Modern stylish interior doors in the interior design of apartments (photo). Modern stylish interior doors in the interior design of apartments (photo) MDF doors under nordic oak

The sense of style is different for every person. Someone likes the classics, someone prefers high-tech. But in any direction, in order to achieve harmony, it is important to correctly combine materials, shapes, details. It is the perfect combination of these elements that distinguish stylish doors for home, office, public places.

Features of paintings

When creating samples, designers consider:

  • fashionable interior trends;
  • taste preferences of most buyers;
  • modern views on the technicality and practicality of doors.

The result is products that meet the highest quality standards and have an impeccable appearance.

A range of stylish doors

We offer interior fabrics with the following characteristics:

  • coated with natural or artificial veneer, enamel, durable PVC film, laminate, acrylate and other materials;
  • with discreet laconic decor in the form of miniature glass inserts, panels, cutters, glass painting and other effects;
  • in basic or advanced configuration, which includes custom-designed handles, hidden hinges, telescopic moldings, etc.

We sell doors made in Russia, Belarus, Europe. In the catalog you can choose classic, modern, vintage canvases for a variety of interiors. To appreciate all the variety of models, visit our showroom in Moscow.

Design is an individual thing, there are no universal solutions for all people. When you make repairs at home, you focus on your sense of style, comfort and idea of ​​the house. Porta prima carefully studies the trends of life, follows the trends in order to develop collections of modern doors.

We work with modern materials. For example, high-quality doors today are manufactured according to the following standards:

  • from natural veneer;
  • using Nano-flex veneering;
  • enamel is used.

How to purchase

To buy modern interior doors, come to one of our stores or choose a model to your liking on the Internet. Find out addresses in Moscow and other cities on the website or by phone. The presented models are in stock or can be made to order.

The exposition in retail outlets and in the catalog of the online store represents the door style that the company is developing. Custom design available.

In the presence of sets of necessary fittings, which allows you to make the interior door open comfortably, be silent and look aesthetically pleasing.

To choose the right products, invite the master for a free measurement in Moscow or another region (list of cities on the website). The specialist will fix what parameters the interior opening in your house has, which will allow you to calculate the price for the entire door set, including the frame, platbands and additional elements. Delivery and installation services are provided. A warranty is provided on all products and installation.

Stylish doors for luxurious interiors

Modern production has innovative materials and the latest technologies with which you can recreate any texture, color, shape, as well as radically change the properties of natural materials. This is how stylish interior doors are created, the range of which today exceeds all consumer expectations. On the RussDoor website you will find a large selection of modern door panels that meet all safety and quality standards. Here you can buy wooden, veneered, glass doors at a price from the manufacturer, with delivery in Moscow and professional installation.

Stylish doors in the interior

A modern interior is always a tribute to a certain style chosen by the designer or homeowner. Like other household items, doors are chosen carefully, using the criteria of color, design, material, size, opening method. In order for the doors to harmoniously fit into the interior, they must meet the following requirements:

  1. To fulfill its function, that is, to delimit the space and fence off the room from other rooms, neutralizing sounds, smells and prying eyes.
  2. Meet safety requirements, that is, do not emit toxic substances, and also do not contain elements that can cause accidental injury.
  3. Be aesthetic: stylish doors can complement the interior or become its eye-catching decoration due to the selected proportions of the doors, the size of the opening, the design of the paintings.
  4. Meet the criteria of rationality: the harmony of the door leaf depends not only on the design, but also on the right dimensions, shape, and method of opening. It is not necessary to choose oak double doors in a small room with an area of ​​15 m 2, and small canvases up to 800 mm wide in a huge hall.

If you choose stylish doors to the kitchen or bathroom, keep in mind that the canvases must withstand high humidity well, otherwise their service life will be significantly reduced. If you need to install canvases at the entrance, then you will need products with good sound and heat insulation, made of durable materials. Doors for offices, schools and other institutions should be equipped with a moisture-resistant coating that can withstand frequent cleaning and active use.

Operational qualities of doors

Stylish doors in the interior of residential and office premises should perform not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the performance of the canvas. The main characteristics of such doors should be:

  • providing good sound insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • durability.

In order for doors to meet these requirements, manufacturers are constantly improving technology and using special materials, namely:

  • glued laminated timber - for the strength of the frame;
  • laminate, glass, acrylate, cortex, PVC edges - for improved protection of the canvas from moisture;
  • a frame with a quarter, a sealant, a threshold, extruded polystyrene foam - for improved sound insulation;
  • metal edges, frame - to protect the web from wear and physical impact;
  • triplex glass, tempered - to increase the light transmission of the canvases and increased security.

Natural canvases made of valuable wood species can be called stylish a priori, as wood products have always been valued and remain relevant to this day. It is difficult to find another material with similar properties among artificial analogues, so wooden doors are rightfully considered elite.

The RussDoors store specializes in the sale of stylish modern interior doors in different price categories. In an extensive catalog, each buyer will select a product that is suitable in size, material, design and other parameters. Here you can buy stylish doors from the best factories in Russia, Belarus and Europe at a low price.

door design

Among the huge range of door panels offered by modern manufacturers, each buyer will find a door to his liking. Every year new collections appear, which are designed taking into account the requirements of fashion. So, in recent years, at the peak of popularity - country and loft styles that turn a city apartment into a cozy rustic corner, as well as high-tech style, which is loved by its minimalism and a penchant for asymmetry.

Stylish door factories produce modern functional products in styles such as:

  • classic - this includes items with elements characteristic of ancient culture, and paneled canvases in the neoclassical style;
  • provence - products of white and pastel shades with patina and gilding, decorated with panels, glass, gratings;
  • baroque - the difference between these canvases are complex floral patterns on the frame, canvas, glass, as well as gilding and carved fittings;
  • English - the products harmoniously combine the laconic design of the canvas, the lattice with thin spross, curly elements with a clear geometry;
  • rustic - products in country styles, loft, especially popular with urban residents, are distinguished by an artificially aged surface, massive decor, undisguised naturalness of wood fibers and patterns;
  • modern - canvases with a minimum of decor, which is thin strips of glass in an array;
  • Scandinavian - these are canvases without panels, made with European minimalism, decorated with thin strips of glass or deaf;
  • Japanese - doors with oriental motifs in design, such as a wide lattice and frosted glass to the floor, spectacular patterns on glass inserts, natural structure and color of wood;
  • art deco is bright, spectacular door leafs with fantasy drawings, patterns on the canvas; in their manufacture, as a rule, artificial coatings and materials are used;
  • hi-tech (high-tech) - these doors combine conciseness and functionality, and shock-resistant glass and metal are used as decor.

In the RussDoors catalog, all door leaf models are sorted by style to make it easier for customers to choose. So, lovers of modern interiors will like the models presented in the subsections "Modern", "Hi-tech", "Japanese", "Scandinavian". Admirers of antiques and classics are advised to look at the pages of the catalog "Country", "Loft", "Neoclassic", "Provence". For luxurious interiors, there are doors in the style of Baroque, Art Deco, English.

On the site you will find high-quality doors, which we directly receive from factories in Russia, Belarus and Italy. We offer a variety of stylish models in a complete set, which you can buy here at the most affordable price.

Most people rarely approach the choice of doors with fantasy and creativity, preferring classic standardized models, the main properties of which are reliability and durability. It is considered sufficient if the door simply fits into the overall interior of the apartment. But after all, the entrance or interior door is the first thing we see when entering the room. This means that with the help of the door you can form the first impression, create the right mood, surprise and cheer the guest.

Industrial designers around the world are constantly in search of creative ideas that are then realized in creative interior items, and such an ordinary thing as a door is no exception. We offer you an overview of the most non-standard door options. Of course, the expediency of some models is difficult to understand, but many have all the characteristics necessary for a reliable door, and also have pleasant and surprising additional features.

The ThreeStyle interior door is reminiscent of the episode from Alice in Wonderland, when Alice tried to get into the magical garden through a small door, biting the cake from different sides. The main idea of ​​the door design is that the entrance to another room can be special for everyone. That is why the designers made a three-in-one door for each family member - for a baby, a teenager and their parents.

With care for children, the American company KidTropolis also produces children's interior doors, consisting of two halves. The open top allows parents to keep an eye on the child, and at the bottom there is a children's door so that the baby can safely get to mom in another room. It is possible to close the children's gate so that the child remains in his room. Bright, fabulous design of doors in the form of castle gates and magic doors will not leave indifferent neither children nor parents.

The Seven Doors collection by Japanese industrial designer Oki Sato (Nendo Studio) embodies bold design and unexpected solutions. As the name implies, the series includes seven doors, each of which is unique in its own way. Despite the amazing design, the doors are fully functional and can be used as interior doors.

The Corner door allows you to enter from the corner of the room. The corner door has an enlarged opening, making this model suitable for people with disabilities who move around in wheelchairs.

In the Wall model, the designer rethought the door as an independent architectural element of the interior and organically fit it into the general theme of the wall, which is traditionally decorated with bookshelves and paintings.

The Kumiko door is named after the ancient Japanese art of assembling wooden planks into a single panel without the use of nails. In this technique, sliding partitions were often made in tatami rooms.

The secret of the Hang door is that there is an iron sheet under the wooden paneling and this feature allows you to hang any containers and devices on the door using magnets, from a vase to a trash can. In addition, the entire door can be turned into an exhibition area for magnets brought back from travels.

The design of the Slide interior door (“Slide”) is designed so that three horizontal sections can be pushed aside, thus letting fresh air or light into the room. It also allows parents to keep an eye on small children in the room.

Of course, the designer did not bypass the attention of the kids. The Baby door consists of two independent doors - for adults and a child, and the children's door is located on the side of the main one.

And the last door from the collection, Lamp ("Lamp"), is equipped with a built-in LED lamp.

For those who love to play table tennis, the creative door from designer Tobias Franze will be a real find. In the usual vertical position, the door practically does not differ from its standard counterparts, well, except that the green side with a mesh suggests some suspicion. One has only to lower the door to a horizontal position - and it turns into a ping-pong table! Owners of small apartments could not even dream of such a thing!

This model has also become an interesting solution in the field of air- and translucent doors. Openings in the door surface can be either completely closed or partially or completely open, making it possible to see what is on the other side, as well as to ventilate the room without opening the door.

2019 promises to be a bright and bold year in the field of design. Anyone who is interested in making their home look stylish just needs to be aware of the fashion trends in the interior. In order for the interior decoration of the apartment to look holistic, it is necessary to think over the option with transitions from one room to another. Interior doors will help complement the overall style and create the effect of completeness in each room separately.

The choice of doors takes more than one day, but to simplify this difficult task, we have collected in one article all the popular interior doors of 2019.

The design of interior doors is extremely important, because they can become the main focus of the entire interior. It is necessary to choose such a product so that it logically completes the overall picture. It also quite often happens that interior doors separate two rooms, made in different styles. This complicates the task, but it can be solved. We suggest you familiarize yourself with our tips and a selection of current door trends in 2019.

Molding doors are recognized as one of the popular trends of the coming year. Molding is a thin, most often aluminum bar, mounted on the door leaf in the form of a frame or some kind of ornament.

Classic white doors perfectly complement the molding.

This design will appeal to lovers of modern European style. Sophisticated and discreet decor perfectly complements the interior, embodied in such styles as modern, hi-tech and minimalism.

The combination of gilded molding with an ornament looks sophisticated and elegant.

Moldings on various interior items are perfectly combined with each other, create harmony in the room. Quite often, doors, in addition to moldings, are decorated with milling, which gives them a special sophisticated look.

The perfect combination of molding and glass door.

A common option for molding finishes, if you do not need to focus on the door, but want to decorate it.

Even in the brightest interior solutions, the molding will look appropriate.

invisible doors

The next interesting design solution is invisible doors. It is worth noting that they do not always look concisely indoors. For example, if there are several doors, this will emphasize the closure of the space, or vice versa, it will create the effect of a passage room.

And sometimes an ordinary doorway just frankly spoils the look of the wall. Concealed doors are designed to help in solving this problem. They are made of a special door leaf intended for painting, finishing and decorating.

Invisible doors are a suitable solution to hide the entrances to the bathroom and toilet located nearby.

The hinges in them are also disguised, and the door frame does not provide for platbands. Only the handle will help to mark the door, which can also be successfully “hidden” by marking the canvas in the form of a vertical section (especially in the case of sliding doors).

The ornament on the wall can not be interrupted, but continued on the door.

In standard swing designs, ordinary handles are more often used for convenience. The door, being a continuation of the wall and merging with it, gives the interior an unusual appearance.

It is not necessary to paint the door in the same tone as the wall. It can be a bright color accent of the room.

The invisible door can be made in the form of a mirror sheet.

Sliding doors are especially popular now, because if you wish, you can create the effect of their absence, thereby connecting two rooms.

“Soft doors” are recognized as topical in the near future. We are accustomed to the upholstery of exclusively entrance doors, so in the apartment itself such a move looks very extraordinary.

Soft upholstery is usually made of leatherette and vinyl leather. The first material is now considered obsolete: leatherette upholstery is actively used in modern design. It is used for various decor, including interior doors. To give the product a special grace, decorative nails are still used. There are many unusual options for placing them on the canvas, everyone can choose a pattern to their liking.

The advantage of such upholstery is high soundproofing and heat-insulating performance. It is also worth noting their practicality and water resistance. "Soft doors" are often used to decorate workspaces, offices. They look quite massive, but if you choose the right color, you can make them a highlight of almost any interior.

A popular option for door upholstery in the office.

"Soft door" can be an excellent addition to the overall color scheme of the interior.

Neutral in relation to the overall color scheme, the shade of the door will give the room lightness and create a feeling of comfort.

An interesting non-standard solution is the velor upholstery of interior doors.

Not always decorative nails are well suited to the style, sometimes the doors are pulled in stripes.

Natural wood products have always been considered a symbol of quality and durability. But before, only wealthy people could afford furniture made of good material. Today, the manufacturer offers a lot of new models for every taste and budget. Modern technologies allow the use of an alternative to expensive varieties.

Nevertheless, solid wood furniture is still a luxurious and high-quality item, moreover, the most environmentally friendly. Wooden doors perfectly complement and organically fit into almost any interior. Today's fashion allows you to combine them both with a more classic style, and with the most extraordinary new trends in the interior.

Doors made of solid oak with a pronounced woody pattern, especially in dark colors, will add rigor to the room, as well as successfully dilute the light interior.

Solid alder is perfect for bright rooms in warm colors.

Solid ash is often used to decorate an apartment in the old style.

Doors made of solid pine look harmoniously in almost any room.

Veneered doors are unlikely to ever cease to be in demand. This is the most budget and common option. The veneer is different, and this gives buyers more freedom of choice.

There are synthetic species that are processed with various dyes and preparations to imitate more valuable wood species. There are also natural ones made from such species as oak, larch, ash. Doors made of this material look quite natural.

The most popular among the fashion trends of interior doors in 2019 is the walnut color. In the natural version, the unique lively pattern of wood and the warm natural tone are especially appreciated. It suits most modern styles and goes well with a whole palette of other colors. Typically, designers divide walnut veneer into the following shades:

  • light;
  • red;
  • amber;
  • dark;
  • gold.

Light walnut is considered neutral, it is well suited for interior doors that separate rooms made in different styles.

Red walnut looks expensive and stylish.

Walnut veneer in amber shade is perfect for any room if you want to add light and warmth to the interior.

The dark version of walnut veneer interior doors goes well with warm or cold colors in the interior.

The golden shade of the walnut veneer will create the effect of "highlighting" the door.

MDF doors under nordic oak

One of the leading places in the ranking of fashion trends for interior doors in 2019 is deservedly occupied by doors made under Nordic oak. This design is well suited for an interior decorated in a Scandinavian style or Provence style.

Doors made of MDF are the optimal replacement for expensive products made from natural wood. Oak is a common and fashionable color in 2019, according to experts. Such doors keep a consumer look and functionality for many years.

Nordic oak doors in a Scandinavian-style interior.

For bright and white rooms, oak doors of cold shades are perfect.

The dark version of the door is often found in the Provencal style.

Nordic doors from bleached oak in the apartment.

For a country-style interior, a dark version is also used.

For a long time, the decorative function of doors was secondary. But now, when such a wide range of products is presented on the market, it has begun to play almost a leading role. In order to correctly select a door, the buyer must evaluate not only the functional properties, but also the material, decor and color of the model.

When choosing interior doors, the question of choosing a shade is acute. It should be such that the product looks harmoniously against the general background of the room. Doors can be combined with anything: with furniture, with floors, with architraves, with skirting boards, with walls, or even make them absolutely unusual.

There is a rule that says that the color of the doors should be focused on the overall color scheme of the hallway, corridor and hall. Regardless, people generally stick to neutral hues that would go with any room. It can be natural colors of wood. It can be dark or light, reddish or yellowish, cold or warm.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that warm tones with yellowness will bring comfort to the house, dark ones will add severity to the interior, and light ones - lightness, and they will also visually expand small rooms.

Neutral doors have always been considered a universal option: white, beige, gray. They do not have to be combined with the general style in the interior. Such an original move is recognized as one of the best options when choosing fashionable colors for interior doors. Also, a modern stylish solution and a relative novelty in the design environment are doors, one side of which is made in the same color, and the other has its own color scheme or is complemented by decorative details.

Combination of doors with furniture.

Doors matched to the walls.

A win-win option is to choose doors that are similar in color to the flooring.

Sometimes the door, despite the fact that it is the only piece of furniture in its color design, looks concise and neat.

Framing the rooms with a plinth in the color of the door will bring the space together.

A white door looks neutral and harmonious in almost any room.

Contrasting colors on the door

Every day there are more and more new extraordinary design solutions. For example, contrasting colors in the design of doors have been actively used this year.

Pantone, the world-famous American Color Institute, has announced ultraviolet as the color of last season. As for 2019, there are only rumors so far. One of the assumptions is that the shade "Sargasso Sea" will be called the most popular. Deep blue color looks expensive and luxurious.

The trend to paint doors in contrasting colors can be traced for a long time. It is this product that will become a bright accent of the room. It is able to create an interesting format of the room and add a peculiar charm to it.

Contrasting colors can go great together.

Door in one of the popular colors of the current year.

The blue door is suitable for decorating many rooms.

The choice of colors is limitless. You just need to show imagination.

Painting and drawings on the doors

With the help of door decor, you can give originality to even the simplest interior. There are many ways to decorate the product. You can simply paint the door with your own hands in one or more suitable colors, you can use hand painting or apply stencils. Stained-glass windows, mosaics and author's images look great - such a bold decor will make the room special.

Bright stained glass door in actual colors.

The door in the children's room can be decorated by the children themselves, for this you can attach a drawing board to one of its sides.

With a bright geometric ornament, you can very easily decorate the product yourself.

Thematic drawings are very popular now.

Such a door will tell the guests of the house about the interests and hobbies of its owners.

Delicate little designs are perfect for your door if you don't want to overwhelm it.

After reviewing our recommendations, you can safely proceed to the choice of doors. A well-chosen product will not only fulfill its intended purpose, but also organically fit into the interior. It will please the eye of visitors to the room for a long time.