We embody a childhood dream - draw on the walls: wall art in the interior of the kitchen. Stencils for walls in the bathroom (36 photos): old new wall decoration We draw on the walls in the apartment with our own hands

Drawings on the walls and ceiling are appropriate not only in the children's room, but also in the hall, corridor, kitchen. How to create masterpieces on the wall with your own hands, and what is needed for this? Let's look at it later in the article.

Stylistic solution for decorating rooms with the help of patterns and drawings

A simple painting of the walls in a room is minimalism. When choosing a solid color in the room, it creates a feeling of incompleteness. However, even the most boring design can be decorated with stylish interior solutions. This will require a little imagination, several color options, and the desire to create a masterpiece.

Option for decorating the walls of rooms with your own hands - drawings

The idea to transform the walls in the room arises not only among families with small children. As practice shows, designing with drawings can please the eyes of both guests and the homeowners themselves. The main thing is a constructive and correct decision when choosing a specific direction when performing work independently.

Surface preparation for painting

Wall decoration with paintings or individual color elements is carried out on a flat surface. it will not work without a pre-puttyed surface, exactly like walls with remnants of old paint or partially removed wallpaper. Otherwise, the drawings will simply lag behind the walls, forming a bubble base.

The minimum work that needs to be done on the wall before painting is:

  • cleaning the surface from the remnants of paint, wallpaper, bumps;
  • leveling with drywall and putty;
  • grout;
  • primer.

After the work done, they proceed to the subsequent manipulations on the design of the walls with paintings.

Acrylic primer creates an invisible surface protection, penetrates 5-10 cm deep, provides high-quality adhesion of materials over the primer. Depending on the requirements for the final work, a strengthening or deep acrylic primer is chosen.

Acrylic paints

Wall painting works are the best option due to the resistance of the material to direct sunlight. It is worth noting the following advantages:

  • the ability to give the pattern a matte deep shade or a glossy solemn glow;
  • the composition does not emit harmful toxic compounds into the air even at a temperature of + 50-60 degrees;
  • paint is resistant to fading;
  • patterns can be washed with water;
  • acrylic protects walls from damage, forming a thin film, counteracts the absorption of moisture.

An interesting option for decorating walls is a drawing with acrylic fluorescent or luminescent paints. Such compositions glow in the dark, are used both for the children's room and for decorating the walls in the hall, hallway.

Is it possible to paint a wall painted with a water-based emulsion

Modern apartments with an old renovation in most cases are painted with water-based paint, and therefore, when it is not possible to make a major overhaul, the question arises of the advisability of using a pattern on a water-based paint.

The painting can be used on walls that were previously painted with colored or white emulsion. The only requirement is a flat surface without blisters and bumps. Also, you can not use decorative designs on the wallpaper. Over time, the paint will swell, peel off or deform the base of paper, vinyl.

What you need to paint walls with paints: a list of tools

The list depends on the method used to apply the patterns or pattern. If you plan to draw using stencils, then you will need:

  • screen blanks (single-use or reusable);
  • roller;
  • masking tape;
  • brushes are thin;
  • dye;
  • varnish or fixing base;
  • 2-3 containers of different sizes;
  • a bucket of water;
  • hard cardboard;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • clean towels or sponge.

For work without the use of stencils, the same set will be required, with the exception of the first paragraph. Additionally, you can use volumetric overlay patterns that give the picture integrity and realism.

What colors are painted in the apartment

The painting is applied inside and outside the premises. However, if a decision is made to use the technology inside the room, it is worth considering in more detail the options for the most practical paints for the job.

Without smell

Wall painting indoors is a creative solution that allows you to decorate the room with new emotions, bring in individuality, add playfulness and beauty. However, in order to please not only the result of the work, but also the operational life of the picture, it is necessary to choose odorless coloring compositions and harmful chemical compounds.

In total, several options for coloring compositions are used to apply a pattern or pattern in a room:

  1. Acrylic with a high degree of adhesion and resistance to sunlight. They are used for drawing a picture in a nursery, bathroom, hall and other premises where a creative composition is needed. Acrylic paints are divided into organic and synthetic. Such paints differ in a palette of colors. Organic - with light shades without bright tones. Synthetic - on artificial resin, used to create patterns in bright colors. Both compositions do not harm the body, odorless and with a drying time of no more than 10 minutes.
  2. Fluorescent or luminescent paints are used to decorate part of the drawing so that the desired detail glows at night. For example, the picture on the wall looks original and extraordinary in the form of an illuminated bridge over a river or the lights of a night city. In the children's room, drawings with fairies and butterflies are used, which seem to come to life after sunset.
  3. Professional in tubes are used by experts for painting on the walls. In addition to experience and aesthetic taste, to perform such work, you must have a certain level of professionalism. The drawings applied to the wall with artistic oil paints are realistic, and the pictures seem to come to life under the hands of the master.

The most popular art paints for wall painting are Maimeri, Raphael or Ladoga.

Painting elements and paintings with acrylic paints

The pattern, made with acrylic paints, forms a thin film that does not allow moisture to penetrate, and also helps to protect the treated surface. After 10 minutes drying, the acrylic base forms a glossy or matte surface (depending on the type of composition), providing resistance to water, temperatures and dampness. The stains that appear in the picture are washed off with warm water, without cleaning compounds.

If the task is to decorate the wall with natural natural shades or pastel colors (for example, for bedrooms), then it is recommended to use organic-based acrylic paints. For contrasting patterns and patterns, it is better to use synthetic compounds based on artificial pigments.

The choice of stylistic direction

The drawing applied to the wall sets the tone for the entire space, and therefore it is important to choose the right stylistic direction that will help complement and embellish the room in the desired interior solution.

For a living room or a veranda, murals in the form of an open window, natural compositions using unobtrusive pastel shades are suitable.

For the hall, separate compositions are chosen that contrast with the main color palette on the wall of the room. Flowers and geometric patterns are popular.

For bedrooms and children's rooms, drawings with calm shades and elements of luminescent paint are used, which accumulate light during the day, radiating it at night.

Painting: step-by-step instructions for creating a drawing

There are many techniques for working on walls. Among the most popular options is the decoration of the walls with acrylic paints.

Master class of painting on the walls with acrylic paints.

  1. Apply the main tone on the prepared surface, on top of which the drawing or pattern will be applied.
  2. Circle with masking tape the side parts that you do not need to step on, as well as the plinth at the top (when drawing the picture to the ceiling), and always on the bottom plinth to avoid contamination on this part of the wall.
  3. On the working surface of the wall, draw geometric shapes or another pattern with masking tape. If oil art paint is used, make a rough drawing.
  4. Outline the shapes with paint, using a roller for a stencil pattern or a brush for individual elements.
  5. After the paint has hardened (after 10 minutes), remove the masking tape at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  6. If necessary, apply a fixative or varnish.

Help for a beginner: stencils and blanks

It is easier to use prepared stencils with patterns and drawings. All it takes is paint, a template, tape, and time. Even a person without artistic talent can cope with the task.

Apply base evenly, creating a work surface. Cover the sides with masking tape. Fix the stencil in the four corners or stick it on the wall if it is self-adhesive. If the surface of the work is large - use a roller with thick but short fur, if individual elements - a brush.

After applying the pattern, wait for the paint to dry and remove the tape first, and then the stencil. It is important to wait until it is completely dry, otherwise the paint will flow or go streaked around the edges.

For beginners, it is better to use self-adhesive stencils. So the drawing is applied easily, without smudges and streaks.

The drawing on the wall is a work of art that attracts attention. To create a positive atmosphere in the room, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of shades, giving preference to stylistically correct design options. Tips from professionals to help create a masterpiece on the wall:

  • When painting over a pattern on a stencil with a roller, apply re-staining after the first layer has dried;
  • For volumetric texture drawings, use 5-6 layers of paint in the right place: in the center of the flower, on the sides of the composition to give a 3D effect;
  • When using aerosols with paint, cover a large surface with masking tape, since the sprayer will stain the walls at a distance of 20-40 cm from the drawing.

The use of drawings is not a new direction. However, since the advent of photo wallpapers and wallpapers for walls, this design option has been forgotten for some time. Today, the trend is back again, and the design of the room with exclusive drawings allows you to express your creative ambitions, show an individual look at everyday things.

Useful video

Houses of a typical layout are devoid of individuality, but everyone wants that even after a small repair in the apartment it would not be like everyone else. All finishing materials from building supermarkets give approximately the same result after the repair is completed. Designers have developed many interesting methods for making wall decor with their own hands to give uniqueness to any room. Each room suggests its own theme for painting vertical surfaces or volumetric wall decor. Secrets were shared by experts from leading design bureaus of the capital.

Creating a decorative pattern on the wall is a very exciting process.

Trees and birds on the wall will give the room a special style.

White drawings on a bright wall will perfectly complement the interior.

What is important to know about wall painting methods?

A person who does not know how to draw like a real artist is capable of much, even if he does not suspect it. Enough to hold in your hands:

  • brushes of different widths;
  • paint can;
  • roller with a nozzle;
  • marker;
  • marking pencil.

Each device leaves its own recognizable mark. From these strokes, lines and filled colored blocks, you can get any image on a vertical surface with your own hands.

The desired pattern can be transferred to the wall in any way. For example, at school, many got acquainted with the method of enlarging images by squares. In a small drawing, a grid of 2-5 cm is marked, and then each square is drawn on a large wall marking. This way the proportions of the recognizable portrait are preserved.

In this technique, even teenagers have access to do-it-yourself decorative drawings on the walls. You can transfer a brand name, a logo of a famous rock band or your idol to the wall.

The easiest way is to redraw black-and-white images of portraits of John Lennon or Viktor Tsoi, which have long been familiar to everyone, with your own hands, without involving an artist. Girls draw Marilyn Monroe and Coco Chanel in front of the Eiffel Tower. It is easier to draw a conventionally figurative drawing of a lady in a hat in your bedroom. It is a little more difficult to transfer your silhouette profile in squares from a good photo and fill in the necessary areas with paint. Having practiced with drafts on a piece of plywood, they make clean drawings on the walls in the interior, as in the photo.

Such a pattern will create the feeling of a wind walking around the room.

Japanese style drawing will be of interest

There are different ideas and ways to make decorative patterns, but not all are available to beginners. You can gain practice on the wall before repair. If it works out - leave it as a decorative panel, it won't look like a masterpiece - you can always paint it over or cover it with wallpaper. Suitable for any interior paints, for example, acrylic-based.

The exception is the volumetric decor, it will have to be completely removed from the wall for repair. Therefore, it is performed on a prepared surface, for example, after the next update of the wallpaper for painting. In this way, seasonal decoration of the walls in the nursery is performed. A summer collection of fluttering butterflies made of paper folded in half will replace a blooming spring twig, and then autumn leaves or flying birds will appear, then snowflakes.

A stencil for drawing on the wall can be made from a cardboard box

A tree with birds will look harmonious in the corridor

Such a landscape will refresh the bedroom even in extreme heat.

But the easiest way is to make abstract drawings or intersecting geometric shapes with your own hands, which make up an integral composition. Wall paintings in the interior are best done in a single color palette, but if after repair it “does not look”, then a color block on an empty wall can fix everything or divert attention from some defects.

To decorate the walls with your own hands using a new technique for yourself, you should watch a master class on wall painting.

Branches of grapes on the wall will look harmoniously in the interior

A large decorative pattern in the bedroom will help you fall asleep quickly

What theme to choose for wall decor?

Looking at the site interiors in different styles, many pay attention to the decorative drawings on the walls, made by real artists. Indeed, many masterpieces in the form of frescoes, panoramic images in the long aisles of private houses or wall panels in the bathroom are made by professionals.

Invite a specialist - this option is also not excluded. But one of the friends and acquaintances can make markings on the prepared wall in order to transfer the contours of a famous painting or a sketch they like. Then your task will be minimal - to work out the colored blocks, just as a child masters "coloring".

You should not take on complex frescoes, where the technique of shadow transitions or drawing draperies is expected. Use a simple wall picture. There are well-known optical illusions or 3D drawings that, if exactly repeated on the walls of an apartment, will look just as impressive. For example, a staircase, as if leading to a snow-covered street with lanterns along the alley, or a painted descent to the quarters of the metropolis. But you never know interesting and accessible ideas for implementation ?!

Black wood on a white kitchen wall background looks modern

Straight lines with bright colors will inspire

Painting on the wall is a very exciting process.

For urban residents who lack living greenery, floral and plant motifs are popular:

  • a schematic representation of one large flower on the wall;
  • a small flower arrangement on the wall or in one corner;
  • blooming garland;
  • bouquet or still life with flowers;
  • a schematic representation of a fading flower losing petals;
  • a whole picture with a flowering garden or porch with landscaping.

Wood is the second most popular motif for do-it-yourself interior drawings. It is performed schematically or quite realistically. In this way, they decorate the hallway with portraits of ancestors - the “family tree”.

In the children's room, such decor creates an atmosphere of a fairy tale and children's dreams.

The Japanese-style bedroom is traditionally decorated with a sprig of cherry blossoms. Do-it-yourself voluminous wall decor in the form of pink paper flowers using the origami technique is often added to it. Something similar can decorate a room in any modern style, if such a pattern is in harmony with the interior.

Portrait images are the 3rd most popular. In the boy's bedroom, they draw Spider-Man, Batman or another superhero.

The girl's room is decorated with princesses in long dresses, Rapunzel with a scythe hanging from the tower, Fiona and Shrek, and other popular characters.

This pattern will complement the kitchen

Textured pattern with lighting will make the room more sophisticated

Teenage fans and rockers draw portraits of their idols on the walls of their personal space.

Portrait abstraction, collages of your own photos, complemented by a large picture on the wall in the center of the installation are also very popular.

Images that emphasize the style of the interior keep the bottom step of the rating of the popular subjects of do-it-yourself drawings in the interior.

In a spacious glazed loggia given to a teenager for personal space, an image of a bike, the concept of a sports car or a Formula 1 car is appropriate. Even if the drawing on the whole wall is rather schematic, it impresses with its dynamics and scope.

For a teenage girl involved in music, you can draw wires with birds in the bedroom, more like a musical string. For an athlete, an Olympic pedestal or something else is suitable to motivate hard work. A flying dandelion will be appreciated by a young naturalist. A portrait of a beloved dog can bring a nostalgic touch to the decor of the hallway, if everyone's favorite has "gone to the rainbow."

Each style has its own recognizable handwriting, which is often complemented by wall paintings, paintings on the ceiling, stained glass windows or vaulted arches to zone the space. Characteristic stylistic images:

Moon drawing is perfect for the bedroom

The look of torn fabric will give the wall elegance.

Drawing decorative plaster will go well with the design of the living room

Hi-tech style

Technical means and mechanical toys

Classic and neoclassic

Still lifes, portraits

Historical style

Wall panels, frescoes and paintings with pastoral scenes, picturesque fragments, landscapes

Gothic or Neo-Gothic

Image of peaked temples and castles, long dungeon passages with torches, stained glass windows with a rose

Modern and postmodernism

"Whiplash", graceful curves of the female body, ornate floral ornament, lizards

Provence, chalet and country

Lavender fields, landscapes characteristic of the European landscape, images of cats and roosters

Japanese minimalism

Oriental hieroglyphs, bamboo stalks, branches of cherry blossoms, geisha in national dress

Modern styles, loft

Quarters of megacities, optical illusions, silhouette portraits, musical instruments, technique

Before starting repairs, it is worth considering all the details, including the style of the interior, so that the hand-made drawing complements the design concept.

Drawing in the arch will perfectly decorate the decor of the room

Seashells in the interior are sure to catch the eye of guests

Ways to perform the simplest images

Wall art is used for different purposes:

  • visually expand the room;
  • hide wall defects or children's "art" on the wall;
  • emphasize the choice of style;
  • give personal space more individuality;
  • correct the shortcomings of an inexpressive repair;
  • realize creative inclinations and find an application for your talent;
  • decorate each room in a special way;
  • zone the space, emphasizing its functionality with the theme of the picture.

To begin with, they choose a sketch that is suitable in style, which will organically reflect the functionality of the room. For example, for a bathroom decor without a stylistic reference, fish and shells, a sailboat on the waves, dolphins, a coral garden are suitable.

A decorative plaster pattern will look voluminous if the light is directed correctly at it.

Another kind of decorative drawings on the wall

Japanese style in the corridor will bring variety

Next, prepare the surface - the base should not get wet or crumble under the layers of paint. Remove old wallpaper, peeling paint and crumbling putty. The surface is plastered to plumb and level so that the wall is perfectly flat. It must be painted in the color that will be the main background.

The easiest way to make an independent decor is stencils. This is a plate made of cardboard, plywood or plastic with a cut out image. It is easy to do it yourself - transfer the contour drawing and cut it along the lines. They use the outer and inner contour, so it is better to cut the figured hole very carefully.

The same template or stencil (maple leaf, for example) can be used in wall painting in different ways:

  • attach to the wall and spray a little paint around the edges, getting an unpainted middle and “foggy” outlines;
  • circle the contours with a contrasting color or, applying in different places, outline with different colors characteristic of autumn;
  • make a completely realistic image of a sheet with spray paint of similar shades, and then draw streaks;
  • apply 2-3 stencils with an offset from a common point, using different techniques - spraying, contouring and coloring.

Screen painting is not the only way of painting for those who do not consider themselves an artist. Drawings with wide and narrow strokes are also quite simple. For example, in the bedroom, you can schematically depict the outline of a swan flapping its wings, and make flying feathers using the swirl technique.

Such a pattern will go well with the interior.

Flowers will give a smile at any time

To do this, you need flat brushes of different widths. The method of applying the image is very simple - the brush is drawn along the wall, slightly pressing, make a small turn, breaking away from the surface. The edge will be narrow or diffuse, depending on the width of the brush and the direction of the strokes.

Decor, where wall painting and volumetric elements are combined. You can cut out a whole collection of butterflies from thick colored cardboard with your child, which are folded in half and glued to the wall in the middle so that they flutter over the flowers painted on the wall or a flowering twig.

Another way is to draw a tree in the hallway, it can be quite conditional. From a solution of gypsum or thick plaster, fashion voluminous branches, trunk, leaves, fruits, or even biblical characters - the Serpent-tempter, the silhouettes of Adam and Eve in the distance. When the volumetric decor dries, the entire wall is painted in the same color with a soft roller.

Even more interesting ideas for decorating walls with drawings are in our photo gallery.

Video: Artistic wall painting - decorative pattern on the wall

50 photo examples of decorative patterns on the wall:

Many at least once came up with the idea to radically change their home. Make an unusual interior, add notes of exclusivity. Transform housing in such a way as to be completely sure that none of your friends and acquaintances has such a design. What can be presented as an individual style? Wallpaper, panels, any paint compositions - all this has long been familiar to everyone and, in fact, has already become boring. Refresh the atmosphere will help ...... a picture on the wall!

Who didn't draw on the walls as a child? All without exception. So maybe it's worth remembering this golden time? Just do everything correctly and most importantly - beautifully.

What will be the main tool?

Ordinary brushes can be used as a tool. Attention should be paid to the fact that they should be different. It is necessary to stock up on at least three types of brushes with different pile thicknesses. If there are concerns that, instead of transforming the walls, they will be spoiled due to a lack of talent in the field of drawing, you can use a stencil. In this case, a foam roller or sponge is required to apply the paint. For some craftsmen, cans of paint will suffice. Graffiti art continues to be an original, fashionable way of painting and why not take it from the street to the apartment. This will undoubtedly give brightness and personality.

Choosing colors

When choosing paints, there are certain rules that can rather be attributed to recommendations:

  1. Any colors are chosen. Ordinary gouache or acrylic will do. You can use tempera paints.
  2. It is best that the paint composition has moisture resistance. Then the drawings will acquire the quality of durability.
  3. The density of colors should be of medium quality. If they are made too liquid, they will run off the wall. Too much density will make it difficult to move the brush.
  4. Beginners are not recommended to start “creating” by choosing a large number of shades for drawings. In particular, the initial number of colors should not exceed three shades. This will greatly facilitate the task of decorating the background of the picture. Proper use of selected colors will add elegance to the pattern.
  5. Often the "artist" is enough one color. And black. Despite its gloom, this paint is very popular because it creates beautiful abstract paintings.

How to make drawings on the wall in the apartment

Drawing always draws on a clean and smooth. Therefore, when deciding how to make drawings on the wall in an apartment, they first of all think about the state of the foundation itself.

The preparatory period is divided into several stages:

  • all irregularities must be removed. In some areas, plaster the depressions, somewhere knock down the influxes with a hammer;
  • prime and putty the surface;
  • make sanding;
  • apply a top coat of paint. The composition must be durable and waterproof.

Preparation will take time and effort, but in the end a flat surface will be created that will be pleasant to work with.

If the walls are too uneven, it is recommended to sheathe them with plasterboard sheets. Sheathing is made on a metal frame. The main vertical profile guides and racks are fixed with self-tapping screws on the floor and ceiling. The step of the racks is 0.6 m. To strengthen the rigidity of the frame, use the transverse profile of the plank installed inside the racks at a distance of 1 meter from each other in height. GKL sheets can be fixed both in one layer and in two. depending on the quality of the material. Joints are leveled with putty on sickle. A primer and a full surface putty are carried out. The layer should not be thick. It is enough that the subsequent painting of the wall surface simply does not create gaps.

Finding a place to work

As for the choice of a place for the manifestation of one's talent, this choice can fall on any room. This can be done in the kitchen or decorate the wall in the hallway. And of course, in the first place, such work is carried out in the living room. At the same time, young parents often use this type. Less common, but still quite common, this type of interior design in the bedroom. If we recall such a type of layout as, then the drawing will undoubtedly show off in the hall.

Techniques for drawing a picture on the walls

In addition to the ability to use the wall as an art canvas, there is a large selection of options for marking the picture on the wall. Each of them is interesting in its own way. In general, they represent a variety of techniques for creating drawings on the walls with their own hands. The following methods are known:

1. Pencil drawing. Reception is considered difficult and lends itself only to people with the appropriate skills. The sketch must be perfect, without distortion. It is necessary to observe the proportions of the elements present in the picture and correctly reflect the direction of the lines. In addition to the main tool - a pencil, you need to use an eraser and a soft cloth to remove the remnants of the stylus.

2. Drawing with paints. There should be no amateurs here. Especially if the plans are to create something beautiful and amazing. More often, experienced artists take on such work. To begin with, they determine the base tone. It can consist of several colors, which will be applied to the contours of the central and most large-scale details of the picture. Then choose the central element of the composition. All other elements in the picture will be somehow interconnected with it. Any three-dimensional image is chosen as the basis. It can be a tree with a spreading crown or a ship sailing on the waves.

3. Use of stencils. This method can be called the simplest. It is mainly chosen by those who like the symmetry and clarity of the image. Here the pattern is formed as an ornament. The main thing is to place it on the wall in such a way that an overall beautiful composition is created. To do this, you need to accurately select the points for applying paint, apply, if necessary, the lines along which the ornament will pass.

A ready-made stencil can be bought at the market or store. Sometimes they take several types at once. This creates the versatility of the image. To form an individual look, stencils are prepared independently. Manufacturing technology is simple. A picture or patterns is selected and output to the printer. Then glued onto cardboard. With a sharp paint knife, excess elements are cut out. Everything is quite easy and accessible to everyone. The stencil is certainly one of the most successful inventions. It will not only help those who do not have drawing skills, but mainly create a clear composition. The paint is applied with a roller with a foam coat or sponge. Make sure it doesn't drip. To do this, first, roll out the roller on the grid.

4. Transferring the pattern by squares. Somewhat more difficult than using a stencil, although in a sense the fact of working with a pre-prepared sample is also traced here. A drawing is created on a sheet of paper or, using a ready-made picture, it is divided into squares. This is the source material. Next, the image is transferred to the wall. It, like a sheet, is drawn into squares, but already on an enlarged, individually accepted scale. Carefully, calmly, following the source code, lines are drawn in large wall cells, which, connecting with each other, as a result form the very picture depicted on the sheet. To some extent, this method can be called a kind of pencil drawing due to the similarity of some technological details.

5. Drawing a picture using a shadow. This technique has little practice. Not many are in a hurry to use it in such creativity as do-it-yourself wall painting. Despite the fact that this method is quite easy. The main thing is to set the right lighting. Then the shadow from the object is projected onto the wall on an enlarged scale. It remains only to mark the shadow contours with a pencil. As a blank for a wall picture, you can use a pattern cut out of cardboard or some beautiful detail (branch, silhouette, human profile, and so on). The scale is selected by approaching or moving away from the wall.

Creating a shadow will work with a projector or a powerful lamp. Next, they act with the usual pencil and eraser.

6. Volumetric drawing on the wall. This technique of decorating wall surfaces and reproducing relief drawings is original and very interesting. There is also work with a stencil, but in this case it must be very dense, have a certain thickness. Suitable plywood or a piece of rolled insulation. The stages of work are as follows:

  • a drawing is cut out;
  • the stencil is applied to the wall and fixed with masking tape;
  • prepare a special gypsum-based plaster mixture with good adhesion;
  • the cutouts in the stencil are filled with the finished mixture. The remains of the mixture are carefully cleaned with a spatula;
  • after 10-15 minutes, after the gypsum has hardened, the form is removed and a wet relief blank of a three-dimensional pattern remains;
  • stack and a small amount of solution induced, the element is brought to the required state. Small influxes are removed, recesses are leveled;
  • with a brush dipped in water, sharp edges are smoothed;
  • then carry out the primer of the entire wall and wait until it dries;
  • the resulting surface is covered with paint. This process is usually carried out up to three times;
  • after the paint has dried, the induced, darker color is covered with relief elements. To make everything look beautiful, you need to decide in advance on the color contrast. Colors can differ dramatically from each other, but at the same time look very harmonious.

To all of the above, we can add that this technique is best used in rooms with low traffic and not heavily crammed with furniture. It is completely unsuitable in the corridor, where the increased traffic flow and the pattern can be deformed.

DIY wall painting

Only a few master the technique of real artistic painting. Based on this, when a similar issue is resolved within a private house or apartment, a professional is invited. He will do everything masterfully, like an expert in his field. True, the price of such an order is always high. On the other hand, everyone is interested in participating in such creativity. To do this, you can learn some techniques that allow artists to reproduce objects so that they seem "alive". You need to know that an ordinary brush in the hands of a professional can work wonders. For example, to reproduce a real dandelion, and not turn it into an ordinary yellow ball.

If you have an obsession with making art painting on the wall, it is best to study this type of drawing. Get acquainted with the combination of paints, drawing lines of different visibility, learn how to select brushes.

Drawing on the wall with your own hands will decorate your home and give it personality. In order not to lose yourself in a world populated by 7.5 billion people, this is simply necessary. In this context, it would be possible not to mention the financial side, but it is necessary: ​​100,000 rubles. for a more or less decent custom-made wall painting - it's still cheap.

Quite expressive drawings on the wall in the apartment can be made in a different manner and technique of varying complexity, see fig. This article ultimately comes from the old anecdote: “Can you play the violin? “I don’t know, I’ve never tried…” Well, let's try to paint a wall with no experience in painting.

Retreat 1

In Renaissance Italy, a wealthy philanthropist (usually Lorenzo Medici is included in this story) heard about a talented young artist named Domenico Ghirlandaio and sent one of his entourage to invite him to court. The hanger-on, wanting to fill his own worth, demanded a trial work from Ghirlandaio. He shrugged his shoulders, put a canvas on the easel and drew a circle on it by hand more precisely and more evenly than was possible with the then compass. In response to a surprised look, he said: “Your master understands painting, he will understand.”

The envoy returned to the overlord, showed the "test". Lorenzo laughed: “Send him 100 florins and my request to come to court at a convenient time for him! And you, fool, did not understand how they mocked you! Get out of my eyes, I don’t need stupid and ignorant people!”

The meaning of this story is this: in order to put a hand and an eye for professional painting with a brush, natural abilities are not enough, you need a long study and practical experience. Ghirlandaio is one of the titans of the Renaissance, Michelangelo Buonarroti studied with him (there is another great Michelangelo - Caravaggio). And we will first try to decorate the wall without stuffed hands and trained eyes. Perhaps, in the process of work, this will come, then it will be possible to take up high technology. In any case, what and how the drawing will express depends on the mind, not the body.

Available Techniques

How you need to paint a wall without experience and professional training, how you can try, and how you better not do it with kondachka, is shown in the photo. However, the final decision is certainly yours: Ghirlandaio was noticed by one of the painters who entered his father's jewelry shop - little Domenico was passionately fond of drawing from early childhood.

Note: Ghirlandaio is a nickname passed down from his father, who invented the head garlands that have become very popular. The full name of his artist son is Domenico di Tommaso Bigordi. He founded an artistic dynasty, so there are several Ghirlandaio in encyclopedias.

So it is necessary

At pos. 1 fig. from the photo - the simplest type of wall painting, stenciled. At pos. 2, the same stencil is used twice: first for stuffing a faded background, and then for a rich semantic image. The contours of trunks and branches in pos. 3 are marked either with a pencil or masking tape and filled with paint with a brush, i.e. just smeared. For thin branches and leaves, in this case, at least 9 types of stencils are needed; this is close to the limit of their number for one drawing. Setting the hand is enough for a small congenital, put strokes on the trunks. Minor flaws (for example, a branch extending from a bough is thicker than it, marked in yellow) in this technique are hardly noticeable and forgivable.

You can also try

For fig. on pos. You can't get by with 4 stencils, there are about 2 dozen only large contours. They are transferred to the wall (see below) and painted over by hand with a brush. It is impossible to try to delimit the contours with masking tape: without narrow color transitions at the borders of the contours, the drawing will come out inanimate. To create a drawing like the one in pos. 5, in addition to transferring and painting over the contours, you also need to master the shading technique (also see below). For the drawing in pos. 6 you also need a hand set at least in the volume of an art school or acc. innate abilities and previously acquired practical skills.

Contour - later

A person with artistic abilities, but so far without experience, is able to create an impressive picture on the wall in a room in the so-called. contouring technique, when clear contours are applied to color spots, see fig. on right. The wall is first “painted” like a creative devil puts it under the knee of his left leg, and when the paint dries, they take a closer look - what is drawn there - and circle it. But this technique is quite risky for beginners: creative failure means expensive repairs.

So at first it's better not to

Figure on pos. 7 - airbrushing. This technique is quite accessible to amateurs, but here we will have to limit ourselves to mentioning it: airbrush painting is technically completely different from others, and it requires rather expensive special equipment: a compressor, hoses, and a spray gun with interchangeable nozzles. Trying to use spray cans for graffiti instead of an airbrush is not worth it: they have too little pressure to be able to display subtle smooth color transitions over large areas.

At pos. 8 - fresco, the matter is very complicated. Not all professional artists own the technique of fresco painting. Stencils for panels on pos. 9 we need expensive branded ones, cut by a laser in a production environment. And that's not all: the wall must be carefully prepared by a highly qualified master. Firstly, there is actually not a single-color fill, but the thinnest color gradient. Secondly, it needs to be brought out with fine-textured paint so that the background does not glare in any light.

What else is not needed

The children's room is the place for the realization of fantasies, but the psychophysiology of children's vision imposes additional restrictions on the nature of the wall painting in the children's room. First, clear bright spots of saturated colors are unacceptable here. The psyche of a child living in a room like the one on the left in the figure, if not already distorted, then it will come to that, unless the parents guess to replace the picture.

However, soft warm pastel colors in the nursery should also be used wisely. It is also impossible to grind and draw geometrically correct contours, as in the center in the figure - the child’s analytical thinking has not yet developed, such a painting will tire his eyesight and mind.

And absolutely unacceptable in a nursery is a wall painting of a psychedelic nature, even if a portrait of a beloved puppy is hidden in it, on the right in fig. Child psychiatrists and psychologists avoid using Rorschach and Luscher tests, their effect on a fragile psyche can be destructive, and here parents always keep something similar in front of their unfortunate child.

What to draw?

Usually paints are selected according to the plot and style of drawing, but it is better for a beginner to do the opposite. Amateurs paint the walls most of all with acrylic water-dispersion paints: they are easy to dilute, they mix without restrictions, they can display fairly smooth halftones, and if necessary, acrylic paints are washed off the wall without leaving marks on it; they also need an acrylic primer. But other options are possible; e.g. in oil, you can write a relief drawing, in gouache and tempera you can get a particularly fine shading. About paints for painting walls, see the video review below:

Video: about paints for painting walls

What to draw?

It is by no means and by no means forbidden to choose the original picture on the wall according to the principle "like - dislike". In the end, this is what professional art is all about. In this case, you need to photograph the wall to be painted and, in any computer graphics program, try to attach selected originals or your own creation to it. Usually they use Photoshop for this - in it you can immediately edit the original.

If you created the source in vector software CorelDraw, then it will be more convenient to use the bundled Corel PhotoPaint, it is not inferior to Photoshop in terms of image processing capabilities, and surpasses it in the basic set of effective filters. To finalize a vector image, its elements are grouped in CorelDraw and converted to a raster (option convert to bitmap). Then the bitmap is selected and the option of editing the bitmap (edit bitmap) is selected. PhotoPaint will start automatically, and after processing the raster image will remain in its place in the vector composition.

How to compose and correct a drawing

For beginners, the following situation is more likely than likely: the picture still does not add up. Or the selected one seems to be asking for a wall, but something is not right in it. In order to understand what is wrong here, where and how to correct it in order to make it so, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the beginnings of the poetics of painting and the basic rules of image composition that follow from them.

Retreat 2

Poetics is the science of expressive means of various types of art. Aristotle laid the foundation for poetics and gave it its very name. There is the poetics of poetry, the poetics of ballet, the poetics of sculpture, the poetics of photography, and so on. Poetics is something like grammar for a language, but the languages ​​of art are more similar to English than to Russian: without grammar, any language is inexpressive, but there are no more rigid canons in art than in English - rules without exceptions.

golden ratio

The basis of the correct composition of the picture is the golden ratio. It was discovered by the ancient Greeks. They didn’t come up with it, in nature the golden ratio is found all the time. The proportions of our body, down to its smallest and smallest details, are an extensive set of golden sections; many plants grow according to the golden ratio, see fig. Images created using the golden ratio are the most expressive and easy to perceive.


There are many ways to use the golden ratio in the visual arts. To create a beautiful semantic image in the interior, it is better for beginners to use the classic scheme of its layout: a wall section with proportions of approx. 3:4 is conditionally divided by 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines so that 9 rectangles of approximately the golden ratio are obtained. It definitely won't work, because the proportion of the golden section Φ is an irrational number, but this is not scary, the eyes and imagination of the audience will correct themselves.

Any spectator automatically, as he moves his legs while walking, “lays his eye” first on the area of ​​perception of the 1st degree, then looks at the rest of the intersections of the invisible grid, following it counterclockwise, and, finally, looks at the diagonals. In this case, the central spot will be in his field of vision almost all the time, but it is undesirable to flicker in it: here, for completeness of perception, large or background (soft, blurry) or bright, attention-grabbing details are needed, for example. the clothes of Christ in Goya's Crucifixion, or the watermill in the mesh example below. You yourself probably see - in this picture the crocodile is neither to the village nor to the city.

Dynamic elements are placed diagonally; depending on the direction of their visible movement, its meaning is different (indicated in the figure). Regardless of the location in the composition, the dominant of the dark acts: at the top, the dark suppresses, on the sides and below it attracts the eye. This is the legacy of our forefathers: there can be danger in the dark. The dark, located on the diagonal, acts as a moving one, but it is impossible to put darkness on the upper left on the diagonal of the entrance: entry will be undesirable, and the surprise will be unpleasant, even threatening. As you can see, even such a deliberately ugly composition, using the golden section, can express something.

Retreat 3

Pay attention to the curve of the figure of Venus de Milo. The ancient masters knew their business, and understood that it was impossible to do without a call to the basic instincts of patrons and customers. But, no matter how you put this statue in any setting to make it look, the “most interesting place” of Venus slightly leaves the zone of primary perception up and to the right, i.e. on the diagonal of the fight. Say, don’t roll your lip too much, Aphrodite is still not some kind of whore. Although the sculptor was probably a prostitute in kind. Until the end of the 17th century. there were no professional models, and representatives of the most ancient profession posed for the artists. Read at least "Ascanio" by Dumas father, how Benvenuto Cellini had to go through almost all the brothels of Paris to find a model for his Venus. Which is famous, perhaps, no less than Milo.


Of course, it is not always necessary to create a complex composition at once according to all the rules. For example, you can do without diagonals. If the eyes are placed in the 2nd and 3rd zones (they are almost equivalent in depth of perception), then a completely lively picture will be obtained, see fig. On right. The eyes themselves may be slightly different, so it will only look better.

weather rule

The golden ratio does not always work. For example, a very common case: we stand facing the north, as the personification of winter and cold. On the left we will then have the west, on the right the east. The west wind in the cold season brings bad weather, and the east wind brings thaw or invigorating frost. In spring, the first real warmth comes, as a rule, also from the east or southeast. Accordingly, a picture on the wall “under the wind” will create an autumn or spring mood, see fig.

Getting ready to draw

Nobody wants to ruin a wall with a bad experience, so it’s better for beginners to first practice on something like a wall painting sketchbook. Exactly - on a piece of plywood. It is covered with starting plaster (it is not necessary to build up the layer to the building thickness), and then finishing. Next - we try to draw, hone the technique. It didn’t work out - we peel off the coating with a spatula, and - all over again, until there is confidence that it will be no worse on the wall.

Preparing the wall

In many sources, the wall for painting is recommended to be leveled with dry plaster (gypsum board sheets) on gypsum glue. It's a good thing, but expensive and complicated. Aligning the wall for painting according to building codes is not required: if the wall is really bad, then it is sanded, potholes are puttied and covered with finishing plaster, white or colored. Suddenly the wall is damp, with mold, streaks - you can’t paint it, you first need to repair it.

Note: if you still intend to level the wall with drywall (for example, under a panel with dandelions, as in the figure at the beginning), then be sure to take branded material and complete grout for it, otherwise the seams between the plates will be visible.

We draw


There are 2 essential tricks in stenciled wall painting. The first is that the downloaded templates will probably have to be scaled. If you do this in the original compressed formats .jpg, .png, then compression artifacts can greatly blur or divert the contours, and the stencil contour is everything for it. A slight deviation from the contour can literally kill the drawing. Therefore, the downloaded stencils need to be scaled like this:

  • We pass the original image in Photoshop through the AutoLevels option; if you know what this means, it is advisable to manually remove the upper peak by Levels.
  • Next, we convert to gray, and then to black and white with a 50% threshold.
  • We clean up the remaining dirt, transfer it back to gray.
  • Increase to the desired size, you can add sharpness to the mask (unsharp mask).
  • We save for printing in uncompressed .bmp or .tif formats; last resort - .gif.

The second is that it is not necessary to fill the stencil with one color. On the contrary, moving along the stencil, it is desirable to change the paint. In this way, a rather monotonous stencil can also be revived, see fig.

For example, below we give fairly simple drawings for a stencil, which can be scaled quite strongly in a raster format. Feather and goldfish will have to be filled with shading; it is time for us to move on to techniques that require it.

We smear-three

Shading of areas filled with paint is possible in 3 ways: washing, erasing and rubbing. All of them are carried out from the center to the edges, and always in several steps: in no case should you rub everything at once. He rubbed, walked away, looked, rubbed again, again from the center to the edges, etc. Shade the paint with a brush, swab or finger. General rules for coloring under shading - the warmer the tone, the deeper it should lie. If the color scheme is monophonic, light and faded tones go under the bottom. However, these rules are very relative.

Washing is done only with a swab. The bottom layer of paint should be completely dry, and the top one should be just set. It is partially removed with the lightest, without pressure, tangential movements. The color of the feathered area will be the color sum of the colors of the layers.

For shading by erasing, the top layer of paint is applied to the still slightly damp bottom layer and the tinder is already pressed down. Now the color of the feathered area will be the color product of the colors of the layers, because. the top paint is rubbed into the bottom. Rubbing creates small shaded fragments over large areas, over dry or not completely dried underlying paint.

Note: airbrushing allows you to get only the color sum of paints.

How a leaf that has begun to turn yellow appears with shading is shown in fig. below:

  1. Fill the outline with the background color;
  2. After it dries, we apply a dirty greenish;
  3. The 2nd layer has dried up, wash off the excess;
  4. Fill with greener color;
  5. Dried up - we erase the unnecessary and immediately apply strokes of even more saturated green;
  6. The 3rd layer is dry, rub the greens over it.

On the trail. rice. flowers are given that can be made on the wall by a combination of filling the contours on a stencil with shading. To scale them, you need to save them immediately in the .gif format (the necessary preparation has already been done), but it is better to transfer their contours to the wall along the grid, see below.

Outline on the wall

Transferring the picture to the wall along the grid and coloring the contours is already quite a professional type of wall painting. At present, this very painstaking and responsible business can be significantly simplified with the help of modern technology.

Without grid

Photoshop has a special tool for selecting contours. The resulting contour drawing is enlarged to the desired size: Photoshop allows you to work with pictures up to 10,000x10,000 px, which, with a resolution of 72 dpi more than sufficient for a wall, gives an image of 3.5x3.5 m, and with quite sufficient 24 dpi - 10.5x10.5 m. Next, the contour picture is printed in pieces on an A4 sheet (almost every printer has this option), or in the same Photoshop they divide a large picture into pieces and print them separately. Then the sheets of paper are glued into one canvas, put on the wall and the contours are drawn with a hard pencil; the last, but not amenable to automation, stage is coloring.


Unfortunately, pictures with fine detailing and soft color transitions are not clearly outlined by Photoshop. In this case, you will have to use a slide projector: highlight the slide with the selected pattern on the wall and trace the contours with your hands. The standard slide sizes are 18x24 or 24x36 mm, but it is unlikely that a picture will be photographed: film cameras and slide film are becoming rarities before our eyes, and not every big city can find a laboratory that prints slides from files.

In this case, an ordinary household printer will help out, but you need to print on a transparent film; Film for printers is sold in computer stores. In order to transfer an image from such a slide to the wall, the printer's hardware resolution must be at least 1200 dpi, but now almost all household printers have more. There is only one caveat: you need to reduce the image in Photoshop not geometrically (in size), but by increasing its resolution.

On the grid As on the grid

Finally, you can apply a long-standing method of marking walls for painting - the classic grid transfer. A section of the wall is divided into approximately 100 equal squares (for a 3:4 format by 96, 8x12) and the original image is printed to scale. When preparing it on a computer, you can immediately impose the same grid. Next, the contours of the drawing are transferred to the wall point by point (see Fig.), This is the most time-consuming stage.

The intersections of the contour lines with the grid lines are marked with dots using a compass: on the original, they take the desired size and transfer it to the wall, “stepping back” with the compass solution as many times as the scale divider is taken, and then the contour is drawn over the points, all the while holding the original in front of your eyes. First outline large contours; each induced contour is marked with a number indicating the color of the fill. In this way, even an amateur can create a highly detailed picture, see fig.

Note: contours for a single-color fill can be applied to the wall quite simply - the lamp is wrapped with a stencil and the shadows are circled, see fig. on right.

How to remove a pencil

In all the cases described above, pencil lines can be a problem: graphite shows through almost every paint except oil. Artists and draftsmen know the old way to remove pencil lines without spoiling the basics at all - pellets from the crumb of stale black bread, only real rye bread is needed, for example. Borodinsky. “Bread eraser” is not rubbed, but rolled or spanked like a tampon.


In addition to those described, there are many non-traditional ways to create paintings on the walls, and new ones appear all the time. Here, for example, we give some, the technique of which is quite simple and more or less well-established. The simplest is finger painting. He needs a foam cushion soaked in paint. They paw it with their fingers and smear it with their fingers on the wall, see fig. Feathers, scales, rough tree trunks, flames, corollas of flowers with many petals, etc. are good in this way.

According to the second method, they draw with the stamp itself. It should be made of felt or felt - foam quickly sags from paint. The stamp is glued onto a rigid base and a wall is stamped with it; Each color requires a separate stamp. If the stamp is very small, approx. 1 cm, wall pointillism will come out. If the stamps are larger, they can simply spank the wall, draw petioles with leaves with a marker, you get a fruit panel, see fig.

Separately in this series is the technique of the so-called. high stencil. In fact, this is one of the ways to decorate walls, but it is also possible for them to create semantic images, see fig. on right.

They work on a high stencil as follows, see fig. below:

  • A stencil made of hard material 2-6 mm thick is attached to the wall. The more experience the master has, the thicker the stencil can be. For beginners, it is better to try yourself with a 2-4 mm stencil.
  • The stencil is rubbed with a plaster solution of the consistency of thick sour cream or well-mashed plasticine, pos. 1 in fig.
  • When the gypsum sets, but is still wet, the stencil is carefully removed, pos. 2.
  • Stack (petal palette knife) grease the gaps (pos. 3); they also remove the excess around the edges and from the wall. Brush, swab and fingers level and smooth the edges of the pattern; if necessary, they induce relief and texture.
  • Completely dried gypsum is primed with a brush for painting, pos. 4.
  • Paint the wall with a background color with a flat brush or a shaggy roller, pos. 5.
  • After the paint dries, paint over the tops of the relief with a brush or, as in pos. 6, painting marker, oil or acrylic. Just remember that art markers that have not been used to the end dry out after a while and lose their suitability.

Making your own home original is a natural desire of every person. Drawings on the walls are one of the most popular solutions in decorating the interior of a house or apartment. Such a painting will look much more original than boring and monotonous wallpapers. But the services of a professional artist are very expensive, but everyone can make drawings on the walls in an apartment.

Wall and material preparation

Before you start painting the wall, the surface must be leveled. This is done with dry plaster. To do this, drywall is laid on the surface. Then the sheet is treated with a special acrylic paint primer. This material will increase the strength of the surface and make drawing easier.

You can also stick non-woven wallpaper on the wall, designed for applying paint. The main thing is that the surface of the wall is dry and fat-free.

For wall paintings, moisture-resistant paints of medium consistency are needed. Beginning artists are best to use gouache, acrylic, tempera or water paints. It is allowed to paint with spray paint, which is traditionally used for graffiti. Only people without experience should not use it.

Brushes need to be selected according to the type of paint. For watercolor, it is recommended to take a soft wide brush. For gouache and acrylic, you should choose a more rigid and medium width. Three brushes are enough for the time of painting work.

If desired, old wallpaper can be painted with permanent markers. The quality of such material is not worse than conventional colorful materials.

Application technique

Drawing on the wall is convenient to apply with a spray, especially if the image is large. The advantage of this tool lies in the smooth transition of colors to one or another shade. The only serious drawback of the atomizer is the vulnerability of things in the room. Before starting work, cover furniture and walls. A respiratory mask and goggles should be used when working.

The stencil method of painting on the walls is the simplest possible. You can make a stencil yourself using a plotter. First you need to find and print a suitable picture or pattern on a thin plastic film. Then just cut out those elements that will be included in the composition of the picture.

In extreme cases, a ready-made stencil can be purchased at a hardware store. If a suitable stencil is not found, you should contact the printing studio and order it according to the selected sketch. After applying the paint, the stencil must be carefully rinsed with water to avoid unwanted color mixing. It is best to stick the stencil to the wall with adhesive tape or glue.

You can create drawings on the wall using a projector. This no less original method will allow even the most complex picture to be depicted on plaster by a completely inexperienced person, whether it be a landscape or a portrait. First you need to load the photo into the projector, point it at the wall to the desired size, outline the contours of the elements present and simply decorate them.

Before making drawings on the walls, you need to draw sketches on a slightly dampened surface. Do this with a pencil, but it is better to use carbon paper or tracing paper.

Professional artists divide the drawing space into equal cells to make it easier to transfer the image from the paper drawing to the wall.

There is a powder method for more convenient orientation. The finish must be pierced with a needle in those places that will make up the boundaries of the transitions in the image. The holes are filled with colored powder or charcoal.

At the end of the work, the finished image must be fixed with varnish. It is applied very carefully, in small quantities and in short strokes, so that the paint does not flow or smear. After this procedure, the varnish must be quickly dried with a hairdryer or fan, otherwise it may leak.

Drawing Ideas

Do-it-yourself drawings on the wall in the apartment should look harmonious, so they need to be selected depending on which room they are made in. Designers recommend drawing abstract motifs, geometric shapes or graceful patterns in bright colors. The nursery needs to be decorated using motifs from cartoons and fairy tales. Images of toys and animals will be appropriate. Only for children, you should not make monochrome and contrasting drawings, this can damage the child's psyche. In the bedroom, it is better to choose calming drawings in cold colors, mainly natural motifs, such as the forest and the sea. And even better to portray the stars. In the kitchen, pictures are drawn in warm but bright colors. Still lifes are the best.

The most popular motif that can suit any room is vegetation (trees, flowers, herbs). Thanks to such images, an atmosphere of comfort and security is created in the house.

A very original artistic solution for a wall picture is the image of world attractions. You can draw one object or several together. A drawing with several landmarks is best done in outline and in black and white.

It will take a lot of time, experience and space in the room to create plot drawings. Such a large-scale image looks better in the nursery, because for a child you can depict an interesting fairy tale. Given the complexity of the work, it is better to draw it with a projector.

Do-it-yourself 3D drawings on the walls in an apartment is an incredibly complicated thing. It takes a lot of time, space and experience to create such a masterpiece. City streets, household items, nature - this is all a three-dimensional image that can become a wall decoration. It will look original if you draw a window overlooking the sea in a niche. To simulate, you only need to draw the shutters, the rest depends on the imagination of the artist.

You can literally make drawings on wallpaper with your own hands. This is a great opportunity to work with children who will perceive this as a game. But first you need to practice on whatman paper. And the result is a unique masterpiece in all respects. As you can see, do-it-yourself drawings on the walls are not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

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