Wicker boxes for storing things with your own hands. DIY storage boxes: simple master classes. Textile soft box

Often for storage different size boxes are used. Of course you can buy in stores. But beautiful boxes for storing things you can do it yourself. Our article will help in this.

  • Making a cardboard box

Making a cardboard box

cook the following materials and tools:

  • a cardboard box or paper (plain, decorative, gift, colored cardboard), if you decide not to take a ready-made cardboard box;
  • iron clips;
  • glue;
  • a piece of beautiful bright fabric;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • centimeter tape.

Choose a box about 40 x 40 cm for decorating. It is convenient to place it in a closet or place it on a shelf. If you want to use the design for storage in a specific place, then choose in accordance with the parameters of this place.

The side should not exceed 10 cm. Such a container is convenient for storing small items. You can carefully trim the sides that are larger than 10 cm using a ruler, pencil and scissors. To do this, you need to make markings on the side inner walls. From the bottom of the structure, mark 10 cm from each edge, draw a line with a pencil, and then cut off an unnecessary piece.

If you decide not to use a ready-made cardboard box, then create a DIY storage structure. To do this, make two even squares out of paper (the strength of the structure depends on the thickness of the paper, thicker is better). The sides of one should be 1.5 cm larger than the sides of the other. The large square is the future cover of your container.

Then fold the paper squares according to the diagram shown in the photo.

After you make all the folds, proceed to the assembly. Draw the walls along the folds. Do not bend paper in unnecessary places.

The smaller square will form the bottom of the box. Do the same from a large square - this is a lid. Connect them together - the box is ready.

Creating beautiful boxes for storing things with your own hands is not difficult. But it is necessary to strengthen their walls. This can be done in the following way.

  1. Folding the flaps inwards. Mark the height of the structure with a pencil. When working with corrugated cardboard, run the blunt side of the scissors over the fold: it will bend better. Ensure that the cardboard is evenly attached to the walls of the structure. Cut off the excess.
  2. Workpiece fixing. Apply glue to the entire surface, press the cardboard firmly for 30-50 seconds. You can make the sides of the structure stronger as follows: cut off the upper flaps of the box, cut out a strip from them (its width matches the height of the side wall, the length is equal to the perimeter of these walls). Put a mark on it (the length of the short side, later - the long side). Make a bend according to the markup. Make sure the cardboard is even, glue it inside the box.

Storage boxes decorated with natural fabric look beautiful and unusual. Before decorating our design, carefully wash and iron the fabric.

Cut out the blank according to the dimensions of the box, doubled. You will get a piece of rectangular or square shape.

The fabric needs to be folded on both sides of the structure, secure it with a hand stitch. Don't forget to align the matter.

Smear the cardboard with glue and press the fabric against it. This design will dry for two days.

To make such a container look finished, glue a piece of fabric on its bottom, this will completely cover the cardboard inside.

If you make a box for storing ladies' trinkets with your own hands, you can decorate it with beads, beads, pieces of leather, artificial flowers. In general, everything that you consider aesthetically attractive.

As you can see, making beautiful boxes for storing things with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to observe the stages of work, be careful and dream up a little.

So that small things do not roll around the house, creating a mess, it is best to sort them into separate boxes. Firstly, it will become easier to find this or that little thing, and secondly, storage in a specially designated place will allow you to save appearance quality products! Stylish and convenient storage boxes are easy to make with your own hands, so let's get down to business with the next "Cross" master class!

We take cardboard 3 mm thick, whatman paper and cotton fabric in two colors as a basis. You will also need a ruler, a pencil, a self-healing cutting mat, a stationery knife, PVA glue and transparent polymer glue for work.

In addition, prepare kraft paper or paper tape, cotton napkins to smooth the fabric and remove excess glue, a 1-2 cm thick brush for applying glue and wet wipes for hands.

Assembling the box

From thick cardboard, cut out the details of the box, according to the dimensions indicated in the photo.

To create cardboard work, thick, non-corrugated cardboard with a thickness of 0.2-0.4 cm is used. this case cardboard with a thickness of 0.3 cm is used, its thickness is taken into account in the dimensions of the parts.

Since we make a storage box with our own hands, why not make a partition inside it? So in the box you get 2 compartments at once! Take the bottom blank, determine the middle and glue the partition onto the polymer glue. Cut the kraft paper into strips 2 cm thick and paste over the joints with them. Then glue the side trapezoidal walls and the parts perpendicular to them. Re-paste all joints with kraft paper.

Glue the outside of the box

The next step is gluing outside parties boxes. From whatman paper, cut a blank equal to two trapezoidal sides joined together and lay it on the ironed fabric.

Trim the fabric, following the contours of the workpiece and leaving an allowance 1-2 cm wide.

Apply a thin layer of PVA glue to the paper and glue the fabric. Smooth out wrinkles with a soft cloth.

Apply PVA glue to the cardboard and glue the paper and fabric blank.

Bend the side allowances to adjacent sides and glue to the box.

Trim the top corners diagonally.

Fold the fabric over and glue the seam allowance to the inside of the box.

From the side of the partition, cut the allowance perpendicular to the side wall, without cutting 1-2 mm to the cardboard.

Bend the fabric and glue it to the inside of the box.

It remains to glue the bottom allowances. To do this, cut the corners diagonally, fold the fabric and glue it to the bottom of the box.

At this stage, the side of the box should look like in the photo:

Also glue the opposite side.

To complete exterior finish box, cut out a 20 × 14 cm rectangle from whatman paper, and 22 × 16 cm from fabric. Glue the fabric to the paper. Do not glue allowances.

Fold over and glue the fabric to the short sides of the rectangle.

Then glue the top and bottom allowance to the cardboard.

Do the same on the opposite side.

At this stage, it is necessary to draw up a partition. First, fold over the top edge of the part. To do this, cut a strip of fabric 32 cm long and 2 cm wide. Bend it along the middle, iron and cut off the corners. Glue to cardboard, cutting off the corners at the folds.

To make a hole, cut a rectangle 25 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Step back from the edge 1.5 cm and make cuts on the next 4 cm. Step back 13.5 cm from the beginning of the fabric and again make cuts on the next 4 cm. Cover the hole in the partition with a cloth so that the notched area falls on the semicircles.

From whatman paper, cut out 2 parts of the partition the same size as the cardboard part, minus 3 mm on each side around the window.

Glue the blank to the companion fabric and cut the fabric, taking into account the hem allowance. Cut corners and cut out a window.

Glue the top allowances and fabric around the window.

Glue the part to the partition, putting allowances on the inside of the box.

Do the same on the other side of the partition.

The next stage is the internal pasting of the sectors. In each sector, it remains to paste over three sides. Since the partition is pasted over, you first need to arrange the opposite side to it. To do this, cut out a rectangle from whatman paper, 2 mm smaller in size, inside. Cover it with fabric, leaving a hem allowance. Cut off the corners and glue the top allowance to the paper.

Glue the blank to the box, and glue the allowances to the bottom and adjacent sides.

Glue the sides. But this time, glue the allowances to the Whatman paper from the top and sides, and let the remaining allowance go to the bottom.

Even if you are a minimalist, you still have enough a large number of different things that need to be stored somewhere and somehow. You can do this with a creative approach, thanks to which you can not only clean up the house once and for all. Some ways of organizing order play not only a functional role, but also serve as a decor. We offer you to learn how to organize the storage of things at home. The ideas described in this article can be implemented using purchased or self-made organizers. You can do the same at home, spending a minimum of money and time.

Storage of things and clothes at home: ideas

Drawers, caskets - all this can be turned into a means of storage. The same organizers can be used to neatly organize stationery, toys, linen, shoes. For the latter case, it will be especially important to buy a special plastic organizer for storing things at home. The ideas of its use are that the shoes do not gather dust, but at the same time they are perfectly visible. Also, one such container can replace ten boxes. And the view will be much more aesthetic.

Try to make all organizers similar to each other or made in the same style. This is especially true for those who do not hide behind cabinet doors.

We store underwear, socks, belts and other small things correctly

When it comes to organizing storage, organizer boxes with cells immediately come to mind. They can be made from different materials and contain some number of delimiters. The most common are fabric organizers that can be folded. These are sold in almost all hardware stores. But you can make a similar organizer from cardboard boxes.

Making an organizer

This will require empty packaging, cardboard and decor: colored and self-adhesive paper, wallpaper. Place the boxes inside the drawer, where you will organize the storage of things at home. Ideas for arranging packages depend on their size and the proportions of the box. Glue all the boxes together. If you do not have ready-made boxes, then there are two options for solving the problem:

  • Measure the length and width of the storage box. Based on the dimensions, do right amount boxes of the same height.
  • From cardboard, make walls that will be inserted into the box. Glue the bottom. Then make cardboard dividers.

Paste the finished organizer with colored paper, wallpaper or self-adhesive inside and out.

Storage space ready! It can be used to organize underwear, socks, belts, jewelry, scarves, various accessories and so on. The main thing is that you will always have everything at hand and neatly laid out.

Organizing cable storage

Even one person has several gadgets that require different cables. What can we say about a family of several people, where each has at least one phone and a charger for it. And there are cables from cameras, tablets, laptops and computers, headphones and so on. If all this is stored in different places or in one box, but a slide, then you can’t talk about proper storage things at home.

Ideas for a do-it-yourself organizer, consider below:

  1. Make a box with cells, as described above.
  2. Make a honeycomb organizer. For him, you need to take cardboard cylinders from toilet paper, paper towels, foil, food film or parchment. Allocate one box or boxes for cables. cut into required amount cylinders of the same height. Their size should be per centimeter smaller sizes box or crate. The number of cylinders depends on how many cables you have. Connect the cells with each other double sided tape or glue gun. Finished cylinders can be spray painted. It remains to insert the organizer into the box and fill it with neatly twisted cables.

Properly store jewelry

Do you have a lot of earrings, bracelets, pendants and other jewelry, but you do not know how to properly organize your storage? Home ideas might look like this:

  1. Buy a special case, on both sides of which there are many pockets. It can be hung in a closet. In such a case, there is a place for many different jewelry and accessories that will not be confused with each other, and thanks to transparent pockets, you can always immediately find the desired item.
  2. Buy a container for pills for a week. This is such a long but narrow pencil case, in which there are seven cells. It will be convenient to store small jewelry in it.
  3. Stud earrings can be stored on the tape. Just insert jewelry into it in pairs and put it in the box.
  4. Make a box that will hold all of your pairs of earrings. To do this, take a beautiful low box with a lid, felt or felt, and a pencil. Cut pieces of fabric to the same size. Wind the felt around the pencil into a tube. Glue the end of the fabric. Pull out the pencil. Make several of these tubes. Insert all the blanks inside the box so that they fit snugly against each other. Earrings can be stored in the slots.

Storage in the kitchen

To keep your favorite spices and kitchen accessories always at hand, use the following ideas:

  • Take identical jars and pour spices into them. Sign each. Connect the covers to the shelf using self-tapping screws. This way you can also save space.
  • For boxes with kitchen accessories use separators. Homemade are made from thick cardboard or thin sheets of plywood.
  • Use cabinet doors. For example, hang hooks or baskets for household chemicals, sponges, packages.
  • Spices can also be stored on a magnetic board. Only in this case, use small jars with iron lids.

Storage at home: ideas (photos) for the bathroom

There is always little space in the bathroom, but you want to fit so much. For this purpose, use little tricks:

  • To keep everything under the sink in front of you, use a vertical storage system. To do this, place everything in hanging containers.
  • Sort out makeup brushes, cotton swabs and pads, etc. the right little thing in different jars. You can store them on shelves or in a cabinet. Decorate the jars as you like, use paint, decorative ribbons for this, or simply pour them inside coffee beans, sand, balls.
  • Hang hanging wicker baskets above the toilet. Depending on the size, they can store toilet paper, extra set of towels, hair dryer and so on.
  • Use different shelves (for example, above the door).

Closet clutter is a problem for many housewives. Some try to solve this problem with the help of purchased storage organizers. However, for a thrifty hostess, there is another way out. It is not difficult to use cardboard boxes (for example, from under shoes) and make trunks and containers out of them to organize space with your own hands. For this, it is only necessary step-by-step instruction box making, the right materials and a little patience and perseverance.

How to make a storage box yourself?

Various storage boxes are designed to provide order in the closet (or any other place), protect things from negative impact light, dust and other external factors. Containers made by hand also have a decorative function, decorating the interior.

The size and decor of the box is selected based on its purpose. Boxes designed for storing small items are made small size and additionally supplied with partitions. Wardrobe trunks, in which they are going to store bulky wardrobe items, should be large and it is desirable to have a lid.

Folding case

Folding wardrobe trunks are convenient because they are easy to fold and put away in a closet until they come in handy again. . To make such a container, you will need corrugated cardboard and a piece of fabric.

The fabric must be sewn in two layers so that a wide ribbon is obtained. You only need to stitch it from one end, leaving the other free. Through it, cardboard will subsequently be inserted.

The fabric ring needs to be divided into 6 unequal parts: two narrow from the end, wide from the sidewall. On the other side, do the same. Mark and stitch pockets.

Cut the cardboard to the size of the pockets and insert it. Turn over the top of the box.

Cut out the bottom from a piece of fabric. It should protrude slightly from the edge of the box. Sew it to the base. The edge can be later processed with an inlay or decorated with a ribbon.

Cut out a rectangle of cardboard to fit the bottom. Cover it carefully with fabric. Invest in a ready case.

If the box needs to be folded, the bottom is removed, and the case is folded along the stitching lines.

If desired, you can make a cover for the case by cutting it out of cardboard according to a certain pattern and sheathing it with a cloth.

Scheme for the manufacture of the case cover

Box with handles

It is not difficult to make a convenient portable box on your own. To do this, you need to prepare a large box, a piece of fabric, thread and adhesive tape.

Holes for handles are made in the cardboard box. You need to cut them in such a way that the hand freely passes through the holes. Then the top of the box is cut off, and the corners are glued with tape.

The fabric is cut to the size of the box in this way:

You will need to cut out two similar parts: for the outer and inner side.

The box must be coated with glue both inside and outside. Then carefully glue the cut out parts, as if enveloping the product. Let the glue dry and connect the edges with a thread and a needle. Do not forget to cut holes in the fabric for the handles and process them.

These fabric-covered boxes can be used as storage boxes for linens, towels, socks, etc.

Storage ideas: life hacks, tips, do-it-yourself gadgets

paper basket

A basket woven from prepared strips of wrapping paper is very practical, budget friendly and easy to make. . For its manufacture you will need:

  • 8 sheets of wrapping or wrapping paper, 76 cm wide each;
  • sewing machine;
  • glue;
  • paper clips.

The sheets must be folded several times so that long strips are obtained. They need to be stitched on sewing machine, retreating from the edge of about 0.5 cm.

Interlace the strips to create a mesh shape.

Lubricate the joints of the strips paper glue or "Moment". To make it easier to work, you can fasten the base of the basket with paper clips so that the strips do not fall apart.

At the end of weaving, bend the remaining tips into the basket and fasten with glue. The finished cart should look like this:

Decorating homemade boxes

Artfully decorated storage container is a true decoration of the apartment. In order to beautifully design a box for storing things, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • think over the decor of the product in advance;
  • choose appropriate place for creativity;
  • prepare the necessary materials.
Materials you will need:
  • three-layer napkins;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • sponge;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • lacquer brush (soft);
  • glue brush (hard).

Step-by-step instructions for decorating a box using decoupage technique:

  1. 1. Coat the entire outer part of the box with white paint and allow to dry well. Use a sponge to apply paint.
  2. 2. Remove upper layer napkins (the one with a pattern), apply glue to it and gently stick it to the box, starting from the bottom edge. Glue must be applied not immediately, but in the process of gluing. That is, you first need to smear the bottom edge of the napkin, glue it, and only then smear the middle and top edge.
  3. 3. Cover the product acrylic varnish in several layers. After each layer has dried, check how the box closes.
  4. 4. The inside can also be pasted over with napkins, painted with white paint or sheathed with a cloth.

Ordinary cardboard boxes can turn into unique and original accessories for home use. Such crafts will not only serve as decoration, but will also have practical benefits, helping to keep order in the house.

After shopping, not only pleasant emotions remain, but also carton boxes from under shoes and other accessories. Many of them do not have attractive design, but you can fix this even without being a professional decorator. Indeed, in ordinary cardboard boxes they can decorate the interior, and become convenient systems storage for which it is convenient. We have collected ideas after which you will definitely not want to throw them away.

What can be stored in cardboard boxes?

Small lockable boxes are a godsend for owners of small spaces where the issue of storage systems is acute. They are compact and easy to use, they can be hidden under the bed, put on a closet, put away in a niche or mezzanine. Their advantage is in small dimensions and spaciousness.

Here is a small list of what can be stored in cardboard boxes:

Kids toys. Especially, designers and puzzles with small details.
Cosmetics, jewelry, hair accessories. This idea will be rightly appreciated by girls who love to take care of themselves.
Chargers for phones, tablets, laptops. Often these items do not have a specific place, and so they will always be in one place, which will reduce the time to find the right charge.
Towels, baby clothes, diapers. In the nursery of a newborn, such boxes are indispensable. They systematize the storage of personal hygiene items for the baby. True, it is better to sew a textile cover for such a box, which can be removed and washed.
Art supplies. At creative people There are always a lot of tools to implement your ideas. For artists, these are pencils, paints, sketches, brushes, paper, for lovers of sewing and knitting - scissors, threads, yarn, needles. You can keep all these items in order with the help of cardboard boxes.
Shoes. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you can store ... shoes in shoe boxes! For example, in winter, put summer sandals and sandals there, and in warm time years to hide boots and shoes.

How and how to decorate cardboard boxes?

Not all boxes have elegant design and are suitable for decorating the interior, but this is quite fixable. Anyone who has a little free time, patience and inspiration can make a cardboard box exclusive.

For this, the most common materials that can be found in every home are suitable:

Wallpaper and wrapping paper. There are remnants of wallpaper in every apartment where at least once there was a repair. When working with wallpaper, you need to stock up on double-sided tape and PVA glue.
Textile. An unnecessary sweater, an old skirt, stretched pants - all these items of clothing will also come in handy when decorating boxes. And skillfully using them, you can turn unnecessary things into an exclusive work of decorating art.
Burlap and jute. Not everyone has these materials, but they can be useful if you need to decorate a box in an ecological or provencal styles.

A few tips for those who decide to decorate cardboard boxes with their own hands:

Before starting all the work, you should immediately think over the design of the boxes, try on wallpaper or fabric on them that will be used for decoration.
It is advisable to decorate the boxes at a spacious table that is well lit. Ideally, if it is located by the window and natural light freely enters its surface.
A working person should not be disturbed by foreign objects on the table.
Tools that may come in handy: transparent and double sided tape, scissors, PVA glue, threads, paper clips, stapler, scissors, stationery knife, ruler, chalk, simple pencil.

There are many more interesting ideas, which will help to rationally use the space in the apartment and make it more functional. To be sure.