation for your “love”, and you are disappointed if your efforts are not appreciated. Or you feel very important and strong, you give a little of your power to others, but you are not able to accept love, to open up to “take.”

Sensuality and softness create problems for you. You may convince yourself that you don't need the love of others. This position is often accompanied by an expanded, “bloated” chest, which is an indication of an internal protective shell from pain and attacks from others.

Reduced function

Improper functioning of the heart chakra makes you easily vulnerable to injury and dependent on the love and sympathy of others. If you are rejected, you feel deeply hurt, especially if you had the courage to open up. Then you return to your refuge again. You are sad and depressed. And although you would like to give love, because of the fear of being rejected again, you can never find the right way to do this, and again you are convinced of your inability. Perhaps you are trying to compensate for your desire for love with some especially friendly and polite way of behavior . With your superficial politeness, you reward everyone without exception, without delving deeply into the people around you. Therefore, if someone ever really needs your heart, you avoid it and withdraw into yourself, in fear of being offended.

If your heart chakra is completely closed, then this is visible in your coldness and indifference, even to the point of anesthesia. To feel anything at all, you need strong external stimulation. You are unstable and suffer from depression.

Correction of Anahata chakra

The two great energy elements - “give and take” - must be in balance, that is, in harmony. These skills began to be laid at the level where, while collecting tribute from the state, the king learned to reward.

If a person constantly gives energy without receiving it in return, energy exhaustion occurs, and the person gets sick, which further worsens the situation of energy metabolism. If life cannot be changed: you have small children who absorb energy, or elderly parents who demand attention, analyze why you give more energy than you receive in return?

Any calm walk in the bosom of wild, undisturbed, green nature harmonizes our entire being with the help of the heart chakra. Each flower sends a message of love and innocent joy, allowing these abilities to blossom in our hearts. Pink flowers are especially suitable for subtly revitalizing and healing the energy of the heart chakra.

The pinkish sky with the subtle shapes of the clouds enriches and expands the heart. Let the beauty and delicacy of the colors and shapes of such a “heavenly image” embrace and lift you up.

Anahata chakra (heart)
where is it, location

Location. Where is:

The heart chakra is located in the chest at the level of the human heart. The shape of the Anahata chakra is close to spherical and in a stable state has a size of 5-6 cm in diameter. The 4th chakra is connected to the spinal energy column with a spiral in the form of a funnel, rotating clockwise when viewed from the front, towards the spine.

The location of the Anahata chakra is precisely what determines its name - the heart chakra, or in other words, the heart chakra. The Anahata chakra is also called the “love chakra” or the green chakra - in accordance with its color.

Meaning. What he is responsible for:

  • The fourth chakra (anahata) is responsible for a person’s emotionality, sensitivity, responsiveness, and openness - in this regard, this chakra can also be called the “emotional chakra.”
  • The 4th chakra is the chakra of love, tenderness, the “emotional balancer” of the human body, the center of Faith and Spiritual stability.
  • The Anahata chakra is responsible for the formation of a person’s emotional shell.
  • Being at the center of the entire human energy structure, the heart chakra (anahata) is responsible for balancing, harmonious adjustment and interaction of the lower triangle of chakras (1-3), responsible for the energy of the material world, and the upper triangle of chakras (5-7), responsible for energy spiritual higher plane. The three lower chakras operate with personal energy, separating a person from others. The three highest chakras are collective aspects of the self that provide connection with the energy of the Universe. The Anahata chakra is precisely the place where the personal and collective aspects of a person’s “I” meet.
  • The center of human consciousness, placed in the heart chakra - the green chakra, receives the ability to control and manage all human bioenergy.
  • Based on the level of development of the heart chakra, one can judge a person’s emotional maturity, emotional openness to the surrounding vibrations of the dense and subtle world.
  • At the physical level, the Anahata chakra is responsible for the activity of the human cardiovascular system, for the condition of the chest organs, mostly the heart and lungs.

Anahata chakra. Description and main characteristics:

Green color

Anahata chakra. Green color

Note – FA

Element – ​​Air

Number of petals – 12

A petal is a self-oscillation that occurs in an oscillatory circuit,
if we consider the electromagnetic analogy of chakra activity.

Taste – sour

Smell: geranium

Crystals and minerals – aventurine, rose quartz

Translation from Sanskrit - “divine sound”, “not hit”

Correspondence of the heart chakra to the organs and systems of the body:

Women have two emotional chakras (breasts), men have one.

Body systems: cardiovascular


  • Heart
  • Trachea
  • Bronchi
  • Lungs
  • Rib cage

Levels of development of the anahata chakra:

With low Spiritual development of the fourth chakra: selfishness, attachment to fetishes, fraud, indecision, uncertainty, impatience, laziness, anger, indifference, arrogance, partiality, twitchiness,

Disorientation or imbalance of the heart chakra: feelings of loneliness, depression or, conversely, exaggerated immersion in love and dependence (such people say: “I love you,” meaning “I need you”), exaggerated desire to give, self-sacrifice, increased sensitivity to strangers suffering and grief, taking other people’s mistakes personally and feeling guilty for the actions and negative states of other people.

A developed anahata chakra gives a person: wisdom, self-control, inner strength, overcoming obstacles and difficulties with minimal losses, purity of thoughts and intentions, and enhances energy. If a person has the skill of the “good neutral” state, then such a person is able to communicate at higher levels of our Being.

4th chakra (heart) and emotions:

Fears: loneliness (weakness of Faith).

Norm: a feeling of the unity and beauty of the world, joy from various manifestations of forms of love, taking into account the interests of the Incarnate Spirit in love.

Passions: selfishness (willfulness, self-will, egocentrism).

Polarization of the Anahata chakra in men and women:

Differences in polarization of the 4th chakra (anahata) in men and women

The heart chakra (green) in men is omnidirectional, and therefore a man is able to receive pleasure from “anything,” that is, from completely different aspects of life and activity.

The same applies to the way a man shows (expresses) love. Being omnidirectional, the chakra of love (anahata) in a man, by the Nature of its structure, is capable of emitting (giving) and receiving the energy of love from various directions. Due to the fact that the 2nd chakra (sexual) of a man is also omnidirectional, we can conclude that men are polygamous by their energy-informational Nature. This Natural property of male chakra activity is a socially recognized fact in Muslim countries that legally allow a man to maintain a harem.

In women, the heart chakra (4th chakra) is polarized, that is, it has a vector of preferential orientation. In order to experience pleasure, a woman needs a material base. The same applies to questions of love: “if you love, prove it.” Therefore, at the Natural, subconscious level, a woman expects material proof of her man’s love for her: gifts, flowers, sweets, etc. In the absence of physical evidence of male feelings for a long time, a woman, as a rule, begins to doubt whether she is loved. In accordance with its polarization (direction), a woman’s anahata chakra is usually focused on her beloved man and tracks him.

If a woman does not have a beloved man, the female Anahata chakra can be polarized to the last sexual partner (to free it and reorient it, it is necessary to carry out energy-information separation techniques with former sex partners), to the woman’s father, or to some business, occupation, which gives a woman great pleasure.

Amplitude-frequency characteristic of the fourth chakra (Anahata):

This characteristic reflects the dynamic state of the levels of absorption and emission of energy by the fourth chakra (anahata) of the person being diagnosed.

You can learn more about this method of energy-information scanning of human chakras

Offset to "+" area
A shift to the right of the 4th chakra indicates that a person receives great pleasure from life, which can reach “puppy delight.”

Most often, this is associated not so much with pleasure from the present moment, but with the anticipation of pleasure in the future. We are taught to rejoice wildly by the education of decency, but, unfortunately, we are not taught to rejoice inside without “splattering” everyone around us with our emotions.

Offset to "-" area
A shift to the “minus” area in the area of ​​the fourth chakra indicates a pumping of energy to another person.

For example, this happens if you love an unlucky, unhappy person and sympathize with him all the time, feel sorry for him. This may also be a consequence of excitement and anxiety associated with some social problems - for example, taxes, wages, the activities of the company in which you work.

A strong shift in the amplitude-frequency characteristic in the area of ​​the heart (anahata) chakra can be a consequence of the collapse of life’s work, dissatisfaction with life. It causes angina pectoris, tachycardia, heart attacks, and breast cancer.