Brown wallpaper in the interior: universal combinations (26 photos). Wallpaper for the living room - photos of the best real interiors Wallpaper brown with black patterns for walls

It's no secret that color can affect a person, his psycho-emotional state, mood and even health. There is even a special science of color, which studies the basic characteristics and psychology of the perception of a particular shade by a person. Let's talk today about brown wallpaper in the interior, consider how to use it, combination options with other colors and its psychology.

Perception of brown

Experts in the field of coloring say that the brown color promotes relaxation, allows you to abstract not only from the opinions of others, but also from the influence and feel the vitality and the ground under your feet. At the same time, dark shades help to relax and focus, while light ones help to feel independence, lightness and freedom. Given all the qualities of this color, you can create not only an eye-pleasing and cozy interior, but also by adding other colors and shades to the room to correct its effect, adding joyful notes and freshness to the interior.

The interior in shades of brown will suit dynamic individuals who lead an active lifestyle, as well as those who are trying to find themselves in this life, who are looking for detachment and dreaming of a break from the intrusive world around them.

Where to use brown wallpaper

It is not uncommon for dark shades of brown to be equated with gloomy colors such as black and dark gray, but such an attitude towards such a deep color is wrong. In fact, rich brown has a huge design potential, and by choosing the right companion for it, the interior will become very attractive. In addition, it is currently a very fashionable color that can be used in absolutely any style of interior and in any room.

An abundance of design options allows you to choose brown wallpapers for every taste: Vintage patterns, floral monograms, geometric motifs and children's prints, as well as the possibility of combining, will create a truly unique and stylish interior in your forehead room.

Brown wallpaper combined with white

White is the color of purity and lightness. It is ideal for combining with dark shades. This is the color of freedom and spaciousness, which visually expands the space.

In such an interior, brown wallpaper will be an excellent backdrop for snow-white furniture. Or act only as accents. For example, in a bedroom with light-colored furniture, walls, ceilings and floors, chocolate-colored wallpapers with an unobtrusive light pattern will harmoniously fit in.

The combination of dark brown and white will look great in the dining room, where you can combine not only wallpaper of different shades, but also furniture. A dark wood cabinet will look harmonious against the wall in dark brown, but light-colored chairs or armchairs at the dining table will create an excellent tandem with a light ceiling and the rest of the walls.

The original white-brown combination of colors also looks when decorating the panels. Moreover, a dark shade can be used both on the main wall and as the panels themselves. In both cases, you can choose wallpaper with floral or geometric patterns or textured for decorative plaster. In an interior with dark brown walls and white panels, the same snow-white frames on the windows, doors and ceiling will be in place, but the floor is best also made dark.

Another interesting idea for using this combination is the restroom. White plumbing, mirrors and bright lights will be simply irresistible against a dark brown background. For the restroom, it is best to choose iridescent brown wallpaper, from which the light from the lamps will reflect. Thus, the room will seem larger, even though the walls in it are dark.

Brown wallpaper combined with bright colors

Perhaps the brightest companions of dark brown shades are orange and red. Detachment and abstraction from the outside world, which brown represents, combined with confidence in one’s own capabilities and forces that push to action, enclosed in red and orange shades, will create a powerful psychological cocktail that can not only restore strength after a working day, but also energize. But in addition to influencing the psycho-emotional state of a person, such a combination of colors in the interior looks very organic and beautiful.

The brown-orange duet will perfectly fit the blue color, which neutralizes all the riot of colors.

Dark wallpaper with a bright orange pattern, a blue chandelier and neutral beige furniture will create a great ensemble in a child's room.

But in a bedroom with brown wallpaper, orange decorative pillows or a bedspread will fit perfectly.

Rooms such as the living room or dining room are no exception. A bright carrot-colored velor sofa will look just great against the background of chocolate-colored walls. An excellent addition to such a picture will be low white panels, window frames and ceiling plinths.

But in the dining room, you can use bright chairs that will set the tone for the entire room.

Brown wallpaper and yellow-green shades

Another quite successful combination is brown with yellow or green. Armchairs, paintings, pillows and curtains in cheerful colors will fit perfectly into a room with dark wallpaper. Moreover, green and yellow interior elements can be used not only as independent items, but also as additions to a brown and white design. In both cases, these bright accents will give the room a special mood.

Until recently, only standard repairs could be made in ordinary apartments, today a huge range of finishing materials allows you to implement any design ideas. For example, an atmosphere of stability and respectability allows you to create brown wallpapers in the interior. They look spectacular in any style directions, perfectly combined with almost all existing shades, greatly expanding the possibilities of modern design. Knowing what effect the perception of brown creates by a person, where it is best to use wallpaper of a similar shade, what combinations are best combined with each other, it is easy to try to experiment on your own with the use of such canvases.

Psychologists say that the color of the walls affects the mood of a person, his psycho-emotional state. Therefore, there is a whole direction in science that studies the psychology of perception of all shades of the palette. Brown wallpapers, according to scientists, promote relaxation, they help to concentrate on your feelings and feel the ground under your feet. Independence, respectability, solidity - these are the synonyms that perfectly characterize the existing associations. Look at the photo, such interiors can be very cozy and warm at home.

The described color refers to the range of dark shades. He, of course, eats up space, to compensate for the loss of lightness and airiness, the combination of brown wallpaper with other canvases helps. What combinations work best in this direction, we will tell a little later, but for now we will indicate where it is best to use such canvases.

Features of the scope

Even monochrome brown wallpapers, despite the gloom, have a huge design potential. Today it is the most fashionable color, so it is very popular. You can use all shades of the described color when decorating any room in the apartment. The abundance of options for the implementation of ready-made design projects makes it easy to verify this. Here is a photo of the brown living room. Floral monograms on a dark background, geometric motifs, combinations with other textures allow you to create exclusive interiors, very cozy and respectable at the same time.

The brown bedroom is an oasis of calm and tranquility. It allows you to forget about what is happening outside, take refuge in your harbor, plunge into a magical dream. It is not so difficult to independently reproduce something similar to the interior shown in the photo. The secret of success is the combination of three components of brown wallpaper, white ceilings and wooden furniture.

Why do brown wallpapers work so well in the interior? They can simultaneously perform several functions at once:

  1. create focus;
  2. brighten the room, visually expanding the boundaries of the room;
  3. darken the room, creating an atmosphere of complete relaxation.

You can achieve the desired effect by observing certain rules. Let's outline the most important of them:

These rules are quite simple, but their application helps to avoid the appearance of the most common mistakes.

The compatibility of brown wallpaper with canvases of other colors

As mentioned above, brown wallpapers can be combined with canvases of any other colors, any combination takes place, but there are already worked out pairs, the harmony of which has been verified by the implementation of ready-made interiors.

The most popular pair is brown and white. This combination is actively used today to create modern styles, it is most often chosen for decorating living rooms. By itself, it does not look boring, but as accents, designers recommend using items in a red, pink or blue palette. In the next photo, there are burgundy candles in the candlesticks. They not only do not stand out from the general concept, but also add it, diverting attention from the dark wall.

The next pair - the described color and a pink tint - are most often used in the design of bedrooms and living rooms. Thanks to the delicate pink, dark wallpapers look softer and more relaxed. And this once again proves the following photo.

Another pair - brown and green - is used to create interiors that are as close to nature as possible. But in order for them to look more harmonious, it is imperative to dilute the pair with beige or sand shades, as shown in the photo.

An extravagant pair - brown and purple - looks quite bright in the interior. The reception of such a combination can be used if you wish to create a romantic atmosphere. An example of such a combination can be seen in the following photo.

The phrase "harmonious contrast" is used to characterize a pair of the described color with blue or blue hues. At first glance, it is difficult to imagine how similar colors can merge in one interior. But look at the photo, all three colors set an active dynamic, symbolizing the calmness bestowed by internal energy and activity. The colors are antagonists, but look very good in the interior of a bright living room.

A couple - brown and orange also has the right to life. It is ideal for creating oriental interiors and bright kitchens. Since both colors are bright and self-sufficient, they should be used to decorate living rooms and hallways.

Today, much attention is paid to the psychological impact of the color design of residential premises on their inhabitants. Experts say that brown wallpapers on the walls inspire self-confidence, help to relax and promote relaxation. There are many brown tones and shades that allow you to create a unique design in combination with other colors.

Brown is the color of the earth, family hearth and security. If you rely on this theory, then for the walls of living rooms, brown wallpaper is an ideal coating. The interior in brown tones is suitable for dynamic active people who, by the nature of their activities, have to communicate a lot. Therefore, it is this category that tries to use all available methods to create an atmosphere of peace and psychological relaxation at home:

  • brown walls in the living room;
  • wallpaper in natural tones in the bedroom;
  • brown interior in home office;
  • beige and brown tiles in the bathroom;
  • walnut tones in the kitchen.

To avoid too saturated colors and a gloomy combination, it is enough to use the table of successful combinations of related and contrasting shades with the main color. It is easy to experiment with brown, using natural wood, leather, fabrics, brick, veneer, mats, wickerwork and other natural materials in natural colors, creating an eco-style interior.

It is unlikely that anyone would think of choosing a solid brown wallpaper for all the walls and ceiling of a living room. The use of only the main color in the design of the room will give it a certain severity and gloom, so brown is often combined with other derivatives of the main color, lighter and more delicate:

  • bitter chocolate and sweet cream, milk cream, mint glaze;
  • black coffee with light walnut, mint color, natural wood;
  • dark mahogany is combined with the color of hazel and teak;
  • the color of nutmeg harmonizes pleasantly with the color of pumpkin, tea and coffee with milk.

In a pair with brown, you can safely take wallpaper in neutral colors. With a two-tone combination, bright accents always look great - orange, cranberry, yellow, which add a touch of chic to the interior.

To create a design that is pleasing to the eye and heart, use wallpaper of related colors for wall decoration, then it will look stylish and natural.

Wallpaper brown shades in the living room and hall

Dark wallpaper will look stylish only in a living room with large windows, where there is a lot of daylight. Usually, colored patterns are used for pasting walls, where brown figures are interspersed with beige, golden, silver, gray and white. Or, on a brown background, tapestry patterns, floral motifs and abstractions of a different color are depicted. But sometimes combined wallpapers are used in the living room, using various ways to sticker them:

  • vertical alternation of plain stripes and canvases with a pattern;
  • horizontal combination of dark brown wallpaper with light walls and ceiling;
  • beige and milky panels or textured wallpaper with a floral pattern in light colors are ideal for dark floors;
  • bright yellow or green inserts are often used in a calm brown-beige interior, but at the same time they require color support by various decorative elements or objects.

In a living room with brown walls, the ceiling must necessarily be light, combined with flooring and curtains, which are chosen to match the upholstery of furniture and other interior items. Blue lamps, orange vases, beige furniture, green curtains, red decorative pillows, a carrot-colored bedspread - everything can be an accent touch in a calm design.

Light flooring takes away the gloom of the brown living room. The yellow upholstery of upholstered furniture blends perfectly with the warm color of the walls and wooden furniture.

Brown is considered the color of elegance and solidity, which for many generations has been widely used in the decoration of living rooms. A white bed against such a background already looks perfect in itself, making up a wonderful “duet” with walls and furniture. But the atmosphere of the bedroom should not so much stimulate activity as it should be conducive to relaxation. Paired with a white bed, you can make a pure white ceiling and arrange white furniture. If white looks too contrasting, you should opt for cream, beige or milky. Using a variety of brown shades and their combinations, you can perfectly emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the layout.

  • Light shades of beige, cream, champagne and cappuccino can transform a small bedroom with dark horizontal panels and visually expand the space.
  • Caramel wallpaper inserts perfectly emphasize the softness and warmth of light-colored furniture, textiles and curtains on the windows.
  • A light blue or turquoise wall in a brown bedroom will perfectly set off the furniture and headboard.
  • The light brown solid color wallpaper is a good backdrop for a photo wallpaper on a wall or in an alcove.

Dark wooden furniture is lost against the brown walls, and the design of the room looks blurry. Therefore, in this case, it is worth using light furniture, which will be combined with a light ceiling, flooring and light curtains. Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that brown wallpaper is a universal option for living spaces in combination with light related and contrasting colors. One thing is for sure - brown is not suitable for small and narrow rooms, more light and cheerful shades are needed here.

Brown has long been considered the color of wealth and respectability, so paired with natural wood furniture, it will look luxurious in your office. Business style involves the use of strict colors and discreet finishes that visually create an atmosphere of well-being. Perhaps, in the office it is difficult to do without color, which accumulates strength and helps to concentrate. Since the office in an ordinary apartment has small dimensions, it is necessary to use a combination of wallpaper and other wall decorations.

  • The horizontal partitioning of the walls along the perimeter with wooden or wallpaper panels at the bottom and light cream or beige wallpaper at the top visually expands the office.
  • The vertical alternation of stripes of solid brown and light color visually pushes the walls apart.
  • Wallpaper inserts in a bright or light color require finishing with wooden planks that are combined with baguettes, cornices or wall panels.

For creative people, it is better to design an office in terracotta color, obtained by mixing brown and red. Terracotta is ideally combined with leather upholstered furniture, natural wood tables and cabinets, caramel curtains and light brown walls.

Which curtains to choose for brown wallpaper?

Curtains play an important role in the design of not only the window, but the entire design of the room. After all, the incompatibility of the window composition and the color of the walls immediately catches the eye. Since brown is used when decorating rooms paired with other related colors, the choice of curtains is not particularly difficult.

  • White curtains fill the simple interior with lightness and freedom.
  • Beige curtains soften the walls, but for completeness, require an orange or yellow pattern on the fabric to complement the bright objects in the room.
  • Pink curtains look romantic and cozy against the main background.
  • Green curtains and curtains of different green shades look natural and natural in a brown room.
  • Light compositions of white curtains and colorful beige curtains noticeably refresh the interior of the room and make it more spacious.
  • Silk curtains with a large brown pattern look great on a beige wall near the window.

You can choose brown curtains, but a few shades lighter or darker than the main color. If combined wallpaper of two colors is used for wall decoration, you can safely hang curtains of one of them. Bold and non-standard solutions include the choice of curtains in purple, orange or blue.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of curtains, you can take samples of wallpaper and fabrics and take several photos in different combinations with them and in different lighting conditions. Analysis of ready-made combinations will allow you to choose the most harmonious tandem.

A feature of the brown shade is the ability to perform several functions in the interior at once: with the right choice of tone, such wallpapers can serve as accents, brighten or, conversely, darken the room, create contrast and transform the space.

Photos of brown wallpapers in the interiors, as well as information about some of the features of this room design will allow you to create an equally stylish design in your own home.

However, despite such significant advantages of this shade, browns have always been used with apprehension. A dark shade in your room can cause a bad mood and well-being, but with the right design of the walls, such wallpapers, on the contrary, will serve as a source of comfort and harmony. We invite you to figure out with us how to profitably emphasize such effects.

Features of using brown wallpaper

Since brown wallpaper can come in varying degrees of saturation, you shouldn't have any trouble decorating any room in your home, from living areas to kitchens to bathrooms. Although such a design does not require professional intervention due to the versatility of brown colors, nevertheless, several important aspects must be taken into account in the process of choosing and pasting wallpaper.

When using brown wall coverings to decorate your rooms, pay attention to the following features:

These universal rules will allow you to create a harmonious and pleasant interior, as well as avoid common mistakes in the process of such decoration. But do not forget that each room (due to specific conditions and special purpose) must be designed in its own way, so creating the same design in every room of your house is not acceptable.

Kitchen in chocolate tones

It's no secret that the brightness and saturation of shades affects your well-being, and in the kitchen this effect is especially acute: uncomfortable shades and flashy wall covering designs can ruin your appetite and the whole day. In addition, the whole family gathers in the kitchen every day, which means that creating a harmonious and cozy atmosphere here is simply necessary. For example, dark brown wallpaper in such an interior will not fulfill the functions assigned to them.

Remember! Wallpaper designed to decorate the kitchen must have moisture-resistant properties and be able to be cleaned from dirt. For example, coatings from or are suitable for the working area of ​​​​the kitchen space.

Brown wallpaper in the kitchen can be kept entirely in one color: so, coffee wallpaper for the kitchen of not too dark shades can be used, but only if there is sufficient lighting in light colors.

When choosing dark chocolate and coffee wallpapers, they will need to be diluted with light shades so that the dark walls do not create a depressing atmosphere. It can be light wallpaper inserts, furniture and a headset, contrasting floors and ceilings in delicate shades: white, cream, yellow, blue and others.

To provide additional protection, the lower part of the walls can be decorated with ceramics or decorative panels in light colors.


For decorating the hallway, pure brown, chocolate, coffee with milk, as well as cocoa color are considered one of the most successful shades. Each of them is sufficiently resistant to pollution, looks presentable and harmoniously combines with any shades popular in the interiors of such premises.

Most of the furniture in the hallway is brown, so it will be harmonious and correct with the interior items.

Advice: if desired, you can pick up wood-like wallpaper and stick it on the bottom of the walls, combining it with other materials horizontally.

Brown wallpaper in the corridor can be glued in a certain sequence. Different shades of brown will allow you to create a smooth and effective transition to other rooms and gradually prepare for the contemplation of lighter and brighter interiors.

Shades in the living room

The possibilities of selecting brown wallpaper in the hall are not limited: this shade goes with absolutely any style. For example, eco-style can be supplemented with wallpaper that imitates wood, Provence or classic - using deep and rich shades, modern, hi-tech or minimalism - using light brown and beige colors, art deco - using wallpaper of any background with brown themed patterns.

In some photos, brown wallpapers in the interior are decorated with wooden materials and decorative brickwork: this finish allows you to emphasize the naturalness of the chosen style.

Other, no less interesting combinations include the following combinations:

Important! The pure chocolate color of the wallpaper in the interior also looks very stylish, cozy and original. You can achieve a successful combination of brown wallpapers and their chocolate shades by combining light and dark stripes.

Choosing additional shades for, consider not only their compatibility with brown, but also the level of contrast. For example, bright colors in a brown interior will fill the room with energy, and this effect is undesirable when decorating a bedroom or bathroom.

More light and delicate shades in combination with brown tones will symbolize harmony and peace and will be ideal for rooms intended for relaxation. Gloomy colors like black or gray can only be combined with light brown wallpaper in cocoa or coffee with milk and diluted with shades of a different color scheme.

How to choose curtains and textiles

Comfort in any interior is impossible without textile decorative elements. It can be upholstered furniture, toys, rugs or curtains on the windows. suitable for brown wallpaper? You can choose the color of the curtains for brown wallpaper quite simply: just decide what you will focus on.

If you want to emphasize the rich shade of the walls, then choose curtains and curtains that match their color scheme or slightly different in shade. If such an interior seems too boring or gloomy to you, you can hang curtains that match the color of the furniture, other textiles and accessories. It can be bright or light colors.

Brown interiors with pleasant walls in the color of coffee with milk, cocoa, chocolate will be a joy for those who appreciate dynamism, strive to find harmony in the environment and love energy and activity. Such shades can both relax and charge with a positive mood when used correctly in design.

In addition, the brown color has a positive effect on children: it promotes creative development, calms, helps to pay attention to individual accents in the interior.

Decorate your home in brown tones - and you will see that even after a few years this color will remain in trend.