Instructions for the operation, maintenance and repair of ventilation systems. Job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance Manuals for the maintenance and repair of machines





(As amended by the Instructions of the Ministry of Railways dated 09.06.1999 N K-1018u,

dated October 19, 2001 N P-1742u, dated August 16, 2002 N A-737u,

dated 21.01.2003 N P-50u)
Chapter 1


1.1. Repair and inspection of the automatic coupler of the rolling stock are carried out at the automatic coupler checkpoints (CPA) of the depot and the automatic coupler repair departments of the car and locomotive repair plants that have special certificates of the established form issued by the Department of Carriage Facilities (CV) of the Ministry of Railways of Russia.

1.2. The placement of technological equipment at the points of repair of the automatic coupler must ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of this Instruction, as well as safety and industrial sanitation.

1.3. The control points of the automatic coupler of the depot and the departments of repair plants must have the necessary technological equipment, two sets of test and one set of control templates in accordance with Annexes 1 and 2 of this Instruction. The templates must comply with the current technical requirements approved by the Central Committee of the Ministry of Railways. Templates are checked at repair facilities at least once a year with the date of verification set in accordance with the Methodological Instructions for Controlling the SDK for Automatic Couplers of Cars RD 32 TsV-TsL 027-91.

1.4. Changes in the norms and tolerances specified in this Instruction can be made only with the permission of the Central Committee of the Ministry of Railways. The procedure for applying templates, depending on the type of rolling stock repair, is specified in Appendix 2 of this Instruction.

1.5. To maintain the coupler in good condition, the following types of inspection have been established: full inspection, external inspection, checking the coupler during the maintenance of rolling stock.

1.6. A complete inspection of the automatic coupler is carried out during the overhaul and depot repairs of cars, the overhaul of locomotives and cars of diesel and electric trains, current repairs of TR-2, TR-3 diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and cars of diesel and electric trains, lifting repairs of steam locomotives. During the overhaul of group refrigerated rolling stock on the end cars, the SA-D automatic coupler is replaced by the SA-3 automatic coupler.

External inspection is carried out during the current uncoupling repair of cars, a unified technical audit of passenger cars, washing repairs of steam locomotives, current repairs of TR-1 diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and cars of diesel and electric trains.

They check the automatic coupler during maintenance during the inspection of cars in trains at maintenance points (PTO), when preparing cars for loading and during maintenance of TO-2, TO-3 locomotives, as well as in other cases specially established by the Ministry of Railways.

1.7. Upon a complete inspection, the removable units and parts of the automatic coupler are removed from the rolling stock, regardless of their condition (except for the cases specified in paragraphs 2.2.7 and 2.2.20 of this Instruction) and sent to the CPA or the automatic coupler repair department of the plant for inspection and repair in in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 2 of this Instruction. The non-removable parts of the coupler include: impact socket, front and rear stops located on the center beam, parts of the uncoupling drive (fixing bracket, bracket and uncoupling lever). Repair and inspection of non-removable parts is carried out on the rolling stock, with the exception of cases requiring their dismantling.

1.8. During external inspection, as well as when checking the automatic coupler during maintenance, the components and parts are examined in accordance with the requirements set forth in chapters 3 and 4 of this Instruction, without removal from the rolling stock. Only defective components and parts are removed and replaced with serviceable ones.

1.9. Parts of the automatic coupler, removed from the rolling stock and subject to inspection and repair, must be cleaned of dirt by means available to the repair point. After cleaning, the body of the automatic coupler, the traction collar, the wedge (roller) of the traction collar, the pendulum suspension of the centering device, the bolts of the locomotive socket must be subjected to non-destructive testing. The draft gear coupling bolt, the base plate of the PMK-110A and PMK-110K-23 draft gears are subjected to non-destructive testing only after their repair by welding.

1.10. Non-destructive testing is carried out in accordance with the Technological Instructions for Tensile Testing and Non-Destructive Testing of Car Parts.

1.11. Parts with defects listed in Appendix 3, or without the manufacturer's marking, are not subject to repair and are handed over for scrap. At the same time, an act is drawn up for each utilized body of the automatic coupler.

1.12. All welding and surfacing works during the repair of the automatic coupler are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for welding and surfacing during the repair of wagons and containers RTM 32 TsV-201-88.

1.13. Locksmith, machine work and straightening of curved parts are carried out in accordance with the current technical specifications of the Ministry of Railways for the performance of these works and with the requirements of the Standard technological maps for the repair of an automatic coupler approved by the Ministry of Railways.

1.14. Compliance with the current regulatory and technical requirements for the repair of an automatic coupler is checked by the heads of the wagon, passenger and locomotive services, the heads of departments of the wagon, locomotive facilities and passenger transportation departments, the heads of the wagon (locomotive) depot or their deputies in accordance with personal standards, and at repair plants - chief engineer and head of the technical control department (OTC) with an entry in the repair log.

Chapter 2


The requirements specified in this chapter relate to the inspection, testing and repair of the automatic coupler during the overhaul and depot repairs of cars, the overhaul and current repairs of TR-2, TR-3 diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and cars of diesel and electric trains, hoisting repairs of steam locomotives.
Coupler body
2.1.1. The width of the mouth of the automatic coupler body is checked with an impassable template 821r-1 along the entire height of the toe of the large tooth. The template is applied with one end to the corner of the small tooth (Fig. 2.1), and the other end is brought to the toe of the large tooth. If the edge of the template passes by the toe of a large tooth, then the pharynx is enlarged and must be corrected.

2.1.2. The length of the small tooth (Fig. 2.2, a) of the body and the distance between the shock wall of the throat and the traction surface of the large tooth (Fig. 2.2, b) are checked with templates 892r, 893r and 884r, depending on the types of rolling stock repair (Appendix 2). The check is carried out in the middle part along the height of the teeth at a distance of 80 mm up and down from the longitudinal axis of the housing. In this case, the zone of the traction surface of the large tooth, located opposite the window for the lock holder paw, is not checked, since the impact wall of the throat has a casting slope.

Pictures not shown - approx. ed.
If the impact wall of the throat was deposited and machined, then the distance from the traction surface of the large tooth to the impact wall of the throat should be checked in this area with a template 884p.

2.1.3. The contour of the engagement of the body is controlled by a through-flow template 827r (Fig. 2.3), which is moved in the engagement contour along the entire height so that the guide tube 1 of the template is located rounded at the point where the small tooth passes into the shock wall 2 of the throat, and the flat part passes through the throat and covers small tooth. The contour is valid if the template passes freely through it along the entire height of the body head.

2.1.4. If the surfaces of the coupling contour of the automatic coupler body or one of them do not meet the requirements of checking with templates 892р, 893р or 827р, the automatic coupler must be repaired to landscape dimensions according to template 914р-m with a profile bar 914/24-1m with a non-going probe 914р/21а , pass-through templates 914r / 22 and 914r / 25, non-passage 884r and through-pass 827r templates, template 822r.

When equipping the automatic coupler with brackets from self-uncoupling according to the design of PKB TsV M1695, instead of templates 914r-m 914r / 22-m, use templates 914r-2M and 914r / 22-2M.

(As amended by the Directive of the Ministry of Railways dated 09.06.1999 N K-1018u)
2.1.5. Template 914r-m checks the impact surface of the small tooth and the shock wall of the throat. The template is installed in the body so that the stops c (Fig. 2.4, a) are pressed against the shock wall of the throat, and the lower part of the p base rests on the lower bridge of the small tooth. Springs c1, resting on the edges of the window for the lock, press the supports and bases of the template against the inner wall of the small tooth.

After installing the template, the condition of the impact surfaces of the contour is checked using the 914r / 24-1m profile bar and the 914r / 21a impassable probe (Fig. 2.4, d).

The profiles of the working surfaces of the strap ribs correspond to the vertical profiles of the impact surfaces of the walls of the pharynx and the small tooth.

The edge 1 of the profile bar 3 with the inscription Zev checks the impact surface of the throat wall, and the edge 2 with the inscription "Small tooth" - the impact surface of the small tooth.

To check the impact surface, the profile strip is applied to the contour sheets of the template so that the plane of the strip is perpendicular to the surface being checked. Then the bar is moved along the edges of the contour sheets, as if along copiers, over the entire width of the surface to be checked, and the probe plate is inserted into the gap between the edge of the profile bar and the surface of the engagement contour to be checked.

If the profile bar 3 is adjacent to the upper 4 and lower 5 contour sheets at the same time (Fig. 2.4, b), then the surface to be checked is suitable. The surface to be checked will be unusable (Fig. 2.4, c) if the profile bar fits snugly against the lower 5-contour sheet, but does not adhere to the upper 4-contour sheet, or vice versa.

The checked surface of the automatic coupler is suitable (Fig. 2.4, d, pos. 7) if the probe b does not pass between the profile bar and the impact surface of the small tooth.

The body of the automatic coupler is rejected if the non-going probe over its entire width passes all the way into the tide of the handle into the gap between the profile bar, tightly pressed at the ends to the contour sheets of the template, and the surface to be checked (pos. II).

The difference between the gaps between the profile bar and the impact surfaces of the small tooth and throat at the top and bottom should not exceed 2 mm.

The gap between the profile bar and the shock wall of the throat in the area below the toe of the large tooth is not controlled.

2.1.6. Templates 914r/22-m and 914r/25 check the traction surfaces of the small and large teeth of the body. In this case, the template 914r/22-m should be freely put on the small tooth until it stops against its side surface (Fig. 2.5, a), and the template 914r/25 should freely pass between the shock wall of the throat and the traction surface of the large tooth in zone 3 until it stops limiters (Fig. 2.5, b) into the lateral surface of this tooth, while the protrusion 1 of the template should rest on the edge of the large tooth 2.

2.1.7. If, when checking the body, it is established that the profile bar does not adhere tightly to the contour surfaces of the template with its ends, or the pass-through template for a small tooth does not completely find it, or the pass-through template for a large tooth does not go all the way into its side surface, then there is a excess metal, which must be removed until the profile strip fits tightly to the contour surfaces or until the free passage of the through-going templates on the small and large teeth.

If it is necessary to weld the impact surfaces of the throat and small tooth of the automatic coupler body, then the thickness of the deposited layer is determined by the gaps a and b (Fig. 2.6) between the deposited surface and the edge of the profile bar 914r / 24-1m.

To determine the maximum allowable thickness of the surfacing of the traction surface of the small tooth, it is necessary to subtract the value of the gap a previously determined using the template 914r-m from the value of the gap between the edge of the template 914r/22-m, tightly pressed against the impact surface of the small tooth, and the traction surface.

To determine the thickness of the hardfacing layer of the traction surface of a large tooth, it is necessary to subtract the value of the gap b previously determined using the template 914r-m from the value of the gap r between the edge of the template 914r/25, tightly pressed against the impact surface of the throat, and the traction surface.

2.1.8. After repair, the surfaces of the engagement contour of the body must be parallel to the edges of the template 827p.

2.1.9. The corners of the throat and small tooth of the body are checked with a template 822r (Fig. 2.7).

2.1.10. When repairing the surfaces of the engagement contour of the body, it is not allowed to apply welds closer than 15 mm to the places of rounding (Fig. 2.8, a). The transition from the deposited shock surface of the throat wall to the non-wearing one must be smooth over a length of at least 15 mm for unhindered sliding of automatic couplers over each other at the moment of coupling. The edge of the angle formed by the welded impact surface of the small tooth and the surface to which the lock adjoins must be without rounding along the entire height (Fig. 2.8, b). The hardness of the deposited metal of shock-traction surfaces for freight cars and locomotives must be at least HB 250, for refrigerator and passenger cars and cars of electric trains - at least HB 450.

2.1.11. The width of the pocket for the lock in the case is considered to be increased if, during the rotation of the lifter shaft, the lock lifter passes the lower shoulder of the fuse without touching it with its upper wide finger. In this case, a washer of such thickness must be welded coaxially with the small hole for the lifter shaft so that the width of the corrected pocket meets the requirements of checking with a non-passing template 845p and a through-going 848p.

To check, the 845p template is inserted into the pocket of the coupler body through a large hole for the lifter roller until it stops against the inner wall of the pocket so that the template touches the body wall with the entire end surface (Fig. 2.9, a). In this case, the cylindrical part of the template should not pass between the walls of the pocket. Template 848p is inserted into the head of the case through the lock window and passed between the pocket walls. The width of the pocket is recognized as correct if the measuring strip of the template passes freely between the walls along the entire width of the pocket (Fig. 2.9, b).

The 845p template also controls the distance from the leading edge of the hole for the elevator roller to the wall of the hole for the locking bolt (Fig. 2.10). To do this, the template is installed so that the straight surface a of its impassable strip enters the groove for the locking bolt, while the semicircular surface b of the template should not pass by the front edge of the hole for the lift roller (position 7). If surface b extends past the front edge of the lifter shaft hole (position II), then the wall of the locking bolt slot must be welded on and then machined flush with the surface of the trailing edge of the lifter shaft hole.

After processing, the hole is checked with a template 845p with the installation of a locking bolt, which should freely enter its place and be easily removed.

2.1.12. The diameters and alignment of the small and large holes for the lift roller are checked with a 797r template (Fig. 2.11), and the position of the holes relative to the automatic coupling engagement contour - with 937r and 797r templates (Fig. 2.12). The body is considered fit if the passage part of the template 797r freely enters the corresponding hole, and the non-going part of the template does not enter the hole until it stops against the end face of the body boss.

If the non-going parts of the template enter the corresponding holes, then the walls of the holes are worn out and they must be repaired by surfacing with subsequent processing. After repair, the position of the holes is checked with templates 937r and 797r (see Fig. 2.12). To check, the template 937r is inserted into the case pocket, and the template 797r is passed through the hole of this template. Then, pressing the template against the inner wall and the lower bridge of the small tooth, move it in the direction of the arrow A, while checking the gap a between the stop 7 and the shock wall 2 of the throat. The position of the holes is recognized as correct if this gap is not more than 4 mm.

2.1.13. The dimensions of the spike for the lock holder and its position relative to the engagement contour of the automatic coupler body are checked using templates 849r-1.806r and 816r.

Template 849r-1 controls the height of the spike (Fig. 2.13). If the passage part of the template passes into the space between the wall on the side of the small tooth and the end of the stud and the impassable part does not pass, then the height of the stud meets the requirements. If the non-passing part of the template passes into this space (short spike) or the passable part (long spike) does not pass, then the spike must be repaired. The check is carried out over the entire surface of the end face of the spike.

The diameter and condition of the edge of the end of the spike is checked with a template 806r (Fig. 2.14). To this end, the template is firmly pressed against the end of the spike and moved along the handle (shown by arrows), sequentially turning the handle in zone A. If at the same time the spike passes into the through cutout of the template and does not pass into the through cut, then it is considered serviceable (good). Otherwise, the spike must be repaired.

The position of the front surface of the spike relative to the contour of the coupling of the automatic coupling is checked with a template 816p (Fig. 2.15). To check, the template is inserted into the pocket of the automatic coupler body and set so that the supports 4 are pressed against the inner wall of the small tooth, the supports 5 rest against the impact wall of the mouth, and the inner support 3 rests with its lower flat part on the top of the spike for the lock holder. Holding the template in this position, raise the pointed end of the arrow 7 until the protrusion 2 at its other end rests against the front of the tenon surface.

The position 7 of the spike is considered correct if the pointed end of the arrow 7 does not go beyond the control cutout b in the template sheet. The spike is invalid if the point of the arrow extends beyond the notch (position II).

If the spike does not meet the requirements for checking at least one of the templates 849p-1, 806p and 816p, then it must be repaired and then checked in the above order. But in this case, a more stringent requirement is imposed on the spike: the end of the arrow 7 should not go beyond the deeper cutout of the template.

In addition, you need to check the position of the repaired spike relative to the hole for the lift roller using a 938r template (Fig. 2.16). This position is considered correct if the template with hole a is put on the spike, and with protrusion b it enters the small hole for the elevator roller. Both at the hole and at the tenon, the template must lie against the plane of the housing pocket.

2.1.14. The position of the shelf for the upper arm of the fuse in the housing relative to the spike for the lock holder and the engagement contour is checked with a template 834r (Fig. 2.17), after it is established that the spike for hanging the lock holder meets the requirements of verification with templates 849r-1.806r and 816r.

To check, the template 834r must be taken by the base b, inserted into the pocket of the case and installed so that the stops 3 and the protrusions 4 are tightly pressed against the non-wearing part of the shock surface of the throat and the inner wall of the small tooth, and the rectangular support 1 rests on the spike for the lock holder.

After such installation of the template, the vertical position of the shelf is checked by turning the arrow 2, the pointed end of which is lifted up until its rear end rests against the upper surface of the shelf. The horizontal position of the shelf is checked using the slider 5, which is moved all the way to the front edge of the shelf. If the tip of the arrow 2, resting with its other end on the working surface of the shelf, is located outside both steps of the control cutout b, then the vertical position of the shelf is incorrect (pos. A). If the pointer of the slider 5, resting against the shelf, is located outside both steps of the control cutout d, then this indicates an incorrect horizontal position of the shelf (pos. B).

For the correct indication of the template, when checking the vertical position of the shelf, it is necessary to turn the arrow 2 with the slider 5 fully extended towards itself, and check the horizontal position of the shelf at the lowest position of the arrow pointer 2.

A shelf that does not meet the requirements of the 834p test must be repaired or replaced with a new one.

A new or repaired shelf is also checked with the 834p template as described above. But at the same time, increased requirements are imposed, namely: the position of the shelf is considered correct when the pointers of the arrow and the slider are located respectively within the deeper cuts a and b.

2.1.15. The thickness of the jumper of the shank of the CA-3 automatic coupler must meet the requirements of checking with an impassable template 897r-1 or 898r-1 (Fig. 2.18, i), depending on the type of repair of the rolling stock (Appendix 2) both from the upper and from the lower plane. The jumper is considered good if the template is not put on it completely (pos. 7); if the template reaches the stop in the jumper, then it is unusable (pos. II).

The jumper, worn out by the wedge of the traction clamp and having dimensions less than permissible, is subject to surfacing. The worn end part of the shank is restored by surfacing if the length of the shank of the automatic coupler is less than 645 mm, and for the SA-3M * 1 automatic coupler - less than 654 mm.

The thickness of the web of the shank of the SA-ZM automatic coupler, measured in the middle part, must be at least 44 mm for all types of periodic repairs of the rolling stock. The measurement is made with a caliper equipped with a measuring bar.

2.1.16. The jumper of the shank of the SA-3 automatic coupler from the side of the wedge must be processed in such a way that a flat cylindrical surface is obtained with a radius of curvature of at least 16 mm and not more than 20 mm, with a smooth transition into the side surfaces of the hole walls.

* The SA-ZM automatic coupler is installed on 8-axle and some special cars, as well as 8-axle shunting locomotives. During repairs, it is allowed to replace the SA-ZM automatic coupler with the SA-3 automatic coupler with a vertical movement limiter while replacing the draft device (traction collar, draft gear, traction collar wedge) in accordance with the design of Design Bureau TsV N M 1497.00.000.

After repair, the shank jumper is checked with impassable 900r-1 (Fig. 2.18, b) and 46g through passage (Fig. 2.18, c) templates.

The surfaces of the body shank in contact with the traction collar, centering beam, walls of the impact socket and the traction collar wedge (side walls of the hole), worn to a depth of more than 3 mm, must be deposited and then machined flush with the casting surface.

2.1.17. The bent shank of the automatic coupler must be straightened if its bending r (Fig. 2.19), measured from the original longitudinal axis of the body in the middle part, exceeds 3 mm.

The marking of the body to determine the bend in the horizontal plane is made, as shown in fig. 2.19, a. First, the middle of the shank is found and marked at a distance of 20 mm from the head stop, as well as at the end and in the middle part. After that, the points are connected with a line, indicating the middle of the shank at the beginning and at the end. The bend is defined as the deviation of the specified line from the middle of the shank in its middle part.

The bend r in the vertical plane is measured in the middle part of the shank from the original longitudinal axis of the body, which is a continuation of the casting seam on the large tooth (Fig. 2.19, b).

It is not allowed to straighten an automatic coupler shank with welded or non-welded cracks in the area of ​​straightened places.

2.1.18. Cracks in the shank of the automatic coupler body up to 5 mm deep can be cut down with a smooth transition to the casting surface without subsequent welding. Small cracks (netted) with a depth of not more than 8 mm in the shank web are allowed to be cut down with subsequent welding, provided that after their cutting, the thickness of the web will be at least 40 mm.

2.1.19. Limiters of vertical movements of passenger cars, cars of electric trains, refrigerated, eight-axle and other freight cars, on which the installation of limiters is provided, should not have bends, wear of more than 5 mm. The distance from the longitudinal axis (casting seam) of the automatic coupler body to the horizontal shelf of the limiter should be 280 + 5 mm (Fig. 2.20, a). Automatic couplers of wagons for the transport of dangerous goods must have both a lower and an upper limiter (Fig. 2.20, b).

1. General Provisions

This instruction defines the maintenance procedure for industrial ventilation and is common to all shops and services of OAO Baltika.

The instruction was developed in accordance with the Rules for Acceptance, Testing and Operation of Ventilation Systems for Oil Refineries and Petrochemical Enterprises PV NP-78, PB 09-170-97, RD 16.407-95 PUMBEVV-85, SniP 2.04.05-91*.

General control, as well as supervision of the technical condition and proper operation, timely and high-quality repair of ventilation units is carried out by the OGE of the enterprise.

Responsibility for the correct operation of ventilation units in accordance with the operating instructions, as well as for the good condition and safety of ventilation devices, lies with the heads of departments.

Starting and stopping of ventilation units is carried out by shift personnel specially trained and instructed for this purpose, they also monitor the operation of ventilation units. In the event of breakdowns and other deviations from the normal operation of the ventilation units, the shift personnel informs the mechanic or power engineer of the workshop about the noted malfunctions and takes measures to eliminate them.

Maintenance of ventilation installations and devices, maintaining them in good condition, maintaining technical documentation, carrying out current repairs of ventilation systems is assigned to mechanics or power engineers of workshops.

Ensuring uninterrupted supply of ventilation installations of the entire plant with electricity and heat carrier, as well as repairs of electric motors, is entrusted to the service of the chief power engineer of the enterprise.

Current repairs - inter-repair maintenance is carried out by the repair personnel of the production workshops and the mechanics of the workshops are responsible for their quality.

Current repairs include the following types of work:

Revision and cleaning of fans, air ducts, heaters, filters

lubrication of moving parts

changing and tightening belts

fastening of fences

Inspection of electric motors on site

replacement of starting equipment, wiring and grounding

Adjustment of air intake control devices.

If it is impossible for the workshop to perform any type of work, the unit, in the prescribed manner, seeks help from the ventilation unit section of the TSC and the OGE service.

Capital repairs include the following types of work:

change or restoration of ventilation equipment (fans, electric motors, heaters, filters)

replacement of air ducts, air distribution devices.

Repair or reconstruction of the construction part of the ventilation chambers is carried out by the head of the unit and the OGM.

After the overhaul, testing and adjustment of the ventilation system is carried out by the group for adjustment of the ventilation systems of the ventilation systems section of the TSC, the data with the conclusion of the efficiency of the ventilation system are entered in the technical passport of the installation.

The mandatory scope of work performed during scheduled preventive repairs is determined by the "Classifier of Repairs of Ventilation Units".

All types of repairs, reconstruction with indication of changes are reflected in the repair log of the ventilation units of the workshop (see Appendix 1).

Each ventilation unit must have an abbreviated
designation and serial number.

The abbreviated designation and number of the ventilation unit are applied with bright paint on the fan casing and next to the start button.

Ventilation units can be put into operation if the following documents are available:

Act on pre-launch testing and adjustment of ventilation systems (see Appendix 3);

· the passport of the ventilation unit, compiled according to the data of technical tests;

air handling unit repair log (see Appendix 1);

· Operating Instructions.

2. Purpose and device of ventilation

The ventilation and air heating system is designed to create normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in the working area of ​​industrial premises by properly organizing air exchange, assimilation of released harmful substances and preventing the formation of explosive atmospheres.

Ventilation systems are divided into:

supply - to supply outside air to the working premises in order to ensure the required air exchange and maintain the temperature required by the standards in the winter period;

exhaust - intended for removal from working rooms of harmful toxic gases, vapors and dust;

aspiration - designed to create a rarefaction of air in the shelters of technological equipment, remove dust from the places of its release and clean the air before being released into the atmosphere;

air curtains - designed to block the penetration of cold air into the premises;

emergency - designed to remove harmful and toxic gases, vapors and dust from working premises in emergency cases when the gas content of the working premises is higher than the permissible norm.

As a heat carrier for supply ventilation systems combined with air heating of working premises, mains hot water with a temperature of up to 130 ° C is used, which is passed through special heating devices of air heaters and heats the air passing through the annular spaces, ensuring the air temperature inside the premises in accordance with sanitary standards.

3. The main provisions of labor protection during testing and operation of ventilation equipment

Personnel servicing and testing ventilation equipment should not be allowed to work without proper training.

Maintenance of ventilation units is allowed for persons appointed by order for the unit, who have passed the examinations of the qualification commission, carry out daily checks of the technical serviceability of ventilation equipment, air duct chambers, eliminate identified malfunctions and monitor the correct position of control devices.

All platforms located above the floor level, on which ventilation equipment is mounted, must be fenced, and stationary stairs to them must have railings.

Lifting umbrellas and other ventilation devices must be equipped with devices for securing them in the open working position.

Sufficient lighting must be provided at the installation sites of ventilation equipment.

It is forbidden to clutter up the ventilation chambers, channels, platforms with foreign objects.

The mains voltage, wire protection and the type of electrical fittings must comply with the general safety rules for industrial enterprises and the "Electrical Installation Rules".

Temporary electrical devices during the entire period of their operation must meet the same safety requirements that apply to permanent devices.

In rooms with industries of categories A, B and E, all metal air ducts and equipment for supply and exhaust installations must be grounded in accordance with the "Rules for the protection against static electricity in the production of the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries."

In case of shock, extraneous noise or unacceptable vibration on the fan, it must be switched off immediately.

Ventilation equipment can only be put into operation if there is a solid or mesh fence for drive belts, couplings and other rotating parts.

Before cleaning or repairing (including tightening the bolts) of the fan or electric motor on site, it is necessary to remove the fuses to prevent accidental starting of the electric motor, hang a warning poster on the starter button “Do not turn on! People are working! (follow the operating instructions for cleaning ventilation systems).

When temporarily disconnecting electric motors from the network for repairs, the ends of the supply wires must be insulated.

It is forbidden to remove and put on drive belts during rotation, the rotor of the electric motor.

It is forbidden to carry out work inside air ducts, bunkers, coolers, etc., devices until the fan stops completely and the bins are freed from dust, and the internal parts of the installations are ventilated.

During the repair of equipment, air ducts, umbrellas, shelters, etc. at a height, it is not allowed for strangers to be in places where these works are carried out.

In the event of a fire in one of the rooms of any category, all ventilation systems serving this room must be remotely switched off (by starting devices located at the main entrance doors) (except for the ventilation systems of tambour locks and industrial electric motors installed in rooms of category A, B and E, the shutdown of which must be interlocked with the shutdown of the electric motor). In the event of a fire, the ventilation systems can be stopped by any person according to the emergency response plan. After turning off the ventilation systems, call the fire brigade by phone 01, 10-55 or the fire detector.

4. Acceptance of ventilation systems by completed installation

Upon completion of all construction and installation work on the installation of ventilation systems, representatives of the installation organization, enterprise and workshop carry out a thorough inspection of ventilation units to determine their compliance with the project and identify defects in construction and installation works.

The following are subject to inspection: air duct networks, control devices, local exhausts and shelters, supply and exhaust pipes and shower nozzles, air heaters, fans, vibration-noise bases, supply and exhaust chambers, devices for starting and stopping ventilation systems, cyclones, self-cleaning oil filters, sleeve and other filters

After a thorough external examination and elimination of identified shortcomings, a trial run of ventilation units and units is carried out.

5. Trial run, pre-start tests and adjustment of ventilation systems

During the test run, the fan should run:

without vibration and noise exceeding the norm;

without overheating of the motor and bearings;

No slippage or slippage of the belts from the pulleys.

After elimination of all detected defects, they proceed to pre-start tests and adjustment of ventilation systems.

In the process of pre-start tests of newly installed ventilation units, the actual parameters of their operation are revealed, and as a result of adjustment, these parameters are brought to design values.

During pre-launch tests, the following is performed:

check of conformity and speed of fans;

Identification of leaks in air ducts and other elements of systems that were not detected during visual inspection;

Checking the uniformity of heating of heaters;

measuring the temperature of the supplied air in the head section of the air duct (the section of the air duct located directly behind the fan);

Checking the compliance with the design of the volumes of air supplied or removed by general exchange ventilation systems in individual rooms;

Checking the compliance of the volumes of air moved through individual air inlets and outlets with local ventilation systems serving individual production posts and process equipment;

Checking the normal functioning of all equipment

Deviations from the indicators provided for by the project, identified during the testing of systems, should not exceed:

· in terms of the volume of air passing through the air outlet and air inlets ± 20%, and through the head sections of the air duct ± 10%, for the ventilation system and pneumatic transport ± 10%;

· according to the temperature of the supplied air during the cold period of the year ± 2°C.

When the actual fan performance is greater than or equal to the design one, the installation is adjusted.

Adjustment of ventilation units consists in bringing the actual flow rates of air distributed (sucked in) through openings or moved in individual branches of air ducts to the corresponding design values ​​using control devices, i.e. throttle valves, gate valves, diaphragms, etc.

Adjustment of ventilation units is carried out by separate air outlet or air inlet openings of each branch of the unit's air ducts.

In cases where the design performance of the ventilation unit cannot be achieved while maintaining the installed fan or electric motor, the replacement of this equipment must be confirmed by the calculation of the organization conducting the tests and agreed with the organization that developed the project.

6. Acceptance of ventilation systems for operation

Ventilation units may be admitted for acceptance into operation after their continuous and proper operation for 7 hours.

Acceptance of newly assembled ventilation units from the installation company is carried out by a commission appointed by order of the enterprise, and individual ventilation units after their reconstruction by a commission appointed by the chief engineer of OAO Baltika

After the completion of individual testing and testing of the installed equipment, the ventilation units are accepted by the working commission. The results of testing and the conclusion of the working commission are drawn up in an act.

From the moment of signing the specified act, ventilation units are considered accepted by the "Customer" and he is responsible for their safety.

Documentation presented upon acceptance of ventilation systems must contain:

certificate for pre-launch tests;

an act on hidden work and acts of intermediate acceptance of the structure;

passports for each ventilation unit, as well as for all dust and gas trapping devices.

Tests for the sanitary and hygienic effect and adjustment of ventilation systems (determination of the content of harmful gases and dust in the air of working premises, measurements of temperature and relative humidity of air at workplaces and identification of the compliance of the air environment with current sanitary standards) should be carried out at full technological load of ventilated premises.

Operation of ventilation units

7.Mechanical ventilation.

To ensure the smooth and efficient operation of ventilation units in industrial enterprises, their proper operation must be carried out.

Ventilation units (except for local ones) must operate continuously in industrial premises where harmful and explosive substances are constantly present in equipment and pipelines.

In rooms where the release of harmful and explosive substances is possible only during the course of the technological process, ventilation installations must operate continuously during all hours of the workshop, section.

Local ventilation units interlocked with process equipment must operate during the entire time of operation of process equipment.

Local exhaust ventilation units that are not interlocked with process equipment turn on 3-5 minutes before the start of process equipment operation and turn off 3-5 minutes after the end of work.

The inclusion of supply and general exchange exhaust ventilation units is carried out 10-15 minutes before the start of the work of the workshop (department), while first the exhaust and then the supply ventilation units are turned on.

Switching off the supply and general exchange exhaust units is carried out 10-12 minutes after the end of the workshop. First, the supply air and then the exhaust units are turned off.

The inclusion of CCGT cyclone towers is carried out in the following order:

Turn on the augers, after starting, make sure how the gearboxes, roller chains work, the correct rotation of the auger;

Turn on the cyclone dispensers and make sure by lightly tapping whether dust has hung in the cyclone body;

· turn on the filters in operation, also having previously checked whether there is dust in the sleeves and bins of the filters.

It is necessary to check whether the augers and shaking mechanisms of the filters are working properly. After all this, the fans turn on.

Before putting the equipment of cyclone towers into operation, it is necessary to know the condition of the unloading hoppers. Is there dust there, are the vibrators and dispensers in good order.

During the operation of the CCGT, the operator is obliged to constantly monitor the correct operation of the equipment, maintain cleanliness and order in the premises of the cyclone towers.

CCGT equipment shutdown is carried out in the following order:

Stop the machines

Stop the fans

stop filters;

stop dispensers;

stop the augers.

Dust in augers, cyclones, filters, hoppers must be removed.

8. Ensuring the normal operation of ventilation units

In order for the fan to operate in a given mode, it is necessary to comply with the basic requirements.

Before starting the fan, check whether the doors, hatches and manholes of the supply and exhaust chambers are tightly closed, whether they are securely fastened. fans and electric motors on foundations and foundations.

Make sure that the drive couplings are in good condition, the tension of the drive belts and their condition, the correct rotation of the fan impeller. Starting the fan with an incomplete set of drive belts is prohibited.

When starting the fans of the supply systems, gradually open the insulated damper at the air inlet of the supply units, as well as gradually open the damper and throttle valves.

After the operation of the fans of the supply systems, check the temperature and humidity of the supplied air for 5-40 minutes.

When the fan stops, turn off the electric motor and close the valves (or doors) on the air intake duct of the supply unit or on the exhaust duct of the exhaust unit.

The fan and motor bearings must be lubricated: ball bearings are lubricated at least once every two months and the oil level in the bath of plain bearings with ring lubrication is checked daily: insufficient lubrication of ball bearings is detected by the knocking of the shaft in the bearings, and for plain bearings with ring lubrication by the rattling of dry lubricating ring: - replenish the lubricant: when filling the bearing housing with liquid mineral oil - at least once every 3-4 months; to perform a complete change of lubricant with flushing of the bearing housing with kerosene: when using liquid oil - at least once every six months, when using grease lubricants - at least once a year.

Ensure that the temperature of the bearing housing does not exceed 70 ° C, at higher temperatures stop the fan, inspect the bearings, clean them of dirt and fill them with fresh grease.

Cleaning of ventilation chambers, air ducts, filtering devices and external surfaces of ventilation equipment shall be carried out within the time limits established by the working instructions.

Fans located outside buildings should be painted at least once a year (in summer), and those located inside the building in accordance with the repair schedule.

Make sure that the fan motor and its drive are in good condition, and the motor housing and electric starting equipment are grounded.

Chamber doors must be tightly closed.

If, when turned on, the electric motor does not work or works, but does not give the required speed and a strong hum is observed, you must immediately turn off the ventilation unit and report the malfunction to an electrician.

After turning off the ventilation, it is necessary to close the damper on the suction duct, turn off the heaters, unless a partial passage of the coolant through them is provided or a valve is not installed on the return line.

During the operation of ventilation units, it is necessary to periodically monitor:

during operation of the fan motor (see requirements above);

for the operation of the fans (smooth running, the correct direction of rotation of the impeller);

for the position of throttles and valves on the air ducts;

for the serviceability of the fences, for the state of the transmission.

All deviations from the normal operation of ventilation units are recorded in the shift log.

9. Heaters

Turning on and off calorific installations, their maintenance.

The efficiency of ventilation installations during the cold period of the year largely depends on the operation of heaters. Therefore, the correct switching on and off of heaters, as well as regular maintenance of heater installations, is of great importance.

The bypass valve at the heater must be completely closed in winter and completely open in summer.

In winter, before starting the supply ventilation units, warm up the heaters for 1.0-15 minutes.

The order of inclusion of calorific installations heated by water:

1) close all devices for draining water at the lowest points of the pipeline of the calorific unit;

2) check whether the air outlets are open at the upper piping points of the heaters;

3) open the shut-off valves on the supply line to the heaters;

4) after filling the heaters with water, close the air outlets;

5) check the readings of measuring instruments, if the temperature and pressure are below the required ones, do not turn on the fan and find out the reasons for the inefficient operation of the heaters.

When heating heaters with steam:

1) close the main line of the steam trap and open the passage through the bypass line;

2) fully open the control valve and gradually open the manual valve on the common steam line to the heaters;

3) close the bypass line of the steam trap and open the main line.

Shutdown of water-heated air heaters:

close the shut-off and control valves on the supply and return pipelines to the heaters;

open devices for draining water at the lowest points of the pipeline;

open the air vents.

Shutdown of calorific units heated by steam:

1) close the shut-off and control valves on the steam pipeline to the heaters;

2) open the bypass line and close the main line of the steam trap;

unscrew the plug at the bottom of the trap to drain the accumulated condensate. After draining the condensate, tighten the plug. To ensure the smooth operation of the heaters, it is necessary:

Regularly check if air has accumulated in the upper part of the heaters, and if accumulated, it must be removed;

before turning on the heaters, check whether the insulated valve is closed from the openings of the air intake channel of the flow chamber;

when turning off the calorific unit, in order to avoid freezing of the pipes, close the insulated valve on the opening of the air intake channel tightly;

check air heater installations daily and immediately eliminate the causes of steaming or leakage in air heaters, flange connections, fittings and pipelines;

monitor the serviceability of control and measuring devices;

10. Emergency ventilation

Particular attention must be paid to the maintenance of emergency ventilation installations, the purpose of which is to eliminate the created dangerous concentration of vapors and gases in the shortest possible time.

It is not allowed to operate emergency ventilation installations during the normal course of the technological regime;

Emergency ventilation units must be interlocked by signaling devices commercially produced by the industry and automatically switched on from these devices. In addition to automatic activation, emergency ventilation must also have manual activation.

For the purposes of emergency ventilation, air inflow through window and door openings is allowed with the possibility of temporary cooling of the room in the cold season.

Emergency ventilation installations must be in constant readiness and no inspections and checks before start-up are carried out.

Before accepting a shift, the host must make sure that the emergency fans are in good condition, that they rotate correctly by external inspection and that they are put into operation for a short time. If aeration devices are used as emergency ventilation, it is necessary to make sure before accepting a shift (especially in winter) that the devices for opening the lantern flaps are in good condition.

For emergency ventilation, main and backup ventilation systems and local suction systems are used to provide the air flow required for emergency ventilation.

11. Natural ventilation

In the warm season, the inflow is carried out through the lower opening of window frames, as well as gates and entrance doors.

Aeration devices (deflectors) must be

equipped with reliable mechanisms for their adjustment and maintenance in the proper position. The deflector control mechanisms must be systematically checked for trouble-free operation. The rubbing parts of the mechanisms must be lubricated.

412 Repair of ventilation units

Repair of ventilation units is carried out in accordance with the annual plan (schedule) of the PPR.

The Rules provide for:

· Maintenance;

major overhaul.

The annual plan (schedule) of the PPR is drawn up on the basis of the mileage rate, for each production workshop, for each ventilation unit and provides for the number of current and major repairs.

Current repairs should be carried out to eliminate defects and damage, restore and replace worn-out elements and parts, as well as periodically clean individual units of ventilation units.

Before the overhaul, a defective statement is drawn up, on the basis of which the overhaul is carried out.

After the overhaul of the ventilation systems, it must be re-tested and adjusted to the parameters corresponding to its operational characteristics. All parameters of the ventilation unit are recorded in the passport.

All types of repairs, indicating the changes, are reflected in the repair log of the ventilation units of the workshop.

Repair of natural ventilation devices is carried out as needed in the summer season.

Ventilation units that are very worn out, technically obsolete, not giving the desired effect when changing the technological regime or replacing technological equipment, must be reconstructed and, after installation, be handed over to the workshop, like new units after they have been tested.

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance regulates labor relations. It determines the procedure for subordinating an employee, appointing and dismissing him from a position. The document contains requirements for education, knowledge, skills of an employee, a list of his rights, functional duties, types of responsibility.

Sample typical job description for an electrician for repair and maintenance

I. General provisions

1. The electrician for repair and maintenance belongs to the category of workers.

2. The electrician for repair and maintenance is directly subordinate to the chief power engineer.

3. A person with a specialized secondary education in the field of activity and experience in a similar position for at least one year is appointed to the position of an electrician for repair and maintenance.

4. The appointment and dismissal of an electrician for repair and maintenance is carried out by order of the director of the organization on the proposal of the personnel department / immediate supervisor.

5. The electrician must know:

  • fundamentals of electronics, electrical and radio engineering;
  • arrangement of electrical machines, units, measuring instruments;
  • technical characteristics, device, principle of operation of devices, equipment;
  • the provisions of the governing documents of the organization that determine the activities of the electrician;
  • rules for servicing electronic devices;
  • rules, methods for establishing the operability of electrical machines, mechanisms, electrical appliances, devices;
  • automatic control schemes, methods of their repair, maintenance;
  • rules for handling electrical materials;
  • methods of complex testing of electrical installations, electrical apparatus, devices;
  • standards, methods of repair, installation of cable networks in explosive, fire hazardous conditions;
  • rules for drawing up electrical diagrams and other technical documentation for electrical equipment;
  • the principle of operation of automatic protection;
  • electrical circuits for switching distribution equipment;
  • signs of damage to electrical equipment and methods for their elimination;
  • permissible loads on transformers, electric motors, electrically conductive lines of various sections;
  • norms for the use of spare parts, materials;
  • norms, rules of safety, labor protection, fire protection;
  • organization and technology of electrical work;
  • fundamentals of labor law of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations.

6. During the absence of an electrician for repair and maintenance, his rights, functional duties, responsibility are assigned to another official appointed in the prescribed manner.

7. The electrician for repair and maintenance is guided in his activities by:

  • this job description;
  • orders, orders of management;
  • governing, normative acts of the organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders of the immediate superior;
  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • The charter of the organization.

II. Responsibilities of an electrician for repair and maintenance

The Electrician for repair and maintenance performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Monitors the correct, trouble-free operation and proper operation of the serviced equipment.

2. Timely performs the following work:

  • adjustment, repair and regulation of critical, experimental electrical sections of technological equipment, communications of automatic lines;
  • disassembly, repair, assembly, installation of high-voltage electrical equipment of various types with a voltage of more than 15 kV;
  • maintenance, adjustment and regulation of electronic devices;
  • adjustment, maintenance of welding machines of various types of design, pulse, ultrasonic, electronic installations, remote protection systems for automatic transfer of the reserve, equipment using a semiconductor element base;
  • repair, installation and dismantling of cable lines in special pipelines filled with oil, gas under pressure;
  • verification of accuracy classes of measuring equipment;
  • repair of epoxy terminations in high-voltage networks, installation of couplings between copper and aluminum conductors;
  • preparation of electrical equipment for commissioning;
  • testing of electric motors, devices, transformers after overhaul.

4. Instructs employees operating electrical equipment on ways to prevent work-related injuries.

5. Studying the modes of operation of the equipment, establishes the causes of increased wear, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

6. Studying, implementing advanced methods of repair, maintenance, installation according to the fixed type of equipment.

7. Participates in equipment troubleshooting, installation, adjustment, electrical testing.

8. Places, prepares applications for spare parts, materials, tools. Ensures their careful, rational use.

9. Repairs, regulates complex, responsible, experimental electrical apparatus and devices.

10. Participates in the preparation of measures to improve the quality of work, the reliability of fixed technical devices, in the modernization of electrical equipment.

11. Carries out complex tests of electrical equipment, motors and transformers after overhaul.

12. Prepares electrical equipment for transfer to operation.

III. Rights

The repair and maintenance electrician has the right to:

1. Act independently, within their competence.

2. Improve your qualifications, participate in training events.

3. Contact consultants on issues that are beyond the competence of the electrician for repair and maintenance.

5. Interact on official matters with departments of the organization.

6. Be informed about decisions related to your own work.

7. Require from the management of the organization the formation of normal conditions for the performance of duties, ensuring safety.

8. Report to the management about the identified shortcomings in the activities of the organization, send proposals for their elimination.

9. Do not start exercising your powers when there is a danger to health, life.

IV. A responsibility

The repair and maintenance electrician is responsible for:

1. The quality of performance of official duties.

2. Violation of safety regulations.

4. Reliability of the information provided about the operation of the equipment.

5. Violation of the provisions of the governing documents of the organization.

6. The results of decisions made, independent actions.

7. Violation of the rules of labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards.

8. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, the state.

9. Improper performance of their official duties.